' { * t i 1 j V I,' I W- THE ESSEX FPEE rRESJi g; *T K lii Jt>r. IT. V. Jtf+rrUt. No Other Medicine SO THOROUGH AS Sarsa- pari 11a 6 tat em cm t of u Well Known Doctor "No other Mood nu'dlolne that I litivw pvoir uind. Jtml I huvo Hied them nil, Jh am thorough In Hh action, mul oifi-uts no many pormanimt i'iiri'4 us Ayer'jt Hursaiiarilui."--. l>r, H. K. MKituiiiL, Augusta, Mo. * AYERS Ayer'sig Sarsaparilla Admitted at tho World'n -Fair. jLver'u JPiUnfar liver taut ftoivrltt. "v* \ A HV Cur*> C/C / / lit r-O M/ 'iT I lit -*J, i i II ,[U , 1 Mt l.t I I . - J> j rrr.u'.iiL. U i 1 ,.V Mi" '^ 1 r.>iir<dm < n l'i. 'i- < oti'iinaiua, , II 1 1 lis > *****1*IV^>WA-J I 55/J JAY GOULD'S ORCHIDS. *r lttr<*Mtlli> I'llri-h J)HI llir* MiiKimtu rv.Ylut Jlo Will, StLtlhflfll. "SliriMvd as Jay Gould was In ovory branch of iiniinco," a flowor nmrohnnt wild to me the other day, "ho had no idea whatiMU* of the value of--oic]Ud^ hlh |>ivat holiby, Tho old orchid collection up ut IrvliiKtnu has run down now, but during (build's HfVtlniu it wis one of tho finest in tin* world. Tho amount of moiuy Hint had been spent on It, how- ever.wns- onormmw. Careful, connervati\t' buying \v\ an orchid export would have tethered it together at almost a fraction fht the Hum actually paid out. Many ex quisite and raro MirloilL'i worn nuiuborcd In It, It 1m true, but an excpsslvu price wan paid for tho most of them '"I'lie old llnancar's wnyi in this wero well known, .and pcoplo with due orehldn to sell seldom failed to ^et the hum thoy asked Actually, ho used to pay as much as $50 at rimes for or< hid-, that wero hardly unrth a quarter of tliat. In Lon don ho had agents eonLinually ou the lookout for raro plants of thin Hjjocie^, and he paid them prices that they could have obtained nowhere olbo. " York Herald QEOHQE' ELIOT'S KINDNESS. < 11 ii. ii. How Hh" A1<1*<! un A lixlnU.it Aiilcrli'iui Mntluir. In *m" 'Mlnfl- recently thn writer -'lian'i.i typical "Hblpithat pumh" iMil), /.iiikt/ hi oiuod too Hweoily hitman and nyiupatliotUi Ut bo allowed to puHH into oblivion. -^Living In a little wen torn town ho vend yearn ago wan a tender uutilod mother wIiohO only Hon dovolo{>od 'it an early ukii a beautiful voice ud marked niuutoal ability TliH)iih the Iidluoneo and uw hIhIuuou of frlonda, who wuh puruundod to allow lilm to k to London tar Htudy, whoro bin vnlco and talent noon won for him a position arnonjjc tho choir boyn In one of (ho leading rathedmhi. In eourwi of tlnui, lmwovor( ennui a Iouk Interval during whloh tho molhet- artl nothiiiK 'rom her licloved Hon, and miiHi'diKint^i lhi'( nmo a proy tft the jmoBt deadly foar and anxloty. Knowing 'no ono In London to whom h1i oould ap peal, Iter mind lm.t Inotlvoly tuvnod In thin haul tittam to tho one ^reat lieart In Kntfland that for yearn hail Mtood to her for all that wan mont nohle, ulroiitf, dne, womanly and hwcoI,. Ko in a perfectly lulmplo way who wrote a lot tar to tloore Kliot, Htntlnpf tlui detnllH of tlm easo and (riving the hint known a<Jdrennof her i,on, addroHHiiiK tho letter simply, London, Kngland Thin iirtlcnn appi al did not (ail to reach ItH (hmtlnation, and <lwn*Ku Kllot 1oh(, no thno in limiting up the homolef,i4 youth, though who failud tit ilnd him at the addrenit p;lvn, Hh traced him, however, from place to placn until who tiatno upon 1dm 111 unit forlorn anionk ontlro utian|(orn; and to him her oominjj; Kconiod indeed like tlie ^liadow of a ^reat rook in a weary land. Tho hunmno imd sympathotlo woman had tho friendloHH hoy taken immediately to hoi* own homo at Cholwoa, where ho wan nursed and caret! for until restored to health She of < oursjj wioh at. onco to relieve the anxiety of bin mother, and provided ways and mean4 for her (o come to KnKland lo \ifdt her boy Hut by the time that, tho grateful mother lind made the lonpf voyage her soii'h noble Iiene- factor had Knno to,join tho "Choir Invis ible." Tho Lowoh' honn, howovor, had boconwi