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Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), March 13, 1896, p. 1

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. iiJv>-> ",' *: I|PJ|j^ * . rv, '.' 8? ri MONKY TO JJluNl) On mort^agon at 5 fur cont, Fire ami biro Ih.. Hiirunu* at lowtml niton. ' J. W. GIBSON, VOL JUL Noll 'MOtfJ&Y TO LEND On*' iriortfiuKCM at fi pe*yj| i:ntit. Firti titid Life In* minuine ufe loweut J. W. GIBSON, ESSEX, ON1V FRIDAY, -. JHAJJOH 1300. WHOLE tfTff8T 73 FORSYTH ^Vi-^"- Dout; a Tlie Special Attention of Is invited to our atook ol' house-furnishing which vill be found repleie..with-all sea- -sonnble require men t's7~"WV guarantee priees as low as the loweat. Money refunded if any purchase unsatisfactory. Call and examine our stockn in the following Carpets, Oilcloths, Linoleum, Lac e Curtains, Chenille Curtains Tapestry Curtaining, Curtain Poles, Window Shades, Rugs, Table Covers, Cotton Blankets Wool Blankets, Sheetings, Pillow Cottons, Counterpanes, Table Linens, Towells and Towelings. New Spiag Goods now daily arriving. We solicit your in1 Bpection. THE ONE-PRICE STORE. SOUTH WOODKLUK. MY. t;M(l Ml'rt, HflOri HJUHlt Wo luniiday III Detroit, " Minn Ton'i Ho^mii in upending thin wrcii; in Dotroit. Vi\w.\ Rorko of Kline x, Hpent Sunday with her mother huni, CLutn. S. Iltiiiiiti will rotur.i U> lii-i licmtj in Wind KivL-r thin wouk. f,>nito u' lar^o company of Muthodint iniuiHtcrH uru hero to-day to att*.i:d tno church trial. I). A. Youn^ in having lnr. hoium painted mid tluoonitiid wlo'uli ho expeutti to occupy in u abort time. Owiiifi to tlit) illiiiMut of hiit wifu, R.iv. .1. Ii. rimiddiHon wim nimbly to attend tlio chuioh trial on Wednesday. Mth, \\. S Cuiuinifoi'd in ulnwly recover, 'in^ nftui* boinj* dontiiied tuber homo mont of tlio winter. We hops to nee hor out ll^tlill HOMO. Tlio Woodrtluu foot hull club have or- ^uiiizud in canieht, and aw noon iw weather pormitH will bo opun to all comers IjHBo.k not u.xcoptrd. Lt ifj nnnoriid that .JchnV wan quietly married in Chatham recently. If iio.lutin, d.)[i'c deny it, as il wifu in ty bo a loving helpmatu in ohoefio making time. Owin^ to the continued illnesin of Itev. Mr. /V'ytirfi, he1 wan unable to Oil hiti pulpit on Sunday huit. lie wan ably mibutitutod by Mr. Knowlew of Witulnor, who, though ji ynutjfj nmn junt entering the miiiintry, hiiH wonderful ability, tact and will malto liin murk. Dr. Korku whiloat SmithvUIu on Bun. day niuht hint attending a patient, loft bis borne in a convenient abed. On coming out tho horde and conveyance wore uono, nut by the timely nHuLutanco of iiomo of tlio mill men he wau aavod a walk homo, The hor.