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Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), April 24, 1896, p. 7

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VJr'- ' ' l'.^;.'3E OA1.IFOIINIA OltANUICfl. V The Hnryost 000 Box unJiiHt H.gini HylOOQ i-| Will lw wfto,- ost Him Jin am a Year. >*,* :' Tho orange harvest iu Southern Cali fornia basil/ogim, and whuii it ia at ltd height on average-W.euk days frobigrf.7,- <XX) to 20,000 boxes of tbo goMon fnfii go eastward ovoi' tho tranticoiibinoiital railroads from this region. On some days tho shipments a'mount to aw many as GO,000 boxes, Tlrbnsamls oE men and bpytH aro putting in ovory possible hour of labor in picking ana packing oranges arMthen in shipping, thum to tho Kastorn nutrients. 1'n Southern CjiliforniufeMicrch and April aro always tho Hvliost, busiest montl*sin tho your. Tho dreadful freeze of tho Florida !" orango and lemon crops 1ms mado last Reason in citrus fruity in this region the most profltablo since 1888. Evory per son who ownH or 1ms an interest in any sort of an orango grove in Southern California is tho personification of hap piness nowadays.. Tho prusont yield bids fair to bo oho of tins hunt.in several years in point of quantity and quality that iu, juioinosH,' fulness, smooth" noasof rind and eh'idiilinoss. Tho businoss of growing: oranges in this part of tho Golden Stato ia about &J years old. About, a dozen orango trees woro planted by tho monks about tho historic old Franciscan Mission, at San Gabriel, in 18'J'J, and thoir yi^oi: and fecundity after f>o years attracted tho attention of the citizens in tho slow, iiidobo pueblo of Los Angeles of tho 70's, -Hnind for somo ten years thoro woro aov- eral largo orango groves in what is jiow tho heart of tho city of Los An geles. Thoy were .souroea of immonsa profit to thoir owners, bat in thoso days there wore no railroads in Los Angeles and through Southern California, and tho market for oranges was limited to 'flan Francisco, which was reached by Vessels up tho con^i from Sun Pedro. "When tho Southern'Pacitio ca'mo down across tho Tohnchcpi Mountains into this region and wont ou to Now Or leans, tho agricultural interests of Southern California had a boom, and about 2,000" acres of oranges woro planted in Riverside, Pasadena and _'(3auta Barbara. ./When tho Santa Fe built into this region in 188 i and gavo the Golden Statu its first competing railroad, there was a boom in real estato, and especially in orange and lemon growing, that has novor been equaled in any land. Very fo-w people realize tho capital that is invested iu tho orange irtdustry In Southern California. Recently tho aifeodsors, and horticultural inspectors spent several weeks; in gathering sta tistics concerning the business, tfc is found that S-H.SWO.'OOU represents tlio valuo of tho land, trees, irrigation, dams, pipe lines, dYtcbes, anti-frost de vices, tools, implements and packing houses devoted to orange growing in Oil Angeles, San Bernardino, Jtivor- ido, Orango and San Diego countioo alono. At anavorago price of S1.G0 per box for oranges on tho trees in this region, It is seen that tho whole crop is worth to tho growors about $2,500,000. Sev eral thousand acres of young orango grovoe will coma into boaring in throo or four years more, and it is believed that by tho year 1000 tho total annual orango yield of Southorn California Los Angeles (Cal.Jcorr. Phiia. Timos. DOCUI^K CON8CIOUSNKS8. A llaro Hum* Hporto4 ly- I-rfndon Piiyaldlan. ""' At a recent mooting of fclfo