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Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), March 6, 1896, p. 5

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vtf,. #,(?' '.' r, "<J^*?W-3 fcv TH'jei '-^otitsar ***Rjas: f*'RB*. JAS. D. ANDERSON & Co, BANLCKUB, Next to Aberdoon HotolH EsaoX. orOollooUa: 'Monoy to louti ou Morttfatfwi at owost ratoa aud boBb tormn. ___ Drafta Issued pn.yo.blo at pn** at all prlnolpid points Fire Insurance Agents, otc. of the: town FRIDAY. MARCH 0, U9. Ii:' Thu Winduor Y. M. O. A. aruaunviiHiuni* for fua<ln for the erootion of n new build ing Kov, A. J, Viuinff, who Ihih boon puutar a Uia Wwdwor Bsptittt ohuroh Tor novoral yea fa, Iouvcih thin woo It to titko chart* f bin now Hold, Whnnipofi, Mini. Ditibul *ft nriokor'* tram olovator in rapidly mtHumiru; proportions The frarao haw hut'n oiioIohoU. Nun week, and tho roof ib uow boinf! put on. It will bo ready for . occupation in a fow wooltB mor#. *The demand for bioycloA thin year, it in uid, will oxceod that of. any formor yarn* in thti history of tho mlent road utood. A Ifl'rr^o numbor of Efihox peoplo talk of buy. intf, and wo look for a Htrong bioyolo club horo tbio year. Tho Bupromo Court of tlio Uiiitod States on Wodnuialay morning affirmed tho vordiot of murdor in tho oaoo of HolmoH, convicted in Philadelphia of tho killing of Horman F. Piotzul. IIolnioH thwroforo must hanp, . Grain doalorti oHtimato that probably a million and a quarter buwholii of corn, or at present priooii, ovor $350,000 worth, were rained in EaHOXCountyhiatr year. It was brie of thohoat 'grain yearn that thin Rttmt agricultural ooanty bun ovor had. May 1890 boa Rood. Road Sraith'H ad, Jb'ino nhoou for Hpring at Smith'n, extra cheap. Special nolo of Fedora Hutu Friday and Saturday, 91.25 Hatn for 05 cento. L>. J, "Whitney, Win. Shoemaker in now propared to do- livm- fr.cob brcud to auy part ot tho towu, giv-lnw a call. A. three quarter Joruoy cow, noir calv ing, and a half Jorttey yoarlinj; heritor for lo, also a lot of whito Leghorn fowl, {|l,take wood for part pay. Apply at f t ofllbo", lijaaex. Pomue'H Comet may not utrikei the ; earth but the 1890 "CoraoL", bioyolo ban Btruck En^oi and the campion of thm pe>p Ular bigh-firndo whool wbioh tho local atfout, Mr. J. W. Gilmon not in a fow days ago uro having a hone of admirer*. A novel rat trap. A fowdaya at'd John McOliutio aoourod an old milk can, aud converted it into a rat trup by placing 'a fiaa^ way' up tho ontiddn of tho can and au ear of corn itiuide. Tho first oatoh wus four, tho oooood two aud tho third hov^a fat livo whoppem. The raomberH of the EfificiFoolball Club Were pivots a hanqnot at tho Aberdoon last XViday night, by thobuniuean officers, viz,, Hon*. PrcB. E. A. Wwrner; Prea. W. II. Xlichardnon, aud Viaft-Preo. A. H. Smith. Nearly all the momborn were proBeut, and . a. very enjoyable oveninn wao npout. The oity of Wiudeor pa ye S27.000 a ;/oar for riinuinfi ita tcboolH. Tho total oxpcnoHH are ovor 53'2,000, but tho Ontario yovoru- ment, Eu^ox county and WalUtiryillo pay over 85,000 of thin. M. K. Cowan, Liberal candidate for South Bum**, waH in town, with J F. Hare, on Monday evening- Crowded meet ing of looal Liberalu was held in Mr. ."WiHinor'a otlioo, for tho purpoho of organ ization for tho coming cfimpaitfu. Tho party will probably open comuiitteu roonm in the Dutiutan Block chortly. Pgl^JCf Briokor. on Saturday laot, paratianod from J. O. Pock, tho ^reat cor uer fctqre building, whioh . they have oc cupied for Heyou yearo paut Tliio ntaud ie ouo of thnboHt in TUhhbx, and lhc firm couHidor