-ia wuh captured.but Jo! the conveyance wan a wreck. I'armorn -io you warn money at tf\ por lout.? If no writo A. G, BaUnr Leaming ton, Out,. Terma of pnymanfe of priuaipul to Huit borrowt-rn. Wi'i MAIDSTONE KAST. Hdiiiuel Jenkinu bad a losing bes last Wdeli. (Jutting atul hauling boltii iu tlio ru^o in our mi'.iHi. William Thotupnou in improving hiu farm by erecting buildingo. K. F. K'jymoro iutoinlH undorlraiuini* and tiling hia farm thin ijprinq. Mr. JuniPH Smith and wifo buvo been vini(i'.i{ hjp brorhor who in very ill. JefforHon Hill bad a hufikinj}; beu on the lHtli. Quito a lot of corn wan huikea. Mr. Johu Vaaatter iutondu moviiif* in to bin now ro*idunau vury noon, and tboyoun^ pouplu uro cxpucliii^ a ^aod timu in tho way ol iiu old faoiijoned dauoe. COTTA.M. Mni. ,i. T. Hiov;n \-.i viiulin,; fuomln in Detroit tlii^ wm-lc. J:t. llunnnti and wifr rcLurmid tinnid from Windiior Iuhl wcuk. llui'.li McCrenry I * --i km'u iK'Uotiatitu', for Hi-' Mill of hi-* mill wi'li Duriu-i \Vi|.:ln of the Section. Uov. Dr. I'liHcrji! of KiiHox, pr<acliud the MothndHt ctmrfch lunl Sunday uvuiinj^, and wuh iihtcnod to- with iu Lot-out all through. Hnubttii HuttluH wau in Cottn.m.'liiHt wt-uli trying to noil a npmi of lionu-h coming five yuarn old. He olKreil tcun, in;Cnyo!i(.', wbillhi ticti!*, untjhtstof lukiK tui4 litiruotm, and ono not (if hbort tujj barncftu,' lor 85(1, and hiuiI that if ho could not f^ot, ^flfJ bo would tuko ft-lO. Tho toam would huyo brought 81UO a fi-w yi'ari. itno. For tlio pafiL two or thren wuekn a iionun of unucial rovivul niontiu^h have bcon oon duotcd by Hdv, W. JI. Hhiiw, pautor of the Muthndi.'tt ^oii^rccationn of Gonfield North, Thoy were bnm(jht to a clone on Tuonday ni^lit, anil proved yory hUceonfitl. Hovi-ral acct;HHioiiH iia\ n bcoii inadu to tho band i'l cbriutiaii workura in tbm vicinity and ull feol that much nooil ban brnm accomplinbod. Tho cui'Uim) are now in plaoo in the Town Hull uml will provn a firafc con- vuiiieiioo in future when holding ontortain- inentn Tht-y will wuit tlio piirpoHo, hut an far an the umntio work in conGornad, I will leave it to othoru to judj',0 for thorn. nelvuH. The young pcoplo donorvo ureal [irnihu for tho manner in which tliey obtninoil fnndu by uivinu an ontcrtuiii- uitnt. and nc-ouriuq adveruHomnutH from tho biiHincHn men of Wiudaor and Kant5*. It iH tlie intuutiuu of tho youn^ people to givo an untertnininu'nt in the notir futuri-, whflu cinnplinientary tioltctH will be mailed ' to all iIioho whoHti udvtu. are on tlio cur tuinii. The outertainmontH i^ivoh by tho yminji poopb) hero ulwayu (jivo ploaimru and whou they uru giving pleanuro to otborn, thty uro briuginp; happincHH to .thfimnelvcn, which ih iiihcIi Vjottt-r than to puiiH eacji other on tho'btreeU with not an much an a look olTecof>nibiou and faUaly irauyino that uiiL'U actn wuio on tho road (o tiappinoflH. Faruiora do you wunt monoy at 6^ por cunt? If no writo A. 0. Bailor jJaaminj* ten, Unt. TormH of paymon of pnuctpal to Huit bonowfirn. For frchb cuUch aud conftjetionary, of ull lundfltfo to Shoumalcer, thebukor. SOUTH KiSSKX - t:<NS1<:KV- a r i v <-;st l(<Mjulnir ii ml ICiiillMiNkii'-.tir lav. ut Ivla<ruvl) If. "'Bo.'l' ^Hvin;; hi tin- jILno-m of iiljoui. on<;-lin!f of tho nienibfru of tho Imikk 1'im:m-i ntiill 11 liiMt week, the lollilwiiitj repuii., Li^'-i.