p^Wr^!'j < ': viv . . . PWpW ":;'* "-^ ]' . r*' r,'j r i f\.-.- Ev.< ."' tHE EJQSB;^ FREE TO*esw u..".,, I:; ESSEX FREE PRESS P Published Every Friday Morning 't'.'v ' Jtii' From tho.ofnoo on Talbot Btroot, next Dmmtati Block. ?#' ftrrv -" Special attention in paid to tho publioa- tion ot matter of local importance, accur ate and re'mblo runotU ol Town, neighbor ing Towuubip and County Oounmlproooou*- InuM, local ud county tuarltot ruportu, oto the oar of u. and jiidloiouri manuHomotit of Turn Fbkk J?hkhh, with roHjioot to thuwo and other current tnuitom of local ItnnorUnoo, baa ({Won it a widonproad protifcifio in tho oontrool Khkqx county.which in rooo^nizod as ono'of tho hiwt agricultural diHtrictH m Onturia. Tine Fhkk Fhkhu i tho only wodium oirculiuing thoroughly in thro central portion of tho County, and moon- flquoutly.without doubt.tuaouly thorough advortimng modiura for duhiuohh poopio winhiufj to roach that claim of oiiHtornorH. <JOUUKHl'ONI)iiNCK.| Our oolutmw uro alwajn opou for tho iBuooablo dicouiiHion of mattorn pnrtalniu- 1 Jtha publio wolfuvo. Able corroopondmitn in all tho ourround- \t loonlitioH fiiriii&h reliable ropottu of ontH of intoroHt,ooonrrin[jiu their Hovoral horun; and tho publinhcr m at all tiraow ' loaBod to rocoivo intoMHtiny itorno of iww from any dinpoaod to forward contri butions. "VW=T_ AH. oommumcationH of & private and Dodfldontial nature, nhould bo uo marked in irtiG outride-of tho envelope. RlUIHCIUl'TIQN I'UICIfi. 65,00 por annum, utriotly in advance, 9LBJpor- annum if not no paid; ana nil arraarH charged at that rata. ADVKU'WntMKNTH. Trawuont legal and munioipal ridyer- . tfoomontH, notioos, etc., charged at tho ratn ot ton -oontH por lino, for firut insertion, and ilvo . contii per lino for oaoh aabttoquout innertion.< All tmch advortiaomontri aro moaflurod by a aoaloof twelve I in on to tho inch. Local roadinj; and otbor notioon pub lished rimoug local uowh matter charged at tho ralu of ton cento por running lino for caoli indortion. . All noticcfl of olmroh or oocioty ontor- UinmontB of any doucription, at whioh an admiftflion foo ih charged, aro rc^ardod u advortiftoraontii, and full advortifung ratoB charged in all ouch canoa. Noticed of gath ering or mooting not foe poouniary bono- flt or aid, will bo cheerfully published freo of charge Special contract ratoa mndo for diaplay or ntanding advtu. All legal orprofGnuion- al curda under ono inch, & por annum, jon on coumiciioial huntino. Tho Fiutis Pnissn .lob Printinc De partment ia undor tho unporviniou of thoroughly competent tnoobanicn, and apodal attention ia , paid bo thm branch" of tho trado. Our faoilitioa for the execution of all liindfl of Book and Fine Job Printing aro unoxcollod. Stoam power preHBoa. A call nolioitod. notiiNKRa msoniiA'no^B. All Job Printing and Transient Advortioinj; accountH, otriotly oaoh. Advertiaing acooucta , with regular patrouB aro sottlod quarterly. Sub- oriptiona duo in advanoo, . No Hubiioription to tho Fhke Piihhh, or ftdvortiRemont published in it.3 columnii will bo diueontiuuod until all arroaro aro paid in full. Changed for adyorfciBoraontn, to noonrd inaertion in tho current iaaua, rannt bo banded in not later than noon of tho Tuoh- day preceding, aud notice of Huoh intend ed ohnugo ia required on tho Monday pro- ooding. Notico of diHcontinuauoo of advoitiHO- inontii muet bo giyon ut louet one woisk in ttovanoo of tho ihhuo in which thoy aro desired to hint appear. AuvnaTiBBiia, aubaoriborft and patrona conorally aro roquoated to read tho tibovo