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Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), March 6, 1896, p. 7

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v >: W\ : ": 74>.\-.v It' ^v^v^vt^^^W lfi-ijfc!i ji^csciri r*"ifclS*i. l-'I^fcvStil MTTIjIB MAN AJ*OI,oairitOfc ... ^IntorcRtJup TCx.poi-lom>o of n <!iirwlm)l Under lite (xroiit- sited of one of CbU ie'aKoTH^rrnrT]7in mil way stations-i, vn latoH the Trihuno, stood a t.ruiu ahoub to depart on a fur jomni-y iiilo tho west, the rouble sjmi 11 'ri n^ and trembling under \tn uyerehai,t.;o of stoani. Conductors and hriiltmuon wore uwingiup; their lanterns and "bustling about, full of importance and evnrytliinp; hut information. Passen gers worn slurryiw> down tho long aijdon, pulling into tho coaches, drop ping their bundles into Heals and iiink- inp: in afler Un in, with looks of Ihiuik- fulness Lhal they hud not missi-d tho train uiitl Unit thorn wuh at last a chance to if si;. Outside was a little, old mini, dressed in Uio grease-besmeared uniform of a tlopot; employee, mv i 11 l; i n'j; rurele- sly "but with t.li** nir of .-.ii jiri'iin' ini pnri ;i in'n along tlin side of I he tniin. lie woro on his head a nap of the "tourist" pattern, which hud been pulled over jiiK oars so hard and no often Unit1. it retained littlu. if unv. of its original sbnpo. His whiskers werji of the "hilly goat" cut, and between his tenth was tightly clinched a black day pipe, on which lio pulled complacently. In his right hand ho carried a hummer, with wliio/li ho rapped tlio car wheels an ho passed, carefully listening to tlio '(ring" to make sure thatthoy wero in Irdor to Ktand tho whirring over the rails oxpneted of them. Under the, hint car tho little man found oho wheel that did not ring to suit, him under tho blow of hifl hammer. He tapped it airain, hut with no niovo salisfnotory result. Straightening up, ho shouted to a couple of assistants, who trudged along from tlio othor end of the station. "Take out, those wheels," ho. ordered, When they hud reached him. liut tlio conductor of tho train, overhearing tho order, begun to expostulate. In live minutes bo was to pull out,. "What'u the matter with tlu-so wlieola?" ho demanded tst tlio little bian with tire hammer. '"Tako thorn out, I .say," was the only reply. ohi to tftfco thorn out when we leave in a cotipU | minutes?" demanded the conductor, "I don't cava when you. lcwo," re plied tho moxorablo littlo man, and fcurniriff to his assistants he repeated tho order : "Tako out those wheels." At this juncture a man carrying a urip" and who appeared to he recog nized by most everyone as a person of authority, stopped on his way toward .tho forward end of a train on an ad joining track. uOh, I guess those wheels will stand the run all right,"hoaaid in an author itative way after tho situation had been explained to him. 0 ""Well, your guessing has nothing to "'do with it," snapped tho littlo man in blue. "Tako out those wheels, I say." Everybody seemed startled at tho little man's hot answer, tho man to whom it was addressed no loss than the others, The engine bell of tho hitter's train began to ring, however, and ho hurried away and swung him- eolf on tho back platform. "Well, you'vo cooked your goose," muttered tho conductor, turning to tlio resoluto littlo man in blue. "Do you ""know who that wasV" "No, I don't know. Who was it?" "No ono but tho vice-president of tho road." "Oh, murther ! Was that tho