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Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), April 24, 1896, p. 4

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JfJmfjjJ^s^wfPT ts^^^^^r^n^^ fl- 'THE E8SKJ( FTgEE I^FfegS^ -CUE i- e A. H. Scarff " & Co. Will AID IS SORCERY TiiU Outdoob the Wizard at Orange* NJ. Apricots, Peaches, Apples, THE HUMAN BODY TRAHSPABENT HOUSE-CLEANIN IS SUGGESTED Atu! all kinds of Dried Fruits froRh from tin1 driers, Also Raisins, Currants, Prunes, Figs, Of 'ho very best quality and at lowest pvifOR, DON'T FORGET our 25c Toaili is *ho kcai Ul town A, H SCA-RFF & Co. GOODS DBIjUVERBD PROMPTLY- The Essex Free Press. FBIDAY, APRIL 21. 1806. LORD ABERDEEN BXPECrKD TO OlMSN TIIK OltKAT SOUTHWESTERN THIS F/VIjIj. THE ELECTIONS AA- .NOVMCED. Tho latont nmiouncomt u- rej^avdin^ governmental action in to Pi effect that 'Kir Miudjcnzio Bowel! will i i"<, from tho ProcQiGruliip thin wook and thut ho will ad vine the Governor-Gonem1 tn call on ftir Charlott Tuppor to bo hift Mm*. rsor and to form a now Cabinet at once It in rumored thut tin vend I'lian^eR will bo mtuit* in tlio GJabinet, h) l ing in ouch mon nft .limtiuo Muroc'ith, ItUt 1 udor of tho OppoHition in thn Ontnn Lc miniature; Hugh ,1. Macdonald, nou of tin lute I'rom- ior, and lion. T. A. Ohaph of Quuncc, Hovoml other new tinmen i i montioued. Proparutionn for dihnnlutini, n.n- in active proKieno, a that nvi nt < uniet] now Ic pohtponod. for many ti&yn. In miLintoiial quartern ii i- ihumod that the daloHof tho gonoml ele. i in hnvo boon oflioially fixed. Nomiuati \ . on ,]\m& lb and votnn; on .Juno U3, th AMeotlML'r d" Kacpciulvi* Mlrt t Kmuox oh 'riii'udny. uft"f the tliHHolntum Sir M will le'ivo for Kn^ln.-i 1 to n Conferences that upon Churleti Tupper will ho cu ior, and that early noxt v/t\\: will be made in thti Ctibiiiu Later. Latest nown confirm tho tibovo report, and utato that di-jlution will taltoplnco to day, April til. immediately MMeJ^owoll inijiho Cal li' ulvioo Bir i ni n-a Prewi I ho ohnnfiou Tho bill to ennfor upon <\unty Coun- oiln tho powoi to make nin itf to roa.<ln which load mto county ro-d'it hn.o finally boon rruulo law. In tho i-.Gjjinhj.turo it wan oppoHt'd hv Mr. GibHon ML P. P. for Huron, and Hpentkor Balfour Mr, Mutno replied to their arnumeuu, mid the lion- orablo Mr, Hardy omd a few wordh in Uu favor, and tlio bill wan earned. This Act will eiviblo thu County Council to do what it hi thorto him not had tho nowur to do, namoly, to do juntieo to tho vatiotiu muni* oipahtioa of tho county in the muttor of grantu by tho (anility for touil purpouea. Tho county couiiciIh' bill is uetiorully conaidernd tlie mom impnitunt rnoauro of the late tieimion at tho lo^iHlntuio, A a finally passed, it provides! that the com munion of ]ild< m are to bn^tn work on May 15th next,. In forminn tlio counU oouncil riiviHioiiH the eoinmiHuion nhall aa far an may be practicable, have regard oupootally to asuefjsod \aluo, uh well an to population and extont of territory, and Hhall not in rnalune tmch divinionH divide loofil uuuiioiruilitieu, unlesn whLre m "the opinion of tho cornmiKaiona it m plainlv uocoanary ho to d > in order to arrive fit a fair and reaannablu divmion, but in no oawo shall polling HnlidiviHionu bo divided. Xho coramiiiaionu Hhall Bit nt tho county towns. No member of a council of a local municipality and no clerk, treasurer, an- Howmr or collector thereof, oleotod or up. pointed aftor the (iroaont year, hhall ho eligible to bo a county councillor. The warden ir to name