rogulationa carefully, in order thut confuoion may be avoided, aa they will in all caHOH bo adhered to. AddreHB all communications to3 k. jr. i,ovi:i,Acr. Publtabor tho Enrncx Fnaie Panne, Kimox. Ont WORKED JfOHKHS-. IN THIS WOMAN, Never Know a Medicino that Did so Much Good. A JOYFUL JGXlI3rtlENCE Joyfully and Graiolully told Nova Sooila Iiady. Ity n We all droadHpeQifladiHoauflflliko fovoro, tbat aro prono to turn dmaatrowdy be fore their length han boon run. And yot,, in tbeir worst form, doflpito tho immeJiatf . uan^or that at oortain utugea may ahow n- nolf, thoy cannot bo compared to tho dm- treoa tbat com oh to tho victim of norvouu- noHH.aud tha sufferer from L'onoral dobility. Let ,tbo iiyetem become run down, without ono knowing just what may bo tho cbuhg of it, and thoro in nothing surprising that those 00 afflicted loua heart, arid suffer jphyoicdlly aud mentally, an thooo laid.on Berioua bedn of aioknoHH do not uufior. For ono Jong year Mrs. Jamen A. Publiooyor, of Lunonburg, N. S., runkod among- thio cladB. She dragged out a miuorablo ex- iatuuoo, arisiug in tho morning wiohmg it Wore night, and retiring at night wndiing it wero morning. Completely proBtratud, uha hud not onorgy for any work. IIor ap polite hftk failed bur, and Rtrength wiih gono. Of aourno ubo tried doutont' medi- oinoH, and variouu othur mfidiomoa. bu> over her own mgnaturo aho tollu tlume who Buffor liko her tbat alio found no rolief un til flho bad U aruuil of Bouth Amoriouu Nervine, and taken it hernolf. Fully ro stored to vigorouH boalih, it ia not fiur- primufi that.Ktio t}hould>^ay that ia the very, b&at medicine i^tVicr world, and thin flXpcrianue hIio buok&'tVp^.y recommundiiig It to her fiiouda. jwh^tne, :ho imwi, bavo alao found it good. .. Ah a hoaltbbuildor, a fUttdi-buddwr, and a Htroujfth buildor Booth Amoriouu Nor vine is par excellence a wonderful moji- cine, and there ia not auothur remedy t hat poBBoasoH tho uiugularly offootivo proportioH that it doea for till oaaco of thia oharao^ur. Sold by J. Thome; Thjjit Tifd; feeing Hood'o Barenpo/l'la civ$ tho .,. O'calrod Hp^li^ tranj^h- You often hoar people complain ol toreiikriesB and a tired, run down fool ing. Tho cauHo of tho trouble U iuipuro or impovorlBhcd blood, nd whou tn tlil condition it cannot carry lioalth to tho organs and tissues of the body. Purify, vltnlixo atid nrlch the blood with IIood'H SavmipurlUn imd Uhjho dlmijjrdoablo fccUn^ will disappear, heeuiiKO tho blood will then eaiTV liealth and vigor to every orgun of tlio body. "C. I. Hood A Co., Lowell, Mnnit.: " OciitR'inon: Ah a tonic and blood purifier I believe Ilood'a SurHnpurllU In the very beat. My wboloHyntom wan entirely run down, and ltappt'nrcd tomoKH though thorawn'i but littlo blood in my veins. I \vno uo weak I Could Scarcely Cot Around to do my work. I ilnully began to Uk* llood'n Barimparllla, and nftor uningf flvo bottlen I found that my iibronotli had returned nnd my appetite waH very much better. In fact, t now feol na otroue " tou Ave., Toronto, Ontario. Tired All Over-Could Wot B!ep. ^ 4*Jt fltforda me much pleasure to U*tlfy to the mcrltii of Hood'H EUurMptrilht. *ly Whole system wau run down. 1 Ui% ttrtd all over my body and ooald ot kl*ep ai might and my appetite wan vry pool, X tried iievoral phyulclnnn but with p<x>t uecem. I hoard Hood'tf Btriaparilla pokon of no highly IdoUrmlnid to try It, Wblob I did with great rMulti. Tbat tired fcollni; la gono, my appvtlt* la ffood and I feel liko a now woman." Hut. Kathkulky M2 Elizabeth Bt Toronto. Hood's Sarsaparllla Is the Only True Blood Purifier Prominently beforo tho publio *y* today. AJd it ia thorcforo tho idool buil<5intf-up medicine. Re uuro to get Hood'H. M/v^rl'c Ptr'.' tho nfter-(Unner pill an4 OOOU b ra^i um\\y catUorUc. 