bo interested In the youth, and worn so pleaded with the charactor of tho moth- er'H li'ttorn and Iter nalvo, nwoot faltli in the power and love of thoir mother, that they continued to look after the boy, and cxU'lidnd to tho unknown American upon Iter arrival on Foreign nhoreH every possi ble lclndnef.n and courtesy, not the leant of which wan hontowlnjjL npon her in moinory of the ovperlimci', a bejiuTTful pearl pin that hud^ Xor many yc.u-n adorned the fort most woman of hor time It not of all times ii NOT WANTED." ILVKKIMIN". New The X Ku}h in IViitintry. PhadowRT.tphfi have bten hlmwn at ' a dental convention, m which all tlie de- tidln of the teeth were distinctly appar ent. Gold, sllvor or other flHinffH in the teeth appeared clearly. One of the nhadowgraphs attivietod partiuular atten tion. It was a portion of tlie jaw of a man in which then; was a trouhlenomo tooth. The man wanted tho tooth oi- tvactcd Boinc time ago, but it would nob come our, and tho dentist in his offortu to draw it, had wrenched the tooth oo- verely. The man suiftred much paln-boT- foro tho failure, but more afterward. A leading specialist was unable to make a Hiitifcfaotory diagnosis, and advised that tlie law bo hhdowgraphcd. Thin wan done by Dr. W .1 Morton, and tho re- Milt was the revealing of tho fact that tho dentlht had bi en trying to draw tho wrong tooth. The "dlhturbanco" wafl clearly shown to be in tho adjoining tooth. Tho latest discovery of Dr. Mor ton, who han probably done moro in do- vulopmg the photographic. poqqtbilitleR of tho X rayH than any other man, in ono that will ciiuho nuuh uneasiness in many quarters. When it was suggested, at tho beginning of tho Roentgen ray excite ment, that our letterH might be read by , cnthudle rays while htUl in the en\elope tho public were reassured by the tnto- mont of a scientist that the r.iys would pann through Ink as easily us through paper, and a sealed letter would be junt ni Hum as ever it was trom prying eyen. I)r. Morton Iiuh rudoly dispollod thin lllu- mon. He ]i4 photographed a will, placed inflido a Boaled envelope, no distinctly that ovory word Pith be read. Tho envel- opo wau laid outflldo a photogmphlu plato wrapped in black paper and an oi.tsi lis Wrapping of nianllla paper, The X rays wcro turned on for ten minutes. For a long tlmu nothing wan seen on the plate that wnfl being subjected to. the develop- lug procesH, hut after half an honr'n work, tlie writing wimo <nit a** full and strong as the nilginal. In parts-whoro the \;I11 hud bten douh'cd up, th s names of tho wltnesnen were superimpofind one on tho other. With thin exception, the negative wan an good for all purponcs as tho original itwdf. w!J y * ,./'" jn<'4<trlclt3 From tliehi-a. At ilrht, glance there seems to h< no connecti'tn between the breaking of hea waves and the electrical tondltlon of tho air. Recent lnvostl^itionH, however, Ma>w tliat tho Hhatteilng of the waves and the scattering of the ftpr/iy lime the -client of imparting poaitm1 electricity to the at mosphere. Vlsltorn to tho seashore exper- ionce a stimulation from the ozone con tained in tho air, mid the presenteol this in ascrlb) ii to tho electrifying actuui of tho Hprny from tho lireaking wuvis. Tlda Hamo eil'ect, J'iniii tho 'hiimo imiw, la no ticed near waterfalls. No "l\niulfi slip V. iinAfiubl. Talking about ilsh, says a wriur In the Interior, reminds mo of a little advent un that happened to one uf our Host on ail- thorn hist fall He had bi en dining out, and airhed at his doorstep rather late. ITu is not, let it ho hastily said, a drink ing man He was greatly startled at he ir- ing shrieks of a high feminine key revei- berating from the Insldo of bis home. The sounds ot (right were pl.ilnlv lilsh and supposing that lus cook was being murdeitd. at tin laiM, bo dushi d in. Tiiero was a dim light In tlie ball. Uo followed the increasing noise into the un lighted dining-room ^ Their ho haw