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Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), February 14, 1896, p. 1

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.'-fffiffifl^F > ' I pr>^""v Frv 1 ' i ' >, i' "\H tSf > i'; hv.. PROVINCIAL PROVI DENT INSTITUTION Ohoap aa Hooioty Iusur- nuoe Thorou^lilv Ho* liable J. W. GIBSON, A ((enb ttffi ESSEX FREE PRESS. PltOVlNOIAD PH< DENTINSTITUT] For ohoap, roli&Vh Insurance J. W. GIBSOl VOL XIL No 7 ESSEX, ONT. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 14. 1896. WHOLE No. FORSYTHE, ANDERSON & CO'Y. Our Place is at the Head of the Procession As money savers and bargain givoru to tho pooplo of Ebhqx and vicinity. No extravagant fltatomoutfl cr offers Of i or i off, wo ltoop only good rc- liublo mcrohandiso and can uavo you from 10 to 20 por cont. off tho prioo of an avoragn purchase, satisfticoion guaranteed or your money buck if you want it. To clear ir> dozon men's Ilonvy double-brca^tod shirts and drawer*, warrantoil all wool, rogular valuo 05c, 48 cents each. Heavy doublo-width Tweed Drcss- Gooda in 0 ahndos, warm and durablo 20 cents a yard. Men's good wool socks, soaraloB* , 2 pairs for_^5 cents. To clear ladies' josophino Kid Glovos, 81 25 lino, in sizes 7, 7|, 7-J-, 7-}, all shades, at To cents a pair. * In our Grocery Dept Quick March! MAIDSTONE. Jiuiitiu, sou of John ShaiuUiiui, a well- known reunion!; of thin towrmlup, wan mar- .fioil in Dotroit, on Wofinuwiay, I3tli im-t., to Minn Ida, oldoufc daughter of Goo. Ma. Million, of Detroit. Mm. Croft #avo a farewell roooption in honor of Mr. and Mr;!. Michael Sanlly and family. A vory enjoyable o vim inn win* apent with Hout;n and mimia and at mid- i(>ht a niout aurnptuoua mtppor wan Horvod. The t abler* wore loadud with tho moat dolioiouii tiatubJoH, uud at two" o'clock tho party diapnraed, much ploauod with thiur ov<Jniri[;'n umuuornont. Is the word. Fresh supplies coming in daily. Kverything of tho bett quaht) to be liad, and prices guaran teed uh low as tho lowost, Prompt Attention to ord"rs and quick delivery A fresh Hnpply ot thoao Bread Pans and Roasting Pans just njcuivi'il -given away with one pouud uf -'Art Baking Powder." Try one. wht'ii in want of footwear tako a look through our Shoe Dept Largest in Essex. COTTAM. Millard Warner and Joseph Carder are making preparation to manufacture brick and tilo on ouo of Will tor .Taiuo'ii lots in Cottam. MitiH Lottie Gordon, who ban boon upending tiowio wuoka with her niator, Men ( Guo, MeMahou, roturtiod to Enaox o Monday, Bert Brown tart on Monuay to Ml a nit- untiou which ho has uoourodin tho "Wutilr Gap Sanitarium" aituatod among tho Blue Kidjo MouutaiuoH, Ponnaylvanm. Mr. Head, oiitnuuor, from Windsor, yiitil- d Mr. 8. G. Brookor and other rolativoo eru hint woolc. IIo t-punt hm early dayR on tho Lonnbery farm, hi rnothor beinp, uuiatur of Jam or Lonnbcry. , Mr.j3ilborC Wood, formerly of thin place, pito Editor and Publisher of tho Gold- Water Nown, visitod tho nounes of hid youth. Ho well roraorabora all tho apple troea noted for good outing appleu from North Kid|;o to . > .7. 