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Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), May 1, 1896, p. 4

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THE ESSEif FREE TRSSB hV jljl.. JUL. i^C9ni & Co. Apricots, Peaches, Apples, And all kinda of Driod Fruita frosh from . the driers, AIho Baisins, Currants, Prunes, Mg-s, Of the very best quality and at lowest prices, DON'T FORGET our 25c Tea, it is the best in town A, H. SCARFF <fc Co. GQOBS IDEtjXVESiEr) PROMPTLY- . The Essex Free Press. FRIDAY, MAY1, 1800. ___* rg Rj\E5F0NPENCE -^t- ' A "Dcsul licat" lAat. Editgii I'uhk Pnuaa. It i h tmiu that tiic .bunmoiiH men of Uuh town orgumxod for mutual proteotion againnt u cIuhij of people who hvo by not paying thoir dubtu. It in (iiirprinnifc to whut un extent thiu evil oxitito in EsHtoc, whut a lur^o amount is lout yearly through it, and how. easily tbo Hchninors ovarto puymont of thoir no oountu aud defraud 'tnorchnntn, butuhtHft, baltera, landlords, milkmen, doctoru not for^otting tbo poor printer and evury ono olno they havo dottliHfi" with. A bliiolt lint of "Dead Boalu" haa boon tried in many platen and found to work. well. It Htopw thoir orodit at ouco, and hy forcing Bomo to -buootnc houeot nnd driving uthoni out of town, muktiH the placu nafor to do .bUHiuonwin. A. oortitiu tunouxib of credit in necoHHary, but that ib no reason for allowing those who ara unwilling or nnablo to pay, to *'tun their face" until thoir worthier miDiQs aro on the .booku of nearly every bUHinosB man in town. By all moans lot uh havo a protective awHocittticn iu Eaaex. ClTI/.KX. .Ebhcx, April >$, 18!M, mofitly of ftteel with a few iron eimtingH. It in 120 feet iieroHti and a *,rii!o over 01J fcot in oireumfenmcu and make] uorno** thin^ overthrao revolution*! per minute, rirfiiH and thrown out water at the rate of 135 bbK per imnutn. The nmrnh aftor ail rlie water bun been pumpud out will all bu tileil and wo arranged that in a dry HiMinnii water oan bn pumped into tho ditL-hen ami allowed to piuiH up tho tile anti irnyate the entire plot after whiah it 'can U: pumped off ii(!iii]] into Cudiir Creek. Tho reclaimed land will bo pluntnd thin Moaflou with corn and potatooH, and next noiiHon several tbounand blnokhomon will bo planted. Wo tnidorntuiid tho ownorH of tho reohumed land uro Dr. S, A. Kino;, Dariun Wi^le and C. J. Gieou. Tlio land iH tntuaUd only a few foot from tho nboro of Lmco Erie, and north of this ntnp of lotn owned by several people of Ehhox town. FOR THE CAMPAIGN. Lint or Returning Officers for tho Coming Fltfht Public Library, Public School Iteiiort. The annual mt'otiiiK of tho members of tho Public Library will be held in the roaming rooua next Monday evoiiinu, May Ith, at 8:15 o'clock, for tho purnono of re- uuivuiK the annual report ot the Hoard1 of .Uauu^emgnt. The election of oflicera, Hale of period icals, aud other necoHHary buoi'mms will b* tranniioted. The Hoardof AI^u1i*ftnTLeiiJt!.ivre..deaii:ouB of laayiud a very, full attendance of tlio ra-smbore. Sr.-lib, marks tfivon 100: E Naylorflu B EUiRon 08, J Dewar li-I M Millar Gl, L Eoho 59, A Laing 5K. Last week II Fullor-58, i Sr. 3rd and Jr. -Jth : B Hannou GO, F Griffiths, MGriflith 7, II Roue 55, E Wifilo .