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Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), February 14, 1896, p. 7

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^mv? #.^: I OF <>4*AIA. Uir<h*r* of liMvrci, Feb. 10. Irobro eloctrlc railway. [he ne^-t Ayr in completed. rnvnl waterworks will coat to have n.j county. vacant houflo la URht In tho Wood- ._ Oro was burned to ._ *1poIlco of Napimoo //Im, Baptist minister. ltfity brigade has had but * Sjlonthfl< 9s rjcdl, of tho hotel at Mo-n- |H do.'ld. con t rn otnr, Nowcaatlc, in the Htroot. iiLntio, Ga.lt, woh recently loy and jowidry. men want 520,000 to build [me for Aired and Infirm. >unty Council ban adopted ps Fjmtom op 1 nil traiiHfor file Cobor or HoHpoler, Ont, MaoCi repfor, Man,, to roiddo, Cochra.no haa hacn ro-oloct- in-n of Bninu'ord Free Library t it***, j&E>^3*C:x, DADO OF PHOTOGRAPHS. Wfty* to MaIca tho Moitof Your/ Collrotlon ufHmull I'rliiU. Picture framing la alwayd oxponslvo. Olio frame IS not nuon an Item, but whon It oomen to a dozori nhntog/-iiphH, wntor oolorfl or ongrnvliiRf^ o*'B st'*nila aghast at the totnl mat In hi any hew Iiouhob train on go In with tho rent, no to upoak. '*" In rooms whloh uro wnlnaootod, lniigthn of gluHs lire plococl-no that tho uppnr mold ing fomia tho doho ot tho friuuo nud uu- othor molding 1i placed at th top to hold tho glitHH, How dimr to tho hoarfc uro tho hundred phntflumplitl oollootod nhrondl What mora nalnuluLod to p;lVo oong'jinb Joy thnn tlwnn "nil In n row" uroutil tho library or ovor a bonkwbolf In ouu'h own iltmV Thcwft may. bn Hllppml bohlud tho uhiHH, iiu thn mold lit jf hi cmul- ly romovod, and tlniH a dado in inado for all to artmiro, If a mtparatlon In dowlrod a narrow molding to matoh In oiwlly ob tainable. A lltm hand with a punknlfo mid a fow fcaokw only aro noodod, and rt room In tranHfarnuid. Another way 1(4 ono molding plnood half way hotwuon l\nor and onlllng, with tho photO(.jt'aphn wot upon It, and a loutf ribbon hi tlio to no of tho room In Htrofcoh- od nbovo and boldn thorn In placn, A nhnrmlng oft'ocfc In obtahuid In form- inn; a baokjjrouiid of volvut, ItfJ own width, and tmjuu\\nu plotm-on, Hlmply framod in paWparboiit, upon lb, with !nrj?o himdoil bi/'UHH taoUn. In a young tulrl'H room,rooontly "done" by a woll knnfwn doonrator, thu only onlo* Wan y'ollow. I A fow lino onp:ravln;?H woro frainod In wljlto and ^old, but- tho wlrcn by whloh tho/y woro mispondoil wcro oovor* h, trt$il with ynlliJw ribbons and thohookH wore jTod a pdddim by njhutf** roKotto. died of bli -------4------------------- ------------ HE (LOVED HIS HORSE. -claf'H tcnehcr hi allowed' i the nraofbrld'^e and |lunl(t***l"Rryi.VUi!tor rnyulty on Hi Tart Oolfl. / "faStuhU' liny, "irwIn of WoBton Imn been npVou wouldn't bolluvo," oaiil a horne Hlh School TiuhUo for 'I'o'ir thtJ othor nlRhl. at Inylonldo, "linw lioil l\ Ktahlo boy UHiially bi'conuis ro n r- u wfliloh la hl own partiouiar obar{j;o. for- dntir a harrow over Iti thuu makliur them safo '111bun I.*rvwo hnn boon .pofitor of Rt. PauVu |:lalr of OfipInKo pit Its forehead ,'ap'1 Icy for ln- inotlon. lo Gebo, yard'JUiin f>t a i tel. ban fallen holr to a 'Genv.imy. Normnn of Ih-b-^ravt rn H >t /a fairly wood ool.t In my Htrlnir, rn' lad who rub:t him llilnkn moro tv/ilti than of anything on thu fauo artli.' Thoro'n novor a hair In bl r tall In tho wrony p'aoo, and thn \ butlor attontlon than nino out of ildrt'ii, Tho hoy thlntcH iblmpouKlhlo jlior horrtos to boot the colt, nnd ho ran Hooond oncn ho rworo tho / pullnd him. Ho uottially hollo von If Halvator wiro running now my a Holllnpf has loViitod rhlcf'ronatahli' of Wlnjy- ,t of Kcvoiv applicants pejC lOiih.bltlnn Association ( City Oounrdl for a loan, of R. . 