1* armors -)o you want money at fij por out.? If so writo A. G. Bakor Learning, ton, Out. Torma of paymont of pui^ipa-I -' ic borrowora. BItOOKER SETTLEMENT. Mr. Alex. Hyulop ih apendmg a few daye with hiH daughter, Mra. James Brookor. Mr. Cobh y valued tho danago dono to P. BedoH'H nhoop at 820.00. Mra. G, K. Nowman has boen laid up witii rhoumatism for a few days. Surprise partioii aro all tho go now; tho more tho mernor. Mr Guuuiitf* io viaitiu^ friondu horo. Mr. and Mra. II. Jorry wars tho ^uonts of Mian Norah Kay JaHt Sunday. Tho yount,' people ot tbio nottlcniout tilled tho honsoof J. P. Millon lanb Thuraday ovoninn and u very ploaimnt time wao jpont till threo o'oloek m tbo morniup. Tlio fjirle bore have raudu up thoir mmdii, as thiH id leap year and their lust ohuneo for four rnoio yoarH, to stcuro a Jipau, they oay if they can't find a nowono *.boy will have some other uirl'n boan. Mr. P. BodoII lost a vahmblo dog last Saturday night. It was wupposed to bo poisoned, James II, Ncwrauu spout a few dayn this week with friouds in Detroit W. Brookor is busily cnHu^cd drawing Blouo for tho foundation for his now barn. Mastors Roy y/ountf and Roy Sours ao- companiod by tho Miimos Emma Sears and Jouuio Straohan, of Ebkcx Town spent faunday in this vicinity. Fttrmern do you want monoy at 64 por cent9 If ho writo A. G. Btikor -Loaming ton, Unt. Torma of paymont of principal to Buit borrowora. NORTH HIDGE. Iu tho North Ridtfo Mothodiat Gharch on next Sunday, 10th innt. Rov. W. n. Shaw will (D. V ) hold a recoption Service. Momhora and frienda aro cordially invited Collection in aid of Educational fund of tho Methodist Churob. Mra Riabard Muloauter and otdout sou Georgool Gamp Palmer callod on rolativoo horo last Monday. William McOoombu, wifo ana family, who have boon bore vimting rolativoo for tho last two or throo woeku loft iuht Mou day for Woodstook. Androw Quoou of Camp Palmer in horo fur a fow dayu with Homo of hio rolativoo. A storm of snow with high wind raged here last Sundsy. About four inohoB of snow foil. Several rciudoutu of Goatlold North, who who have roturuod, from a visit to their formor homos iu Garloton Co. noar Ottawa < roport a groat quantity of snow thoro, and tho weather yerv cold; thoy nro nil glud to got baolt ugain to Essex Go. whoro tho otimato in more mild in winter, and whero tho snow is no Jncouvinonco. A young man in Lowoll, Mrop., troubUd for years withaoinatantQUOQCRaionof boi'n on his noolc, wan oouiploUly ourod by taking only threo bottles of Ayor'a Snr- saparilla.- Auothor roNiilt of the treatment WftBgrea'ly iraprcyod digoetlon with 111- DrtEBod atolrdttpois. IT IS SIGNIFICANT! A Stran^o Notico Poatoci Uplh tho G.T.R. Officoa. G AUGES MUD BUMORS OF CHANCES in c ainiiiii'M Vtiivruit kcnll^uy Siwicn Sir. UhIUm, >(< t-hiiuhnl HlIlM'i-lult'iKlt'ktli i>citit-u una ii<i Huh ui->.ii:iM'a~ lit-, filt'l.ulunn lulluwu ilotto iiimI "uj .Nodilnn;. Mnnlioiil, ]<' b. -O. Tho following ; licit luiL ol^nlMount notlou Iuih burn ]<>' uil up in the Grand Trunk oMcl'u ., ihi.H city; i"tr t i.ilk; jii ith- liOi Lh iK'lori' u i.'U, and hi whu LbinkLtli hlmmir ln- >.. |ptu.,.ihU' ulU'll cutti'tli in* U bodily, 'oh l lailc, uiw hoihI." Mi. 1 If 1 Ik 11 Wfilll.H, the lu'ad of tin nii't h inlc.il tli'piirtinent, denlus tihmiI * mphaticilly tliat hi- hay been i*'- Mii'-tc'ii io i-'tln- irom Hull iio-iiilon ^v lii-n ii'-ki'd win ther It wan at all HUili that he wtJiild rmh'ii 1" Uu nc.'i-i K.tun., lu- Haiti: "No, I huv< not iu- 'ihi.id, nor iiavc J born mtiRHtt d ljy anjoiu. to do ^n In l.Lct, nnthlm': h 1*1 ])(i!.M'(j between Air. Ilayn iuid myself uhlfjh would in tin* sUjihte'U deirret hint at my retliem<nt, or hiiKiTOHt any- thliiK o tlu- kind. With nfr.ird to th iiimorH coneernlne; myhelf, I may say that they aie absolutely m ltliout foun dation." Another gentleman wIiohc r-o'dona tion Way Bald to have been Klvtn in wuu Mr. Harry 'White*, the mechani cal accountant. Mr. White \va In hlh viVicu an ui.ual thib niornliu*;, and tsta-t- od