W^-^^^>:?" : "'r":'$M fcr- THE ESSW FREE T>I*tSF& A. H. Scarif &Jo Tho bi^'oni vajiieH in town and all now'^onda. Glassware* Glassware* Olaeswarc* ' Croatesry Croofesxy, Orac&ewry, aHtonish yon. No trouble to Largeat stock .in town and at prices that will Call and examine stock and be convinced, show gooda. Highont price paid for produce. GOODS DELIVEHEB 'F^tO'M.TTIST BAD FOR UNCLE'SAM. He Has Stli-red Up a Hornet's Notit lo Spain BY RECOGNIZING THE CUBAN REBELS A, EL SCARFF & Co. The Essex Free Press. FRIDAY, MARCH (i.lBOO. Ontario lor OntarlaiiH. lit tin? '* Wo have just recoivuil uu attmotivo tlo p&phlnt from lion. John Drydun, Ontario Itin inter of Aurumlluro, ontitlod "Tho 1'iouour IT arm and ttio Wubifjoon Country, Rainy Rivor Dintnot." Tho attontioti of tho Dopartmont huving reooutly boon called to thia hithorto un- atttJod region, Mr. Drydon detorimnad to a'tabliah tlioro whutlui tnnnod a "pioneer farm," to donionntrnto in a practical muu. uor tho conuti-y'H agricultural oapubilitioii. Tho experiment bo far ban boon very ouo- aesudil, luid tViia paraphlot Kivinq general information regarding tho ncotiuu, winch in now open for nottlomont, in tho result. It ih illUHtrattitl and contaiuH a map of tho diittuut. Thia information will bo vory opportune in viow of tho iucrcaoing demand at tho prosont timo for olioapTulfd," especially on 'tbo part of young men of nmall capital. tho hour of furraora, who dowiro to necurp fatma and horaoa of thoirowu. Such by all moana iihould i&voatiguto tbo Wabi|>oon country and other unsettled portions of Ontario before turning thoir attention qIbg- whoro. Ontario hUU ban vat ronourooa at bor ootamaad, a heritage intended for lier owu pooplo and prewantit udvantiigan unnurpitfisecl hy any proviuco or by any foreign atata, Tbouo doiiiroun of ooouring a copy of tho pamphlet nhould uddrcnii a card to tho Dcpuitmont of Agriculture, Toronto. unci that ono of thtno oouponH Hhtill bo at- uiohtid to each door or part of door ihippo(i by nan! himtnr. > M> mtoutrlctlonti Hecomtiieiiilecl by Ontario Cinmo Commix- blotter*. tho Torouto, March 2. Hon. J. M. Gibuon . on Monday brought down the report of the Ontario gamo and firth couamioftionora for 1805 in tbo .Local Lotfialaturo. Tbo com- naiftaionora report Unit nlthongh the en forcomant of tho tfauio Uwh haa hud uu undoubted off act in preHorving tho* game daring tHo laut tbroo oc four yoara, tho act might bo mada much moro protective! by festrioting the number of bird a to be taken or killod by any puroon in a day or a yoir. for inntanco, iu the oano of duck, if it were enacted that not moro than twenty nbould bo talion in a day or 300 in a noaon it would havo a goad (jffoot. Tho muqio plan miKht bo odopted with reference to the other gnroo birdH, cjuuil, Huipo, woodcock and partridge- Thoy report further that although tbo open neufion for deer wiih lutit year tihortonod by ton Uaya, ^router uumhoirij than ovor have boon killed during tho late open asauou. Id ia estimated by .tho wardena who had obargo of Muakoka and uoiKhboring dmlrinta that fully 3,000 door, were killed tbtro during tbo fifteen daya' open noacon. Tbo chief factor in thia itnreaaonablo Bluugluer iu tho uuo of houuda, which, to tho number of ubout OOj. woro lot looao upon tliodoor thiaaoaHon- If doge wore atoppod there would bo little or no ulau^litcr in