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Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), April 10, 1896, p. 6

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K 4f& fcSSEaST JRIOBE WQEWK 8AVINQ8 OF THE WISE. -Will 's., Whatever )s puro is ulao simple. C^poil taste 14 tho flower of good iimnm. - Poincolot. Truth 1m overlaying, but our Idoim ut truth arc not. Beecher. A heavy purae hi a fool's pocket lu a hoavy curse.- Cumberland. Alnuwr. iilwayH tho most indigent ar* tho mo-i, generous. .Stan lidauM. No violent. uxtiomc'. endure ; a hoIut moderation btandit uncuru. -Aluyn. A. woiiiiui'h lot In miwln for her by tb lovo she nuuupw George I'll lot. Good company und good dlwourso are tho very Nlnews of virtue, -lasauk Walton. A wine neuter joins with neither, but usos both as bin honest, Interest loads him. I Vnu, The Him (loon not shine tor u few true* and llowern, but for thu wldu world's joys. Si ni mH. JJ(u who brlngi rldlculo to boar against truth flndi In hhi hand a bhulo without a . hilt, Lundor. No pitrnon'i are more frequently wrong than those who will not. admit they ara Wrong. Hochcfouciiiihl. Thoro in nothing .10 agonizing to tho Ann ikiu of vanity as thu application of rough truth. Uulwur. It Ik oavy for 11 man to write and talk like philosophers, but to act with wisdom, there it the rub. KlvaVol, Qroat nion undurtaku groat things be cause thoy atv [great; fools-, because thoy think ihem oauy. Vauvennrguos. Our distinctions do not lit* in the pluces wo occupy, but In tho gruco and dignity with which wo All thorn. HlniniH. The excesses of our youth are diafte Upon our old age, payable with Intoros* about thirty yearn ultur date. Colton. Bravo coipiuuioral for so you an', that War against your own uiYcetious and the huge army of the world's douirei. Shakespeare. Fiction ulluros to tho severe task by it gayer preface. Binbrllhhod trutlw* ara tho Illuminated alphabet of larger chil dren- Will mot. fcJimHlbility would be a wood fortrcsu, If she had but one hand; with her right sho Opens the door to pleasure, but with her left to pain. Colton. Vainglorious men arc thu scorn of the wj^e, the admiration of fools, thu idol of parasites, and the hluvus of their own vauntti. Bacon. Tho desire to be bolovod is ever restless and imsatifdled; but tho lovo that flows out upon othorH is n perpetual well-spring from on high. L. M. Child. An to people saying a tow Idle worda about 11.1, we muht not miud that, any more than the old "church steeple mlnda the rooks cawing about It. George Kllot. The -l tu'h'MM' inflicts wrou^ by calumni ating the absi-nt ; and he wim divert credit to the calumny befoiv lie knu.\ > in truth Is equally guilty, Herodotus. . we must accept,!",!!'1, we are not lo'.i* CiJinpcteir4'to assoU liberty, the Bignirl-' cauco of the Individual, thu grandeur of duty, the power of character. Emerson. Judge of thine improvement, not by what thou hpeakast or writcst, but by tho flrmnosa of thy mind, and the govern- inuut- of thy passions and affcctioni. Fuller. Power, unions man aye d with gentleness and discretion, doos but make man the more hated; no' interval*! of good humor, 110 jjUijtH of bounty, will atone for tyranny and 'op preHslon'. Jeremy Collier, /ft Death's Door, Friends Thought the End Was Near.___. A Co Air tiiat Was Almost Hopeless. Failure Followed Failure; UNTIL PAINE'S GELEEY COMPOUND WAS USED. a* Mrs. Irvino Great Cured by Medicine. tho An Important Letter. At denth'n door owing to kidney trouble norvouflncKti, sleeplununoes and run-down system. Mm. Irviue'H friends reali/.od tho fuot that sho wau neHruitf tho grave, and did not hortituto to exprown fears. Doc tors and their presoriptionn could not bnmk the power of tho dinCime, and tho ordinary ajvortiaod modicincH of tho day proved unolooH. A rotiolvo wan at laat made to uivo Paino'a Celery Compound a fair anil lionent trial, Noto tho [jlonouii ronnlta, ye doubtoni and Hkopticol Four bottlow of Paiuo'fl Clelory Compound offeotod a ourd, and tinvod from death a wifo and mother who wan thought to bo incurabU. A forcible ronton why ovory aiok man and womuu hould uao Faino'a Oolory Com- ' M^/Wra? Irvluo who roaidoa n ,St. John'N.H., writnM thuy: "j bavo boon troublell for tho pant lx yo'anl'wilh kidney complaint, nd b,ve tried u grout tmmy preparatlonH ahd doo- toru' preueriptiona with little or no bnnufH. For tho lant hix montliM I bnvo had a rtat Htraiti upon Wiy hyuUm from muht-watoh- in(! and overwork. I wan breaking down, and my friondH umd 'I wan K(li*>t4 fat to death.' I roiiolvnd to try Paiiie'o Gelcrv Compound, and