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Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), May 1, 1896, p. 3

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m &.- ?, iPPpPPp^ Ji5>tli r I*1"! liV '. ' If'-' * m< %": lis. fe fe- ter 1' OXJltBD BY TAKING rrSrn^r7 Cherry " r ovnimr-tofl a s.-vnn nol.l, v/lib'-h Mittl'-'l < i :..v tim-'s. an-1 ! Hltl whiiT I- "Urn " .<- ! . .,-;,.,-. ..vli.i found, nn .-xi.inii.iiir ^"-,l',\1.'; -.i>; ' v':l\t,",1'i ..... l.'.-pv"lii" ."l" I' * . . i , 'iinilH'il t<> . .... . .. .-,... ,. ,..|.: '. 7,. i"::,i. . -i.i. .............,' . C *ftA \ { -." ,? !. v^-^^1 -. '^- Jit. V7*.-U.*:: "air. ,-*. ' '?// i'irr Zuu:itji:-Niion PROROGATION OVER. Seventh Parliament Wound Up at Lust. BLACK ROD STOPPED THE TALK. to Loan Ou j'ooil prodnotivo Farm I'ropurty ut 54, A (i por cent, Htraijit, No Valuation Fees. tSVOouvoyanoiuK Dono up i i Nout Stylo Fire and Life nsur.inoo. 4. ". LOVELACE, KSSJCX, ON'J POWDERS Cure SICK HEADAGMB and Ncuraljda In 20 MiNumG, also touted Tonpuu, Diczi- uc&ii^HiiiniiutiL-us, I'aininthu Side, Con Hi pa lion, Torpid Uyor, Had Hrcath. to atuy cured also ro/;ulato the bawdy. t/i?v w/cb ro tax** *PHIOB SG CENT3 AT ORUQ SXOFtKtBf' A Good HuhIiicfib row. Profossor ,T. IV. Robertson says: ltA cow with tin; business hiibit of kocpins hor accounts with the worhl paid up, through the"muii who owns mill fcedn hor, is a good busings cow. That is tho kind of cow I recommend. Her power of fiervico will bo indiesLtod by certain oxtornal points. Slio should haycalnrgu, long udder, of elastic, lino quality, a mellow, movable skin, cov ered with soft silky hair; a long, largo barrel, hoopo^l with Hat ribs, broad and wide, apart; a broad loin, spreading Out into broad, long liind quarters; an open twist, with ratber thin hips, and a loan neck of symmetrical length, carrying u clean-cut, iino fuco with prominent eyes, A cow with these points hu.3 ability to &ervo a man well, if she pots a fair chance. That her calves may havo powers eeual to, or hotter than her own, care should he exorcised in thoir breeding. The best blood of tho breed adapted i.o the farmer's purposo should be iwed to en- larq;o, and not to lessen, the working capacity to bo transmitted to her fcftlVOS." Play I lift: tho Han Jo l>y Klootrlulty. An oloctric banjo , IraH appeared in Boston. Tho instrument hay electro magnets &o' fitted as to press on the frets when onorgized, and a plucking ar- Vangemeufc acta on tho strings. Thoye actions are controlled by u moving Htripof paper run by an electric motor through Kuideways of a contact maker, tho paper boing previously stamped out in dots and .(lashou corresponding to tho tunc New York Telegram. A Kotablo College. X*owiflton, Maine; ifl ono of tho moat thriving manufacturing cities in frew En&land, and'Bates. Collogo, of which Xiowlstbn ia thu boat, le oae of tho most usoful of Now England'^ twiallcr ooUegea, having: graduated a nbtablo nuxnber of men and woman who hav* goo* ton into tho worh of teaching, Pntlroart Mn n wr7r* H f to. Ttlobbn, till a yir'>- t'r-if tat"" won't do at all! ' iiiolibp -I thought tt wry explicit, Manager That's .lust what'H the mat ter. The nrHt thing you know,* the public will .be able to undfrntanrt a time 'tahlo.n-K well an wo. See ff you can't complicate It a bit. San Fran cisco Wave. "Thore.rVx'HTVt wn*m to bo ".much una for yot)> nowtidays,"- palj ;thc .cojHiiih, ' 'ulruN? they linve found bo many Hubntl- tutoH for whalebone and blubhei ?ome cheaper." '"No," (dghed the w^^lf. -.------ .-,--. um pood, for now Ih to furnlph tbe pure c.o^ 'Hver oM of oommerco."-Indlanapo- 11h Journal. that about n.11 i 1 IMIi DVf-rlldtit-.y w St>n.-i;h \>'nu Uuuauwlly ltrlt-f Hit* John sL'nirlltti; iul lu (lie Kniiiit*' f'ltut 4:ui>4l\vln <lubu tiuHt <;<j tu i'uuit Ot tawa i\t\ili-M Ottawa, April '\. The JLoiiii)! met again th!:i inoinlng at lO.IJO uti It iliil yi-'iUcTday. At the very aut- t;>:l Mr. Alartiii complained that the accountant of the House had reCmuid iu itiiy him hbi Ind'.ninlty builurt; pro- iu;;atlon uiile;;^ ho produt-eii" jl pair, lit; wauled to know by what right any uilicer o{. the JJou.so 'aaked him how lie was going to vote, for that was -what a iali* meant. .ur. HjM.'aki-r explained that the full indemnity cuuhl not bo paid under the rule uiiLil uftur prorogation, but upon iMtinbei'ii paring they had been paid uii Lite hua day uf thu hummIoii. Some lurtijer diucut^dou took place ami it wiuj decided U ln;reat't';r utand by thu rule and pay up only utter'pro- rciiation. .