|,er with Hiiiuo uilu v mat Li;I'm. w<.ih u - nvoidiibly held over. Tlit* aiiniiaj mnntim: <"d' '.litt f.!nhtu:rv.itiv" A-Hoclution of Soul ll I'j-te-X Whm he hi ut. Iviii(;]vill'- :ii Tlior-.d'iy, b'eh. 'J7, and wan *ery li-i^ely attend*1'!. A hpcei i! furi! of _'o e.fiitu on the I.. K. A' l>. it. K. from Medioj.or and New Caiman wtih ^t-curcd ainJ l lit; wr^tein part oi the ridiiu; wuh well ropro-tentdd. Ujioii tho- arrival of the li'i'in from the wt.iii a pi'Qeeniioii wuh lornied aud Willi it Union -Jack ut the bead of the cohiniii t be del.. ^i!ci marched troin the Htation to the town hull, each pt-n-on in tlie rankh having a blu-> bud^u pinned (in liirf coat, The oilsIcih pirt of 'Ii" rtdipiLC ivim (i.hto W"il i*( pri-hohtcd. '! !: lie I. "it 11 f.'eluek. JJt. Allworih who vfnh liioly up- |ioiiitrd Hub-colli'otor at K;ii[;villo in nuc cf'Hiuon to Dr. Knbi, tflndi*r'd hut reuimia. tion mi Prr.'Hidijnt of tho aHhOciatiou. which wuh ncoepti.'il. Tho following wore fdected; flKNlillAL Oyj'ICKIlH. Preaidont T H White, of Au'rlordnti. lnt Vice Fn.Hid'Jiit T II DcCcw, of Ennox Town. '2iiU Vice I'reu A Whittle, of iVinrwea. ilid Vice Fren . Ion. Secretary Henry Clny, of AmluTHtbur. Tr>-umirer Dr Drulto, of Kingnvillo. nnvnucT imu:hiii-:n th. K'.iHtern Dintrict, eomrrimiij* MettHea and Leamington, G F Cronk, of Ijoaminutou. Southern Dintrict, compriHini* Gonliold South, Cfdchcftter South, Ivinpivillo and Foleo Inland, DariiiH Wijrlo, of Kioi*nvil|fj. WoHteru Diatrict, comprising wehtorn part of ColohoMtor North, Anderdori, Maiden and Aiiilierntburg. N A Conle. Northern Dihtrict, compritiin^ Ehhci Town, Qonlicld North and the eantorn pari of Coluhoyter North, Dr J VV Bnou, of Ennx Town. ONSTANT changes on every liitiifl jire upparent. 'Tin potent to every observer thnttlie rocks of old Niag-. ura are ^riulually crumbling ami lier mi^lity cataract is shifting from \t orij/iiiMl location* Rivera liave been lenowa. to change their courses very considerably. iSucli marked (;hitngOH bad been brougbt about by obstructions of Rome sori which interfere with the. il'ow of tbc wn.terH a,nd as the ok clianneln beeonuj less inviting the .curnuitB turned in otho! directions. The unceaaing changes that time brings vvitli i are not eonfint (I to nature but are conspicuous in the ebb and (low oi' eoniuk.rc-; ("or instance up to within a lew months ag** tho stream of trade in Dry Goods,Boolk and Shoes awl ready* ! to-wear Clothing was running Hinoolhly along in the old channels; but today how different,. . How the stream vided and there's a branch (lowing towards IH di- bo NORTH GOSFIELD. Woou heeo are all tho go at pruttont. D. Joneii haa moved to Inn f-irm on 3rd couoeHuion. Mru Stephen Mil'ou in vuntinR relutivoa jn St. Thomit-. Boru, on Fob. 2Iat, to Mr. and .Mth, C. unmminjjii, a con. Uuv. Dr. P'Ihcoo prciuchod tho ijaiuuionary Burmon i:i tho Belle River Rond Muthc- dit church, on Sunday rooming, ]aut. NORTH RIDGE. A lar^o numbor of our oitizonfl tiro- hi- fliotod with bad ooida. Arthur and Bonjamati Blote of Enftf-x Town