tho uncertain outline of 'a woman blanching upon the dlaing table. "O mercy mercy, Mother ot Natlonnl Help' Murthui ' It*H hew iti bed I be I Help!" "For Heaven's sake, Mary!" urled her master, now belle\ing that his conk had gone clean out of her head, "keep quiet, and toll me what's tho matter " "Holy Virgin 1" howled the woman. "Not a dhrop ha\e I been tnkin' tlrso three months. It's shnake^ shnakes all o\er tho Moor!" Hero she omitted a yell. "Nomense'" oiled the man, nternly. But at that moment bin foot stepped on a wnggbng, soft hissing coll. IFe mudo a quick sjiiido, and landed on another coll. Now, thoroughly alarmed hlmsolf, terri fied as if encompassed by malign on ehantnient, he, too, gave a howl, and landid plump in tho middle of the din hig-mom tahle beside the took. In tho pinfound silenci that fell he mukl iiear a Htrangf, hllniy rustling all over the room. "Slmakefi!'" yelled Mary, with re doubled, I'mphasln. Being out of reach of harm the gentleman recosered himself Miflh iently to light a match and then tho gas In-side him. Uo looked over the edge of the table, and, behold, tho tluoi wnR-Htomlly alive with small serpentH. The sight was horrible and Inerediblo. After noiue hesitation he screwed up cour age enough to make a dlvo for the tongs, and In a few minutes ho had tilled the coal box with seventeen Anguillas, and had coven d then* up wifely. Tho next morning bin two boyn woke him up. "Say, Pop, wo had a bully thno yester day. Wo brought home a lot of eels, ns many as we toiiul carry. They wero all dead and frozen stliT like canes Can't wo have 'cm for breakfast.-1 Mary can cook eeln. Shu sayK alio can." "Where did you put themr" demanded their parent "Why.wo Htnml 'em up in tho dining- room by tho register to thaw thorn out." "You Hiicceeded admirably," \v*w tho curt reply. ' II.tr I.llllosi lii-mo. "Why did you bow to that man?" Raid Ethel to Amy. "You don't know him, do you?" "I'vo mot him own at a reception." "Mot him onco I That doesn't give you a right to speak to him on tho street ears, dOcn Iti*" ""Well, I think it docs. Ir isn't that I cavo anything for him,but It 1h in pur- mmnco of a policy I have adopted, for my own benefit " "What Is tho policy, and how do you expect It to benefit ymiW "In thin way. Jf you aro in a crowded car, and yon mo a man you know occu pying a seat, you cun get that seat by pleasantly Raving good morning or good evening, an the case may be. With thin fact. In mind I am busily engaged In en larging tho circle of my masculine ac quaintances, and c-penlally among thoso of them who ride a good deal on the ears." New York World. ,. J. K All SmltliKTlH-re. They toll the Mory In Walton of a re cent revival mooting in ono of tho rural districts of Whltetleld county. In tho middle of the M'rvlcos thepreaeliei*wild: "Will Hrotlu r Smith please lead In prayer v" hu\eu men moso and began praying at onee. 'I hlh cmbarVas^i'd tho preacher and ho Bald kurrielly: "I menu Urol her ."hlhn Smith'" At thinannounccnient une'nut down, ,,...... ....,.,___................ ami dvo moro goti up and begun praying. Hint ho. like, mont people, wlio" g<Tir( i'le' pmiehir Haw Ids m^tuUe, said noth- L hero to Texan and return, had unou TtwaH a Ikhihm of mourning Dw*th hod puind tVit wi.y only a f > w brief houi-c Imfoni, and ji hUMlmd Htllbienn rolgxii>C. within, broken only by tho wall of a now-boin ojilld. Outnlde, In tho wtreot, meiry vcdenn weio heurd exchanging greetIngn, tho chlliien W'eie lieraldlng tho glad N'i-w Year, and htiains of miiHlo floali d on tho air; while, an If to mock thin tumult, of Joyiulnenn, orapo liuj upon the door, a mute lentimoity that a life had reached iU clone. Over tho parlor window, bllndn wro elonoly ibawn, an though lo hide tho crushed ami lifelon1; form of ono who, but a few Ikhiin eailler, was full of llfo and vigor. It wan an oft told tale an error of judgment, uoiim trlv|al noghet of a man In charge of an onglno, and In a few focondw Htrong men lay malinod or HfelesH, and homen worn made desolate. A trio of nad-faced wom en Htood bcHhlo that Hlhmt form, and one rained hor hand impatiently, an if who would fain hunk tho nolny mirth lielow In tho streolH; and looking pityingly upon the two uleoping children, happily nn- conHcUnm of their lof.K, who whlnpered, "It was a pity tho newly born baho had lived to Inerenso tho widow's burdou.