Cllnipal Society(a diHt^gVishwl^ulniHiuii prac titioner showtSl a li'xrit t'A years of ago, who oxhibiUyl ih tho roost oomploto form the condition known as "dual ox- ij^nneo;" or "double consciousness,^ Last year, after a severe illness, Which was diagnosed to bo lmsningitin, Hh'6 became subject to temporary at tacks'oi unconHc-iousnoss, on r.wakou- ing from wliicb she appeared in au en tirely diuerant character. . In hoy normal'comliuon she could read, and write and spoilt fluently and with comparative correctness. In the altered mental condition following tho attack she loses all memory of ordinary ovonts, though she can recall things that have taken place during previous attacks. So complete is this altera tion of memory that at first who was unable to 'remember even her own name or to. identify horsolf or her parents. By patient training in tho abnormal condition sho has been on- ablod to give things tlieir namei*, though sho skill prcsorvos a baby fashion of pronouncing. . Sim sometimes remains iu tho ab normal condition for days together, and tho change to hor real solf takes place suddenly, without exciting sur- priso or dismay, and sho forthwith; re sumes possession of her memory for ovonts of her ordinary life, to tho ex clusion of those which have transplrod during tho abnormal stato. During tho last month or so alio uppoars to havo entered on a now phase, for, aftor a mental blank of a fortnight's dura- . tion, sho awakonod completely oblivi ous to all that had happonod since Juno, 1805, and sho alludes to ovonts that took placo just anterior to that dato as though they were of qui to recent ocoin-rouco; in fact, sho is living montally in July, 1895. Thoso cases, though rare, aro, of course, not infrequently met with, and thoy have .been carefully studied, especially in Franco. Tho hypothesis that finds most favor is that tho-two halves of tho brain do not. work in unison; in othor words, that thero has boon some interference with tho con nections which, in the ordinary normal boing, mako of a wonderfully compos ite oi*p;an like tho brain one organic whole. Sometimes one part of tho brain and somotimes tho othor takes possofision ofltho field of. physical ac tivity, and, as each p*ai*fc woijks to tho exclusion of tho other, wo get tho Dr. Jokyll and Mr. H^'do tiranstorraation. -London Medical I*roas. tt-Tg-jB ?13:E*v "HRl&SQ ,,,,;,'*s39 I'^M U| iSINFOL HABITS IN YOU \ LATER EXCESSES N MANHOOD '. MAKE NERVOUS, DISEASED MEN or ianorimqn mid roily la youth, ovnroxortlon of mind and body Indiio- limttmiloxpoHiini nro ooiiHtontly wrtwkhitf tlio Hvom and fttttirnl nfouonnd with* .....,............................___ . > dratf out a W .. OtlutrM r-dtuih nintrltnony hutflnu iiohoIiicooi'comfort thoro. Thuj ^THEHESBILT ,. .y -......................_.. -...., 'i-'iiiiipiiinitMriol tTHniHiuirl'iof. t)i-oniiInuyoiiiiin'"n- Homofadonnd withnr at nn niirly iio. J3j.it th<i|jliiHo::i of miuiliooil, wliUttoUitirM nra forowl to drwr "t a wmry, frultlona auu ' 'jtin-lnn<i|inl)i :ci.'Uru!. OtlutrM rii)t imitrlmony Ixitflnd miHoluco'of comfort thoro. Dhu, lJ utloiiiuif llfn:-Tlio fnrui, Urn otllcn, tlio wirkulinp, tho pulpit,] yJUiotrndfjiiu.id iIi'MU'^fwthioiMi. _________ ----- , fk RESTORED TO MANHOOD BY DR&* K. A K* - Wm. A. WALK1CU. ^V^:. A. WALKKIt. Mlta.OHAH. rKHHY, CI1AB. FifittBY. ( V I Prohibition In Toronto. Wio City of Toronto is still under tho license system, with 150 licensed os- . tablishments in full blast, authorized and-protoctod by law; but it has "pro hibition in spots,11 