that bo far as he knew, there wan no truth In the report. Certainly he had not hlm.Melf thought of r< signing. Mr. McOuit;nii, The pen tinman who In expected to succeed Mr. Stephenson uh general suporlniendc nt of the road, when asked if he had anything to Miy, replied: "I have absolutely noth ing to cay concornitiR mysrlf or my future proflpect.H. J am not In a poHltton to way whether I shall be Mr. Stephenson's auceesfor, but I kiu.w that in two or throo dayn Mr. Hays himself will make an ofllclal an- nounoemont." "What is your opinion of the Grand 'trunk system, nfl-r lnHpi-tIiifr It?" "I eonsider that Mr. Ilnyj Is the per- f-011 whn lihould hpf ali fur th. eoni- l-nny, although later on. perhaps, I may hir.ablp to say [something." Mr. \V. J. Hpleer, after another nlio-rt r-(,nf.Tcnfe with the wth ral manuircr. If ft for Detroit. I.II'IIO^V IN ItOsfON, In ['ii(rll>iliuiuiiri |l-Urii\i>r<Ml tn hf tiutf- t flu is BY oiii (lie IhlHi-iiT. l'ustoii. K*b. C A woman suffeilns 1 '..in lepms-y v.a.s dKeovered In *- uuth llu.^iiJii a few dayt, ao and way nrnrived thi.s luurnlnjr to I'liilllps' Is land in tin harbor, 'ihut It Is a case 01 linoy 1h nut denied. Tin J act that -he It ih lived In South liny ton live 1 ' .in- is frht n out She Is ::r j, ars (/Id, >i' Ln ',lish blith. and })/ 1 husliantl Is a html \\ 1 irking man. They have five lll(:llt cliildici], Th. dnetois, ,Lr, -.itls- 'iril tluit neltlni tin- hu.sl^ind imr any 'i t m 'amily lw, the dlncuje. The ' iindy have not mingled with nel^U- 1 1 e and a.s the house has been ll.ci oUfdily fuii'ijAateti and other nn-ni- 1" rs of the faniih pmpeily caied for, them la nu fear of further danger. She IJliuiud the iMXiutiiin I'imi. "Annabel," oallod a rich shoeman'H wifo over tho banistor, t\s sho heard the front door ulose. "Yor, inainmii/'repllod a swoot, girlish voles, and Annahol (-rarta slowly framed hornwlf In tlio davknoHB of tho i,talreaso. "Was that Mr. TopUf, AnnnbolP" *'It was, mamma." "Do you kilow It li twenty minutoa after eleven:-" em Jn cold tonon from tho wrappored fl^uro in the upper hall. "Mnmiim, we hadn't tho fillghtoot Ldon It was so late," said tho young hidy oar- neHtly. v ' Youinue," sho continued, Mr. Topi If haii boon tolllnK mo about China and Japan. Ho said ovorybody otifiht to know about tho war, and it win so Interesting wo never tlmUKht how lato 16 wiw Rotting. Do you know mamma," nddod tho nwoot girl, as she roachod tho landing, "that in China thoy " "Did Mr. Topllf draw a map of China, on your face, AnnnhoIK' ankocl Mrs. Oartu eturnly. "Why, mamma?" said tho daughter In startled tonos. Tho young girl rushwl to a mirror and saw with horror-stricken ghmoe that the loft side of her faco was stroakod and stained with Ink, "Heaven and earth," shoscronmod, "hln fountain pon must hitva leaked Into his wftlstouat pookot!" and with a shrlolc of horror the beautiful girl foil fainting to tho floor. Tho Itloyelo Foot. "I have honrdft great deal of the bioyalo face," Mild an obsorvInKmomhor of alocnl dry coodn firm yootorday. "This allop;cnl bloyolo fnco jnay bo a fact and it may not, but what I have observed is tho biuyolo foot, This In no myth, for I havo a f.raotl- oal oxporionoo with it ovory day. I can toll overyono of our omployos who Is a bl oyolo rldor, aa thoy oomn into work in tho morning. This Is particularly noticeable Monday mornlngn. Tho whoolmon some- tlmtm forget that thoy are not pushing tho podalH, and In ooniioquonoo thoy put down thoir foot with oonsldornblo moro force than otnor men do Whon you seo n man, In hlfi