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Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), February 14, 1896, p. 4

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896 !S HERE AND SO ARE WE. WE aro'horo to stay iiIho to givo you value for your monoy. we aro BturMug thin yoar with u vary, ohoioo lino of titaplo and fancy groceries. \vo uvc Htill aolluiR tlio boat 25c. ton, in town, wo know it and bo do you our bhiok jupuiiH and Hycon'n Teas, at 40a, cannot bo cxcollcd. wc uro alo eolling tlio finotit grade- of * Mocha and Java cbffcea. ^Iva uh a trial and bo convincod. Our English Brcakfaafc Cocoa iu Riving thourgh satisfaction ao our cUHtomora aay. Highest price paid for Butter and Eg^s* NEXT MKDICAL HALL. A. H. SCARFF & GO, The Essex Free Press, FRIDAY, FEimil AIIY 14,1800. Ontario JLoirlHlitturo. Tho Bocond hohui'qu ol tlio preweut Ont- no purhamont opimuri at tlio .now build: if^on'l'uofiday luHt, with tho unmil gub- -nfttonal diHplay, ,. Tho Hpocoh from thu Throrm wuh rouil 'Without doluy. After tho reading of tho filjaoooh tho four new mouibem ducted ifnoo lust fU'nnion woro formally introduced, and, having takeu tlio oatli of office and tfttxhai'lribod to thu roll, woro autlioriz.nl to take their houU.' Tliey why a introduced [a* follows: W*n, IIarty, Kirifjnton, introducod by |Bir Oliver Mbwitt uudllou. ,7. it. Gibnon. Dftniol Hurt, North Brain, introduced by Hon. A. 8, Hardy and Mr. Middloton. John Dickenson, South Weutworth in troduced by II3u. John Dryden and Mr- Carpenter. JamiiH Tucker, Went Wellington, uitro. duood by Put run Lender, J. L. IlaycoaU arid Mr. Dyn'eH. Kir Oliver Mownt and Hon. A, 5. Hardy moved tho lirht rc-ndiu^ of a bill to provide for the utlrmnid trillion of ontliH of oflieo to poraousi Appointee] an JiiMticuHof tho Peace. Tho outre gentle-men alao moved that the Speech from tlie Throuubu taken into opufliderution today and tho following Boltct Founding zomtuittuoH bo uppointod ; Privilege!* nnd Elections, ItailwuyB, Alio. cellaneonn, Private Bill*, Standing Or.lern, [ Pubho Accoimltt uud Municipal lawH. Tho Houuu atljnurned nL'.i SO. -------------*.-------------- gom*ii or rm: vroin.ift. A 'Wealthy Philadelphia HAan Explros in Toronto. AN INVESTIGATION TO BE HELD* Mauy <a')li* lki'Hikiirlir* Cut l>.nv:i IV. i;iio London Tlmi-s i-ontfniuiluU's (Mcvc- iaild IIJIOU I 111! HlliTifM uf lit): IlliW lxilll. John lluyn I1iiihiim>ii1 litis bivu n*lt*;i*i>ii I from I'retorla Jull uii iii'-<nnit of. Ml-li'-;il i!i. The ball Is ^TOr<M**i, iiml he Is to iviiutln u;i- " .(|r polled hUrrnillaiinf llixl not to sec vUU- orn except witli the perinlssluii ol' tin- uutUprltfuri. .'Xnio speeches on -Mr. McNeill** rcHolut ion lire-' rcjiroducLMl In the London [nipi-us, nii.i tlliyti t>UrimlM pay u tribute to the puiii- otliW and dignity displayed by Ui- Bpcukern. The ytenmolilp Laurent I mi Una been uUchilly pontea nt LloydH.iis juIsmIiik- it t> believed uhe has gouu down wlili all i^i Donid. The BrltlBii Htennier Callfurnlti. tv>:\Nuplea for New York,' hi lVLunilnji in N'apleri. . < .MIhh Clara Uarton, prrshlfiit ,)f "'*; Am- ( flilr'iiu Ueil CrosH, ami party left Purls fur tt'tmuviL 'yeutenluy uii ilu'lr wny Id Ar- nionlit. Jtnwulii obji-ct^ to a L'. S. ik'spjiH'li boat titterliiK the IMinhniellrs, and Hie Purii- nulcx the American authorities to ajiply lu Iho treaty puwetv for pi-rmission. (ienerai CamptiH was hnok>d at in the wtrcctd of Madrid yesterday. The p*'1- MiirnieH tired at and killed the ud'enili-r. The mob yell "Umiih to the tjie.