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Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), March 6, 1896, p. 2

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wY^j-r' , ' > ihki- ESSEX FREE PRESS Caracas::::, OITI*. Cont-ioqiirmtly tho G">v<k vnmont Caucus Was Called Off, Published Every Friday Morning From tho cMao on Talbot Street, imxl Dimidaii liloclc. Special aUontiou in ] mid to tlui publieu- ncuur- tiouof mulloi' of In.ml m.inrUmee, a.-eur- ate and tumble report" or lown, ei|-Hlior- inir Town.Hip mid County CJniinoil yvoavoA- iniif-, iociil mt -county nmrluit reportn, eti:,, tho oatefu. find jndioionn immaf.i-ment of Tub Yw.k Pimis, with ri'H|u-i'Uo UioMo mid othur current miiHcrii of local importuned, ban (pvmiita widespread prci*tij^ti in the contruol Km-ex county,v/hieh in rroiijmi/V'fl H/SSft/i* FREE ^"^ ^Pil i A H i\t ma m'/; *! uAiMVAX. N-n.rlj u din n-iff 'iVrt'i it "* aillttii t Ootlnr* out uMiii-d district i" centre UH our. ol' tin- \ si ; < Ontario. 'I'm: Jmiii: 1 'r.i:-.;i im t.ho only medium en'eulutini^ ihumu^My. in ilnu central portion of tho County, and lit con ucquimtiy.vith""' dnnhl.tlie only thorough WHAT M'CARTHY WAN1ST0 KNOW advortiniuj: medium for Iiuhmichh people WiHluut! to reach thut ohiHtt of euntomnrn. CUHlllWl'MNDLN'Cli.J Our coluuiim tiru tdwuyti upon for the iDticoublo [liHOUhiiiun of mat tern purtiiiuin- Stho public welfaro. Aide corroKpondwitN in all rho Mjrnmnd- g loculitieu furninh reliable reports or until of. iintc-njht, occurring in their Hovcral ihorcB; and tho puldinhi-r in ut all timci- iDaaoil to rccoivo inti-rewtinj.; ileum ot awh from any dinnontd to forward contri bution!). All coinmuiiicatioiiH' of a private- uud tjonildoutial nature, idiould lie* no marked 3U V&u onmido of tho ouvi-lnpo, (tmiHCItll'TION I'ltlCK. fet ,00 ptir annum, htrictly in advance, )I,6J pur unnum if not no paid; anu all arrears charged at that rate. AUVKUTIttlCMKNTH. Tranmont loc*ul and municipal advi>r tiaomentH, nuticou, etc., diluted at tho rate of ton ceutH per lino, for firtjt iiiHOrtion, and live cent si per line lot ouch HubuLMjuent niHertion. All ouch advcitiHumontu aro mciuuircd by a ticalo of twelve linen to tho inch. Locul readme; and other noticen pub- liflhod amon^ local ncwii matter churned at tho rato of ton cen'u per runninj* lino for aoh insortioti. All noticiifi of church or Hccioty outer- taiamontf) of any^leaoription, at which an admiitsioii fee m cfiar^ed, aro ronardod iih advortiKf-mentii, itnd' full uthx-rUnin^ ratou oharuod in all uueh cilhoh,. Noticcu of ^ath- orinKfi or mcutiu^H not for pecuniary, bouo* fit or did, will bo oheorfuliy publiHhod froo of ohargo. Special contract riitoii;mado for display or standing advtfi. All Ic^al.orprofcuuion- ' al cardu under,ono inch, ?5 por aumira. Jon on costMr.nciAL viiintiko. Tho Fhkk Pu1:hh Job l'rintinc Dc- partmont in under tho superviniou of thoroughly competent mecbanioH, and upuoiul attention ie paid to Mini branch of tho trado. Our faoilitiea for tho execution ot all ltiudn of Boolt and Fino Job Trintinn aro uuoxcollod. Stoam powoy prenacH. A cull Holicitod. nnniNEDD iiKouivrxoNH. All Job Printing and Tranniont Advortininti uccoautH, strictly caoh. Advertising aeoomitH with rugular patronH are nettled quarterly. Sub- oriptiono duo in advance. No Htibticriptuin to the Fnrci: I'iikhh, or advortiJ-.ement pubhhlied iu its qolumtiH will bo cliHcontiuuud until all urroarw uro paid in full. Chan^eH for adyertifiotnentu, to ucouro imaortioii in the current iflHue, muftt bu handed in not later tlmu noon of tho Tuch- day prcccdiiiK, mid noti'-'o of such intend- od obungo ifl required on tho Monday pre ceding. Notice of diHcontinu'juce of advoHinc- mcntB rauat