>!, H Gartlnor 52, F Stacoy 52. llihii Anchiaon'H room, muritu poHaibltV 50, thohu who obtained oO'/o, in interiuodiati: nnd Jr. Heconi oIrbm : T Lapoiut i'.), I) Wigbtman -19, A Coroy H'J, JS DeCew 38, Btaooy 37, M Dolmoro 30, J Eoetham 26, N IVillshor 27, M Baugliraau 25, C Viokem Kr< 2udolaijH: W Burton 10. J Walter 40, D JTaul 40, A Wightraan li-l, W Wayior 29, L Allan 26. MiHB EEaU'R reom, marks poamblo 25,iob. tained by liiRh.-at ton: N Wigbtrnan 23, W "Wijilo 23, V Munroo ^2, S Brown 23, S Green 22, J ltobinaon 20, J Wolfe 20, B DoromaulS.J Wortlay 18, W WiUon 17, Miho Sbaw'a room, Jr. part oeaoud oIuqb, jnarkx poRiiblo 50, obtamod by higiient ton: G JTornyth 4'.), A Groen 48, E , Gardner 48, P Boaman 4fi, B Elford 45, 11 A Htono 43, GJ^eojll^jp; ;QlivorjL,*i8, W Sloto 38, W lthyndreoH 37.' MiBB- Willlam'ti room, Jr. 3rd olanu, marku powHiblo 75, nauaufl of thoao who obtained ovor50%aro; B-IIioko 07, M Thoruton 0'J, J MoCliutio Gf>, Dora Tazssuman C3, E Johnson (50, M Batten 69, B Hioke 58, E Staooy 58, B Alexander 57, E Wilson 57, G Footham 56, B floaro 55, G Groan 54, C S'loann 54. W Fito 54, E Ellnworth 54, U Gormley 58, A Wymau 42, M PhillipH 10, IVt Boeraan 40. Honor Koll. . The followint; in the report of S, S. No, 11, GoHUeld North for tho month of April' Namcft are arranged in order of merit. Sr. 1th :-G Frauor, S Milieu, J Moo, J Jackson, K Newman, W fiofjorn, L Smith, FiSmith, li Spoechloy. Hr. 3rd :~E Brady, E Ooborna, N Gauimuii,' L OHborne, R Moo, E MnKiuuon, M Moo, M Vance, M JoikjB, L MoAfoe, J Biuiinter, II Paraona, A Newman. Jr\ 3n( : S Hohb, S Gummou. . Second :~U Buohuor, L MoCloukey, A Swoazoy, M Wa^ott, A Baninter. M Oh- borne. .Gko. LI. Jollkt, teacher. EICIITY-tlGHT SOLID CITIZENS uho M'lll V.iiffftu***1 m ntrntlotf* lu tUm ItlilVrnnt 4tt4ltnnrtr* of OliUrl* UNtl bruw TtK^rrfo*- u Knmll Hum of C*o<l <'n*i- Ottnwa, Aprtl 34. Th ro- tuinliiK olMei'i'rt kn Uii! uuniiu: wenurul -lfction, have bf*n appoliiteil for the ' 'htarlo corntiitrnMielo:; as l'o!li>v.:v. AUdlni;toH, W. O. WIIHon, Naianc. Al;'.onia, Hurry Ijunini*-r, fcJault Mt. Mario. Ih.thwoll, William Whitehead, Wal- l;i.ceburii. lii-unt, S.,' Hmrli McKay WllMon, I'.rnntford. KrocUvllle, JJavld MaiiHtdl. liruclcvlHe. liruee, N.. Aleic A. Belcher, South- umplon. ' , iiruce. W.. IJuith Morrl.'ion. Luclt- IKUV. Kruc", ] :., John Cllne. Wulkurlon. Canlwidl, John IlncUi'tl, Il^cklcy. CirU-ton <;<-oi'K'- liiiycu, Merrlvale. Uuriiwall 'ami y.. Fiulay MeNuutfh- toii, South I'Mneh. I)LiinlaH, WlllKLiu Kulth. Wlneho^ter. Uurhiim, K., Ueortfu C. Ward, Port llojte. Ijui-ham,. W., Frank H. Masion, Bow- niauville. MlKln. K., Itobort aftiCuHy, St. Tho mas i^irfn, \V. B. W. WllHon, Illdijutown. 1-^Hi-x, S.'p W. A. Gr.-nville, Kln^a- vlUe. J^shox, N., JamcH Templeton, Wind- BUT. l.-'roiitenac, J. K Walkem, Kln;;titon. ' ;iL-njjarry, William Mcpherson, Jja-n- ca;-;tei'. Urenville, S., James Cairns, Prescott. Grey. H., \V. II. Mockler. UurUam, Grey, 33., II. A. ILockey, Sholbume. Grey, N., John Cliiaholm, Owen Sound. r Mn.lton William Clementa, Milton. Hamilton, George II. Mills, Hamil ton. l-Iastlnffs, ,W., Ilutrh Walker, Belle- vine. IJiisilnBH, K.. John Stokes, Tljomaa- burir. HjustinsH. N., Vyilmot Vandcrwort, Urellnum'H Cornora. Huron, W., Capt. A. M. Todd, Clin ton. Huron, E.