and the results, even of such a partial measure as that, aro of a significant character. On election , days municipal, provincial and Dom inion all licensed houses must bo 'closed. On Monday, January 6, To- .ronto had a vory oxciti-ng and hotly confcoatod election for.mayor and alder men in all its wards for this yoar, T,hor woro all tho elements -for "a-big time" in tho way of drinking, but tho _ logally opon'ed barrooms. Tho next day thoro was not a single case of drunkonnoss before tho Polico Court of tho city. Christmas Day was a holy dayi duly observed by all tljo leading "clrurchos ancl Christian people, but the ,.. law did'not roquiro tho liquor shops to bo closod on that day. Next morning oro woro 41 cases of "drunks" before ' 'flame Polico Court. Tcfronto has -a similar oxporienco for years. Tho 'facts toll thoir own moral. And yet, somo really rntelligent_peo.ple,_som6_ Toronto ministers included, go on thinking "'pKohihitloii can't bo en forced, and that under such a law thoro would be more drunkenness tlia-n ' ettor P". i r"i A M*>therv Mohoitra. A clover mothqr has hit" upon a now !??"' ' plan for keoping|her children* well and |v dispensing with the doctor's servioes. i/A'v. At tho beginning of tho winter sho $-'.., gave: thom a'talk on.kcfjiing well, $,' callod' thoir attention to the many fc' ways in which colds ax-e caught, serious I;.;/ indigestion brought on, etc. Then she &"", offered to each child in tho family a prize for keeping well- all winter, and thtis far has found horhlea to work liko B, charm. As doctor's bills in a family ', of fivo children aro frequently no trrflo, Hife.^tlio puiKOS will probably bo worth %$ winning, but it he gi-catest result will ;,;;bo that in all probrJiltxy the ciiildrcn S;:r' will gtow in love witfi health,and learn i|?|; self-control. -"Jlow York Post. Uomisrify for W'liooiUng-Couffli. An oxcellent, remedy for whooping-, pfc.-,';couigh isrto pour hailing water on flax E $eod, stoop it somo.time, strain, and to .proxy pint of tea add enough granu- ^tl-'latod sugar or( honey to mako a thick '^ aftp'r boili'ng them together a W few miuufces.- put ?ii .tho jitico of two $$j$mon&. A few spoonfuls fcakon often #t regular intorvikis will soon relievn |*rOOUh.', . >' Teotlmony of tho Photocrapli, "It is remarkable what an import ant part tho kodak playa in maritimo transa^ctions. as well us others, thoso day?" obsorvod Capt. Tanvers, an old whaler. "You may not know it, but no big ship over loaves port now with out a kodak and a supply of photogra phic materials. This is especially Wja caso with whalers and othor ships who go out on long cruises. Tho day of listening to yarns ef whalors has passed. To-day tho w"halev must show tlio photograph for everything. " As a whale is worth from $3,00Q to $5,000 and.as it costs from 525,000 to $75,000 to sond out and maintain a whaler and her crow for hor catch, yarns, interesting as they may bo, are not regarded by tho men who furnish tlio money for tho enterprise as a suffi cient remuneration. Thoy want tho facts, or photo of thom if thoy lost tho facts; nothing olso will do. It won't do any more for a party to go off on a loafing cruise and roturn in nine or ten months, empty, after having eaten up several carloads of provisions and run up tjio wago bill into tho higher tho us* ana's. Evory place the ship touohes has to bo photographod, and a photo* (graphic transcript has t/o.he shown of overy important incident of tho cruise.11 Washington Star. jj^UKirorKTUffiATfiUEHT Avrttii TinsmiKHT ' DIvorcodbafc anitod lUndu tVTfiO NAMES OH TESTIMONIALS USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT.-^* SYPHILIS EMISSIONS STRICTURE CURED Wm, A. Wulknr of Jllth Htro<t imyo: "I havo nafforwl untold u<iniit for my "ny lifo." I wiw lntllnonnfc whon ymmir iohI iunorimt. As * Onoof tho lIoyM I eontniohjtl Hyphl]Iniu)dotliorPrIvnt*HiHwuMMi. Ihadwloorn in tlu-l I ojwmiH, hidr looiMi, nimtdoa on foco, t\nu<\r imilit onmoofr, oinfiuiioufi, Immjuiho thin nud (Iwtpotidoiit. Hovuti dootorn tnuitiul mn with. Alorcury, J'oUuih, t. Tlioy holptid mo but ootitd not euro mo. R^______...... Kimillyu friend indiictwlnjoto try l)rff.KoiUHKlyAKflran. 'rTutlr NitW Riutliod UVuttmont oarwl mo in u fnw v/wtkn, Thoir troiitmout In wondorfal, YoTifnol yo\ivnolt ttn\nititi ovory flay. I havo novor hoard of. thoir inillutf to euro in UKlnRlo^ pYmi fool you KaininKoyoryduy r/-CURES GUARANTEED OR MONEY REFUNDED dipt. OliiiH. ForrynnyH:~"Jt owmy ](fo to I)m. K. A K. .......^1 1 Intel all tlio uymntoiiiS Himnnutorrlia'fi, hmUmhun At ill Journudu hud linblt. &(>r Hondmil Wookniwm nnd woro dmlniuur nnd winikoninw my vitality. X marrhwl at K2i unclor mlvlco of my finally doctor,' but it wihi ii Hiuloxporicaoo- Inolwlitoi-n ninntliH wn wro divofco^l. I (Jion oonnultwl l)i-fl. K. &K., who rivitorotl mo to mtmlmod D by thoir A'cii" Method Treatment. Ifoltuhow llfo thrill through my iiorvat.. Wo woro uiiltod nnin and aro huppy. Thin wiw .Iv vAiiwimin. Hi.. If. Ar. 1(_. uro iiakuitirin imiioiiLlif K & K mm D to - - ---------------- R Jm tWWt tnat and cure Vartcoceh,, JRwttxiont, N*rvom Debility, Stminall* 5 Weakness Gt<-et, Stricture, Syphilis, Unnaiural J>ischatg4$t Self Abuse** Kidney and Bladdet Diseases, IMPOTENCY VARICOCELE EMISSIONS CURED itl* ymim ayo, Dr. It. & K. aro tioiotitifio iipuoluliiau iuwl I hoartily vooommond tbom." 17 YEARS IN DETROIT. 2O0.OOP CURKD, NO RISK !RPAnP'R I AhiVouh vlotini?__llnvqynnlo.'it ho :o.'it homi* Aro yon eontomplntintf murJ* tiuomiod? Havo yon nny Wfliiknojuir Onrlf lumdono for othern it will do for yon.n linn your Illond Iwion ( Wlmfcit liiiiiuono ror otliern It win do for you." itut tr_-atftd you, wrlto forra^ bonoHt opinion VrotJSS ?ha Qoldun Uotitor" (illmitratod), on EHlL- rl(10? ... ft Now HoMiorl 'J-rontniont will euro von. ISOONSULTATSON FHEE. No mattor who hi ^o^Cliame. CharuoH-rmutouablu.' D0QKS Flil L- " :^a uoldun Monitor" (illnutratod), on_i [1-IiJwMJKiH of Alon. Jnolouo pnntnjto. Joontu. bouiod, 0 r% CS5-NO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. PHt-lJ raVATE. No medlolno oont C. O. D- Nonamoo on boxatt or envoi-*1 N*v..^._ i Question Hot and ooat of T*ot-C ~' No. 148 SHELBY ST. DETROIT, MICH/ | Everything confldorvtlnl, rnVnt* FREE. ------- popes kDRS. KENNEDY & KER6AN & ^&K:gtP^sHrK=PBgKe<K=piR!Si<aJMil For Fine A CITIZEN'S STORY Two are Enough. Feela Happier. He DID NOT NEED THREE. ^ Mr. Jkrraas N. DavIs, of 15 WolHngion sU, Kt. Thom.-irt, sjicaka of an event of laui ooowr- -rcnue, wliich .should be 'o[ iniwitat to many of our citizens. Mr. Darin, in convettiabion wiili our representative, said: " Doan's KuCney Pilla am the best kidney rianudy I ever heard of. They Imvo removed t!i flistrossing fcidney trouble u*ith which I was afflicted, and made a slj-on/jor, httppior man of me. For .some years I have been troubled with severer pains across the lower part of the h-AcU. Thcurim; wns dark'in color find caused nio a -RPeat deal of nnnoyanec, beinj;- com pelled to get up a number of times during the nij;ht. I was also a meat suflurrr