normal condition, atnmplng around tho floor digglnffhlfl toon In you onnwapter ho Is a wheelman. X havo studied tho matter oarofully, and Imvo won sovoral wnaorfl." Now York Tribune. An ^xaraplt). Ifathor^-I hoar, my boy, that you aro la tho habit of tolling falsehoods. This grieves mo to tlio hi1 art. Always tell tho truth, ovon though it may bring suflforing upon you. Will you promise mo? " Voh, sir." "Vory woUi Now go and hoo who li kuooklnir at tho door. If It 1p lilngly, nay Vm not at homo." MUNrCIPlLCOUNCILS. HMNI'.X 'i'OlVN. Khhi.x, Fkh. tin, 1HIM. Council rod in rogulur neimion, the mayor in tho uhrur. Present: Tho mayor, tho deputy.roovo, and oouucillorH O, E. Foisythe, J. A, Hone, D. Whitney, J. A IIicus, Dr. It. B. Tottu, A. Piuiun, ." , M. Iliulcn, T. D Henlt, and O. J.Thoiiian. Tho miuutfinof piflviono inootiuijn wore road and adopted, A number of aocounts which word pre- sontsd were, on motion of .1. A, limits sneondod bv Mr. Soott, refcrrod to Lli& l?inaiio(j cominitteo. Mr. Bnokoradlressttd tiie oniuinil aiiking for a supply of ntourn from the watorworlcu to run hoiHtiui! fioar in tho new elovatoi of tho firm of Diebol S: Bncker. Movod by Mr. J. M. llioks, ueoomled by Mr, Rose, that tho petition of Mr. Urickor bo referred to tho Tiro, Water and Xjitfht eommittoo, Cari'ied. 'I'll* Finalise- eommittoo bunded in tins following roport: T'i tho Mu^or and Council of the Town of Khpex : The Finance committee bofj to roport on the attnchHrnout o( blocku 0B and 7a to tho Landed Banking & Loan Co., as follows : Demand lor 18(11 in for 23 23/100 ncron. 'I>2 blooUu 08 and 75. 'Id ,. 07 A % 24 ao. *i)l fiflife7fi-21ao. ,05 do Prom this'it will be noon that whereas tho demand for '01 covmni* block 75 only ia for 2:1^ ncrsH, tlio demand's for tho fol lowing four yoarH covering blocks 08 and 75 contain 21 acres, Wo do nob find that any othor aaHSSoment of block IJB has boau made, nor have any taxos boon oollootod from it. Thoro is no doubt tliat tho loan company aro uotin" within their riurbt4 in aakinh 'or a robuto. Wo recommend that block 08 bo asFCHHod iioparatt'ly and the amount of taxes thereon bo deducted from tho amount paid by tlio loan company and as tar as aim bo levied on block 08. (Signed) Gi:o J. Thomas, Chairman. Moved by Mr. ,|. M. Uicks, seconded by Mr. ThomuH, that the report of tho Finance eommittoo bo adopted. Carried. Jioved by Mr. Bcott, necoudod by Mr. J, A. llioliB, that tlio error m the taxon on tho Wilcox property bo referred to the Finance committee. Carried, Dr. O'Connor addreuned tho council ro- qaosting the tiaoof tlio town hall for^n, entertainment on behalf of tho Cutj/olio church. Moved by .7. M. nicks, BccondedV by Mr. l'orovthe, that Dr. O'Connor lmv(( the uso of th" hull for tho purpouu uainedA Car. Moved by Mi J. A. IlickH, seto/udetl by Mr. Uoho. that tlio treahiiror besrnpowerud to si-11 nil lots now bold by tho town by private ml*.- Carried. Moved by Dr. Potto, stcoudod by Mr. MoDoujjall, that the treasnfer bo iuntrnottd to take tho neai'usury ntepH to sutl lotn liable to ualo for taxes. Carned. Tho Financo committee reported in the matter ot A. J. Wiloox, lot 27, plan 170, that an overcharge of 8,"i 29 has boon mado id reoomraeud that this ainoout bo re funded. (Biyuod) A. Haihkb, Chairman. Moved by Dr. Potts, occonrlol by Mr# S^ott, that tlio report of the Finance com raittoo he adopted. Carried. Moved by Mr, Thomaw, neconded by Mr. Forsythe, that thin council rofnuo to pay any billH for work dono or material fur nishfid unlofiu tho same has boon ordored by tho proper