ued four bottlou. My liiduov troublo diHiippoared; tiorvouyiioni and nloeplonaueHH are troublow of the pant, and my ffauoral hualth in tjroatly improved. In a word. I am cured, and I wiwh vu to f.ubliHh thia for tho bonuut of otluitH.' dolls With extra DRESSES. Al>iamoml I>y Novelty- Wo aro HOlhnti thouininJB o! Diamond Dy Dollu with extVa droauea to all parti o tho Dominion. A ut of hix dollu with nix extra dreHneti will bo mniltid to any uddraHU on receipt of foiiroontd m tnmtiu. Kvory uner of tho oolobratod Din.mo ml Dyoa Hhould nuouro at loaub quo not of lIigho dollH bdfora *h nupply i" oxhauntod. Whon ardoriai; tho doll, auk for our forty. ilvo sumpleo, of dvod olokh and book of dirootiouH for home dyeing of diroetionu for homo dycintf, which ara uont froo. AddroiiH WolU & Riohardann Co., UQO Mountain Pt , Montreal. Tho rapidity with wkioh oroup develop u calls for inafcaiit troatmont; and yot fnw hnuHohold.1 aro prepared for itfl viuita. An adwirablo romody for this dmoaao iu Ayor'H Ghorry Pectoral. It him navod hundrotiHof livoi and should bo in every homo whero thore are young children. op pre oot) UTHORS. Po.Cfr. (TO lilt OINTINUKP.] HAPPENINGS IN THE OLD WORLD. 1 , ft. ^c jW. MX 1 ' ' Br"' IX t 1 iu } M Ten thousand dollars waa lately paid by B- von MondelHuohn, of Berlin, for EtradlvarluV 'cello. London femininity proponon to have a ""women's theater, for tho jjlorlflcatlon of tho Now Woman, and to the utter as> cIuhIou of now and old men. In it civil suit, a woman at Colberg, Germany, had to make an affidavit, con- uecutivcly, on 1,200 Uihputud pointH. She Hwore, and awore, and swore, for throo long days. The Berlin Echo feehi quite sure there must be Rome mistake Iu tho report that our Kdlson is writing a novel; it opinoq that ho Is probably constructing uoniQ machine which wrltoB novels. England uses abouL 50,000 \r\\im oyes annually. The'glass cyo ia a great boau- ^fler of one-eyed people, and to bo par ticularly recommended to the one-eyed girl who wants to marry. She can wink beautifully with tho ylaia oyo, the eyo dealers nay. The, city of Mludon, Germany, la In troublo. Recently somebody utolo from tho military hospital at that place a nurn- bur of white mice which had beenliuocu- lated with the fjorma ot various con- tiigioua discaHes, and nobody can tell wliere theso dangers may now be lurking. While Impoverished United Italy cele brated the twenty-fifth anniversary of the o*ipture of tho city of Homo from tho Pope, the latter voeelved over $000,000 in special giCtn from the faithful, who do- plore; hU loss of temporal powor. Monte Carlo is not the only open gamb ling hell in Kuropo. lli'hciuin still toler ates names of hazard afc()srend and other summer resorts by the seashore. And now an enterpuslup; gandjlcr uftiurs to pay the authorities 1,OOU,000 francs annually If peumltted to open a gambling house in Brussels, the Belgian capital. AjtP.ariH, a bhort time ,igo, Helen Boul- ton, Mhot her lover, u bank director, It Is another Harberini cjisl'. lie hud promised to marry the yuung woman, but ulti mately refused to do so ; than nho killed him. fthe was arrested and tried for murder. The,jury reached a decision lu fifteen mimtteH : "Not guilty." J * * t ,t t The' opidemologist, Dr. Haftktns, re ports that while before tho introduction of inoculation, over ,111 per cont. of the population of Calcutta wore attacked with cholera; now, of thone vaccinated otic'u IS per cent, onlj arc attacked, and poisons vaccinated twice find themselves wholly proof against the dlsense. A journal At Madrid,'Spain, trlas to In crease Its peculation by prlntlpg ltsu^WB, not on paper, but-on cloth. Instead of Ink, ta co^npaltion. Is used which readily diwolvet In 11 lllwral water bath. Attor absorbing tho news, the vendor merely, places tho shoot under one of tho public ' 'fountains, for instance, and thero la a snowy handkerchief. ----- V' l , THREADS OF THOUGHT. . 