vice- president? Why didn't you tell me?" '*You talked as if you didn't care, that's why." A weelc later tho samo littlo man stood in tho vice-president's oihee, hat in hand, trembling with fear for his job and with an apology ready on his lips- "I didn't mean just what I said tho othor night;" he began when lie finally got tho vice-president's car. "If I had known it was you " , "What you said what other night?" interrupted tho vice-president, not recognizing his visitor. "About taking out tho wheels, sir," stuttered tho littlo man in blue. "Oh, that was all right," good- naturodly responded the vice-president. "That's all right. You wore doing your duty as you understood it. Don't worry about Unit." "And anywuy," went on the little man, emboldened by tho assurances of the vifie-pvesident, "anyway J. can't bo supposed to know every fool who conies along and tries to tell mo my busi ness." science Science is "knowing how." The only secret about Scott's Emulsion is years oT^cieTTcTr^ViTan made in large quantil.ies and by im proving- methods, an emul sion must be more perfect than when made in the old- time way wilh mortar and pes 1:1 e a few <ni nces at a time. This is why Scott's Emulsion . of cod-liver oil never separates, keeps sweet for years, and why every spoonful is equal to every other spoonful. An. even product: throughout, III other uittuI:'.Id yiill arc llaMu tj> get tin uneven litnrfit cither mi over or UI!dit ilune. (let Scott'n. Geiiiiluo liu* u milniuii-colored wrapper. For Fine HM.-I.HJH11JJHI1I1JHW1 Job Printing" Yon-oanilot do better than call at the...... A V*i**.V Honent Coal Doulor. llr. Black, tho eminent and wealthy coal dealer, called one of his oldest did vers into tho ofhco the- other morn ing and tendered him quite a larco Bum of money. ""What ifi this forV" asked tho an- tonbdiod driver. "Merely, a- token of appreciation for services rendered," replied Mr. Black, kindly. - "But you've always paid mo well for my Borvirea, and thut was appreciation enough.'* : * Tliero in certainly mora than that in it, John," continued Mr. Black ; l*I really owe you the money.." "I (tol't understand." "Leie tell you," and lip dropped his vAo to a whisper: "You havo been \flb mo for 20 year, working aoo days <^Bry year, and averaging Hires loads^liiy ; that makes 18,000 loads. "You'^Bgh .15.') pounds, John, and wo have^Hver failed to weigh you with over:^H)iid; that makes 2,700,000 pom^Hor 1,200 tons. This at an avor ago ^Hd law ton, John, ropvosonts Cl,2(^BThe package you hold in your -n^^Bntains 1'^0, or ton por cent,, \ti think ia yours .by right. \V fc men, John, and don't doslro ud anybody out of what.ia b."'-: * ,.' owed JU humble Submission, '<vt waiting for thft next divi- ll-0WAU0MEWASL0Srlrhi; hitt : OF ;tilt. KhWOOI), sn., or simcok Altinltod xt'ldi Nnmiruliiln oi tint IT-. I Hil> 4 lu> llieaiiir KKrlplr-Mw uiitl Nuf- n-rril I iitt'liiu*- Agony Npi'itt -KIIm Klotkin lit Hlo4'torlnu tvltli Vi>i>eliillN|hi \Vlllioiltiivn11-l>i-. Wlllliiktl^ IMHlC XMIIm <-.i*lr lo III** 11 <'M<-tic IV lie II oilier Mtmtiu lind irniWd. From the Snncoo K'jfonner. Tho many virtnen of Dr. \Vilhatnn' Pink L'illn f(ir Puli! IVnpIn Iiil>'(! ho often been puhlbdii'd m the columeH ul' thin puper, that tliuy n.rn witioly known to tlio riiHidontn of Norfolk Count j, uud it ia usi widely con- (iodfd thut thoy lniyc brought j >y into mores thau one household, and their merita aro Hpolioii of only in v/ordn of pramo. In thin