'il'l'in McClll of ^t'U-rlH Town- proi:d f't rr-Hhlent and leading nan of Oi d'rtrlnt. Is dead. r. fj. Smu ii:" '|lt^ ^;rnCo!C,vould mako 1dm look Ilka ) b 'como pantor ol iNorionc lolhndiHt Cluirrl).. OiK-lph. 3V' ; -n-irlc Cminty Bonrd oC KicV Rl'ort time nKo tho lad had n conplo ""will not grant nt-^tTuTnTefTtMot^H-wuHOH-pald over to him, and afl enoiiirh tearlitjni are"a"alHlen m ho goc tho lnoriny bo asknd pr- ido< a religious e<it walMon to (ro down to tho city. Whon ho until "moved," nnd then tfcn bank lie brought with him a brand- a dance until they are o> linntiy for.tho colt. Ic had oot him st of bin two weokH* wngon, bub ho namod Homh Clnrlc of Pict'j tho old ono' waa gottlnR a llttlo bit ovo hurt while plnylnff bock(ty( Mu\ ho wnntc'id to liuvo tho oolfc la feared tho oye will have od 0|lt r|p,|ltiii vod,____________________ J. Cannon,formerly(Of Guel)wl)k>h K|n([ o(.u a.11rtbl|tHl Arfl You? n appointed head tmIner ^ R(.Iir);u, misImnd wIl(J( lUir. ^J^^lc ^m at M\ tho past four moiitmi, hiw not ur^od ' 'T d irul S" "or BerliniD5* VP"'0 t0'0ftrn *"'" r'(' !l whool. Thero n^tniJ^'afow dn'yH apo and soavuoly a luiHbnnd of tho lot who doofl half of her scalp torn off. ")t noiv rcgroc that ho ho urgoil her. Ho may recover. lH found that it han addud to his norvoiiR vmnor of Bolfmintoln hadnp-'ilnnent in tho ratio of about fifty 'olvcv he killed them, cu'r oonfc, and In addition thuroto ho linn and 'nooured $12 froraautfht tlio "hiifibimd nook," This 'traiiRo mn'aily 1h oansod by tho oonutaiit rnninir of tho nook, fjfonoraily to tho loft o don If tho wlfo of ono'fl bosom Is aafo. Kvon aftnr tho husband hap found that! JilH wlfo haw rtially booomo a Hklllod rldor tho habit roniains, lio can no mora help turning biH head at tdiort intorvals than ho can hold imapinltiK that all a or to of dlro dlnastora aro bofalllng; bor. And fc'acro flooniH to bo no euro for thlfl. Tho natural ono to HiiKf/ost would bo that a mnn'ft wife Hbould rldo nhrmd of him. I3ut no man, as yet, could possibly oon- Hnnt to thlrf, both because it 1h IiIh naturo to load, and ntun hooauso ho would thus oxposo his wlfo to tho dangors of tho road nnd niilo path, whloh ho mlghliivorfc by btilnt; In tlio load. An yod tho dineaRo ban only attacked tho.io who aro really fond of thulr wlvos. To what oxtont It will spread Is, of course, dopondont upon tho numborof suoh huHbandn. Uroulclyn Llfo. Iirn lunty .Trcnaurcr, "named Morgan K ly cut In a fall at Guolpl 'mills on Friday. He will be \\ for some time. lie explns'on of a threnhinp; fat Kmerson, Manitoba, F. W. ran w.-ih hnHcJ with a portion of |>rk throuph the wall of a barn. Franchise hna been given to the dlle Kli-eirle Company to con- and ojicrat, electrle railways m Belleville ajid. outlying vil- |e two \\'.ifi(ltotk ladloa who were Jumontal in convictinjr Herbert fcock, Wo'jd^iork'H .Tank the Huk- weix- vuted a mvnrd of $50 by the lCil. fawloKs aro polne into WInjrham In Jat quantlib-.