Jr:;...............:' w: Wml^fl^^ ?mwm$* '., L MONEY TO LUND On raorttfutioH ut 5 por cent. 'Flro and Jjtfu In- - aurano^ at Iowont ratofl. J. W. GIBSON, A Kent MONEY TO LEND;.--^ On mortgages * ooiifc. Fire iiud LifeJIa-" ":.; ! uuruuoa at 1 OW60S * rate a. J. W. GIBSON, VOL JQL No 22 ESSEX, ONT. FBIDAY-. MAY 29, 189G WHOLE No. 694 FORSYTHE, ANDERSON & CO/S COLUMN. SEASONABLE SPECIALS. Read! Inspect!Compare! For 5c a yard How Amorican Ohallios. Now, Fast Color Ginghamn... How Art Mualins. Now Victoria Lawns. Extra lioavy yard wido Groy Shoot ing. For 5c a yard. . Moiis' Cottonado Overalls at 35 c pair. Mori's vVorking BhirtP, bluo aud brown chocks at 35c each. Puro Linen Towels at 5c each. Wash Fabrioy for ladio'u waists, in groat variot. Colorod Stripo Muslins 10c a yard. Crumbs boat PrinU 12c a yard. Etc,, Etc. Clothing Outs. Boy's fiood Twood SuitB, no shoddy no melton,- ' $1.60 a Suit. Men's Good Tweed Suits Honest ' Goods, made this season, all eizoB, good patterns. $4.25 a Suit. Men'9 Fine Black Venetian Worsted Coats and Vests, bound and finished in first-clasa stylo, Hack or out away with black striped worsted pants, a spocial bargain nover before equalled, $8.00 the Suit. Men's Black or Bluo Worst-oil Pants, $1.90 a Pair. Lndic'rt Parasols from 85c up( an extra quality Bilk and wool mixed parasol with elegant assortment of handles, For $1.00. Millinery Dept. For the balance of tho soanon wo will soil all Millinery at greatly ro- dncod prices, as in this department wo make it a rule to.carry no Roods over a season. A good varioty loft to eolect from. Call and examine | Men's Special Working shoos laced or with 2 buokloB, $1.00 a r>air. Wool Wanted any quantity, for which we will pay highest prices in trado or cash. GO. kg Store of Essex, *r * vs J BItOOKEft. MiunMiiy Hiinoouk huu boon vimbing !rlon*.Jnano! rnlutivoahoro. Sovonil of tho old mon havo boon Hotting now hu^ioH. Wlioro doou tliu young noon oowo in? A grunt foot-bull miifcoh in notnmiiifjf off Saturday alight. An luo oroam and iifcrawbotry uooiul will bo hold on Tuouday uvunmg by tlio pooplo of t,ho Mothodinfc ohuroh on th lawn of Mr. D. Noble MAIDSTONE. (too Into fovlnotwook.) I. KoefTo him purahanod u. now wkeul. A Htnall ouual now runti through town. H. GoIHuh wan tbo yaont of fiionds ou town-lino on TuoHday ui^bt, 19 itiot. Minn Molvomuy of Dotrott in tho guont of Mm. Robfc. Groonway. Six HotH Yum, Yum! H. T. CoIUuh and J. MoAuIiffo havo noQoptod honorary raombornljipu in tho Bhudl B. IS. C. I. It. ban uighod with a taurn in tho oaub and had blood in bin oyo for tho-Linora. Strollere woro treated to an opon door aoncort on Wuduosday nicjlit. Sanaa woro tho feature of tho af/air. -NORTinaiDGE. Gorao oE our oitizouu picked npo otraw* herrioi hmt Bulurday, May 23rd. Thio ih vory early, for a. uotthorn oountry hko Can ud a. Samuel Baltzor and wifo wont to Dutroit hint Saturday. Windlo Cummiford of South Wbodflluo wiib tbo fjuent of Iuh pamutn h'oro luut Sttn-. day. Mm. Hugh W.MoCrcL'ry and hor youn(j hou, Wilford Clayton, loft lant Monday, May 25, for WuHNinyton State, U. Si A. Somo of our oili/.unn wont toTjoumington lant Monday and uolobratad Viotoria'n sovouty-flovonth birthday anuivorimry. Mrn, A. G. B ^ J oil of tUi pluoo attended tho Womonfl Foroif-n and Homo Mionion ary oouvou*-ion of Ontario aud Quebec held at Chatham