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Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), May 1, 1896, p. 5

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^^(^^^l^^^^^^^p^^psiPS THE BSS3B3C PREE PRESS \IA Sir: 3=S JAS. D. ANDERSON & Co., BANKERS, Next to Aberdeen Hotel!! Essex. oy to loan on Farm era' Not*H! NoUd bought looted; Monoy to lonu on Mortyautm ut Mon or Collected. owost rutoo aud newt tormu. Drafts lmiuu(t pfiynhlu ut par ut alljpvilioipul points . Fire Insurance Agents, etc. Ku 1 ATM TALK OF THE TOWN I'lUDAY, MAY. J, IB'flfi. nt 1'o-day in Arbor Day in the nolio]. It in mini Hint tlig woodu uro full of wild loworii. LOuly 24 dayu hotweou thin und tbn |p#[i'h birthday. [uldntoiio council mintiUn nro umivoul orowded out thin woelt, hn Htntod that tho WulUnni will not u'x- th<Jir railway boyond Jlidgotown thin tfont Hpnnldof lmn hud a Hiiap thin April ulioweriJ havo dona tho work frably. a utftteid that 10 oarlondo of liornmi are tjaiujj shippt'd to WindKor for tho run* ^ialKiootind to oomraonoo thovo tdiortly. tfVlalono, tho now landlord of tho ban liouiii! taken ponnonnion to-day. UB Bopgood, who will aniiint hira, haft Ay moved in, many friondH will bo ploufiod to hco Uopijood'u portly form on tho utroot Ho wan confined to tho houuo with ma illnonn for a fow duyH hint week. 'ad Whitnoy'a advt. fioyfl' auitfi rogular 82,G0 now for 81.2.5 Smith's. Wo-wtill loud the tr&do for olathiug and flits' furnitihin^B, M. J. Wigld & Co, Tho Maidutono dramatic club will opou ,tho now cntortiiinment hull at Maidstohu [JroHH, on May 'Jfitb, with a druma'entitled, iShamrook and Rorao," Contractor Wort- \i oxpootti to liavo tho now hull oom- litod by that date. jiluoh rofjrnt iu oxprcftruid at tho mtondod fnoval of Mr. and Mrn. T. H. DuCow to n lJaQitio coaot,' Mr. 'Di/Juw ban pur- fasod a lur^u naw-rnil] in Wan.hin^tou pato whioh, together with hisi larjjo tirn- [or.tracta, will require hm prcnouco, Em ion, W. M. DeCuw, and Juh, JohiiHton will eontiuuo to look aftor interoetu liuro. Prof. Mounted* who lived at Ehhox ogv- *iml yearn a^o, died recently under dis- treHHi'njf oircumntancoa in Toronto, Hin children woro;attacked with diphtheria.[[A ehrmtian noioneo healer wan culled, and tho children all diod without tho attend ance of a qualified practitioner. Monnteor next contracted tho disoaHo and titill ro- Hod ou the faith hoalor, with tho result that bo, too, uhortly diod, Tho uutboriticH aro iuvootifjatm^, Mounteor wan u pro. feasor of elocution and ban rolutivou in Ettaai town: His wife waa a daughter of Rov. N. J3. and 31ra. Scott, hero. If yon want up to dato straw bats u,o to ' Whituoy'H, fcaoo tho Hhoeo iu Siaitli'n window, tha qboapont in Khbox. ." Excelnior egx preaorvor, keopH e^n equal 1(jM to froah laid for 12 montbtt, M. J. Wiglu ^Co Agont. fV. -Ml iHUop G. Lennox, late of Illinois, wbero Mha.B boon binbop 12 yoaru, in j'unt clOHin^ *"ry Buccosfifal' florioH of ovan^olistio riin(jn amonc' tho colorod pooploof And- |ofp und Colchootor North. FJo was fjiially uuooofltiful in convortmjj larj^e iffluRlbaic* o-t A.idordon villa^o and Now ;'<-jflima,un. Ho will looturo to tho people of (',vpjttj^ttn on VVoduenday eyonmg next, ,iti """'^ rouoh ou Sunday at Marbla. village, half of tho oolorod K. of i*. Lodge, f^iioh ho hufl received .r ohartor and litilled a Grand Lodyo, tho first