be jjivi-n at luuat one weok in advance of tho iflHiio in which they uro domred to hibt uppeur. ADVr.nTIHBllS, 3ubnoriborH and patrons yenomlly aro roquoated to read the abovo re^ulationa oarofully, in order that confuBion may bo avoided, aa they will in all cuhOH ho adhered to. AddroFiH all communications to . ----- IS. Jf. L.OVISLAOK. Pnhliflhor the Eosicx Fnwii Piusim, Ehuok, Out Catarrh in the Head Ih a diin^oroiiH (IIpoii'-d Ihtiwkc II in liiil)lo to rcsulfc in Iosh of In-urln^ or Hinoll, or develop, hi to coiiHiimption. K(;ad the following: " I\Iy wife linn bci.'u ft , ituffcror fr<vi catarrh for tho ]inl. four youni and tlifl dliteanu had [jono no fur that her eyi;ni|;ht Waft affected no that for nearly a yvni eho wail unnblo to read for more than nvo minuted at a tlmo. Sho nufforcd novo re pulnii In tho head and at tlnn-H wmi alniosl distracted. About Chrlitt.mnu, mIic com mon cod talcing Iloofl'a fitrmiparllln, and ulnoo that tlmo hu:i idntdily improved. She hail talcon nix bolt lew of I food'h War- eapurilla and Ih on thu road to a complete euro. I cannot Hpculc too highly of Ilood'a BnnmpHrillii, and I cheerfully recommend It." \V. II. FnuHiKU, Kewmnrlcet, Ontario, Hood's SarsapariUa Is the Only True Blood Punfier Promlnontly In tho public oyo today. .Llxilil sh- iKniiahl WmUli"* >II^<lloii ^1iimI|m- Vfii* Uv- Ai'Diii; <tu Hi ii.ui uriin- i;i'<ii-tiii <-oi(iiiiin-"i IMi ."Jriiinloi'V Iii rit'^I In t.ir * .A.r. u..... tu h'oh. 2't.-- -'{*\i:- ;;itun.ll<i|| re- . Tfn- umi- i "ji;.i. i vaLi\'i-;- iLJ': inaKinj; u .. ini an: \ cry i'ni'i\i ,y u\'r: i!. 'I'.i ini,;, ;u'i: ct u.i in;; i ln'ii Utiitwa, lll.Ll :l. Hit U'.-mi.'ii.,i] - j 1111 11., 111 '.I'llii, ,: , , .,;..'., .,...; t t < in: .-- r: iin.i lit i < I i t ,1 llll.lli.. l() '.< .'II 1 I 'IV. , 1, .l.l'll 111-'.) 'li .,i .il. I Hi: pi i:.: i.JlL'c oj Ui Hil.'j i.'\ t'liili;.', ..ll'i mi' Im'Hj;, ii.atli: to cjii 1.1.11) l i i nl Ih'.m;,- 'i ic: Ilnlli'iix. Miuv.h l.~l'Mnr brok* _ ...... lihnrtiyri'rti-r midnight In Cordon & Kolth'M wliolefiulo n nd vcUitt lioui'o-fiir- nb'hlnir i-ntn.)dlnliiiionl, ono of tho lnr- WAt lri~V"?:i.twnlTi( mid thr ImllMlii?-; \v:v In llitiih). In ]< .-'.( Ihnn 1^ mlnule!'. Th* entire plaee v/mm t hivii.twn'd with <U- Btriwlioii. Involving ",1-ff.t l'>!i'i, iltwI n. mimbct* of wooden huUdlnrVH, ':i bnth nUles wriv in danger of burning, nor- (lo1( ,.'- [-r.-ltli'M frontH "ii two iitvt Is, M:irriii-;t.rm mid ("Irniivllle.nnil the lnnl'.i Imi ll*T>'. "/ I: M liiiinl/'iiii" brick "t i Uf1 n re- (,|- M-. ; jolnlii!; Is nlsii ner-uplod by lh<* Unu. At -11?. I r (In- I'liiiiiliir.- Iniihllnr: wn ; a rnu-linv rnrr.n " utid tin- bbiv.".- wmi coiilinunlr.'il hit; to Ihe oIIht hnU.v:^. At Hint tli-Mii- Lh.. wlinl- : bounded ' ir:in- iiuni ' .llllli. Ic. ul:i t IM.ii . IL Uli [ !' Hood's Pills S our* habitual con.'ttlpa- ,lon, I'rlcn l!1a. por bon Ottawn,March 1. The l.iud,v,et dubaie i.s nu^' bu-lund and the Jiehuoi ui.-o.lL" Uelui'c us, witJi dissolution' icoti than ^u UiLys away at tlm ouuiiUu anu'pu^riihly i-L 1.-. tlmu Lor ilie LnUOKUJi Lu iui tloj L-iocLioiiis. j-'im uni^ ^u. pi i.-j;i:'c ucoVtij ^'JUlUlOii ijUVi-IIIlULlll Ul't IClj lilt, Un . ui'l i^jui. Ouc jt*ei(ii>ny ; **j.i. ijuuuei1 uv- , >;..u. -. ! >., t-.i. i".-\Ji'i\J ^.IIU ill- i.'J|...j , ^Uv LUilU LiJ UlU llt-UiJ.U Lll,.Ui.-U - , 4.i*.. ij.ULnn i/Ul Li 1.-3 IIL HUk-'^ i>IUU'^'i ti.^ LUi^L-nuUv^ aiu itL t>ea ouUi' ao i.<j LU.. .1' It uufi' iLliil Lllu.l L'wiicj , i*.iu ^.,. ui.iu.iuiuuu iu liaViiiw iur aULivi. u.. lie. uix.uBi^saca \vliu ul'tujiato tu .iiuii^ik;. Liu-' i.jilU lu Uiutaic iMioue tjj.icy Lur u hoc l'ul'iiaiiio..L- >n ..i^cuOllZiu i.iu-Wi.11 ib i.'Hllc .UillltiUr. ut- i>, niijiiiui't-.ru oy ton- l-'iaoiv himni; Bir Ui.uiiLh i upper Is the man in waiL- ...o.aiiu uu l.