iiiotunco thi) fao^H aro hr<ni^liti directly homo to tho roaidentH of Simoon, a gontlo- man who iu glad to toittify to the bonofit hohiiH rftoeivod from the imu of tlioHo piliH boitif* a reoidonfc of tlii'i town. Mr. Win. Klwood, nr.,.iL reoidont of. Kitncoo for a- boat two yearn, and for yearn a reaidout of Fort Krio, u carpenter by trade, in loud in praiiio of llio beneiitH he derived from tho uho of Pillw. In mi inUrviow with Mr, Elwood, that gontlcmiin told tlio .Reformer thut about eight yeuru a'^o lie wan attacked with ulcerated catarrh of tho houd and throat, and wan ohligod to quit work, and Hiiigo that Limn ban not been able to remimo hiftcallniM. Tho dinoiiHO, Hhortly after ho wua taken ill, dovolopod into nourttlgia of the lower limbo, from wliioh hti mifforod torriblo ngony. During Iuh lon^ .iljnonu the norviceo of Hpeeialit-U in Toronto and Buffalo an well tin those, of local phytucitinH both in his fermor home ami Bimcoe, were called into rtquitiitioii, but all to no pur- poau. Ho bad did he become, and ho reat i a is est "was UNAiinr. to walk aiiound." wore.tho pains that nbot through his limbo, that at timoa Mr, Elwood hud to bo held down on bin ooouh. Hio utomaoh and bowoln woro HoriouHly affected and ho was indeed in a deplorable condition. About a year ago ho loat tho aoo of Iuh left foot and anltlu and wuu unable to walk around lnu homo without groat difficulty. At ono timo Mr, hilwood wan pouhoaaed of a. uood homo, but uo loug wilh he ill that ho npent all hia property in tiro hope of ronainini; hia beulth. Last fall Mv, KI wood oomrnoiicod taking Pink Pillo and iihortly after bn bo- i^m to feel an impiovomt-nt Jn Vua con dition. Ho continued the uho of pilb) un- til he had taken thirteen hoxen when ho regained tho nan of niw foot aud auklo and thought ho waH about cured and diocou- tinuod their uho. So long bud he boon a aufleror, howuve-r, that it wan iraponmblo for him to become eonvalHOont in eo nbort a timo. An attack of tho grip again brought on tho diaoaoo, but not by any rooaim no torriblo an formerly. Mr. Elwood ajjuin commenced taking tho pilln aud in fuut reguiuiuc bin former health and fcola oortam that tho Pink Pilln will exterminate ull traoef* of diHouse from tho ityntom, Ho foelu uo gratified at what ttui pillw have douo for him that ho K>"-dly gave tho in formation to tho Itoformor for pnblioation in tho hope that bin exporionco may bo a heni-ilt to i-oulu other aufferer, t)r. WilliamH, PinK Pilln titriko at tlio root of tho dmaaHD, drivinu it from tho aya tern and re.Uoring tbo patient to health iiltd Htreintb. In chord of parulyniB.upmul troubloa, locomotor ataxia, ciutit.a, rhou- matitim, orybipoluu, Borofulouu troubtoBt. etc., these are uuporinr to all .othea treat ment. Thej aro a I no a upcoiuQ. for tha iroubloit wbioh muko the liven of ho muny women a burden, and speedily roHtoro the i ich glow of health to huIIow obcekn; Men broltou down by overwork, worry or. ox' cenH, will Jl'wJ in Pink Pilln a certain euro, Bold by all deaWft or tout by mud, porit paid, ut ho oontu it box, or six boxes for tf'i.tO, by mltlrouaing tbo Dr. WJlli&ron' Mi-uicino Ootnpiny, Brookville, Ont., or Schueotudy, N.Y. Beware of imitationn aud Hubntitutuu alleged tobe"jaBfe8((Ood'w>< We have facilities not excelled by any printing office in Western Ontario for the production of' Pamphlets, Circulars, Posters, Dodgers, Sale Bills, Route Cards, Or anything in the line of printed matter; We can