tho wutur, Thoy go on to aay that they are diHguatod with-tho . wanton ulaugbtor of tho noblo uuiroal, and aro ooufidont that if creator reatriotioua aro not lmpowod tho deoe will in a abort .time bocome oxtinot. X'ha conliniaaionora couipUm, too, that too many permits are laaacd for tbo kill- lug of iiiRuctivoroUD binla and tbo colloo- *ion of thoir oggo. Coutplaint ih amo made that although thero aro -luQ deputy war- dona, aorno of them aro indifferent, beoauau . when tbev tail to aoouro eoiivictionn they kfcyo to pay coiU. Th bounding of doo^ , teepjoilly aoudauntd. . OwiiiRtoths dividiid rtnpiuiihility tho V'deputy wardonw ara uuibU to onfurco Lho *ihry Uwh, km4 Umv* iv oouoquft<itly Kreat deibYUtttiou uf klm artiol* uf faod. , Abiong tbo uug9Nto;l Hmnndinonta to |;v tbo law in on* provantitig tb* nno of auy Jotitjj b&tUvy or othur dtyioo for ooo- i;Bftlintr th gunnsr in the nhootiiiK of avatar fowl; also the u0' of .'any doooy oi* ;;: blind at a groat or diaUiioo than fifty jarda from tho hero. Anobhor Buggostion in tbnt ev.ry do'or huiHr ah all take out a l/UU5 to which two coupttaa ar nttdohaJ, /CORRKPONPENCE. Shorthand in Mm; ScIiooIh, KdITQk FhBR FltliQH. Dkah fiin, Hotdin/i tbo position in our town an chiof of tho Public Rohool nystem, you aro in tho pomtion of advooating cer tain "up to date" aubjectn" which at the pronout time noem to bo crowded out of our ochoolfl. I think wo bavo aa good a teaching ntnff iu our Bohoolo aa aro to bo found any- whoro, and tho community at largo have tbo utmotit oonhdenoo in their ability- Tho prortont ia an ago of progroan and I bo liovo tho Truatenn nhould uho ovory en doavor to procure tho noooRgary appliance and iuatruohoru to teach ovory child in tho town tho ufiofal ovoryday aubjootii nnod in ordinary life. The eubjeot I allude to in "ahorthand writing". I behove tho Board could, whon aolaoting teachera, enga^io ouo teaohor proficient in (ihorthand and book- keeping, and by Riving, aay ono hour per woek t>> each olaaa from )he nocoud book up to thu fourth, tho olnldrou would bo- como proficient. An tho oducatiotiai ayatom aoomn to bo arranging itaolf. ihoae Btudonta familiar with ahorthand would appoar to a groator advantage in the higher branehoH. Rome will raino ohjoctiono to tbo intro duction of any moro anbjoctH into tbo aohoola. and juwtly no. Wo muot tako life aa wo fiud it. My roraody would bn to drop aomo of tho aubjeotn that will novar he reuuirod in uftor life oxcopt by hpooialitito. I boliovo if wo could look into tho future, Hay ten yearn,wo would ooo as many young men and women writing ahorthand, and type writing, as could wnto at all twenty yeara ago. Tho roquiruraontu of buiiinooa demand it. Lot aa boar otbor opiniona. Yours, etc., W. D. Ukaman, 15oHex, Feb. 2(1, 180G, ****-*- rS0CIAl& PERSONAL Mihu Mildred Korr, of Walkorvillo, spoilt Sunday with bero^nfliu.MiflP AJiooPoanon, Mr. Dewar, of Wyoming, Lambton Co.. laspsndinga few days with bin Ron, Dr. Dowar. Mian Nat. ICoudal, of Walkorville, apent Sunday at thu homo of Mr. and Mra, Thoo. Ruah. Miaa Delia Wijjlo returned on Monday after upending a few wooita with fnondu in Loamington aud Mich. MiuH Minnie Puttypioao. of Winnipeg, who ban been aponding a few dayH with friondn in town, loftou Monday for Gait and other oaatoru pointa whoro nbo wil' viait boforo roturuiug to hor homo. til* lf|ltd HttitffW 47ini4ulti) ut |Iuri-r)ou Ktuued 1> h-- Huiltti'ovil Stuh I hn Utar4 mid Hii-I|mn lorn Iu to 4tlUu. JlUViuia, Keti, 1**J. Tin' ntcainrrfi (lulon, Bun I-'i-niiiiiiln ami Leon XIII. m-rlvcil fi'-i;.i Spiiln ti)-(l;[.v liriu;;in:: tl, li'i-i iiihllM>,ii:il troopH. All Llila til'W:i'inrHi';; [uipi'i'.'t puii- llsll ili'H|iilh*lli'.'i fl'niii Wnsliliiu'lr.ii f*rtil :i I ti- lll^' Hit- ih-\V:a u i: ill.