laot wook. On acconnt of HicknoRH and death in Alexander Taylor's family thid Hp'riag he cot alittlo bulund with, hia apring farm work. Somo of uia noi^hbora went and lielpod him last Tuoaday with thair toamn. Thio iH ao it nhould bo, lovo thy noi^hbora iiu thy naif; Iu our way of thinking thio in fur ahead of Bonding mon and money to tho OEinnibula of Aftica. Farmoro do you want monoy at 5$ por ftaut? If bo writo A. Q. Baker Learning ton, Unt. Tormn oE payment of principal to uuit borrowers COTTAM. Dr. A. S. Soott and daaghtor, Floimio, from Oworho, Mioh., are viwitiug his oiH- tar, Mro. Jan Tiiclcabcrry, Mrs. Jan.Bennett io viuitin^ her daughter Mugjio in Walkervillo. Mr. Bonnott will follow goou wljon they wiU'tnako an ox- tonded yinit probably taking in Toledo whero thoy. havo another married daughter. Minn Zadio Orton from Walkorvillo vinitod hor paroutH, Mr. and. Mm. Alviu Orton laut Saturday. The journey was mado on a wheal. Walter Noble, John Parker, Eb Marko and B Quoou took a fipin on their whoolfl to AmhurHtbur^ and Windtior roturuiua to Cottam about C \>. nj. Tho ice dream oooial held at Inaao JacltHona, undo if tho annpicon of tho En^- litth church wiib a deotdud uucoqhq roaliziuu* about V2H.O0- bomdofj having a good time. Both oandidatoB for parliaaoontary honoru woro invited. The invitntion watt accepted by M. TC. Cowan who waa appoiutod chair man, Mr. Cowan appoarn to havo tho gift, pooaHoaood by fow, of malting a. firat- olaon chairman. At timed tho crowd wap laughing at hiHfunnyifltnu, then thn ooloran tonefl ho would rcfor to tho grand and good work performed by tho paotor, told -how-bin hcartrejoiood when Jlo.lu5ard.HUch good tidingy, that tho lintonero had only to olpuo tlioir oyeo, and tboy would Tanoy LbabHomo aoaloutt diyino waw holding forth, inHtoad of u political apoakor. Mrs, Hugh MoCreory left thin week for' Orogon to join hor hunhalid. Bho accom panied T..H. BoCow aud family, aud Jan. Johnuton and wifo. Mm. MoCreory will alwayfi bo hold In fuud roraorabranoo by hor Oottum frionda. I'arraora i\a you want money at GJ per sont.?' If oo writo A. 0. Baker Loaming- ton, Ont. Tormnof payroont of principal to nuiti borrowora Lalng Brow, mako norotin doom nud windowH that will laafcyour lifotime. Order now bofora tho flloa come. GETTING NEAR HOME. MONDAY NtOUT'S STOBM I>OKS OifcBATJDA.MA.OIfl- Tho torrilia wiud Htorra which nwopt ovor a portion of tho townnhip of Sandwich Kant, in tho northern part of tho county of Ehkox, Monday ovonlng, spread ruin whore- over it fcouohod. Fino lookiug farm Iiouiioh, bamit and orahardH woro lvoled to the ground, and it will take your* of hard labor, nurt Having among tho romdoutH of tlio community to roplaco what wan do. moliidiod in tho twinkling of an oyo, Tho Htorm did not travel in a utraight lino but appoarod to tako a aig-xag oouruo,. uomo- tunofi touching tho rivor and at othor pointit running nearly a milo inland. Somo houHQfi woro not diyturbod by tho wind while uoromi tbo roadhomioa and outbuildingH would bo completoly mined. Tho torritory viwitod by tho doatruotiyo wind \h covorod with market gardonii for tho mont part, although notao largo farms and Humnibrronidouooii woro alno razod by tho wind. Troeo that havo utood for half a oontury woro uprooted. Ou applo tree waotornontof tho soil, carried by tho iitorw king noarly 