print anything that anybody else can. We make a spec ialty of .... . Fine Commem&t Pointing, Bill Heads, Letter Heads, Note Heads, Statements, Labels, Shipping Tags, Or any kind of office stationery, not forgetting Notes, Receipts, Due Bills, ." - Lien Notes, Bank Cheques, Or bank and office supplies in this line of any description. Then we have an especially fine line of We print and supply them in any quantity. Our prices cannot be beat en. We are continually adding the latest designs in type, borders, etc., to our already "well-equipped office, and "are prepared to do as handsome a job of printing as you can get in any city. A trial solicited. Mail orders receive prompt attention- IIORSUACINC HILL. .r. In ::n!d ^sss^^^msma 00 WEAK MEN CURED! STARTLING FACTS FOR DISEASED VICTIMS. ti@rGURE& GUARANTE&D OR NO PAY I ADC VnilO NervotiB and dciipondont; wonk or clnhilltatcd; tired morninii; nonm- AliC IUU i hition oyoii Biinkim, rod and Inurrod; pnnploH on fnco; drcamn and night ri'titlcHH; linirpurd loo.kiim; weak back; bone ju ' :r'lu: (Injxifiit. in urhm nnd drninn nt ntool; dint. onunjyaudiiUhnKUi WE CAN CURB YOU / I'JiUll 1)1111 H.1II1, I . t _ Iohhah; ri'titlcHH; liniTfturd loo.kiim; weak l>ack; bone nairiH: hair loono; ulcom; oore throat; viiricncnhi; dnpouit- m urhm nnd tlrmnn nt ntool; (liHtruotfiil; wiint of conlidonco; lack of RESTO&ED TO MANHOOD BY DR3. K, & K* JOHN A, MAKUN. JOHNA.MANLIN. ^..(JIIAa. POWERS. OnAS. rOWEHB. <g? w DBlfOUE TUttATMENT. Al'TBl lilkATUBNT. UliVOIlL Tit It ATM KNT, Al-Ti.il TltlilTHltST. NO NAMES OR TESTIMONIALS USED,WITHOUT WRITTEN COMSCNT. John A.. Manllu Bnyo; "I wnn'ono of tho oonntlofi* vlfl- timn of uiirly iirnortincn cammanand nfc lb softm of uro, I triod novon modicul lirmn nnd npout 81)00'withoutavail. I giLVo up in doiipuir. Tiie druirm on my tiyittcm x*ettt woakoniiiir my Intolloctufi well an my roxuuI nnd pliyolcnl Hfo. My brothor udviimtl mo im.n lnnt roanrfc to coimult Drn. Koniunly & KorRim. 1 oommoncod tliolr Now Mothod r|1|iAnliiiiini' nwifl vi 1\ V^knr lilfAnb.i oimn tk t\A# iC*sth *ml#li tuUi* VARICOCELE, EMISSIONS AHb I Art POTENCY CURED. Trcntmont nnd in u f"mv wookn wuh n now mnn, with now -llfo-nnd-iuuhilion. This wait four youni into, nnd now(l am mnrriod and huppy. Inrifinnli " I ruountmnnd thouo 'rolhihlo opoclulintn to nil my nfllictod followmon. CURES GUARANTEED OR NO PAY.-CONFIDENTAL. ,tfTho vlcnn of oiirly boyhood laid tho foundation of my ruin. Ijiitor on a "Ray Hfo'.' and oitponnrp lo blond iii- RNinon complntod t,ho wrnclc. I had all tlio Hjniptninii of Norvous DobiUty ennkonojGft.einifiitoilfl, ilrain in urlno, norvouFUioiin, woak btiok, ntc. Kyphiliii oiuiypd niy litiir to fidl out, bono pninii, nlcorti in mouth and on tonmio, _____ lilotchon qn l>ody, oto. I'thnnk flod I trind l)r. ICcnni'dy Jt Korffau. Thoy ifoatorod mo to houlth, vior and huppIniiDU." Syphilis, Emissions Varicocele, Cured, CIUB. rOWERS. %3F IV* treat and cure Varicocele Emissions, Netvons Debility* Seminal Wtahness, Gleet, Stricture, Syphilis* Unnatural Discharges% Self Abuse, Kidney and Bladder Diseases. ________. 17 YEARS IN DETROIT. 2OO,OQ0 CURED. NO RISK. tH?