-i-n tl<- i;eiit," " I-oiifc' Live the IU-pulillc !" * Lrrl'd iMiiiraven liuh ik-i-hleit nut U> onl.r :ij;aln In any rime for l.u-^e idtiM.s yarhlH, TllO (iernian claluis. iiyalnsl VtMic:'.iitl;i linvo 1'('" arnuined. The chief of lUr- Itijsslun eensorsliip -li- IHIi'tilient bus forbldilen the newsjuipers to imuilf.li Hiivthliitf 'iili-iihiti'd tu leiul the p<'o- ,l> to believe tliilL liberal reToniis are lo * bo Intrniliiceil by tlio (juveruu.c-ut as nu ______^ IBIII <JOHIMISslON IT WOBK. ,"i i .' ~" . *i' 'Idutl^A Krcwr nml I*urly I.eiinilns all ill "iImhH tlif Veiu!Ziiinn Uoiiiiiliir)'. fen'.-WiiHliltiKtoii. v?h. 7.*-This ' Veiiezuelnn JAiVOmnmlMrtloii turned the nrsii iimiuh t lis ^"'iislrtli'tieo'ut li-H regular weekly meeih,- io- W-'\>,v,,|| tho meiabera belm; [u^Utiwiditm-c Jfi-fi3*iMit Vrederle It. Cou.I.;. of Neu- y rk. %* l'7..VpH-rable proi;ress \iuk been uindt> In i'^\\& ire'linluary ludy or the nisu k n-e the ^l/ i.,ui-- liiiM'lliiir.. Jnnt'ce II reiver ami Jiid-.- &'< -b>V(,v have temponirtly uhmuluneil tli.-lr ^" ImUI'I dulieHiind devoted their entire Hup; k' u !* acetuunhttlon and examination nt ^' revhle.ee. Andvew I). W hire and JndKe p'-',! Mvv have punuied a aystenmtk: iieiireti ' (lu-oiiKh the vtiflt collections of the Con- ;>,. -ttrwi.onnl library. ^________ li'. ICan M*t KMuiWy R.m iMiimoiid 'liov. K. Wuuvtr, Aurora, wii u't if Btark'o Powdurofur hmidacbeu.couiivouoHH, earultiiu, liiln-unuomi, htomuoh and liver |',^iroplnia: "Vou woro kind oupimli to l^gepd me wmiplea of Stark'n Puwdorn. |-" From peraonul hnowledjjo of thoir offcotn, ^v'on the.perfl0uw to whom I (Java them', tho Svrobt,beoeiloi8Ll rohulto huva taken pluoe. V Nioe, immftaiftta and permaumt. Bold " ,y all medicine di-aloifttt 25a & bo*, or fi fawforfll. 1-eb. H. .lunifls ltiif.li Kilter, a UuuL.r r MeauH Wan Tk-uvclliiB Willi 1IU Vul*t -UU Owu i'liyxlelnu HumniAtiUil After ll Wuh ThIxcu Muddouly 111 In a llot^L Toronto. Feb. 8. jnmim lluah Hitter, a wealthy Phlla- dulphiau, died at the Kensington Hotel on Thursday evening undor somewhat peculiar cdixumHtancuH. On Monday moilninjr he arrived at Urn hotel with Ids valet, a young rnaa nained It. X'. Wright, and roglntered as A.' II. .TameH of 'Huston. He took, loonm for lihn.solf and bin companion, but did not take bin meals at tho hotel. UH Wednesday night lie complained ol; feeling unwell, and tialcl he bail pain;? In his hi.-jid, but would not al low his valet tu call a physKdan. On "Thursday" morning he instructed Wrlghfto t.-h-graph for his phyaiclan In l'liiladelijhia: in tlio at'ternoon hlH eondlllon becarne alarming, but he Htill refused to Ht*i; a doctor. About 5 o'clock, however. Dr. Cooke of .202 Siincoe- rttroot was called, but Hitter died be fore his arrival. Wright told tho physician that hia master had for yearn been subject to epileptic iltn, which attacked him at interval;; ol" about- two montha. An empty box which had contained mor phine pilhi, wan found in Hitter's room. Hy tin.' label It was .seen that the nar- i-otlo hud be.:ii purehasud at rtltiK- ham'.s pharinacy, on a prescription giwn Ity l>r. Nattre-s. It was found that on Monday Hitter had tried to purchase a dov.cn half-grain morphine powders at B ugham'H, hut ho had been- refused. lie then went Ui. Dr. Nattresn and asked for a ptvocription, say.ng that he had 1'alns in the h *ad which nothing but morphine .would relieve. The doctor mi'us 'd to prescribe the (iiiantlty anker] for,. .but gave __Uitter a iresci'lptlon calling for~."EYvo dVtXfin- (inarter-grain pills. 