^. F;,rme s an- hauling i;m as much ;ts Ji'i miles In some In- Itnces. Thf-y ai\- Belllnjr a:t $12 per m^aml. (eneral Miinairer Hays of the Grand ink has transferred the guarantee llness of th- tympany from the j-rantec Company of British North prlca to a United Staten Co. few weeks ago Lottie Ebb Off o of lm feJl and broke h'-T collar bone, bad almost iveovcrerl, when on iy sh- f, || frcm a hand slelirh Ithe bon>- u-ar; apain broken. Pt-ter's. f'.P.H telegraph operator Itlgary N'.W.t., foil and broke bin and whili- lie waa away at* the |r's g.-titiL' IiIh urm set hia house Inn ten in u.-:',. destroyed by Are. . larrnei'.. t.-ain ran away on the I'bin road i c;u* Tendon Friday r-'rii!<!i.d with a cutter, the ce lt of which, .lames Laidlaw, waa ' broken leg [badly cut fa".-. mieS nri.^u, father of Mr. M. hi'.cw. riistiiet liapeenger aeront'of |T.lt.. T.-ronio, died last Wed- In North Ininifrlofl TownahlPf Th- ivas iorn at Pentland, i'lb- Pcitland. '& Butlif-rbind. noting for SI- JnRfT,. the defeated candidate pyornlty . on test In Amhemt- Ire taldntr action to unseat l^t Mull-n, Lack of (umllfl- the Kronml. I'ohlhltionlstrt of South Wator- Rskod Mr. j Robert Crnhston Dumfries to run an a Prohl- In the m-xf election. If bo ftrcrtpf Mr xr. S. Shantx of [vlli be the candidate. John Sun Ih Jubilant over J^hat a lar^* amount of west- l"t is arriving at that port pient, acroaH-thG Atlantic. je lot are ^ 000 saclcs of Am-. |m\ Vntir utcamahlps wero J-st Week, [elly of proton Township le ^iy from a loft of bis a liJ-'litfd lantern on the |?n lioad r,f cattle and a lot y straw w 0ro' tlostroyed.but |i*h and n heavy rainstorm to nave ho bam. Jo-mcB : tcGomb of Mono W(w bain ng wood into a nniali. cV dgb. He ot on R'Bh to r inch a rope which I'g from ho rn.ft.erB. The I,(ioltlni; Top Coni^tH, Tho appoaranoo of a now cornet In tho okioB livnt month attracted a good doal of attontlon from naSronomorft, Tho fact la thAD juflt nt preHont. wo are very badly In want of a groat comet, Shicu thn magnifi cent nppfiritlon whloh bonrn tho namo of Don'ar.1 In 1858, astronomers luivo rovo- lutlonlzod thn prnotleal mothodn of tholr soionoo. Photographic prnccHHon then undreamt of aro now tho fainlllur auxlli- arloH to tho observatory. The devolop- n.ont of tho fipootrupuopo alno, In Its ap planation to tho dinoovory of the material ooJiHtltuonts of tho hoavonly bodies Is of a growth mibaoquent to thu autumn of I So 8, Thoro can bo *no doubt that tho noxc groat comet whieh does vouehwifo Hh primonoo In our hIcIob will bu meolvod with n wolonmo' which has novor bofora. boon aocovdod to nnycoloKt.lal objoot what- ovor.-^-.Slr Robert S. Hall, in London <3raphlo. noo.se 0i led under j-anH- 01 VI, "n-nirw, tner, wl ] (cc camp |o new |<ay for F.,..eoa| further the , end; the IiIh feet. bH bead irough the nooe in BlKht c>f hh: ftavo the alarm, loo late.-* ' |tlit<lroii rderfi hav*. ..i-c:i flying- flanndrom |t,IIoad; .to in*a- icrehavon, I.ti*n- at Ireland, and I*rs. Mori' 1* NeiM'HMarj*. It baa boon sold that men hnvo got to bo loved into the kingdom, nub thought Into It; but this down not Ktafii tho wbolo truth. Tboy must bo both "loved" and "thought Into It" \ yna, more, must bo brought into '.