/lt")l?R f Aro you tt Victim? Ilnvo yon lo/it liojin? Aro yon notitj>mplntIiipf mnt-- riHrlL'KMii l ti&un? Una your Blood bum diBouiiodi' Iluvo yon imy wi'idtn^ni' Our Nftw Mntlioil Trontmtmt vdll onr you. What It ttiiH dono for othnrft ft will do for von, O0N8ULTATION FREE. No miittor who linn fronted yon, wrJIo for an lionintoninltm Fruo ofClmrs*- ('hiurtfwirwiwmiibR BOOKS FHEE~-"TUo Ooldoti Monitor" (illuvitratod), ou UIiimuumi of Mon. hiolofto poaUwo, 2ctm(n. Honlod. HTNO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT, PRU VATIi- No mod I o In o nt C O. l>. No hatnes on boxt-a or nvel- opes. Everythlnaf confidential. Question Htifcj&rid cost of Treat-' mnt FREfc... ' . \_# DRS. KENNEDY & KERGAN, Ns^EL B,vcH8r- 1 y-'-iiyssr : ho Canadi.-m Club Will Got Incorporation, S OBJECTIONS m\\i REMOVED Duly .lllltlnfnl <|iiIk Villi <dtiin vrii(fr IK <'inlrii> I'lii' UhlvT UUjnct Ih to W- " '** LSinii'Hl S'jirlji- In <!ui|. ada and lo Uitp Out. I turn A wny. oti.-nva, h'rh. ^l-fSp-.f-lal.) An In- I'-K'Mtll]Jf .^.-..jlon r- lllr. PrlVIlti. IM'llH ' ., n ,,-i.mom, vl" " ""' "Ml i'.'!-|ii-ci.|ii.-. ((,,. rimi.dlon ;[f"'^'"-' -'lui. , iin.l.r roni'l.lcni.llfin. 1 '"' I'P>.iiu[,;):; wi'i-f; r.-pi.....*-nl ""I by ^'illi;ii ir tuli-i,-, Krt| ;,i,,i \v,n. HrTi- i '"' I n\ Andniw i ' " ' ;' \' ' '"'yi'-- V-';" i' : Atlniii i:.f!: .-unl ilr' Sili- "iifir, t:ii;itli:irn, arnl A; U. (*i,.,-l in^n, tli- rlul,":-: ;f i|i -i i .ir, ul' T< *n,]i I o. .Mr. i])[)<>:i n-rl ! n fp- "' -"Iti'Mi hi thf bill, nn hrl.all1 ni Hio Wiriilror Hrivinir f'lnli, <'"I. T]:-i|;iK...w]ln J,.,.. ,] . M1 :l. b':r,v, f-.vpl.'ilii.-d its oti.b rt. II Hi" flub wan ali'o.'idy lnr-ornora t-'l by I'ttcrn pnlfjit for promollrwi iind huM- I"" "^hiblliMi!:- fr,r' th" piirnfjHo of 1m- ITrvlin;'tin- lnv rl nr lion-if-;;, rc/;u!ii t i nj? ;nd iiian.'u'.lirv r;uv rnoi-t liuvs nnd i-x- lilliltlf.iiH i,C hnrHi-H throughout Ciiividji'.' S(llll; ubjLM-tion ])j,.s itiil-.n ral.^Ml to the >!cipi: of th, rnuiiKiuv, and It hm] th,::** - l"n' '" Li,i..-:H|lMr by i-liiniiiallii- , Ul' Si: "bJocLlMi.-Li,!,. a-uLUn.'H. AlilfillX lllt* rL,llH ' \-"l-h 1 lit- bill -primiol.TS -jd. \\a:i un.: Lbat It Hliould ap]dy only i.u t|11)>Hf. r.|ubH Wlljcli wish d LO iLllilhll'i: Witll'tlli: OH- fi(^-.:ii.'iii. 'i .i.-y ,iw| not doaim m h.ivc ""y p n-.rr UiiLi uot,M uuin]n,-l imy olh- .UHy.itLiiui in in.- ouiundh'il by in* jii. rfi-ULlon iii tin.. ijiii-liuiliiiiK Uw- Mirutlon of i;n-<: ni,;ctl[U'M to J4 UiLyri Y> uhi 1,l- idiiMliiiLtod, th*. AllnhftcT of JuM-k:-: lutunclliif; to make noun- such provbilon In .tin; Ci-lminal Code Air. J^lHt-T j-aid li- would ilk,. Momi- li.rtbr t;.\plau;ulons a:; tu tin. (dij.: lm ol thu Ic-Ki.slaUun. Col. TbsdaU; :.ai'l that ihn I^n^Iish arifl Now Yuri-: .Jm-Ui-y Uluhs w.-rc two leading racin;; n-~ 1(H;iai iuij.s wliu^i- rub-K were unillMiuLi-d, and with boininion m-corporatluiL thr (.amulian .loclti-y t-'Ulb WOUld b,; lvf(.KIll/,M| by tliOJH; LWO j(xUfy cluba and tin? decisions or ono club would apply to thr- other. Air. IlL-mlrli'.sr., on biilnj,' called upon, ki-Jd .thut the bill arwie out of oircum- atnnces which had ocGurnui at Wind- nor The Wliulsop Driving Associa tion lunula .tlu-ir inuik to two K'-ntle- i-i'en l'i oin tin-- Sou thorn State.-;, and i/ia.u^uruLC'fl at Windsor- eontiuuous imcIhk- lor Jiu dayB, or thoreaboutH. "ncy all know what would hapi;-n In a short tiiii.: if that weic not :aoppcd. In May lam tin? ruiiruS'-nl.'UlVL'H C dlfi'eriint cIuIih nn-t at Toronto and' d*- tid'U upon fi.JinilnK a Jockey dub. The im-:i.siiro had been mndillod In order to w<rtH. the- view.s of those* Who o-bjcrctctl to It. Air. IJfltor You aro taking tlio stlnp, cut of it? Mr. Ilendrk. (Laurrbter.) Mr. Maclean What Ih tho stlnf?? Mr. Listor-WoU, evidently It- wan the* Intention of the club to talce con trol of all tin.