^ ?rn* It" w ,1 vn.-smv^r vA r.vr-wpqiQg^t.f'w ^ k---- THE BSBK-* i.>~%j f-r- <^ tM In-,- ESSEX-FREE PRESS 330GJ333C, OITT. Published Every Friday Morning From tlm cfUoo on TVlliot. Hlrnt, rioxt Duimtun lilook. V Bpooml-uttontiou in paWI to thopuhlluu.- Won of routtiif ut local luipnrtuncu, uuoiir- lie and rVmblu vopnrU of Town, noii'hbor- [j ing Towni hip unci Couuty Council proonud- lnr, local 'J rid county murkH. roport.ii. nlo thecatefq. and jtidioioUH mumiKomont of h Tn Kutt Pnr.nn, with rmipnot to thotto and other current mutton* of local miportiineo, han yivmiita widonproiul proHttyu in tho contro of Khf.i'\ nouuty.wluuh in ivoo^ui/.i-d an oni. ot Lhu hvv\ iipnculUird dihtnottUii Ontario. Tin; Fhi.k fur.mi m tlm only medium onuuhiunjj thoroughly in thut central portion of tho Count\, and m oqii- aequontly,without donht.thi'only tluirnunh ndyortiHin^ medium for huimiomt penpln winhnijl to reach that oluim of ouHtojnorii, t!01lHi:ttt'0NIiKNCK.j Our ooIumiiH uro uIwujh open for tho 1 buounblu diiMUinmon of muttoru portiiuiin- Who public welliiro. Ablo corroi'pondontu in nil tho imrrouiid- g loeulition funiiuli reliahlu ic-portn of enlR of iiitiront,ncuniTiU| in thmr t>ovornl hor'; n..d tho puidinhor lit at all timch '.puemkI to rt'coivo inti*rei4inu itoniu of )WH from any dittpnncd to forward uontri- bubionit. Ml communication!) of a privato and aonUdontinl naturu, nhould bo no marked 3U r/1\o ouiuido of tho envidopo. flDIItlCRII'TION IMUCi:. *3 ,Q0 pnr annum, Htiictly in ndvunoo, J lii par annum if not no paid; ana all .treat51 charged at that r.itn. ADV1!UTIHKUKNTH. Tramiiont logal and municipal iidvor- tiflOmimtR, notioeu, etu., chariot! at tho rato nf ton contH pur lino, for firm iUHflrtioii, and iivo contn pur lino for oaoh imbRcqnout miiortion. All ouch ttdv'ortiflomonto aro muiumrecl by a paalo of twolvo linen to tho inch. XjoohI riiiuliPK UI'd other noticuu pub liahod atnoutf local oewn matter oh urged at the ratf of ton omiio per running lino for each iiihi-rtion, All uoticcR of church or uccioty enter- UiumontH of any dcaonption, at which an u,dminion foe m charged, are regarded uh advortiHeruontit.ancl full adverthiiun into* oharjjod in all such canon. Noticon of gath ering or mooting not for poeuniary bouo- fit or aid, will be cheerfully publiHhod free of chargo. Special oontruot rates mado for dinplay or standing ndvU. All legal orprofCHaiop- Bl oardu under ono inch, ft3 por uuuum. joli on commi:hcuij rniNTiNa. Tho Pukb 1*111.nil Job Vriniini; De- partmont in* under tho Guporvitiiou of -thoroughly oompotent mcchauicH, and upocial attention ia paid to thin branch of tho trado, Our faoiliticH for tho oxocution of all ItindR of Book und Fine Job PrintiuM -ro uuoxcollod. Btoara powor pronaeo, A call Holicitod. DOHINKHfl UKOOIjATIONH. All Job Printing and Transient Advortitiiun , accanntii, ntriotly canh. A.dvortid)nt; auoonnts with regular patron h aro hot t lot! quart orly. Sub- oriftionQ duo m advance. No flubacription to tho l?iuin Piu'.hh, or [idvortiHomont pnhliHbcd m its coltunnH wdl bo discontinued until all urrourH urn paid in full. Chimin for ady^rLisoinontH, to oecure imiortlou in tho curruut iuhuq, mtut b handed in nut lat'T than noou of tho Tuuh- day procedin^, and noti^o of hucIj intend. od ohaugo in rt-qnired on tho Monday pro coding. Notiuj of diKcoiitinuimcc uE ndvoittHe* mcntH must be givc-n ut W-unt one we'tlt in acivaneii of the iiisuc m whfulr they are doflired to lata appear. ADVizirnaBKd, Subacriber^ and patronu liu-uendly ary roqUCBtud