called on relativoo huro laiit Tuen.. day. Arthur hua roturnod to Inn first lovo and has jjono to Goderich, Huron Co., ayain. It will bo romombored that ho wuh very nuccotiuful aa a Balvatiou Army captain there a few yovra uuo. Tho poopln lieroall like him aud wmh him abundant i;ucceim, Wm. Houdoriinn, builder, of ^hin jdaco bun uecurod thq oontruct with JamoH tlufc gin of Younu Ireland, lo build a largo frame barn. A gana of mou arp already hard at work in tho buiih ^ottir^ out tho tituborn required. Tbm barn, will enhance the valuo of hiu farm comu'dorably, Goorgo J )lley prtaahod in tlio Methodist .ihuroh horo hint Buudav morning, iiubjoat, "Vin. y.trd". Thin in. tho talented yoiinc man who form or ly taught our publio uohool for about two yburn. Wo are jjlnd to know that ho id travelliu^ onward and upward. Ho io at preuenfc touching tha Bollo Rivtr Roud aohool, John Liekmail of Muirintoiie, oallnd on ro atiyoH horo liiHt Wednondav. DUOOKKU SETTLEMENT. The Ruv. G. Golhnn of Wiiidoor, preiiclied in the Bi'ptint church horo lunt Sunday. VVulier Smith hnu boon confined to tho hotiho for tho luut two weeliH, but wo ' are glad to hear he in nottine, better aj^aiu. D. Noblo and Co. have lately purcbaut'd a thorough- bred Durham bull from H. Arnold. Mr. T. Wii^ot iipenc Hnudy with hiti mother, Mm. J. Quoeu. BROOKEII SETTLEMENT. A KHpol temperanco entortiuumout wub yiven iu tho Bollo River church en Wed- ui-hday eveniiiK, March Ith, by D. u, Huff and bin two dtLughtera. IVltHaeu Maud and Wiiinifrod. A small tdzod crowd wao iu attondanco. Dr, Puhooe, Ekicx, preached the ruin- nionary aormon in tho Melhodiufc church Uorfl ynnday. A. Moo cave a wood Hawing, beo lnnt Wtdnenday and m tho evening a number of ladion joined thorn und tripped tho light fautautio too till tho woo ama' honrH. Mm. -lullu MoMabon'H friendu kindly gatberod and an wed up a *,ood uupply of wood for hor on Friday butt. A numbor <t thoir frioiido.nnrprised Mr. aud ivira, Buokberrongh, on Tuetiday oven- iuf4 by filling their houHe und ouch odd brianjna a baakot, theocoaiiiou boiug Mr. B 'ii 75th birthday. D. B. JonoK moyod bin family from horo to bis farm near Etmux. Walter Smith bus boon ooulinod to tho h*uo for tho \mnt month.. OESTO Mihh Dolla Kodd ban roturnod from vioitmji bt-r brother ut Elmatoad, Mloo TriinbUi ictnrnod miuQiouuiv. i^ota Chiuu, gave uh a litiln talk I not Friday, tho Gth inut'., on Obina'u nocdn. Mr.,Shoploy of Now Canau uuffnrod tha Iohh of hUhoutio and oontonta by Uro lust Saturday night, thu 7th iunt,, the family barely oRqapod with their llvon. r.Iru. Humiltou ih on thu nick lint, Br. Brioh in attondint; hur. On Tuesday tho ]0bh iiiHt,, Geato peouk wore favored'with a tomporanae Uoture and nomo good flinging by twoyouu<jkdiou. Mr. Boyl" wan around Geato on Tuoa- duy tho .10th itll.t., ooUootin^ on boltalf of UUh Eva Ooleuutt of WnniHOr, eallfd on ' Mr.Shopley who loat hm prope.c6\ by fire. Mr, Tinlin of Edtfur, oc'lod n uumkar of Gootonianv to tho ruifiiup of bin barn lam rolativtH here