- race mectlntfo and race tracks In Canada. Although tlio pro. meters have consented to Klrike out clcu.se 8, tbG bill \a Just as bad as it "as before. rrh<"*te Kentlenien eoinpos- inpr the Jockey Club may compel ev-'iy other club In the country tu become R.f7Hlatcd rlth them on such terms as they think proper. They mltfht nay : "You arc a non-aillllati-d club, and we \.on't permit any hnrs-,*. oi an aliilla.t-.M.! elab to go on the tracks oT a nou-ailili- atod club." So far a.s (10 d:iys races are concerned, he did not think they were In the interests of lmn;o-bre<-'dei,r> of thL'3 country. 1'arllansint v.."iibl hi.- juHtliled In passing legislation aiiplylu^; to every track In the country, and say ing1 that continuous races nhull not ex ist for more than five, ton or twelve days, The Jockey Club, under the bill, would be in a position to compel every association .to allillate with it, and in that way a nreat Injustice wtuld be dono to every club'through* out tho country. Col. Tladale suld h& was quite pre pared to meet Mr. Liarbr'B vlewu. Per- sjor.ally he was not a racing man, but ha was a lover off homes, and be thcufi-ht It would be in tho Interests of hoTflc-breedina to incorporate thin club. Ho ventured to say that there were 2000'horsuH and hundreds of joclc- cy In the United States that could not race on the tracks of any ro^pee- tnble association on the other side of the line. The bill would only compel those coming within the rules of tho club to obey the rules of the club. It was to the interests of all who loved gcod racing to keep, outlaws away. Mr. Maclean Bald he thought that, aa he ree-racing wan a pastime of the peo ple, the bill should be considered from that standpoint, ao wfll as from the standpoint of improving the breed or horses; The question, however, had been raised whether It was competent for Parllamont'to give powero of out lawry to this Jockey Club. That isaue had been raised by some who objected to the measure, Mr. Maclean read the following telegnun from Mr. Pattoson, ""lJcEtmaster of Toronto: "The lSiml- tatlon of tlayn ly abeolutoly nc-ccaaary and should be by the Criminal Code. The other" poweo do not roqiilre spe cial legislation." Mr. Sot. White uald tlio most objec tionable part of the bill had been elim inated, but it hardly went far enough, The club wan given too much power. Col. TlBdale We don't propose to make the bill apply to trotting or pac ing races. Mr.'White, continuing^ Bald, if this loKhilatlon were enacted it might In- .Jure many of the existing clubft In Canada. Seventy thousand dollars had Vn en expended by the Windsor Club alone on their property. He agreed that com? of the provisions of tho bill were unobjeotlonnble, but did not con- Kldor that wiia any reapon why Canada nhould loolc fur recognition from New York. Oanfttlihvn hnruomon bad their own Interests to conserve. "With re gard to the Windsor me-Citlngs, ovory- tblnK.waa conducted there regularly. in drawing up lease to the Southern* ers ho had been purtioular to eo that no llktgal praotleea could. be pursued, and tho let-frees -were limited to hook- niukln and pool selling. Mr. Hendrlo'H Hens had vlnltotl,the .track and put up tho money on howeii* Mr. W. Henarie, Jr. (IndUvnantiy) tf you refer to me, I mover bot a dollar on the track. U-*augHtcr.) Mr. White, continuing, said that the iiuiount of money Invested by the dif ferent driving eluba throughout the , PoHilnion woh euormous. and It would be on o-utrugo to put them under tho control of th^yJockey Club. \ The Rnoral dleousHlon thn censru, and preamble and cb.u-.es 1, - di;d .'J of the bill,wore pajsod. r, Claue 4. leflnlng the ooastltutlon of thvdub oommhtecM w JUPQW>d*4..r7' n-Jiklng the cnmmlttoe eomi.lt of a nn-inbcrn, liist'-itd of Jli. r; Air. Idrdtfi -Why do you ihuk,. (t Ut A.i.ieni.her--ltiM:HUJW. Ill \n uri unluckr ..hih'ub'r. fLaiicliter.) . " ...