for da in Andordouj,/H haa beon omiri- ful UQ a#iovant;o)ifit in Uliuoia. or a looturo on *'Tho Man" iu Pock'B hall on Thursday evening next in this placo. . A Horiouo explonion took place in tho difltillory boiler' room at Walltervillo on [\:, Buuday afternoon, but whilo connidorablo $ dftniuiio waa dono, Ioho of lifo wan fortun- ^r ately avortod. David Oroua liad ^oua down v- to li^bt tho natural ao uudertho boilorn $;' ' and in ho doin had noglootod the noutil fa", precaution in rofjnrd to potmihlo loakn. It. CTho upaoo under tho boilorn must havo % ' boon full of oHoa'pinfji^au, for on the ap- k' plication of tho litrht thero was a loud ox * ' plbHiou followed by a fall ot brickwork. r-Iti wan tiolout onooKb to blowout part of ! the roar wall aud do othor damatjo, and (^ ' .Mr. Crofio wati found partly buriod in the ; debriH, acveroly but not dangoroimly hurt- ;.-, 0e had novoral had onto on bin .head and nook and waft somowhat bruined in bin 'y: .body- The durante-waa ropairod in a fqw ': Be fluro aud attend Whitncy'a reat bat ,y.'i; ^i iMfina* yuita olofcbca rotjular 96.00 for $2.90, G. J3. Smith (tOo. . tiaing Bron. make eoroon doom and '%.yrinilovrB that will lantyour lifetime. Ordor 'ffijapw before the ilion oorao. Hate, htta, hatn. still auobhr oomiinn It- fc' A largo namber ot Eaqex people attend ed a Hooial ({ivuii by tbo Baptiei LudleR* Aid, at tho home of Hcimuol Elli, Jr., on iltonday in^Iit. The maniL^fmeiit of tho I'ublia Library rcguoHfc that all outhtandlng booko mid JDHga^inofl 1' mtnrnod this woek. Thoy Hhould bo in.before May Int. Tko Owahuo. Daily Amorioati nayu: Ijittlo Vlosulo Boott, daujjktor of Dr. A, B. Boott, is Vory 111 with in Hum at ion of tho ltm^a. Doputy lioeiiHti iiiBpoator G. W. OoatH- wortb aud the Board of liuonaa oonimin- Bioimra niur, at Xinu'ot an Tuonday for tho purjDOUa of oonnidoriiif the applioationn for lloenuou for tbo yuur ooininonuing May Int. The thron hutoln iu Kuuox wero ^rantd liooimo an Uimal, Thou. Malone hiiind granted a irauufor for tbn American Iiouho, Our new Htool cioroon wire for door and window uoroonu dooii not Hiig wlion proni(id. Lain^ J3roa. Ladiemmd ^ontii' water-proof coata nt npooia] pricofi, ready mudu. Wo make to ordor, G. 1$. Himth & Co. ShotiM, Khotiu, yhooH, ntill thny come, nic, now iityliHh, ^ood valuow, M.J. Wiglo &. Co. Amontf tho aniondnientH to the Annoflu niont nut which wuro puHwod at thin rieuriion of tho LoiiiHiiiturii, iu ono providing that tho i;oodH of a toiiant cannot boleviod upon for taxoii, and where tbo taxoo aro duo and tho tenant in not liable to pay tho Httmo tho oollootor may t;ivu tho tenant notica in nrritin|r requiring hiiu-to pay tho rank aa it beoomeu duo, to tiio amount of tho taxe duo and unpaid. Our v('n"g friend ./. M. .Short in re ceiving tlm oouj>ratulationu of bin many Khhox fritindii on having Huccoimfully com pleted bin ^raduatiu^ courao at tho De troit C#lIo(io of Medicine. Mr. Bbort purpoiio locating at White Uiroh, Minn., for tho pntotioe of bin profounion. ")oo" will be onpeoially minHQil iu football and otlior nportin/^ circien, whoro ho wan an eutbuniant. Ho hau tho bunt wiahoa of the 1"jihk PriKiio for huccohh iu bin praotioo, A vory lar^o orowd of poopjo turned out Monday to tho f unoral HorvicoH of the late departed M. W. WjrIq, of JCm|>villo. Borvicoii Were bold at thu houuo and. woro conducted