*1 I'oor little tranger! Unhered Into a cold woiId, unwelcomed by anyone, him*) tho waa-featuved mother, who, clasping It tenderly to her brennt, thlakn of the young lnmband and fi th *r ho burrledlv snutohod from hrr side. Never again would hlfl strong arm fihleld Iier fioni hardnhlp; never more that lo\lng voice speak wordn of tenderness ami cheer. Alone who must face the ntruggle of life, If only for her chlldren'H Mik< Years of toll lay before her; yet with the fervor of mother love Hho longed to livot to pro tect, and rear her dear ones, A strange thought came to her: per- hapn tho little one who had come on tho very day her heart siomed broken, had booh sent to soothe her lu her grief a gift from (Ind, and thinking thus nho called him "Theodore." Three yearn Hped bv. Again it is New Yoar'H ove, and a toil-worn, weary wom an rests brlelly fioin her still iinilnNhed task to read o\u* again a letttr that had arrived with the monmig mall. A fi lend of her girlhood, who fc-ad re cently lost her only Hon, proposed ad tpt- Ing Theodore, the little fatherless boy, who had becn-4ald in that mother's urniH d*rlng the first sad bourn of widowhood. It was a sore temptation; his sisters, frail, delicate little mites, needed such care; and labor us she would, It wan a Horry task to keep the wolf fioin the door. Again she mul, "You would not mlsH him; there aie the rent " Not miss him! her only boy, her darling, the ono bright spot in her shadowed path Not miss Tin o, whn-e winsome wnyi and niilribful nicks wen- ever bringing some variety into an otherwisi monot onous e\isti net- A ringing laugh and tho patter of childUh net were hoird ontnldo the door, and a roguish little fel low ran in with a stmy kitt- n in his arniB, lor whom ho lieggeil a sludti r One sw lit look into his motlier s face, his brij'hl e\es n-ad the t r i< i-of borrow there IIurrndl\ the m-w pet was n U ased, and two tiny at nis entwined around that mother'^ nei k, as wuh bis soft hand he brusht d lu r teai s n-ule. She hesiloted no longer; despite ff|il, or i are, or povertj, who could not spin ( her boy. * * t i ' * * Nearly thirty years ha\o (leil. How lightly w'H think oi ilmm when thoy are gone; ttiey were livid out as other yearn, a moment at a time, as one by one life's- trials and blessings ha\e been disclosed. Standing on the threshold of hie. who is there that really wishes to unveil t he future, and read their the sorrows to be endmed, the difhcultln to be overcome, the suffering and the cart; but one glimpse of tho truth anil our courage might wane, leasing us helpless ere the appointed hours of endurance draw nigh Hotter far that we kimw nut what awaits us, and only step by step may wo reach our goal. Yes, nearly thirty jours have passed; and within a spacious hi^ll men and women ure gathered to honor one whoso Voice and pen have served the cause of humanity right nobly. A man, still young, stands In-fore that \ast assem blage unmoved by the flow of praise, fur his revvaid is more likely to be found in theunspokm thanks, the grateful pres sure of tho hand from those whom ho had gladly served. Swiftly las mind retraces tho past his early struggle for existence, tlm const mt battle tor right, and llnally the victory; and amid all, one face was over near, ono voico to whisper words of encourage ment In tlie hour of weariness, or when ho falteiud in tho patli of duty. Still be side him, sliOj shaies his honors; hor calm, white face radiant with mother lovo and pride. Listen to