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Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), May 1, 1896, p. 1

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m>#r" ' ^^SPp^^^ Ir pi ^ MONEY TO LJSND On mortgagor at 5 par aent. Eire aud Life In- BUrano^at lowest-.....- rateo. J. W. GIBSON, A^ent The MONK* TO liHUD Ou mortgaged at pec oent. l^i re and Lile'Iu- Hurauco at I ovroil rateH. J. W. GIBSON, .Si w ' vl VOL JUL No 18 ESSEX, ONT. FEIDAY, MAY 1. 189(5 WHOLE No. 690 3S3 Full Weight Pure Goods, Close Prices These are our mottoes in our Grocery- Department. Every pound we deal out no lens and no more. Our sugars contain no sand and our "cof- '^rees no chicory. In price we 'Tire always afl low as the lo v- est, and have always some thing special upori^ which we save your money. Just open ed up 25 cases canned To matoes and Corn, first class goods, price while they last 4 cans for 26 cents. In our Clothing Department wo aro showing extra value in Men's Tweed Suits at 5.00, Price about on a par with com at 80- a bushol. Our Boys Englinh mado-Huits from $1.25 a tmitup, are giving {rood satisfaction. .just received tin's week a ship ment of Cotton Hose direct from Ororrcinny, Wo can givo you a nice Ladies' Black Cotton Stockings at -fie a pair. : Ladios' Heavy Fast Black Cotton Hoso at 10c it pair. . Childrcns and Misses Tan Hoso all Bizes at 5c n pair. Now goods arriving daily, pricoB lewor than over before. All goods marked in plain figures | One price for all ! Money refunded if any purchase Y.cs-unBatisfaotot'y. NORTH ItlDGK. Win, Bluir in building a now frame ffiiidonou on bin BLh oon. lot, . . Mm. Thoodoro Todd, of Detroit, with hero on a vimfc to hor uaoth&r-ni-lnw luut w*ok, Mm. C. M. ToJJ. ' A. W. Bridfjon lout a vahmblo oow lnnl Friday. Tho animal bad been uftliotod with inflammation of tho limed for throe or four woolen. I)iLVid Mooro, wife and family , bavu ar rived from Oarfetou county, uour '.Ottawa, IIo 1i*.h no]d tho farm whiob ho owned down mint unci purpomm buying a farm in Khhox county. IIo brought hin farrainn outfit up with him oonBiHtiutf of Hovorul horHGH aud othor etoojt, and a completo Ht of farminu impIetnontH. It in a roal ploinmio to bo Iivnig ub the pronont time, when vo(fetation in putting on hut* op ring coutumo. The budn are bnrHtin[ and tho lnvoly pinlc pnuoli blow. Hurau ur roaliy 'beautiful. Natnro'ti Hong- Htoru^uro trilliug thoir uwocitent lovo uonjjfi, and the fanner w aom'raoncin^ to till the noil and aow tho Buod m faith, trtidtintf in onr kind, loving Heavenly Fatber'n proniiHQd of need time and liuryont to all hm ohildron, Tho thrifty honnowifo in polialung up tho pardon rake and hunting tho long handled broom and ca:*pot hunter, while tho coed man i<j urrungiuf.' to nut hm dinuern down towj or parhapH go hungry, and bo glad to got a lunch in the woodnhod. Early planted potatooH are already up, and Burly Iliohmond cherry tfoen are covorod with beautiful whits blonHQniH. Farmers do you,wunt monoy at f> per cent ? If ho write A. 0. Baker J^cuming ton, (Jut. TonnH of payment of prjifoipuT t'. nuit horroworu. OOTTAU PLAINS. In some riettleuiBUtH there in tnUoh uiok- tiesa, but I do not kuow of a oUoo m thin neighborhood. Zonuri Ualotfc recently oreetad a wind, mill at hl well. Four uuoh milln are mow in th* Plain*. Homo f o*r iiol^uborH who aru out of proyondor aro allowing thoir hornou and oultlti to tfraza on our roads, and I am fcjlad that the community tolerattm it. Mr, John Quick who baa long boon uf- Uioted with Homnthing liUo a eanoer on hU fuao, ban ramovoct with hm family to EUotd, and Mr. Dauiol