200 foot aud than hurlo d againwt a Iioubo with nooh forco that tho ond of it iimaiihod clear through tho walln. Tho greatoHt loftH to tho rowidontH of tho community will bo iu thoir fruit troen. Whorovor tho Htorm loft tho rivor and went through an orchard thoro woro only a few etraggling troon loft. Fino looking uhado troen o( the maple aud olm variety woro lifted bodily and carried ovok fonooe aud butldingH onto othor farmw. Tho truck of tho Btorm in ftritt Boon at tho Hohool houHo juot east of Walkorvillo. The chimney waH blown flat to tho roof, bat apparently it wan only tho edge of tho tornado that touched the building, ilh thln_ wan tho only dainagodono. It then patiood ou itit courno oant to tho roHidonoo ol H. Pratt, but tho only dumago to it was nomo Hhinglo^ torn from tho roof. Tho nrt thingH to nhow tlio full fury of tho oyolono woro tho baruo and orchard of Mr. Ankin, eagineor. Tho barn wat* laid flat on the, ourth, and moat of the orchard wan pulled out by tho rootn and aoattorod over a radiun of novornl hundred foot. Ilib homid ia flit" atoc) on the opposite nido of tho road .and it oficaped injury. Tho romdoncofi and outbuildiugB of Joseph Roauma and Bar- uaby JaniHBQ wero tho uoxfc to receive a vmit, bnt thoy wero not vory norioualy damaged, Tho roof of lioBoouf'n wino hounti wan lifted off tho building aud hurled into tho river. Tho houoo of J. B. Gra- vior, of Detroit, wan totally wrecked, an wao aluo tbo ronidonco of Itobt. Tnrnor, of tho name place. Tbo houfloo of K. Van- Rant, Wm.IJarent and Adolph P'irout, near Tooumnoh, hud ono iddo of tbu roofu torn off and ocattorod ovor tho ground. Tho tirnfc parson to uuffor Iohs to Iiouho and outbuildings alao wan Olimaipio JuniuBo. Tlio roof of hia houHO waa uftod off tho wallo and a ftoaroh in tbo moruibg failed fco ioo'Uo whero tho wind had de- poaitod it, Hin two boya wero aoleop in an uppor room, but thoy woro uninjured, tho planter on tbo ceiling boing hardly oruokod. Thin wan tho main part of tho building and there wao alno a vornnda attached to it. Tho vorandan wore torn away from tho walls and the wing unod as tho kitchen wan oomplotoly ruined, Tho wing botweon tho kitchon n.nd main building wan un* injiirod, although it wao a frame Htruoturo. JauiBHo alao lent hia barn, drivo , nhod and aorno othor bmldingn. Tho dwelling of William St. Louiw wao unroolod and biabarnii uttorly doraolinbod. A houno bolonging to and occupied by A, Molooho wan ruinod, and thon tho roni- donco bolonging to Mro. Millard, of Dotroit, wan alHo badly doalt with by tbo torrihe ntorm. Tho main part ol tho building only had tho windows orokou, but a brbk-aunox wao unroofed and ,tho walln of tho buihlingH thrown into a heap. Tho outbuildings on thiH property woro aloo totally dontroyed. Tho largo barn which waa unod for tho foddor and aho an a ntablo for tho ntock wan nmaHhod aH flat ao the rhatorial onnld ho piled. It wan vory iitrongly built and tho foroo of the wind movod it Hflveral Toot oCf tho foundation blooUH boforo it toppled ovor. Tho pntnHh iiouno of Ed. Chamberlain fated no hotter than tho othor building1) in tho track of tbo wind and it waa com-, plotoly doatroyod,. _.Tuq. Jargo J.