thomaolvea fortonato in having aeoured it. They purport making houio eitenalvo oporationa iu tho near future. Soo.Whituoy'a ad. ; BoyH nuitf) and over-coata half price at SroithV , Tbe annual conoert of tho Prenbyterian Church choir, billed for Pu'jk'u Hall thin evening, Friday, promises to bo a rare W.lifcerary^OTitT-^Th^e-i'VioeH of a leading I'i, Arnericiu elooutioniHt, -Albert O. -Porry t\ 'have beoii ftcoured. Mr. Porry lUultea a It apeoialty of H<*leotions from DickciiH, Jarac g^i Whitoornb Itiitiy and other famoua lit- t^terateuri; The uffuir in being hbarrtlly If; pAtroaiisod. , . &.\ The ftti'tiquitQd Villa*jo of Bell River in !; probably iu bettor (limnmal shape than |v *ay other kauniaipality in 15msx oosnty. ife'By the nditrH' report yiroBflfitad a fow f)l <S7" *ti0. *fc *" Hbowu that the village douH M';i6t'ow.a dollar, and ban a uur^luu of *$',;$7QQ in lh< troaaiiry, AUlioi;h tha town :J;'pf Eaflox, uuancially, is invtronrr oontr**t 'H;;'to.ooh a Htato of affairs, who would think Jor moment of aompariui; in any way -'tha two mUnioiksalitien. Tha illustration jowathfct to keep pace with tho tiraoi, onoy must bo Bpent, *nd indtbtJnin qanfcly iuuurred. ml ATTKMPTEl* HUHQIiARV. Tin' Mldnltflit Intruder tirtm n <7hnre<- of ltd (I Httut tbulS(*l>M lllin,....._._. An uttitmptod burglary" that, proved dlhunUouu for the burglar oooucred at ICm^Hvilln laHt Butidity nl^ht. A nhort .titiiojiKP &u attinpt wofl tian.de to bur^- lari^u Cowau A Quiok'n Htore, ud ever hIucu then a Htrict Watch han been kept. Last Buuday oveiling two oUrkn i aanndl Coopor and Hander*o wof alarmed by tho lowering of au upper window, followed by thuentrunoo o( a man into Uih wocond Htury of tho buildiufj, wliioh ih thu old Smart store. Coopor, at the, fnd of the ulo.ro w'th u duuble biLM'elud uhot {;uii with two uiLVt- ridden of No H imot iu it, and Handorhon, with a rovolvur Oi 'A' calibre,coolly hquattcd on tho Hoof, and, when tho man wan with in twenty or thirtv foot, fired. Thn . flrtit oharfjo of tho HbotHUn Mlrwuk tho ni't'i in tho /jjroin and ley, au Cooper aiinod for that part, not wihin| to kill him. Thu mni foil vvitli a pu'rointJ [jro in. The hnyti, HUppouinK him to bo doad ran out the hiiolc way of tlio nboro aud uftor iKHUirin^ hulpand lij^htu muno baolt, but the man hud crawled away. Doteotive MoKoe of Winder wan tulo- gaphed for, but, owiut> to hih abuenoo wiih uuablo to bo prunuiit., Suupicion pointed to n young man who ban boon arroiitod for a iiimilat oflouco. At tha homo of hiu fathor, tho worthy and highly oHeomod Chirk of K.in(;uvillo, waa found .loHoph Gronville in bod under a .doctor's charts and HfTorin^ from a t^lin uhot wound. Ho in Imhavori to be tho burglar uhot in Cuwttn A Qniok'H Rtoro, Dotective Campt'au went down on Tuoq. day to arrest yonu(4 Gronvillo, but it wan found that ho hud oltipj.od, and could not bo found. Spooinl price* on Saturday at Smitb'o, For froBh oaken and confootionary, of all kindiiKo to Bhoumaker, tbehnker, For upring liato go to D. ... Whitnoy'n wlmro you will cot tho oorrct Btyloa and vhadeit. Did you hear of it? Tho big boom in harneaa at Adum'H harnoiiR otoro. Tho way be is nluufihtoriup; bin Htock of now liamefifj in a nurpiiua to tho old timorn. Call and auo him. Abrom B. Ruwton, of Pombina county, North Dakota, lma npout a oouplo of months with hiR rolativon and old timo friundu in Eoat-x county, leaving thin wool; for hiu homo in Dakota. Mr. Huaton'b early homo wan in Maidntouo townnhip, hit* futbor'n liomoatoad being on tho middle road near Woodidco. Ho iu very much ploanod' with bin preuont home, which ih near the