Fuller and .fam ily, late of Baadwioh, oooupy tho houeo vaoatud by Mr. Quick. Mr. Smart of Kingiiville, tho ownor of tho farm, ban routed tho houno iind farm to Mr. Fuller. OESTO. ttodd han boon viHitinf/ liio Lawyer par on to ct Gonto. Itoy. Mr. Trimble occupied the pulpit hero "ii tho 10th iut. Mr. aud Mr. W. Butt, of Windnor wove, in GoHto ou Sunday hint. Mr. Linton preached in Gonto church on tho '26 iuiit. Mra. Baker i utill with hor hob at Leu miugton, ah invalid. Men. Baiton, ur., ih on tho aiok hut. Mr. Trimblo, of Gouto, i:i puohiufj the Halo of upray puiapH. Hov, H.r. Konnedy han returned to hltf charge after hm oxanaiuationu,' which wore imoeoHijful. I-armei-H do you wane monoy at 5J por lout.? If no write A. G, Bakor Learning, ton, Dnt. "TcrmaoE payment of prineipal to nuit borrowodi. GOBFIELD NOHTTI. The farmurrt'.fauoa are an long an your ium. Too mucii ruin. Quarterly meeting aorvicon in Belle- Kiver cliureli next Sunday. Tho lad ion of Belle River Muthodiht clmroh have organized a Ladiea' Aid in crmnoction with tho church. T. Fruzor on going to tho ntablo one day kiHt week wan Uickbd by one of hia horrieii on tho kuoo. injuring it badly. Bunt Tuesday while Mr.. BnuJy wan get ting out. fiiH team ono of tho horoef] kicked him on tho mde of tho head m"tlibting a bad wound. ' Stewart Vaughn, while riding with Mr. 'i. unborn froin Khhsx on a Kog of uaila in tlio back of tlio ranrltet wagon, wan thrown out of tho rig and knoclcod uuoouHcioua for Hevoral bourn, owing to tho teum starting up Huddonly. Whili; raising a barn on Mr. Hagginh' furm, iieiir Huttd, J. Mooro, who wan np on out' of the bfeaniK in trying to catch a brace Iohl Inn balance ami in falling utruck Mr. Irottipijcu. Both riion were coiiHidurably Hhaken np and unfortunately breaking Mr. Pot.tipuuo'a If-g. ------ GREENFIELD Sath'DuHU eallod on relatives hero this week. "Ed. Onkey Iulh given hin dwelling a hauduomo coat of paint. Itobcrt Stoveimon bun movoJ on the farm of hm fatlmrin-law, Mr, H.iya. WatHou Coatawortli and wife am viit- iug at tlieir old liorno, K. J. WiIhou'h. Mrs, .1. Wilson ratuniod. home after .apunding two moutlm with hor daughter Mrri. Buiin, of Kuthven, Marvin' II. Itobinuon with bin friend Mivart callud ou frmndd iu Winduor and Walkorvillo ihii wook. Walter Col'ouutt ban moved lux |honi?c- liold effeutH back to hiH old liome, think- ing. thoro is nothing better than farm life. Mi;- Leading Store of Essex, GOTTA M. Ja-*. Gumpbt'll ban moved into tho Wag- utaff ottico. Tho directoru of bho Cottam oheene and butter company have deciked not to open until Juno Int. Guy Warnor who had a leg amputatou IilhC winter wau bora hiHt week ou a vittit, ho getn along very quickly ou orutchen. KevH. Shaw of thin place, and Thibeudean. of Maidfitouo, oxahang*jd pulpita on Sun- day luht, for the proachiuj; of educational Hormone. Mlo. (Hov.) W. li. Shaw left hint week for Downor'a Gifove, a aubui b of Chicago, whore tibo will viuit tho family of hor daughter,. Mrn, (Rdv.) Saundorti, for a few wooltu, Mr, Clapp, Patron candidate , paoootl through boro a fow days ago. Ho did not say chut ho had decided to taku tho Hold; ho io woll Hpolcsn of by thouo who havo mot him. John Mooro fell from tho frame baru that waa baing eroded for Jus. Haginn aud foil on Itober.t lJottipioco with nucu fores an to break hialcg, Mt. Mooro eooapod nearly unhurt but raitfht have boon nor- iouolj injured bad hin fall not boon broken. JiUOOKUB. i\lrH. Nuby ih very Hick. Not muoli Hotdiug buu uc^u douo ou ac- count i*f tho heavy fall of rain. Vusit improvomentu liavo been mado tliia Hpriug in tliio locality