uoumnatinti olfluora fur all diviBionn for tho ftm* eleotionn, and tho oounty counoil ii* to name thero thore- aftor. Nomination i to bo hold in a cen tral plaoo in'oaoh divimon, two weokd bo foro oloation, botwetm 1 and 2 p. m. Vac- anoibn ocourtng before tho Juue uonaion aro to ho filled at ooo on tho warrant r warden ; thoBo oocurrint; afterwardti at the noxk annual elootion. Notmoro tlian ono 820,000 money by-law can bo papnod iu tho two yearn* t. orm without imbroinsion to tho psoplo. SOUTH 3GSSKX PATRONS- The uxccutivo crjinmUten of the Grout Bouthwentorn and I3hh"x Union fair njet iu i'eelt'fl Hall, on Tuooday, Tha pre hi. dent Eton. W D. Balfour, Vice PruH.' \V. Campbell, SuponntendontH Win. Milieu and A. \V. Cchoo, direotom Wm. Ellin, Gorpje Loak, Hubert Wij^lo, A. A. Wood- brirliio. M. Barrett and treasurer K. Plant vero pronont, an ./as also nocrotary Bea- muti, of Hqbox. Mo\ed by M^hk-h Ellis and \Vi(do that the action of the promdciit rc^ardm^ tho invitation of tho Governor-Gonoral to onon tho oatinbition, bo ondoraod, and that tho president appoint a oommittoo to con- clu(]oarranjroinuta for the narao. Carried Moved by Mohhi-h Cainpbell and Leak( that Mr. Barrott ho a oommittoo to aohoit Hpconil pri^oii from Walker & Sonn and mich othor partiOH ae ho aocu fit. Carried. Moved by MoA^rH V/iylo aim Campbtdl, that MuhEirH Milieu ami C^ijOm lm ra coin- rnittoo to Hoheit Hpocial pri/"H trom mer- chantfl and othero. Curricl. 0*3 motion of MoHurs Letik and Wood- bridge, tho proHtdont and nuperntondent were appointod to unlieit a tfrnut of fll.OCO from the County Council for tho exhibition. A motion hv Monsta Ellu and Loak re ! carding the mtui viewing of tho town council to j^uaranteo a io^n which mij^lit ODHne, was eariiid. The pryflidont and neeietary were ap pointed a committee on printing for lblMi AIoHsru Laird and Hocretary lieeinan were appointed a cnmnnittoo to wait on the nevonil pocietieD in town with reference to fnrniHhin^ a dinner at the exhibition ThoJollowin^ comtmttoen of raaua^f.- mont wore appointed: UorHCb M. Barrett and A. H. Wood- bridge. Cattle Wm. Campbell aaJ J, J. Dew- hirat. fcaheep J. Greiivea and J. F. lluaton. tiwnic W. G. Baldwin and Geo. Leak. I'oulti y .J. Mott. Dairy, fruit ami jellioH fl.. Wifjle and J. Murray, Agricultural procfuctw , worth, J Biroh and F. Fox. HorticultHral produots F.Thorne, G.fl. MUln.K. WiUon. Manufaotmort and industries T. Batton iiiid D. Kennedy. Fino arta G. J. Thoaian, Mra. W. D Beaman, Mm.1*1. L. Park and Mihh Barrett Thfl quewlion for oreutiu^ a now poultry houne whh diHcaoHod and MeoHrn W. Clump- bell, W. Millon. and Colioo were appoiutea a committee to report on tho plma, oostu, utc. The mooting then adjourned. By X Uny* On *'mn * Tltr^uxb Tlircti Mi*u la n B*Tf ItaUrmtt oruaku Clt-Ht-iy Vltlhlo l>y iliti l)o of IV tlkKhr*]*' *t'iiit Hrre^ii. New York,April 17. Nicola, Tenia has done what all the other exploitcra of the Roentgen ntyit htm failed to do. lie ban inlet ecdt'iJ In loulcln^ thiouiih the hum.in body. JI l; h.m norm t'ni-ther and m i'ii through the liodlt*;* of thru* of lila .is'iIntunUi placed In a line with tho Jayn. J*;ver Mime tho dlHCovery of Kdhou that In- could s-e<> tin* bnni*1* of the hand IhioiiKh a lldoie'Cont u^ici'ii t^cpen mentera with Ihe X rayH have been de voting their eneiKlca to tiylntf to hlo throuj'ht tlu* btuly. The Uvlru'; ukLletoi baa bten phutotfuipheu many timeji by the uho of the raya. But no deMlop- mtnt of the Uuht way found Miiflu lent- ly poweilul to penetrate tlio tiunk of the body Kdihon bellevea that ho had almost uolved tho pioblem when he dleo\i.r ed the tluoreiieeiit ueioen. In this he uaed tuii^ntate of calcium, which he believed to be ulx tlmcjj more tluoie'i- cent Lh.m the pkLtlno barlo-cyanlU*., which KutntKuii and ino^t of hlb f.ue- CthhUlh II-1 d- '11 -,1a, on the contiary. has pL-i.se vend hi umiu the pULlnu b.irlo cyan ide 1[->i bin lluui cseenL heucii, ul u l testln,; almu^t e\eij Knuv.'ii sub L.ii ', and tiOniii t* w that weie nut i * ,0'r;u".'