Manitoba bordor, Wh'ilo in thin locality ho npout a fow duyn with hie nop- how. F. A. Louli. J off on laon'u lonf* bootn at Smith's. F. S. AdauiH, tho hameHH dealer, hao a litio otock, and ho will not bo uudurHuld by by any uiun. Soo before you buy. 1'ublm Scliool Bo port. Minn Williamrt' room; Beiiior II claso; merlin ptiHt-it-lu io, obtained by hiubeot ten: Kthel Smith -13, Vol rem Burdick 42, FloHoio Burdick -12, Oeorfiiua GoHtioll 12, Ida DaviH 10, Arabella Hobinaon -in, Her bert Allen'38, Ethel Laird 37, Lola Win- toro 30, Do Witt Ellnworth SB. Mifti HaH'u room; marks poHHible 25; obtained by highoNi ton: Blanche Doro- miin 'J'J, Rnrl(! IT'iiinitti 2'J, Vincent Miiiiroti 20, Graco Wifile 20, Sam Green 20, Willio Wihion 20, Nettio Wightmnn 20, Janie Wolfo 18, Nollio Lippatt 18, Myrtle Del- more 15. Mian Shaw'H room; junior part second cluiift; marlcH poHBiblo SO; obtained by high- em ten: A Green 18, P Bt'aiuan -17, U GardHor-15, A Burger -15, F Youag 41, G Loy 41, M Munroo 30, L Stouo 311, G Foray tho HG, A IthyudruuR 50. Tho March nurobor oE tho Dulinoator i called tho great Hpring number and ia oh- pecially vuluablo. aud interoming booautth of the early foreeaat it contains of awriug and au rumor Btyloa aud matoriulo for lachou, mimoa and children. Tho first of u, Dorion of artioloa' on current ovouta of in- toruHt to womeu by Mm. Frederick Rhino- lander .Toneii appeaiH in thiB number. Mth. Ohvar-Boll Bunoo coutrihuteo an inotruo tive article on parfumuH and other toilot preparationo; Luaia Gilbert llunklo bringH to tho djjuuoaiou of literature an a pro fen oion for women, an authority of ackuow- lodged oelohrity an' a writer, wbilo Tillio Roomo Iattull baa a bright and holpfull denoriptiou of noma how and pretty lunch eon and Gorman favorn in oijlt and other maionalfl, ^'Mum' Julie", an urau^iog aud pathetic dialect tikotoh of noutheru Ufa, in- tcoduoenanew writer to roadorn of thiH magazine. In the domain of the kitchen the number ih freighted with goad- thing*; Mm. A. B. Longntroot writon "npon the ohemiHtry of food*; Halaa Combei tallti ftbout mi Eufthab bi^h.tea nnd bba diebofe praparad for it; and tbo rognlar article ou Huatiouable oookory dealH With )ho ebaflcg dirtli and dmhen to ba. prepared in it' Oilier f*aturoH inolnde the.aeoond paptr ou the earn ef the tsetb, Kdna Witharspooti'n tea-tabl qhat. Bara Miller Kirby'a Kin dur^urtnn paper, the unnal noticoH of new bookN and khe novoltioa in laoa-makinc knitting, tatting, oroohoting, ako. SubHoription prio* of the Delineator 81 00 por year or lfio. por ilnglo copy. XiOavo yonr HubRoription with the local Butterick pattern agenoy or address the Delineator Ptibliahin^ Ob, of Toronto, Ltd., Toronto, Out.. 3S Richmond Hd. "Waat. HAT There is satisfaction in know ing- that you are correctly dress ed. To be dressed properly you must be in style, styles change each season Good to be in style MUST BE NEW In making- your pur chases of me. you are certain of procuring new goods consequ nt- ly the right styles hence you ex perience t reat satisfaction. It's exactly the same There is satisfaction in knowing you are receiving the correct shapes.: T he correct shape is necessarily new. When you buy of me you know that you are getting new stock and the proper styles I have made great efforts to open the spring trade with the largest and best showing of exclusive styles ever exhibited in this town. I have bought from the best markets, insuring me the lowest possible cost. The public shares the ben efit Besure and inspect my stock before buying else where. ing! FEBRUARY 26 Wo open a fifteen rli'tya1 