which HOimu to hft coming to the frout. A number of woraon inot at Mrn, Wm, Milhuj'H tho othur day unJ forrnod'a ladiGB aid for tho Methodist ohuroh. OLINDA. Your correspondent failed to mention that tho chair wau ably filled by Mr. Lovelace,. Editor Fhkk Pkksb Ehuox. in connection with tho recant tea mooting h dd in tho Hclhodiflt ohuro'i. Mr. Lave- laco will be gladly werfbomod at any timo ho may viHit iih.' BELLE RIVEK HOAD. Tho foarth quarterly mooting in con nection with tho Methodist ohuroh will bp held iu tho Belle River Road church on next Sunday, Gib May. If you want a cool Hwoet and lasting Braolto try a ton coat package of TONKA nmoking mixture. Bo uro you got gonu- iuo. ODDS AND ENDS. Stark'a Powdorn,oaoh puokngo of which contains two preporatiorjo, one in a rouud wooduu box, tho cover of which forme a raenHuro for ono dnso, an immediate ro ller for Costivenoan, fdick H fa dm; ho and Stomach, alBo Nouralgia aud all kinds of nervouH paiuB, and anothor in aupmilaii, (from J to i of oue is an ordinary doao) which uotH on tho Bowels, Liver and Stomaoli, forming a novoe failing perfect treatment for all Head and Stomach com. plaints. Thoy do not, an moat piIIa and 60 many othor mediolnoa do, lose thoir effect or produce after oonstipntlon they are nice to take. %o a box at all modi -oine di-alerd. A' truth tLdling woman finds fow frieiidn. Color bllndnoss is very rare among; wo- mon. Droua your boy as comfortablo as you drejw youraolf. Sales by auction woro formerly hold by candle light. In buttlo only ono ball out of clgbty-flvo taken effect. Qulot a child by gponglu# it oft taforo putting It to alaop; , Two thielcuco'jeu of uowapaper make a (food lining for appto barrels. One hair of amaidon'uhnnd pulUhardsr than ton yoko of oxon. Tho mlncH of Now Zealand havo turned out |2KO,000,opo of gold. Llvo Hoolably with your family ad peaceably with your neighbor*. Alien atHawthorue, Fla., hatched nine teen chicken* from eighteen effgs. Ho only Invests intelllgatte,e who undor- Htands the nature of bis investment. The plumes hi the helmeta of the French dragoouu are made of human hair, Tho deviv never ha* much trouble with the man wHoiIb in love with himself. An alloy of Wold and aluminum has re cently boon mlado ; the color U a beuutlful purple. , ,. T*H TkoUiHl.tl i:irclor- <-illlrr 111 kuhunl tat-U (u (jrci'i <li Uliorul l,*-inl*-r aud a \iiinb4:f of llln Kit'udht^ Hu|)tirlrlTM l-'ntiu IHrt'e*' ( lit ('lOVtlllOk, Montreal, April W. The Lllienil campaign wati opmiud huro to-nlivlit by a (lomontiLnttloii which In all tlio oh.*- mcntH of poimhir fntlumlaniii mii-paHu- oil anything oi tlm kind which Can ada hiui hlth(.Tiu uofsn, To tho EiboralH of tlihi city i'oll the honor of HounMln Iliu o.ill Lo ;mir-, to which tin- Li.Vi'iU:; of Canada uvurywheru. will reMpoml. Tho occaiilou wau a party celebration, but It wan moru than that, and grow ing a.-J it. did Into the Kouoral uluirac- icr of a l'LceiiLlori and ovation oxtond- d by the lai-ffOHt commercial cunt re to the Liberal luudvr. It bucamu the nu.'.'ury of an c:-.tuiiHlon of eonlldonce v. nlch wil be Domlnion-wldo in itn cx- M'cHion on Juno ^;i. Mr. Ijimrier camo cown from Ottawa on the evening a . fore of lihi UouteuuiUfi from tlio other [;!'i>V!llC(:.'i. TI'.l- irn.