by Hov. Mattliow. DooeaHod, partly owiu^ to hin manufacture , of pure yrapo wiuou, wan well known all over tho county. Tbo only four brothorn nurvivin^ woro at bin fuuoral, namely, Leonard of South Gontiold, Simon of Colchentor, Jaaob ol KiugaviUo, and Theodore of Goalield South. TliOhG four uro tho lant of that branch of tbofamily of old U.E. Loyabotu. Mm. Wijjlo, who in vory low, wan not ad- viood of tbo death of her hunband till the morning of tho funeral. A duu^htor, Mm. Harrio, in at the ]:ouho vory low alao, Mr, WilQ dioj univernally ronpootod, Ladiofl, capon Sl.,10 each, at Bmith'n. If you want (^ood wall paper uboap, go to Whituoy'u prico from 3o a roll up to 50o. Fancy linen Hummer /oodo regular prico 25 coutB now 16 centy, at Smith'n- OF COURSE YOU WILL RIDE The Best Wheel IF SO, IT WILL BE THE Hyslop With Automalio Bi'alco and otlior improvement!), not on any othor whool. Wo havo 'a lino ot 10 variotioti of \v1ioo1h at pricoa ranging from iji'17.fi0 to 100 and can irnvo you from, $10 to $1fi in tho prico of a whool. Compare our lino with thoso of any othor doalor. Call in and hiBpoot our Htoolc or Bond for catalogue. Ah wo control Mr. Simon's rink, our patrons havo froti inut'ruotiion and practice tlioroin. All wlioolw flold hy ub aro fitted with tho celebrated Morgan & Wright quisle repair tiron. W. & SON0 u, Essex. THRKK PLEADED GUILTY, Mortri. titiiHtei* k'hliilitH und Fttrrbr Ad- uilt tU.it Ibey Wrru CulUy or Tii'ii4oti 111 fh TrtlttiVHfil. Prptorin.; April 34. CoJ.Ilbodojj, IJon- el PhilllpM and George Farrar, mom- bi-ra of tile . JoliaiuwiiiburK itoL'nnrj Committee, who were arretted Ii> Jo- bar.iii.:;biirruAfid brou;-,bt l:r;i- for trial, havo pleiunW guilty .of tr,.;i.on under the- (Inst CMiriL o' tlwj" Inaieirnciu ilJiiLlllHt Lilt- li). Tin: utlicr ni'.iiib'Ts tit ihfi oornmlttoo Jointly lruilcLod with Jtbodi-u, JMiilllpa and Farrar pleaded trullty of R-.'io run- J<-.sto, but without buritile iiUunt a walnut tliF. indepoiitj^iiCt' of tho Tr;ius- v.'u'il rcjtubllo. Tin? ra.se wan adjourn ed uhtij JthodeM, I'^anar and J'nillipH can prepare and band in written pleafi, when the priyojitjro will be tien- tenccMl. London, April a-!. Tho Tiru'ti will to morrow ])ublinb a dusiKituh from 1'ro- tcrla- naytiiy that the prnaucutlon wltli- drow all 11 io counts of the indlctmentrr exeept tlioso to which tbn defendants pleaded Kullty. M*. ?ara Hammond-anl Curtia, who aro slult and who wore re- Ii?a.sod on bail, wore not present at .thu procecdlnprii. It ls.expoct"d that thi.-y will attend Monday. The de- j.atcli add:-; tbaL the prosecution w eor.dunted. hi a fairly disii.iiuilonate iiiannoi' nd that no vindictive feolinc; wan aupat'ont. It ia underblood that the df.-fV-ndantfi woa*c- a.otiiateil hy co- jrent reasons in pleudlntr guilty and that tbuni* reaHona will .be published hi.urUu. Now linoa of wall paper for 18i)(i at May'ii Bazar. Prioen awav down. J. W. GibHou Iiuh a oouplo of una in oocoud band wheola. ^tdts. (Suite. OUR SPRING STOCKS In now oomploto and no hotter appoint* mnnC in tho county. Scotch Tweed Suits, Canadian Tweed Suits, Fancy and Black Worsted Suits, Alado^to ordor at J. K, -gfltftfl South Wooslee. Card of Thanks filro. Wothurly doairob through tho Fhkb Pki^hh to hiuooroly thank thoHo pooplo of Kunex and vicinity who fibowod hcrutill und family auoh kmdnoaa and wympathy during tho illnom and at tbo doatb of hor dovotod hunband, tho lato Thomao Woth- arly. Tboir kind actH will over bo ap preciated and romoraborod. Bauaw WKTinSItLY. Kbhux, April 20, 181*0. f rut I hi; tin- i:fIhii*iMj' (if n MiMormuii. .Many .si n-ta im: lwny cuinpauii.'s are alive- to tli faot, that ihu muiurman is oin; nf t In; most im port an! factors in i.ln; .