from severe cramps in my l:^s, which became so painful- that 1 had to j^et out of bed am'l rub them with Imin'-nt in <jrder ta yet even monientarv caso. I liail a ereat deal of .side headache'; was m.ubk'l with weakness of tho eyes and felt tins!, weal; and worn out. WalUiiVfrdifitrcssed me because m" tin; pain nnd ijeneral wcaknets from whk-h I .snikuod. I pot three boxes of Uo.m's KidnnyPilhi from Mr. K. C. Harvey at iih dnijf .store, and have ant taken the third box because riua'e was no necessity to do r.o, '1'he two 110ven have h;ul sivch a t'urpriirirlf/ ei^ieet for yond that I did not need the third!* Y':s, .sir, I take pli'.isnre in telhnj; what they have dfjim for me berauio of the health that I iiow enjoy through tiieir use. All my difiicill- ti'i1. have vanished; 1 have no p;tin . in'the li:i'.:k ; no sick headache; my t-yes do not trouble tne ; I have lind no cramps since I bi'j'an taking'the piFln; sleep well, and tho tired, played-out feeling has all gone. . I belii.'ve all thesie." troubles we.ro caii.scdi .Himply from kidney trouble. You may say that I know Doan s Kidney Pills to la; a speedy and wonderful specific for kidney and 'unwary diffi culties, nnd I most. strongly recommend their uso to anyone alllicted an 1 was. Sold by G. A. Bhorriu, Ehaox. . Yon cannot do better tlian call at uiie...... Free Press Office. We have facilities not excelled by any printing office in Western Ontario for the production of Pamphlets, Circulars, Posters Dodgers, Sale Bills, Route Cards, Or anything in the line of printed matter. Wewcan print anything that anybody else can. We make a {spec ialty of..... Pino Commercial Printing. Bill Heads, Letter Heads,1 Note Heads, Statements, Labels, Shipping Tags, Or any kind of office stationery, not forgetting Notes, Receipts, Due Bills, Lien Notes, Bank^Cheques, Or bank and office supplies in this line of any description. Then we have an especially fine line of We print and supply them in any quantity. Our prices cannot be beat en. We are continually adding the latest designs in type, borders, etc., to our already well-equipped office, and are "orepared to do as handsome a job of printing as you can get in any city. . A trial solicited. Mail orders receive prompt attention. 'A, unfortunate Cod-liver oil suggests consumption, -which, is al most unfortunate. ItsJbo$t.use is.Jbcforc you fear cbnsumption; when you begin to get thin, weak, run down ;vtlren is the pru dent time to begin to take care, and the beat way to take, care is to sunply the system with needed fat and strength. Scott's Emulsion of cod-Iiveroili wTnTTiypo^ phosphites, will bring back plumpness to those who have lost it, and make strength where raw cod- liver.oil would be a burden. A Hibtiilulit onlv iiuitaUs tk* original, Scott Hi llowwu. lJll*vllle, Out. \oc. and fl.oo IftfFKURTITlONH AIIOUT UATUKS. VorkAhlro Pnopli* Ulna tho TJttlo Onn'i ITaud That, ft"May llmiomn Hloh. TJift yuporatifciona att'iiohtnc: to now- born balmy ani mimorouH. A York- aliiro (Rutland) notion in tliat tliu in fant shoulil bo always placod in tho arms of a maiden bnforo boinp; tounlind by any ono olso, and in somo irwfcancon itK ri^lrt band is bound in a cloth during tlioiirst day of it* oxistonco, in ordnr tliat it rnity fjatlior richofi whon grown to manhood or womanliood. In.Knpfland, Franco, "Gormany and many parts of this country it ia con- triderod fiHHontial that an infant Hhonld "pjo up" beCuru it goon down in tlio world. Thus, if a child U hovn in tho lower story of a hou.so it Is-inHtnully