1 1 ' r------- Truth neods not chauipionu, but follow- 1 <ers, Sharp Hii'ytnga arc nofc always refined. Bomu cousciouces aro bottor goads thau lEutduH, Bympath*' and soverlty seldom Ko baud in hand. Keep your wound covered, und tt utmf beal nlihout aaor- The reat was dreamlike, and thero were tiiiit'H when ho bcamu uncoiinoions, It could 1'iully be called Rl*p. And at those mo- iiii'tHH, mingled with thu mti)i and rmtr of u.o awift iruin, ho could he^r Jtonnv'a jiliiintive cry for her wlm^would, bring nun back to life and health, while 111 iho nunt, distance, an if beckoning him onward, ilicru was Fenella'a nweet, half-roproacliful f.u-u, waiting, always waiting until he hSimuUI cmuc liver tho nupio, whether pink ^0. ropoiffl <>r uwake and staring out of the blmrofj, liudiicape, there wan Fonolla, with her yieateyou, silently callmg'Tiim to hor" foot. Yen, all drcamlilto of n groafc laiiun, of a abort journey -through, tho t^M-iLt city, then tlm rail once morf, and uien of tho iiti*amer caltnly gliding) down Siuitliampton Water, Tho lightti here and ilii-io, tlien the darknoaa and iho c,pol( noft, hyht breeze funning his burning teinj)ljj, n lie leaned over the bulwarks forward I'lth fixtd oyea, waiting for the morning mil the first glimpse of the sunny ialaud ltieli ho loved. K , tt Always cnnfuBed und dreamliki', but iliuie wore momaries otjtho dancing walorn, f dimly neon white rockd, and ot a yreat 1 i*/o of light flnBhing out at intorvuls with I'li-etnc glare, and neonung to awoop the -(,i. Then a lung period of darknoat) in a M ugh, toaaing <(a, whoae cool a pray ever 'Ushuii la Ihh face, and at hmt a pale pearly ir'i.y. chm Jii'g to a warm glow; thon broad -ttiiihlune, and at la^t the rocky laletn and I'm doHttniLiion looking n vory parudUo Rot 111 the deep blue sea. Thoaightof tho island gavo him hopo, >>d liia brain c lea rod for the time. He Haw Finn Ha placing her hands in his, eager to fol- iw luin to their child, and for one moment ho mi'd hia oyea and clung fust to the vokhuI'ii it, foi ihi-rcwaaa Benuation of jy that tiini'il linn giddy. It aeumed greater then it. 1 ><ul(l hour. I'lic port at lant and the tedious landing, 1 1 it wim low water, but he sprang down iiii<> the firfct b<mt that came alonguide, and 1 t-ling calmer now, he landod, but, hb ho -.!< ppfd ashore, ntaggorod and nearly full. Aeunous feeling of irritation came over lum (i ho naw a man arnile, and he turn* i->> upon him reueuUfulIy. "Oon't be croao, sir," said tho man, "You're not tho fiist who I mo felt d 'zy afiur being aeaaick. You'll bo all right after lit .IJimL." 'iJieakfinit 1" The man's words rung in Iiih oars and be remembered that it waa many houis tunce anything had puRsetl his lipn lint tie ttiiiugbt no more of his grow- inu weakueua, and bad himself driven to iho loao-huiig cottage whero Feiiella was waiting for film with ontstrotohed haridn. How long tho time nee mod, and bow uiiHty and dun ovoryihing looked. The sun ahone brilliantly, but thore was komotlung pruHHing, as it wore, upon bin brain, a MiMiigo pain too at bis heart, and that feel ing ft fiimtnosfl winch seemed to overcome him from time to tune. At laetl The cottage whore ho had luft hfi yeo, the only woman he hud ever loved ; and he sat up eager to apiing out to loll hor that bis mission bud huHii faithfully portormod But ho bad, to avail himself of tho driver's arm and tot tor up to tho door, his oyes wildly searching i h window for Fenolla's face. Then once more, as lu a dronm, someone uifuimg him and a voice Hpoaking : "Ths lady? No, sir, she left here in the hud weather, two days ago, by the boat,*' Onslow heard nn more, for a black cloud closed him in, and when ho recovered oon- soionunesu ho was looking iu tho ploassnt face of the oldurly little doctor who had at tended his wife, that's bettor, my dear sir," he mild. -xh~ " "You are suffering trom , .tustion, Tlu. right nn, no, you must drink this. You are no' OHud to tho sea, I suppose It does prpuiiito somo pooplo, and leave them Wtiult,'^ ' my wife?", gaspod thu wre'tobed pmn. ,, Itt "Sho has loft the island, my do&r sir, and really you must------- Good Hoavunsl what aro you going to do?" "Return at once," said Ounlow, trying to rise. I "Impossible You aro not fit to travel." t "Must travel." *'But there is no boat till to-morrow morning bctweon isnu and ten, and oven if there wcro, believe mo, my dear sir, it would bo madness. * It is my duty to toll you that you seom to mo to be developing symptoms that-------" The doctor said no more, for Frs.uk On ulow. had sunk ou ..tho couch insonsible oiiao more, Mid tho- next day's bo\t hud gone when, weak so that he had to support himself with a stick, ho mad* his way ulowly along the cliffs after dispatching a telegram to Jacynth at the.hotel at Liver pool telling him of hm state, of his failure, and imploring Hm to sond nows. Uo know that it would be. hours before an answer could come, and to try and calm lumself he was slowly walking along tho path, gazing out to sea at tho swiftly com ing tide, und thinking of tho long period that had to bo got ovur before he could tako boat tho next morning, and cacapo from what now Boomed a prison to him. Kick at* heart and angry at bis weakness, he sat down upon 0110 of the