the si cret of his ruc- cesn: "All that I am I ovvu to my mother." Despite atom otforts to control her emotion, her tears will flow; but thev art) teai'H of gratitude as she rejoices over that New Year's gift of long ago, tho gift that camo In her early days of mourning tho child "who was not wanted." The llnm-n aHoIltliry J'roiilo. Theno features of South African- na ture, its Hilence, Its loneliness, Its drear solemnity, have not been without their influence upon tho mind and temper qf tho European settler. The muKt peculiar and characteristic type that tho country hnn produced in the Dutch liner of tho ettfttern plateau, the offspring of those- Jtluteh African*! who Homo sixty yearn ago wandered away from Britlwh rulo Into tho wilderness, The-,0 men had and their Bon and grandnons have to somo extent rotaluod, u passion for solitude that still makt'H thorn deniro to live many miles from any neighbor, a sturdy wdf-rolluiu-o, a grim coinage In tho faro of danger, a ntornnosfi from whloh tho natlvo hums have often had to puffer, Tho majesty of-nature has not, however, made them n poetical poople, although tho fact that they read nothing whatever but tho Bible might ho expected to have stimulated their imagination and purified their taste. " ImproHsionn of South Africa," by IVof. .Tunict) Bryte, M.!\, in tho May Century. CHURCH DIRECTORY Mr.l iiooui .-Dm\ 1'ohoqo, pastor. Hrvico BVoiy huiulny uUl a. in mid 7 > . hj. biihlmtl ob< on, i y..i(Jp, m. o. 1C Nnylt r, huyortnui u tmt"lKj ool. I'pwoith fjaai;iiui'YiLy']rti)iiutl l'u.i hi\ VnrdmiitlH o'tloali. Iiaiio.ul Ltti(i iiij, un ThuiHitay ovimlm. MARRIAGE LICENSES. 1,1 Xj. FAAK, ISSUER OV MARTtlAGH U- J. ortniioa. Itlohardnoh Ullf., Ebmx, Oat, OfuJ/l Mr: Jtf|/ JoHt\on. Ayer's Pills 111 havu taken Ayor'n IMHs for many yeiiis, and iilvvayi dorivod tho liont re- snlU from their una. For Stomach and Liver Oiiunou ov I'NmfUwit-ju.v.A.rjdiovorlv.Jn oanibouc, Hb. I'aiila, Kimox, 2>lvaio>rvloo ovry Humlayat 7 o'ulook, $ iii-Bun*Hy Holiwol ut 10 u ui i.VIdty Chun h.WoHD Kld/a -Ulvbm MwrvlofiH vry Hunduy at U m. m.; Huri d.iy Hohnol ut l.^p. m. Tin. pubUm a*u or- 'iiiuiy tnvlbiit. I'HMimvTniuN.-W. M.pionnng, I'witor Hor- yilnJi,'g"HaVbath,,'fcll,*'""'l V.I10 m. in Hub- athHolioolatUJiOp. m, I'rayrxu< ntlua aim iiiitorMblhli, oIunh on TuoHdiiy at7.30 ii in. HouJii! Union mi WfMliioMdnvibtHJHti. JUi'ii'. c;icoafm-Uov.M. V. C'auipboll, 1'ilb- tor u vlnwii diiuii t.abbatli at II n. to ami 7 !'; , ,J m-yto inimlhiK on WudiioHituy ovoiilna iitHopiock. nnatHrriHi. All aro oorillidly wol- oomod. MlUHItr,TT. liquor of UarrJfcgo LtoantM Co " " " W IflnUor of tia.Yr\a.do Ijlcoiieon, InBOranoo &g*iiL Nlht oOlooiLtDw^.niiiu. TAhliOT HTHEKT, KflSTGI, nmifaaiotjor lu O . J,oto. Qogtu.Obb X). UKAMAN, Homan Crnior.io. yr. 0. Jill. MaGu :iinu>r. htix/iav nvury otlior Bunduy ut U-.iO n " Huhday ^ohDolittUji.in t m. MAnmroNii Hi(()i maiiiiand noriium at lO'JO u. in., cntitohlBiiiar.ap. in , hiLtitiimi at .1 H. in VlH|l(JJ-||)UHi OOlluUlctlOO [it " lh.4 , 1. I>. l>. m. C. 1,. Mo- troiibloH unrl for tho cure or lieadaeho eaiiscil hy tlioso deratijtomimti, Ayer's emiimt bo emmloil, Thoy aro easy and TIIIh to tula Arc the Best all-round family mcdlelno I havo ever Uiiown "-Mis. May JonNHpK.aosRider Avi., New York City. AYER'S PILLS _ Ml xhor.t Awards ot WoHd's Patf- Iwr'aNarttupavtUafarthehloatU FOR ITWENTY-SIX YEARS. *y* *"* HAnvAiioN A.MV.-T. H. McLoqil, Captain. Hilvatlon iiKiMLlniiH on WiidnoiHlny, Thiirmliiy Ud hiiiiclay ovoiihii-H, J.'ruo and Kmiy, Haturdav uir ! .TtVi'i^'-VV Hll,,(llty' XI"" mtiiiii S. 0,IVr,lHt"nH..Ul(luy t,vun>ll ana n a. m. Him wS'o " 1'bIU' *iVOry Hu,*,,uy* Al1 MC LEGAL. E. Htan III A,', VJHMK"* Ibirrlutur, Holioitor, Notiu iuhilQia. Mpnoy toloau. Omoeii.Dai' nock, up-nLfiiri), Ijiihox. \.