>iivn_._whian_ wau uaod for tho foddor and ,alao an a utable for tbo otoolc wao nraaimod an flai an tho material aonld bo pllod. It wao very ntrongly bnilt and tho forco of. tha winT movod it ooycral foot off tho foundation blookn boforo it toppled o\ or, Thepotunhhouab of Ed, Chamborlain fared no bottor than the other bnildlngn in tho traok of tho wind and it wan oomploto ly doiitroyod. Ho altio .had a homo that wuh injured. Tlio houao ho wan living in had tho Routli oido of tho roof torn off and toBBod iuto tins road. Ho owned another building aoroin the road, but fortunately It wok vuaanfc. Tho wind .unod It rough or than any building It bad/'mot In He oourao to that points It was lwtod oomplotoly off the foundation and bo altered ovor an area of noveral hundred square rodH. X*aul IjoDuh wuh alao a nulYuror, loitinij part of tho roof of IiIh houuo. Tho nohool honno and a largo loo hounn belonging to J. A T. Uurluy of Dutroit, wro ootnplottdy wrecked. Emlun Parent had tho niJo torn out of bin hnuHu and.Alox. MoN*iil, tho Iu. dflpondauoo'or Canada oaudidaU for v&v- liamont,'will lUun havo ottuue to romombar tho Htorm. Ho iti tho ownor of ono of tho ttnetit yinoyardii on tbo rivor front, beuUoH having u lino orohurd.' ThoHo aro now in niirm, an aro alno bin harun. Tho houMa wun alHoviHitod, and it will take iiovnral huridnuf dollarn to placu it in uh good con dition an it watt provioua to tho vinit of tho Htorm. OonHiderablo damage wan dono to fruit trooH, otc. all in tho vialmty of Tooumuoh. Latur roportn nay: Luut Tuouday night tbo rivor Front from Windnor. to tlio naono of tho torritlo cyolouo wan ono conbinu.oun liuo ol rign and whcoliuon. Many hundrodH viuitod tho noouo and woro appallod at tho night pronontod. It id dimply iraponnlblo toovow bocrin to denoribo tho awful work of tho ntorm. But what ntrikon ono tho titraugont, after viewing tho noono in tho faut that no hyea worn lout. With nuoh a diflaatrouu vimt. atiou it cortaiuly iioom miraoulouu. KoofH ot honnon wero oarriod milon, Two iiioh plankw, twonty foot long, wore harlot] through tho air liko Hhavingn, houBQH woro twiHtod and turuod about and barnn woro aarriod from ono farm to tho othor, yet mrangont of all to rolato, no human liven woro nacriflood. Many miraoutoun oncapoH aro related. In ono hounohold two little ohildron had juot rotirod for the night. Tho moth or hoard tus fury of the wind and fearing tho little onou would bo frightened, movod them down nbairn. Tliia wan no noonor done than tho roof foil iu on the vory bod. AUx. McNoiII'h hirod man wan coming from tho barn at the timo and how ho uneapod inotant death iu a porploxing myn- tery. Oe wan carried along with tho dobrin to tho adjoining flold, and in ap parently nno tho worao of tho axpononoo. Tbo ntorm wan ot vory abort, duration, it iu tiaid to only havo lanted about a miuuto. Tho Iobh to property witl amount to at loant 875,000, while thoro wan. alno a lonn that conld not bo ontimatod bucU aa val uable trooa that cannot bo ropUaod. THE 1V1. A. A. WrN. The WiudHoru not Vaut ICnoucli for tlto mlehlumidiTH, The M A, A. and tbo Windnorfl playod a league gamo on Saturday on the Walkor villo grouudo. ..... __. Tho gamo wan called lato in tho even ing an tho grouudncould not be had earlier. M. A. A. won thotono and A. Stuart ntartod tho ball which far tho firnt few minuton hovorod about tho M. A. A. goal. After that tho Windnor defonoo waa prov ed.