blacks of stone that rose from among tho heather, just as footsteps approached from tho direction in which he had como, and a strange, foreign- looku.g man, thin, ghastly, and whose, rag- gcd garments Woro hardly hid dun iindor a rough pea-jaokot, looked at him sharply as he passod, and'raised his cap, showing his clocoly cut hair. Onslow acknowledged bin saluto, aaw in lum a beggar, and Ins hand involuntarily wont to Ins pnekot; but tho man made a quick gosture, and passud on, "Ono as wrotohed, porhaps, as I," thought Onnlow ; and thon, as if moved by Bomo otrungo rnipulso, he roao and followed the man, who somehow had a strange fas cination for him. Tho path turned there, and the man dis appeared beyond a projecting ruck, but ro- appeared, sheltering bohind the rook, as if to avoid being >een. It ww cnricuu, but Onslow passed on, and loft the man bending downward, as if to fill a pipo. Bin tho man and his ges tures passfid.out of QiioIow'k .thoughts, iin-, stantly, for* a^ho went on p/(U/ ^bo rook iu turn, he stcppotl short* ,pnra|yzB4* a* the. sight of a woU-driflsed lady approaching lum rapidly, loumpg down and talking to a littlo, olfiah, sharp-faced peasant child, whom flho was leading by ono hand, while oho carriod a small traveling bag in the othor. . . r j, "Lucille !" gaspod OiibIow, as a groat droad of some frash complication aBsailud him. She started, drew herstdf, up erect, and then, with a look of wonder in her eyes which gave place to a look of delight: "Ah ! won chori," she cried. "Then you have followed inoY' Then to tho wonder ing child, "Go hack to tho cottage, petite. I do not want you yot. I will fotoh you Boon. Tho littlq one, of. un old, friend, Frank/' she continued, The handsome, Bmilinf face suddenly turned livid, tho jaw dropped, und with her eyes dilated, Lucille de vigny stood ga'/Ing past Onslow as if ut some spectral objoet at his back. Then, clutching the bag to Inir breast ns If to protoot hemeU, she uttered a wild, aidmaMika cry of dread, turned *ud duhfl down among tho racks where * pro- olpltoui track led to \\)o *<m. Almoet at tho aame moment u lu>ar<ii voloo cried tp Onflow In Proiioh : "Tako on.ro I Tho poor child t Do not lot hor boo t" Rut as tho man Hfcomllv plungud down tho track, tho ohild utUmd a plnrolng shrifk, ooverod hor littlu fao with her hnndtt, und droppod down upon hor knoos. OiihIow was paralyzttd for the moment, and Until, ua ho homrd nnothtir ory from bu- low, ho forgot his woakneai, a thrill of vigor ran through him, and hu xtaggomd to the noininenuomoiit of the track, ' , Tim woitinh was hiLtoful to him new; be hp<l lokd upon her as a uormmt Iu hlipu-i^, but ntlll uho had loved Mm in hor waV, 9ho wim n, woiiiim, mid hu could net ntnu^l mipbio and not raise a hand to dofoud |ipr from tho attnek of tlm uavn^o-iookinH wtntiih whose aspnot had filled hu,r with such horror. He lookod to right amTloft; thoro whs unt a soul 111 sight, whtlo at bis feut the uoa came rushing and swirling in amid thu wild, jaggod rooks, u wavn overy now and then riamg up and falling with a roar, unattoring tho spray high in tho air. Iu hm wenk utato it wns maduass to at- tempt the don uont, one at which he would liavi. hesitated even whim well and strong, while now, as he loworad himself down, clinging t rook nflor rook and grasping at a handful of the tangled growth among their lntomticou, bo fult that the thrill of strength whs passing rapidly *wa,y. "Hut still he went on, with the thought in hix mind that oven had Ft-nulla ho<-u pnmont, imd known of her enemy's peril, she would have urgud him to try und nav hor from this man. But now ho felt \)v\i it could not ho rob bery; it. must be socio thing more; mid itgam, us from below thore aroiie a lmantc, rh'spairing cry for help, be nuked lumuidf, wiim ihiH another of LuuiUo's victims, and good Havom! the thought chided lum with horror. The man rofiued his alius he was no common beggar did it mean some tor- rioht revenge! The idea thrilled him with another Wave of strength, und ho wont on lowering him- aulf down, Joe-ling that tbomj who had gou before must havo fallon. For thnro wan no track iidw ; he waa un a poreipitouu slope, wbnro u falso stop would have sont bun headlong down to whero tho wavoii wire racing in among the hroken crags of granite crusted with limpot and b.i.ruacli>, and am- bor, flinging fuous, and among whnlh.ovory now and thou woro tho long strands of rud dy or olive ooawrack tossed hero and thoro, lik tho shaggy hair ofstrango ssa moustcrs, ooining in with tho tide. .Onslow bad lowered himself down till bin strength