\y A L-I'KT^KB Marrtiitor, Holioitor, Notw *M Public. Monoy to Loan. Otllou ovi Striltboro' Hank IJimox Contra UNDERTAKING. i HlkTiUMMU -It, Undortukor a'-nl furniture 0ollhifl, homa and factory mrda froin S'l to m:m). UoCriHitr,Oef ----------^j ARCHITECTS- MAYCOCK, AHOIIITKCT, &.a., Iloom 10 and 11, FlmuJutf IbilMlo^, Ptmti'i Gift TO UN A. Windsor, Out SOCIETIES 0. F.-ENTlilUritlHl'J Lod No 218 uiotitn (ivory Ttunruday.ovaulntf at 7.H0' i OtldfoUowii nalf.hithtrtiHtoroyOmiutauHlc ylnlUriHinnmljorHuf. othor IoiIuhhwUI i'oculv frutornal vrulonmn. W CHATIKUTON, N. OKNIKAL KKUAM^MMNT.No.tJO, moeti I Ouilfnllowfl'Hall.DuiiaUn'g lilook. on tho 0 widthird U'uoHdayiuwaoh mituth. VlBitoruo illally ruoolvod. Momboni of laibonllaato lodi I1' th'. juWudlotloa, bivltod to Join. HANNAN. O. V Ci. V, tllhli, 8a. 11 >! i'kzn ET^ fxhAUKU, IUHTLKT & liAJVVUrW, Hard! VJ ti.ru, oto. OUlctu, M( ilbury Block, Wliuluc Prlvatn IuikJh toloau. A. JI.Cr.AUKU.L h. U. n. A. lUiiTLri A. K. bAinr-UT, 11. A. nKNKV C. WALTKKB.L.IUt., Attorney uuil Counnoloriiit law, Holicitor lu Clmncorv. Prptitoi- In Atlmfralty, Patmit Holioitor, with Atk nnon&HaluhoHCon(;roiiii t Jwont, Dotroit, (Canadian elulimi ajiauuit iiorFionn In tho united Htattfi coIUm tod.) Ilofiiroiiocw Imperial bunk, Knuox, Out, J L l'oiorh. Un, liairixtur, utc, Khiiux, Ont Ij.A. Wmiiior, I.<(., Uanifitor, otc , JIhuox. Out THECOOKS BEST FRIEND Largest Sa^in Canada. Roller Mills* rA^Iiih NAYLOfi 'iiKitu tnik opportunity ol aiuiounoiu x, can pcoplo r rtbriTowu and County or Unmix, that ho bio, >uniodul.<i| tbuKa- hox Ilollor Atlllii accord inn to jdaii^ piepurod hj It. N. "rlcu, St TiiunuiH, mul Imi alnn M'tund tho norvfcoii nf limtrit, Siiujiun. an ojeporf oncutl mul thorourdilv c nipntHiit millfi Thanking the |>oopii rftbefnto and comity for tho pation i!i bestdMiii in nn linn m the pant will i;uiirauto(-iiatihrnclioij iu tin tutnm Gristing and Chopping a Soecialtv. THl'l IJKHT OIIAD1-.S OI 1'I.OUR V1>,m ANT' COIiNMKAL KV.V'V I\ VrtiCK ANI> SOLI; AT 1UOHT l'HICl'.H, Gash Paid for Wheat and Oats. MEDICAL. ryis nnir-N <t hkiiin. Jhu Krion, M .D,r,.K..O.I*. B Rraduato of Uuouun Unlvorolty, ICinRiiton, mnmbor ot Col- J<i|!<. of Phynfoiiuni and Huroou,Oatario. CJriwI- jiato of Now York. Pout Gniduato Modicul Col- J.W. Brlon.M D C M., F. T. M. C. Honor Rraduato of Trinity Modloal Colloan. Honor (jraduata ot Trinity Univoniity. Momboror tho (-ollofjo of PnyiilclanH and Huruooun. Ont Griul- nato of Jsuw York Pont Umdaato Mudiaal Coliofjo, Olllooovor Ilnaot Alodical Hall .hiif- ntoro Coniinltiitioii roDinn, both on ([round lloor and flrat lint abovo. Tolophono in both otlloo and rtnifUmcu. \ll oalln attu.nlod to from oJllco dim; ntoro, or ruiiulitncn. Ituiudonou. Talbot iitieoi, trout (jf fail uiouiuJu. ]^hhx rniR mtiOADU. mp.utu kvki -J Friday ovoniun in tho Finamm'H roomli tho Btono bulldinu Jail. MoMu ray, Chiei ltobt. I'arkor, CiLptaiu; A. Burnham, Llmitso* ftnt, P. Dilmi, Bucrntary; Find Hv"tl.Truaimre*. pUUHT KOYAL, NO. 21'.!. \J Muotii hocoiuI ami fourt month in l. O. O V. Hull Vii.ltlnjj brntluiwi will bo ulcorno. 13 HoCaunland. C. U W. C. Bhaw, Booi t M.J.Wiclo.O.l). II. U. It. I. O F. . fourth Tiiuudav'Mln eaoi: month in 1. o. O V. ]Jaii at 8 o'clock n. r . Vii.ltlijjj brntluiwi will bo kIvoh a fniUrnafwi " The Hianara Falls Ilnut TaklnBoffoot Dotroit . WIndnor .... rolton.. Maidfjtonmr itluQttra Falls Route.1 OOtNO KABT May 10th, 1800, Mail a.m. 7.13 7,0 Kxp. ami, 0 20 0.50 Kxp. a, m. o.-tn IQ.10 r\KS, DFAVAH & M0KHNZIK. THE AMERICAN HOTEL. Eosox, - Orttaflo- TFUS larfio and conirnotHoiin Honro ban boon tuoioiif{hlv iuuutud and ri'iiloninbod with now furnituiu Ijy jochont tiropriotronn LAIIOT 1IAUK IN (OflNMTION. FirHt-ClHHti Attninnditttnii GnrirnntiM <3. JIUh. O. WILh.lN.SON, 1'iopriotreBD. V A Dkwah, RLD.O M..F.T.M H. Honor Gra.lu- itu Trinity Uiuvoniity- Merrrljoyron^'o Phyi iQiiiim and buruLOiii), Out Kuuidunor, Talbo St Kant. O. McKi:N/.ir. M. P. C. M., Coronor, Now Yuik Pout Graduuto, Follow Tiruiltx Mudlcal ColloL'o. Omduato Trinity Unlvoruity ItuHiduiict); Talbot Struot, wont of M C. It, in tloor, OmcchourB H toil a. m., I to .