-i number of Government bills were iuu iliruugli. The Covuriiiiii.Mit aeopt- ed an aniendmont of ^lr. JCdgar'n to ihe Atlantic yteainalUp l.iill, providlni; mat tho fast line contract could not be cnU.Tcd into until i'arllameiit nicittii uwain. On nioLion to po Into supply Mr, J')a- viuti'" asked Air, Dickey wiiether the (iovenniient intonded to ieu- the ( Joodwin claim for extras on the Sou- Iaiu;e:j canal to the com la befoif; pay ing it, J\Ir. Dick- y'y remarks on.a pre vious oecaslon liad left that Irnpros- sion upon the House, but lie thought a ilt'ilnlte tUatcment should bo forthcom ing .\lr. Dickey aaid the Impression re ferred to was the one he desired to leave Willi .Parliament. Ills peruonal let lings on the matter were well known, but he could not give the pi dK'.s asked for. He could not say what his opinion might be until after he hud studied the caae. Sir lilchard L'urtwright- thought the hader of the House should assure Par liament that tlio claim would, not be paid until the_.courta had adjudicated Upuil' It, * ' .Sir Charles Tuppor could not consent to this. Tht'reupon Mr. Edgar moved In amendment to the motion to go into supply that the J louse declare that tho mutiny In thin ease should not be paid until ordered by the courts. Air. McCarthy said it would never do to allow the Auditor-General or the Mini.'Uer of Justice to be overruled by the- Tivutmry Duard imd thu money paid- after Parliament had been dis- .'-ulvud. Cnl-.fi.'i the jdedgy of reference to the courts way given the supply bill would not leave the Hoi)se to-day- After this declaration there wad a brief consultation amungt:t the Min isters and Mr. Dickey then ruse and as.-nmd tlLC.IIou.se that Mr, Goodwin would not be paid until tins courts had pronrjiinced ujion the claim. Mr. Edgar thereupon withdrew the amendment. Ln supjily. food progress was made. On tlie elecitic lighting Inspection item Sir lilchard Cartwrlght urtjed that the inspection fee be reduced to a nominal charge. Mr. Prior said he would look Into the matter. On the pusml Items Mr. MeMuilcn mailu a plea for better salaries for village postmasters, while Mr. Mc Shane1 protested against tile two-cent drop postage in cities. With the ex ception of a few Items which were left over for further explanations all the supplementary > stimates were passed. J.a-t'ore the House roae Mr. Poster urged that the main estimates for three months be allowed to paaa in or der lo avoir, if possible, th,. necessity' lor Parliament meeting in duly, which w ould be expensive and inconvenient. Sir Itlchard Cartwright said it was utteily iinpo.HlbIe to accede to the re quest. It was must reasonable. Therewith the matter dropped. At 3 o'clock the Plouse re-a^ombled i.nd at orn-e jjruceeded to concur In the suimlemen tars' <- stimates. IJefore ihe item of $1,01)0,000 for arms and ammu nition was coneurred ln, Mr. Rlnfret, seconded by Mr. Degris, moved in amendment that the item be not con curred in, but that "this House rts- Kreta that tho Government, without the authority of Parliament; Iukj en tered Into contracts Cor the purchase of arms and equipments to the amount of nearly two million dollars." The House divided uii the amend ment, which waa d-.t'eated by 07 xuyx to lili yeas. Messrs. .McCarthy and Slubby voted with tho Opposition and Mrs. Wallace with the Government. Messm. Edgar and Campbell hav ing objected to the Item ot $7*500 for deepening the entrance to thu HeaO.