to road tlio uhovo re^nliitionu oarofully, m ordor th>it coufuuion may bo avoided, tin tlu-y will in all canon bu odlioreil tn. Addi't-MH all coiirrniiiicutionp to~j 13. .1. hOVKLACK. i'ubUdbor tl it Kb .icx Phkh Pm.iin, Knuiix. Ont **ALAOH BTtlAPflJina. UCW RATE'. CLEVELAND0 H3^, PHTTSBURa, BUFFALO and ALL POINTS EAST Hvunv nvMNiNG nnTwmsM ,# Coimoctlng with enrlieit tritiun nt Clevclaad for nil palnti Kr.st, Bautla nud SundayTelpaJUM,luly, "uo^ii crnlScptcmic-Cr>- Pouh Tni pin UViiK DtirwoKN pc >t '(. nhoiiUl n-iillzo that tho onty tr' i :int'i jicnjint.* 'it euro for llu-lr ci'.-il. iuii lii tu to found In having Pmre CSood -P.iM'dUMo tim U't'iUh of ovory organ nd tii mo of I ho body doptmtU upon tht 1 lrl'.y of tlio lilood. Tho whole world known thu iiUuidnrd blood purifier it .1,' u V.^' Vj> Hi W I MlVl ii SI 1 I I (Ml t '.< r I ' c a:.- i iii. * rr. it l-i (lu) only trim and I. .1' f .U' t .Mil pl'fiplO, i- ill mil ] i ro ni.d h' nit hy? < :ui'i lUTvoii'im .h, iiinLi'ff i iv<"i iiwcct uh1 \ i;for, ii t;ood ajipt", lii- M)i. k doi"i nil thin, iiikJ i, I (.'i nut, or halt Klwiim ii- < IuikI dt n.icu, becatiito lb >^ >;i|' J <\h \ t * i"n every word wo hnvn . i ii voluntury tcnti- ' 'tbliah tho fact that . in n,r*"i. Ci* -y~* An Appotlto* I- i --.I i. 'i , rt\ lin,r; mhierabloand )[ . uh ilo hi-jjnn tiilciufi L-.Al'uhi.' - iriibiniid Hood'd IMILh nnd fi' better ul u-c\ Ilnod'B flnrnaimrllln (- hi in n |'v/i n. I'l-LItc" Mizo. Jomrf Bi..v;\;iT, r ..c:ay, Ontario. Ci'.'crcd 0 Yonra, "I rnvi iMf-n a Kuffcror from llvnf tind kit'..-iv c.i-n; !.::nt for twenty ycara. I v 11 n.Ivi i ,11 y r.iy tlni^pfiiit to try Hood'a t .i,<u .,' . . -a I did ho, and I nm tlmnk- fal t,j i.t-/ i..; it has gi\on mo great ret'ef. * I confidently rceommend It toony HUf.V.-iT I'm-' %\< o couiplalntn." Jamicj* . i J1 l.(,t,..i..un bo.,Toronto, Ont. i 1 .iitii a^^aparilla o ciJio Only :-9 Clocd Purifiec" P.-oinincntly in tho public oyo today. Prfpared by C. I. Hood fa Co.. Lowell, Mius. i!>- Ul by dm.'ipf.ti. ?1 j olx for |fi. Best Little Purgative I ever u'<cd," lvritcn ono lady In regard to ITood'H Vl'A i. They aro ro mild and do ^wk-"'""-*. their work wlth- I rojcommoiiu them to all nut' Icrlnjr from eou- tiveneus, Thoy will certainly brlnyyoarhi-bltB regular. "WenHj; no other oatbar- ^ tic# nood-B PUh ii-.o rJiVi.-liv inc-r-npinr: In ftvor, 25c. I liu IiWmifor <>( *h TuIh'w IU<mI U\- Vt^f. ltoi-ritii*1"- Til" recent renin l-kllble ilh'eoverleH of Vmr. Uni-iitip-n When eiu;a;;i>l In ex|)Ml. met.i tl wurk wllb. a CluOUr:l tube hnvc In iiu/'.liL pi iiniliit-nt ly -bol'oin LliL' wui id tin' iinino ol' Wlllbun Itior.Uiii, a iniii" that' win nh'i'iiily fanmufi In tin- wnriil of nch-nce. Tlii-ru are, Indeed, Cow, It any, uinoni; tho iiuleJlll.^" ieudein >>< the hitler half of the nineteenth cen tury who have had n m<>iv brilliant ami varied i-iiioit than the author ot the v.iuiiuiu tubeji which have nuub- p.i. -11 ih' the lecent slnHlhig devcb-p niciits In photoKrn phv. lie wan bfirii In lioiulon In lVt~, nnd .iL mi liirly i.f,'e turned hln nltcullun te phninf i a i>h\. A l'i< i a '"ii " -'Lt l 'i I'.nyal l'"lb '.. (if ClieinMiy UMkr In Il'ilf(i..ui, dm me which, .it t '\< n- <>' IT Vfui",, h.