'I'hiH he presented at lihigham's and tho pUIh were oold to him. His companion could not nay whether hi* bad taken the pills or licit. From the post mortem indications Dr. Coulee any a he came to the coii- cluHJun that death was not due to morphine, but an autopsy will ha held to-day, In order that tho caupe of rh-ath may be known. Hitter'a companion stated that the deeea.-i.-d win a, rvtired banker, of cpn- sid-'i ahli* means. ITe wan a baaheior, y ui:i (d<l, and had for a number of yi ai:> sufiVre.d from epileptic fits and a ini.'iual disorder, for which he was treated by an American sanitarium, where lie rented a whole flat to secure prlvary For the last .six years ho had be. traveling In the hope that his health might be bcnelltcd. The dead man's attorney wan noti fied by wire of his death, and tele graphed back instructions for a post mortem examination. Hitter carried over $100,000 InHurance on his life, and a representative of the Insurance companies will arrive. In the city this morning, with the dead man's attorney, to Investigate the clrcuin- i.taneus of IiIb death. The body will be emhalmod and for warded to. Philadelphia for Interment. SOI,I>l|CIK WA'TKIL TO INIHAXH, An Owrii Htiuml Hotcllo riper Elciivlly E'liiril on To ('li ir:<'. Owen Sound, Fob. 7. Mr. Michael Coleman, proprietor of the Ross House IloKl, was yesHorday convicted be fore Magistrate Speiice-r on two chillies of having unlawfully tudd and 'i*u]j|died liquor to Indians, and was fined $;t0 in each case, with costs. The oflLiices cumplalned of were alleged to have been committed on the 25th and aith of January lust, when a num ber of Indians from the reserve at Chippewa .11111, about "0 miles west of here, oame to town, as 1h their cus tom to do periodically, to purchase supplies of provisions, V'lih* h--re t:orno of them became Intoxicated, and \yjieti returning home on the 2Gth, one Snmuel Wahbcli'ssoi* brutally boat and rr.altveated hla wlfo. An Information wiiifi sworn out against him for this assault, and during the investlgallou which followed, the facta In connec tion with the selling of the JUinor came to light; Indian Agent John Crowe at once set the law in motion against Mrj Coleman, with the above rsHUh. The trial of the charges against Mr -.oilman occupied two whole daya. 'ihe case will bo appealed. Any tondon/y to premnturo haldneFB may no promptly, chocked by tho uko o! Ayoi's Hair Vigor. Don't dolny till tho soulp in burn and tho hmr-rooto deutroyed. II! you would roalizo tho bett reuultu, bo^iu at onoo wlti^thiH iuvuluabit* propration. 1 A. r-#u&&& Will Get of Comn the House ils Session. OPPOSITION TO FIGHT IN SUPPLY neltflVititf Tht ltr tovrruniriit Sllabl Nut tl* io tlir Irnlla ir Ui lU(l-> kuulfu <>t Tlirniiuli- Tim k"ucl(l<> i.aUUt 4'(*iiiiiikal<iu <I III, Miiiitiny iruliiN OtLawu, Feb. 9. Tho Hallway Com mittee of the Privy Council had a iej'gthy liciislou yesterday, the Mlnhi- teru present bulntr Hon. Mr. Ilaggart Cchalnnan), Blr A, 1*. Caron, lion. MrJ Daly, uml Hon. Mr. l*rlor. Heveral cauey of Intorejit to Ontario people were up for consideration. Major Cnnamlor wan prejto*i. uaff- iienting a nurnlan* of ilnhermen