totally failed, and ho sank upon & ledge,giddy with weaknosn and excitement, as he looked about him in vain for thane bo sought At that momout a huge wave broke with a heavy,' booming roar, and in tho follow ing noise and rush of the waters, lie lay down on his choat, reaabing ant over the edge of tho shelf to poor below, for the chilling thought came upon him now that both must have roauhod tho bottom and havo boon swept away. A thrill ran through him again for there, not thirty feet below bun, in a complato oubdo-iac among tho rooks stood Lucille, hor( faoo inward him, hor wrist thrust through tho handle ot the bag,' and hor fin-" ger,awith hor dohoal,oglaypfl all tprn.crarnp1- kh it wore into tho rough rock on oiUie-r' l<ftt,'ss, with bar hoad thrown back and her body howod, she Boomed _ to bo at onp^ nnd the saina tiino bllngmgkd.i'tiprately" to" iho rook and forciipg herself as far .buck as sh could/rom tho bareheaded man who stood a eeuplo of paces away, his arms aroused upon a breast-high atone botweon them, and bin chin upon them as he guzsd with * grim satisfaction at the terror-convulsed face bofore him. Onslow grasped the position, and he aawi too, something glitter it was tho point of a knife which appeared botwesn tho rook and the man's elbow. "And I can do no more," groaned On slow to himsBlf. At that moment he mado an effort to try and climb down, und a torrible spam Hi his breast mado him eink down again, panting. But his movement Mhad caught Lucillo's eye, and alio glanced up wildly and uttorod a sbriok. "Frank! Frank!" alio criod; *'holp*holp, ho in mad." The man looked up and utteied a loud laugh, and ho said calmly, in good English: "No, monsieur, lam not mad. lam this woman's fato." "No, no," abrickod Lucille, about whoso foot tho waves were now surging, but sho dared not atir lest the man nhould aprtng upon hor with that knife. "Frank, for God's Bake, help! He will kill me." "Yon," said the man, "as von killed me, body and soul, and buried mo in a dungeon that was liko a tomb." "No, no !" shrieked Lucillo. "Holp, Frank I You loved mo once." "11a! ha !*'. cried tho man, unfolding his arinn, and gbiring at Frank, "Another lovrtr! Poor wrutoh, I pity you. She has wrecked you us she wrecked mo." "No, no," cuod the wreichod womnn hoaiBoly. "Help 1 holp !" "Thore is no holp, womnn," thundered tho man. "Tho end ban como. Monsieur, I claim the right of punishment. X am her hiixiDind. Bub ] you can do nothing. It is hor fato 1" "And so," ho continued, as he turned bis toniblo oyes on tho slinking woman, "you saw me away thoro yonder, and fled horo. Fool 1 I know you would come horo 10 II eal away my little Lucillo on mo you ! Whv did I lot her boar your name? Yon havo stolen her away, not that you loved hor arid it was to plant auutlur sting, another pnmoii- ed iirniw in iho biomtt of tho poor trusting wri'tch who loved yon, idob/ed you, nnd committed crime fur your hako. But you could not CHcupi' me longer, I foliowul ou from yonder lowu, I followed you stop y mop till I havo you hero boforo mo dy." ing dying bofore my eyes. ""No, no, f;r pity's m 1 !", hIio sluioked!" hei thiu voice hardly rising above tho mar of rho onming tide. "Frank, call for holp, ho will murder uiol" "Yes call, monsieur, call lend, Thoro U nono to hear. No one can holp her now. Thia in the timo for which I pnt\cd in the cold, cilent dungeon at Cluirvuux foi wliiob I prayed an I toiled, and it him cotnu ah, how beautiful you arc will vou embrace mo oucq ugain! Thus, with thu knife be tween ns, ihu hilt to my breast, thu point to thine! Rlntll we clusp each other in nur am)* once mote, or shall I wait and see tho waves Hlowly rise, und Hue, and riio till tbt'y swoop above your beadt" She uttered no sound now for the mo ment, but kopf her ys, fixed upon him. while Outdow strove vainly in call for hnlp --to go to the wpmiiu'H aid, hut oviry nerve semnod elmiiiud, and he could only guM down as the man glided round the roukr which pined" him Irem his wifo, holding the Umfo-hilt against his htous,t. Thou, hoard ahovo tho rear o( the waves, Louille's voioi! rang out iiuirtieulatidy us aho still chniR there, hrr back to the rook, her arm* outstretched. It wast the cry of tho rat driven tu tho corner from whioh thoro, is no OHcape, and in bis agony Onslow lny them, watching the deuoiie- motit of tli' imgidy, purfeotly b el pious to awe. ? OHAPTKH X.Vin. BY "TAHMA." Our ninetueth oontmy, an w are all nwaro. Is nothing If not analytical. Ch*.. tf IkIh apond dayu and nights in uxamlniag into Iho proportion of hoiho appureutty un- iiuportajn