-i aKjijioru-u by >.ni iJuiiaid oiit.L.i. t uu ay"..-j oi ttiebt; toUi uuii- ^ i'V.uiVt: leauoi'b uiullu iiuiia- lu ruumi iitiLinr.-. oIju iearw. ^)li ^lacKeiiZii: la i.>, t,.i i> j a.,K ('i, Hif chariot, m and Sir i.uii..iu V;>. U Iiliil- u.suti to be a leader ..i.ccuunatoJy called ilu- old man jiov '-U.,>j are- too many old men. Tne '-mii.tiy noedri a .sLruii^, vi^oroun Ail- nii:. . ration witli a .settled jiohcy. .- tii',.~.e men l.iii loim such an :im ration. Tho Coibscrvutive -- oyliiy of dry iot, and the members >> It who ai-t; in l'iir- < '.... .i. louic forward v/itn relief to ii :e.iu.. In oirpo.-itlon wlie,i ti.o liarnii- ' CAIi be Hhuliuii olf and thu pany v..t'..ii Zn!. 'i In-y rt'ly un sileli men ;- Mi-.lif.-licy, Sir ICId.M-n. Tup] er ami i('oi..>!,i. Tin- c,(-mjMit.- cllup^t.. of .so tin- ypunsor tuc-n of the i a u.. H.I-1.1., \. I M11 < b.lU: .\ , 1 li.il" ,,.!. i)(,-eJiii e-Vpre. .ilu Lli.lL lll-'lt- u t u; Id in- a ;,i-in i a 1 I'u.v I.i-I n r-i-u , i..; 1 ifi.. i-dialii;i : ,, and ,..,.., :-dd> :i ;ue in a i,-li tm(; ui'.u'l, '1'iicii ti.f I' i rM'il -i ;uli: i", aii \ i:;J d.-. -la J <.'l 1,'. .' Wuiihlln.it I. 1 l.'.-iul. I lil:i i:i ilu .;;H|a',! a. to-n..;ljl., Mr (.iiarle:! 'I lipjn r Hi |;wui,, 1 ou ml i\ i t li a I, I i 11- i I'd bom-, run la nil) .;i lite li;tt of iiu'iiiber:i. in llii.s bouli Sir r 'n:i.11. : Iia:, 1.;,,; Jii. un: liaii.:.;. n..1. l keil in blur priK-ii and Uif antis in red, and In- ncv i-r p;irt;' wilh il. I Ie'.'Mi'i'ifi-t it Willi liim t.-wry.whoro about m,.. J tuu.se. A .h'to-f unu n-fived to-nifiliL lion. Arohbl.sliop 1 j;ilie,. vin oi St. Uonii.u: - In wnich Jlht (Iniiv :iuy.s ho aeeepL.i tile Mi medial I Ml.. Later lu,- hupt-s to ,', I inure, but }v ;u ifpis the bill as :l MtamlH. lie- al.iu :;.tys Lliat Sir Donald Smllh cuiiio to Winnif>.t; on an "oi- lu' iou.s" inirijiion, but ilia,!, ho did led nei'Minpli.sli much. In I Ids eoune-rtion .Mi. D'Altmi .McCarthy lo-nljdit. ivivi s jitdlcc that he will mi Monday ih-n t lit qui iv of ilit- 'i lnvi'i iiiiu-iil: (lj \Vn.^ Sir Dgnalil Smitli ;i.utliori;'.ed on behalf of tin: (luvri-nnii-hl to no-oilote wi.tn the I'Tfinl i* or Adniiniidiat N.ui of lh Province i>i Alanitoba w illi irfer'-iiec to or on the subject of tin- school law of that province'.' vi) If ye i. has Sir Dinaiii Smith mad'- any n port witli rorpeoL to sir h n.-;;*oi hi i i.jiis '.' V-\) ' M" did Sir Donald Smith voluuLartiy~r/r otherwlKo undertake to act as mediator between the- <.Joveminent., of 'Janadn. und the OoviTiinient ol .Manitoba or Li' negotiate with the hitit-inciiUoned tiovernnicnt on tin; subj<*vt refi-rn-d to In thc,llrHt preci-dhiK qu -ntlon? ( !) if yea, has Sir Dunald Smith made n.ny rrport In respect of such inftdiatlon r>r . all A Hi. youi:i ... u parts. .-.: til. '. .-.'til OIO- .;.'r M-:ia **V PALAOD STEAMEfOO. LOVJ RATBC CLEVELAND, P-HTSBURQ, ^, BUFFALO and ALL POINTS EAST DETROIT # tonnccthiffwitb earliest traino at Cleveland for till poitils-Eant, South and Southwest, Sunday Trips Juno, July, /lunuot cndScplcmUsr OnV; Ppun TniPO p Whdik Dbtv/cibm T mm. 2TOSKGV. THB "GOO," MAnQUETTE, AND UULUTH- io new r.teel p.is.-cn^r.i- sttionicrfi have ^.c l built for oi:r Upper L.ikt; Ilocte, oD^.tim* o *xxU. Scad lot* illui'.lrctcd pampld^t. tss,. C* A.CCHANTZ, o. r. a t. *. DETnOlV. Ml 01*1. COPYRIGHTS.^ v-.-n 1 OUTAIN A I'ATWNTV Wo? n i*i~ annwur and un liont'i-l opinion, wrlto to SS vt i'O.t Mho havo laul nearly infiy yoniy' jatau'loily (loniiriimtlah A aium!bv..a ut Jo. fornmttoii eonc-cniiiiir rti*nn ail Jiow tn i>ii- mea.iitime, by virtue of his old a^c-and youthi'n] --pjrits, ' n.'.le iiow I! i.-s easily fust in tne estr.