* Andrew waa not con- tont with olthor loving or thinking about his brother, but conducted Peter to Jonuh. Tlio aporftlos had lovo and thought for pinnoiM, but roatod not until tboy had done thulr utmost;1 to bring thorn into navlnt! connuction with Him who alono can save. Mind, heart and effort must bo uultodly tmUsted iu hu man rodoinption. Tin? Spider Trw, JDr. Wolwltsoh, who hna rocontly Dxplpr- iwl tlio country about Capo Negro, in .Afrlon, tolls of a ourloiiB plant called tho spldor trco, it grow.y on windy plaina, ita atom attaining adlnmotor of four foot, although It dooii nob excood ono foot In height. It puts out two loavon, ouoh six ox eight foot hi length, and thVrfO are Hpllt by tho whining of tho wind into a num ber of fltlflf, rinrrow rlbbonn, hearing no llttlo roflombianco to tho lognof n'glgantlo spldor. TIi 1 h rcHomblnnoo hoobmen atarK- llug whon n strong; br*wi7.o puts tho log- HUo ionvcfl into rapid motion, ond tho negroes nlilvorlngly oxolnlm thnt tho groat Bpldor Is struggling to got Ioqho, ClaB* In OompoBltlon. Tddohor Now, children, I will glvo you throw wonlw and I want you to oomposa ti Hohteiioo which will InPludo nil tliruo wordw. SmitU Boy -^1 bavo It. Toaohor .tohn ,'MoQwtby, you m'niy glvo u^ y^ur eontooo. John MoCftrthy Roys been baro wh!h'thy a<x* In wlmulb'." THE GIB. SHAKE OP Mr. Walnwrlfthfs Position Has Bo&n Abollslv-d. HANACER HAYS TAKES A TRIP WEST Will lliti tUmaut <:nnrnl >lnlintir Uv knaln Will, (ho <'nipnny7-><r WullU/ >ll*flhnnlrul Mut>erlii(ii(lrh( In to kZrllfr, Notwttliutamlllig tho IlktinlnlM Xiiil^. Montreal, IWb. 7. 'Hie Ornnd Ti'Uidc Hallway will soon be turned upside down. Tho po. ltlon of nstlnlant gen* oral inanaivrr, no long occupied by Mi*. William \Va!nwrlght, lmn been abol- hdied. Th-- frlcmhi of ili:it po-jular ofllcial will be gl;id to' learn, however, thai he ha:' been invited by Air. Ilayn, th,.. fv 'iici-jil nuin.'i'jei', to eont iinio In the Mi.Tviee of the company he ban s-o Ionj; and do faitbrully jiervi'd. 'J'he of- Ilelnl notice stales that Mr. Waln- wrlgh't'n future position will soon be uVllned to thjiL ueiitlenuiu'ii .satltifuo- lion, although muni; think thir cx-ay- fdHtant genera.1 miinagor will accept the position tenib-: od him t-otno time tdnce In JN'cw York in connection with the Freight Id turn Association. It bs qulti. likely that Mr. ilayn realizes that if any legislation were required In the lnterer.ts of t h.' f I rand Trunk, clthej* at Qui bee o: Ottawa, noil" of the riew men ("inlil ivndor anythln;; like as "tind siM"vi"( iik Mi*.Waliiwrlght. Allhou^h the MliL-imnt in; y onre mure be il.-.n[eil, It Is a i>":dllve fact that Mr. ^ValllH im chanieal supeiln-. i:ite]ii!iit will jiuiiu retire, as well as ;*!.. Williams-, l'<>r many years cor|- iiecicd with .Mr. Walnwrlght'H olllee. Till:- M)o/i:li:^ iMr, Ilayn and Mr. Mc- Ciul;;:;i- b-Ct on the general manager's private car Vie roy, !'u ra tour of ln~ .i'l'H*ction up weft, and will probaldy go as far as Dr trolt. Mr. IIay.*i took the oo;l1 t"ndei'H with him and will wire back bis decision to-night or to morrow moriilnf'. fiter. "All b els rejected," Was the despatch i-r-nt b.Lrk hy (b-OfPal M'ana.- ger .11 uys this evening to the coal owner.s, and com-euuently tin; latter left In droves to tlv-lr respective homes by the night trains. H Is, of course, not known when the (irand Trunk coal matter will be again taken .up, but it Is surmised that Mc Hays was under the Impression that, they had made a combine In the way of prices. NKVrHI'AriCUH AND I ill: MAILS. Uecomiktehtliidfmu rrom ilm I'auaillmi I'reuM .iKHorintlon - Toronto, Feb. 8. Tho Canadian I'i ess AssociaLTon con cluded Ita convention In the city yes terday afternoon. Mr. 11. Holmes, Clinton, was elected second vice-preddent, the 11.