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Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), April 17, 1896, p. 8

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ppjpp^i^^^fii TZ^jffffl^^^ffi^' rapM!?^^ er<j;S.S SPRING HATS - CAPS You waw Easter, tho now and Btyliah oneH Wore bought at my store, where the orig inal 'styles are always iirut diacoverod. Money-Saving Chances. There'h .nothing. I like bet ter than to Have you money. It's as good iim a gold mine to mo, this being able to make prices below the average, People find it out and coine for thoeo bargain-', I sell the bent for us little as f daro and as small a profit. Wall Paper . .;, . ... . '._.! have secured samplem of Wall Paper from the Consum ers Wall Paper Co., Windsor, and can save you from 35 to 25 per cent, on your money. Prices ranging from 3* a roll up to 50c. Be sure and call before buying elsewhere, a it is no trouble to show goods. D. J. Wliitney, HATTEE AHD FUENISHER. If Not Why So? And If So Why Not P We claim our store to..bB. .t'he__gr.e'at headquarters for bargains in Boots, Shoes and Slippers. If so, why not deal with us? We promise to place at your dispoBal the beet and most desirable goods in the market and make the prices right. Our store is a place all econ omical buyers should vicit. Custom Work a Specialty, Sifin of the Goldon Boot, WHITNEY BLOCK, ESSEX. .AgJPERSOtlAL W. A. Gardner wan in GaBtern uitieH ou biminoiuj I suit weak. Mra. John libera, of Iona, Hpoat laat week with ftriniuhi m town, ___Mj?fl._.J... McColl, Blenheim- in vinitin^ ttt Mr. Samson Goonoll, Ehhci. Mihh L, Squire, of Avubcrotbarc^B vioit- Itiii tho Miboos Kobiuaon tbia wook. J. Ivl. Short, of the Detroit Modioli! Col lege, io spending a few days in town. A. W. Gardner ih upending a few dayH witb.friundn io Windnor and Walkorvillo. MifltJ E. MoCaffroy, of Windsor, ia tho Koflt of Miaa Editli Gormley thin woeic. Mra. A. W. Davinoon, of Wiudnor, in tended tho funeral of Won. Trimblo on Monday. ---------__----------- Mihh Allio Gardner loft on Monday t0 reflumo hor courfloat tho Toronto ochool of Podafioqy. Mian Robinson, of the Windaor pnblio Hohool staff, (tpout XCnater holiday r with firionds in town, Wm. Sliillington itnd sou Benjamin, of Blouhoim, attondod tho fnneral of Wm. Tvimbio oh Monday. Mian Jennie Hon3, B.A., claaoical maater of Windsor Collei;iatoInntituto,vinltudMr. and Mm. E. A. Wiametr luut week. Abowfc twenty ladieo and gentlctnon at tended tho oloiiiuf,' exoraiaofl of tho Dotroit Conservatory of manic on Tuesday eveu- MiRii .Joumo Wullaoo, who ban beeu in Toronto and Loudon during tho past year, returned to bar homo in Eflaex on Satur day lttHt. Kcove Anld, of Amborfltburt;, wan in town for a ohort time on Monday morning. Ho accompanied to Eanex hia daughter, who is attending tho Strathroy Collegiate Iiidtituto. J. C. Whitney,' lata editor and proprietor of ho Rodney Mercury, 1b stopping with friendii in town. Having disponed of all bis KoJuev interests, Mr. Whitney intoudci taking a read from atstivo bnniaeiw for,a time. Uom Planters for 189C. Thd nutlerfll^ned denlres to atmouuae to the public that bo lian a number of Ufw corn ploutorn, latent uaodelEi, for Bale on eaey tertUH. AUo peraonn baying old planters out of repair are requoated to bring tbern in us early au ptmaiblo to avoid tbe u, u'al aoaaon's ranli. m< :. F.HOBINSON, :Opp. Dr. MoKeBiiie'fl, EHBfX. #*'i" Ife^-'; Choice piokloti 10a bottle; oxtru lino bor. ring llo box at Smith's. Three men from Ottawa on tkmr way to Milwaukee, Wi., woro