piilo of 53 pieceo of JDrofli Goods all ol lutt'Rt. fltylow, in Cashmeres, Henriettas, Serges, Tweeds, Lustres, 0ravanette> The regulur j-ririos iiru from 35c to $1.50. Wo offer the choice ol any at exactly HALF PRICE ! D. J. HATTER AND FURNISHER Irfuuinu/ SYMPATHY. ITof Majf(y'n V!nlt nf C'oikIoIi'.h'h nim, itriiwn on tlin Oi;cii*iiiii <il' Hr ltprt'iiv<mn-tit. to NhW-ADVKHTISEM'ENTS FOR SALE. k> N AGKD THOKOU'UilJltT'lD POLVND M. BAHIIETT, Qoato Tin.; hicldeiiL reprcti'.JiiLi-.1 in L11 <* almvij picture will not .shrrn sti-ans*' to those who- know her Majesty's whir* nym- patides with al! sditdv,-, 'I'hi'i'i? lian ro- cr.ntly paKHed away a promijITnTTiyoung Scotchman the late Mr, John Brown's nephew. The Queen not only witness ed tho youn*T nian's luiu'ial, but after- wtu'ds visited his hon-nved parent; and F.poko soft words nf cnnsoL-Ulrtn and f(nifoi't \v-v irn)tln.-i"s heart always ff(i.< for mothers bci'L-avij'l. I.thiclt and White. Dr. Chnrleu It. Parlchur.st, D.D., in Novembor Ladles' Homo Journal writes concern ink "The Fatlu;r'H Uomcstic Hiadyhip": AVhlle, . purtorce of ordin ary circumstance,, the father's duties will hn]d him considerably apart from tho cuntROts of home life, yet whatever successes he may achieve outside will not atone for any failure on his part lo regard his homo as the prime Hphera of his ohlipration'and the point around which his devotements will cluHter in distinguished .earnestness ftna constan. cy. Whatever he may have achuw^d In hlo .art, trade, profession or other engagement, the, man who stands ' at the head of n houpeliold^ has heen in the broad scn^e of the term a failure if he hnn not heen a true hunband and u. wise, stmnu and devoted father. It cannot he n successful home where tha mother looks after,the children and the father IooIcb after his business. The niust productive services rendered avo always personal, and any amount ot exertion e^po'ndcd outside In provid ing for the necessities of the homo will not take .the place 6t that, tuition a! ministry which cprnts only by tha di rect and contlnuoii.i contact'of fmthfcf with child. However complete a, wo-- rr-an may bo au a. mother there ar* qualities of character'which the father will communicate to bin, chlldrett that r.e mother will be less able to do tut vellau les'i Uitendcd to do.' Boot and Shoe Repairing. A. E. Knight hnn oporifid a. Boot and Shoo Repairing Rhop at his hoijhe. on Ir- win avo , 'i duorH helow S. A. Burmulifi, A otill uolioited. C3m A. 13. KNIGUT, WANTED eaanrdneWe^ to oirou'ato "Tho Sword of Islam or Suffering Armenia,"'" thriiin.. book Grunhio account of tl a Him turn QuoHtion. tho Turlt, Aimonlun and Mohiuuraudauiimi with itn honihln iimnoaorcn, Numarotn) (ttartllnt? illus- trutloTm tukoit on tho imoMlH pun*-'"- only S < 0(1 Hond 60ota, lor citnvtinuini; Itood A^uiitu mat-o SIBXOto SCO.OX wenUly BrodloyCarrotoon Co, Ltd., Toronto, Ont. TENDERS WANTED. SBALKD TENDKKS, ADDUEBSED TO TUK undemlRnGd will bo roooivod until 8 o'eloeU p. m , on Pitiday March 27,1600. for the nupnly offiO oorda of cood (,'riion body wood, to ho oithor hard or aolt maple, or hooch. Toinlern to utato qiiuntity of oaolt and prloo por cord. Wood to bn dollvortul at tho uchool {jroundd on or ho/oro July ]>t, 18011. For furtliur parliouUiru addroim or onnuiro of W G WYWAN, flnnrotary Ennoi Public Hohool Baiiru. Juflt think of ii, u chance not often got to buy cv nobby dresH for I7Ac per yd, or $1.50 goods for 75c but it is u facCi, you can do it with the tfash during the next 16 cluyH ut the Bargain Store, G.B. Smith & Co Whitney Block, Essex. Well Pumps, Well