- ;l],i[i. lull [,V I 1? \ lill-'il Stati'rt Sciiiiii- yt-i.ti ruiiy oi' Hit; i,c:<dIii; iuii ravorlnj,' Hit- a<;i:iu'tliiii; uf hi.-Hl^iM'ciit rlt;tilii to llin CnhiniH. Tile ih'spulrlic:; furlti-r mill, linwyi'i', lli:il it 1> imi o.pi'i'h'il ilitl tin- IliMlhC III' li.'IU'1'.-.t'lLl.ll n I'.-, win iioi ,ip- pru\c of the .Si-ii.iti-'>, iiriloii lit I In* iiinttcr. Air-inly llifl'i' l:i l:ilK l>y * \'fi'im: Sp:m- liinln of lii:tl;ln^ ;i ilr::iiin-t I'Jil uii n^al.Mt. tin* l.'iilti-il Stiiti'-., Tin' \olmih'i-i>. itrc ninsi rulihl. Tin1 faptiilu-di'tnTiil ti>Hun'i| lln- i^uii.n.-iIi'tii'riiK ir. l'i:^uliir.i would hf li.'lil In I'i'ailitio-'- In prit- tPrt AliU'I'Irims iltliiilint lilt' Spillihill v'nitni- ti'i'I'M HlluUlil tin: iMiiiT^i'liry Jirluc, TUi iilisi-nre of nn Aiiii-ri. itn warslilp K :;r':ii!y (It.'plui'tril.- Only tlio;<i' Uii'i^int; tin- i'.\|.l-i- itiVf' churiiChM' of I he hnllu run- run :i|pprc- chlh- tin- sltllillit.il. As tin: MltUilLluii Is -it. allzi'tl, tin; fei'lliif* ki'hwm, U 1m liiipuH.'ilble to prcilli:t tins ri.-milt. Shnlr.il, Mil r*-h I. Tin- W'uv Hi'purt incut luiM ln'^'iin prcpiiiMiliiis in i!< piifli lo I Julia u new nniiy cmisis; in^' of liti.noo Infmitry jinil TiIMh) cavalry. Vli.e-Adinlral Ili,ru!iKu?t*'tlio'"*AlliilHti,r of Martin*, bin liccn ordered l> pri'imn; tlie* Hnci'clli.'.si wurslilp^, lu> lii'ihij,' tin- 1'ilu.vo, the tJMHii ViHoityo. tli- Cyuiidn. Mur.la, '1\- i'f.-'-Mii, t he I.i'pnn to Mini AU'fjnsn XIII. ul-uj tioiiic triins-Atlaiitli' stcniucrs tn he do- epitti'liKd h> tin- .ItjiluuiiH (.npiiim-l. Hciioi* SawiiNia, Uu- i-N-rii'inlir, In nn ln- lerview, ih-c^iri'il thr t luv i-niuu'iit had Km' mad in iIIskuIvIiik tin* "ortpn on llio mi mo day us tlu> arrival of. ^rave newn. Jin liayM Spain nuiMt piori cd wit li K|,-nt- jn'iu (li'in'o and :ilso wlili urca't ciii'i'K.V liei:niis>' tlu- action .a' tin- I'nll.'il Suites S.'iiiil" Watt 111*' heghilllh^r uf st-I'ii.US i;ii!iiplir i tluiiM. I!o iiddfd: "1 ^ri'iiily ! ti ii- (Icf of llw Aini'i'lcaii Ucpiilillra will follow the exiimpli! of tin' 1;nltoil Stat . < od irrant tin- cmnln^ cUtrtlinis may lit [n-iico- uhly conducted." 1'opulnr fueling li'-ii; In Mttur amilii.sL the United Stntcrt Ih-'iium' of the action if the Bt-nuto in adopting a rciioluiloii favorlnti tin* craniini; of Im'IM^itimu rl;,'liln to Hie Cuban rchi-K. Tin- Mi-llmi nf Admiral lie- render, Mlnisli-r of Marine, iu uidi-rlug tho fipictly pre pa rat Ion of nix waislilps ami tawne of tin: naval lvsi-rvi' vessels of ilie hijtaalsh Tniim-Atlantic. Company for de spatch to llif Htilininti Ohiiiiuid mcrtrt with hearty iinprovnl. 'Tho Prluift Minister ald hi**i evotriif;: " I trust that l*ren dent Cbu'clainl will vcro tho formal rt-soluliim uf iloii^ress and 1 havo moro nuinon to trust Hint lu* will not enmply Willi I In; recciiliie ndnl I' lis <i>n allied theii.