> J,.tilH d tile A..hhui uu, ii li.il.i i --bill, )) b r-arei rii din thin : "o- l.ii ii latit t<> l.i . i Uhir. Mm 11* i \mi. !.iinl, and .it I In .if e ol lt.i b- \ jiolntoii .,npi'i liit^ndt-nt "1" ih<- meii-oi (doRleul dcpiii tnit'iit of the Had1 iii Ob:-l'j"Viltoiy "t Opioid. In 1^"'-1 ll found'd the CheinU-iil N'ewn. and tl\e Vi-iLis later he bee am.....Htm ul the CJinn teijy Jum iiul of HidclK'-. I'Mif, t'lcudfi-:! had a natural 11 I'm" uriKlnal nuMit'li. In I Sol, while ex.u . Inlmv the ii .dduc Ji from it : ulplmi \<- :n ' woikri, he dlMcoVeicd the in w an t din element, thallium. This was. I'-dlov d by IiIm (deethui an n t'ellew of tie- Ito- HiHi.'lj. It wns lib. "d'dlcit- u\-> Im flfoplc Invev (|)-iit|ons" In eimuetdl", with tin- ui v l.\ dli,i ia i n d eicTiH-m. "whbdi led Mm to Lin- ; Linlv or t i< ran1 taillis uhh'h liasv""\'d so fiu.t ful In his hiimh." The mining \\i>rUl Is d.-cplv Indcble l to liirn fin drawing attention to the value of sodium amalgam In tbr- ex traction ol M>bl. At it later ibite be called In tin- aid of the altcruallni? elertrlc eurn nt. This agent, acting In concert wdth various nierc\irlal stilt1', and part leu larly with nurein y ryan- Uli', hiiH rendered po^'dbb tin- i \ti ac tion of gidd from highly h 1 rnctct y oral*. Tn 1^72 ho was at work on his inventi- gatlona on "TtcpulMlon TteHultlnfT Froir. jSi^fs?*^, V iV l ' ' .V, ^- -. ' ">& I'Uur. William riuioici.s. Uadlatlon," to which question his at tention had beun drawn by his obsci v- ln^ the actloiiH of heavy ph-ci h <a ^hu> which ho was weighing in a \ .leuinn balaiu-u, whioli, by the way, v a*- in own Iruenlion. In 1877 be Invented tV.- otheoscope; and In tho same >eai ^ i ncc tdKiilln d It:, indebtednesH to bin. by electing him a mombcr of tho Un;,.. In a paper befuic the j-ocn i; Komo Now Second Hfuht 1-Vut. Tlioi'O havo boon any number of ho- culled nnmriiurlo porformancoH mi bttigOH tho country over, but never boforu Iiuh boon Kuch un exhibition as tho ono now bolrtg pruHtjntod on tho stage of ono of1 Society. tho niUKlo bulla bore. 'At u privato | ho htatcd that he had '"suceeedi d m Kouncoglvon for thobunufitof phyalchiUH, j talning a vacuum so nearly ai>pn>.u;li- lowyarfl, nawbpapar folk and inon about injr puifuctlon that the pressure In it town prior to tho firm, public porform- was only 0.1 millionth of ,Ln 'atnms- unci* to-night, flomo wondoriul liypnotlo phere." Tin .-.- t mm Hineut.s 1. d h, ,.. toutH worn witnoHhod. Tho operator in a I important results; fur it was found th.-t newly-arrlvod Fronchman, Ills daughter, nn such an extreme vacuum gases p.-. - of highly nervous tomporamont, Ih IiIh' into an uUra-KaM-ouh state, which l'i i Bubjoot. Sho Hat on an ordinary chair in tho contor of tho fitiiRo. Sho gavo bur oyos up to tho oxporlniontor, For a mo ment thoy iitaroil at oaoh othor, Htronu- oiihly, uncimnily; than hor oyolldH drop- Orookos termed a state of "ladhint mat ter," and, further, these extreme vacua opened up the way for the incandes cent lamp. In addition to hi- e-tennvt work i ped and stio foil Into a hypnotic Hloop. ; the laboratory, Pi of t'rouioH has b. n, Tho orchostra ornshud, but Hho slopt on, a vulumliiiuis conti Ibutor to the schi.. whllo tho oxporlniontor pawiod from onoi tlflc literature of tin: age. to imothor in th aildlonco. Ono and] The splendid n milU which ha\ , nl anothor whispered to him a fipoclflc act [tended I'rof. Cronkf-s' labors ale not to tho hubject hhould porform. For inHtaiico] i,o attributed hohdy to his un.