Tubing, Spray Pumps, IN THE HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE. I'urmera ^o you want'Money nfcKt.pw unit.? If uo writo A. O. Btcker L<tami*- tOH, Out. Torniit of pEymdi of pnaipal to liiic borrowers. : rUItflU.VNT TO-AN-OItDIilU OF.TmBCOURT niadoln tho aaumi (if Hniiyooii v.. MorrJa, tbo.cfoditord ot.Joaoph Roblnnon lata of tho Towiifihin ofllaUiiilono in tho County or I3onr<x, farmor, uooouaud, who diod In or alout tho monthof Novombor ia82, nro on or boforo tho 2-Hh day of March. A. D,.1M)0, to nond b? pout imuuiid to Mr. .T.F. Hara.nf \Vincljot* Outarlo, tho oo l io it or or tho plaintiff, tholr ohriotian aud mirnaruoh, addrciunoB ami doporiptlono, *he full pnrtlcularfl of thoir olaimo^ n. statomont . of (hotr uooountti and tho naturoof tholr 8*-anrlty- (If nny) Uold by thorn; or In default thurool thoytvid bo noromptorilv oxoludod from tin) 'bonofUof tho Bald ordor. Every oroditor hotdlny any Kfloaritv- is to produoo tho itamo hoforo mo (it my ohamhora at thu Modburv IJloclt, at Whiduor, on IVrtdtiy tho L*7th day ot March, 180(1,'at 10 o'clock in tho foronoon, btiinji tho timo appoiutod foi inljuill- cation upon fhu olalmn. Dated 2fl Foby., 1800 (ttifiiiod) A, H. Cl/AUKR, __ ,1-1 IJooal Mud tor at Wind nor. 'Irrigation in I>nlcota Ih caiiKinjj that much mali^uud oootjon ot tho WuHtorn country to uIoghoiu liUo tho roBo. Quorina fto'iaa publuilmd article on thoHtibjoot, it iii utatod thnb "Men who uro ttCOUHtoiuod to tarm'np; iu non-irrinatod diHtrlctH aro hIow to bohuvo tl! rp,inrtfl or oiiormoun yioldnof all Uindn of farm pro ductHiu thorts dootioriHof tho'oantrv whum Jrrinatiou in praothiod." Au irndatod 40 aero furto prodriooH creator and hottor r- uultH than a C10 aoro farm Qultivutnd in tho ordinary way. Iu a fow woolen, wo hopo to he able to publish vuriotiH items from different indivi'lualH ^iviu^ thoir per- aouill exporiouoo in irrigation farminu. Xu tho raoautimo ctid for a in*v copy an illustrated jiamphlet iu roforouou Irrigation in Dakota, puhllHhod fcjy tht Ohioago.MUwaukerASt. Paul lVy Oc iddrouw, At J, ..Taylor)' Caundinn Iub lftenk, Toronto Out. _ _ Farm Implements, W. H. RICHARDSON. Essex. RKETJ WlioiLt rod por bushel.... 9 Who at, whito .... Corn .... Oata .... Timothy Socd .... Olovor Sued .... Aleiko Hay por ton............ Hoof por owb............ Pork ............ Mutton ............ Hidoo............ OhiokouH por Ih.......... Tmnw-" ...'.'...... 75 to 20 to 75 75 31 21 a oo 1 CO to i GO i 40 0 00o 10 00 4 CO to 5 00 4 to 475 75 5 00 to 550 300 8 13 8 m 115 75 t 13 t .. * * Lurd ...... B(*ch, par dox ...... Potatoon, por huuhol Onionn Applftn 'L'urnird Onrrotn Boot* XWnlpB Turkoyn ivor lb...... Duoka Celery parjdoy Oahbiif* VXlratH WMlkAf * M*k*t M*rl Ko". 1 Hye, pr kunbal . *.. . 50 , 1 Oat altiftUKl %i 1 lUrUy wl H m wfc *M In ooHBi^queneo of thsir olovaUrn, eto. bomC alrdfcdv full MbtmrH. Hirm Walker A Bona, Liuoitod, are com polled lb diacon- tinme buying ooru until fnrkher nlollrjo. : Th abava prioos are piid|by, H; WftlhM Hou, WalkTilU, 0l. 80 to 70 U i oo u i %a MW IU) 4* & Im 9 7 1 W tfcE oinibii \; Co'y., SOUTH WOODSLEE, Ordered Clothing away Down. To clear out our utook of undorwaro we will noil tLfc ro- duood priaoB. All wool BuitH rodnand to coat. UNDERWEAR. iiio flootch lanab'B wool. 11.25, %1.% suii ]Firt utoro Morfch ol railway. Harness. Mvrjb)iiag im tin* )ia mi V. B* Aiai: [ ad- m a fill tip^ly f hwt tkiaflt i. BLANHBTW, BOBB0, kS. othr winker anipintat. Jttitm ik lowufc. Whipa, Btiwdii ; Trnki, Tali*#, k. '. 0*31 ani b*o b. - 11^^

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