-m of his party, and if it w.i-s (.ot for Iiim misial..-n i-oJicy W(uld be a fairly sirring leader. 'J ha i. policy lvst.*- 1' ly on tho approval in' certain ton '<r Pa elvo l.MiopM of thv I Ionian Calho- be Cl'.nreli. 1, iy, eomirmiird by i.lio iaity, bolii Patlioiic and I'rub-si ;tn t, v. :ho ;:|m I'uvi' ilo- jioi.ey i j" .Mr. I.aurle'l' ;.s wis-- and pi.l rlnlle. l";itlier Ui.combe :i h!j- h-ticr l.iaki.-s b. plain Hiat tin 1 ! n.op.s for whom !m- proi\..ed to ; ;n ,ili sui.porL Sir .Marke'n/.i,- Powrll'^ : "d i-oli.'-y. Pi: 1-a.p i 'luiicrViii ol : ;'.;: .,onl.Kh would cover witli obloijuy. 'My one who did not snport that po*- bry. Ar.eh-hlshop I'^tbr,- Implore'd one o'. his (di;r:;y In (Joil's nn.nii- to frown upon Mr. Kauiier. Arelibishop ltej;ln. ! ...shop l.abr. eqiie and Archbishofi i .i.v.y.y-'.in all Htam.l behind Sir Mac- kdizie IWVi't'll, and ;ir,; nsin-j* if not the o'lior at k-a::t tho lnlhienec of the inaeli t(* hi-tl.inIiLi.ti: thu el^ctois Into !;n . Curo J.inn;ii.s of Los Kboulemeri.ts tin tn.l('iied JiLs parishioners with ox- i omiiiunlcatio-ii unless they supported i In- (.3 overnnn.-nt candidate in Charle- vr i::. Ho was jirobahly i.enorant of the f"ft that tho Oalholiu laity of Alani- t'.l a are- too poor to support ellicleiit si pai ale seinMils out of their own means-, and ; tliat they jirlvaler^' iii-e!;i|-(_. th'.'y do not want separate I schools, in which their children would hi., hundii apped for life's battle. It was !>o;i> [p d on i he Hour of I 'arlia- no nt by ilnr Po.-:i.inast; r-<.i('iiei'al tlu.t ill-- Liberal candidate in (,'haiicvu-lx only v. on the eh.-otlon by ri.pudia.tini; his political leader ami a-ceeptin^ Hlsh- op Lalu'ecciui'i's policy Instead. This v. a.s false, but it shows the extent to which tiiu liovernmeTit rely on clerical intimidation. H da tlic aole hope ot Mr. Hae.ynrt, Dr. MontUKUe and Mr. Wt-od of Liro-ekvllle. Mr. XlaR^art tola tho caucus Limit the bettt thlnrr they cculd do would be to pass the Reme dial hill. The result wils that the op- pi.nents of the- bill in Mr. Hajrffart'a l-arty hold a cauc:ua of their own to protest a^alnsi the idea that they must vole for the bill. The Liberal who op- pi-ses the bill is, to use Mr. Daly's cx- pu-i-jrion, to be- made to laui;li on tho oil er side of his mouth by the church In 'jn.bee. Tlow he Is, to be treated b> ihe Quebec Tories may be imagined from rim uttirnnoo of Sir lleut.or Dan- .{Vcvln's firnan, The Courrler, who dls- pi sod of the- protest of D'Khcteur, the lilbcml orj;an, iif;:i.lnsl clerical Inter ference In polities by saytnj; : " At last the manic has Inon' lifted and IVKhc- teur hIio-ws its real fa^e, whleli fs the frit e of a prlest-liater "; in other words, if the; Liberals preTer inVf^tiK-atlon. enquiry and an amicable settlement to Ph- Uemodlal bill, they will, be de- i-,,1,1'ct d in Quebec as prlGst-hateis and eremlMi of th.'lr ohurch. negotiation? (a) And what in either of the supposed eas-H was the sub- atanco of Kir Donald Smith's report? i>ito(.'i-:*:itiM<*.or rui': commosh. Dr.-Weldon Eriilri. TUnt He Hail u iiiuivrr.i \1tlh Sir riiarlrt.Tiipiii'ir. Ottawa, Feh. 27. In the House this afternoon D'- Weldoit call ed attention to a statement In The Mall and Umpire of yesterday, that there ban been a loiiK-HtanduiK l'eud between Sir Charles Tupper nml hhn- self. After bavlne; read the article, he said ; "If there is a loiiK-standinu per sonal cpuarrel between us, X do not Know of It." Sir Charlea Tupper I am equally Ignorant of it. Mr. Mills Where Ignorance is bllaa 'tia folly to be wise-, (Laughter.) Mr. Dlclcey stated in reply to Mr. Ciiofpiette that the G'V'.Tnaa-aL bad no knowledge of the letter alleged tu have bien Heiit to Sir John ThuinpMon by the Northwest bishops nskin.