3o* BISHOP HAMILTON. ACCEPTS. Ircbl.Uliop l.ttHl* Kxprea^ea 111* **tUu**l~ Tl,r, Uotmi of U^alMkM TTfHl Kniii- tl->i, im Htile0llM, W Wpy*. Ottawa, Ala'rch'19.-(8DC0ial.)~a,hf UUbop of Nliik'iiru Iiuh aucfptoo tho niiHllioit of moboii or-Ottawa. . WUeu th Hyao.i r^aa- mnnbled thin afternoon Archblnlioii Ijiiwl* roud Hid followliiif tcluifi'um : " l'own.4iui, Murch 10. " Th" Lord Ulahon of Oatarle, Utuuvu : ' lltmiuiiatlon or "u d-o<:*Mi> Wliloii In n?c- WHuiy to tniiiHltitloii of a blnliop U vtHtwl lu lint IIouhh of Illuhopa, I inn riMidy to unbuilt to tlte lilnlieuu' Uoclnlon wlu-'tln-r I uliuuUl hmvt> Milium ,HUd lit'Kln In Ot t it wu, Hlwmbl tliln, wiilcli Involvcu de ay, lnj obJf'otUmiilMo, I uiu ready to rollevi! tin* Kyuod by diclilliig my duiy lit In Niaif.u'.i. I)(H*ii|y M(!iiMlh;o of coaildeiute uixl love-of ('liiiri'lit.iuMi In Ottuwu tboicHf. (Kl^ueil) niHhuii of NiiiKura." When tlda umioiuict-inetit wua iniulo thoro Wftw loud anpluuHi!. " ThUi uifHiiM," mi Id Archbluhop Tjitwli, "Unit hi-' uudcplH, tnibj^el t the un opt. Race of tliL> ilnu.-,i)-iif mfihoim. 1 in.iy itill yon Unit Unit iicccptiinco \n certain, und I inmy iiumiu'i- yon that In ull bvimnii jnoha* lilltty Im Is now or will 1j*j H iilmi' * Ottuwu, I will in oni:o hiiiiiuiohh a im*i;L- Ini; of tin* IIouku of IUh1io|ih. I am v*!i'y Uuinlcfiil tiint my di-ur friend the libiliup of N'lui;aru linn accepted the office, 1 tlilnlc tho JJluccKc of Ottawu will iiovlt turret It." THE A It MY TROUBLES What General Booth Think* About Balllngton. HIS SON IS NOT QUITE HIMSELF HLtfUOL iilUl. J'JVKi'GC'KETH* four YumluxlnrM Iti ICoclu'ilwi' Ktfuvo Itcttta hd-nlluu I'urHi'M (or Motttlm, ItwrlieHter, March 10. I-onr little k'i1h. weJirlnjj Tain O'Simnterit, were lieforo JlliJ^t; KrjiHt thin murnlu^ charged Willi heluj; plekpock.-tti. They till attend N >. ;t uebool, uuil their uuiuo'i tire : M.iKifle Hedt'wluk, 10 yinra ol a^'-. ^" riyinouih ttvciiiH! ; Kittle Watiiiin, 1-! yeuiti old, of. Mary (-Herd, i:i yearn old, of Krunl Hl.m-t ; Ilivsle (Jiceii. 11! yuuw. They all coiifesiied to huUtii; hei-n hi i.li bufJluenji uevcriLl uiontlni. Their ptaa wuu to VlHlt liirK atuiCH, pick out a rlchly- Ureiined woinuii,, locate her pmrket, ernwd about her mid t-xlruaL the pur.^o. <.)uc. of tho (,'lrln, to explain bow they operated, uuotl tin; matron ut the police iitoilon an a mibject, ph-klng a purso from her ilri>u nklrt iiocket beforo she noun ely knew It. A doteellvi' Kiibl ho muipccteU Miiry SeilK" wick of Mtoulliijf a purse lu L-'Hhey'a atoro a week u^o, uud took hohl ot tlio child, whereupon a woman present mild it win a uhuiue to aeiUiie tlio child, nnd lie luL liar go, feeling cheap. iUmiIo Creed Yen, mul MagRlo had two poeketbookn up her slef-ve at tin- time. All the children said their narenis nad no knowledge of the.r steallnK- Thuy wero rnntitntled to tho UhfUcr for a biarla^ to morrow, _) VETKHSON Jl.iJ> HAM* LVHIC. ttjijvu will suntii:xj)icn? U Could Not i:ica|M- IIIh niintllnii rir1l- I<ik- I'rom Hi<- Ull I'lrltffl. Detroit, March 1!. Henry Polernon wan attracted l)y" tho oil and win tlnda iiromid retroltft, Out,, and wont there frum here, .InvcfltliiK about pOOO in u piece ot land, whore hi* calculated In sink a few welta. Tho urllhi falli-d to produce oltheT-fhibr-or gua la piiymt; <iutuitlLles, and after bin fail ure rctemnn gave It tip. 