^ubi. d Hho wnu to writo a man's nan.o. fahol Junius for experiment and ohervalioi wuh to tako a cigarette and light it. Hho; They are largely the result of porrlM wan to untlo ono nmn'u acarf. Sim wa4jint hard work carried out on lofienl to writo out tho nuinborH on a wnteh. \ \\m.R and with ntrlct attention to meth- Sho was to porform all thont) thlngH. and ' ;)d. lie possensea that "Inllnlte enpacitv many otluTH. Tliia progrannuo hor fath-' for taking pains" which Is indispen? her had In his mind. Ho did not, how-j able to genlim, If Its pow en. aio to pn. ovor, flpoak a word. Nor did ho touch1 duoe valuable, lasting results: hor. Ilo Htood qulto Ton foot from her'------------------------ ----------- ami looked at hor. Tho girl' do.scondod tho KtupB from tho HtHfro to tho orchontra and piiHsml through tho audience, per forming exactly and promptly what It was In tho oxperlmontor'K mind hho Hhould porform. Sho lit a ulgurotto, un tied a hunrf, wreto mimoK and numhor.s In short, the "HiiggostloiiH" novor fallnd. Tho intelligent and scionttfic auditors marveled, but woro convinced. Pltta- burR Dispatch. ^6 M ^3T06KBV. THE "SOO," MARQUETTE^, AND DU1.UTII. io new ntcet pas-icuE^r ttcani.-ri liavc ju Ibuilt for our Upper I^ike Rout*, ^o-Uv \ao each. Send fbr illaatrritLd iiaaipbli/. A. A. OCHANTX. o. r. u r. a. DDTH01T, N'lvM, t h"ii. 'jia miv**Hf i,tit[ un inai^u <miia<.t, w.-tm tt> NN -,i; CO., wUobavu lmj iwnii-t^ii'. j-mitj' MIUIUJO IM tl'll pHU'Ut li..!!> .iiMrn- .LANirlOtlv ^MillddlUliU. A 11 l'i tdS-y.-* -i Ol' llV formation *ou;s>rriiii(i Pat**eft> c-'l !>' l* ! >-. %oiJ tboro i.'iiit r.n*1. .(lion cim,l'j , ** r.>, .cum licn- <Ml miiU i" \'-v\',\U\ tioiikn u*)tit ;r-'f. f[otitu i ./i'ii itiromi" Slmiii'i'i T.\ n "lvo 5winliuitt<*'Hii ihn SiduHiHtf /inw. -\ "|., r.i'ii nt aro Iu'jkjmi wiiifiy buhimihH t*j.\h , Oflt to the Inynr.tft*'. 'i'hlfi nitl'O.i.l ttHl'tM", mu<h! woifiy, <i!*ujHiy llliwarui wl. Lu*hy tt e tlm wt&Mi rttrtMiiMUoM ot awv wM'niitio work lu tUo torlil. 'L3 aye*r. fi*imii *<iiou w-ut iitw. ilulldJuf ^lUoa.wcuitldr. (y-vuu vcw. yittaio optoa, a.*j*u^ itiftw/uvMwitur iifritKlna bean* Ual ^lt*u, Ih ttlut,^ vhm^fcifU.of u.-t/ kwmm, wltli pJwirf. MiAbllutf bulM*i.* Ut kow th TBSrpMrisswjssrat ^assw. J*r'VonHmr tli'fi FlutU'iiliiffor Wlinoln. A sight which hiw bocoino very famll- Iftr to thi) public la tho brilliant upark- InR which ofton ooouw botwuon tho whoolH of tiMlloy carfi and tho mil. It makea a protty display, but It Is flomo- what oxpmiHlvo for tho railway coin- any. This bparklng bntwoon tho wheel and the rail In among the oiiuhiih which lead to tho Hhortonlnp; of tho lifo of tho whuol. Tho rohultant houtln tonds to anneal the ohlllod rim, with tho ooiibu- quonco that line Kurfaoon aro producud whon tlio wheel Hklils. Many largo oloctrlc tractldn companlflH find that tho romnval of Hat whoolH conntitutoi a vory roi'Lous Horn of oxponso, and thoro in now an uxcollont opening for tho cure of tho ovll. Ono of tho romudlou lately KUKgoHtod la a atoul brunh pruanlng on tho huad of tho rail, to ho uhoiI for ro-onforclnK the wheel contact. If mion a dovloo could bo mado practicable It would Korvo a doublo purposoj It would koop tho oontaut surfaco oloun, und rti- duoo the Hparklnp at tho whoelH by taking a conHhlorahlo proportion of tho ourront iind.at the uamo ilmo, a anving In pow er would bo elVec od. Riivo tho Siy Idnluff, Powdorod noapBtono and milt In equal proportion!) wt with wator will umko nn HvorlaHtinff ilrttproof momllnRfor tho lfnlnK of ntovuH; It 1a union Iobb oxpon- filvo and troubloHomo to proouro and put In place than now flwhrlckR, .Don't lot 11 ro Hpoll tho itov* hocauKO tho brlok nMda M&diMtf, Oih>(i Vlflori.iV l'ei'M'tnidlt>. The heart of old, tho will of Iron, the royal tmnpei of ,sted, the pride, t'i paLriotism and the deep piety ul