-continually. Ton minutoij after tho opening of tho -gamo Clonnan floored a clean goal on a patio, from Foiguaon. Tbo Bocond half wan a ropotition of tho flrnt except that Bntlor mado nomo protty nhotn on goal and that onco W. Stuart Datno within an aco of nooring on a drop nbot that ntrnok tho bar. Clennan wan tbo only dangerous man on tho vinitiug for. ward lino and bin foot noorod tho only goal mado in the Bocond half. Tho fooling botwoon tho two toamn waH coo iutonne to mako tho gamo pleaaant and deadly heavy checking was frooly in dulged iu. For tho vinitoro MoPhornon at back Largo at half and Clonnan on forward woro tbo boat. For tho homo toum, Fioldn at back wan tho name good man aH boforo but Campau had au off day and wau ronponniblo for many cornor kicko. Tho half back lino did yory woli and woro buny nil tho timo. Of tbo forward& Bntlor, Iijonn aud A. Stuart wore tho bout, Joo eupeoially dinticgaiHbod himnolf. bat bombinod play was not much in ovi- d&noo. John B, Gourlay, prenidoat of P. A. F. L. wan tho roforoo and porformad his dutioo to tho satinfactiou of both toamo. Frod Corbott of tbo M.'A. A., oraarcing under tho losn of the proyldmioy of tho loiiguo, 'pours out tup wuilinga of hi wnmulod.iip_irH in Dotroit Sunday profln and inuinuaten that Gourlay did not call tho gamo off on account of darkucan an noon as ho ought. No kick of tho Kind was hoard on tho flold and Corbott'n vapory talk only nhowo whore bin noro npot i^ looatod, Tho coama will moot in Dotroit on Sat urday next, for the final. Tho lino up wan: Giving up Business I3ST ESSEX, Barrett & Co'3 Have decided (owing to other business a rangementa in the east) to wind up the, business here, and in order to convert intc cash in the next.- 60 DAYS 60 Their present stock of over $12,000.00 Will start Saturday, May 9, A Gigantic Olosmg-out Sale Of everything inthoir establislirnGiit, In-order to mako this alo doubly in- torohtirig wo will givo a ptrai^lit diHcount ot in por cont. off ovorything in Dry Goods, Gontfi' Fuuiiahin s, Boots and &1iogb. 50 per cont. off Hata and Caps. . " Jiyo aro dotormined to cIokg oat ovory dollar's worth of goo'-la in oumtoro befOa July 1. Como <jarly and get tho chnico of tlio hundreds of bargains' aa tfit^is your last cliabwo to Bccuro th"m, for wo are bound to got out by thoii"bov<rdatQ,......Brinpf your cash and eggs to IBAfc!R23l*'XV& OO Bankrupt Stock Store, 1-Ioadq.uartors in Esflox for low pricoa. M. A. A. Wiudoor J (io u man goal J. Stuart MuDonald baolcn . Fluid MoPhomou ti Oampan Collio half Oonao Waloa 1 *' Gauthlor Laruo i W. Btuurt Oorbott lorwarda IjVouh l^oi-fiaHOU .*< Gnu thlur tIobJornoa 11 A, Smart Glonuau ** MoDonnld Nutthwoocl 4* Butler MlHMod Mil Opportunity. It in often remarked that thero aro many persons who go about hoping that they will moot with somo mishap in order that thoy may present a claim against a corporation for damages. Tho othor afternoon a yonng man who was riding on tbo rear platform f a street car accidentally stood with ono foot on a steel bolt whilo tho looao end of tho wiro that connects tho light wiro in tho motor with tbo sumo kind of a wiro in thw trailer touched tho aide of bin nock. Tho oloctric shoclc stunned him for an Instant. Ho fell to tho floor of tho plat form, but immediately got up again all right. "Aro you hurt?.1 askod tho conductor. "No, not a hit," said tho young man. Tho conductor took his nanio and wrotodown