-1 of otll- cers for the enduing year thus being completed. The most important discussion of the 11 mil (icssion occurred over th: abuso by fake sheets of the mull pri vileges accorded bona Jlde journal:5. In this connection Mr. J. Ii. Maeb-ao of The Canadian Grocer stated that he had learned from the deputy pu.->t- master-general that the day wa.-. inn far distant when newspapers would pay postage. Finally -the association decided t<- recommend to the 11 oven uncut) thai every neuapaper sbouhl be requited t be rejjhitered, JuHt as they are In CJieot Britain arid the United States; that n- paper shall be entitled to icgi tintioii as a newspaper that Is sup]" e I L"o>- to its readers dite tly or )ndlieetly,and that papei's commencing pubiieat.on after a certain date shall pay a nomi nal rate per pound for a year. Then. If it Is found to be a legitimate paj.cj;- the amount shall be refunded, Mc-shi'h. It. W. Shannon, C. W. Young and J. Ii. Maclean were appointed u committee to wait upon the Govern ment with this resolution Jn a paper on "The Press and tlell- fflouB and Charitable Instltntlona,'* Mr. Dan McGiTHcuddy npokc of tlie f^ood Work done by the newspapers of Gode- rlch In connection with churches and kindred institutions. "Tlu: Press and Politics" was the title of an interesting address by Mr. Joe. T. Clark ("Muck" of Saturday Night), Mr. Clark held thnt every newspaper should have a conscience, and contrasted the reliable English editorials with the trashy ones read in tho.American pies-i. Mr, Clark nrgued that. an editor should,, curry more Weight and wield a greater Influence than a member of Parliament, a judgo or a minister. Mr. J. S. Jirlerley road a paper on "An Eight-page Paper In a Pour-page To why' which bad been written by C. A. Abraham, and ,T. L. Maokay one on "The Circulation Canvasser." NEtlltH.l.i 4 A.Vll, of Will Con an ImiiiciiMfl Amount Mllll4'.1. Wnnhlngton, Feb. 7. Tho Prenldcnt to day tmiiHinitteU io the Uouho the report of the Special Commiss on to lntjpect mid re port on tlio route of tin; Nleiirngimii Gannl. riiu report of tin* Cmial llniird InehuU's an estlrnnte of the eont of the cmistruction of tin? canal, which tliey phico on the low level lino at ?I.*i:f,-i71i,8S)fl. The eompnny'K cat hna ten are nhowu to be on the lew level lino $50,803,0(10. Tho board thbiltn the ex pense of coTiRtrnc-iliig the canal will bo ubout twice Hie nniount tliat would bo re quired to build h similar waterway hi the Ualtcil Stateft, owing to the advei-He cli matic conditions', the Ineffective manual la bor nnd tho fact that the machinery can not he lined Again' after tho canal him been llnltdicu. htX MUX IVI'.KK BUIJii:E, tty the Falling or thn liullivny nil<lg N*r tCftrtrr<l ITartfonl, Feb. 7. It Is now ntnted tlmt only six men were killed la last 'nlght'u bridge dlpiifltor, Hevorul of thowo rnpnrlcd mlsHiiig having been rescued. The revlaeil lint of tho (lend followa: Daniel .7. O'ltrlnn of Hartford, Jnmen Mnck of Now llrllaln, Ohnrleu CoHtello of Hartford, Mnrtln Curry of Now Britain, Nleolo Ttlcel of lOaat Hurt- ford nnd PntrlckMcCartliy of New Hrltaln. Workmen (fot the now Iron bridge Into po- nltlon thla afternoon, and trulha nro now ruuniiiff tojfularly. Loboii scored a groat victory over tho crnck Imported illly Kuntn Uollu at 'Frlnco on Thurttdiiy. At. a to 1 the Iron , horsu vunlly bout tlio 7 to 5 favorite,. Lnjdin, tho Ironlioriw, him it wonderful record for tho pant year. From March 1H, 1805, up to February I ho flturtod In 7-i raceit. Of tliouo