Vi"- torla havo boon enshrined lu a t.ie<i . but vigoious frame, the mignonue as pect of which especially strikes thosi who behold her for the Hist Lime in these her "chair daya." It was rt ported how, when 3'rinee Albeit wa- dying, he roused himself from a perloo of wandering to turn with Ineu'an.c love to his spouse and sovereign, say Ing to her vilth a kins, "Ooud Hun wife!" And when tho l'rlnce Contort was actually passing away, after" tlu-s. twenty-one years of wedded happlm t ^, It was told how the Queen bout ov> i him and whispered "It is your litu- wife," at which last words the angel ol death ntayed his hand, while once again the dear eyes opened and the dy.n lips smiled. But though this be s no on<* who has bi*en honored by iuai approucli to Her Majesty, or lias evei tarried In her presence, will fall to testify to the extreme majesty of he: bearing, mingled always with the nm. t perfect grace and gentlem sh l o- voice has, moreover, always been pleas ant and musical to hear, and Is m nevw. The hand which holds the rrvptr. of the iseas is the softest that can l* touched; the eyes, which have gm ' n dim with labors of state for KnMai.l, and with too frequent tears, are tl*. kindest that can be seen. Hlr KJdwln Arnold, In the Forum. i,isim)it:i> ac^coiinth. fhm ao Such Thing As- Old Age 1}'J* 'I'hOH'iWlio Uh Smith Ameri can Nervnio. '- l a. ViiMiy of* Hty Y<inr l"orinulkolitly t'nrnl Worditworth nponltH of "An old ago lerimo nnd bright, midJoy_uly-jin t^Ijupland muliL," mid olfwhom thiH naino writer tiilkn of "An old uiju, beautiful and froo " Theiin aro onnditioOH that eomu to tip- man <r tho women, though their y*arn may isMl'ited by hinder nlomi on to u century, wlnui in tho ijoyment of yood boiilth. In fact it in 1 ttidiilti to ill in I1; of uonui nun und woivuju h tho tat!0 of to-day an old paoplo, there " * n h to be (inch a peroiiniiil youillfulmtim -ont thoir * vor\ inovfitncnr, and act. Mm. John Dinwoody him been a rnn'i. fie of I'*b nbertcii, Out . for over II) yearn. .-' Hi* ie i . r.n ] i ri-- n in the invt n and . iMitrV'ttide iiioijiul l.eltir ki u^yi t-bun ' ri huly. nnd none moro highly (iHtnVuud. '1 hrui yoiirit U(.;o it wim hur nad lot to\ont oi'iifdicnr who liad bon all tlio world to or Tlm nho< l( iiiiHtained by thin evunt - m|ib'i< ly broke up thu ayntnm of IVIrn. I ni'-wnodv. She uuppDHod her end im 1 O" i . She deciiitcd for mi*) yar with -i i c linden ii nd the\ gave In-r caH U[i, n, and no one nor a nv n edicine, onuld do hur eood, Mitoc ot the kind of tituff that uivoh hi.auby t i old u^o at anv timn, hhe rli 1 not deapair. .di- w'mi itjfluenc'd to trv Nnryine Hho t file threo botLbnt, und thin wuh vuilioirjnt io Hliow that hur nud wan not yet. From \\rf idu- oidamed relief, Sho pimiovor* d, iui I in nil tuoh W lyn bcjttloii of the metli- uie, with tho reimlt that alio is to day e u.plfjtcuy cured of that breaking up of i im nyt.toiu that thtoatened her 'Jneo yurtni "J.J0. I'liore ih notbinu wonderful in tho fact 'hut iMi'H, Dinwoody would proclaim to tho li'iiiiiundH of old people throughout t'lia 1 rond laud that with old age duou not no- "HHiirily ccjinu doulitio, decropitudo nnd i-iMHi,'. Why Hhould wt not hvo into tho edition and un otien and croun tho border t the century? South American Nervine, whothor tho Gem and Canadian Aermotor Steel Windmills Are acknowledged LEADEKS eitl et as Power or Pumping Windmillo, For prices nud terms, nddrees Kiidlnur M'i'iiieil 11. r. Kudyar-d KIpllni? took a great fam'y to little Miss Dorothy Drew, tin fa vorite KraudchUd *of Mr. Oladston , and I'ndeavorcd to win her friendship Uy telling her stories. After j.onu time Mro. Drew, fearing Mr. nipllnj intght he tired, called to her and na d, "Now, Dorothy, I hope you have breii t;ood and not woaryluj? Mr. Kipling." 