wwftljw^^ 'A &/ TT M PRER V>I>frpacs ,i; i ' j.i- I' ESSEX FRKEiPRESL- asaoxxsc,, * - OITT. Publlehod; Every Friday'Morning From^tho cflluu on Talbot Kttuut, noil ;i)utiHtim Blnok. Sjii tun] iittoniion ui pu'd to tho imbluu- Hon of muttm* or loon! impottuncu, luioiir ato and rcuublo niiiortH of Tpwn, u<jii;Iibm. intf Towiidlup und County Couuul proofed* iuufl, local ttiui county market roportu, oLo, tbo on,ftfu ami judicium nianutjrnHMit of Tiia Fiiuk V\ivMi with rtupoot to tliono und othor ouiuinb muttom of looid imporUnoo, ban yivenitu wult hpi-'uul pi'i'nti|;n in tho centre of Km*t X county,which in re no^m/frl us cm1 of thu bond iiynoultnml dintrmlit in Onturio. Tine l-'w-i J'hkhu jh tho only modium onunlucmf; rhoiou^hly in thin ooutrul povtfou of Uid County, undifieon- Hcijuontly,without doubt,tlir only thorough adVOftriHing medium for buimiiiim people uiidmie, to roach that ulumi of oimtomorJi, COIIH1 itl'ONDI nck. Our columns ure ahwuii oprm for the Juaoouhlo diK'UHuion of muttorit peitainiii ' ")tho publi'. woUaro Ablo con 11 pondenla in all iho lumotuid- ,' g looiiht ii furniidi ruliublo rt portii tit ontiiof 11 :t'n.nt, occurring in thcin-eVTol horun; uu ! tho piihlinliei: in at all timet- loiiHod to iccoivc intcit'Htin^ ltomti of 3WH from any diHpoiiod to forward ejnntn tiutionrt. All oomniumcatioiiH of a rrivnto and Bonfidontial nature, idiould bo no uiirkid Bu r'-io outhiJu ot tlm envelope. huiiRcnii' rroN i-mci:. fj .00 put annum, ntnctly in adviiuoc, -i.bjpor annum it not no paid; ami all arioaMohar^od at that Kito. AUMSUTIHI'-MKNIH. Tranfdont lo^al and mnuicipul udver- tifjomontH, uotiooa, oto., olnugod at tho rato of ton contn por lino, for i'mit hmortion, and tivo contu por lino for oaeh GUbnuquont iriHortion, All ouch ttdvortineniontu uro moamiicd by a ucalo of twoh o huoii to thu inch. IjoqfiI roadiPi; and othor no ticca pub lifihod uraou^ local uown matter oharyod at tho >atoof tou coutu per running; lino for each intiortion. All notices of church oi (tcuioty enter taiumontH of any duaenphon, at. which an ftdmiHFiion foo ih churned, are regarded an ttdvortiHornoutH, and full lulvertimnn raton otaarflod in all inioh canon. Noticoti of (lath otiDKu or moctin^H not for poouuiary bono tit or aid, will bu cheerfully publiwhod free of olwrgo. Special oontraofc raton mado for diuplay oi* standing advth. All kf>l or profeh3ion- al carda under one inch, &u par annum. tob ok coMMi:ncm, pitisriNO. Tho Funis Piu sh Job Printiuii De- purtmont ih undor tho nupnrviHiou o thoroughly oompoteut tniiolmmcn, and iineciul attention in paid to Uiih branch* of tho trade. Our faoihtit** for tho oxocntion of all HiikIh o Book and Fiuo Job Printing are unoxcollod, Stoaiu powor proBHou. A call nolicited. IlOHIHlZBa tlEOOMriONH. All Job Printing and TranHient A-dvottUtnfj accouuto, atnotly caoh Advorbiam^ accouutB with ragulai pfttrouH arc mottled quarterly. Sub- oriptionD duo in advancp. No HubHonpttou to tho Fhisk Pukhh, oi advoitiheniont publiHlicd m it3 colummi will bo discontinued until all arroarH are paid in full. Chun(je for adyartiHoinuntH, to doquio liioortion in tho curruut iuhuo, munt bu handed in not later than noon of tho Tues day procodinfi, and notice of