tho anawor ho had mado. "Now, if I had only had soubb enough not to havo got up and to havo quivered liko n man badly hurt, I mighthave had them up'at my houso settling with mo for $500 cash within threo hours," said tho young man after ho had got off tho car. "It is what a follow gots for not thinking before ho speaks." Indianapo lis Nowa. '" "_______ Vlnltlod. Tho royal eavago was stlrrod to ro- Bflntmont. "But yonr majesty," persisted tho councilor, "must romombor that your people aro tho most conaervativo in dark- OBt Africa. Thoy cling to tho traditions of tho past n-nd aro alow to approve of your majesty's progressiva ideas. It woro bottor not to shock them with rad ical departures in policy." Dofianco gloaraod in tho ye of tho po tentate. "I will teach them"------ ECo paused. Ilia anger, had flashed liko tho spark of tho flint and had aa euddonly subsided, "But no. You ar right," His faco softond. "Toll tho sowing circle pooplo," ho said simply, "when thoy como again, thai I havo roconsidorod my determina tion to accept from thorn that red shirt with pasEsomonterio trimmings." Do troit Nowfl-Trihuuo. Auotbor Side. A city girl had spont hor whole sum- mor in trying to olovato tho simple country pooplo with whom alio was hoarding. Now alio was bidding them adieu. . *Goodby, Mr. Stiloa," eho aaid, "I hopo my visit hero hasn't boon ontiroly without good results," "Sartin not," said Farmer Stiloa, "sartin not. YouVoloarntaheapaince you first como; but, by cracky! you waa about tho groonesb ono wo over hod ou our hands."-^Exchantve. it.i 1.i*iii'il Sftinil. \. .She pn-.'i yuu know our mini Mi-* clnnv.- 1 11 y h-ilf as muDli n.Jn. v ).<* *lln' j.it l.i.'r on this nlntf? IU VC'. but the pitcher has the bet- ler clellvi:iy. Tliii I>nrly Itjiin. from tbo Aipcr't'iin Monthly Mnirii^t' A Hoiijr Hun'tf !iy <!c:ii'r:ii fJi'orijc Wait It i<t- ion t<< .iu' Hull' i-Iihitivu of ('liluf JutiLii:u O.lvi 1* i'.l-xwnrlli. As I whs nuln^r to Di-rby I'prm ii u.arUi" day, 1 m\v tho bl^'i tit Lv-.m, ^lr. U'liut rvi'i" wuh foil on hay. Clionm : Thnt over w*n ffit on hay, nir, Tlict I'vcr wnt* fed on liny. 1 wiw tin- h u'tfi'Ht I' m. tl", Th:ir ever v.-vs fcil on hay. Ton- flc'rou* ilc diiw. (loiv*, . Tow clc row (U; da, row dc-'dow. (low, , Tow tie row do-tin. ' no had rtir foot to walk. Kir, Hi' luid fiuir ftTt to fltand. Anil ovcry foot hchiid. h\y. " Cov< rod tin acn* of. Wind. .. _ t'lmniw : Covered an ario of land. nlrytc;'. Tho wool upon liln back. nb*. It r<""U(!d in to tho *!:**. And oi^U'H bidll I lion? m-Htki- hofo, Tor I heard tho v yemnu onou1 cry, ChoniB : For I. hoard tholi1 .young oncrf oiyi Hlr. etc*. Tho wool upon bit? tall, sir. I Hoard tint wi'iivor wiy, ' Mndo throe-Iiunclrod ynr! of lothv; 1 For hu wove H In h day. Choriirt V "" """ V" 'T~~ For he wovo it In n day, H*r.:t*to. .^r Tlio hortm upon ihltH rimi, -lr, , Thoy miohod np ta 'b<v mooa ; . ". A nlKor i;Hnih<>il un in Jaui;u;":/. .. Aud never aanu1 down till Juno.,. Chonta : 'V- ._.._ And never umiu., U,own. tin- >hv f;v,;:'sa nlr, oto. . >sw The butclior that mit hU throat, sir,. ,:,S "Wiib rtrownd-ort. In tho blood. ' ..' & And Uio UHle boy that Uo'rt tho bowl. ,'v.,; Ho wuh carried uwuy.lu tbo jioo-b i;f/y)^f Choru:- . ;"'; " [/ML Uq wuh oari'ltd nway lu'tho flood,;'-'vl'.^h : ':'M ':'"$$ lr, etc. ji;^^^^^M^ / ;;fefei^ 'uM^iMl *V .