-.bdlnluir (h':. powers cf tlra r" " UI1, "(uen-b-fl In Un dbYnrot* ;, " '" ' y\':: |i(> ns to bring It in har- \"-n>' with Col. Tisdule's stan-men* 'V'" 'he provlf.lon.'i of the bill nhoul* '" ' ued clubji. , lll>,1,'1 " thu+n copy i'- by-la-wa idpjulrl be mailed to uv- J7,.v, elub afldlatiMj with tiie Jockey en i ( ' ; 'ee :i. ',[,-, 9mlth (Or.taMo) ai'k- riind It ap- :.i!. ' '":!" uliur.ii jid-fic: nlonT a- 1 V '" .. e| msry : ;; ;' t<>t not eovMi-iiig those races wrt In- AN-. .Mcl-:;,y. regri'ihd the abitonoe frf Alr- l-ttl.':-;.)- ul' HiiMlliun, and reid " I"1 ' lni: that Uio ,!" -li'.ii..' ! pniteel goiul. ""n ' in f/n.naifa, In order t '"; '""u-i".- tbe biw.dlii;; f a superior ' ' . "f 'rop.riio, j'pr-nklu!: on i ei. of uiitlawimv, saul tlia.t all ' lV ". I "" ' t" say that, the men who v !.'!ie:!.n:: t!n-M.. HO-flay uieetlngrt "' .,. mid r Jockey Club , i,, a ii i'., eoutendt-rl that v,l"-n a. iiia.n \','it;; In |.',ood standin;.' and J|! '" * ' I :id not. been disqu.'i lllled . on llify ' f I In- club. - ii'Vii (,( M'n rrpiotte Maid that Mr. M 'ii>;;of':; <-rml>'iitIon cOitlil not b* i' e-,ni!::,.i|. Any eluleeould refuse tlm 'iitry of a liorne, ire 'fully approve^! ' i].'.tirrd tr. uei-lir*" tla- ( .nd N'- .". ](.-y CliibK Mi1. 1,1,-Uf;' moved the insertion of a <1mi:;m :e- follov,*^ : "N'i> horse, If otlv- eiwi.'-e In r-;ofid ntandlng, sliall be rul^dE "iii i>r unv r.e-e trark of the club l)y I" : on only ol' HIK'h llOIHe liav'tT? riDV >-) .'i 1 i "; ',: or tiaeks of a.ny elub or In- <;. pnt al r-d eiunpa.ny not atliliateil with Mi" el!!!'." 'ii"- ;i!ii :i.'!im-ni. was negative-.! hy a hi : ina.terity and the bill was then indered |f be reported. Mr. Tester, l;ou'( vcy. will endeavoi- in the TTnufe- to "- r\\r>< Mi- inw-rtioji of his ainendinent In Un- bill. Till'. M1UK.It lTIO\ <ONVi;%TSON Cloonl With n Iklnnrr nt Winnlpfff-X I'cniiiinen* Oi'<rnnl7at1nii l-'ormrtl.* WinnlpoEr, Feb. 2S.-(.Speelnl) The Jm in I ' t lop Convenilon was h rough c to a close to-nl'jrhf by a dinner to the deb-gales at the Inland Motel. Kellclt- eus ,w re tin- order of tlie ev ening, all agreeing that the convention had b<:eii most Kiiocessfully and har- UM.nioiisly enndueWd. and that greaC Bcod would Inevitably result from tho publication of the many able essay?* on tin-- conditions and resources of thft country. A permanent organization wait ef- f<cte<l, to be caller] the "Western Can ada Immigration Association,." The ion-,p:inv will op-rate with a >linilar ui->i,c!:itlon for'med In St. Paul a few rm.nths ago. ELi;.i.i-:ii i;*. in t.i,:n.it itn'.::::it. rimrlr* tli iijil<'> ' * (.un Wiu Ar('lili,'lllntiy |S!:riiiir-rd Wnllr (Mlt IKiulliitf. Halifax, N.H., Feb. 2*8. At K&mp- town, 1^ milts from Truro, yesterday afternoon; Charles and George Iling- ley were In the woods shooting, when; the gun carried by Charl-s was acci dentally dbehuued, the bullet ittrllc- lng his brother In the back, passing" through hl^' body and piercing his bow els. The unfortunate, aged 