compelled to re turn to thi* country by Immigrant Inflpco tor MoGlofian, of Dotroit, on Tuanday. Two of the men claimed that, thoy were tfoing to Milwaukee on a viait, while tbo other ntatod that ho had worked in that oity for the pant four yearn,. and had a child buried there. Bin wife in now viait- iufj, rolativoa in Ottawa. CttiitomB Ofticor Druiilard took the evidonoo of tho man and will forward it to tho Canadian government. Tho mou had porchuHQd railway tiokotn from Ottawa to Milwaukeo, and thoao aro uow uhqIohd. Ladiea'corcfortablo caitor ohooa worth 91.CO for 91.05 pair at Smith's. Soyon yeara ago a young girl, uamod Gattanaoh, ancd about IS yoara, disap peared Irom her homo at London, Out., and all offortu to diooovor hor whoroabouto proved unavailing. It was foarod that alio had poiiHibly boon murdorod, batnotb- inf; tending to that.theory could be diu> covered. A fow day a ago hor Hifltor, Mrs. LinuH lJoan, who liven in thin town, was Hurpriaod to bavo a yonug lady walk into the Iiouho and aunouuoo beraolf an the long loot nintor. It aoemo flho had run away from homo, beoanas hor fatUor ro- fuHed to lot hor visit hor oiotor, Mrs. Doan. She had scoured omploymont in Dotroit, and baa worked there over mnoo. Hor mothor, Mra. Gattanaoh, who otill livon in London, inexpooted in town thifl wook to boo the daughter. Gontlomon of rofluod tanto ohow tho famouti Boaver plug oxcluoivoly. Itofuno ohoap imltationa, PAtNIN THE BACK. A Gortaiu Indication of tho Lod^omont of Kidney. Dinoano. It itta miotaka to nuppono that pain in the back in a renult only of a cold, and in raoru of a rbeuraatio trouble than any thing elue. It if) syidetioo that dlaoaao baa lodged itaelf in tho kidnoyn, and tho warn ing in plain, if fartbor tronblo lanot to be taken on. that tho pain rautjt bo quickly ot rid of. There la no remedy wo oan no completely rooommend ay South Amorioan Kidney Curo. Knowing what it will do, there ih nothing oxfcravaqant in the fitato raent ef Count do Dory, wbo wrote from Heopawa, Man.: "During my travels I way induced to try South Amsrioan Kidney Curo, from which remedy I roooivod m- utant relief. X dc not think it bao an vqual." Sold by .7. Thornc, druccist. Tho latent reaulta of pharmaceutical soionoe and tho bent modem applfaueoo are availed of in eompoundfug Ayer's Saroaparilla. Huor, thoag'i half a aoti- tury in oxiutauoo ay a modioiuo, it ia fully abreaat of tht> a^n in all that goca to mako it tho etandaad blood>puriiler. ymm mmmmm rwfc pwww hln bum:, ovldently In hlH cMf uvtl coin- iniuilcutlohH bud oorruptod UIm ood Mr. Munorlett an rem J. with boiuo wurmth, that th..- C'ohm.d had M*^a miiiiiin for indignation 1^ ht- coiicoIvikI that tho word "roncuiuli:" had beeu ap plied -,to~hhii by uny xiwmber Of the CoiiHorvatlvu party. For certainly Col. Tyrwhltt wiih a truo'nml'loyal a Con- HorviLtivo um uvor tatt on tho Govfrn- iiiciiL Hldo (it tin; nmiite. Mr. Kenny Hear, hear. The hon. ffiiutleinun, Mr. Moncrloff tiaid, could, ho hopd, dlff?r without rimiirV.-lllnK. Hvmiklrnt Hn- hhnmdl1, h could uny that whllu h uiivt; a llnr- iniKhly eoimcliMUioiiH volu on thi: Btsc- ond roiidim: he bollovud that It over 1111 lion, wmtleiruin (;n.vo a cnnncl<rntloua voto In the other dlreclton It- wan the hftn. miiinherof Bouth Blinco..