- harnols canal, Mr. Haggart explained that the; work had been undertaken at the expresH request of the Hoard of Trade of Montreal and forwarders uf tlie St. Lawrence, as a work of abso- lutf niJCLJHHlty. Mr. Tarte remarked that he hnd been lately in Ueauharuutn and had been In formed that this expenditure was tor political purposes, Mr. Bergeron poinUd out that-the- work which had been mostly perform ed during the winter, was absolutely neceysary and could only he done in Win ter. This Mr. Hasfiart corroborated, lay ing emphasis upon the fact that the portion of. the work performed .wan .ot a nature that could only be done In winter so as not to Impede navigation. Mr. Mulock moved that the Item be struck out and tlie debate went on. Finally Mr. Hagffart arose and aald that as the Opposition seemed deter mined not to allow the item to pas, he would withdraw the item altogeth er find oast upon the Opposition the responsibility (if thus wilfully prevent ing the Improvement of St. Lawrence navigation. On the item of $200,000 for enlarging the Lochine canal, Mr. McShane -rab- ed all sorts of objections, claiming that amount was unnecessary. Sir Donald Smith made an urgent appeal to have thovote put through but Mr, McShane was obdurate, and belntf backed up by Mr, Haurler, the vote was reducedto $10,000. The remain- in and the supply bill pnstied at 6 o'clock. Sir Rlchartl Cartwrikht' Wanted to know about the next meeting of Par liament and was Informed by Sir CharJcH Tuppcr that It wan tho Inten tion to,hav the new Parliament m*t nhoiit tho middle of July, to which Sir Wchiird rejoined, that the election! should have been brought on a we&U earlier, as the Government would havo trouble enough cottlnc on without mipplles in the meantime. At thcfl'^VGhing" WoSftlon I1v privata blllH, Including tho 'Chlirneoto. Ship Railway Bill, were withdrawn nhd the feea ordered to bo repaid. Buslncsa ov^r, Mr. lt*r-an brought up the "THIS ESSEX PPEE PRESS matter of tho commutation of the aet- i iit!(- of Valentino Hliortlit, upon.which Mr. Titrtti Is maklUK hb e'^npalffn In I'"auhr.: jioIh. The l^epuo Hpeaker, to j:.ei. itlinsi-ir right with h!n eoiuitit- u^. utri, ix;vlewid tho -.wiril-t clrcnm- hIjiik-.-h of the can and rewl lotteni to Jiuw that he was J.nyihjng but.f.uyoi* r.ble to the eoniinufallon, iiUhounh Mr. I'a rtu wiui endeavoring to prove the crmtiary in fleauharimhi, Atr. Ijaurler'mnde a renly by attack ing tlit! fiovernmenl for having gon1-' i'ic!c upon their position,' taken in ro- K"l"d to the sr;nteiif:e ni* Itlel. Mr. Itie|-ey pointed onl the Inconsls- t'T.cy nf bo()i..nc'-mdng Ihe fiovi'i-n- m- r.t of t'nlllng In their duty by not ml. ining Hid Kxcellejiey n ml eliii.rglng rho (loverntnent with responsibility rnr I i is lOxeelleney's iietlon Tin; respoli ability \v;|i one, however, Wlilcb the ""'ViTiimiiiil .fully accept' d. While Mr. Davles wan on hla feet ntt.i-cklng the Government with mlgtit and main, rap went Mlaek Rod's gavel on (lie door and tlie !:ergeant-at-nniis Mi pjifd forward to announce him. Hut Mi-. iiavh'H Kept on iallcl(ig. He was 1 Mi'ihi to get In the last word and wcijl'i hive Huce(:ed<'(] but that bis re nin rk;t were replied to"brie'Hy by the A'inlUr tif Justice, against whom they wt re direct.'d. Then eamo the mnu- nunn to the Henate, when the final se'ene of tlie sixth session nf the ja V- e'lith I'nrllament w;is enacted. THE liiUM.ih i'ltOIUHIATiUX. :~A* F>:rrlb'iic.v' WptTtli Wnit Wiry Hii-t~ sir -Volni rjirllnti In (Iik Kfltrtd*. Ottawa, April 2:t. Kvery- tl;ing lias been rti.'di and turmoil ;-i ootid tho Parllnnient HulldlngM to day. Members were crowding in their last batch.-n of campaign literature be- eaiis<; as suun as pri-trogation Is ov^r lli._! franking iirlvllegu ceases. The other members have been busily en- gng>'(i packing up th.li- belongings und iJieparlng to bid far'Well to 1'arlla- nn.-i.i .iy life, being morally curiam ii.iiL in tlje coming i'arliauiuilt there will be meiv than the u.sual average of ctianj;,es. fcJir Jului's well-known t:X- pres.'iun of the uneertaliity ol horse laue.s and elections In well remembered b> tlie members. Pari lament prorogued at K o'clock this'evening. owing to'the somewhat incouv'iilent hour there was not such a large representation of the lair sex in the Henate Chamber us heretofore, ni^ eJxeelleney, having taken hla seat on tin: Ihrom, read the following speed.: ilea. (ieiilleiuen of the Si-nilte, (Jeiitleiaen uf tile IlullMe of Comfoiis. ; 1 am gml to Lit-- ublt? iu relieve you from iiirtli.