compound, and do not, almndoii flmir tank until tby havo asoortaitiod the fiicact pnipoi ttoiiH in which primal gnmis are bldiubiil lit Uh loinposition. In the same way, num of ueieucn, disseatuiH of niotivoy, and thoHo curiouu lay-pieachora, thu French novelist h, luko miuli complicated iioiitimout of tho human heart and twiut it round, and turn it luuide out, nnd oxpnd thoiaaolvtiM in eirorin to tratio it Imck to its origin through the mlluoncnH of heredity nr Idlo- nyni'iany, or a produminandu of white or 1 i'il globuleu In the blood Their roHearcbcu urn not alwayH an fnriilo in rnsulu .ut thon-i nf thu uhomiutu, for m every human organi- y.ition them outers au unknown quantity winch upunts thn calculations of all the iih}nit)higiHtM and psyubolnghits combined. Noviii thebuifi, tlmy oarry on their labors undtLiiiiUd, und it may bo naid of ilii'in, an of the alchommtn of old, that if they do not Bad the philoHophor's stone, thoy make at loust I'cumional dmcovor ins whicli help to bring iiliuia a belter uiidorHtanding of human 11.nidi and woaknoMxes. It ia nnnoaossary 10 ii'iy tliiv* the sentiment of lovo, or the condition of a man m wouuu undur i|i*j in* lluonreof this HOiitiiiient, is tho favorite oh- ji-ul y^ their investigations. And tlm moru il in etitiinglod with otbur sentunonU, such, foi uisiame, as those of duty or honor or pndu or paaiion. tho bettur they aro pleas ed ; for, liko the chnmiata with tlioir un it novvii couipounil, thoy can givr full vunt to thulr anilytioal skill in pulling it to piocus, and proving to their uwu sutiHfactiou that it u made up of all manner of minor min gled Hiintinumui, and is in fact nothing but a uwr<! jumble of itiheritod instincts and impulse)!. The Muto of .lacynth'ii mind, during his fi lead's abionco upon his fruitless nnd boot- li hfi (pieut 111 Uucriniuy, was just nuch an a Rcienulic French novelist would have loved to fathom and cxplmn. In no doing ho would havo performed a foal of which the object of his investigation wan liiwuelf utterly incapable, for Jacynth, for reasons host known to himself, shrank from making too clone an examination'of his fnohngH and dosires at this particular Esricd. It might have been that 0 was afraid of facing the cou- oluuion whioh lurked at tho bottom of them. Tlmro was a imnll balcony at tho Liverpool hotel, just outside tho room wlierom Bonny wa-i baing coaxod into coDValosconoe by his mother, whore our- hero would sit smoking lus.cig.ir until Into iu the afteineou, following out a train of disjoin tod thoughts tint ho essayed to drive away upon tho circling wreathes of smoke drifting before him into the void. Porhapn thoy were moro imprensiotia tlpin thougbta, half Had, half pleasant musings that it wan safer liot to reduce to coherent shape, llo was conscious throughout of a domiuun t wish-that tho prosout time could bo pro. longed into an indefinite futuro; not at the cost of sicknons and puttering to his unfor- "T;tnrafco friend, but only, perhaps, at tho coat of a timely prolongation of tho actual ?alcs which nrovont tho Guornaoy boats rom putting'io sea. He had not willed that/ his, signature should appear upon the tslogram to F-nolla tn connection with hor husband's; but since fato and (to say the truth) JPVank'e folly in running off upon a wild-copse oh;aflo of jus own bad combined to leave him in charge, ho could not but foot that thore was a certain poetical justice in tho situation, which it was allowable to enjoy to tho full while it lusted. He pon- dsrod a good dual upon Fonella's chat actor, whloh sooined to have rcvealod itself to him latterly in a new light. Ho rnleinbernd that her first question, bur first cry, as aho rushed into tho t hotel, had boen for her child It was only afterward tb.it alio had shown any solicitude concerning tho fate of Ronny'sfathor. Thon.liadshonotreniguod horaolf to the lot nay, had she not wilful ly ujipaon it -of 0. self-constituted grass widow for yearn unnumbnrod ! Her child, however, she bad kept by her side, and, ns far as could be seen, bo had uiitiidied all the woods of, her heart, for Jaoynth wua of those who believed that the train attendant of lTenella's adorors had had nothing to say to hor heart, though thoy might tiavo amused hor vanity. Could *ho belong, ho asked bimsolf, to tho order of women of whom Dumaa, filti, opoaku, when ho flnyB (hut in certain natures the instinct of ma ternity overcomes the instinct of wifehood, and that tho woman ceases to bo wife and mother, and becomes mother and wifo, or poimibly mother only ? Iu .that case any m.m who should ptovo lumsolf a true