-. (Chuef.O fit Uw tlovi-nimont'H Hhict-rlty I" tln.dr dotonnlniUinn to put thin bill through there could \u- no doubt,, hi' Huld, and the lurtfo nuijorlty which had fmntaln- *;d Um courtio wan evlduneo of the fuisl- liiK of the country, Dr. Hproulo follAwwl nnq then Mr. Charlton took up tho paralilu. Mr. McOllllvniy wim th* nuxt Kpealc- i-v und before many minute had tdnp:i- ed th< ITmnif! wan In a continual tur moil. H( nald that- ho \uu\ liorroweil .Mr. Charlton'H Hlblo and in-oponod to rpioto a few paiaf;oH tlu-refroin. f:ol. O'Tlrlon* had irono ant of bin way to attack him and ho. tlioupbt he'inlBht widl remind that hon. member of the pnniiajro commonclnrv ".Tudgf not," etc Iff Intimated that Col. O'llrlon had been elocU-d through corrupt prac tices and only oaved hlmHclf by "wtw- IniT off" with Mr. Mulock. Tlu- Colowd had pone about the lobbied1 befftflnff lilu oppnnenta not to prcaa the proteat UKaliiHt hlin, tuatliiK that it they did hi; would ba ruined. Col. O'Brien emphatically protested iifmlmit the charge of corrupt pruc- ticeB. Whatever had bcM.-n done he would refer Mr. McOHUvray to Mr. Birmingham of Toronto. Mr. McGMlll- vray read nome furtln.'r Scripture ue- lectlonii and ^reat coufuulon prevailed. Order wjlh reHtonul by the chulnnan; who afllcod Mr. McGUllvray to douiut In his action an he tlioufflit It.wan ilot proiMM*. Mr. Charlton tho other day had been Htronirly condemned for hl action in reading tho Bible, and the- member for North Ontario oupjht not to do it. Mr. MoOilllvray taunted Mr. Laurlor with never having denied th(* utato- ment that he had said he thanked God there, wore no Orangemen In the Lib eral ranlca. Mr. Tjaurler at once roue and said ho would answer. He had stated, he Bald, on the floor of Parliament more than nnce that he would not be roHponalbKi' for any wordn attributed to him In any speech unlcm that Rpeeoh purported to bo verbatim. No verbatim report of-his Chlcoutlmi upeech had been taken and printed. It was not fair, therefor, to ask him to bo anweiublo for Imrwir- fect or prarblod newnpajK-r reports. Mr. McGlIllvray ald Mr. Tjaurler did not way he had not UHCd worda attri buted to him. Mr. Ilclley r affirm that Mr. Laurler (iald the worda and I can produce 50 people to prove It. Mr. Choquetto If any one says that he. flays a lie. T-oud crloR of ."order," "withdraw" and Ron oral confutdon. The Chairman The hon. gentleman mjint ^withdraw that word. i\-lll have to take It back. (Government Mr, Belley if Mr. Laurler will deny that he mild these words, I will accept. n!a declaration. The wonla wero taken down in shorthand by the Mayor of Chlcoutiml, and I can prwluee f.0 pea. pie to prov.* that he said them. For the next few xnlnutea the House was in an uproar, Mr. Mills Uiothwell) endeavoring to apeak. The chairman Mr. Chcwiuette must take buck the word M Ho." Dr. Berlin I move that Mr. Oho- quetUi'n words bo taken down. Mr. Choojuettc I have no objection. Then there was further uproar, dur ing which Mr. Casey essayed to speak. Mr. Laurlur asked if Mr. Belley.was present at thv Chlcoutlmi meettnp;. Mr. Belley I say thl : I /idlrm that Mr. Laurier uttered the words Imputed to him, and I defy him to disprove them. Mr- Laurler If Mr. ttelley was pro- Kent at the meeting- and lizard me use the words, I would request Mr Cho quetto to withdraw hia statement. If he did not hear me, then the rullnu of the chair must be different. Mr.' Da vies and Sir Richard Cart* wrlght rose.simultaneously .when some member called out, " the heavenly twlna," and there was an explosion of laughter. The chairman said he misunderstood Mr. Belley. He thought that the hon. gentleman had said he had hoard Mr. Laurler said the words. However, the matter would be nettled If Mr. Choquetto would say that Mr. Belley waa misinformed. Mr. Laurler