-; If the Northwest I4ei;islature had powi r to impo.si* Protestant Inspectors , on Catholic .schools and expressing a fear of such a course being ..-arned out. The Budget (h:bate was resumed by Mr. Stairs, who dealt with tlu: e);:.ige of the Liberals that. sii:jar relluei i-*M were yielding hum en sir profits at the expense of consumers, lie s:ii.:l as a matter of fact, the profit, upon'actual cost of the Maritime J'rovlnce rumer- lea was about li pi-r cent, Tills, be held, was certainly not exorbitant. Prevails to this the refineries had been run at a loss. Mr. Fraser (Guysboro), dilated on the evils of protection and the liendits ot free trado in England, in his opinion Canada ought to follow England's ex ample. After recess the debate was continu ed by Mr. Campbell (Kent), who dealt chiefly with the question of reciprocity. Mr. Edwards (Uussell) spoke chiefly on the question of tne export ouLy on logs and contended toat Canadian lum ber wjih not hee.'ss.uy to the f7iiiu.il Statey and that if an export duty was imposed and MoKlnley duties on Ca nadian lumber Imported into the Unit- ed States thereby brought into force it would indict serious injury on thi Dominion, Mr. MeShane (Montreal Centre) en tertained the House with a description of the means taken by the Conserva tives to defeat him, contending that hi woe opposed by men who were making fortunes out of the N.P After a 'speech from Mr. Grieve tht House adjourned at l^.ilO. . by PjirrinetMi, F o-hvilli- Vlll" jiikI Plowers'sln-'i-- threaten d -ind it tuoked _ ;,,: thoii-'h I'i'v: of i.b.- rlor-:- re dv,"dlui"M would r-.-cajie linb-ss Ihe flames won* got under contnd very , rapidly. Hy- I o'clock all the llivmwi In Flijli- tnx win-.: WiTkinr on I ho conlbicm t i> ei ami w"i'-' suerc-dhig fairly well in pn- venilnjv the fhMiie". i'roni doling scib'-us d;nmi::e indiiillillrigM imt within imui"- diaie ri uch of lh.' li'-ij forks l--.udn.; on iiM side.-; iV,,],i Un- Gordnu .^ K'-ltb | stnir-Liir.-s. Tlid-ii' m-xt door, the l'ltt-r1 on eitloT side, on both Grawvllh: and llni'rin;;toti-!iirei-is,_ en.or.lit. 'rin- lire de]artno-.->t wi-ro" aldi- to keep fh.' llaiin-;- from making r.M'i1' h'-a<lwa.', devoting all tholr attontlon to saving the places adjoining thut on which the work of di-sti notion bi-;;aii. At l.K. o'eloel; the coiilk1 gratlon, wlihdi bad apparently been Hiib-sullng snnii.-what, buist forth with ler.ow'-d energy, and wi.h aj'i^ilin;; rapluity be gan to oat it.-; way Liu'otigh the ad joining blllldliiJ-.S, . especially fllo:-;.-' to tin.- i.outn. '.L'li--- n.ai' of Lhe burning building.; could he lwanl ii mllo away liliil P' ojde CiOW'ded l.o the: ,'io.riii; ll'Oin Ull irecMoilS, it V. IIH eVhit-nL by L-IU o'cdocU that the he-;., would he i-nor- nious, pornnps liall a million dollars. At l-lo all th.; ..lectrie lights m the city went out on 'account oi the wires being out. Gordon & Keith's walls Wore tuin biiug by thai time on all widtil, . but., the firemen were devoting ull their attention to other property, where they could do more eli'ectlvo work. Un Harrlngbjii-slra-l th^ro are re tail stores of vailous de-seripilonH' to to the north and sou to of Gordon & J^o!Ui'h. 'I'hoso hn.ai.-di.itely .--o'uiji. are occupied by Ai'ihur J. It.oubl.er, con- fecLioner, and Mrs. M. T, Com-oy, dry- goods and millinery. On the north are Mrs. A. O'Connor, millinery, and Mrs. A. MeKachreii, fashionable dressmak ing establishment. On Granville-.street, to th. south, are Janus t.'roosskjll & Sous; bottling home, and the Orpheus Music Hall, tile latter owned by the loading musical urbanization In the province. On the north are two large stone dwelllngH, four .stories high, oc cupied by Mrs. .Sarah Nivllle, Mrs. A. Xiowers, and H. II. Landis. All Ihese buiidings, exci-pi. the Orpheus Hall, , wuvn burning m.osi of the time, but the strenuous efforts of the firemen kept the (Jr.