friend and'protccior of hor little boy might bo suro of having d warm second place in her ho.irt. It was certainly to ho deplored thnt Ronny's natural protootorwon not bot tor fitted for his responsible oflioe. Though Lord Onslow had uhown spasmodic humis of sflection for the bid and bad undo) gone m New York a usoloiia martyrdom in his behalf, which a man who, to speak famil iarly, nad kept hia bond upon his shouldern, would havo knowu how to avoid, be bad not boon a father to him in tho truo Homier of thi' wprd. Ho had not onco assayed to renuh tho mother's hoar I. thiough tho child's during all the yours that ho had been separated from her. Ifow diflcrouily 'Jacynth would have actod in his place; but thon, as bo re- fleeted, ho would nover havo parted from Fi'iiclla at all. He would havo given borne roason, no excuse for desiring to leave him, ami as for those flirtations of her juvenilis matronhood, be would not havo taken them too sorioufdy, for bo would havo felt convinced that she would outgrow them uould leave them behind, very likely, wi?lthe cutting of hor wisdom teoth. Woll, liio's oxporioncd' hnd done for her what, a husband'n gnidauc>i had failed 10 do, Shu .was amusingly reasonable now, and might d* volop into, a delightful companion for a man of sonso. It was a pity, jaoyuth thought again, but I do not believe he iivottud 1 He thought, that Frauk should i.uvo been so waulmg 111 his quality. A lino fellow without doubt. A man to Uad a forlorn hopo in~ujl_c.m"tg'inoyl only for. lorn hopes aro uiifortuiiatoiy raro us ovory- day occurroncou. A grain of common sunsa would havo boon much moro to tho purpose, and this grain was unhappily iust what Fonella's buaband lucked. IVhou bis friend's deficiencies wore 'not vaguely out lining themselves upon tho smoke-wreaths before him, tho recollection of a cortaiu upinodo would take their pUi-, which neyor failed to bring a curious half emtio upon the smoker's face, not a umilo nf the lips, but an- unoon* suionco wrinkling of the skiu in the ueigli- horbood of the eyes, which uonveyod the IniprtisHion of sumo inward pleasure. Tho oplundo hud occurred the first morning that Uoimy had been wpU enough to ho taken out iu a buth ohiir to Hoftou Park, his umihor and Jsoynth wulklng on either sldo, Tim little hoy had ospled a sailor aitling nil a bunch with a amoked-out pipo in bin hand (lucking, perhaps, the tneatiB ot repbtuinh. Ing it), and having the vlaiou of his ft lend the boVn before bis eye; and a full *otu< GPNERHL"M"nNTRFBI. "TOPICS. lHtirmlnnd Kulrldo r m U**tArill f 14V lLn 111, Mr. TitvCttV 4ilnlin "> Tiiltlh' Hell no 1 ut HiiKV !..> Montrrab April 6. Mr.M*-^' dard )'Mnotte. a well-known resident Ht. Paul, .TolU'tte County, took his owia life yi-j-tciday under tho following clr- cuniHtiiiu'i'U Although FlHctto wu U3 yearn old and had betrayci syrnp- tomii of 11 weakenlnir lntullcot for somo tlmu punt, his fiintlly nov**r diuitnuol that hhi mental troublcu would lead "hhu C*j eo'mmlt suloldo. During th mnndiiif, liowuvor, thu faiullj mis.cd the old man,and jjolug to llu- b.mi near at hiind, they found lilm hanging to a cromi bourn and his fret ooiuinr. within a few iiichui 01* tin floor. JjIC*-. ot oouiso, wim i-xilrict, and a coioiht'ii lu- nucnt IjcIok h'eld a veidlct of suloido while laboilii-; undoi temporary In sanity wan returned. Mr. Tarts. AI.J>., lum bocjn Jotllu* down Ills Impd'KHlons of men nnd thlmrii duHiifr h|n uulto roci-nt visit to Hnilth'u p'nUn, whore the mi-nibf r for 1/fuliit wiut the jruout of Mi FioHt of MoHiint. Frost & Wood. "HmUh'w Falls," wrlti.i Mr Tart*', "hn-i no Ki-- paruto achoolM, the Catholics aid Pio- t0Htnnt iumdiiiK- their chlldi< n to tlu same nrhaolr*. The only rollgloiiM In junction hi tin locitation of the Lord's) I rayi-i L-ach morning at tin opening of tin- school. The salaried ut tho tinrheni are comparatively high, the principal-of tho nigh school w.-.-lvliur ?ili)<! por annur.-, and thf Hmailert ml- aiy paid tt, tho laay tcachorti I1 WfiO. Ihn liutiiictlon glvi-n In these uohools i:i or a \.-iy superior character, and then- is no friction whatever bctweon Catholic or Protestant " WOOLI1 NiiU rii Vlorwl lltm Not Ywt lliru ToM .f tU 1'lriHlli.h rorlures Vulll<r<ml u , iilin H-heN lu Iflnrro 4MU|Ii>. r* Cleveland, f)., April G. K IT. Taylor, who linn ln.'-t iirrivod here fiftf-r a r - Hldeiuc or thnu years In Ifuvana, -nays In let^nid to reports of Kp.u.lsh cruelty: "The uor.4 Iuim not been told. I have known of persons being Miung up hy the thuinbn at Worro Caaih und left or dayn at a time at the meicy ot the vlclouf files, attracted in swarmu hy mobiles smeared on the victims' laces and chestM for that purpuno. Many other forma of torture arc piac- tised upon the rebels when taken. * These, outrugfts against humanity do ocour. 