.- Cd pievlously, Tiil in ok,tin- upper pn.it of tln> client, tlie miiib ui.d It'KBweiu found by ICdi ton tu In. amenable to the layti iroin a poiwertul tube and lily lluoiesn.nl tcuen. JJut the Hunk ul the body r" Msted all hi., attacks. Then he L"t about tiylny e.\hauHtlvt.ly to pi*ifict the tubts TnaL \f, exactly the \\tilt to whk.i Tesla ha- devoted hi - n ic i TluouKhuiu all his expt-i mi. ntlTrK-.wnicit ha1? added hv woudeiiuUy to the up- pllcaliim of ebetrlclty, Ids on. ,tini hi.1. bien to hecuie fircat i>o\%er. So it h.ia been In IUh work w 1th the X i.i . Whorras uthur beli'iitl.st:, W'-va u. o. ,. a voltane, retkoned In thout.u.d , > oven hundre<lfj of thnu.san Is, T * ' l handled millionu. 1Kb gixa; ubj< *t was to necure vast power In the 1 a cuum tubt"-,and ouw he h.ia huccicdi <i. The skeleton nl one of hh. attl daiii.- who stuoil at a disumre ui iUi oi .^ feet fi'n.j tht. tube whJeh was ^iv.. , j'otf tin iiL>H was plainly Ki ii L.i... bone Mi o<| o.U With ]m!1'h[ ( I' 11 "< But tb.it wiib noi all. Ti'-hi hn^ hiiajlj ptrteettd the X ia> tube to .such an exit nt that he saw compleLeli thiough the skeleton ,1-1 well m, lksli. Uric uf his aiiii-um , who was the bubject experimented o ., stood with hbs back tu thu va^'iii .i tube whure the X im>h weu* belt-r Kdven on', lie held a braa.s plate l:i iront ol hi.s client, moving' it up and down. The X ray.s had penetrated the bodv, and thioui,h the Jluorcscent serpen 'J el'-a c(;iild dlbtlnelly tut* Lht bia-H Plate u.s it moved up and down "Jt Is title that I have succeeded ill .seeing thiouKh the body," bald Teala to a reporter yeateiday. "Not only that, but 1 have been through three men .standing In a iow." Tho idttctb of this recent discovery of the electrical \vi/,aid cannot be efl- tlmatod lightly. Jt ban been the belief of puybkdan.s and tan goons ever blnce bcluntUas In i;au to exploit the Roent gen theory that their work would be enormously benellted if It were noa- .slble to photograph the human or- K.m.s. Now that they will be enabled to see Ihem.the leMiltb bhould be many tlniea more valuable. In diagnosing a cane the phynlcian or surge on will b>* en iblfd to see ieadlly what Is the matter with the pa- Uuit FiauLincfa In bonei, can be .seen insti rid of felt, and the bones re- nut with ease. In opeuUlng with tlu* knlf, fui the removal of foief^n &ub- Htuneeb many agilcvoua error in locat ing the object v 11! be done away with. 'i csla'* wondeit'ul "di>covcry mean.s that the Internal orga.ua can be ln- spected with pel feet ea;,e. It moano that he has given to humanity a buun on a par with vaccination, unaeathe- tlcs and other marvelous dbseov erioa In medicine. Hy 11 io warm weather of the pant few dnye; and tlit* chimceH aro that whon you are in th inidm oi' this moflfc avduouH undertaking, you will discover that you need J^ Ne"W Carpet to noplace one that haH becoTno to tender for inrthor service. We have a very nice iiHHortment, all thia Spring's goodn, in tlie newest patterns and colorings, and the pricGH are about fifteen per cent lower than usual. Lace Curtains May alflo need replacing, and it may intereHt you to know that in this line we are showing exeollent values in nice new patterns ranging in price from 35 cents to $4 00 per pair; se thorn. Wo are introducing several new linen of preruiumw, All Free SC 'SA-Sft5Sa?