'He had credltidM sud Hoverul of them sued bhn In Ontario. The dale of the off eel a wu.i scarcely auiXl- clcnt to pay tho court cohIh, let alone tho Judgment, and nulla were Instituted here, wbora retortion ban property. Two of tho onsen hmtltuteil by 11. H. Van Ttiyl und otlwrn. and William IColley and othevn, wero beard by Justice Hlinpnon, and yon- terdny ho decided In favor of Peterson, hecnuac of the Canadian Judgment** cover ing the 8(KJ InUfbteduetis charged. AniLtSdKl) FOJt HIS Oil.'A" J-'UXKJtAZ. Juhim UruKOM or llultrax Itfttlt Hli ait* . ,Uiidrr(H^tit- tlt IMy IK-fora H Ii(*(lHalifax,: March lO. wlf> waa iiguntf-lwto of the Union Mutual Inunr- anco Couipuny, died rather nuddoiily on Tuesday, but ho had all IiIh funeral tir- raiigementH eompleti'd, notwlthHtandlu^'. Ho wau taitrerlni; troui tliruat trouble, wliicn be knew would end hlu Hie in a nliort tltno. The day before Ida death-he cm led on John Snow, miUerhiUur, ami made ar- rnnjieatontH for hl.4 Cuuonil. He uld Mr. Snow he hail only a few ycurt* or days at the moat, and It would he well for bhn to inako all iimui^e-menta no.'etitiary. The fuuerul wan arranged by him la a nuro.y buulneua manner. OLiyJO JlItAM'Jt i'Olt JIOO'Mf. hp-eeulntlou In wrnulpee at lo tlm Ueitill f tbe t'unlrirriirv. Winnlpoff.March 19. There were many lntereated 'attendants nt the Legislature this afternoon. to.Jiear [ the reasons why an "adjamnnient was; being made until April 1G. They wor. I very much disappointed. Tlicy ocpoct-! ed nome dlaclosurt* oC thu.scml-oUluUilj nogotlatUuis leading up to the formal; lnvltutlon of the Federal Govemmontj to hold a conference on "the school queatioti, but Premier Grecnwuy mere ly, stated, that he had been invited by Wir Charles Tuiper to confer with tin; members ut the Federal Cabinet who would.cume to"Winnipeg for the pur pose of solving the school question. For this reason he moved the Legisla ture adjourn till April 1G. The motion was of course carried. Iiieut.-Gov. Patierson then nysented to tho bills passed and "the Legisla ture adjourned. Although there are very general ex pressions of hope that the conference may result In an amicable settlement of the controversy, those who have ETiven the subject careful" attention fail to see how It can be effected. Tin; Manitoba Legislature ban repeatedly affirmed Us determination to maintain the national school system and not to re-establish Separate schools. The Ite* medial bill just -paisslug its second readine in the House of Commons pro vides for the'restoration of Separate schools in Manitoba. It appears, there fore, there can bo no amicable arrange ment unless one side surrenders. It h pretty sale to w^agei- that Manitoba won't. If, however, the remedial order and bill are consigned to oblivion there is Utile doubt, but that the Manitoba school law will be so amended as *U give the greatest freedom in the mat ter of religious Instruction while at the same time maintaining one syst^:r of etliclent schools. Those who arc not willing to accept tliiH may prolong the ug.tathm, but they have a very re mote chance of getting more. Da Commander ami .lira. KootU-TucIinr Hriutf u SI"hhui: to Italliiigton V Now York, March 10. Tlie tallc at Salvation Army headquarters yester day was that when Commander and Mrit.Tuclcer-Iiooth come to take com mand here they will bring from Gen. Booth a message of peace and love for his son, liadllngum, aud authority to heal the breach between the two lunc- tiooa. Nothing short of