-etlnir wan at Sohmor- Parle, the larjroat auditorium In Canada. It 1m capable of holdlnK more than lli.uui) people, and to-night it was :rowdcd to the utmont. The Hoerie there waa ono of the most niuirnllicont which touhl bo imagined. Tim bulld- .iwr had been .stripped of itHHcata and 'lie atidiencff ytooil throughout the lonff .jei-Uiur. Mr. I.jaurloi* reeflvod a tu- inulUioii.M reception,and all tlio i;pc..eh- ' !i o\'okod .spontanooua and enthu.sUus- Me choei'H. The ojien-nir part of tho demonstra- Uon was an unparalleled hlh'oohh. The vrallK-r was fine and IhouHand.s U]>on r'linisandH of people lined the streotu, t Jh ostlmatcil that JTully G000 men ,< in line carrying torcliw, singing .ml choerlnij thumsolvOB hnarne. No 'tlmutc can be made of those along i he route. . . .-M Alexandria the Liberate of Glon- r.vvy tonl: ooeciHion to pn-Hent an nd- . which was rend by Mr.. A. G. V. -'laeLoniild, asking- lilm to deliver an i"'flrf'HH Ihi-re in tlic near future. Mr, I.aurler In a brief addreiiH promlHed to <U> uo. At. the l!niiavent.iire Btntlon tho *11h- tin)-'ululled ffiK.-Bt.'J wore mot by the of- l\vi-r<t of the Club National and con. ducted to the hall. Ah early an half, prist C tho member:! of the' clnba began m leather at their headquarters and or- tritnize' for the march. Ti anHparenclcs wi.-re enrrhd with the mi'ttnoH, "Lib-rain for tlio l'enple and v. 1th the. people-," "\V-'len.,ie to our - :.:< f, LatirliT," 'T-lberals and, hornet f:r>V'Tnmtmt," "Out with buffer;?, duf- * r. and Tuppor. ," Llbefnln an> n.hove .1 before all Caimd'aiiK," "Liberr.ls ; oin oc'eun to ocean." The member?, ::-u sti-om:, marched to KWlnKlniv Scotch ;:':-. , by way of Notre Unmo-stivut and r'l. .laiiie.'i-Htrcet to the Champ de, *.'ara. A-i they posted the St.- Lawronce 'mil, .where Mr. Laurler.waH staying:, : I**v cheered the Liberal chief time : ,id sixain, In the meantime the Clubs i.;i urier, Letellicr, Mcrcier, Chen for, National, Ilhike,- O.'offrlon, Papineau, f"'lb tier and the uiudent.s of Lavai .ind MeCili had started from the .Monument Nati&n'alo and inarch(;d down the Main-street. AL the lilstorlc i.'hamp de Mara thoy met the Entdlan r/herals, joined forces, and all ad vanced to the St. Lawrence Hull, wh to ^- \ Laurier reviewed them uu they a sed alone. The entiauce to Sohnier Park was ^ 'i crowded that it was with the great est difficulty the procession could en- ifr. Taken altogether, Hie demon stration \f*.s the jlnent ever accorded to any. nubile man In Canada. At Sohmer Park the crowds boeran io come at 7 o'clock. At S o'clncl;. tin- immense floor sDace waii almo;-:t fllh'd, and the triillery. In which wen- the only seat*), except thoHe upon the plat form, vaa rapidly nlliriK. This Matbry half covers the floor. Tho scmir. was helchtened by tasLeful and appropriate decorations. Dr.Choquette, M.P., opened the nioet- ir.fi-, and in doin- so. Hpoaklne In i'lench, ho declared It was an atiffury T,\thCo.?Ucco?3 oC the I'Iboral party on Julie tlif. There was a renewal of tlio cheer ing- when Dr. Lachapelle announced tho name of Mr. Harcourt. The Pro vincial Treasurer of Ontario advanc ed to the front of the plaform and bow ed, whereat the multitude sent up a shout of welcome to the vlaltor from the sister Province of Ontario, who came charged with an encouruKins- mossa-ffe from his colleagues. "Let me pay," ijald Mr. Harcourt after a few fitting prefatory wordn. "that we will unite to place in power the ureal lead er who will, address you to-niaht. We In the Province of Ontario have been proud of bloke and Mackenzie, v/e are prouu of Oliver Movvat but we are just as proud of our t'reat louder, Wilfrid Laurior. (Cheers.) We in the Engliftfi pTO'vInce 0f Ontario think Just tm much of the gifted frenchman, Wilfrid Laurior. as do his compatriots in the Province of Quebec. Why. sir. theru is no' loading Lib eral in the Province of Ontario who is not determined this minute to upend the next eight weeks In