-.i i-im'I. our Borvioe, ami rowurds of various kinds are now biiin^ oilV-rL'd to liiuturiiiuii who havo run tludr cars on Kcdiodule fcjr a certain lonRth of time without an accidont. - An other point from whioh tho railway com panies nro approaching tho question of tho ideal niotornian ia tho mutter of economy in tho consumption of the motive power of the car. . It. in a well-known fact that two motormeu can tnlco bbo mimo equipment over tbo hudio routs in tho same timo and yet nan vastly diffbrcnt umountri of power. This su^c*!kls a rifioroiiB raathomatioal motliod of fixing the vuluo of umotorninn. All tliat Is iiBceasary \h to let him run a ear, loaded up to standard woi^ht, ovor a giveu track in an exact prearranged time, maklnc n dotinito nurabor of iatormedlato Ktoppuices. An electric meter in the car would aivo tho motorman's /lgurea.of mer it, which would, of courflo, bu the reci procal of the number recorded by thi motor. This reciprocal should bo indicate fld on his cortifioato, and his wajroft miflht ba rcoculatod accordluuly. Corn XMuntorH for 1800. The tiudorsiKned iloBiros to announco to tho public that ho has a number of now corn ploutern, latent modolo, for huIg on eauy terrnn. AIho poraonH having old plant? out of repair aro requested to bring thorn in as oarly au posaiblij to avoid tho ubhiiI ooaHon's rush. F. ROBINSON, Opp. Dr. MoKouzio'a, KHfit-x. NKW-ADVERTISEMENTS. FOR SALE. A N AGED THOROUOnmtFiD POLAND China Hour cheap. Apply to M. BA11UKTT, Gcnto. TO RENT. ACOSIFOKTAULR BltlCK IU3Bn>EMOB TO rent coutiiinlneiiovon rooinn, for further liartitiularfl ainily to, K. A. WIBHEB, BREED PLYMOUTH ROOKS: I?A.ItRri'lTtH, NOW IB THH TIMR TO GET your orrh for butubing. _fJot tho bunt Har- roil Plymouth Rooko. Amoncnn ittralu, only 81.00 por Hotting. W. n. EDGAIt, April 22, 1800. Kfiijox. Fresh Bread In what you oan rely on getting whon you buy from us. Our wa^on gooB to all. partn of tho town. Buns, Cakes and Pastries, Yuu cant find nicer, fresher, or nwoot- er in tho country. AU kindti of Fancy Caitofi aiid'.Jullv- Holly. Fresh Taffy and Gaudies evory day. Wo soil.nothing sfcqloor dry. Leave Your Order and you oau rbiy on prompt do- livory. FRANK FOSS. Opposite Buok A Franclu, Euuox. May's Bazaar Stocked ! n We must reduce our Stock of Tteadyv made CIzOTHIN'Cr during the next 30 days. Having too large a Stock fop- ur limited space means a loss to us. Our Loss is Your Gain. MEN'S GOOD SERGE SUITS reduced from gs.OO to $8.00 all .-.izon i'rora Mi to 12 ; nil-wool Twood Snita, rognlar prico $ft- now ip--l.fili nowSll.OO $H and |gf) lino for fi.oO ; , 13, $M aud i?l,t Special Iiiues for Yottng Men at PricotJ thak nuifc tho times. In Children's and Boys' Lines We have a Grand A.s3ortinent ; wo can #ivc (ino suita for 7Sots, l?l, J?1.2r>, .'511.50 and 2. A Job Lot of 50 Suiis at half prico a sample Jot and line all-wool goods. $2.50 lino for J=J).25; $.T line for $1.50 ; $-1 lino for $2 ; 5 lino for ?.G0. You should seo thom, thoy aretheanap of tho soaeoti Highest Price Paid for all Kinds of Produce. down TOE ALL KINDS OF Window Blinds away Chinaware, Bric-a-Brac, Fancy Goods, Novelties, Books and Stationery, School Supplies, Toy a of allkinda, Berlin Wools and Fingering -Yarnp, New Stock of late Wall Paper, Will You Ride THIS SEASON? CO. Whitney Block, Essex. BARN i lllli *.'