absolute re union, however, will bo accepted by . th^o General, it is said. t.. Tho latest influential recrutta to tho . ranlca of Ualllngton Booth are Adjt. Washington Blaokhurst of Chicago, and Adjt. Trumble, formerly bandmas ter of tho regular Salvation Army there. Adjt. Blackhurst said yesterday that Col. Eadle had laborc-d long and ; earnestly to dissuade him from seced ing, but without avail. Adjt. Trumble*a secession Is partly due to a littlo scene enacted during the tea tendered by Eva Booth to her otaff on Monday. . On that occasion 13riff. Perry remark ed: "If I were going to leave the Sal vation Army, I would not need to do , It by way of the Bible House. I would > rather go by way of the saloon or ' the theatre." Trumple and others took offence at what they considered a slur on theli* old commanders. I Major Smith and Eva Booth went to I Chicago to-day. 'SOJtOSTO MAJtlilSTH. YuunG LlBt-RALS (ilveti n Warm Iti'eiuitlim nt Ottawa Yr- l.i-.lay IVitrU of j;vitHHii- I In I r rt!nni/Jithiiik tu *it<- rrovliu-f. Ottawa, .March l'.t. The t'edor- uttun <>t Ontario lunuj; blmrni .C.UtJii mm- \eiu-d liere lu-diiy. i lie. ilelej;uii-s were exiuiided u civic ueleuiue In the Oily Coin ed chuinber. In rhe ' nbujiieu ol Mayor UortbWicU, who was bastliy sniuiuuueii to Toronto, an uildre^s of weicuuie wai read by Ulty Ca;rU ileialeiaoh. A wop-urn*; on behalf of tliu h.nerai.-i of the city \v;in ex- tunUtd by ci-A.u. Omnium, pri;>uli>nt uf Iho ltid'ui'in Aawoel.ition ; N. A. lleleouri, piualdeut of ine Kiench . Liberal Oluu ; Oluiu. Murpny, premdeut of the Vuiinj; Liu. urn I Cliiu, unit P. II. I'hrysh'r, y.O. Mr. hmwart Lyiyt, pie.duuui tjt tins On- lailo Federation of Noting Lllieral Uiuriri, iiitnle. a neat upeeeli In ri^.ly, iietin.^ f.rli Hie iihJeetK ot thi! H'tienU on. Mr. ,1. b. WllilHun, cdltor-iii-ehief of I'lm To/onto Uiutn: ; Mr. Hruee Ciii'iuili-i'H. predili nt of the IClnifrttou Lllicr d Club ; Ur. Dnvi.-,, ni'oahiiMit of the b./.el.^ii C it .> ; AI-. Kliul- uiy or the Hum.Hon u.iw, and .Mr. J. T. liawUe of Moticum. hIho upoke. The convention wuu-w weayluu tlily uf- turiiouii, when off.ecru were eloefd, O. Mu.p.iy, Ottawn, la the new fire.Mleut. AlTU..Ki!iiientu"woi-e pcrfi'. titii for nraan- (Xing cuba ' througnout tho l'>uii:i-y. A lurwu' and outhUHniHllo -neetlni; waa hold In tho Opera Xlouaa tn-ni.,ht, when mieeelns w* re (lellvrretl by Mis-.ru. Gihtnor, la.-ter, Muioek, "Pruwi'r and otlior M.I'.'h, Mr. i.jnrler wau not able to be j'ro.^nt. Flour Tho market Ih (bill, with atnilgkt rollera nominal iif$:t.-15 to ?:t.5D. Ilrun The market Is quiet. A enr oft'ered ut 515; Montreal, with $i:i.{>0 bid. Card on truclt hero quoted at $!-, nnd uhorta $1'J,50 to $i:. Wheat Tbln._marlteLiailu'J, _wlth prleon weaker. White wold on the N'orUiern aud went at 70c, nnd red nt 75e. Nfu. 2 mixed of fered on track hero.Miiy delivery.at hO.-.iiud pooue at (We, outside, wtihout bids. No, 1 hard old at 80c, N.K., and a cur Df Xo, l Northern sold at 78c, N.ll. IJnrley The imirUet In dull and prlcoii iiteady. No. 1 offered at -lie, outside, and No. iJ brings 32 to-:i:ie. Oata Trade ipilet aud prleea onny, there boliiK Hiilcu of woven earn of wlilto out shift ut 22'zbe. Mixed offered at 2fS'/je to arrive Toronto, with 25c bid. l'cau Tho mnrltot la etendy with nalett to-day ftt Stk* north. Ituekwhi-'nt Tho market'ls dull nnd prices nominal nt !!0ii to !12e. Ontiueal Hitsineiiu quiet, with ' prlee noiulual at $2.b0 on track. Corn Tho market hi quiet nnd prlcf* uuululn^ed, yellow offering at '12I/ie