- In their quarters fairly under control. Before r o'clock the fire was under control, and the flames, which wen- then only visible In Gordon & Keith's wrrel-et| . stabliFlinn-nt, were being r;i- I*'dly qm-nidi.-d. one fireman Is report ed missing, hut the report cannot In- verified. Several men wm-c Inluivd bv foiling- walls, but none seriously. During the day, when a bettor sur- 9void Danger And Trouble. IScwnvc ol Siil>Kl)tn(rH WlH'O "-...". liny I iif^ J*nc1cuu<i I>y<'H. Whim (lniii.'(r mid dooeptinn threaten to dliif.iilb tlic pencil -inil Ip'.ppineHu oi w vnri anil niotlKHH, it in hut rinht thut tlw>y rihotiid lu wiirnoil and ndvUod. Onulu uial Wtirlli^Ll.i imitutioiiii of Dia mond Dyed uro put u)i by ticmo TniLiiu- fa'jturoriil'or tbo fjalui of profit, only. It niuttcTM Ijttlo to them if women havo their uiiiteiiidn n|,oilr(l in tho dyeing operaiion, their terriperii rnllh.il, or soul worried, mi loiii; (in their common products) lire nold. 1'or einty and proiitablo horno dyein;;, tlm Diamond Dyes tn day eoinioaiid the admiration of the civilized world, Insi.,t, tlnirt foi c, thill V"1"* dciil.-r provido Von Wit h the " I -ir.nioiid" Unit m'e n,lw iyi :i lilHi'.ifih.. The l)i;'in 'lid I'V'l 'I l'o the fnvoriteii wiili nil v.'ifo women. 1'itoi1 HI) UP UY IMIiLOWiS mkuiti-;mn months. J.'f)H .A, torii'oUi I'iXiiei'iuuco witli Heart DiHoaun, Vol (jured by Dr. Aynew'a (aire for tlio Il.airt. Do not our hiri^cnf nvmpathiet! well out to lhiiHe who uu lie r from hestrt diseiuc? Il com en h(j fii-ldeiily, and j tn nymptomb uro UMiiaiiy mi duiiii.'Hi-ni^ that tnn diri'ci iiffony in experienced by the patient. T.ho ( une of Mr. It. W, Lmw, or Toronto June lion, Out. who \uot unable to lie down in led for eighteen miiutliH owtn^ tosrno'ber- iuU iipelln and piilpitatiou, ih by no ineaiis excdptional Who would hitvo though tho (iilho could be eui'i-d, and yet, one bottle of Dr. Anow'[i Cure for tho heart removed trouhlo in ihiiieunti. It giveH uueh npoetly rohef, that even from the nymptoinu are hit-ti danuerous, if oue;lit at onci to bo taken un u means of driving thin terrible dioeaiio from the syHtein. Bold by t(. Thome, ,'1'Iik SelnotU at I'm 1-, For timaller chlhlron thoro aro wtiat uro called 'maternal nchoohi. These are ilkr? our kluder[;artonij. _A.j.|*-'iidii,iico 1_ not compulsory. Dili It fre". J^roru ro.imo if, co,ono little puplln attend thofio. The ah nipt truiudtlori from the ton- le|- icublaneo of the teachera of tho. j'ai.ii-rnal i.elioola in lirldg'ed over by ;h'- Infantile iichonln. Tlieno are tot lliuid, cemdtlvc or liji(dtv/nrd. eh lid rem from (1 to S yearn old,. Ono biimlred ami fifty physician* visit all of the nohoolii regularly arul fi qiieutly. Tiny n-port on sanitary "'iiidltloiifi, em. m of contagloiifi dl*- is*:', and chlhben who ii"ed medical at ten i lance. M- ehooI dlnpeiiB- ai-:i.-:i and i^'hn-)! batlm have recently been eslnbliih'Ml. Children whose pa ri-ntu are awTty from home-at v/ork nM di.y are cared for till night and th.'.i rifely delivered Id the]]- hone :. A waiiu noon im.-al Is provided for, thor'e |,oor children v. ho would' ot her- ".'i: e -b;ive lit lh- or iiMlru;, t /-at dur- i; ;; a. ;.ehool d,,:,'. '.Tie- cliddrf.'ii ol' tho hotter class, who are able to pay, aro ehai get I in centime:' it.v.o A merlcati I'-nt.ij il nu'-iil. A unif-aia tlcl;et nyrt- t.etu Is used so that the children foil y,v;\ tultously ca tumi be-' distinguished i'rom tluiso who pay. Shoe;- and clot hi n;v ar-r glvi-n' to tho children who n>- d tin -in and all aro decently a nd eon.i .