hjet Wuduoflduy. Wihb i'"orcii(.'o Miilouattr of Catop Palmer, ukilod on httt p^ed iirundinothor woi-k. and other reUf iTtiw ht-ro Uut Wtduoiduv. MUNICU'AI, VIC 15 I'llllhinKNra A i.liurntburu J D Burk. Anderdon H G Duff. Maiden Anion W Bailey. Evmex Town T II DeOw*.' Leamington W .1 Smith. GoMield North S G fc'rooker. GoHtield South Burwell Wi^lu. Colcheater North GE Woldon. ColobeuterSoutb 0 I LJiiHtoriiiH. MerHca Dr WUhoii. KiiiL'HVillo ,1 W Kiuk. Peh e Il'ind John Watt. After tin* .-lection ol oflioern, an adjourn ment vv'um bold till 2 p. m. Tho tifLurnoou mceiiut! wuh called to oidor by Pronideot Whil^, ami ou the platform wero l5r S A Kir^, T H DeCew, Lowih Wiule, ex M. P,, N A CohIp, Percy Gaban, of Windfall, E S Wiylo, of Windaor Henry Clay, of Amherhtburp, F II Muo- pheraon,-of Windaor, and othorn. Dr. S A Kmgi tho Coniiervativo oun didato for the Houue of Comnionu, wan iho ilrot Hpoalter., IU exprcoaud V\b ploKHiiro at Heeiou bo many prenont. Ho had jfiromiwod, when nominated, that he would do bio duty und givo all hid timo tor tho purty. lie waa [(lad to nay that he had hiti houu in order und wan now pro- pared io tfivo nil hiu attention to tho work tin had heon all ovur tho county and fouud tho party bettor oruai-inod than at any pro- viouh timo. Ho conindered if the Con- Ht-rvativea alood by him that thoy would carry tho riding. Ho' fok confident of victory on accouutof tho jood sLiowin^ in tho rovmiou of the voters' hutu T H DoCow, of E.Hflox Town, thanked tho party for chooiuui4 him vioo prcaidont. Ho did not think tho South Riding of Ehdox would remain lon^ in tho hatidn of Knformom and regarded Sir CharloH Tuppor an a good man with u nplondid record Ho believed there woro wore rouditj; votorfl in Canada now than over boforo and that watt ju&t what thoy wantod, aa tho intelligent portion conld uot help but support Dr. Kinfi. Tho oondition of tho voters' liBtg was r.over bettor than at prohont. Enyex Town lum added oyer 40 votora durmo; thu paBtyear. Lowm Wi^lo ox-M. P., made, a longtby Hpctfoh. a He ou lot1 mod Sir John A Mao- donald, Sir John Thompson und Sir John Abbott. Mnolmnzio Bowell wao carryuiR out tho grund'idcas of the departed grand old men. Ho olaimod tho OonHoryativea hi'd four loiidura and one policy, while tho G-riiH bad ocu ' leader an6T" four policit'H, Ueformeru wunted froo tradu an England had it, reciprocity nvi tho Uniod Statow would ^ivo it und rovenuo tariff hh wo htid itlu 1H75, and deprcBHiou in 1878. Tho UefartnorH hud to Hond to Wiudaor for a oundidato and to Hymitii, of Loudon, for a upi\eoh, Hyman did not rauko a upoeoh at iho Liboral convontion but read figured out of the Globe nowrpapoV, Hyman wanted tho nottHorvattvoB to uhow him whoro the tall ohimuoyB wovo that tho N. P, ttfould bring. ;'Tho speaker, for Mr, Hymtfn'u beneat, ehowed fliuokebtucky on our rail- waya. all brought through the Dumiutou OCCUPIED BY BARRETT & Co., Which infill* bitjyi-r and far Blronycr than amuo imugnao possible in so aliurL it tiuiu, QUERY What