otitnUh>, and It2c bid on O.IMt. cant. Curs to urrlvo offered hero attfTMie, with llTo bid. Kye Tho ma fleet 1h dull, with ctirn offer- lng outHldo at -ir>e, with KIr bid. nniTiau maukkts, blverpool, March It). Wheat, Hprlug, B* 4'/jd to &s fiWid; red winter, fin ,">d to 5a Oil; No, l Cab, fin <lil to 5s Td: eorn, now, 11h O'/jd ; pniH, -is7*/jil; pork, 50t Od ; lard, 27n Oil ; tallow, 20a ltd ; bacon, .heavy, 20n ; do, light, 27h na ; choeno, -i:iw- Ivoiidon Wheat off noiiHt buyera and Hollerii apart. Kngllsh country inar- ketH quiet nnd Hleady. Liverpool futures weaker at 5n -lyid for March und April and. Kh rid for May, June- uud July.' Maiv.e qu. t at :i oy4d for April, :i Ul for May nnd Hit. VM for June. , lMrlK-Wheat Iflf.KOc for April. Flon.', tOf 75e for April. . London Wheat off coiiHt Htejuly. Mulze quiet. l'lirbi Wheat fpih't at lHf GOV fur April. Flour' quiet, ut 'I0f 80c for Mnreh niul April. Liverpool fu tures dull ut Kb I'/jd for -Murch niul An II nnd FiH -i%i] for Mity, June and .inly. Iflour, 17h Oil. Mab/tt linn at Us (l;)id for Apr J Km Id for May, aa lUd for June and :irf 21 lor July. II 1* m V ry k'nlnfrtl Kubi^rl \Hth. th Offlrors nt Ilrnt|(Iuart.m, London . Muiim uftUn H*\v .tuit-rltfiiki ik-my ^hnUKf-d-)K|tUoi!r Ali>ut (lij I'lilfoniiu. Now York, March ^. The World'n London npeclu! Hiiyti : . JJrnmwell Iiooth did not nail Saturday- for New York, tin It had biM-n stated it wiui bla Inten tion to do ; nor ban (.iniiurnl Booth any present purpose ot t;ulu, At the Salvation Army headquarters 'Tho World's rcprenentaUvc was told by the general neerUary that they are anxiously await.ug the result of the Uootli-Tucker inluHion. Jiehig asked whether the chlefu of tho army jitlll have any real hope nf a reconciliation, with Hulllngton Iiooth the Hucrutnry said; " uli, deai, y.s. We ate cortiUn that the dispute will be arranged. In fuel, there'n a great deal nf mystery about Halilngton JMHithH action. His family nnd friends cannot uiider.stand it, as hltln rlo he has been most aii'ectionato and obedl- tut to Lhe behcHtH of the General We are beginning to think thai he ban been overworked, and that.1 suiTerlu.r from the effects of 11^- strain, be, per haps, ban not.been strictly accountable for his uctioriH. We feel sure that on reflection be will return to the ranks of the Army." Much amused comment In excited hero by the report cabled from New York of the discussion, outworn female members or the new army on tho ques tion of a more tasteful costume, par- llcularly a more stylish bonnet than that of the old Army. The secretary unid : " Well, General Booth won't nay anything on that, matter, but It In ono of thn.o Incidents which have made us form, the conclusion that IhUlinston in not quite himself ; It Is no unlike- him an wo know him," "Is not your simple costume," was asked, " one of the distinctive marks of the Army, to symbolize Its unworld ly character?" " Yes," tho secretary answered, "that is so, and if the cabled r,tatement be true that a chanr.e in that respect hrui bot-n resolved on by Balllnr-ton. it la uultc Inexplicable to us," Tho World's representative gathered from-thcrHPcretary's manner that Thxl- linpton Booth's" defection Is a very painful" subjict with the Army chiefs. There was an evident determination to nay nothing1 that could lessen the chance of reconciliation. New York, March 2a. There has been a ohantfo In. the name- of Jlalllnffton Booth's new army. " GocI "and "Amor- loan " have boon eliminated from ,tho title. This happened between two. days. On