-r attendance In Piirlbuneni. I d(i- r,.v*s to *.-.\[treHn my ri'ijri't tluit tlie mlsHiuii whleli my tjuveniinoiiL reeently despalcUeil .a eoni.-r wlih the local nut hurl lies uf .Manitoba bus been unproductive of any immediate ruHllll, and lliai the iiile.sl.loll ii'iatiug to schools in that pruyliiee still .uvalu. suttleineiil, X tlianli you fur the appropiiiitlou wlileli yu luive made tow.inln piovbllng for the in-Iter arming and equipment or the nil- ilia run-eu uf the country. The powers with which yen have en- 'imvi'il the eomiid^sloiini'H fippolnt<'.l under die Hehrlnj,"Sea claims eonveatuni will, I trust, faellitule the iuvesLlgatiotm of taut irlbiuial and hasten a Just settlement of these bui^-standliig elahas. Genfleiiien *>C tin; limine of Conunoiis, I have to tluiuk yon txn- the Huppbiii.-ntaty jnovlslon you lutve iinnle for t:ai't*yln}i' on lie: servlei-rt of tlit; eiirrt.-nl. yi-nv. Hon death-men of tho Senate: < lentli-mcil ot the House nf CnliimolW: Inasmuch-in* In the upluiuti ot uiy iuIvIm- errt It Is desirable Hint the Judgment of the people upon the questions wlileb now engage public attention hhoiiid be .btalneil at an early day, 1 have to announce my Intention of causing tlil.i I'nrllament to be tnitneUhltely dlwHolvtwl. The guns boomed once more from Xepean Point and the seventh Par liament of tin; Dominion was at .an .-:.d. The closing day of Parliament wit nessed tile disappearance from tlie Commons of a well-known figure in Canadian polities. Sir John Curling, who long ago announced his intention to retire from active political life.was to-da yealled to the Senate and took his :.eat in the Upper House this after .hkiii. Accompanying him was another member- of tlie Commons Thomas Temple for many years member for ."ork, X.Ii. I'Tom this time out both parties de vote themselves strenuously perfecting thtdr arrange ineiit for the great light. .dust of the Ministers will be here two .a* three weeks yet, und nut until about a month before polling will the acLual Held work commence. Co ns Id oroide oisanl/.atlon work Is yet to be undei- uuten by the Liberals and Conserva tives. Many constituencies are y<-T to hold their nomination conventions, but before, the queen's Hlrthday the coun try will know pretty well who the can didates are to be. Sir Mackenzie Bowell attended the annual banquet of the St. George's So ciety to-night. Heplying to the toast of. the Parliament of Canada, ho re ferred In humorous terms to the ses sion just closed. He ventured the as sertion that no Parliament had sat so many hoars continuously, had had so many sleepless nights, and had done so little work. (Uaughter.) Referring to the progress and development "E Canada, he said much had been accom plished since confederation, but much -emained to be done. He spoke of the .mporantce of England and her colo nies coining closer together. He did not yet know If he would go to ftog- and as Canada's represeiitatlve-al the conference on the Paclllc cable quey- Aon,but,whoever went,he would seek to jnpress upon them the great Import-, unce of that proJeet. Mr, Commlttant, who In to govern the island of Anticosti, for Mr. Menlcr.the new proprietor, was here to-day and had an. Interview with Messrs. Tup- ./er. Costlgan and Caron, regarding customs arrangements on the Island and the mall connection therewith. Mr; Commlttant offers to carry the mails between Quebec and Anticosti i'ree, .. '*" ' Governor-General and Lady' Aber deen will spend two or three weeks In ..ngland and Scotland during- the sum mer. -.Their JCxeellciicfes wll probably teuve shortly after the opening of furllnmont in July, returning to Can ada to fill-a number of. engagements ,n Ontario. In Sptemher. Major Bliss, assistant deputy adju- iant-goneral, has retired from the command of the Ottawa Field Battery. St. Joseph's (Jt.C.) Church was ran sacked by burglars last night; Mr. Richard Score, merchant tailor,; Toronto, will be returning oiltcer vfor Centre Toronto, and.Mr. John' Wilson lias been selected for Kus't- Toronto,' There Is little new to record In the. ooiltlenl situation to-nljrht. Neither tiio Premier nor Sir Charles Tuppcr will say anything for publication, nm- portant developments are expecU<l in it few days. Only one vacancy. In tho Senate Is -unfilled that cauaod by, the death of Senator Kaulbach. , Tlwjlr KxcclU-neleri trf-diiy* : received inany.tolcpramM of eonK|atulatlott f,iv>m England and elBcwhero. 