obstruction has caused this split ? Is it, becanso o'her tores iiicfiioda aro diGta.stct'nl t buytra ? Ih it bo- Ciiuse otliDr ^L^J^^'H, floods tiro t"n ancient V Is it bucjin&o olliui- utorua' goods arc too doiiv ? Is it, bocaunu tlie old aonys Fiavo lost tliuir ohinnis? Or.m it bucauso thu convincing power of tomjmriKon of )j icon Iuih arrostcd tho attouiion ol'Pi'iulc-iit Oasli Jlu)t.'i'.s and turned' t'lfij 'Vide toward this tit'-ro ? Our Mr. Barrett has boon Ecunnirig Uio eaatorn niarhetH fur tlio past week for tlie boat valuo that monoy and experience can buy and wo aro prepared /i to allow you that th< ro ia not an art do in Dress Goods, Prints, Cottons, Oottonades, Shirtings, Tab]; Linene, Luce Curtains, Ready made Clothing, IJats and Caps, Furnishings or Boots and Shoes That wo cannot 8avo"yoiwrioney on. Cask, One Price and Fair Treatment To all ia tho motto of BARRETT & CO. Mottawui hotel and.what bit; rovemo in taxofi it bronchi into Kin^uvillo. Ho uhowed monumtuto in Moi>oa brought abont through tho ConBervativo Govorn- mout, uuoh an tho L. A O. liy, and tho ^rout fruitliusmeuH. Mr. Wiglo alno dealt with uoveral other leadmu quentioui. Mr. CoHto doall prinoipuliy with Maui- toba uohool fjuestion, and apoke at norau length. Dr. Allworth thanked thono prouaut for having cIiohoii him preHidouf- for ho many yearn in HUucefiaiou, and eulogized hit) uuo- ceBdor, Mr. white. Short apoecbuH were mude bv E.S.Witilo, of Wiudnor, Henry Clay, and D. IX'. Duviu, Amhuratburtj, Puroi O'uhuu, Mornoa, and others. Tho meotmfi cloHod witu cliyeru for tho Queen, Dr. ICiug, aud tho party loadum. Governrrieut. He vhowod him th ftrent Ceu(re. Out, The l_.au; John Boll. (From tho Winnlpoo Tribuno.) Tho lato John Boll, who uiod ou lfri- day from injuneH received on the nifiht of tho Oauohon block flro bva runaway horao, which knocked liira down, inflicting fionouu cuts about lun houd and fa^o, wun born in Wbuton, near Morobuttlo, RoxburynhirOj Sootlund. He entered thn aorvico anotablo hoy of hord John boott, dcooaaod brothur of tho lato Duko of Bucclouch. At that time Lord John Scott had ouo of: tHo boat ri'Ciug Htablon in the British Ialoa. Afttjr Hiu Lordahip's death tho deoeaned ro mamod in tho noryico aa aoaehmau to Ladv John Soolt, SpottiBWood, neur Lauder, Berwichahire, Baotlaud, durinir which Rorvioo ho frequently resided at Jtirkbank, noar KbIho, UoxhuryBhir, Scot land, mid at GawBton IXoumu, Bunohurch, uear Ru^by, Warwiokuh'ro, Eugland. At RuRby be married Matilda Parnoll.of Cold Aahby, noar Wolford, NorthamptonHhiro, England. After about 2G yeare in her lttdvubip'a employ ho came out to Canada with hid family in tho year 1871 aud lo. oaUd at Gait, Ont. Aftor being in Gait sometime ho ob;iini)(- a position an tioach- man to-Ifihftuo Hollmutlir D, D., Lord Bishop of Huron, ut Hollmuth Ladiew' ooUnjfi, Loudon, Ont. Aftor about thrwo yearu bervico with HiuLordehip ho roturued to Uuli and m\orfld'tho flokrvloo of the Utn Wm. DlokHotii in wIiobo employ ho re- roaiuui about lU.yearH.