thereupon asked "Mr. Choquette to withdraw the expression. Mr. Choquettt Well, Mr. Chairman, I will say that Mr. Belley has been misinformed, and the men who told him that have told him lies. (Laugh ter.) Mr. Foster Raid It would lie far more satisfactory if Mr. Laurler, who made, tho speech .would way juat now that he never utterod the sentence. The Padcrof tho Opposition, 50 far as le knew, had never denied using it, and La Patrio had purported to cive a verbatim report of what he had said. Would he deny tho'matter now. and uetrle it forever. Mr. Laurlur tmld that if Mr. Foster thought that hla cleverness would draw him from hla position, he was very much mistaken. (Derisive laugn- ter.) He had apoken for many yeara in Parliament and out, , and throughout the country he knew ho-w to jroveru hia tongue. Of the two speeches which he ha ddelivcred, one Chlcoutlmi and one at Les labourer- menti-', a verbatim report had not been taken, and he did not know of tiie statement attributed to him until his attention was called to It.by Mr.Smlth, the Liberal organizer In Ontario. Ho wrote to Mr. Smith a letter which wa published in Thy Globe, whlcn con tained all teh' denial that, he haa1 to give. Watf there any man In the House who could believe that he would make such a fltatemont an that ? Why. ni friend from Addln^toon Dawtson) was an Orangeman. He did not think he would be called upon to make any. more denial than he had rrlven. Mr. Frn.sor'fl motion for tne commit tee to rUe wan then disposed ot. and at 10. o'clock the consideration of tho the bill' waa taken up a-t clause 10. At 1.30 n.m. tho conimlttoc knocked out an amendment by Mr, Martin and Clause 10 waa adopted. titiUifK I- Mil* *llvr Madrid, April 10. A dcHpufeli front Ha- 'iiiui to Tlio Impartial wu^h Oaptjiht-Gn- rul W-eyler, In. dUeucHtnp; the* Cnlmn ro- onn movement xvltH Koine of'tho lendorti >t the HeforndHt party, doclurod Unit Hpulu il(iftlriiHJd tlio ImpoBslhlUty, of evuii: think- lc; of reform until tUelHlnnd Hlioitld he uiuttlcir Uy foreo of n.rm. Th* acuputuh Iho ' wiya It U now ilelhiltely known thot lie robel louder GoniX lLn' Ivo, (leaplto th jinny recent reik>rt of hia deatli. IN SESSION A WEEK Yot Little Progress. Waa Made With tho Bill. MANY REFLECTIONS THROWN OUT iiiiii&^^ Wliirli HhoWa Thai Hurt* lll-lcfdlutc Ua ii^ttn <k-fii<Mi ouiuir to tiu Covt-k-u- Hvu*tm - (<il. lyrwliltt HL>4'uU O.il. Ottawa, April 10. The mo tion that the uomrnlttot. Hhould rioe wu.4 made by Mr. Fruaer (thortly afrcr li o'clock thin morning. Mr. Vrtuu r continued talking until :i o'clock, wlun Hir Jtlcliai'd Oartwrlrtht took the Mnor. Vt-'i-y Hooii ho made a remark about puz'iduuit-d inltu- nee, whlcli tiei--med to point toward the member, for hutxlu and Orenvillc. At any rate, Dr. Kur^u- '"" ho underntood it, and made an in- di(;nant retort. - " U\ '.1 yearn In rarllanient," mild he, " apart f rem my wjuhIuiklI Indem nity, not one dollar hav..- I had out of the piibiie riuul.M," and sir Hlehard CartwriKlit, iigaln interrupting tho J->nctor, added, with Home uplrit, " No, nor hiiH any member of my family drawn a dollar from the dorvlco." Mr. duillett Thnt'n more than he can nay. Sir Jtichanl Cartwriwht replied that he wnn pleaded to be lO'Ai: to e<nu;ratu- late tlie Kurvice on that fact. "How ever," he added, " wu nhall bu able to diHfii.sa that matter upon the auprde- mentary estimateu. I am afraid, how ever, the hon. Koritleiuan'u memory la at. fault." " No," replied Dr. Fenruon. *' I may be irettintf old, but 1 am not becoming imbecile, 1 hope." Sir Itichard replied that he waa glad to h'.