'Oh, no, mother, not a hit," replied the child, adding with a altfi, "bt*t you've no Idea how Mr, Klplln# hou been Wwirylnu'rAo!" Arlittrrlluu Jloitrd Uiihobli* Ontitrlo'4 4'(intiiiill'inii. Montreal, 1'^h. . Tlio Dominion and Provincial Arbitration Hunt d met yt-ii- tvrduy at the ooui-t-lmime here, Thu board ooimlHtod of iltm. (Jhaneollo-i* Boyd, Don. Mr. Jnutlee Hurhldgu, and Blr IjOUIh Napoleon Onunult, Mr, T. A. Audotto, Hucrutury, and Mr, Mol- uon It. Hutcher, aleiiograpber. ' Thu DoHilnlon wiui ropreaunted by Mr. VV. 3D. lloj;g, Q.C., iuiiiltud by Mr. Ulckle- boii, Dojnlnlon bookkeeper. Ontario wan repretiented by Mr. Aemlllun Ir ving, Q.O.. aiiidntod by Mr. J. M. Clark. Mr. Darcourt, I-Toviuclal Trt'iinnrer nf Ontario, was also pre sent lu the IntejeHtu of Ontario. Mr. J. S Hal), U <:.. repi-chented the l^ro- vlnon of Ouebec. Hi' was Mr. Mauhln, Asslsliint 1'iovlnclal Treasurer. Premier Tnlllon wuu also PlX'iKJlU. Al tho npenhuv of the meeting yes terday (I iep.,it ot the three lvfereOil, Meiisrii. A. M Ilus'i, M. (1. Ohdcb-son, and H. T. Mfu-liln, wuu pn ." uted, showlniT that they lino inv > -iie<l the in i nuiit'i ndatin^ \<> the n! 1 I'lo- vlnoe of I'm nuda. .11 noun I lnj; to more tb.uu .se\i-nly iitllbon dollais, and with the exception ol t Weill y-t hp'( Items, hud cniiie to tin njviecment. As to tin* (> itt niM, whirli ln\ fdve about ono hundred and lorty tbousand dollarn, tin- uiblt r.itur.'i directed them to be unfiled on tho sixth ol M.uch, when the (pie.--linn of tho "disputed ac counts," mi ealbd, will be dually dis posed of, thnii^n then: are several othei m.liters in refcienee to Indian and Common school funds to Come hefoi'n l h(' lm;i ri|. At tn-d.t v 'h s< : si HI I he fll'bltI at Ol'JJ reiiihM ed tin* most important Judg ment t-.!ri<*M the oii<<nligation of the court, nnd (he decision deals with sunui I'miilnp; un to m-iiily three mil lion dollars. The laif-p-st Item Is a claim by Onehec to have made p;ood a deficit of line million four hundred and fiity one Umu'-and (bdlais In the amount orl*-:injdly Intended to form the Ooininnn sctiiiol lend. 'I'hls elnlm was unanlinoiisly disallowed by tho board, .ind the r on tent I on of Ontario upheld. The next Important Horn Is In rela tion to the sum of one hundred and twenty-four thousand six bundled nnd eltfhly-lU e doll urs, tin list erred I mm the Common S'diool fund to the Up per Canada land Inipi oveuient fund, the Common school fund In hif? tho piopei ty of Ontario nnd Quehei\ and the rpp"r C.inidii land Impi ovr*rnent fund the sob- pi o pert v of Ontario. Quebec c la itned that tbbi tiansl'er w i<; cont i .i i v to law. The decision of the in. i [or it v ii T the ni hit i a im ; IM In favour id' Ontario, but Chief Justice Sir It. NT <'a'i.itilt diss nts, holding that the i'luteiiMon of Quebec is well foundi'd. Another Important feature h, that the majority of the hoard hold tha^ Ontai io is eutlt led to deduct six per rent, of the snles for mtinnpemont and t w'-nt v-iive pi-r cent for the TJp~ per Canada improvement fund Chief "Jusllet- Cii^ituU ills; cuts from the ma jority of the hoard on this nltio, mi to tho deduction of the twenty-five per cent., holding that all the pro ceeds, less the cost of rnanaRement, should tfo Into the