Thursday night.npou the various doors which are Invariably "clon'-d," and up on the one by wb'ch visitors may enter the room In wb \h Major Peter Glen guards the approach to the ofllces of Mr. and Mrs. Month, was emblazoned In.the tricolor the legend, "God's Am erican Volunteers." These name doors yceterday allowed only this label, "The Volunteers." The slfyn painter had been there, like the Scriptural "thief In the nitfht," and with his brush had caused patriotism and providence to vanish from those portals, like the morning cloud and the early dew. Another change In the plans Is also announced. It concerns the women's dress- Two day a uk'o all arrangements were.made for the Salvation lassies to go clad In brown garb, like sober little "Jennie Wrens." But a newspaper suggestion that the new uniform would lie becoming to the blondes, yet the dark-haired on s thinking very serious ly that the one opportunity of their liven to secure :i becoming frock was being- let si:p. Tho result is that M,rs. Iiooth has been appealed to, and has "reconsidered," und the falr-Command- ress yesterday recalled the order for brown gowns and bonnets, sent the rolls of russet cloth back to lhe ware house, and pretty nearly decided to or der from a set of samples of " cadet blue." This color will set oft' both dark and fair complexions admirably. If It Is finally settled upon, the bon nets will have to be of white straw for summer, which will lend the uni formly pleasing air of lightness and coolness entirely unknown to th'.ir for mer black coalscuttle .headpieces. "Salvationists In Australia always wear white pokes, as more suited to the warm climate," s:ald an ofllcer in reference to the matter ; " and In Can ada In tho cold season thoy wear fur hats. I see no reason why there- should not be a modification to'suit the tem perature and tastes In this section." Naming the paper seems tn be the only thing In tho way of getting the new army periodical on Us feet very shortly. Balllngton Booth cannot de cide what to call It, anil yesterday Im plored his visitors to give him sug gestions. TO IVAMiH JtKt.'OXcrLIA TlON, General Rootli Order* ol. Kudlc (o Otarn L> lo London. New York, March 22. The first step in a plan to effect a reconciliation be tween the Ballington Booths and the leadera of the Salvation Army"hu-s been taken by Gen. William Booth, who has ordered Col. .Radio to return, to Lon don. Col. Eftd.e is* blamed for the troubles in the Army, because it is said It was his mn-hlnatlonu against Commander Balllngton Booth that stirred up opposition to his son in tho general's mind. That an attempt will be made by Commander and Mrs. Booth-Tucker upon their arrival here to induce Commander nxiC, Mrs. Booth to abandon their new organisation and return to the Salvation Army ia quite certain. CJtUtillJJJJ TO JiKA Til AT A J?IJU2. Mr John Motrin* of Tort iVrry KMIml by n. I'lullna Mull, Port Perry, March 21!. On Saturday evening at 11.2C fire destroyed the building occupied by James Wallace, tailor, and Newton Bros., publishers, together with the contents. John Mo- t;ire, a young man, who-resides with hi--. parenLs here,was assisting the fire men, when one of the walls fell and ho was crushed to death. He was.about 20 years.of age, and was employed at Puxton & Talt's foundry. jiar. A-, ji. j'l'i^.tJii's MAitniAGiL 1Y1J1 iiH Mm ftulijevt <>r mi l>c<dillNtliU <!miri Trtul at Itauton. Boston, March 21. On Thursday next a special ecclesiastical . court of tho ErjlHOopnl Church will begin Its sitting behind cloned