bundled up and carried upHtairo; if tbo event occurs in tho upper chamber, then tho woman in charge ih supposod to climb on tho table, chair or other article of furniture with tlio baby. ....."In "tKo~h~6Tfch"~of" England, when a child ifl taki-n from ahouao for the firafc time, it in jjiyon an guk, ao.mo salt and a umall loaf of broad, nnd, occasional ly, a pioco of monoy, thoflo pjifta boinK Hupposod to insure tho child a#airest Hb over standing in nood of tho noces- aitioH . of lik). Yorltshiro people add muttihesto "ljg-Kttho child of hoa*Veir." In tliid country', rca Woll tin in ma,ny other^a; aj>ook, a pieeo of raonoy and a bottlo of liquor are placed bofor-e ffio infant t'h-e da^-ft in one year old', Uiu object boing to ascertain its bent in life.. Tho Manx people havo a number oE superstitions eonotfrninp babies. Kail Gaiiio tcIlsTftt no one.isf allowed fo stop oveMt or/vtfalk entirely around it lesb it become dwarfed and wizened. Until baptised all babios aro supposed to be quito at tho mercy of tho fairioa,,y- The baby will romain luckv through lifo if it first handles a spoon with its loft hand, but it will como-to porfoot estato if it shall liavo repeated falls out of its mother's arms, eradlo or bed before it reachefl its first birthday. On'fl of tho prettiest of tho Manx superstitions ia the custom of retiring early on stormy wights, bo that the good fairies may enter unobserved to find a placo of shelter and roposo. Chicago Intor- Ocean. Ho Enjoyed tho Kouat. The scholar in politics has some odd xperiencos and is in' a position to got lots of fun out of thom. Charley Hoyt, tlio pluy-wripht, is a mombor of tUa Now Hampshiro Ijogislaturo. Talking; in Boston tlio othor night, ho related an incident that took place in his poli tical career. Ho said that ho never mado, to his lcnowlodp;ot more than one successful speech, and that was when, he was endeavoring to got a cortain moasuro calling for a largo appropria tion through tho Houso. Action had been delayed as long as possible, hut when tlio timo camo a bright young lawyer opposed the measure, attacking Mr. Ho*yt in a most savago malnnor nnd making many personal alltfsions. Mr. Hoy^ respondod vory briefly, btit tho attack had boon so fierce as to avousjo sympathy, and tho measure was carried; Mooting one ot his colleagues tbo next day, Mb. Hoyt waa oskdd what action ho waa going to t^ko abou.t the abusivo spooch. "WJiy, riofcnmg," responded Mr, Hoy^. "A,ro yon going to 8taritl'ciilr4ly"ny' oS^ )jg il18,llli*ji_iii tMs manner?" tho_gentlomilu'"'afl1rad. 'TTdon't^eiactly soo wlrn"t"~I- can do," roturrtecTMr.Hoyt> with a Httlo moro than, hia usual drawl. ."You soe, I wrote that speech .and paid tho man $25 to deliver it, " Troy Times. Temptation. Onp of tho ftroatosfc sensations of life follows a temptation resisted and overcome Tho good.knight of God is led to tlio end of tho arona, gentle liands loose bis heavy holmot and'sbrip off his blood-stained armor, and hold a cup of sacramental wino to his lips,' "Whothor tho scono of tlio conflict be a busy oiVicoor a commonplaco rooni, or tlio foot ljaft flold or tho roadsido wlioi-c tlicP honoytiucklo and tlio dpg-toso.^ minolp, teipptation must over no a voifnjCnoo* Wlten ono neads in the coapols that-an'gola minisfor to tho vic tors, itt is tho poptry of truth. The spiritual world follows hJnd overhangs us in this present strifo, and:lt may be that the f/ieos aro thoso wli'o lovo uh and 'whom v/o lovo. Our oyes aro,as yotholdon B.cktliut Wo cannot soo, hut. our ftoufli havo ji thrill of pure jby,w,itli which iv) ploasuro,' nor gain, nor famo, nur knoAvdpdgo cail bo compared. Thoro is Boni'otlii'ng bettor tlutfn the/sighhof an' anil's lidnd or'tho Bound of an lui^ol's" w;.. .