and r* iildoatn of Hurllngton Beach, who com plained that the <.ir.ind Trunk Hall way has deprived them of ncues:i to their fishing grounds, by building a wire fence on eaeh Hide of their line and closing up certain uates and croeuingH. After Home dlHcuHuitm It waj decided that Mr. Pell, solicitor for. the O.T.U., and Major Carpenter should confer together, with a view to making ar- langemcntfi by which the obJectloiiH of tho flnhermen may be overcome. In the matter of the complaint re specting the dangerous condition of the approaches Lo the Fenelon-road crossing of the G.T.Jt., in the Town ship of Ops, the caoo stood over, an no one was present representing the town ship. Mr. Hell promised, however, that Chief Kngineor Ilobson would look in to the matter with a view to remedy ing the complaints. The charge preferred by Mr. H, Diibo of Kranervllll'1, of discrimina tion against hiin liy the Temiseoiiata Hallway wan dismissed, no one ap pearing for Mr. Dube. The complain ant la a lumber merchant and claiina that the railway company's olllelals unjustly dlKcrlmlnated against him in the charges for carrying railway ties, A well-known pol.tlclan said to night: "This la the 8th day of Febru ary. Parliament, U is believed, expires by cflllJXiori of time on April L'ii. Jie- Lween these dates there ale 70 days. Deducting Hatui'days and Holidays, there are J>t> dayn left for actual worKT Other 10 days must he allowed as pri vate members' days. In the !( day's* left to the- (iovernnnr.t they hope to put through the ltL'niod:;il itlll and the- Supply Hill,the two measures In which they have a vital Interest. The oppo sition to the .school bill is no pronounc ed- that I do not believe that that measure cm be got through In that tlmi?. Mi-. Me('nr:hy. Mr. O'nrlon.Mr.' \Vall:u.'", Prof. VS'eld m and others will oppos.- It at every srrig-. MnJ. Hughes has also made a similar declaration. If this.. Is :-Q| they c.i.n take up nvany days In talking against the bill on Us Kcnoral principles, ami against every clause in It. They say they will never le; It get out of committee. In re gard to the .supplies', the Opposition have, it Is believed, determined to fight every Item and prevent any sum, big or little, being vot.'d. They have declared that If the Government got a supply hill through, they need not go to the country until March, 1807, and they Intend to run no such risk." II is expected that the Government will .shortly appoint the two couimls- siom-rs to confer In. conjunction with the Australasian delegates with the .Colonial Secretary In reference to the Pacific cable. As already announced, by cable, Six Saul Sa.muel and Mr. Duncan Gillies will represent Austra lia at the conference. They arc Instruct ed to favor state construction and control of the cable, as opposed to the chartering of a private company, that the line should he built entirely with in Pritlsh tenitor-y, which means the adoption of the Fanning Island route, that the financial support to the under taking should be on a basis of one- third each by Great Rrltain, Canada and the Australasian colonies. From Norfolk Island It is proposed that the l;ne shall bifureab.1 onn, branch run ning to New Zealand and the other to Australia. The Canada- Atlantic Railroad Com pany commenced Its Sunday train ser vice between Ottawa and Montreal to day. The Ottawa Sabbatarians were considering the advisability of at tempting