doors, for tho trial of H, It. Fuller, rector of St, Baul'a Church, Maiden, for alleged breach of canoni cal law In his marriage last summor to' Miss Derby, a member of Trinity Church, this city. Tlio point Is that Rev. Mr. Puller la a divorced man, he having secured leffal Bcpoxatlon from hfc -vite on the ground of desertion. DOAN'S Kid hey Pills DOAN'S Kidney Pills DOAN'S Kidney Pills MM Remember.. DOAN'S Kidney Pills ARE THE BEST Bold by G. A. tiborrih, Ewnox. E||iorf Jpurneyn on ft Kong Hoa4 ._ In the|cbnruoteriijtio title of ft profusely il lustrated book containing over one hundred 7~ pages of oharraiDgly written description*-,/ of Hammer' resorts in the ooantry north ftndty ' west of Olnoa^o. The reading matter la now, tho illustrations are new, and the In formation thoroin will be now to almost ovoryouo. A copy of "Bhort Joarneyi on a Long ltoad" will bo sont froo to anyone who will iiu oIoro ton cents (to pay postage) to 0* II, Xlv.kYytmu, Ooueral rasaongor Agent Chioatjo, Milwaukoo A 8t. Paul Hallway, Chioaifo, III. Irrigation ui l>akti* Is oauHing that muub maligned Bootlon ot tha Western country to blonnom like the roHe-. Quomuk (rem u published article on the Hubjcct, ib iu Minted tbafc "Men who are accnutomed to turm'i)^ in non-irrigated districts aro slow to beliovo the reports of oiiormotiH yioldM of ull kinds of farm pro- duets in those aootioun of the oouutry where irrigation is prnatinod." An irrigated 40 acre furm produouH ^retitir und hotter re sults limn a 010 tturo .farm cultivated In tho ordinary way. Iu u few weeks we hopo to be able to publiuh various iitemi from differ ont iudividnalH tiiviti^ their per- houal exporioiiao in irrigation farming. In tho moanamio noud (or il freo copy of an illustrated pamphlet iu fuferenoo to Ir rigation iu Dakota, published by tho Ohi- cii(4o, Milwaukee A St. IJaul IVy 0o Lddrtiuii, A, J. Taylor, Canadian Pis*. I^ont, Toronto Ont. Out of weakneBH comes stroitgth wbe tho blood buu boon puribnd, enriched and vitalised by Hood's Barsaparilln, tcts Gem and Canadian Aermotor Steel Windmills 'Are acknowledged LEADERS eitl or. as Power or Putnping Windmills, E.or_prices arid terms, address JL JIjLxjlJLjAs xJX&U Essex, - Ontario. Agent for Essex County. ARE STILL LEADING tlio trade in oil kinds of Building Material, Woodwork for houses,, (plain nnd ornamental), Bnrri Lumber, Shingles of all grades, Doors, Sash, Chestnut Coal. WINDMILLS "We sre Solo Atfonts in tho County for Of Chicago, which took Highest Awards at tho World's Fair. Can furnish either Pumpingor Power Outfits at lowest prices. A. writton guarantee witb ovory Ontllt.| Laing Bros., Essex. J. GOTTRLATr & SONS, ESSEX. ONT THE 'TIWOMPH CORN SHELLBB' ^ t)3BSORIPTlON- 'JPhiv Machine donsisfca of a borizontnl oast oylmdcr, with xvroughfciron buiB, with Biool tooth bo'tod to tho oyli'jdor eu"> as to bo roversiblo when the tooth become worn on tho front nido, vanning in a perforated concave iroii tholl which tho ehollod corn paaaeB.through into a eheefc ifon ense, witb an or clpiir.er uttaohod below, which takes ailfcho dust from the grain. The shoftpORt bo*-*, jijofit Hinayile and durable Powor Corn belle* in nse; sheila lorn porieotiy clean in any condition shelling and cleaning from one to t*o bottaand biiaholis of eara per day. aboording to power. . .-';,>':.DiMBMBioNfl. Pullej, 10 in. diantv . face; Motion* 800 to 80p:revolutions yw. minute; Weifrlik;USOHil' *ter: ft in EVERY 8HELLtRWARRANTED. "'V'. ' "-'ii ; ^| 1 *. QOURLAY * IOM it, . /.i. \,. miMM^M^^M^^i^^^^QM, $^$M0i^^ 05