-'=. M - SSL 7Se st-s a=s see uh, Yours for Bargains, DrrKTSTAlT BliOOK;. BSSB2T. Pressing" Time with us. SPECIAL . . SALE OF Soon time will be Pressing You For a new SPUING SUIT. Why not order now. The uprmf* utrrk 'a in, NiwYurlt fanhionH too, and >ou will tict iietttr work now boioro the ruhh nt en for Bering. DE vv ixR, THE TAILOR, DUNSTAN BliUCK, G DRY GOODS. ( eries. ESSEX. Know What You Chew 12 Iniru oloctrio soap 25 conta. 1 burn oat meal or onutiln HOtp 25 contc( 1 bottleii of No. 1 oitraot uoap 122 contp( 5 poiintla Htaroh 25 centn. ;i boieH muliijlion 2*i ccmTH. Jl jjood brnoniB "2!) oontH. 0 bu({Q table mUt '2a contn. a Ihn. best baking powdor 25 ooutB. Tho above bargaiua at Smith's on Sat urday, DllHLleSH, rli*y ttoop Their Cuiiillcluio In irinlcl. tJir J, moetinft of tho PatroiiH of Induntrv of Sottbh Ehsox wiu hold in 'tho Temporanoe Hall h*r<* I"* Saturday uftflrnoon. Ov intt, posHiblv, to a convention of North Km JPfttwHW at WinflMor Ihoattnndanco wwl noi very livCo. It wao dooirlot! for the prcnont, nt InftHt, to koap oand.duto Clapp in the RoM. nlttiouch it is hnMy xtoM thiH deoiaion will b oarriad out to polliafc day. A flooi rlroHfliug for any and all wood floorH, only poaitivo chiftt annihihttor on tho inarktit. EHpeciaUy valuable in Gtorei', wuio roomH, hallu, kcsIiooI roomn, OflioeH, ota. Given a natural oil tininh, iibowtnR the color uiul grain of the wooa to itn bout tulvuntugo. Ih miperior to oil or paint for, proaarvinf! llnoriifrom wottring or"aplmtcr- in^. Will hhvo 1*) par cent in tho ooat of kenpmg a htock of gondii bright and cloan, and will aid m maknifj union for tho oame rearion Endowd by loading bntfineuo fir run ovorywhoio. Gnarautue: Wbon ap plied uuonrding to direotiotiH wo fjuaiautoo that not tho leant partiolii of dUflt wi,l arino from flooro whon nwooping or other- wino. No aprinkling no Bombbing no dnHt. Thooa gunrantacH pioan with every gallon of our "duHtloHH," Sou naiuplo at Flint'a harbor riiop. W. K. Mudga, nolo agut forEeoox oounty, BlBfles:, Out. U'UJC IH-OVACIi Jl.UiY I>1CAJ). Por Miifl l>nyu iuuu1m .UcJ^tilt-y Wa, the tiiunllvHt Kilvliii ijluiiiau Italnif, New York, Api U 17. A midget was lost to the world at -1 o'clock yuuterduy because oi! thu warm weather ot the Ijayt few tlayn. Dennla HcAuley mlKht havo lived to bu too (Jen. Tom Tijuwio ot his aire but tor a HLtle spasm which (hove tuu bioutli out oi! hiy lB-ouneu body. To-day the weo mite of a human lie- Iny waa laid away in a grave m C.ii- vaiy Cciuetery. 'i'le-ru \.ih no fii'iin in Gruenpulnt binall enough cor the body, and when the btmUimt obfun- ablu wan packed with cotton watting the tiny bube looked like a sinyk- ejjj In a large neat, Oennhs waa bom on the morning of April 7, at 214 K^nt-^u-iiut, anu urivi enjoying ior nine dayt* thu ijiou i dlb- tlnetion of beiny tho Bmalleut nuwui.i beniu on eai th, tU d. John* A. AleAu.ey and his wife, An- ulo, 2H and !ili yiuin m ugo jebpecLivi ly. Were thu paivntb ot Uij nddga, Mt- Auley weifjha lJ iKJimorrf and lb an am ateur champion bantam v. u-MLer, tit- 13 employed as an fiurlneei* m a tin tuctory at-SHu Jswa-BLrei-i, Both par- en to aiu Ammlwin born of Ii ish dt h- cent, and were man led four and a hall The baby Wiw too pin all and dellcati to handle a* otlur