ho won i!K. woh aoeond 17 tlmcH. third 0 tlmoH mid unplucml l;i thn. Jnt think of n hoiHo only 1io|iik (Jutwlde tho monoy lit tlmeu In T4 aturtol Kid bnvlKno.U'ho in uuxIouh to bo known tm tlio elumiplon hht-wetglit pugll t, had a Jlglit with u rdporUir In n a dooii n fow diiyH ago, and cume off Boeoml bent In tho oncountor. Irfivlpiu lnnUod tho nowBMflpor wan nttd * nttomptod to 'irtrlko. II wn knouked dowu for IiIh troublc-nnd wnnhl. huvn hoen thrashed H IrlendM had not Interfered,, . ' v M.4JtK BCBNB r-AIWLE3W. Dltoovery thata Solution of Plarla Aitfd Will VlfiBo a Frc.U Woantl and Heal It, Too. Tho HuffuriiifC caused by a burn upon UujhUIu, wbotlior Mmall- or-groats i-in- tonno, us uvory ouo knows, and medical ticioncohaH only boon able, thus' far, to pall.iato but not to romovo tho piiln entirely. Chaitco led to thn dificovtuy In tho XkaviH Charity TtuHpital tho otbor day of a remedy, which, it iaobiimed, will caiuhq buvnM to eoauo from hoinp; painful us soon as It In applied, and which,will cause tho injured flesh to hen! with marvellous rapidity. Ono of tho HiirgeonH \Vas in tho habit of uuing picric acid at*.an antiseptic, lunlhin hands wero thoroforn impretr- nnted with the solution. One day, in lighting a cigarette, a porbion. of tlio burning match fell upon his hand, but instead of feeling it ho noticed not tlio slightest pain. A short time fiftur- wurds, while sealing a letter, sumo burning wax stuck to bis linger, niii] thotip;h it (liiuUw'v/.tHl thu skin, lie felt no sensation. This sot him l.o. tliinkin^, and lie arrived at tho conclusion that thn acid hail, to usn his own words, "acted upon tho tissues and tijjhtoncd them." Ho began a Herins of experiments in treat hi burns with a saturated solu tion of picric acid. "All pain was in stantly suppressed," he says in his re port, "after having bathed, tlio wound in a solution of this acid. Blisters did not, form, and a cure was effected after four or five days, Tlio only inconvoni- onco was that tho acid, which is coin- merciully usi*tl in tho manufacture ol dyes, colored the skin yellow, but tlu'so stains rapidly disappeared when wash ed with boric acid. Picric acid, morn- over, is odorlcsa, and in neither caustlo, irritating nor toxic itr its effects. Thn cheapness of picric acid and tho easo with which a proper solution of it may bo prepared and knpt ready have induced many of tho large mnnufac- tories about Paris, whoso workmen am frequently burned at their labors, to placo jars about, within easy reach, so that, those: injured may bn treated with an little delay as possible Tho Otlior Side of the IMutuvo. Tho great English historian, Sharon Turner, a man of vast learning and of groat accuracy, not a clortryman, but an attorney, as well as a historian, gives those statistics in regard to Christianity and in regard to the num ber of Christians in the different coun tries : In tho first century, 500,000 Christians ; in tho second century, '2,- 000,000 Christians'; in tho fourth cen tury, 10,000,000 Christians; in tli sixth century, 20,000,000'Christians ; in the eighth century, 30,000,000 Christiana; in tho tenth century, 50,000,000 Chriwt- ianH ; in tho twelfth century, 80,000,000 Christians; in tho fourtoenth century, 100,000,000 Christians ; in tho sixteenth century, 125,000,000 Christians ; in the eighteenth century, 200,000,000 Christ ians ; while by the ubutil computation it is hoped there will be, whon tho re cord of