114 any eltlaun of Havana ran test ty. In fuot,-If the persecuted urei -hen In the Cuban dungeonw could testify, stories ol llendlali torture- could be told which would startle the Chris tian world." ----- Klt*I.Ki>-iS-A PlllXli i'JiiJl'I. UtrhMrd Ingram ,,r lUverliill KiiarlcM Out li> u i liniier Ittuw |t|Mli>f the .Kaw. Haverhill, Mass., April R. As the re sult or a prize nght at Lawrence last evening Ulchard Ingram of tills city lien dead at Weaver's underttlcing oiv- tabll.'-hmcnt. Arthur llradley and In- Kmni worI:ed at Chlok Uros. hIioo fac tory and hoarded together. Iloth w. re proud ot their records In athletes. Ac cording to Hiadley'fl story, Ingram had bteh boiihthig of bis superiority with boxing gloves, and in order to settla tlu- question, a fight was urrancetj jpr last evening, the prize money being SIO a side. They, with friends, went to South Lawrence.where tho fight cam off In a barn. The light had lasted 30 minuter, when It la nald Bradley gave his opponent a chance blow under tlie- right jaw. which laid him out on t^Je floor. Up to this time Bradley had c ived the worst of the fight. Ingram recovered consciousness foi only a minute, and died two hours later. The police have arrested Brad ley nnd several witnesses of tho fight. Bradley will be arraigned to-morrow on the charge of manslaughter. was AvuAiji oy jjui svjionoxs. Imrat,LI 'Ilionclit lli-v Hotild <ul nnT llfi Let h lie ICnh. Buffalo, April 6. Frank Karaskl, imployed at the Buffalo Furnace Com pany, way badly bruised about the legs early-yesterday by a quantity of 01 u falling on him. The Fitch ambu lance waa called, and dot-plte his pro tests, he waa put Into the ambulance. The Italian had a horror GC going to the hospital, belkvlng that they would amputate his leg. (When the Fitch waii reached, KaraakI Jumped out, and before th ambulance surgeon knew what vvau up, the fellow wua running up Swan-Street Ilk a streak. The dot." tor followed afti r him, und caught htm after a run of three blocks. The fel low then gave up only because be wan thoroughly exhausted. ^ lie xefiiHcd to go to th* hospital and the police were called. It required the eft'ortH of three patrolman to get him Into the ambulance, which followed tha surgeon up, and take him back to the hospital. Keveral of the fimnil! boncHJ at the ankle were broken, and when the doctors ea^ed th.- pain of the In juiy, which had been gieatly uugra vntirl by IiIh run, Knrnslcl was con tented to remain at the hospital. Melon* Ueltiro- Id Uuuntiij* *Cai!e Tow n, April 5. FredorIck Cj Splous, the hunter and e::plnrciv wlul left lluluwnyo with a small force nf escort the mall coach from Mangwo U BuHiwayo has returned uately to till latter place, which, according to del tpatch a received heie ti-day, in quiet An officer of the British army who ' now a rebiUent of the ltrmd, Id- Tranbvaal, telegraphed to liuTdwayl offering his assistance against the Matabeles. A reply was sent to him In which It was said that Buluwayo declined to leo.lve help from JohiUi-! ncaburg. iltuUlrt* ferrell Arrive-, llnme. New York, April fi. Alexander W.l Terrell, the United Statoy MtnlHter to| 'J'urUey, v/aa a passenger on tho Ham burg-American liner Fuerat BlsmarmVi which arrived to-day from Mcdlter* ranean ports, Mr. Terrell to all nui-;- tluna regarding hhi mlHHinn to tb.i country responded with one phra^ . "Iv absolutely nothing to say." B" said he uould tell everything to See**-- tury Olney, whom he intends to nu.ee In Washington to-morrow. TO UO*\' X 0 MA Hit. UTS. F rolh .'lour Tho market Is dull, with struliriit hTK quoted ut Jf:t.!lK to $:i..*.il, 'I'uroi.Ul liniii Tho ntorki't U dub. Cars ui'v qnuM ed at *J0.W) to $11, woat. Wheal Tho market lu (pilot, but the f <l* North Ihiv. , , i;t ni'\ Tlti' market la dull and p- "1| uti'iidy. No. 1 quoted ontsldi' (it 40c. ?*.| Is uuoted ut ttlk* outside, and No. it exti t -'tie I'M'd barley offers at -1u oult^ O'tu Tnulo quiet uud prices unch-i k" White sold ut 22c outalae, uud inlxtd 'MlM*. onlslde. PVnit Tin* market Is unclmiiaed. wl ears worth -tSVji* to iMo, nortli--aiul wesi Itui'Uwheiit This unirkot U steady, wf nub's on Ml'thiud ut IUVjC. ("tatnieal It u-hiess quiet, with (p* nouilufd ut W.Wii to $^.H,"> m iniok.l Cotfil quoleil at Hie lo illVjO outahle anu^jell ut itlV '* "'-<' >&jL , 1 < ' y l 1 22 1712

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