- After Mr. Dick. flDn'B nomibo bo ramoved to Ohiongo. On Uuviuii thoro ho cattoo to Wiutiipo^, where bo wuh employtd in th^.Pulaod utablou until ho was ruu over by a runaway horao. Ue leavoa a widow and two elderly uoutt m Wiiiinlpee; a brother, Aiadrow Bell, t& two brothers ,Adam Kiui Willie, one uumnrtiod alitor, Elsie, in Ottli; another bfater. Mrs* W, Fonwiok. in Torjnto, and Mrj. John (lourUy, id Buax Mm, Moanc'H Removal. Mra. J. G. Sloano wudion to notify all her friendu and latronft thai nho haa moved h.-r druBHmakin^ rcoma to tho Scott Bloob, over Wgle'u Grocery, where uho will lo pl'-'iiHol lo'riroivo a "contmuanco of' the' patronage no liberally tfivon hor in the paBt. Mna. J. G. Hloank. Ehbox, Mar. 12, 180(3, ' he l>lanocarlum. Tho inventor and patontoo of this vory oroditablo devico, Mr. A. Laiuq, of thin town, haHJuat roturnod from a vluib to Toronto and olHowhoro, hav'n^ reooived. very Hatteriuu oomraondationH of inrttrn- mont. tipealiln^ ot it, tho editor of the. Loarain^tou Pout, a formor uohool tonoheV, flays. 'Tho planetarium is an iugeuious and vory unique mijtruuiont, inyontod by Mr, A. Laiuu, Ehhox, aud for which patent hau beea applied both in Canada and iu the Unitod Slatoa. Itn introduction in the public and hifjh nolioolu of tho county will revolutionize tho raolhoda of teaohiug the motiouH of Mi* heavenly bodioa, indood one oan loaru moru from thin little instrument iu ono hour than ho O&u nouaibly do iu month;) of study without. We have hud tne privilo^e of oxaibininf! Hh oporationa, aud reooivod yory many new idutti, iu fact, wo learned many tilings in con poo t ion witk our own planetary Hyatom, that were unknown boloro, or ut leant unappreciated, Uy a very- uimplo but iugauiauu deviat thin matrument exhibits tho diurnal motion of iho oarib, lli<-- annual ruvohitiun around tho huu, tho luo'.iuu of tlie moon, ' of VeuriH. etc. It tixplumw tho relative time aud lou^itudu, tho eahpdu, .ho uun'a apparent path, theoquomoxutJ ana HOlHiiuna tho uhandutt of tho ueufcOUH, one of thu moat clifliault thinuo io uuduraliauJ, ih ^laiuty domoiutrnttd. Tha oautje of lon^ and Hhort duyn, yearH, tho uildnij(ht buu, Nowton'u lawn of motion, the different plmuoBof tho moon, tho buu'u diHturbluf; foroo, the moou'n nodoa.aud thoir motionB. ; | the rotations of thu moon, tho cause, of the ndoB, tho faolipiioa, tho reanonn why w ',;3i havo uioruint! and eveniu^ star, transits of,;;; yeuuu and Meronry, the 'perihelion and.' aphelion, tho iodine, conjunation and ' ij appontioiiB, eto., are Bpwo of the ihinRfl,:^ that cmU bo uamly und ploaaautlj learuftd'],^ n a. Bhort timo by the u of the plaae.^fc tarium. - WeeoiiKt^uJiile.Mr.LiliDg^npo^:^! hie iuvention. Thero is millipda io, hft;S Not a public uohool iu Amorioa t>uold h*i:}>; without it, Mr.LinftpurpoaeB*xhiWlii^;|J it aud lecturing upon the'baautiiul lubjeofc^: ^Hj m^ of ftBtronomv in mont of.the ottlefc-Jot iOblA^ ario ftndthe Unitel'qtt,te.r ; '>;,v',.^:i;!i;SilS Kfe 21

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