kuoIi intoud od ohaugo ib required on tho Moudny pro coding. Notice of diHContinuanco of advoniHo moutH mmit bo f4ivon at loust ouo wool; in advance of tho iohuo hi which thoy aru doHired to laHt appear. ADVIUITIBEHS, Subfionbei-H and patrona tfenarully are roquoBtod to read tho abovo ro^ulationn oarofully, iu order that confumou may bo avoided, ao they will m all oiibOB bo adhorod to. AddroBB all communication!] to IB. J..LOVI5IiACE. PublinUqr tbo Eiinicx Flii'l! I'ltEon, Rufiox, Out Hiuiio Soolcer* Ilxctirulouu, In ordor to give avoryonoan opportunity to hgd the WoBtory Country undouublo tho homo neolmi'H to Bocnro a homo in timo to commouoo work for tho noaBon of 18!)G, tbo Chicago, Milwaukoo & St.Paui li'y hao arranfjod to run a Bonoa of four homo soak* oru' oxouriiiona to varioaB pointo in tho WoBt. North-Woat and Booth-Woot on tho following datoB: March 10, April 7 and 31, and May 5, at tho low rato of two dob lota mora tha-n ono faro for tho round trip. Tiokotn will bo Rood for roturn ou and Tuesday or Friday within twonty-ouo daya from dato ot nalo. For raton, timo of trtu'nH and further dotaila apply to any coupon tiakot atient in tho Eant or Boutlif or addroHuL-A. J. Taylor, Canadian Puif BotiKor Agont, 2 Kiu Street Baat, Toronto' 'Out. Yoinr||K>fiyloai;Cok]dlOo!i Noodn attoution at thin time. If* you aro tirod, weak and norvoua, it la clear |tbal your blood in impure, and without doubt there hag bn too much- ovor-work or a train on braip and body, Tho couruo of treatment for euoh a condition iu plain nud Mlmplo. Tho blood must fir fit bo puri- tied so that tho uorvous Byotoui, and in faofc all the orgaiiH will bo - fed upon pure blood. lutolllgen^ peopla without number hfcvo teatiaod that tho beat blood purifier, nerys ton la and fatronf{th itn parking modi* oine, ib, Eood*B BaraaparllU* ^ ryoHiineal Igfi.uf, aleop and general debility all v&umb whon tlod'a BfcruaparUk la peraiafcently taken; in a word, heaUW and happme& folloir afler taking Hood'i SaraaparlUa. nervous poi pin (ihoiibl rrtullir.o that the only trim tmu pmuiunont cur for their coiulllion la to bo found In having Pure Blood PonuiiHi 1 lin licultli ot uvpry or can unA timnn of tho body1 d*'piul upon tha jmrlly of Iho blood. Tho wholo world l.nuwii (by Hlniidm d blood purlflur lg 2 Ll \&/ "-A^y ^?l SarsapariSIa J n 1 tb( i 'nr'i It it tho rnly truo and roll il U> ii i 'iu mo for in r\ oi/h pooplo. Il i t'r*'iil<j blood I'i'u und hcaltliy, tind tl i* cuioH ihm vun inimH, nnilct h t hi' -ui ,< i 1li i l mid t uuifi, [;i\ on nuwt id i i', iiial \ i,,'or, a wood aimoLlto, j it ' ! < i it bm Jf rio.'M nllt bin, and iih - i i u, I'[ /i iii,i, nr halt b'ht um und alt iu ' i . 1 hmd ill' < udub, btcuuiio It ii' nlN pnvn ovtry word \v hn\t nii-1, 'i'm i h or voluidHry tootl- tunii i i ' I' t -."iblbth tho ffttt that jjui i. i, u . la um *j. Or- -C.t An AjJpotlto. "!My ' fl 'vas U < 'Iiir mlnurablrtand h I no i 1 a ;> v f,( d. XIo bogan takuif; 1 ni'i hiu i iri'la and Ilood't) l'ill and t. biL'ir ut oncu. liond'a Barmiparllla r\ u hni ft j,'ood nnpL+ite." MltH. JOIQ* bl- V Alii, 1'i.t lay, ();itnrio. SLiiforod 20 Yotirs. "Ibr.