tho nineteenth century ii made up, at least 300,000,000 Christiana. Poor Christianity ! what a pity it has no friends ! How lonesome it must bo I Who will take it out of the poorhouso ? Poor Christianity! Three hundred million in one century ! In a fow weeks of the year 1881, 2,500,000 coploa of thu New Testament were distribut ed! Why. tho earth is like an old castle with _tweuty-f?atff-and-a park of artillery ready to thunder down every gate. Lay asido all Christendom, and hoc how heathendom is being surround ed and honey-combed and attacked by thiri idl eonnueriiie; gospel. Talmaga, TboRo Good Old Honda. It appears from tho following from a correspondent, tho "good old Ilpman roads" are pretty much like tho "enor mous pippins" so many old people bundled "when they were young." Ho rtoys, "At ]mgo 187 it is stated that travelers tell us that tho old Roman roads aro far superior to tho modern road, If tboy say so, they do not tell tho truth, in going to tho top of Vesuvius, tho usual routo is from Ro- yina by a route path several miles to tlie foot of tho cone, On tho way you go for fjovorui hundred yards over a part of the Appia via, ono of tho longest of tho'old Roman roads. It ia not, and never was, a good road. It is about 15 feet wide, paved with blocks of trap rack of irregular size and sluipe, vary ing in diameter from li inches to 2 feet. Trap is a very hard volcanic stono wearing smooth by uso. The road ia perfectly preserved and is as good for" travel as it ever was. Tho stones aro polished by the ancient traflio, and aro very slippery and unsafe Thoro ia no ditch on either side of tho. road. No good road ia poasiblo without p;ood drainage ditches at tho side." Eiiibriiolng an Opportunity. \Vifb Vto husband, an insurance agent) Why, Jack, what kept you bo late? It is after midnight. Husband Business, my dear. Wife Business at this timo of night? Husband Yes, my dear. A couplo or footpads stood mo up on tho corner, and I insured their lives- for five thous and, apiece Wave. On tlio Avonuo. . Hill So Miss Beauty is to mrtrry old Moiioyroic, ohV Horton ho waa won by a nock. Hill How so? Horton They aay it*s the finest ono in tho wholo, purticrro row at tho Grand Opera, and juat the thing to banc his diamonds on. Louisville Truth. No Further Need* * A man who has kept account of the numborof kisaos oxchanffed with his wifoainco their union conHcnts to'ifc* publication, as follows;, Pirst yeay; Bilu.GOO; second *yoar, 10,000; third year, 8,660; fourth; year, 120; flftft year, 2.' Ho then lyft off keeping th vecord. '.:' ".' TRY IT. THE Free JrT?GSS From now until 1897 for only $1.00, . to newSsubscrib'ers. SUBSCRIBE NOW. If vpu wish to keep posted, now is your chance. Send in your dollar to the Free Press, which gives all therloeal news, .and news foreign* The!Free Press is clean and neat ly printed, and is one of the leading papers of the county of Essex As this chance holds good only for a short time, you should not fail to take advantage of it at once. Address all orders to EL Of- EAO^SfoACH EDITOR AND PROPRIETOU, Ehsox, Ond, W* hv) v ir* ': IT*" **-*-*-* KttlWfssis.firft& i S-;; ,t u^>n 'c U^i&ii-u*-it&iH&* iS LATER EXCESSES IN MANHOOD MAKE NERVOUS, DISEASED MEN K ft KfHEfiESUl i'Wi:ijtpiw*-.r, oSihoi [7-j'U inn bionfti-.:i el' iniiylumft, whilootliorii 111 ^dnn'iaiiriiuilj HxiM^iicc. Otliem rencb matri W /idl mis i vii i'Tin<1 in nil hi.vtionn of! libc-T i-m iu tr.i'lLii ana t bo pvoffjwkmn,------- > iin*m:ico and folly in youth, ovnrowrtmn of mind and body indaoJUf od by hi"f,;md oxuuHiirotira coiiHtimtly wroakmar tlio llvi'ii nwl latxiniVt kI k.