0n Lady Aber deen's mlraoulouM'eiicapis from drown- UiK.in ithe Gatlneuu. Hvoe^yestcrdhiy,- Gnpt. Sinclair, Oovrnor-aeperalUi m^- miury, Is com Wig In1 for many* encom- lamw for,hlu exertions In rt-Hoaliite'iilie Or'unteas. nfk* . * i.ji ,. Mm. White, wife of MeWe BpalKcr, held an informal reception this after- r:oon which was attended largely by ihe members of Parliament \ r l\e>(V GURED BY TAKING pnvVAa "T w;vi rifllletiMl for edrbt i'ivht :< '.* ^-iit ];lh-iiin. hiiilmc ill 't ime-, l u.........:i, many lil','liellHM V. Ill.'li .Wtoe |n;:niv n-e- (iiiinii'ie'.t'il, iaiL none ;;av-- i.ie i.-lii-l. 1 was :u I'e;'. ailvh'-d to 11 y .\vi-r';'*-'.:ijsa- p.irill' :.id beiere I bail (infilled Hie loiirl.. - . r... I.i> ll.lli'l.-l V,.:le .-,:! Free iVo*.* Krwpiioijs us ew-r tin-" w.'i'i'. !\Ty In; ,i;i '.:'., '"Itii'h pl ill a m a I'an-.ii'ivci', li-'pili lo In* onl in eo|t| and wo'. uv:i'!i-t, oi'hjn UJMliiiH tJ.'V'ei, hut.' Hi'1 i:"-t bio li:..( le-vi-r I'l'inriii'.!." i ."., .' 'ii:>.,p li.iudoni, *;nt.' AdimitUd rd: tlin WorhPii i-'nir. km FOR TWENTY-SIX YEARS. THECOQK'SBESTFRIEND LARGEST SAUK IN CANADA. ESSEX Roller * Mills* TAMKhNAYLOK *alton thin opportunity ol f.) umujimcin , .i. cno puoplocf tbuTowii und County ot Khiiox, thnthu lmu rotModohxl tho En- twx Itollor iMilhi aocovdinn to plaint nropiu-od by It. N. ?rifin, Bt. Tliounin, und. him iuho liumirod tho unrvicon or ltoni'.iiT Bthachak, an export- oiicnd und thoroughly conniotunt millor. Thunlcii]f{ tho pnoplo of tlio tnwn fiml county for tho pulroiuiRu ImHtowon ujion him In tho pant, will uimrautoo ftatinfuctlou in the futnro Gristing artel Chopping a . Soecialtv. THE UKHT OHADKB OF FLO UK, FKKD ANr COKNMI;IAb KKPT IN 4TOOK AN.D HOLD AT HKillT IMIIUE8. Gash Paid for Wheat and Oats. THE AMERICAN HOTEL. EflJJOX, Ontario. "r^HIS liirjfo ami oommodlrmii Jloufio has 1 boon thoroughly paintod and roploniiihod with imw furnituro hy pi-fiibut propriotrouii, LAIUIl", UARN IN CONNIPTION. Flritt-tUiuiu Aei.^uiin<Iation Guavantnnd. MUB. C. WILKINSON, ProprlotrooB. "XtT A 'tVT*T^1E*TTI Looal lultl Travoliuu VV Jra..l3l ,XjMJ BnlHiiriifin to humllir our Hm..y Oatmdiiin Grown Niintory Btook, Wo ( uti1 mitmi (iiitidfaotion to vujironontatlvoti and ouht auom. Cur nurmirion aro tho larpoat in tho Dominion, ovor 700 iicroa. No aubfttitution ln ordora. Kxchmivo torrltory and libonil toraiB to whole or part tlmo iiRonta, Writa nn, HTONlfl & WELLINGTON," (Hoad oillob) Toronto, Ontj (Tho onlv miruory in Canadft hu,viofl tontinR oroliar(lo.) 4-l-:ira Mountain Climbing: HaH a woudorfnl faHoination for many mon. And tbo hifjhor tho mountain and tho greater npico of danger about it. tho uioro anxiouH in tlin ordinary man, with any mountain climbing inatiuota whatever, to jjet to tho ton of that mounUin, Thoro io an iutoxiontion, a fiery outhuuiuiim about it that puohou one ou snd on, and route tir od muKoloo and, lunpirou flafjtiinR oou rago to overlaatmRly koop at it until tbo top-is rouobod and tbo coding zophyrw that fan tho brow,of tbo mountain oool your own throbbing tempi on. AmorioanH huvo tbon|{ht that it was necoanary to go to Europe, td tho Alpo, to Und any full drown monntaiuH to fioalo. Ifc'ti nil moonublno. In't M.OOO.foot high enough, with ylttoioro, bbooo raokod, oraok-. cd oroaturoti of ioo and snow, and orators and Uounnm and prDoipiaon to climb ovor and round, tbo narao uh iu tbo Alpa? Yea, fcboy aro all right boro close at baud, and if you aro intorontqd to know whore and bow and whom jnnfcfiond your add roue, and nix ceutfi in Btampe to Chah. S, Fbk of tho Northern PaoifloIUilrond, St". Paul, Minn., ond bo will Bond yori a book that, rooountn a olimb up one of tho Kriiidont roakH of oartb, written by tbo goutleman who made tho uiicont. Tbo oh&ptor on thiH monutain. is pro- fueoly llluMfcratod in ,balf tono otobiuKu taken by a photoffraohor wbo uooomptiniod tho.party for tlmt purpoeo. ; If yon aro in- toreatod onoHb in your^owii, oouutry to dooiro to know about ita wonderful aoeuio foaturofl, you Want this book. .i'fie ut6j{r*>pb llifl teatifyinaioouwtt m*d bv Ayer'a BareaparilU nd other jprerjaratiottB ar? kopfc ou filq nt, tlio',jJj,.0. Ayor Oo.'b oflao*. Lo^I.