-ln." I'll' adtleil: " Tin- Ki'iun titjj; of ' bolllKeront rhihtti to the Cuhtm rebels Ih not a cuaiiH belli, hut Spain will deolaro that It la not -t,lH* act of a friendly na tion. I do not think that Spain Ih threat ened hy foreign UKurenslon, but measures will lie tjilien fur iUe defence of Spanish rlRlita cliicily In ('ulni. Ah .regards de monstrations iu the streets here, 1 .shall re press them severely I:' they :uv ntio.npt > d."' I>PHpati-hes from Itareeleua Mtiite thai nn attack haa been made upua ilo- i'nltvd Staten (,'onsuhite In that city, nolwithstand- Iur tlio fact that the buildliiK wn ttuunled. During he day a priiee^Kloii, coinprinliij; 10,- OOO pcrKonM, "headod by four Uepuhllcun uiembLMH of the Cluinihcr of...lJcinnlea;' pa raded thi'uiiRh the principal Ktrecta of tho city a a deinouHtnuiou ngitluat lho notion of tlui American Senate. A stroiiK tfiiunl had been, placed itbiuit the American t'on- HUhite in anticipation of trouble. As lho prnccHHlon pasneil It there wan homo :b>- rlslve whlHtlln^ lnters|er.sed with cut-eulhi nml ntlier tokens of disapproval. Seine of tho paradera tried to force their u'tiy into the buildiiiK. but the police and KciuhmiicH HUccceded In ilrlvin^ iheui away, but not until they had been furei'd tn char^u upon tho mob with drawn Hahrea. la the evenluu there was another out- burnt, of disapproval of the T'nlted Statea and all thln^a American. Thin tlnift It. tonic the form of pnhllcly dishonor Ink the American lla. The rioters had purchnaed Komowhere a Iarf,'e Aini'l-:ean l!;if,\ which, after It had been itrained iliniuuh th" KtreotH, whs pulled lo plei.i s amid it'cm of " Loiik live Spain," and " Howa with ihe Yankei-H." Then* Is atlll much exclleiuent In this city. After thia outrage on the line oT the United States the mob became moro vio lent, and a proposition to malce a further demonstration against thu American Consu late wuh Kpccdlly acted upon. The mob proceeded to the Consulate, in the mean time. nrmluK tlu-iiiHclves with atonen. Ar rived in tho Consulate a perfect volley of mlHHlU'B was directed against lho KhleUI over the doorway bearing the American ooiit-of-nmiH, which was batterfil almost to piece*. The mob In the same way became pon.-ii'SHtMl of several Amerlciin ilaijH, which were destroyed amid rllmlil Jebts and- ei;- prcfiHlonH of' contempt for lho nation they represented. The Hltuatlon wim beeomlns more and more ihreati-uin^ when reinforce ments for the Kuards at the CnnHiilato ar rived In the shape of u detachment of mounted Ci'iul:iniun, ' The crowd ivas or dered to disperse, which they nullenly re fused to do, wliereiipun the uetidurines eharpiMl them with drawn Hwordw and put them to illtfht. Several of tho riot tint were Injured by behiK triunplod up'in by Mm hnrseH. Until a late hour the hmilevnrdH wore throu^ed by an excited crowd muif- Ing patriotic Spanish soii^m. NBWGOODS! NBAA7 GOODS! O UR buyer lmfirotuvned from the eastern wiiirkota,'having made extennive purchosea incliuliTig the neweHt thinpB in fmo Di'ohp Goods^ PrintH, Duckfl, GinghumH, Flan- nolettoa, Laces, EmbroidoricH liihbonH, Vcilingn, LndioH1 Whito Underwear* Hose, i, OorBetH, Lace Curtainn, Koller Blinds, Carpo.tH, Table and Towel Linonw, staple Dry GIovch Ooodn and r-mall wnren, Mcui'h Shirtp, IMch, Collarn, CuffR, Pantin^H, etc. At Prices that Cannot beSBeaten. Tho first cfuwigiinient is now to hnnd [nd we extend a cordial invitation