to stop the service, but found that provincial law would not apply, the railway company having a Federal charter. It is generally supposed here that the suggestion for the establish ment of the service, which promises to he a great boon to the traveling public, came from General Manager Iltiys of the Grand Trunk Hallway. Hon. Dr. Montague will return from New Yorlc to-morrow. It Is stated that the specialist whom he has consulted has given satisfactory assurnncen respecting the Minister's physical con dition, so that the .Doctor's services will be available for his party during the remainder of tlm iiesslon. The Senate comrrtRteeon divorce has met and organtet'tf/.'ith.e' Hon. John N: Klrchoffor of M^ultojjil,; being chosen tin chairman. There"IH"'kPslight change In.the personneW)f the.committee com pared with last yWr.Hon; Mr.Wood huc ceedlng the late Equator; J\aiilbach and Hon. Mr. Baker taklrtpr.' fhe^ place of Hon. Mr. Mclnnes,'>"',* . Mr. Andrew Ilas'am,VM.Ip. for "Van couver district. Is being, /^jngrntulatcd by his fellow members Cttr his gallant action yesterday In stopping a runa way sleigh on Uidcau-ntreet in which were two ladles and who were In Im minent danger. uuuc:u to visit i;\<;s,i.\n Oh. tb Invitation ir fir .Inai-pli <:hnnil>c^> IhIii to lM-wiisM Traimviml X^fnii-A..- Johcnnenburj*. Feb. 9. The Standard**of thlrt city HiiyH that President. Knicer will go to Kiigland lii'rea[tunHe..tu-Um Invitation extended to hlni by Kltfht Hon. .fnseph Cluuuherlalu, Urillnh <**olon id Heerotjirj', to visit boudon for the purphse of dlsousslnn the (pitMitlons arlshiK irom' Mm t'lild of Dr. Jaiueuon. UAK.1TKKU1 WlNlH 1311,1V Tb ItHllmi i'.ChrmX In AbysHliilii Hendb IIaiii* t**v .tlHrri Ti*opn. Home, .Feb, 0. It in stilted tlmt Gail Bn- tlorl, comninader of the Itallnn forces now oivcrntlng In Abyssliiia, him indeed for the Itninedlato dCHpatch of 12 buttnllonu of In fantry, six mounted batterloH and. 2rt00 inuloH., Tho Cabinet has dlHeuHsed tlio ro- nuGHt, nnd Prime Mlnlftter (.hlnpl luw had an Interview with IClnu Humbert on tho sub ject.. _________. UI&H0HUI KANKt UOIttlDIM. We Must Have Room! .r# To rocuive tho large conrngintient of New Spring Gooda for which we have placed our orders and which will Boon-bo coming forward, Are You Looking for Bargains P If bo you will find it to your advantage to corrio straight to us na wo are clearing many linen at less than actual wholeaalo prices. Here They Are: Dress Goods, Mantle Cloths, Furs, Overcoats, Twoodw, Fur Gaps. Many other staple lines are also reduced in price so aH to effect a speedy clearing. Remember we al ways do exactly as wo advertise. Our Grocery Department: Is one of the cleanest, brightest spots in town. Stock fresh and prices right. -- =f4a-j ~?t.----- ... f - Yours for Bargains, r>tr^STwAir"EiJoaK. Essfi2r GREAT BARGAIN This is the Style WE VRODUCB. "Nobby" or ' Up-to-date," or whatever ii<ime you may li'wo it. Our work r.omou up to the htatidard aud uur price iH an low uh othcra chur^o for ohoaher work. U DEWAE, THE DUNSTAN IiLOOK, ESSEX. CALL AT s Bazaar r^nfUmiHH Hrniirr W.U0O In Maury, Cdv- minimi ItnmU '""I HdmitH, 0t, JoMoph, Mo.,- Fob, 9. A during banlc robbery took plujce at Bavahah latit nlpht, a nmull town 15 mlloH north- wfcut of this o;ty. Thrfte cnirJcHmon wrecked the Baio of thy State Bank of Savannah^ aoourlne '$2fi.0OO In tnonoy, Government bond a unJ pqataere HlaJnnjM