-ar it, and proceeded to dlitcuiia the January Cabinet crLsls, and occulted the Government of obstruction. Mr. Ivejj replied. Looking around tli; chamber, he noticed that there wiih not a .single member of McCar thy's party present. " 9ir," Haul he, " there are only, at moat, about eight clauoea of thla bill requiring any par ticular acumen, the remainder beln^ cIiiusoh of a, merely technical cliarau- ter ThoK-fore I contend there la still time enough the Benslon does not end for 11 days yet to paaa this bill, and the .supplementary entiniates, as well* if tho Opposition will only conaent to proceed to bushiest!." " Now." he continued, " what la the reason the MoCarthyUcs, who con- ttitute the only real opponenta of He- medial Legislation, have left thecham- Ikji' and upon whom did The duty of obstruction devolve?" He could uhsure the committee that, with Sir Richard leading, they could go on and make butter progress than, per- hapfl, could bo effected with a full House. "The Minister of Public Works ha:i handed me a marked copy of the bill," continued Mr. Iven, "which ahowa that, bt-'Hidos those already passed,t-here are but'three clauses of this bill upon which there' need bo any discussion, and the re;*t might bo laid over for further consideration, while these should be put through. If the,mem bers of the Liberal party from Quebec would use the Influence which they might use, they could force those hon. gentlemen, who arc- led by political considerations to obstruct the bill ; they could force their party to change Its course. But where Is the hon, mem ber for Huntingdon?" Dr. Landorkin Where every honest man Hhould be. at 4 o'clock In the morn ing In his bed. From which observation, I take it. continued Mr. Ives, that you are nor one of those, honest men. (Cneors.-and laughter.) Hut I ask, In all Hincorlty, where hi he, the hon. member who re presents a county more than one-Hhtrd of whom are Homan, catholics? If he went In earnest to the hon. gentleman who leads his party at present and In sisted upon the principle that the people of Quebec demanded Justice for their eo-religlonists in Manitoba, jind if the other Liberal members-"frbrii Quebec joined him In that reasonable demand. they could In 25 minutes force upon their party and this. Parliament the policy of doing justice to tho minority of Manitoba. (Cheers.) Mr. Ives concluded by calling upon the member for Huntingdon to help the Government do its duty Imposed upon It of securing justice'- for tne Manitoba minority. As Mr. Scrlver waa somewnere en sconced, doubtless comfortably in bed, there waa' no response from that hon, member, but In his stead the member for Wellington took the floor. That woe at 5 o'clock. After Mr. MoMullen came Mr. Belly, who severely denounced his compa triot for abetting the McCarthy-La/n- rler party in their obstructive tactics. Mr. Pateraon (I.irant) made reference to the alleged absence of members of the Government, which he said waa responsible for the commUtee-a not proceeding with the bill. Mr. Daly replied, that he was ready to answer any question regordintr the bill so soon as the motion to rise waa dispose:* of. Mr. l/aterfion admitted his Inability to do no. Then he continued for an hour to defend the Quebec Liberals. Mr. Wallace followed, speaking until about 9.30. _ Fresh as a daisy and blooming a brand new red necktie. Col Tyrwhltt took the floor/ lie dealt brows right and left upon bolters all and sundry. First came the Deputy Speaker whi he