-Mm^V They<*re from til over the world and rs otiriartnlly kbowki to ftnyona dwircus of eing ihn. CHURCH DIRECTORY Mm'HoulhT. I->i\ )'>inoon, t'aa^ >r. Korvioo ovory Huitihivnt 11 a, tie and V l- in. Hatiliul' Hohonl ut'.';.(lp. ui. (I. I-!. Nitylui", iSunorititttMl- nt\t of tn'tu 1, l-jpwoiiii l,i,u({uo (Hityoriunotlii, TtioBday ii^'iduu ubt' n'otiMik. t<iiliurid pui.voi iuoutlti|Mni l'hlli-iulio .iVoninj,, CiMJiioil oi' 1'jNuiiANii lUtv, A.Jj.Uovurly, In mmiliont, Ht. I'iluIii, I^hhox, DlyuuiHonrluo yvory Uimiluy at V o'uloolt, p m Hundny Ixit.ool ut 10 a. in. - t'rhilbv Oluiroh,North Kld^i Hun dny Koliool at l.lfii>. in. Tho ptihllu^ uro (inr- itliillv inviUid. i'ai-'.iu'iYTKuiAN, W. M.li'liimlm,', I'mimi" Hor- vimiH nn H;illmth at, 11 a. in, and V ,!tu p. m. Hull- until Hchoul nta;!iop, in, I'myor mieUnif und 1'iihlor'H hllilo tihtmi on TiuiHclity ut7.^0 p, iu. Houiiil l/nlini on WiidiiiiMilavat H.Jop. Ji.M'Tli-.'CllUUOK. UrtV.M, I'. CuniplHlll, I'lVH- lot'. . arvlcoK oaali Hubhutti at 11 a. m. and 7 V .... I'rayar iiiixitliiK on WtidnoHduy nvnuhiu at, H o'nlouk. riiiatn fi-ijo. All aro cordially wol- cnui'iil. it'iMAh (JATUOUtJ, Fr. U. I'), ,M(iil(i, 1'iHiior. finr/iuu ovury othur Huuday ut H.liOp. ui. Muuduy Hchonl at >f p. iu. Mauhitonii. Hifjh matid and uorinou at 10.lit) 11. in,, cKt'iL'hiiuu atU j. m , haptiiiin at!) p. m., voHpdniujid rtnnudlcMou at 7 p. in. ,0. K. Mr,- lilil., P. il-iAI.VA'MUN-, AltMY. T. II. MnLflOd. OlLplllfll. Kiilvutioii moctimm ou Wuiluiniilay, Tluiniday uiiil Hiiinlay ovituiii|[n; Frnn and Many. Hutiirdiiy oviiulnt! inxl iJ p.m. Humlay; llollnuim mnfitlufpi lor ohniitUiiit l-'riduy ovoiiuik ami 1L a. in. Hun- tiny; Kimii Drill 7 it.,ni, uvory Hiuulay, All ard Woloouin, LEGAL. i; A. WISMKH, Harriiitnr, Holioitor, Notui JJ - 1'tiMio tko. Monoy tn loan. OMcnu, Dill ntim HIo(;l(, ii))-ntulni, lOiniox. -t-ly I L. PMTKHH Uurriator, Holicitor, Notai fl - Puhlio Mouoy to Loau, OJlioo ovr mnitliorn' Ilaiik. MmiL-x Oontni. /H-AitKK, HAHTIiKT <fc HMlTI-ET, Harrh \J Uivu, ulc. IJlllcdn, Alcdhury Illoisa, Wiuduu PriviUn tuiidii to Ioiiii. A, II. Ci.AUKi;, I.. L. ii. N. A. Haiitlkt A. it, Uaiitlkt. It. A. I JKMtV (-'. WAT/rF.ltH, L.I..K., Attornuy uud 11. Coiiiiiiiilnk-.ut law, Holiuitor in (Jlianoory, I'ro^tor in Admiralty, l'atunt Holicitor, with Ail;iui.oii it ItiLijjhRH Cou^ruftH lit. Jwuilt, Dotroit, Miuli. tCauitdiim ohiiiini iijjalmit pornouti in tlio Hiliti'd Btiittm iiolliii tod.) itofortiucutu iiupoiial IJaiilt, Kfiiiox, Ont, .1. Ii. J'ului ii. Kh(j., lltirrlHttir, otc, Kkdox, Olit 1C.A. Wiiiinnr, Kii., liurriiilor, etc., Emiox, Out MEDICAL. | \UH. JJUIEN A IiltlEN. Jilii IJrlisn. M. !>., L. It., 0. I*. fl.f Kraduato of (Juoun'ii Uuivurnity, Klucntoo, inomhor of Col- lui!o of PnyHioiaiiH and Hurcoonii.Ontnrio. Grud- imto of Niiw York. Pout (Iraduato Modical Col- I. W. Uilon, M, I)., C. ., I'. T. M. C. Honor Kraduato of Trinity Modioal Uoilofj'j. Honor t-'raduato nf Trinity Univtirnity, Muuibnr o( tha. MnUufntut I'liyiiir.iuiiii and Hurjjuoim, Out. Orad- unto of >.uw York. Pout Uradmito Modical Collujio. " ........ OJniK'OVor V.ntwn Modioal Hull di'HR ntoro. (ionniiltation rooinn, liotli on uround iloor and tirat Hat iiIjovi), Tnluphono in both olliuo and nihldmico. All calln attoudud to from oillco, driiK rftoni, or mildonuo. Itonidouoo, Talbot litrtiit, front of fair fu'imudn. D US. DKWAlt en MoKHNZIK. P.A.IlmvArt, M.U.C.M..F.T.M.K. Honor Gradu- Lit.n..TrinlU'...UttLvjJJ'nit-y- Mombor <.'ollo(;o 1'hyi luiittiu and SuruL'tiiifi, Out. Itiiiiidonoc, Tnlho -t. Eant. G. MuKkh'MK. M. 0. C, M., Coronor, Now Yorlt J'ont Graduate, Follow Trinity Modicul Gullojio. Graduato Trinity Uriiveruitv Itoiiidouco: Talliot Htrotit, wont "f M. u, It, Ofhudbouni B to Ii a. in., 1 to :i and oto bi>. ui 'Ulico in iuipori'ii Uiinlt block, [jroimd floor, nuxt to Tlioriiii'udrii^ titorti. Toloniionoin comiootiou with ofilco and rout- doucu. Ordyrn kdt at Tliorno'H druj* iitoro will b< promptly atttimlud to. DENTAL. HP. MAUTIN.D. I). 