Ontario school fund. Tills will Rive to Ontario more than a hundred nnd twenty thousand dollars on the amounts already re>-- eeived. and a laiue amount fiom fu ture- re^t ipis The arbitrntoin hold that Ontario In liable for moi.oys i'ectdvr d, or to he r( ((1 ved, on a< count of tho million acres actually net npnrt for the Com mon school fund. This was decided in favour of Quebec by tho nward of 1870, fiom which Quebec, appealed to the Privy Council. ThW portion of the award b' very favourable to Quebec, ns II reives tliem an Interest In proceeds of Comnion K"hnol ln:iiK m ' >nt:\rlr*. on account of which < int.u io has al ready paid to the Dominion, as trus tee, more than nine nun Ir-d thousand dollars'". There was a claim by Quebec that the Dominion was liable In n cneet of interest on those moneys, which Que bec rays the Dominion should have colli oird from Ontario. The arbitrator!] hold that there. Is ruxJjnblljty on tho part of the Dominion, but, nr Ontario Id pf r fee My nolvont, ibis Is a matter of little practical Importance. UK U WDK'S DKATII. Ilo Waa th f'onHorvatlvo Candldur to. MiiHtntUa :iii(l l'urry sihiikI-sliicli of Ills ' CiiriMM1 ItctiiiirkiLlilc Colncldfoci*. Duncburch, Out., Feb. '. (Special.) One of tho siubb st deaths that ba^ taken place in the Puny Sound nia- ti let occurred here yesterday, \^ ben Dr. \\. Ii. Wade, of this place, died. During a vlMt to Ottawa about a tortniyht ngo be lortiacud a severe cold, but continued his medical prac tice, though suil'ci hip; yeiy much, up to Friday lut'l, when he took to his room, and tsiew Ki'adually woruo until death put an cud to bis sutlcihigs. All that incdK'itl skill could do toward KuvinK nia life was done, but proved ,,,.-, til -r, . -pv ^ ,, unavaiiina. i""ur phyjduam of tho Can turmsh either PurBpingor rower Outiits j district were in constant attendance, and llic ^ei vices' ol Dr. McDuiiu<jh, of Toronto, wero a No seL-nri-d. The lat- i tor gentleman pei formed the opera tion of tiaclieotumy. Dr. Wade waa born near Brighton, County of Nonl-unibcrland, in Seji- tomber, 180.1, and leiidved Ids educa tion at the Duhllt ami Uiuh schoola of bis native town lie attended Trin ity Medlcar College, was a b'old me- dalllHt and winner of several scho- larshlpfl, and Kruduated with Hying colours. In l^HiJ he bepan the practice of hlH profoKsion at Duuchurcb, and' rose rapidly in favour with nil parties. ' not only as a skilful practitioner, but as a public-spirited clttxen of the flln- trlct. He was an active and enthu siastic PUppwtfer of the policy of tho Dlberal-Conservatlvo party of the Do minion, and ho* popular and highly esteemed did he become In the few years of his life in ,MuskoUa and Parry Sound that he was tendered the unanimous nomination of the party in the rldincr at n monster con vention held at Elrondale in January, 1S95. Tho doctor accepted the honour and responsibility o tho position, and entored upon an active cuivaas at once. But for the hand of death laid upon him ho doubt existed in the mtudfl of hla fi lends throughout tho district of hla ability to carry tho Corrervatlve flnt? to victory. In 1880 ho married MIho Ada Macklln, of Co- bourer, who died In 1802, leaving one child, that alscrdletUlruthe autumn of tho oame year. The doctoi'lr-doath Is tho flrat lu a family of four two nans and two daughters. Ms fnther con- t(*ted tho ridlne of Eut Northum berland In 1883 nt^vlnnt the late Jamoa ITcrrln, and was preeldcnt of the Con-, nervatlvc Asooclation of the county for more than twenty years. Dr. R. J. Wade, tho only bi othor of deceased, lit nt present warden of tho united Countlon of Northumberland and Dur ham, and is a praetlnhiK phyalcian in Brighton. It In a eomowhat remark able colncldonco that Dr. Wado, tho Conservative candidate, nnd Mr, Hill, the Patron candidate, of Muukolca and Parry Sound, havo both died within tlio abort epaco of three months.