- eluthed. JOv- ery.year theh e;;y oonneil votes a largo sum of mnney to be used for nehool vacation trios. f: HuNultulToll tlic Stk-y. A vaiit mtuiH of direct, unimpoaohablo toHtim ony proven hoyoud any pcHoibility of doubt that rioud'n Suruaparillu actually doon perfectly and pormnnontly euro dis- ohhoh cauoert hy inpuro blood. ttN record of curoo ia uncquiilod and thoo ouron havo oftou Keen accomplinhod after all other preparation!! had failed. Gem and Canadian Aeraiotor Steel Windmills was loss vey of the ruinu could be made, It estimated, that the aggregate ....... would be between $150,00)1 and f^OO.nDO. Gordon & Keith suffered far more than all the others combined. Their stock A-oas insured for-?'o,0(J0 and the build- lug's for $110,000. They plaei- their lof at about ?Uti,000 over the total Insur ance, which was all In FngM.sh and American companies, .e.wi.-pt Sanco in the Quebe<:. Then: was SUO.uOO in the Noi-wleh Union, $-.'n,0(iii in the Phoenix and $7000 In the North Aimi-hun Corn* puny of rhlladolphla. Mrs. O'Connor, milliner, carried J7U00 Insurance, which Is much more than Tier loss,'" Donald Keith, one of the foundeis of the firm of Gordon & Keith, received the n -ws of the lire while mi tho train from Halifax for Montreal, having left here yesterday afternoon. The stat' rnont of detailed losses and irnnirance Is not yet obtainable. Are ac*cnowledged LEADEES eit- or as Power or Pumping Windmills, Eor prices and termSj address jl\ HjA-LFORIJ Eeaex, * Ontario. Agent for Essex County. LEADING tho trade in ill kini-a or Building Material, Woodwork for houses, (plain and ornamental), Earn Lumber, Shingles of nil grades, Doors, Sash, Chestnut Coal. an' !:\['iti;-iS coiiimwh i.iti:ai.MV. iriait: j<m:u.i;i ii.cjt's uiii,. it \5V-. ft." it-'- .iiu uuiiiir.ar-* tstoi-om: r;:ir. J*l* t;t-v Ii'f-.Hli!fiU Uiih .\<it llfi-iliitul Mr. <-;-.;: mlifr-loi u'i In Vi(;iinni. I or don. Vf\i. -0. The Ohseiver any- ,;at w.e Colonial otlloe bus receiveu u .'L'pLU's. ...-.-. it.*' 'i i'i*n.s\ i:..il regaid'- '"' 't i.thMit h.ui^er's visit to Ia>u- ' \ . ..e pap r lurther i-tatea th..- ,' t,'.|ll(|,u oi ;he denpaten will m-, '."i. : de pUUlic i..> thii pretent, but i -vri.in timt i'ruitnuit KruKtr luui not "mc.1 Colonial bucietaiy Clxanihat- \i ' i..\\taii..n to vijct lytrndon. Will UkHy |jis Willi Aiiieailnnnd liiu<rtt)i| an a <'oinj>r<tnilt:. Ottawa, Feb. 27. Ontario la rsumen are greatly Interested In the bill to incorporate the- Canadian Joc- lwiy Club, which will be up In commit tee to-morrow. A large deputation, re- preaentlne; Quebec and Ontario sport ing intc-rCEta la here to promote the intasure, which will, amonjf other things, legalize betUng.on race tracks throughout the Dominion. Among thche here are John Davles of Wind sor, William Hendrle sr., of London, William Hendrle, jr., of Hamilton, llobcrt Daviea of Toronto, Dr. Sinclair of Chathnjn'and Adam Beck of Tjori- don. There* la opposition to the scheme from the town of Windsor, where a race track was established last aumr mer, bringing hundreds ot American b:codH across the rlvor from Detroit, Hoi. 'White, ex-M.L.A., hn been sent to opposo the passage of the Mil. With a view to harmonize the dif ferent Intoreth likely to be affected, Mr. Sol White and the mippm-te-rH. of ' the bill had an Interview v-dth Mr. Dickey this afternoon. Certain vi_mrinl- -mt-nts were agreed upon, of a l-errnia- slvc chanviter, by which tho .virovl- Blona of the bill will only apply, tn thoso associations...which boeoniQ nf- flliated with tin* Jock&y Club. Tho bill now Mto-ndH a goo4 Ehow oif pofin- Ing the committee. / 4iiloririri)i<-<l liy llurutnrA. lUifffllo. Keb, 27. IlurglttrH* entcrotl t:1)" houso of Ileary Kteltnor at tVJIl Curie!!