-.o jjrfp. amif'orcr from IIvrf atiA kl^Pfv cirnplulnt for twenty year*. I t/it '-'4"d 1 y ni" ilnififgl'it to try Hood's F.trinpurlM 11 ad did no, and I am thank ful to niiv that It, hail Rl\on me (jrcafc nl't [. I eonimiMitly rccoinmond it to any fu"< -rr frn'-i tho o complaints." jAMiia L.N'i.iOiU', l-l Kobiiibon tit., Toronto, Out. fi^ood9o Sarsaparilla Is the Only Tra Glood Purifier Promirently in tho publlo oyo today. Pn iMrrd \>/ O, I. ITood & Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by clrnjj^intw. %l\ nix forfii. Best Little Purgative I evor u'tcd," wrlteg ono lady In r*vjrd to llood'a PiiW. They aro no mild nnd do thfiv work with out any fcYipiT~ I recomwsnu them to all Buf fering from ooa- tlvfciii"j3. Thov will certainly brlnjryoarhablth v, , ,^ n-gnlnr. Wo nw %^. ^ no other cathar- ~ -*" tic." Hood'p P'Ui urn rnri tl'y iEerea-dnp* In fawiy. 25a ' I' *** .vv THE AKMODHOME. TfaaMww Wrieitf HitujMflfi rv+nt*d by r***- fexsof iLaMfttAy, V*flUmr^*ii Uoy IH. The flwit public nUiotj\rA t^4**diuK IU) nfipte utaoblno Q^Dciraottil ooaduoW by Prof, ^umud tiAh^y, w> Kocytury of tho SmUhson- laM luabltuilon, for bosju) months pant, wu mado on Tuouduy, wihh thn authority of Prof. Laupflfty. Tho Htatomunt, prn- parod by Prcf. Alex Gmham Boll, tho well-known Inventor, U iui followo: "Lnst Wednowday, Muy titli, wltncH^fd a vory roniarkabUi oxporlmont with Prof. I^anp;- li^y'h anrodromt1 on tho Potomac river. Indiii'd It Hcenifd to nm that the oxporl- inont vfiw of hucIi hlatorli'ul imjiortunno That It should he rondo- public "I Hhould not feel at lu^rty to pivo mi lurnnnt of all the dotulU.but tbo imdn facts I have Prof. Lanpfloy'a conKont for. gi\lnf? you, and they urn as follows: Tho aerodrome, or flylnff-mnchln^lnlqiu stl/m was of Hteol,drlven by a stt nm angina It resi'mldod an enormous bird, aoaring in tho air with ex twin n rnRUlurlty In larf^i ourvpfl, Hweoplnp; hteadlly upward in a spiral path (tho Rplmlfl with a diameter of ptTrliapH 100 yards), until It reached a height of about 100 feet in t.he air,at tho ond of u ooursa of about half a mllea whed the 'denm gave out, tho propeller, whloh had moved It stopped, and thpn, iio my further mu-prlso, the whole, infltoad of tumbling down, sottled as slowly^antl Ki'iu'cfully afi it In pot,slbl for any bird to do, touched tho water without any dunmtfo, and was immediately picked out and rwidy to bo tried ngaln. A hccoikI trial was llko tho first, except that tho machine wont in a tUffnrent direction, moving in ono continuous) gontlo ascent an it swung around In circles like a great soaring bird. At ono timo It seomud to ho in danger, as Itn course carried it over a neighboring wooded promontory, but apprehension wan Immediately aHayed, as It pa^nd 35 or .'10 feet abovo tho top of tho highest trees thoro, and, iwoondlnp: still furthor, Its steam Anally gavo out again, and it settled into tho wotor of tho river not qui to a quarter of a nallo from tho point at which it arose. "No ono could havo witnessed those cxperlmonts without being convinced that tho practlcahll ity of moo ban leal flight liad boon dumoustratud. "ALI2X. GRAHAM BELL." SEVERE KIDNEY TROUBLE COM PLETBLY CUBED. Two BolfeloH of South Amorloan Kidney Gore Did it. Tho idoa that diaeaHo of tho kiduoya can nob bo