( William Cloffir, Winffham. Huron, K., Georjvo i*^. Jackoon, Jiff- niondville. Kifiit, Warren Lambert, Chatham. ' KliiKston, J. T. AIcMabon, Kingston. bambton, K., Murdo Mcl/ay, Wat ford. HauiMon, W., JarneH B. Moore, Bar-, n!a. J-dtnurk, N., Jolui Ar^ue, Carp. Euiiurk, P., "01.01';;. Connltt, Pertli., Lairds and Gienville, John FursuHon, " Walford. Leeds, S., Jo'filiua Lep^e, Gananoqu^. . Lennox:, Thomas Porland-I'ruyn. Na- panoL-. ___LUicaln_and...Niacaj^v William Car roll St. Catharines. London, Franklin Wrlffht, 727 Wa terloo street, Tvondon. Middlesex, E., Thomiuj E. Robson, London. MUldlosex, N., Harry Eilbcr, Credl- ton. Middlesex, W., Stephen Bln^kburn, Gleneoe. Mldcllcnex, S., Thomas Pierce, Mount liryduo.H. Muskoka and P. v, Jonoph Walker, Spruc^dale. Niplasine, J. Adrian Levia, Sturgoon Falls. Norfolk, S., John Phllan, Walalnp- hum Centre. Norfolk, N., Roj^er Chrysler, Delhi. Northumberland, W., Thomas Pat terson, Grafton. Northumberland, E., A. M* I-Iamll- ton, Warkworth, MarNh LaiuK Ke-claimoa. A. yory fdw of tho pooplo of EiiBoxjcounty ar* fiwara of tho Kigantio ontorpriae of draining Codar 'Iroek waaruh or Piko marith ad it i*7 culled, whioh wuh undertaken by a KiuKavilln B.vndioato with Dariua;|Wi^lo of Goafield South ut tbo hoad Unt Hutnmor flud which in now oomplotod, tboroby re. olaiming five or six.hundred aoroa of ood laud. DuriiiK tho oxooptionally dry Beaaon last Huramot a oahal wttH mado, embank- menty thrown up, oto., aud a fow weoka %i>,o tlio litre,ii pump was put to work aud hanproTod er|ual to tho fiuek rquirod|of it. , Th& pump in of Mr. Witflo'H owh dosiRn. yj. He rnado tbo patiornn tyt ito dif ferent purte and ouporintendod its con- etmotion iiud pinoemonb. Tbo putnp and 'fpiLtlnu wifh 0,400 pounds and taj^raado Why do judKQ3 of good chewing Tobacco inhiHt on nutting (jenuino BE AVE It pluj, It ban ho er|Uiil. lti.4iiHO cheap itnitationH, Shirt waists and wrappers, bandHorac tbiu^n at aimixni^ly low pricou nt Mr a. May'n. Special Hnapn for Saturday and Monday at Smith'H, ^et ono of thnoo IjiIIh. Tho Satuiday anap;i at Smitho in f^roeeritiH, Havoa you iii per oeut. Head Hraith'H ad. Heavy working BbirtH, 25 cents each at Smith'H. Bicyelo Hhoea, HweatorH and Htockin^H, no out-lit comploto without theno, ohoap at Smitli'ri, l UK LISMA'SH lUK STAFF. Tln-ri- .Hi-mi,, ut hi*' (oi.nlUri'jUHc .lenlonsj In Uh' 1,4. \ii\y. AVa^hhiMton, April 2I.-AH a result of Lin- nUray ye.sterday b.-Mween Con gi'.^rnen Hal] and Money, Secretary HerbLTi will talc- some action with n-Kard to th<; bitter feud bctweon the line and tin- Htaif of the navy, which was tli., primary c:;uino of the conflict In tin- Naval Ali'aira ConimiLUa; room. Uie hitteriiuss of tbo two faction.s has bt.en mrreasintr until it la now a; te\,-r heat and the mure eoiiHt_-rvatlvo men who take an Interest lu tbe mat ter bediuve that the service bs Vwdns injured and that vigorous action Is ueeeHwary on tho pa.rt of the Kt;cr~ tary to brine" about better relations between naval olllcers. The- hills be fore Conjrreas glvlnf actual rank to the members of tho Engineer Corpy form tho basis for tho pre-sent tensity of feuHiiff. luubbylnf? has been finely Indulged In for and against the meas ures and social and political iufluenco haa been brought to bear on every member of Congress. The line ollleers aro determined that tbo staff sliull not flocuro actual rank and have formed an association for the purpose of light ing the moaauros proposing uuch an arrangement. Tbo.