eaid, had'ntruck out for the pardon of RIeli and had evinced a singular feeling of resentment towards crimin als ever 'since. This allusion to Mr. Bergeron's, stand on the matter of commutation of the Shortla sentence was lOHt upon that hon. gentleman, as he was not in tho House. However, the colonel went on. lie said another critic of his position was the Minister of Public WorkH, who had kicked him self Into the Speaker's chair, subse quently Into the Cabinet, and ther kloked himself out of it. and Rorry he' was that Mr. Outmct had not stayed oui. "For he's the one .that's undertaken to read me but 0* the party,", said the Colonel, adding that ho was not going to be read out or driven out by such men as the Minister of Public Works. "Talk of being ready to die for one's country," he .went on. "When I was going to the front on one train I met him. returning from the Held on an other." (Laughter.) Then Col. Tyrwhltt launched out ognlnat Mr. MaHHon. "I won't criticise his Iionor," ho said, "but'I will r.ay that while ho was representing North Grey In thle House as a supporter ot the bill, his succoesor, Mr. McLaugh lin, had voluntarily pledged himself ugalnat it/' Mr. Maclean Hear, hear. "Now," tho Colonel continued, "I'm as loyal a party man us sits on this nlde of the Houo, but-1 docllno to t>o bulldozed or coerced Into leaving th*i Conservative party." Mr. Dwrin ho said, had led htm to believe that he would oppose the oooe-ud reading, bat at the eleventh hour he had ctM*n*ii ;B DIEBEL& BR1CKER Our Annual Spring Sale is in full swing. Everything that is bright now and deaireable can 'be found on our counters. Tho foreign and domestic markets have been culled for our selection^ only the newest and raoHb reliablo goods are shown hero, and by purchasing at our annual Spring sale prices, means a Having off from ten to twenty five per cent. New black and colored Dross Goods, sales in this de partment are always on the increase, and you will find it to you satisfaction if in want of Dress Goods to in spect our stock, all the newest creations are here and styles to please every one, and prices equally attractive. Grey Cottons the greatest values ever shown in Essex , 40 inch Ootton regular price lOoa yard for 7c a yard, 86 inch heavy Grey Ootton the 7c finality for 5c yard. Have you seen the Remnants of Grey Cottons regular 10c yard cottons for 3c a yard. .-i6 inch Black Cottons for 6c a yard. Table i_anens that are specials, and napkinsto match; Ladies' Capes, we purchased from an Importer 50 Ladies' Fancy Capes black and all the lending shades worth regular $1,50, choice of the entire lot for 75 cts. each. The Millinery Department is in Full Bloom. Our opening days were a great success, th'k Ladies were all delighted with the Beautiful S:yie^. Miss Strachan is again in charge and will be pleased to see all her old friends. The New Furniture which we present free with every thirty dollar purchase, will be to hand noxt week THE GREAT CORNEtt STORE/ Diebel & Bricker. NKW ADVERTISEMENTS. A FOR SALE. N' AGED THOttOUOriBRED POLAND China Boar cboao. Apply to M. DARUETT. Goflto. TO RENT. ACOMFOIITAULE BIUCK RESIDENCE TO ront containing aovon roomn, for furtuur partloularo apply to, E. A. WI8MER,' SITUATION WANTED. BY BINGLE MAN.ACCUSTOMED TO FARM- lng. Goad roforanoon. fumliihad, apply por(ionally to -Too, Roblntiou, ax hy lottor to ALEXANDER DONALD, li Efinox, V. 0- CA UTI0N. THE PUBLIC ARE CAUTIONED AGAINRT nogotiatluc a uoto dated iii January IBoa, forthoimm of ftm.00, aicnod by ThomnnTrowin, in favor