cured lu a raiatako. True, many oo-dftllod kidney flureN do not cure, but In that (iftiat didcoyory, South Amrieau Kid. nay Oiifo, thoro in found an unfailing re- mady< Th,in in what Mr. David Hogg, of Snnnymoad. N. W. T., nayi: 'I w&h offliotod with Hovoro kidnuy troaMo, Buffer iuii th niftqy aunoyanoen and pain that follow thin dlH*0ft. There waa hardly any riitnady thifc I did Dot use* In hopes of He<, curing vellaf, but itwaa not until I bought' ,JboM| of a^n(ilj;Auier;aao Kidney, Gore that ralifif oame., The ne botll* immedi. Uly raIiiTaEfie( ii%d tiro bottl.pi pradaSid T0i>l(VS OK A WEEK. + ft tjtmtUU tara," Sold by J. Thome. Tli* Imi'iti tunt I'-xt-iiU 1m it KflW l\Vwi4i P*r 1 (l|r-i Itcuttci-U. C ANA Of AN. "Windsor's ruip Is UI mill*. Pie inn'- rate Is I a mllln. Gait's ruto Is Hi-', mills. Mimii'cal Immii bl( vi lei S'J. Ciiu lph\ tax into Is j ft mlllh Tows alb flee I'liiiiiiumm'H nl. Alllstou. WooiMuuk'a uimtHsmeitt \\\ W,707.O0O. A. grl11 mill Is lieing built at Cnmhi'r Iniri i ii'll's I'ni'U lactoiy lu being eic* irJMli tl Tho lax tale uf ,Mt, Tlionms is I I lj mllU Purl 1 (uivm bleyi'Hsts inusl pay $1 lit ens** 11) Diihurgs asse isini'iit lias lnneiined tl.'.l'lll) V .dual)le dotjh In Ilal'i'le liavo been ]MH "Mil d. Tin Kingston Daiiv School Is in he 1'iil.u' '( d, Vwilki iton \nted down *10,OU0 for n new lull. Idindeini siinmier resort lias been glveji n ji'isi nllic e Inwnod will bonus a grist mill to t,iie ( \l.-nl ol - .',000 rJ In M.iidtnnlln railway is tohopu^hid to ( oinph I inn at oii< e .\ W.ilKei mi men bant hint season h.i' i!i d '),1)011,01)0 >> / '-, Work on the new rliciilo railway at ."-ill ni i has ' niiiniem t d. Ii i-, piub.dile I b M lin* Dendll Colli ;;e will be 1*k d d it (' il)nii"4 It \\illi"-.t > u ,ni)) fui tin hi, Thomas clc. line light and i.!lwuy plnut. Ahf .uiv nianv ll^li arc tulng taken flniti \.n\xc t-liiHOr to Ilawke-itimn ,\ pitent i l"\ator fiu toiy Is to be built, at Chatham hv a ^'100,000 stock company. A h. In ing\ lib man owns .i enw th.vt pioduies 17)j pounds of lmtti r a week II ihi U still hindering the sudm; njniatioiis in the easb ni ]i.u t uf Mint tnln Mr. onige 1k ItillW was killed at ( r inula ud by a stick of timber falling on linn A nine m \v old son "if Mrs Wm iJrad- lv, \tilllii ll, I'll lutu"TlTmrThl-e,m.tl OJilL. \\ i- <h i\\ 'M il befi.l'i n^-1 stuui e ,u l\i d. Mi Win (ii 11 v v, us eh (Ii d to Ull tho \aiani> in t lu* t it v Coum il c aused by the death m ,\ld. John M.ush.dl, I-oinlon A memonal to .Icsslc Keith, who was nuird. ml by Chut-lie, will bn puhiitly eiiepd in j iiifvuwii'imuryi at Listowol, Mav 'Jlth. 'J he ilb 1p'iis11Ioin of London havi de- ddiil not to i'o to Himiltnii tojmitiel- jiaLe in the Qm en's Birthday m*iifi";y (i b Iti'.iLiDi). ltU not the internum of tho Hamilton Rural Uenrii ry to set k to annul tin i 1"l- tlon of ( nnon DuMouhuu*! lilshop of the Dim ese of Niagara '1 wo men, nannnl .Tann s Merner and William Kninidy, weic drowned in the harbor at Port Unnvoll, Out., uhili* hinting on Sat unlay. Tho trial ol I . ha Polnte, for the miii- der ol -Mi. A. II. Moon- m the stu et i of Brock'.lllo, was cniumcucul. The dofunco Will call six.ty wltiuwsc-, The local Ministerial Association has compromised with the lodges regarding Sunday church parades, wlilch heruafttr urc not to take place before 1.