I-'0H ALL KINDS OF Window Blinds awny down Chinaware, Brio-a-Brao, Fancy Goods, Noveltiea, Books and Stationery, School Supplies, Toys of all kinds, Berlin Wools and Fingeringl Yarns, New Stock of late Wall Paper. MONTH AT FRANCIS'. Owing to luii'd timed otitl prices of farm produce wo find wo aro over Btockrrl.'njlh wuitor gfode, nnd in outer to tnvu cvovytbing into canh by tho lfir.li c felniaiy we linvo dtcided lo givo greater bargaina in tliifl alroady b urgain honee tfuin ever before been heard of in the County of Eaoox, re member our stock jh all new uud.clean, wo do not advortiRO to givo you half off or quarter off bin evtvy dollar* -worth of ^oods you buy from us at reg ular prices which is cheaper than the cheapest W will .give yen lacls ICcIe. inCart, to convince you that our prices nre tho lowest.tpo givo ycu a email list bo- low. (In.) fiio.els 8 lo 12J 15 20 cts. all worth IS por cent moro. . Remember we give you back 10c. in cash wltlr every dollars worth you purchase. Shirtings worth 12J for lie Remember we give you 10c. with every dollars worth you purchase. Dres.-i tioods 15 20 25 90 -10 5ti cts. all at rodnoed prieoa, Remember we give you back~l~Oc. with every dollars worth you purchase. Prints, Cottons, TowolingB, Pcn-ailcs, Ginghams, Cottonados, Tablings, Napkins, Towels, Mitts, Gloves, Hosiery, Corsets, underwaro, in fact everything in thin store haw been marked down in order to turn this. stock into cash before tho 15th Feby. Don't forget that we give you back 10a in cash with every dollar purchase for cas. Clothing, furnifhiigs, Hals and Cans, Boots and Shoes and Grocer! everything goes, prices cut no figure, Ka^li is.King, with us. Yours it otc- Vance's Old Stand, Essex Know What You Chew ESSEX t* free from the Injurious coloring, The more you use of It the bcttei you like it. THKOEO. t5. TUCKETT.ABOM CO., 1LTD HAMH-TOW.OMT. lXoo<ru lw Woiidorlnl. No lomi than wontlorftil urn tho cut-on aooomplidluul by Hood's Batun-parillD, oven aftor ofchor protinrntmrm'nnd..phyMlokui' proBorlptionti Imve failed* Tho tnanoii, howovor, io bimnlo, Wben tho blood Ik etltloliol Bd patitiod, dmeaao din appear* attd uooO health returns, nnd Hood'g 8nr- apmrllla ib tho one true blood puriflor. H IH | HI || | Hoailquartoi'B for Soliool Booltn, Bohool Supphon, Noto PapQr.Envoloptta, IuIch, Writinf* Tablotti and ofliao Stutionory. DISPENSING AND FAMILY DBUGGIST... THIS GQLD WAVE SING- LEE. CHINESE LAUNDRY, Cor. Talbot st.and Victoria ave Tho latonb impyovod tnuohinory for Ifomnc Collafa uud OatfH. Will uob crack or broak tiie wing. ITamily work uhcap, and dubvorod. Pur col a oulldd for i'UiabG oull aiul try. If not h at Is factory no ohnrun will bo made. If onf work buH you, renainiuond uo to ymr 'rifiidn. Tho bedy muafc bo wn)l uourifllied tiow, to prey eat ickneas. I( your appetite in poor Uke Hood'e RarfiRparilla. Will not bofoltlmlf mo muob in the honw ir vou uho thrt I.t'-JN'S FU1CL SAVER, AND HEAT BADIATOlt; SaveH 40 pec l emit, of fuol.'It o*'oiioflt|i6 beat tdat other- wiotfot)3 cut d.tjnfH thrnunb the obimney, in built ou Hoioutifio prlnoip'es, and only-. tiuyJBJtobo Hiioti to be undorttood and ap^ \. prfoiated. PrioieB only $-4 to J5; Will Baye/ ita coHt in a'fuw wti^ka. - '-.\'] r E. L-PARKER Agt;.......... rit or call .at'wourUy'ii. ffoo^j^^U^SI <\-y^W* ^M Writi \.' t: p&iai^^^^Wi^^ 79 977779

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