( and Oto H p iJhco in linpurinl Hank block, (jrouiul th nojtt to Thoi uh'h driifj ^toro 'loloiihouoin counootiou with oDlco and roni- ilonco. OrdorH loft at Tliorno'ij drujj ntoro will hi promptly attondod to. Wooduloo. , Kutioomb . Combor Kidf'ntnwn, Jtodnoy. .. St. Thoma London. . ^*t. Tlionum... Itodnoy..... lUdijotouu. . , Comber. ]tunt.oiuh Woodbko Km ex Maldiitouo Poltou Windnor Dotroit 8.17 Cr -hoi H 11 H.'il 8.JH h:i7 'j. ta 10,17 jj.ati lo.oo OOINO wukt. p.m. Vi lo illn .) ii) 107 IS.iO r> II 5 50 {)) u M (1 IS 7.10 7.','fl io.aa u so 1.06 am. (1.15 to a i li.ii 13.10 12.45 Aoflom p.m. HO 5 05 fl.10 ttiifl 6.U0 tl&O fiWl 0 04 710 1M a m. r..lB flUf 7.H8 tJto o.ao aits 0,15 ON 10 04 10.12 icao 10.&U AiulierNthiik-^ TLocu\ Vmliiu. p m. u.io H.25 (I 2ft (1 .1(1 UCO WUHT a m. a m. ll.no H.15 IJO.'i H.^o 1210 0 12 12 'ID HOT, 12 M) H.5.") UAEiT a.m. am. p.m I^nnox 7.15 0 R0 B.IJ0 Kdgau 7.00 0.10 f,.10 L T, (t D UXlnp 0 50 (CIS J m McG-onor li.-tH 0JW 4 B0 AmhorfitbnrB tJ.aO 010 4.30 TUT A *KTrl1*E?Tt 1-oc,n ,l"'1 TriivouuB fT JHL^I J.JUXI bnloiiutf n to haiidlo om Itur j "anii-ttian Grown Nuinory fltook. Wo ijua'i.ntttc iiatiflfnction to ropry^cntarlvon and eiioc .mr. Cur minioririi aro tho larcoot in tho Dominion, over 700 iu-io'i No fuibntitutiou In ordora Kxclualvo torrltory nnd liberal tormo to whole or part timo anontH. Writd un, BTONK A- WErXINGTON, (H'-ad ollJco)'roionto(Ont. (Tho only mimery in Canada hovlwij tontine orcbardu.) t t-Jm ^nits. guits. OUR SPRING STOCKS Ih now complelo ami no hotter appoint* moot in tho county. Scotch Tweed Suits, Canadian Tweed Suits, Fancy and Black Worsted Suits, MudeHto ordor at DENTAL, HP. MARTIN. D. D. B.t L. 1>. 8 Graduato * in UontlHtry, Royal Collofje of Dontal HurijoouB, Ontario, and Univornlty of Toronto OhmrfiQii.inoaoriitQ, OtDco, ovor Jirlon & Co t Ixuz fltoro. 18-lv ____^VETERINARY. Wll ItlCHAHDSON, VKVKUINAItY BUR GEON. Honorary Kraduuto of Oatailo Votorinary Oobofjo, Toronto; mombor of On turio Votorinary Medical Honoty; Dlplomlnt in Doutidtry; troatu all dmoiifloa of domontlcatod animaln; oattlo dobornod by tholatont improvod Loavitt clipper Callo by telephono or tole. firai)ti promptly attondod to. ltoni lonco.thrco dooroount or nrifit mill, office in pout of Hon building, iuflrmari. dlructly opposltb. All tralnn aro run ou central otar.dard tlw*. whloh iu sixty iHlniiton slowor than Ebb***: time. For information and raton to oolou- intii niovlnn went apply to John G. Lnvon, Poi*' uonpor Af'ont, Bt. Thomau, 0. W. RurrIoh,^6on- oral FiuiiioiiKor lUidTicltot Anout, Chionno, 111 or A. O. Stimoru, Auont, Knaox. L. E. <& D. R. Ry. TIME TATiLK NO. 20, taUn*r eiroct Monday. Docao.lHOS. Tiaiiif, run by 1'ai.trr . Stand ard Thno. Daily except Simony LAND SURVEYOR. JAMES B. LAIRD, Provincial Land Survoyoi and County Knijluuor, PJimox Contro, Out Offioo, Bunntan Block, upotairu. J. South Wooslce. AUCTIONEERS. HENRY IIEDRICK, Auctionoor. Salop promptly attondod to. Audroim South WoodBloo, Ont, Pornoim doiiirlng to nocuro mt may leave word at tho Tiusi: Pnniia oflloo, tf H. nKDRIOK A <a M 1 M Sg o & 'A r M fi.20 0.27 (l.liil o.-io D. SINCLAIR, LICENSED AUCTIONEER for tho County of Eiiaox. Bailiff of luflhth Divifiton Court All klmln of Farm and othor Balon conducted promptly- Raton roaionublo and furnhdiud on implication, Enquirora may apply at \V. D. Roaman'a ouico, or ao tho olllco of Dlviiiion Court Clerk, Mr. John Mllno JOHN GORMLEY. LIC1,NBED ACCTIONEKR for tho County of Kuiiox. All kindn of farm ntoclt ualofi, oto , oouduQtod promptly autl on abort notioo. Hutou teationablo. Pontons donlrablo to arrauuo union may do no by culling ut tho Fiuce riinua ofiloo or by applylnrj to 4 J. GORMLEY, P. O. Hox IBB JSwiox, Out. Sfi^V*^ 'Vlw JMuli' l\imGlu<l to OtU Itinno. Tho remarkable* memory of amnio that \yiiH drlvon to Toxuh from thU county ton or twehn ycivp at;o was Hhnwn hist