aro interested in nice new goodn at lnwept living prices to call and hog what we Hundreds of New Hats to all who arc doing. Are already to hand, including the very latent shapoH in black, brown and Cuba, ntiff and PodoraH, and fully 26 per cont^ below city priceH. Other linea will be following in quick aucceasion. Otir Slaughter of Winter Goods Still continues. Now \a your chance to buy Overcoats,' Underwear, Putb, Mantle Olothfi, etc. Our Shoe and Grocery Departments arc all right. Yours for Bargains, BrooK:, ESSES r)trwsTAiT Pressing Time with us. A GREAT BARGAIN Soon time will be Pressing You For u udw BPUINU- SUIT. Why not order now. Tho npriri[j Htock in in, New York fu&liton'H too, und you "will i;et bsttor work: now before tho runh io on lor spring. DEWAR THE TAILOR, DUN STAN BLOCK, ESSEX. CALL AT novr ^ia?*t i i\.iiu.i\J4. Hlch School Notes. Tho following aro the naraon of thoao who obtainod ii0'X r ovir, in tho reoont oxumiUHtious: Alebrn, Form IV. M Allworth 6b, W CunuiiiKlmiri TiO. G Burnou 55. Litoraturtv, Form IV. 14 N Heunufct <\Q, H Arnold fii), B LyppH 59, M Allworth DR.- H Korku 57, E BtuiUi 55, G Motteo 61, W GuaiiiuKhani fiO, B Ounpbull 50. Grammar, Form II and IlL;~-M Jaok- iioti 71), J? Arnold 05, E RioburdHOB 57, D Lonfinorry 5.1, III Irwin 51. Don't forgot tho dri oodn nale t Hmiih'u. half priofl for 15 dayit. Adiunu luakud nil ki harmss in bin own abop, no fna'.ory iudo (jbotla palmed off uu tho yonuina artipU,, Hi* ifbodu stiind tho tent. Furmorn do you want monuy at 5^ pe^ eont? If ho wrlto A. G. Bkr learning tiou, Out. Turin* of pfcyraeni of pnuaipft] to suit borrortftra. An LlTort Will Iim .llail lo I'urlUor Rptrlri Their Sintry ut Mnuiirn ImIIh, N.V. WanhlnKton. Fob. 20. Representative Mahany, a raembur of the Houae Com mittee on immigration, to-daj vecoived Lhe message of Mayor Cutler oi" Niag ara Falm and the unanimous endura- incut ol! the common ' council of. that elty in favor of his-bill rtsirlctiiis Cu- iiEtdlan iuuuiai'auuit. Theau. Uuuuimuiiu he presented to the committee a.i u.i iit'sslun this morning and yavu notieu that he would move for a hearlnti on the hill home-time after Martili 10. iiot ut..vj.t* \f iituiL'a P.iixb. Kovcrnl titur* h nml .-wrilliiut V/el'o Cou- Hiinii'd vhlicr r'jt-t'tt iii4d l.iiHNiis. Burlt'u Falla, March 1. At about 4.30 thia aUemoou a, d.HasLroua lire broke out in Alnn-ues' old liiund, completi-i,y eonHml'iK it and Airs. D.WIU-oii'b mil linery and fancy boolIh hhh-o and , uwulltng, CajiL it. Waiton'a' harnuKa shop and dwelling, William WilHon'a undertaking establishment. U. H.Man- nlng'o baiber shop, and Samuel Cross' last nearly all hit* household tfqods. The eBtimaUul loss Ih about *:>ouo, bo- Iiik only partly covtrod wdh insurance. The Hro i-^ .suppoimd to have started from tho furnace. It was only by hard work that W'liUam Wllfon'a new bloo.k wan aaved. Thia U thft result of huvlnir no Are protection. Hi. r^tersburt, March 1. A." !lot named Klaebo, who took Dart In the WlKlEln* polar expedition ih 181)4, has arrived at A-ftsriblad, from YftniH<:lk, Koiit Siberia, and reports that about the middle of January he hoard a cuti- tomo ofllelal uay that Dr. Nannen was returniriK from the north pol, whlcV he had almont fniecocdnd In reaching Klaebo Hays be reflartilfld the statement of tho onioer na a Joke. May's Bazaar POK ALL KINDS