^0 ]).in. Col. ^t.u ey, owner of tho St. Thomas Stn et Ibulwny, lias miule an otfer to electrify It, provided lie is given an eight or ton year contract for street lighting. Michael Horn and Mark Tompkins, convicted of waylaying and robbing Tueket&'s cashier In Hamilton, were each ueutuncod to twcho years in tho ponl- tentiary. In addressing the Prenhyterian Synod, iu session at Collingwond, Ho v. Dr. Hoberuon, moderator of thn General Assembly, strongly coiideuinul tin,' action of tho Government anont lvnicdlal loglslation. .Sir Charles ltlvera Wilson, president of the Grand Trunk railway,in an Interview in Miiiitie.il, said that lie was riot a v. aro that Mr. Hays, tho general manager, had roplaeod Hnglish ami Canadiiins by Americans. 'J. In* sovcnU'onth annual meeting of tho Quehi'L branch of tho Dominion AlUanco will bo held In Montreal on tho Jlith inst , when tno line (]f ai tjon required by tho recent decision of tlio Privy Council will bo uecided. Tlio population of Oniiigevillo Is 11,775. Tho town's total assessment of real and personal pioperty and income iq$H0U,li(S0, to which must bo added a non-jresldont afisessiiiont of |l,yti(J, mnltlng a grand total ot $HU1,U20. Judge MasHon wan presented, in. Owen Sound, with a silver tea servico by tho citl/ens, and an address and a life sl/e olL portrait of himsolt by tho Board of Trado> on tho occasion of bin leaving Owen Sound for Goderloh. At the meeting of tho National Coun cil of Women in Montreal a resolution was passed calling attention to thu great want of medical men in thu Northwest, and tho consequent sulYorlng, particu larly to women and children. The Montreal coroner's jury appointed to investigate tho killing of tho Belgian Itousseau by Pons, his Frenoli brother- in-law, returned a verdict yesterday af ternoon that Pmn had acted in solf-de- foneo, and the prisoner was not at lib erty. Eleven years ago Joseph JClefor, a rosl- dont of Buffalo, was killed in a collision on the Giaud Trunk railway lu Toronto. His mother then begun an action for damages. On bnturday Mra. Kiofor ob tained a verdict on appeal In hor favor, but tbo Grand Trunk at ouoo gavo notice of an appeal to tho Supromo Court, A Halifax evening papor announoon that the Kchemo of coast defence which in by lug prepared for aubhilsulon to tho Canadian Govourmont estimates that throo fiint cruisorH, with qulok firing gmiR. wbdld bo noaoHHary fen tho Atlan tic to cover tho Gulf ot St. Lawrence, and count waters of Novu Snotla and tlio Bay fif Fundy. UKXTIfiD WTATIW. In Maw York there ara JJB0,01)0 aori of >u.ikwho^t under oultlvatlou. AbysslnlunH huvo Uhuratod the Italians who Were mado prUonera at Aganm. Ofllolal roportu" froiu*- Itome deny tho rej>orU that Cardinal Gallmbertl Was Volaonod. Tfee A.P.A. have declared war on Mr. VeKlederjr ** *" candldatitre for the Tho Onnan rohnl rhiff (fomo/ ha^ In- Vadnd Ma tun/us province, mid hi mnl Ing fojrocil inarches toward Iln\iina prnvlnie, H is llkidvthat Pml'. U'.vdeii.ol Merlin, will be nailed in consultation on the con dition and trtiitmeuti of tlm GrttiowlU. . Great