!///*-... r >-.-:. i"'I-'J :-,i-^wj;,:v. STRA YED. F Itolll :t Vll|. v^'t* ..r V' ft// T> UOM MY,.PItEMI8KS. LOT 2(1, CON. 7, Mafdfaono, on tlio nlntit of Ruturdny April 18, '00, ono brown niaro, llvo yeuni old, lioavy ftm'loelc, nllm lo(jn, lmlf lilood bruil, with now haltor on,, Any information Imulinn to hor ruenvory will bo miltably rownvilutl. JOHN AI. HALL. April 21, lfiOii. 17 3-1.. Eiifltjjt. P. O. WANTED. Truatworthy njon nud womou to atlvoouto a poi)ulnr oauno ut homo, $-10.00 to SCO.OO monthly, to Piiltablo jierponB. Addreim, Drawor^O, Bruntford, Out* ADVERTISING TENDERS. QEAL-KD PKOPOSAL8 FOJl THH rillVlL- Ot'co of iidvortifiiiu: on too ntroot watorliia tauJc of tlio Town ol Bikiox for tlio tioiuion or lii'Mi, will bo roeoiyoi! hy tho unUovriifinod up to liio'olook, noon ot Baturdiiy, Mity G, IHflfl, Tho higbofit'or any prop on nl not notioiiaiirily acenptod ~ " " ' "~~" ^~~ W. D. BEAMAM, Kiihox, April ttft, 1H0U. ,.. 17H-1, :>v you ment, Uteitt Btylea, bt valucH, M. J, Johnny Mr. Smith did I hear ink for a lo'clc ~6t HlHtor'n hair? Mr. Smith Johnny Woll. If yo irlmmo a nlohel V}1 trot yo a lian'fuL I know whoro sh# (COOpS It I ** NOTICE, A COURT OF KEVIRION WILL BK HKLD In I'ook'n Hull, at 8 o'olooU ji. nf.Jon Tudb* day.. Way fi '00, toy tho hoarlnK and trial of ap- ])ba!n uKalnnt tlio front am1 mcnmiromcintH, or any jiart ot Jly law No. !3il, for tho conntruotion o(a nldowulUoutho woefc ildoof Viotoyiantroot, /rom anil InolmliMB blook 11 to tlio uoutharly limit ol lot 51, plan lai. and on tho uoutli aldo of KuhboII et. from Victoria at- to Oontro nt., and on tho oant sldo of. Victoria at, from tho northorly lino of lot (W, plan 2!)ir to AHco ut and on tho uoutli aldo of Alloo at,, txom Vlotorlmt. to lot 'AU, plmi Ktl. Also for tho lioarinif and trial of appoala afiahiBt tho frontaKfl moaatiro- inontB, or auy imrt of Uy-law No, 243, (or tho ooufltnioUou ol a nldo^alk on tho oant dido of Laird avouuo, from Talbot ut, .to Allot* et,, nud on tho nortli sldn of Alice ot. from Laird avontio to Hot* Avouuo. Notloo of auoh a^poal to be Borvod upon tho Town OlorU at least ono <|ay boforo tho BlttluR of B&ld oourt, ' ' ' J. WAJtiT^MS, 17 2-1. Clerk. If You do, Ride the Best. MV.UST: jcCm^ of SoorciicJX'S- Throa Special Hitjli Gradou. (Ladioa'and Goutu') Eb^Iihh make?. Hi(h Grudo, Boadofcor. ]2iif*IiHb malte. J^&tyKJtfxOXcL* ....... High Urado BoadBtoif. (Ladioo! and Gontn') Ameiioau raalfo, I am proud of thin lint. Tho JSngHoh VCIicoIh aro tho boat in tho world. Any houaat man. who Uuowa miytbinff about wIiooIb will toll jou that. THE OHAWFOttD ia oqual to any whool of any other raanufacturo olforad for huIo anywhoro. GET MY PMCES BEPOHB YOU JDY. 13very whool fully j>u&rautod by tha maker. If you intend putting in your barn a HAY GAR and FORK, OR A SET SllNGS, We have tile correct thing, and will make prices right. Gome and see us. It Will Pay You X*. (Kre Preaa Office) ESSEX. W.H. /y I: ., . te; ImMMiMtil^^ HARDWARE, Essex.

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