- Cabinet, it Ju understood, du>- cutiflod the matter at Its meeting1 to day and action may bo looked for by thjo Navy T>t!i*irUiu*nL It 1 not un likely that cbircea will be xureferrod if tho matter goea much further. Some time ae"o .tbc ubiot waa tylven con- Bideration with a vUsw to Btopplnc the Kiowlmj tjimlty between the two branched of the ft*rvlc*. but no dfeftnlb* action was- takn. Ontario, N.; Thomas Taylor, Can- nlncton. Ontario, S., John Burns, W'hltby. Ontario, W., Charles Kelly, Uxbrldffe, Ottawa, John Sweetland, 'Ottawa. Oxford, N., J. II. NoIIoh, Woodstook. Oxford, S., Michael Wnlah, Ing-ersoll. Peel, George Prnddy, Brampton. Perth, N., John Itonnewh'S, Dublin. Perth, S., Wm. Graham, St. Mary's. I'eierboro, W., Robert A. Morrow, IVieiboro. ivtorboro, E,, Barnard M^orrow, Pc- fM-boro. Prescott, E. A. Johnnon, TVOrlgnal, Prince Edward, Jas. Gibson, Cherry Valley. Tlonfrew, N., Iionry W. Pcrrott, Pombroke. -.. Itr-nfrew, S., George Eady, Itonfrew. RubhoII, W. H, Iiowrle, Ttussell. Simcoe, N., Llewellyn Oliver, liarrle. '9inicoe, S., John W. Morrla, Cooka- town. ' Sinicoe E., Frederick Webber, Orillla. Toronto, C, Richard John Score-, To ronto. Toronto, E., John Wilson, 3S-1 On tario-street,. Toronto. Toronto, W., Col. John I. Davidson, Toronto. Victoria, S., Edmund D. Orde, Lind say. Victoria, N\, Samuel Suddaby, Burnt River. V Waterloo, N Valentine Otterbaln, Heid-dberg. Waterloo, S.,vA. J. Brewster, Hea- polor. Welland, Herbert G. Macklern, Chip- pawa. Wentworth and Rrant, N., Robert ti, Hamilton. Brantford. Wentworth, S., Charles D. Potto, Hamilton. Wellington, C, Tly. Welssler, Rlorn. WelllnRton, N:, William Clarice. Ar thur. Wellington, S., John Newstead. Guolph. York, N., Robert John Barry, Brad ford. York, E., Alexander Balrd, Scarboro York,. W Roland B. Orr", Toronto, HOUSE-CLEANIN IS SUGGESTED By tho warm weather of tho pant low dayn; arid the chance** uro that when you are in th midm of thia moafc avduouH undertaking, you will discover tliafc you need J^ Ne"W Carpet * noplace one that Iiiih become to tender for further service. We have a. very nice aHPortrnont, all this Spring's goodn, ni tiie newent jntternB and coloringH, and the prices are about fiftoon per cent lower than usual. Lace Curtains May also need replacing, and it may interest you to know that in this line we are Hhowing excellent values in nice now patterns ranging in price from ?>5 cents to $4 00 per pair; see thorn. Wo are introducing several new lines of premiums, All Free When your canh purchases amount to from twenty five tc forty dolhirH; these are clegarr goods. Other linen of spring goods iire complete, and we invite all close buyers to call ani see uh, - . . j " Yours for Bargains, 3DtriraTja.iT bslook:,, esses- Pressing Time with ns. Soon time will be Pressing You For a new SPIUNU SUIT. Why not order uo\v. Tbo uprintf Htock in m, Now York fuflliionn too, and you will t;ct better work now boforo tho ruHh ih on for spring. DEWAR. THE TAILOR, DTJNSTAN BLOCK, ESSEX, Know What You Chew SPECIAL .:.... SALE OF SPBiG DRY Clothing, Boots and Shoefl,. Hats and Caps, and Groc eries. Dress Goods, Black Lustres', Henriettas, Whip Gord. Fancy Lustres at very low