iliimuge Waw done In Qullo und other towns of Kritudnr ity ivewil (iuth- quakes, which destroyed tho city of Pueiln Vlejo, "" Tho Uwlt*'d Hhi^'t House of Hcpm- wentntlves ban passed a bill for the enn- Htruetlon of a bridge :u rows the Niagara inn fiom Lewlslon, N. V., to Qui'en- sfon, Out The ' 'p.tnb.h pie-s Is greatly liritaled over the "ubjin aflnlr.the lonn being that II th Unhid States wants a war she mils| ba\i It 'll in Mill id's fear of assassination 1ms led to wink >aln urn ti of Arnn nbim, who 'ire being hurlninmnly t-ortui'id to make tbuui (onfes-, A Thoiiutlke (Ma^i.) man Iwim a young Kit t * ii which has iwo ill ilni' bodu ,, light legs, no tall and a In ad which looks *d l'nn'jjt lv hiunim A ten ilb storm of wind, ruin and liail parsed o\i v Wash In doll on Tuesday, and Inoke up the Cabinet meeting in pio- gie I-, at. the White House. Rockland, Me , bm a woman pisrlei* of the pe ice, a woman com I stenogiaphi r, tbree women who have uuide an nou- clad iigrei'im nt to weir bb oniers. Work Is pioi ceding day and nlglit at the onln tru e simp-. u\ the Washington na\y yanl on the guim designed for tho new sliijis ncuiiig f onijiletion. fI'lm < 'hlca^o City It ilb\ 'iv Compnuv is in'uparlng to upend --j/lHio (i'-0 in I mid lug ID miles of I nek in (In -><.uth and hotith-wi stern pat (* * of Cbh ago. Kiemh ciisiiuns receipt-, lor Iho IJrsfc four month ot C-oi, -bow nn !nn> i-e oi' imports to the amount ol >.!:!, Mm,Mud md exports >ld,ijO(),ouo. us Lump ii id with tlio same peilod last year. 'Two lads, one eighti en and the othr'i- tWinty ^i-ari of age, who were aire-,tid in Cunilindge, Mass, on Thursday nijht, have i outi ssed to sliu ling flft; Hies dur ing tl pa-l si*. iiKini hs. At tlie KliUrle I cblbition In Xi w \<"i\ on Silurd.iy ni.'ht, Mr. ('hiun(*'III I i \ -I'llliilllH WIL"', Which ])Us-i d OM'l' biti i n Uiou>aiiil nubs of \\ ncs, mid the reply '.wis n < i hod in four niiniiti s. 1 lie >,.anUn Minuter at Wnshington ui-um Mui'i uy Oli ii y t h it the propo id rcfoiins lur Cula will gi.tnt that Island a lueii-iire ol iniioiioniy coiiipaiubh* with TIi7Tl~i iikaed hv the Dominion of Canada '1 he Vnglo Canti thin trade1 i ont nuns to ni am gK'anth strides. Tii^ a,*gn gata busiin ^ oi the past, /air mouths bus in creased Iio per cent l'nj mi .from C iiiaita iiif li'nsi d 70 per c en I , w hilo Hi in n im- pnit-. 1'ioiu all other countri-M lmreasid onlj ') per cent roiti;ir<iN. It Is estimated that about two hundred lives were iu-,1, V*J tlm leeent c^clone in T< vas. 1'jtperi'ni. 'n.icU' wi'h luj^gnlnea- plgs sliow ria.t iih 1 ii. ntgen -a^s ikMruy tin genus of dlpbl v i la Nora Peiry .the authon-s and poc te-is, died cm Wednc-daj ui Uuib}, .Siass. She was (Itty-ilvo yuu's of ag>. It is rumored in mi .kini that tho Khalifa Is dead, but no i. unflrnmtiun of the report can lie obtain* d, Annie Uyer, tin* London Infanticide, has hi en declined iiihiino by an export from tho Imperial Homo Olhco. 