an earnest endeavor to place in power Wilfrid Laurior. -I simply closo by aaylnc that I am authorized to nay that the Mow- at Government la witU you heart and soul in your efforts to secure honeat government for this Dominion, and in your efforts to place the Premiership upon the brow of Wilfrid Laurler. Tho gratification with which thin promise of support was receved was indicated by cbcerinijdontv and loud. A renewal of the demonstration, when Mr. Paterson was Invited to ad- droim the. ivreat audience, showed', .that the fame of the , eloquent representa tive of Urunt was not confined to. his own province, and that his abllitloa and patriotism are appreciated In Que bec as wel as Ontario. Mr. Liuirier, on rising to speak, was greeted with vociferous applause, He had believed, he said, that ho had, when addressing a ulmllar gathering in that same place last year, addressed the largest meeting at which he had over had tho honor of being present duriojr his whole political career. But that mugntucant asdcmbhijro surpassed nil those that he had ever w-ltnefiaod, not only; In Montreal, but In all Can ada. (Applause.) When tho meeting was held there last year there was a Hindi .of powder In the air. It was thought that the. Government was about to face,the people who were lis judges and Its masters. But a change cp.tno over then*: Uwir heart* faltered; Closing-out Sale OF Dry Goods At BARRETT & Co.'s, Bankrupt Stock Store Having decided to go entirely out of Dry Goods, inorda to go more extensively into Clothing, Boots and Shoes and Furnishings, and being desirous 'of closing out every yard oi Dry Goods in our establishment, amounting to over ^7,000.00, Before June 1, WE "w ILL START A MAMMOTH CLEARING SALE SATURDAY, MARCH 28, Of everything in Dross Goods, Trimming, SiIIch, Patina, Linings, Gloves, HoHwry, Corsets, LacoHJurtnina, Chencllo Curtains, Curtain Pules, Table Linons, Towolingn, Cottons, Prints, iri fact cvorytinny in tho Dry Goods department.must bo cleared out, and an tlio bulk ot our stock in all now and bought for this aprinu'fi trado, this la an opportunity rarely oCferod to the buying public, to purchase seasonable goods tho first of the ncaaon at tho unprecedented sacrifices we ;irn making on everything in our Dry Goods department. No such remarkablo chanco* for bargains havo over been ofTored to the pqoplo of Essex and surrounding country. Clothing", Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps and Furnishing-s, - vVill be a leading feature in our hnftino.ss in future, and we guaranteo you a saving of from |5 TO 25 PER CENT- n everything you buy in those de- partmenta, If you do not come to this Hale you arc simply throwing- away monoy. Jfero 19 a chance such an you have never bocu equalled. Don't miss it, but bring your Eg\'n and Caul) to Barrett & Co., Tho One Price and strictly Cash ^toro. ti- clU'ir courage l'Ct thi-in; tlniy tlt-ci'1'Ml in ttavy uii. tin: ju<Jf^ 1:1 *-il 1 'lily n.^ i'Jiiy tAjiplaus.1,) .mm,, imw- l-vlm', tliUL jiid^mfnt day litt-i ckmu"', -hi1 th..- t-i(jv(;rniiii.-iit was L.ci* hi I'm'*.: with tin.- pi-oplc. What tiiaL jiuIkiii< nt \p":tri tht; Cluvurnnieiit would Icnow on ll". -".'ejiinf,r <>r the Z\vd oi Juiu;. A \o.cu i.l will in iiiAV'T thi-n. (AnpluuKu.) W'ull, It was i'lji- tk'- pcupi*;. It wan :'< I'turnc whom ho wa: addi-csslii^, to -;iy. The Literals wi-'n1, h. was u: 1 1 d ." know, thorouKhlv preparna far the n-u^lr-. AJ:-. Lauiier toucilii'tl upun iht- public tiny, and (.'onoluilfil an "Hows: "U'c* ar,.; on Lhu evi.