( :irinr.ininvoiinirinon. .Sornn ftulo anil wit lior at on .early Uo - " ro forc.il to ih-nir out a wonry, fmitloHM nnun rnony but find no nolaco or tho fort thoro, ThcIS Thofann, tbo olliov, tlio v.Gficntvop, tlio polpltig 'ft\ t tit 11 CO II LI ""o'Vhvh"ihfmrlniiiHiiroiirci coiiHtimtly wrooklnar tlio llvi'ii mid. futorol _i-[7ft'U.innhKwiiur.Ti ( I'miiylH.ipii.wbiloothcmar.) fore it to tlvati out a wonry, fruition* WW RESrORBD TO MANHOOD BY D/?S. K. c2r K* u VV>i. A. WALlUSlt. Wai. A. WAUCT3H. MltS.CUAS.FEimY, C1UH. FHIUITJ i'us.vnrENT <0: Ainiin TnitATsniNT M n j'i-.i SYPHILIS . EftlESSIONS STRICTURE CURED 5 K DIvorcod bnt anitod nffnin r-KO NAMES On TESTIMONIftLS USED WITHOUT YVRITfEM CONSENT.-^X Win, A. Walker oC Kith Btroot nnyH^-"I havo BBfforea_ untttld uirnriini for my "Kay lifo." I vaaimuBOMMitwhaoMf yoiiDir and iRoornnt. An "One of tho Hoys" 1 contracted^ ' Byphilia and other Private (Uiionnoo. Ilmdiucottt m "th, month nnd tliroot, bono naiiui. hnhr loosi), pinmloa on foci, ihuwr luiibi.mmooff, ondflHtomi, biwnmo tlilu and it 03 pond out. Hnvon dootora troutod mn with Mfoury, I'ot-h, otc. Tlioy buliuil mn bnt. conld not cum mo._ t- . "_r " " :T~.____________ FinftU^afrwndimluoedmntotryJJi,Kimno(lyiKKt)wim.|| g!j^";.-T7r7-."^Vo;iiotITmatinQntonrodmoln a fow wooku. Tholr tnabnout- i. wondorftiV.n ]},: aoH RoininK ovory day. I IiaVo novor heard of tholr faiUutf to euro in uhIukJo^ p!-'^'--" j^-cureS QUAHAIMTEED OR MONEY REFUNDED i! Cimt. Chan. Foiry niiyfl! "loxvqinyllfo to Tiro. K. '& K. ;HAW4Ilo;:rJiL'dnlKidJmblt'._A2i ilmd all tbo mmntpnio m f Hcminul "Vv'cu-noR" and tiparimitordtcen, Inninoloiifl [A:\vvh itmin hh mid -wonkoniniT my vitality. 1 marrinj nt rofcl nndef nibvico oP ir.y fnmilr doctor* but it wun ii kuwloxiwri nco InolKiitoMi inontlm wo woro dlvoroed. I ii^i linn cnnniilrod J>m. K. ft; K who rontorwl mo to innuliowl ' bv thoir tino Method Trttibfenl. Ifolfianow lifo thrill through niv ucrviH.. Wo wnrouiiltAfliifcaln and nro liiii}py. lhln. wnn [uiryour'HtKO. ai K D n it-sat and cure VaritoceIet Emissions, Narvous Debility, Seminal^ IMPOTENCY VARICOOELE EMISSIONS CURED 3 woro united lucaln nnd nro lii'Pt'V-, -i"'" wnn _^------,---------^-Z-Xi- -> I)rn. K. & Kt uro noipntlfio oiioclauntH mid I heartily rooommond thorn. !S 11 Ah, 'Gi'ttTStricture,. Syflhiiis, " Kidr.ey and BladiUf Diseases. 17 YEARS IN DETROIT. 200.000 CURED. NO RISK 1MI? i^ttj^rt K'P^IO I AroyooavlotbiiF^navoyouloHfc bopo 5S5HK:ADbK! Jlmco? oo your Blon>oh dJnonwd? ( vll - - - "i__III ^....n>,j<ii - Wlillt !> I.iiU ll/llln Aimyoa conUrmfloUn*f ta.... iV(y.. Havo you miy woaknoflnV Ooi Vixm-' Mollnv"i'tjniitvUlourovo Wbntit hmidmio for oUmth it VrlU do far yot* !"'k tULTAY'wb FHEE. NourmttorwhohaH t-'^'t^d you. write tornh honyntopinion Frep__ 'Sc^uSSsV WiuiSSwiuionablfc BOOKS Fill t- ' '"ao tiolilou Moiitor" aUustrntod). onWt \UuiMtjiiCtitxCiio\u- lnalouoXMMituttO, 3Cimte, .ociufaa.1 ; ' - , AU 32 hTNO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEM CONSENT. PRIrD Hv,-4e No medicine deritC O. D. Nonanies oh boxes or envelrH Boob. >!v2Jyfflrf oohfldonilaU. Question list aoi bostuof Treat^C ^ ---- No. 148SHELBY ST,fi ! DETROIT; MIGK^S & ./ V .: N' :k^^^^^M^m^MMMMM ImM^MMMs^M&M

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