'iho despatch oi Indian troops to gar rison i-Minkim has ghon great satisfaction an<l cimfldi nn to the natnes. Siott Jaikson was loiuul guilty of tho murder of Pearl Hryaii and sentenced to death. There Was a motion loi a new trial. Tho young Duchess of Marlborough will be pn seiitnl at the next drawing- room, which will be hold by the PrineosH of Wales. t The will of this lato Bishop Kyan was probated In Buffalo. It leaves to tho Church his entiie i state, valued at ipolW,O0O Chicago real estate and socmitles val ued at VJlf>,GU0 bun been presented to the Northwestern UulvuiMt*' by Wm. Hoorlug, of Kvanston. Tlio Kmperor of Germany has given great offence to tho clerical party by de- claiing thn,t clergymon havo no right'to interfere in polities, Prof. Langley, of tho Smlthsonlau Institute, Washington, bus invented a Hy ing machine, which Jiuh been pronounced a remarkable success Thu Anglo-lOgyptlan expedition up tho Nile In proceeding without tho Hlightosb hitch, and the dervishes appear to bo temporarily dcmorall/od. Tho Duko and Uuchoss of York, from Coponhagon, and the PrlncoHs of Walew and hor daughters', from the fiouth of Europe, havo return* d to Loudon. Mr. Rudynrd Kipling, owing to tho threats of his brother-in-law, Boatty ti. Balestlor, to kill him, announeos hit* In- lentlon of leaving tho United States, Biuhop William Lawronoo, of tho EpiHcopal IJlneoso of Massaolmsotti, ban buspoudert the HeV. 11. Puller, of Maiden, for romarrylng after obtaining a divorce. Tho qulntuplcH born in May field, Ky., April dl), aro all dead, Tho doctors think their death muy be the result of worry, co-uso'l by tho enornious vlwlting crowdH. j It Jh Htated that during tftu-coronation celebrations tho Czar iiitendn dispuriHlnu moHt liberal "pardons to prlnonoiy ami commutation of BontenccH. It Ih iiIho an nounced that ho will grant a large muiiH- uro of. religious liberty. President Krugor eacproRRca hlmcolf Butlsflcd with tho promlflo of Mr. Cham berlain that there will bo a full parlla- montary-enquiry into tho conduct of Mr. Cecil KhodcH and tjiu action of thoChnrt- orod &outh African company. It Ih rumored that President Cleveland will lnvolvo tho United Qtatea in war wltn Spain as noon uh oongroHfl adjourna, tliat Cuba will bo lllieratody und Mr. Cleveland will float on the wavo of popu lar approval to tho Will to House for au- otlior term. Mr. Curzon statod In tho Houfto of Commona that tho BrltlRh Vioo-Consul ut Boma has been Instructed to lodge an appeal- agalnnt tho .acquittal of Cupfc. Loth aire, tho Belgfau fdllocr who waa ro- oently tried for bunging Stoken, an Eng- Uuh trader of tho Congo Free 8tato. Gloomy liupreMslous prevail lu Havana an to the prospects for military opera tion*, The local voluntoora do not ro- Hpond to the call' for anna, and at least twenty battalions from Spain ar cbwuipd indispcruablc. It i exp*30t*d tho insur gent h Will wnaw their aGtivlty during th pproaohlng n^lthys * aeaaOn," Whan Kurop*aa c*not move eivally on o- it of ih* irwpUal haat and ralam. Vnr Alioad ot AmyiliiHig I sluvo l!'d. I.Ver Mr. .lohn Hi'/ei, tntirelmnl. WiLtorloo ii\s; "I buvi ,;ivn Kliiilt'u Powderd (fen huMduehe, eonmiv.aminij biliouuntJHH and uMiralgiu.) an (xliuiblvo trutl, and" liuu tin m to uive I be ^rnnu-ul mHiHfaotion in iiij finmly. 