prices. Ladien' Gloves, Mitts, Hosery at very low- prices, to start at 5c a pair. Dress Trimmings, we carry the newett designs at very low prices Call and see before buying. Mens' Hats nt 18c c-ieh. Clothing we carry the finest line in the west, and price* below all, a good suit for Boys at $2.00, $^ 50, $3.00, to $6.00. .. Mens' as low as 83,50 a suit. Halifax Tweeds at $5.00 worth $7.00. Boots and Shoes at very low prices. Ordered clothing, new spring goods af $12,50, $15, $17, all worth 25 per cent.more. is free from the Ih|uHoub coloring. The more you use of It the bcttci you like It. H* GlEO. K. TUCKETT & EOM CO., LTD HAMILTON, ONT. Are fresh, and at lowest prices. Gall and see'before purchasing. S> ESSEX J Hi Vance's Old Stand. X dXiv>rJLk>j Essex. A Mkl'u*'* miii Oul.i Vouuis-Unii Olinr^ed Willi u Korluiu Off*new. Harry F.meB, tlio 20-year-old won of Or. S, 1^. Ernes of thia town, was armited tbia morning by Chluf ot! Police Touni?, chajeod with performing tho Illegal j3pcra.t!on on Mlnnlo Minchen of Glan- ford, Ont., at hit* father'& house and cnualnK her death on or about the 11th mat. Tho young man will "have a hearing before Police Mnfirlatraxo- lioeran at 11 o'clock to-morrow mornlni;, when it is expected uorno Btartllncr revelations will talte place, 'It will bo remumbored, the Goronor'B jury hrouffht In a ver dict from the evklenco tondored that tut? prlrl wot hor death by aa\ Illegal operation being performed by other than heraelf. and such person or' pei-- Bons Iwilng unknown to tho Jury, null la. refUBed, Medical Hall! Hoadqiuircflro tor School BooIih, School Snnphea, Note- PapQr,I3nvolopoa, Inke, Writing Tabletu and offioo Stationery. DISPENSING !aH.D FAMILY DBUGOIST. .Mayor Karirur, Mr. Goo. H, Burjtir, Poa^nncor attd Mayor of Wellavul, Ont., aya: "From ox- pa noaoeiu my own family I cannot_npeak too hiyhly of Static'oPowdora an a plouuant, immodiato and porraantmb cure for Hoad- ncha, Nouralgii, BiliousnOBtj tuid Tjiver troubles. X am also awaro of Bovoral Beyoro GB.HOH in our own town and neighborhood whioli havo been onrod by thorn aftor tbo pationttt had HufUred for youm, bad tried all kimln of ro medio and hud been trtmUd by.dnotem. Geo, H. Buhliah. Two prapuvationH in oaak box; nioD to Uko. Sold by all raedioiti'^ dualorn ab 2Go u bor. fi boxea 81. fllaroh 30. E. WIGrLE; The Gash Grocer, Gonieciioner and Baker. ^ 1 B*y your bioyolofi from n dealer who knowHWhat ho ia Rflllliiii vou, J. W. Gib- uon haw wheels at $75, equal to moat biuy- oUa aold at $100. ' EI E peoplo of tho Town of Ebhox and HurrouudiuR country havo long felt tho want of a phico whore thoy could (jo and ptiroluuio what thoy roquiro oh a oIoho, daab baniH, without bcinfj oompollod to pay higher pricon to raalto up for tho Iohuoh mado in the credit ayntorn. Cull and bbo our goodo, whioh uro alwaya of tho oest (luality, and aotour pricefl, whioh aro tho lowoHt. Don't mJoa trying our Tea tit 2^ oontB a pound. BREAD 4c. A XiOAF. "r"1~~n6isrdeii andJJEield Seeds direct from'the'largest growers and dealers in America, at lowest prices CASH PAID FOR PIRST-CLASS BUTTER AND FRF.BH EGGS AND OTHER PRODUCE. GOODS DElilVfcUKD PROMPTLY^ M. E. WIGLH. J. H. WIGLE, ]V[gr Scott Block, next Aberdeen, Essex* w .- --i~.,_ \fJif'~<-A:^MM^:0&&^^

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