8., L. D. R. Onuluato in JJontintry, Itoyul-Collogu of Doutal Hui'KOOUij, Ontario, and Uuivornity or Toronto. Oliurfjufj.iuodorato. Oflloo, ovor Jiriou &, Con Jruc utoro. 18-lv , VETERINARY. WH. itlCHAKDBON, VKVEKINAUY HUH . GKON. IJonorni'.v [{vnduato of .Ontario Veterinary GolloKo.'I'oronto; rnonihar ^of On tario Votarinary Modical Hocloty; Diplomat in Dontiatry; troata all dffuuuiou of doniodtlcatod anlmalii; en trio dohornod by tho latent improved Loavitt clipper OalJii by tele phono or tiilo- nraph promptly uttuiided to. Ituuhlonco, four doom nouth ol rp-i'it mill; office iu pout offion building; inilrmar>, directly opponito. LAND SURVEYOR. JAMES 8. LAir.DiProvinaialLand Burvoyoi and.t-'oanty Knuinoor. Ennox Contro, Ont 001 oo, Dunn tun Bloolt, ujmtairn. AUCTIONEERS. HKNltY HEDJtICK, Auotionoor. Salop promptly uttomlod to, .Aildroiin South Wooiiuloc, Ont, Pornomi doiilrinfi to noouvo mc mov loavo word at tho Fhhk PniiflB oflloo. y tf H. HEDItlOK DfilNCLAIK, LICBNBED AUCTIONEER . for tho Ooiinty of Knsox. BaiHffof Idlahtb Dlvlolou Court. All kinda of Farm and othor Salon eonduotod promptly. Ilateu roa?onablo and furninhod on auplieatlon. Enquirorn may apply at W.D, Boftunin'n oflloo. or at ,tho oillco of Dlviiiion Court Clork, Mr. John Miluo JOHN UORMLEY, iNBKD AUCTIONEER-for tbo Oouuty ofEBnoJx AUUhidn of farm ntock ualoB, oto;, conducted promptly and on short notloo, Itatan 1-Oi.noiMiblo, Pornouo deiilvabln to arrauo haIou may io no by cilIUur at tho Fuigic rmsuu oflloo orbyapplylnuto j. GOKMI.EY, P.O. Box 155 Enflox,0ut. FHANK MoCLOSKEY, Maldfltono, thlrty- novoii yofii-B' oxporionco an an rtuofclouuorin fchoOouutv of EaHox.BaloBOOiuluctod promptly, and on ro'anonablo termB, Parries d<iB,irlntf to flx tho data (or a nalo onn tuivo thoumolvoK a drlvo by oalllnK at tho Fium PatiiBB oflico. Wo havo arrimfiQU.with Mr. MoQlonkoy und will nx tho datoB for salon by tolegrapb, ontiroly froo of all obargo to tho pomon holdltu; tho Balo. Aa- (IroBBiVftuUMoOIoHkoy.MaldiitouoCroflB.Out. lOIS BAKER. ___ THE oldont bunlnoB9 "in" town. KutabUsliB' 1876. Flrnt-olaflH broad rind onlcofl or R' Uinda. Weildlnu aitkcu a Bpoolallty.' Orooorioa proviHloiiB, flouy, feed, Halt ud rnrlc. Goufoo- ilowory.oroflk6ry,KlaBBwaro, Caunodtrultuitud HverodtoallnBirtaortbo to1*"* J- U.-HIOKB. Jol-ti UND AND LOAN AGENTS /n HOKaB Jv THOMAS, .OonVeyataeer.-Oom Vjr niiHiionrv-i'W-h;Ofttiri.o*A-" -- --'- 111 ItOftl MBttttD *n 1 M . - "-: -': Blaoo Itf-tttb wc*UlT6riydlirife'nien ' Vdman tqiamir* a Snslobu i(JMtbo ,.)otrot uuaUMMLVR^^KiiP^ Fr*o. Kef crenels: All Detroit, F. JBWHMj.Prei". P. B. BPENCKR.Seo. : MARRIAGE LICENSES I? iu vaiik, rasuEn op marrIAgb ti- '/& !i. ttiMiHon, Kiohardnoh Hlk., Kuoz, Opt. . -M Vf BAUItKTT. ifiuuor of Maxt'^tie Iitoanifti iVl . Coiuinlwalouor In 0 .J,, oto. Gob to, Ont X/" ^>. HEAMAN, Iiiiiuor of \farrliu(ii Lldoum'ii. IiiHiintnoo aKent,, Nhditolliofi at DwidlllWf. TAIdtOT S'I'KKET, EMHUX ~~~UN DER YAK INC HPr.mfME .It, Uiulbrlidtor a.id Furniture Oolllmi, homo and fiuitory mrde from S;l to #30. MoGruijor, Op" ARCHITECTS. YOtlN A. MAYCOCK, AltOHITKO'J', &a.lifjom 10 and 11, FIguiIhk BiUIiUuk, Wliidiior, On* Phono iUu. SOCIETIES , u. O. jr. KNTJ'iHPKIHE hodo No U18 L. inootiHJVory Thumday, ovonlutf at 7,'Mt Uddfullowit Htdf.liitliirdnloroy l>Ungtaulilo VliilthiKminuhurii of other lodwmwlll rooolv fraternal woJconm, W. OIIAT'I'JOUTON. N. OKNTKAL EMOAMl'MENT.No.HO, mooti Oddfollowii'Hull.IninHtan'H Hloak, on tho 11 itnd third Tuomhiy luonoh month. Vlnltomo dlally rooolvod. Mumhorii of iiuhorillnato loth lit thr. jurimUotion, iuvltod to Join. HANNAN, 0. P., G. F, UIXSU, HoO. ' I^HHlflX FI11F, 11UIGADE. MMMl'H IflVKl J.J I-'rlday ovfiiilriK in tho Flromou'H vooml< tho Htono buildlni;.'Jiih. MoMurrav, Ohloi Kobt. 1'arker, Captain; A, Huruliaui, nlnuloB. arit; P^JJjIbo, Hoeretary; Fri)d.cnyatt,Troamirdr. CtUUIt't' HOYAIj, NO. UI3, I. O. V. f Mimtu Hocoml and fmnth TuiHidiiv'a lu flao" month in i. o. O. F. Hull at tt o'clock p. it, VJftithii* brothorn will ho i,'lveu a fratdvmil wcl* oomo. E. MeC'auularul, O. It., W. 0. Bhaw, H<jo< i M.J.WIkIo.O.U. H. G. It. 