1 i an jt\ry Iiighly n oom- 'iionirihcm, 'J'lny uio far abend of any ihnig I hii\e mi r iiMbd, \au\-l hnvu trml many reu.edUM." Kohl bj all diu^giMtu nf '2f>i. a box, .J la xi fi fen M Nice to tulte, immediate anil pnnitinud, (Put duto bit niHeirion, Harness. .Icanpivo \ou a {.'ooil ihH, ^ ol Binglu ilainomi.warrantod h.ind-muilo Tor $10. F. S. Adams, Tttlbot Ht I^H". x TREASURER'S SALE OF LANDS EOR TAXES. TOWN OV LbSl'.X, i Wbi ri no ly virtiu c>f a win rant lamiod by tlm IVfayor of the To Wil: ) Town of Hi-my, in tl i County id Kiii lx ai,d authenticated by the col porn I u i eal * f i be nanl T<jw n 1 e-nnn|; ditto tl t tourth day <\ J-'i tauiiry, 180(1, and to me diKctul u*ti niatuliii^ mc o lovj upon the following lotti or piuoela of landH n uiri'iiru foi tuvea kiiiti thorooii with cwttji. J hciLby give not ice tlmt unksn the r.aid tt> i.c * und i oc-ttd nr< ( ooiic i paid T niitill, on vvednciHlti> , l 1m 'J. Ith dit'y of J une, IK'jt at i\n> houi ot ten o clock in ilit torenoon, at I'm jt'i, Hull in 111' T' w of Li M x. pn [ii i\ in i lII by jmblic auction tin umd iatidfl or so much tin n uf us uj'i> be ndbuKiit tc pay such urtcara of tu\cn and all lawful conta lucuirud : Pliun fjotit. Thxcii. Cr nts. Total. .1(17...........................IiH..............*; l oh........ sj ;,;........t*>,0a U)7..........................III!.............. I OH..........i To........ ili):'JOG............................. H.............. !J0 hi...........ii J7........ IMAir i<)7..t................. 7 iimlS...........r>7 0.1.......'ial..^..,. B0.87 aa.l........................ II itnd iia____,..... -jfi.87..........M Ibi........ 38.22 17')......,.........h partf M and '27......1701.......a l.'i ....... 20.01) ni;:..::.::::::.:::::::::::-?LrV,i!.......^....... -'........M-TO .1!!J:.:::::.::::::::::::::::::Sri51J........ " Hlm,k;W.................................7,11......... IT,......,. 9.0*1 ^ \i\uv\i 10.....................................10(1!)..........'2 72........ -13.71 W D. BI1AMAN. Tieuimror. =j Gem and Canadian Aermotor Steel Windmills Are noKijLwledged LKADEliS eit! er as Power or Pumping "Windmilk, For piicep, iiud 'lCiuqh, addicEK K THALi'ORD 1' *!' Essex, Ontario. Agent for Efwex County, Are You Building- ? Wg enn supply yon with all kinds of Wooden Material, plain und omumontitl. Pine, Uimloik and native Lnmbor ftlwaya on lnu.d. Sbing'es, Cedar Pcsib Doora, Sash mid Coal. eke screen Doors and Windows That wil] last a Lifetime* Laing Bros J. GOtTRIiAY & SON. ESSEX. ONT: US R THE T1U0MP3 COKN SHEXiLl Thin Machine oonsiats of u horizoutal cunt oylintlor, 'with wrought mm biHr with Rtool teeth bolted to tho cylinder bo as to tie reversible when tfo teotlibecomo orn on iho front 'aide, /uuning in a perforated concave iroo Jiodl, which the shelled com paBsoe through into a sheet iron one, with a an or olponer attached below, which takes ail tha dust Worn the grain. 9m ' ^heopeBt boht,- moBt BimpJo and durable Power Corn (heller in use; (Mb s torn perfectly clean in any condition' fuelling and^oioAaing from orjft.tefcwj j j.i,{> honsand btiBhols of ears per day, according to power. \ Mt'4a Duceiwomb, jPulley, 10 in. than. ^Vl >tr, ft in. face; Motion, 900.tp.9QO revolutions par roiuujte; Weight, M0 la. v^' IVIRY NILLKHSWAKKAIITBD. j " "-^& 4. ttOVRUAV 4. MINI, "^ r&fl ^kd:^^L.^^^M^ i\lm ^i jim* :^^^^^^ik^M . 1 L' is. I 1 * ' i'M ' \>' 'v' r '"/>$ M