* mns't iiouh- time Monihiy ulirht ,or early Tnemhiy moriihig, and aftor chloroformhiu H,v. inmiitoH, fiirrlod uwny $1K0 euuh n ii) ill.imoi.dn lo Iho ru\uu or$'i."0, Tliom uu olilf to tliif th!oven. Vu>t*-t}rii:*r l"i' I.Hir- Mr-, Hunt. Montreal. l-\tb. 27 Sir WllliaTn and la-dy VmriTTorne will tvocompiiny An lliler* ^lln- ns. n, r... Ihe Supreme Court vr it MIhkIhu lloiny I'ih-i,,ii:<'. Ottawa, Feb. -29. The argument In JelTrey v. Wllkle before the Kupivme Court was concluded to-day and Judg ment reserved. The case- of the Northern J'-aclUc Ex- press Company v. Martin wtia next taken up, being an appeal from a de cision1 of the Court of Queen's Hencli In Munltoba, In an action for the lo.*s of a pnt'kage containing :pj00 t:ent hy MesKi-.s. Martin &. Mitchell, grain mal- epH at Winnipeg, to Lhelr buy,:r at Wawanesa. Tlie package npp-.-ars to have arrived nafely at Wawanoaa on a Saturday evening, and Uie e*'lder:ct.- ia In effect that, aH the con^ign-re was signing tho 1'ecelpt book, th-; ejtpn.i.'S comjiaiiy'fl agent laid the package on a tublo near him. The consignee doc a not appear to have either teen <r tak en the package away with liim, but called again for It on the following Monday morning, when the agent of the cxpretH com- .pt'ny claimed to. have made the dolivery at the time the receipt 'was signed. Upon a e.irefuj search the paclcuge could not be 1'ounJ, and It with concluded that the pac 11ge nad been .stolen by a couple a' tra.mps who Jiad been seen lurking about tin- station on the Saturday evening. The Court of Appeal in Manitoba aMlrmod tho judg ment given by Mr.Jius;lcG l-'tuii ..^uiiiHt tdie express company, and that <.eiu- j>any now seeks-to have both judn- mcntH rovcrBod. ..Mr. D'Alton MeCnithy, Q <:., appears for th'* 'appellants and :\lr. J. ri. Jiiwari, Q.C.i' for the renpondontN. The argu ment waH not concluded when thu court roue for the day._______^^ IttnliiteyiT mill ItlioiW'u un' ^ut. Cape Town, March 1. A. letter" writ ten by J. Hofnieyer, the leader of the Afrikander party, Ifl publiHhed hem, announcing that it will be imponnlhlo for him to heneefprth co-operate with Cecil Hliodey, iih he hi convinced, that Mr. RhoUfH knew of tlu*. Hrltltsh South Africa Cnmpany'H Intended raid Into the Tranuvnul, an dnuule no attompt , to prevent li, |(rin*-*ll(i) **IU Noi I'mtiilnr In I'l'-bn* <' , Halifax, Fob, 20. Tho Echo thla even- Intf BtiiteB 'that In the ,evnt of John A. Stalr('M.Pkr not bolng a candldatu In Halifax at tho next election, for'th* CommonsPther'lfl likelihood of Sir Hlb- bort Tupper Being nominated as run- WINDMILLS "Vio lire Solo AfiontH in tho County for Of Chiatgo, which took Hifihenfc Awardii ab the World' Fuir. Can furnish either Pumping or Power Outfits at lowest pricea. A written fiuuruntoo with every Ontflt,| Laing Bros. 9 J^GOlTRLAir7st SONS, ESSEX, ONt THE TBI0MPH CORN.EHELLEB IMiim Maohino conaista of it horizcEtal caB.t cylinder, with "wrought iron, bKB, witli Hicol tooth ho'tod to tho c>l- Jtlcr bo a to bo rovbreiblo when lb* :; ;i tooth hocomo worn on tho front nido, /unnii'g in a perforated concave iron Ia tlipll, which tho tihollod corn paaeoa through into a sheet iron cuse; with , "" an or clnpnor attached bolow, which takca ail'tbo duet Uota iho grain: T?U* ihottpoet- boi-t, snoet simple ai d durnblo Povor Coin holler in use; BbelU- ::vl lorn porjeetly bloan ih any co diticn $* housand bnahole of para per day /according to" power. , , v; v^i DiMKHBxoMfl.-^r-Depth, 2 fti'4 in,; Length", 5 ft. 8 in;; Pulley,. 10 in. diaiif^j iter, fi in. face; Motion, BOO to BOO revolutiona per minute; Weipljt, 6d^lb.M ' , : ,..',"it'l:^ -"'w ' 6 77 00945670

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