^wi 4U..+ x *lw. t'wotl done" of :om anMaolaron. voUo, mu\ that is tho oons<iocet -wliich echoes from 'rho l'Uirouti elfcj'od Himself, I 'WORKED THE ITBTEtSj Charles" Rlbloy" 'Catiflfht' Brantforci. HOW BUCUS CHECKS WERE CASHES fty tUUl 'roprlror lu TliU Fr*tm6+ Jmf Kel^ttM) tkui Wm* Mneccufol *m Many Oeraiilaii4~lt Want Well Iu OtUwu JL New VuHK Cuuttnivrulv. Brantford. April 18. Churle* lUlr uid to be a traveler for a New York linn, wan anvunMi heru to-day at Lh* lielinont iioLt-l. 'inL- warrant on wliich itish-y was urntnti-U v/ajj lsuueti at Brockvlef Out. ile drew u chock to day mrainut It'ouklB & Co. ot New Vork and col, the proprietor- of tho Belmont IIui-ol h.-i'L- to u.uloniu the check; Tim casli was drawn., in yiu rneantlmu th l^roprhHur 01' [ln> ii.dinont uimium a^ other eyu and :<uuiir,iiK the amount drawn on the ohm-ic retuniod It to tb' bank. Hliortly aii^rwar'UB the polico came alonjr ui>l tuun ehurgu ot Itltdey, It iti repui u;u He In wanted in Brock* VUlo. JWontroal, JJohIoii nnd Now York, Thi-j in-eitin.nary i-xaiiiliiatlnn wul be held'uL iJio i'uiiu.; (Ji'juh on ^unluity. Tin, "CharluH lEinluy" roforrod to In tho-foretjoiiig deuiiatch is piirtlcularly "wanted" by many hutol pron-rlotors it\ Canada. Bunt CnilanniiH ItlHley atn puuri-d In Aluntnui,' wlieie he worked. Ida game on several ol' tho leading hotel;) for buuih ranh'intr.rrom yiU to xiu, liu then visited ottuwa and put up at the VVinduor UoiiHe |n that city, an<| ' afterward went 10 Urockvllle. Itiuloy had been in Ottawa jirevioualy a4 when be reubstered at the Windsor hi referred to hhi prevloua vIhII. Vbq next day, a Saturuay, after bank hours, he called on the oiace manager, M^, ItobertKon, and asked if there werQ any lottem for him. Mr. RoberUon looked over the mall and found on* ad* dreuHod to Itk>hy, bearing a New York pOHtnmrk. itlaley, atandlne "-t tho court-' ter, ujiuned the letter and a check dropped out. Jlialoy Htnlled and cal<l thlii wiiH tho vory letter he waii wait* Ing for, Ids "expend account chock,** Ho etidartjcd the check, which had boett made payable to Kl.sloy, and handed M to the otllce manager with a requoitt tliat lie let him have the cairn as U* wna leaving town for Montreal 'hat L little short. Mr, Itobertson, not KUHpcctln^ anything crooked, and from the'appearance o| the check certainly the Jceenost ma^ on earth would havo thought It a|J right, an It way made out as all cheoki. of commercial and mercantile housca, arc-; the name of tho firm was water* lined In the check, tho check W94 crossed good by an auditor and th# amount wan stamped on tho Uhtr&Uv alUof which turtded to hIiow auihejiijlc- ty. The Windsor Hriuse clerk, after handing the'man thy ?7.r; the amount of the check, passed it - through^'th4 bank in the regurar way. About ,4 week later the elTeekV was returned from N,ew..York with a protest, attach* ed to which was an affidavit of a not ary to the effect that thede Van' no auch firm as "Foulda & Go." In -JS'fjw York an,d there whh no such aceojmt In'tho bank unnn which trlie oheck tva<J been draTvn. The'checlcfof course, vca* crossed "forgery." When .this was flu* covered and the hotel oilicials had no-* tided tho. police, it was found out that he had playvd tin-* same tsnmo on hotels In-Brookvllle, Prescott, Montreal, To ronto, and other cities. Rlslcy apparently