year when ho wuh driven baol; to tho iiolfrli- borhoml 0f IiIh old honic. Tho mulo wafJ dri\on to. Ti'.Ya4 by Hani Stranp;i>, who lived in UU'nhforlc nclgbhorliooil, and waa hrniiptht buck by .ronnthan Watson. The ilrl. nitfht alter hlh arrhal lin hroko away mul wi'nr mnniHllately to IiIh old houio, whero ho kept hltululoli'nroiiH' volcw (loal.mK ilium tho n|(*ht alv until duy- Hi-ht. tt i*- mipiiuiod i't'oni IiIh notions nii Imb and lot tho 11 \yei\y It nut atnong ~of the country and Svuk kUuI Ui got "book," thomKolvoH, -Colunibla (iCy.) Bpeotat-or Money to Loan Oa i^ood prodnotivo Furm Property at fijftfc C per oout. Htrai^ht. No Valuation Fees. FR-tKK McCLOBKEY, Maldntano, thirty, itnvon yoarn' oxporienoo tin an auctionoor fn tho County of Ennox. Salon conduotod promptly, and ou roaonablo tormB.xI*artiun donlrln,! to fix tho date for a aalo uiin iiavo thomnolvoi a drlvoby calllutjat tho Funic Vuvmu ofhoo. Wo havo arranflod with Mr. MoOloclrey and will i\x thodatoH for naleaby toleK^Jph.ontlroly froo of all ohargo '* the person bolciinK the sale. Ad- drOBB FranUMoOlOBkoy.MaldBtono Cromi.Ont, 105 AHA ) SS IS 00 o Ji j iu ao 0 .ID 12 -10 fH.t.iaiG ufo'iflfia o 17 iir.71 1.10 nt 1.10 Ufi9 1 :m 7.10 lfiO 7.1 2.0!1 1.27 2 86 7,37 2R0 l.ii fl.43 7M tlO htO fi.17 H.32 B.JI2 MO 6 47 H.B3 0 00 0 07 0.12 (J 20 fl.Ul P.M 10 12 10 09 10.1(1 101i7 10,^7 10/iS 10 6.1 Ull Hi>0| 4 30 ll.W lira 11.13 11 CO 1165 12.04 13H 1210 IV'it 12!i5 P.M. 4 45 fill] 0 31 B4fj 6fi5 QW G1& 700 r.u. Btationd. 5& Pop Walkory lo Ar Walliorvillo Jimo. . ... Polton,. . .....I OldcuBtlo., i Paqiiotto . ... MoGroRor .. .. 1 New Canaan... ... t Marnhllold .. ... . Harrow ..... ......I Arner...... ......Kinpuvillo...... Riithvon ...... ... Loamlnnton .., Whrntliy...... .....i Ronwlclt ...... .....toatnworth ... ......tQlonwoed...... ...... Merlin......... .. + Huxtoij....... ...... BandlHon ...... ...ICodarapriuflii.. Blonhpim Junot'n . Rlonbo'ni..... ......tWilK/o.. .. Ar llldcotown Dop BAKER THE oldout buulnoflH in town. Qntnbliuuo 187. Irirst-olatin broad ami cakdu of nP Hindu, WoddiuK onkofia imoalalUy. Qrooonon provirdono.aour,fflnd, aah ai,d poik. Confno tlonory, orookory.ijlaHnwaifl. Cnnnod frtiitu and vogotabloBof all Idndo. Gooilu preruptly *<*> Uvor.od to all parte of tbo town. J, M. HICKb, Jol-tf tSrCouvoyanoin^ Dono up in Noat Stylo Fire and Lifo nsurance- A.-E. LOVELACE, ICSSBX, OUT lAND ANQ LOAN ACENTS GKOKOE J. THOMAS, Convoyiuioor, Coiu mlHoionor, In High Court of Juiitloo: doabo U Ilonl Edtato and MoytitRKOR, Money to lou> a.t tho lowest mtft of intercut. FurmH bouKht 4nd hold, liwumtioo tiikon In tho rnoHbrolktd*- lompuwloH. Drawluf' ot doodB, mortfjaijeu and toimoM a spaolidtv. Ohavfion modorrtta and all iUHlnotm promptly attondod to. Cnll at the Central Tolonhoue oflloo* KluwyCoubror W-li I'bioo In tho world for ymniu men nudwomon to aeoure a lh|Blaon Kduoatl^njBhortbaiidioU., Ih *hu Detroit RurIiiuoh Unlvorsltv. De troit, Mlcb llludtratod uutalomie Tfroii. Htdoroiicpa! All Dotroit, JEWELL, Profl. P. U. SrE^CEK, So6. 1 FIob Statlonn. Tralno utop only when there aro pa&Hcnnera at or for tho no Btafloiui. Mixed truiun are at al time a i,ubjoot to bo oancellod WM WOOLLATT. Gonorai Bum^mtondoiat Essex Furniture Ware rooms. Packed with Good Furniture Every Description. ^ fine -Parlor Suitj Oak frame, Goo4l Plush, $16,00. Wo ucvor waro ao well prepared to d$ biHiitun^. Lotn of Rootle and prloos ripht?^ It will pay you to ijive uh a oall and aftf iioodu and ({ot prir.og. Wo ar pleased v::,. qnato prioew to uuy who need farnittir^ Wo havo ho^n doinK a good steady bn| noho now for about lb* verH and we i\yjj?| to tondor our thaokn to thu public ^oneral^ tor* tliovery liboral patronage we haye'fi uoivod of them ("nriugtbo iGyt'Bra thaC'Vj havf been in bUHinoRH iu the now Town/" UNDERTAKING A SPECIAL; J. A. HICKS & Co,, Essej ^&^, ,*, if. j) Jfi \$&- t.H ,'!< \^K ;W /r^l jt'tl >y,i. m ,l)t1uv *' &|,^r