'Cjit. Michigan rrggrg^ " the Niauara Falls Jtcute." OOINO IliflT TaUltiK otroct May JOIli, 1H00. Dotroit....... WindDor .... Polton'........ Maidatonoc EriKRx......... Woodnloo... KiiHcomli ... Combor...... Itldfjotown,. Itodnoy,____ Bt. Thoma London ......... wt. Thorium... Koiluey ........,' Uid[{otowu..... Combor.......... Ituncomb....... Wcjodidoo....... Eauox ...:.,...... Maidfitono Cr Pulton............. WindHor......... Detroit........... Mail a.m. 7.1ft 7:io no:r 8.11 n.at b.HH .;i7 t).-ir> HI, IV n.ao I^Sp. a.m. 0,1*0 fi.R0 Ext>. a, in. 10.10 7.yn io,;i:j a-17 ll.no 10.00 l.Ofl OOINO WKf4T. p.m. a. lo y -in il..T. 107 B.no 5.-11 0.50 (1.03 ii. ii o.-ir, 7.10 a. m. fi.:)f) io.a-i ii. ia 1U.10 12.15 Accohi p.m. 440 6.03 fi.10 fl.iifl fi.no ' fi.fiO C.IH) C.04 7 10 7.H0 i\A0 a.na. ft.lB CM 7M 8.00 0.310 i).:ia o. o.w io.ot ip.13 le.iw io.ua Auiiioril>urG: IjochI Vriilnu. WJibT KAHT p in. 0,10 fi.2M o ;iu 0.50 a.m. a.m. II.CO H.13 V-Mjil 12.10 12 ,'il) o.:i2 H.afl ElilHII Ed Kara 7.00 I, E tt V It Xing 11.50 MeG?ciior 11. -IH Auiherfitburi; H.;10 a.in, a.m. p.m 7.15 O.BO fl.fJO 0.40 'M13 fl.tlO 0.10 B-10 4.C3 i.ao All trainn aro run on central ntandard time, which in nixty mluuton Blower than Eohox time For iiiiormatlon and rat on to colon- Jiitii movinn wont apply to John G. Lavon, PaB- Kunpor Afjont, Bt. Thomati, O. W. Itn(if{loB, Gou- oral PaBiinnor aim TioUot Afjont, CUioiif[o, III or A. O. BtimorH. Auont. Ennox, L. E. &. D. R. Ry TIME TABLE NO. o, liikiiif: offoct Kfoiiilny, Boo a*J, 1H0S. Trainn run by Eantorn Stand ard Tiuio, Daily oatcojit Bunday- t- ' ' ( rt i a lii ^ d fie 3 Station ii. H i-H P5 A <a d 'A o & 'A o o S3 A M A ' M V V , K M k a V M. ii ai vim li:2ll Eop Walkory'lo Ar il 10 ft.dC 4.40 o.ii'i i2.:io 0.V7 Witlkorvillr Juno, llltli ft.:iH J, B0 B.J19 12 40 ll III! ........ Polton......... H 67 6.U7 o.tID IM;i;iiMfi inn .....\ Oldciuitlo...... B W fi.17 G.OB ilf.O.l-2.oa, G.47 ......1 Pdquotto...... 6 47 B.(K B.12 1.57' HO! G 6-1 ......McQrucor ...... H4U 5.01. 6U1 lt).0il{ 1.J9 0.60 ...t Now Canaan... H iitl 4.4(! fijm io.no i,ao'7.10 ... \ Mnrnhilold ... H l 4.I1H 6.83 10.l| l.Ctl, 7.17 H 22 4.50 .ffr 10.'27i 2.08 7 27 U 11 AM lo.ati a 35 7.:n fl 01 H.-IB KM 10.^5] 7 CI 11.15 n.on 10.BB! ll ,451 7M ... Loaminuton ... 7 40 2.40 am. ll.Ui -1.10 8.(tl 7 34 1.M n.32 11.201 4.!I0 fll7 7 lo 1.BH '0 42 11 .VS 4 45 H112 ......Coatnworth ... 1 10 l.M O.W ll.IUi ft.111 fl,;m ......t Glonwood...... 7 00 12. Hi) 7.( n.ia fi.IM H,40 .........Morlln......... fl B2 12.21 7.10 it r>o 0.4B ft 17 0 4ft 111.]-* V,17 n.Bfi ft.CB rb:i H 40 12.0(1 7.S3 12.01 O.flB oon ...tCodnrSprJrn" Blcnhi'Im Junot'n a -in 11.2fc 7.^7 IS 11 G.15 0(17 fl 24 ii.at 7.8H 12.10 n.;w 0,1 ?. 6 W 11.16 v.w IV.24 0.-15 u o ti 10 I0JK . i2.:s 7.00 0.111 Ar Illdfiotown Dop 00 10.00 7.C0 V.IX. P.M. P.M A.M. P.M. X'.M. S*A \ Fhi Btutionfl. Trainn otop only wbon there rvo piifaflenrior* at or for (bono utiitionB. Mixed tralna ayo at al tlmon tnbjcot to bo oanoello*. WM 'VOOIiTjATT. Goncvftt Hanoyintoii(lnt Packed with Good Furniture Every Description. A fine Parlor Suitg Oak fxaiue. Good Plueh, $1000. Of:^ <h Wo beter ware so well prepelri&d to'da^M buaineaaii Lots of gooda and prioeB-riph^lj Ifcwill |gay you to give u a oull alidi:8a^ cooda abd fiotpricea., Wo,.are I*lea4; t*l{f^ '^S^c^SZ'i^Sl^ quota>r.at-Ito* mi^ wbo needI ^gj| nd Mortaagoa, JWopoyj,to:Joat We have been Bom*; a' *ooa'Steady pUmM ^.i^l?%PBfe'*S^!i*?iEttl oehBDOwloTttborjtll ' ........ uefcB dowIot nboat'Itt^eej*' ttditfd ^ll! n> to tonderour tb(*nkatotbpubIicgen( oeived ot them aurinfith* 1ft ynftrt wwl, have been ia busineoH iu the now Towa W, jBbftx.'v "":*S^WHwpb ISPECliU j. i. HICKS & Cw !;!:! ki}>"'il'--' ', l^^^^l&i^^^ 14

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