works this earn* with a confederate in New York, with whom he keeps in close correspondency and with whom he armnffes the exact; dates upon which to mail letters con* taininjy theso bopus checks to th fcrent hotels whloh are alnp;led / out ma likely to be caught by their game. XJSMl'BRXKCK IN JCXCLANJ). X PUw M*y-aiuC ou Fo( to Utamlmi lt>ti <*roiina. Now "York, April 19. A special cabta despatch from London to The Sun Bays: The temperance party in lAng- land Is at length beginning to recover from the drubbing which it received . (n the last general election, but it dcea not seem to have taken to heart tha lesson taught by its tremendous defeat at the polls. It Is undonlablc that th electorate meant to express the noun* try's dlsg-ust with the fanatical tem perance policy which aimed at immed iate and violent Interference* with deep seated socal habits and custom^ of tho people; but the tompcranco peo ple cherish the delusion that their de feat was due tq their weakly dallying with half measures Instead of.keopJntf absolute prohibition In tho forofront tt their movement. ' Consequently, they propose .to. "Btrenethen their program by penaliz ing the manufacture and sale of liquor." and one section will even go further and make drunkenness an offenco pun* ishable hy line and Imprisonment. Th latter have formed a new organisation called "The Temperance l'ro.psldes,,< amUcstablinhed a newspaper for the purpose, amonK others, of "Freeing the church from all complication with th*i, liquor traillc." This la primarily alrnV ed Ot cortajn1 Gonslble. JjlgbOPS and par- sons who have publicly given In their adhesion to tho movement for .doalp lng with tha evils of. the liquor trafffo Jw nforp!n^ tll9 tv*"U1^!3.*y,rB^ ySv^]l . of nvTintolptil oWliership.anJ"(;o.UrIrC3e*-. Various temperance conforonqs Will ' bo held ^next month, and -It -wW be Been whether 'the Ironsldea In purtte^. ulor and thp prohibitionists in ftetierai will obtain control of-itho antl-Iqajor movement If they ehtfiHd do so. they. , will'not carry the hulk of tho Ubura' party; with thom, and xtho result wht probably he apolitical schism not with out Importance. l'rliic KJwnril <:<tumy k'nlrotit Picton^Aprll 18 The Prlnco SMwnr* County Patrons of Industry held Htelr regular semi-annual meeting In th6 Shire Hall .here to-day, William Ander.' .'. gon, exrM.B., county president, In tho' chair, rtoijolutions were;"" passed 'en dorsing tho candidature of W. V,.Pott!t and tho oourse' of Jyin Caveh, M.Vj.P.. . In tho last session of the Ontario Beg- - bilature, and a strong resolution was passed condemning the Romedla,l 1U'...' and an>"At'bowipr to coerce Manitoba. ' 'i'ji . . Nil '-<t JJJPJfJ SiUO KJW. WO XXl'AXTSV v.;-^ (tnhy EMfnirk', Vlniilil l*,ul AlriiuMy. Bondon. Apidl ia. Over 'ib(| ralsslnic" Infants are now oonneoted wlfhMJWu, Dyer,' tho baliy, Carmer. The, ,polioe; '.;:.^ have consulted thy higher legal auttao--1-".# rltles regarding prominent persbns who;':".;;:s h-avo been. found , to be: involved 'by;:" " giving Mrs. Dyer charge1 of chUd'reta.: < /-..^ Sensational .developments are expecteil when thd case"coinep up for trial* . ,; '$ London, Aprl],r19,-The Duke > "amtl^-W Buchen:; af .MaPlborooigh, are; posslnig'.^ '!.\\M quiet time at. Blenheim, Palace, ThpfcV'SirM onVy 0UsU .are'.'the duke's' mlsters.^of-\%m whom he hast:'thre. .The '6^bhelaa;;i4':'.M winning; Mpuaarltj^ambhK tne t^urtk^WB- orFTh' e.esWe,V*.he. J*wU' them"aia4'M## ^jip^^iail^ .- '. ^:*-s^rjfrM^ 9

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