OF. Window Blind's awny down Chinaware, Bvic-a-Brac, Fancy Goods, Noveltieg, Books and Stationery, School Supplies, Toys, of all kinds, Berlin WooIb and Fingering Yarnp, New Stock of late Wall Paper. Know What You Chew AT FRANCIS'. Owing to hnrd timeo and pvicca off mm prcdtico wo find wg aro ovor Btocked with winter gf odp,i>nd in'ordar to turn crcrything into cash by tho 15th c l Feiumar.y. wo havo decided to give greater bargains in thw already bargain bouse thim over, before bocn beard of in tlie County of Essex, ro- momber our stock is all new and clean, wo do not advertise to give 3 ou half off or quarter off but every dollar* worth of ^ooda you buy from us at reg ular prices which ia cheaper than tho chcapoht' We will give you back 10ots in Cash, to convince y ou that our pricoa are tho lowost wo.givo you a email list bo- low. Grey iiuucla 8 10 12J 15 ao eta. all worth 15 por cent moro,... Remember we give yon back 10c. in casli with every dollars worth, yon pnrchase. Shillings worth 12J for lie. Remember we give yon 10c. with every dollars worth yoti pnrchase. Dress Goods 15 20 25 30 -10 5< ote. all at reduood prices, Remember we give yon back 10c. with every dollars worth yon pnrchase. Prints, Cottons, Toweling, Porcailos, Ginghams, CottonadcB, Tablinga, Napldns, Towol*, Mitts, Gloves, Uosiery, Corsets, underwaro, in fact everything in this store has been marked stock into cash before tho 15th Feby. down in order to turn this Don't forget that we give yon back lOcts. in cash with every dollar pnrchase for cash. (llothing, fnmiBbii'gs, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes and Groceries jrything goes, prices cutno'figuro, Kanh is King, with us. every Yours & oto. iiei Vance's Old Stand, JTruncle Piper, printer, who worked for Home yearn In The (Juardlan ot- n<ie, Toronto, tllqd of conyumptlon . in. Bowmanvlllo, nprcd 34, leaving a widow fcftd two child re iu ' U fre* ttom the InjurlouB coloring. Tti* more you una of It tU b*ttta y*u lllc It. vwcgico.e. rackKTTAaowco.. l X Cuti. /tlofti IWliiiilly IKiMfttinmiua Rev. R. Woftvur, Aurora, writoa of FH*rk' Fowdoru fur hoidnohru, cont ivenonu, uenfaluia, biliounot, to ma eh and liver riouaplfttutN: "V*n wftro kind onotiKh to (1 m naraplfld ot SUirk'a FowdorH. From porBouiil hKiowlirdgn of thoir uffeotw, on tho pnntonft to whom I tfavo thorn, tile moat bouollciat ro^utTH lmvo tuken plnua, I oauiuotit highly recommend thom." Kiea, immedinte Mid prmurnfc. . Bvld by ftU medioina dalVa tU 2&f .m bvH, 6r A boxttffotfl. Fb, U. M. E.WIGLE, The Gash Grocer, Confectioner and Baker. juJCTE pooplo of tho Town of Ehbox and.nnrroundina country hnvo loim ftilfc tbo want fc I of a plitco whoro thoy could to and piirohnno What thoy roquirn on u oloeo aaah X imHiH, without bcinfjoompollad to pay. higher prices to tut'iko up for tho 1 ouo6a mado in tho orodit Hyntom. 01I and wow our gooda, whioh aro alwuya or tho beat quality, and aot our-priaoa,^iuoii_arotho. lowout. Don't miuH.trvlnir our Tea at 22 conma pound, ~---------- * Jus* arrived-A Fine Hew assortment of FRESH ana SALT FISH of all kinds. (MSH PAID TOR OTHER PRODUCK. FIUBT-CLASB BUTTKR.AND FR13SH BGGS AKD GOODB DELIVERED PROMPTLY, J H. M. E. WlGIiS, Mgr. Scott Block, ueact Aberdeen, Esaex; . fiftw,V;' iV./f-1-'.;". .". ii^!^.'r;-,i.^^.v,^::,^A'1l.:^^>"A>"'ji' -' ^ {Mr/'v^i^L JM^mi^^ m C.B