oominittoB and oertifled ley them. Carried. The Financu committee reported recom- mondin^ payment of the following accounts. &.. W. Oardnor, salary for January 1800 and expronsoharWcs, 840.77. S. Smith, sanitary work, 97. I.Drapor, 82 G2. Omor DcMJardinn, work at watorworko, $1.50 Moved by Mr. J. M. Hiolto, ooooudod by Mr. Scott, that tho roport of tho Finance eommittoo bo at! op tod, ^Carried. Movod by Mr. Thomas, seconded by Mr. Haiuoit, tlmt tho mittor of rAbato of water oxtonaion tax bo referred to the Firu, Water and Liaht eommittoo. Carriod. Movod by Mr. Qoott, sooondod by Mr. J. M, Hioku, that Cyrus Gardner bo appointod a member of tho Board of Health for threo years, that ChaHf Johnston bo appointed for wo yearn and 1'iod Robinson for ouo yoar, as mombero of the above namod Beard. Carried. Movod by Mr. J. A. Hicks, seconded by Mr. MoDougall, that ttio dromon boprantod tho uho of tlio town hull for Fob. 20th, pro vided it 111 not proviounly lot for any othor pufpoflo, Carried. Movod by Mr, Thomas* oooandod by Mr, Soott, that u. voto 0! thanks bo tondorod to the retiring raomborH of tho Board of Health, Rov. W. M. Flominfi and Mr, Clma. Bwoot, for their valuablo acrvicoa ae momburn of tbo said board. Carried. Movod by Mr. .T, M, Btioka, sooonded by Mr. BainoH, that J. MoDoUKiill, D. Whit ney and J. A. Utoko bo oommiimiouors for thoir, several warda, Oarriod. By-law Ko. SH8 to appoint Win. Fostor a town ooustublowaH than road the ueooBHary number of times and vagsod. ConuoH thoa adjouruad to tho next regular meofciii^ of Ftibrusry lflfch. Johh WALtsHB, Clerk. Business XX J- Barrett & Oo.' BANKRUPT STOCK STORE. EVER sirico the arrival ot our Tihioubur^ atoclc our Htoro lifts boon crowded fmm niin.niiuj urj- til night with cuatomors anxionu to secure the huri.JroilH of bavgnina wo aro now offering in tlio following lines: Dress Groods,Trimmings,Flan- nels, Flannelettes, 1 'able Linens, Towelings, Cot- tonades, Shirtings, In fact overytiring in Dry GoodH, CJotliing. Dootfl and flliooB, Hats and CJapn and furnishings. Aa wo arc bouinl to convort thif* stouic into ca-li in next Wo would invito the closo cash custorpirH to call and examine the xtraordinary Values wo arc oiVoring in every department. r Ik Having bought tho greater portion of our stock at a rate on tho do) and selling as wo do for cash, places uh in a position to . TJNDERSELi THoro who aro doing a credit business. COXR. MOTTO i' One privro, (and that o-un/^tho lowoat i| Town j and courtootis troatmonl^^aU iu whi you can expect at * ^>"1 Barrett & Co.'s THE GREAT BAERUPT STOCK MEN. Feted nnd ParewellecU It wuh with (coYm^H ot rogrot that the oitizonH of Equox loarncd that U. W, Buw- j'or, druiieiHt, hud dotorrainod to never hia connoutjou with our town to tulto a pomtion in Dr, Pioher'a druc ntoro at Wlartou. Duriny tho two yoarR ho has boon horo, ho hmi won tbo ruletirn and ronpoct of every poraon with whom ho curao in con- tuot. Miuided with words of reurot hoard on cvory bide woro expreoaionn praihinR bin Pterhng and upright character, and tho bUHinoHB ability displayed atnoo aorning iu onr miJBt. Although Ivaiutontiou of loaying wan not known, until Monday, a uunibor of his ndroirurn dotermmod to ciyo nomo oxpreo- nioD of thoir oBtaeta, aud accordingly ou tho narno ovoning frionflu of Mr. Sawyer nonomhlod at tho homo ot Dr. McKohzioh to do him honor. After partaking of tho ijoneroHitionprovidGd by Mm. MoKonzio, Mayor Dowur took tho ohuir and propoaod a number of toafltn, which woro happily roupondi'd to by tho pootlcmen named be low. DanuR tho foatlvitioa Mr. O. H. Briekor was oallod on aud with & fow appropriate remarks presented Mr. Sawjor with a handsome uold ohain. Tho toaata woro eh follows; Our Quouti Mr. Porater, Dr. J. W. Brion. Commeroial IntoroatB O. H. Bncltor, J. Thorno and Mr Perry. Our Town Dr. Martin. Jaraea May. C. Whito. Sports E.Laine, G- Millard. Xiadiea J. W. Gibson, W. Ohattorton. Oar Hont and HoatcBB Dr. MoKeuzio. Oar Gueat Mr. K. W. Sawyor. Aftor Biuging "He's a Jolly Good Fol low," and "God Save tho Qo.