11, writs carried hoiin- by his brother,, abuut a mile, and tb're died. The other boy Is about 10 years of ago. THIS HTOK1I WlMT IltlLIMI. OHf VVriliilreil Mvi-n IVorr I.oit 1>y Flamlu In Oiinciivlnti ". _ ____... Victoria, B.C., Feb. 28. The captalnn of vessels arriving here from Australia bring information of a terrible atorm which has devastated the const of Queensland. There were furious hur ricanes and a fearful downpour of rain, which flooded the entire disuiei. More than 100 lives were lost, It in reported. Whole village* 'were de stroyed. Thousands of houses were wrecked. And with the other property destroyed on shore, the damage l.i es timated at half a million pounds ster ling, rhe value of the vessels wreck ed cannot be estimated. Townavllle, a small city on the north- caot coast of Queensland, seemud to be the centre of the storm, and not a bouse in the town or a vessel In tho harbor escaped. Hobs Island, a short distance away, was Hooded, and many lives were lost in attempts to reach the mainland In small boats. The dam age wrought by the hurricane In Townsvlllo harbor alone Is assessed at afjU.UOO pounds, this Including the dam age to the water front property. The storm began Jan. ,25 and did not U,bate Us fury until the following.Tues day. In TownsvlllC! the hurricane had most devastating effects, roofs being; blown off and tossed about in the air like sheets of paper, while two men were blown off their feet and Into the harbor, both.being drowned. The rain fall was tremendous, and numerod places were entirely submerged. In nine hours on Monday 20 Inches foil. On IloBH Island many housca were swept away from foundations. The- furious wind upset a rescue boat, and Mrs. Hunt and her Infant, Mrfl. Gtin!- man, Gertrude Rowo, tho elder Miss Howe and a boy-named William Wat- lace were drowned. A housemaid m Judge Chubb's employ, while wading towards the punta, was washed oft her feet by the current and drowned. Sarw dy Walker was drownod while trying, to cross tho Victoria Bridge, which wan six feet unq*or water. Many steam- era are overdue "at different' points "ialong1' tho coant, and whon the Cana dian liner Mtowcra sailed from Sydney for this port it was feared that a ma jority of these had been lost. . Among the vessels lost were the following : Steamer Levlnla went down, and her 21 bands were drowned ;tho Iron steam er Alexander, of filS tons, .waa-amUci. the Adelaide, a small wooden steamor of HI) tons, sunk at Townsville; tho '"'fll steamer Star of Hope, .08 %anBrr-t sunk at Townsvlllo ; the ' riorenco : '{ Ifilllott, a lighter, sunk;, Nebov'Vij$ a lighter, sunk; the Nautilus, a Gov-:; 'M eminent steamor, of 260 tons, owned 'i'--J' by tho Queensland Government^ wns wrecked In South Breakwater; 'tho '.' Btoamer Hopper, owned by the OoV- tf.fi imment, also sunk; bo wore tho T/rea- '/m to and Iron Bark, tho Ada-Donte'i':'(j? denh-i lighter: tho t,eura, a passenger. - $ steamer of 082 tons; and the passenger-'M iteamers, Ararnas. 114 tons; the Gutb-; ^'i ry, 2300 tons, and the Helen, 1809 tona^'M Three weeks before thla'great pto>vnk'>W a hurricane visited the Hapai group."^ and in IJcnka and the ttelgrhborhoofc--\ffl 200 houses were-blown doivn'. Th* dni-W afo to tho ooooanut trees wap.^V|cra^r.:V ,-tlmt: it will take the Irfand .tw^Kl throe yeara to recover aa a eOttra^ttf^^ auclng district, . :- ','-';>'v'---^-^r<:1 :M mi'}^ LLAi^^^^i^i^^ 54

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