b.iblt'% ho it v. i placed In cotton halting in a cigar box. TIhtu was no po slblc way of ruodhi,. It other than by n Mimll egg Bpoon, and with the imnal food. Thu head of Dennis would tit Int' ti t'l.iH'l ^>ln i^l.i 'i, and allhout-h he V/aH perlectly fomu'd, a wu.i . wuuld lit loo lely aumna tin1 uppfv por tion of the leg. A dime would cover tho palm of the band, and the entitv length of the body wuh only seven and a half Inchc*. lothing, Boots mid Shoes, Hats and Caps, and Groc- Dress Goods, Black Lustres, Henriettas, Whip Oord, Faiuiy Lustreb at veiylow prices, LadieHT~Glove8, MUtfl, Hoaery at very low pricee, to start at 5c a pair. Dress TrimmingH, we carry the newest designs at very low prices Call and Gee before buying. Mem' Hats at 18c each. Clothing we carry the finestjine in the west, and price* below all, a good suit for Boys at $2.00, $"2.50, $3.00, to $6.00. Mens' as low as S3.50 a suit. Halifax Tweeds at $5 00 worth $7.00. Boots and SIiocb at very low prices. Ordered clothing, new spring goods at $ 12,50, $15^ $17, all worth 25 per cent. more. C3rJrXII-) CZ> oj JE\* I JSj 55 Are fresh, and at lowest prices. Gall and see before purchasing. U fr&e from tho Injurious coloring. The more you use of It the better you like It. rite GEO. E, TUCKETT A SON CO., LT1J HAMILTON, ONT. rancis, ESSEX Vance's Old Stand. Essex. IlentlqniircorH tor School Uoolie, School Snpplien, Note Paper,Knvtilopi'B, Inltv, Writing TtiblatHund ofiicu Stationery, 'A, rM\u M. E. a. DISPKNfiING ANT) FAMILY DUUUOIBT, i ohiK Itjx-li to iKnill. Klnjjaton, Ja., April 17. A ot<*umor CBpeclnlly chartuumI for the pnrpo'u- of conveying back to their own country tho lliivllnn rt'fu^ot h who clOHlrc- (o take advantatro of rrenldont Simon Bam'u amnenty- proclamation, han ar rived here. Seventy of them havo availed thenufolvea of tho trannrvorta- -- - - -- vl/ft/1 nn hoard availed then(elvea of tho tranii^U- , 8o](1 Rb 100. I Hon offered and embarked on uoara | the veweL Mr. Geo. TI. Plurtjar, Poa^cnufitur mid Mayor of Wellund, Ont., 'yo: "I'rnm ox porionoo in my o n family 1 cannot ppou.lt too liii'hly of Stark'n Powdori its & plounarfc, immediate and p^nuimenti euro for Head actio, Neuralgia, Biliouunowi mid Liv< r iroubleH. I nm itlao awaruof uoveral iioyorn oabqh in our own town mil noi^hberhcnd whloh havo been cm ml hv Mmm after tlm pationtM had nufforod for yottrn, had trud (ill ldndn of romdioa and hud boon trontod by dootarfl. Quo, II. Buiiuau Two proparniionH iu ohoIi box, nioe to take. Sold by all medicine clutih v* at 2Go a bo3f. 5 bnxas ftl. March 20. ~. -' .i - Uuy your bunion from u dealer who Uhowh what ho m H*Uin^ vou, T. W, Gib- won haH whaoh at 37G, cqwalto Mont bioy- The Cash Grocer, Confectioner and Baker. . IHE neoplo or tho Town of Ehhox and nnrroundin country havo long felt fcb|| IT ot a Th co where thoy oould o and purohaco what thoy roqu.rn on a olose, 1 hoBiH, without facint! oompclled to pay higher pr.cefl to multo up for thy k______ X mtde in tho credit ayotera. 0H and rao our fioodn, which aw always of ths . quality"md aot our prta.wh.oh arc the lowoBt. Don't miBB trying our Tea at ^ oonlna pound. BKEAD 4c. A LOAF. '*"'" Garden and^Field Seeds direct from the largoefc growers and dealers in America, afc lowest prices. OASII PAID I-OH FlBbT-CLAfaB DUTTBiJ AND FRESH EGGS AND otiieb pnonucj*:. GOODS DELIVI^BED PROMPTLY. M. B. WlGXiS. J. H. WIGLE, Mgr. Scott Block, next Aberdeen, Essex, i v-J w i .&lt ..'..i.:U' In. j^_^> ., *-ir ji 1fyl' ,r. i

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