________________;__________ A Conndrvatlvo. convention for tho County ot lAnctAu wuu* held yasterday at Bt. Catharines, nd wan adjourned till porson hn yonntf or old. uotH tit tho nort* oeutreu, und whbn thy aro kept iu proper condtiiou tho tyHtom is a a well able, to withstand disease at 80 ua at 80. With thiu proHpnot of view, who would uot live to un Old a{*;u and oujoy thn ploftnure* of fatnily, Irieudu nnd nooiety, und tako part in' Wutobin^ thu marvulli.uu pro^re-n and dnvelnprnontt* of iIicho aloninir dayo of a wood* i ful ci'Utuiy, w)wah warkw uHIiotthe lonMt <>f 1U wondorful dlui-ovorioH the dia-~ covry tit Bcuth Ameriaun Nervine? Hold by J, Thome. Tukem In Tlui Hood'H BurtiaparilU bun iiehievod iJreat HtcodHH in wiirdluj{ off niokiioHn winch, if ullowdd to proj/roHH, would have unduf. miiMid thu whole tiyntmri and lii von duo&ria a iitron<4 foothold to oiuuiu tnuoh HUfferinK und ovwi tlir. uton duath. Hood't* Har* HHpiu-HU luot dono nil thm und ovuu moro, Ft bud been taken ill tliouuuuds of etui** whndi uere th"u^bt to ibcnrnblo, and all tor ii [tar ldif 1 hitu i IK'otul woadurEul curoa, l)iintin(i bonlth, strength und joy to tlio afflicted. Another important point about M oort'H HuiHuparilhi in that itn curoa are portnanont booauao they atart from the Holid foiindntion to purify, vitalized uud enrudied blood. But it ih not what wo wiy Vu*i whut Ilood'n HurHupurilln donn that tolls tho utory. Wlulo no pliTHtcan or pharmtioiBk oau eoniioicutiodHiy warrant a cure, tho- J, 0. Ayor Co. Ul|arantue tho pur'ty, Htron^th, and inudiomnl virtono( Ayor'M flnrnapar- llla. It watt tho only blood-purifHr ad mitted at the great "World's Fair iu (JhiouRO, IHW.i, It in nob to ho wondorod at that Ayar'tf Pillii are m such UBivornal domand. I'or tho euro of oouutipation, billiounnedn, or any othor complaint needing a laitativo, thduo pilhi tiro unhurpamted. Thuy tu* HUai'-coated, eaHy to tako, aud ovory doH in (jffectivo. =j Esaex, - Ontnrio. Agent for Eshox County. LEADING tho trado in nil kindo of iiuildinp Material, Woodwork for houses, (plain and ornamental), Earn Lumber, Shingles of all grades, Doors, Sash, Chestnut Coal. WINDMILLS \\ o n re Solo A/^onts in tho County for Ot ChicHgo, which took HiuhoHt Awardn at the "World's Fair. at lowest prices. A written guarantee with ovory Outilt.| GOtTRLAY & SONS^ESSEX, ONT ** * THE THT0MPH COltN SriELJUER Thiu Maohmo consists of a horizontal cast cylinder, with wrought iron burs, with Btool teoth boUod to tho cylf jder b.> aa to ho rovorsihlo when tht loetli hocomo worn on tho front Rido, running in a porforntcd concave iron " boll, which tho Bhollod ci>rn pasaos through into a shoot iron gubo, with an or clpmior attachet| bohrw, whicli taltee ail tho duafc ttom tho gmiri. Tht" 5hcupo&t Voht, niont flimplo a>ddurnblo JJowerCor holler in use; shell* torn porleotiy uloan in any coi diticu nholling and cleaning.from one iOtwc^ hoHRuud buahole of oarts per day. according to power. * V.'; ' Bimkksiohb. Pulley, Klin, diaxn- Atcr, in. face; Motion, S00 to 800 revolutions nor nnniito; Woij/ht, B501W. &KVBr SHEtLIRWARRANTED. J. QOURLAY A lOHS. x s ! .' i ;, '* J it . > '