ot Jam go BurdicU, an valuo for tlio BaU noto ban not boon reooivod, and payment will bo rofnncd. (fllffnod) THOMAS TREWIN. Ebbox, April, IBOG. PUBLIC NOTICE. NOTICE IS nEREBY QlVii,N THAT Mil*. Cbarloa WllklUBon, propriotroBfl of tho Amorioan Ilotol, Ehhox, haH appllotl to tho LloonBO Uoramlaalorjornof BoutU Kbbox to havo hnr tavorn Hcoono tnaiHforrod to Tlioa. Mulono, cf Ennex. - ObjootlocH to fluid tr an of or will bo roooivod by tho undorHlguod up till noon ou Saturday* April 95, 180A. 2-i ALANBON ELLIOTT, Inspector. AUCTION SALE - OF - VALUABLE FARM PROPERTY In tho Townohip of ColohflHtor North. 'fiHE EXECUTORS OP THW OAl^TlIN X. Wood Eatttto, will olfor for Bale, by public auction, at the Abordoon Hotol, in tbo Town of Eanox, on SATURDAY, APRIL 18, 1800. TUo followlnc UoBirablo farm property: Tho north half of lot IH, oon. 8, Ju tho Town ohip at ColohoHtor North, contalniua 100 aoron, mora or loan. Thuro aro about 9J aoroe cloavoc], on front of farm, tho wnolo pronorty in fonood on thr*o flldon and wall druluod on tbo north aail aaub Fildou. Thoro ip a Rood ono-aud-ahaU Htorov franio houao. Half mile from church, school,. poratofl]oo and f,ood piavol roadv. Tfalo proporty will uo offorod for salo oubjoct to aroBervod bid. TERMS. Ton per oonfc. of purolmHo woney must bo paid at time of anlo; balanoo of one- third in Ufldayfl thoroattor. Tho balanco may bo ooo*rod by mortfiR([o. on ottey torus, at fi por cont. intorflet. For further partloularn apply to D. Kluolalr, Auotlonoor, Eeuox. or to KENNETH URQUHAKT, J B. RANKIN. ExccQtorB of tho Capt. Wood EHtatrt, Ohathara. Out. Will You Ride THIS SEASON? IMPROVED FARM FOR SALE. BEING EAST HALF OP SOUTH HALE OF lot No. 3. Oon. 0,Tp. of Woraoa, aontain- intf 40 aoroa, Tho proporty ia all cloorod and under cultivation (oxcopt about 11 ucron). It linn orobnytl, honno, crnnaj-y, iitablo and out- bulldlncH: alflo a woll of nond apriiiBWator. Toruifl to Bultpurouaaor, For furthor partiou- Inrimpplv to K. A. WISMER, . IMf. Ehhx. N.T. JONES, Kfliox. NOTE.L0ST,-CAUTI0N. nj^HE runLio are oahtioned against J noKetlatUiR a noto.jU.Yj)I) bvprifih fbllllpa, "(ir01lndM,Ont,dat"d about Ont. lni. BOS, duo nix months aftor uato, for tho Rum of Ton Dollnrs, bcatJiiR iulerout at tbo rata ol 7 por cont. nor annum. Tho noto wan mtulo nayanlo to Robert Juno or ordor. Tlio Bald noto ban bon loot, mid paytnont hnn bo(*n ttoppod, KOBKRT JUNK, Marob as laofi. , Oottam V, O. - - - '-^" ...... . WANTED. Trubtwortby men und women to mlvocato a popular cauae at homo. gW.oO to 00.00 inoutbly. to. ttrttable jpomonH. Aitdre'sa, Drawer SO, Brantford, Out* Tho R^nuino Tonka Brnokintf Miituro ia dtlipbtlul, cocl And frofc-int. Trv & ten .ptit roUii^0. , Bay y^urbieyolen from a dcalor who knows what be is selling vol, J. "W, Oib- Hon haBfrheela at &7o, equal to moat bioy- o)i Bold at UOO, If You do, Ride the Best. - WIV.UST: .'" jcCIng of SooroHoara- Throa 8peoial HiRh Gntclfs. (LatliGB' and GontH') EukIIhIi mak.> Hiuli Gtuclo Roailater. Ent;linb . rnnko. ....................... ...... drawl ord. Hiffli Grado KoHdntcr (Ladiea' uud Geutu') AtUAiioun inuUu, Inm proud of' this lift. The English Whooln are tho beat in the world; Any honest no an who kuoWH anything about wheels will tell ^ou that. ' THE 6AWFOrlD ia equal to toy whtiol ot any other manufnoture offered for nalo anywhero. &ET MY PRICES BEFORE, YO0 BUT: Every wheel folly uasranteed by t)\Q maker. ~ (3?re PreM pffloe) ES^Ei: ,; '. I'-'ifl v. ' '.VW; ^Miillili^iitt^^M^^^

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