- uf tliu ureat bat- - . and' iv,. ilII want a uhanj-vi: in the ""^ nuniiiit. (Loud applaus.r.) I call "!'nn you all to got to work wmii'stly lor tin- victory of- tho ^olHI uauso. u-\iilause.j I addrofn myHolf moru ;sp(.;L\la]Iy to you, worlcliiKmen, my JnendH. You are, perhaps, th.; moal intureatud in tho Ihhuo, of thin ffivat uffht, and 1 ask yon to lend us a williiiff hand on the 24M-d oi June. I ah-u appeal to the* yimnn uifii, to the f-Uidonts, the hope of our country. I ask you but one thhiff, that la to bo ihi_- worthy sons of your fathers. Elec tors of Montreal, I tuld you the names of. your candidates, and 1 want you 10 elect them. I want you to be ready r<T the battle, not on the ^:trU of June, cut even from this moment, and until voting day. Unite all your efforts to drive from power the corrupt Gov ernment which 1ms held the reins oC power for over eighteen yoarp, and on the .wlnjrs of the breeze will be borne . Io the four corners of the earth, tld- Ij}.-* of the great victory of the cause *f the Baldwins, the Lafontalnea jtfnrl of Laurior." MosHrs. .Davles, Praser, M-ftflharfo and others apoke.anrl choei-H for th* Quoeil and Mr. Laiirler hrouffht to a close the firentest political demonstration ever held In C;inada. arness I-eau..giv_Q a good eott / of Single Harness,warranted haud-madc Tor $10. Talbot St., -Ensn SING LEE. CHINESE L Cor- Talbot si. and Victoria a"e. The latoflt improvod machinery for Ironing CollnrH and Cufffl. or break t.ie wiu^. Will not craok' Fumily work cheap, and uuhvered. Paraolo oulletl for Pleauo call and try. If not Batiafaoiory no charuo will bo made. If our work Emits you, recommend uh to your frlendfl. UKETJ 70 to I>MHtlOHH. A floor dronniiiK for any und all wood floora, only poattivo duat nunihilator on tho market. Kfipcoially valuablo in nfcoroo, waro-rooms, hallo,' Roliool-room:-i, Oflioofl, oto. Givoa 11 natural oil tlnlah, phownia tho color 'ind grain of tho wood lo ito bout advantage. Is Hiiporlor to oil or paint for proBorvinfj floorflfrona woarinfi or'apliutor- ia\t.' Will eavo 75 por oont in tho ooBb of keeping a otook of goods bright and oloau, and Will aid in makiog naloator*tho eaino roason. Endomod by lending huniuoHa flroia evorywhoro* Guarantee; When ap plied uooordiuii to directions we. ^aamutee that not tho loaflfc parfcialo Of dufit will ariHo from floors when sweapin^ or other- yt'tao. Ne sprinkling no 110 dunt. Those RunranteB Kien with every cellon of oar "duitleio." 8eo tuple at Flint's barkor ahop. W. J^. Miidte, Mole iRnt for Easex couuty, Bbiax, 0t.' ' 70 70 30 IB to It) 3 00 i 50 to i 60 4 00 0 00 to 10 00 1 60 to t 00 4.t*i47fi-76 5 00 to fiBO 7' ia 7 U00 a 12 . 7 ---g- 25 75 Wuufct red por buahol ..-.8 Whoiit, whifco .... Corn .... Oata Timothy Sood .... Glovor Sood .. .<. AlHike ..... Hay por ton............ Beof per owt............ Pork ............ Mutton............ Hideo ..........'-. Cinchona per lb.......... JB nt tor .......... Lard .......... L^i'Ji. f 01'doz.......... 3?otatoea, por bnehol .... OmoriH .... Apploa .... TurnifB .... Ourrats ..... BeoU .... I'urtmipy .... Turkeya per lb.......... . Duoks.......... ^Oolery perjdoa ..... Cubba^fl * *.T. nik-uMt Walker Xc Bonn Market Hepori Ho.lKye, per baskor.... fiO , 1 Outs olekiied .. ,20 -t; Barley owfc. i 9c '.. . owfc 1 Com bu \ Th* above pnoea ore paid by, H. W*lke pdb, "Walberville. OnB, .... .... 25 to : 70 to 1' 00 to 1 00 i!>to 25 40 60 30 9 7 1 00 25 6 to '.""*' ' -):".ffl n ' WINTED.-YOVNG OH HICSZiV MKN of ohfcrftoUc Eanuittd:; f*l In Cmfcdfc. eUrted with no. About j week to iMfln with. TH ED BBAULB. BETSON CO, Ltd,, Toronto,-.to^'r, -'-^ fifefe^^ 77

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