<?<m," and bid- ding a nad farowoll tho company diaporand at an early hour. Tin- KIIlliijyof.T^Hm* Tumon. Mlifiourl mi wo 11 as tho Pniiflu StatoaJ had to contund with ii(t(rravatod lawloHs- nohH. Whon hardly a wcok passed with-i out ti train holiif? "hold up" <-omowlii>ro In tho stato, (Jdvi>. inr Crlttondon wiih ihivon to tho torriUlo oxpodhmfc of owing orimo itholf awn police power. In tho[ hprlnf? f 1843, .Tosso Jamoa, tho noted duHpur.ulo, waa aHsnsslnatod hy formor) inuinliorH nt hli jjarp;, who then Hurrond-j orod to tho authoritioa and woro lodpfnd| in jail nono too aoon, nf* an angry popu- laci, Rathoriiip; in tlioubuiulH, hotly IwiiotJ Mio Hlayora. Hlayorn unci alaln had Ixtoj Confodorato Kiiurlllaftin tho war. On til niturn of poivco thoy hocatno train robhors aa onslly m prlvatoori turn pinituH.1 JunioH, at any rivto, had not, hoon lnwplrod] by lust of gain, for in eplto of robuorloHi amounting to hundroda of thousands f dollar^ ho dlou poor. Ho hud hoon a| uhuroh monihor, concerned for "hla wny-: ward brothor" Franlc'H aalvatlon. After I hla doath, hla auot In Mlaiourl ropudlatodj him, while expressing atrongOHt dlwip- proval of tho troauhory unod In his taktn- oiT. For noarly twpnty yours ovory oflfoi to oupturo tho follow had proved futl] Tho naturo of tho country aUlad Jtitvni but not ho tnuoh ai tho ont^tualuHtLq di votlon of hia noiRhbora, Thla murdoroua chlof, thU rutiiloas mai This hoatl of aroholllona olan, had nuido himaQlf a horo. Tho t'odnllaf Domoorat Bald: "It wa hia countryJ Tho graves of hla kindred woro thoro.' H/ refused to ho banlahod from hla hirtl right, nnfl whon ho waa hunted ho turn* uwuKoly about and hunttid hla huutft] Would to God ho woro alive to-day malco a riRlitooiia butohory of a fow of thorn!" By thua flghtlng ilro with flro,GovcrnJ CrltDtouden Huoooodod In dlMpurftlng tbr4 othor doaporado hahda. From "A tory of tho Last Quartor-Contury in U.ri.," by K. BonJ. Andrews, lu Ootobor Hcrlbnor'H. Slkort Journeys on a tionc Kad Ia tholcharautcrifitio title of aprofuaoly d- luntratcd book oontaininR ovorono hundred pagOH of charmingly written doBoriptlohB of BummcrlroBortoiu tho countrynorth and west of Ohloago. Tho reading matter is oow, tho illuatratiouH aro now, and tho in formation therein will bo now to almost ovoryooo. A copy of "Short Journey* on aIio Koad" will bo eont freo to anyone who will onoloao tou cento (to paytpoRtafto) to Okp H. Hicivvoiuo, Gonoral Paasongor Agent Ohfaauo, Milwaukee A8t.*Paul Railway, Ghioao, III. / ^^-^ rrntratlon ni Dakota Is causing that muoli maligned seotion pi tho Wootorti country to blossom like HHt roue. Quoting Irom a pubhahod article ot the BubjGot, It ie stated that "Men who are? aoountomod to tatm'tig iu u6n-irrigatei3 dintrioU are olow to believe the reports vJo| enormous yields of .all kinds of farm' pro duotn in thoao (motions of tbe country when irrigation ifl praofciaod." An irrigated $J1 aero farm produces greater and bettej . n>' miltd than ii(M0 uore farm cultivated1, ^ tho ordinary way. In a few weeks w hope to be able to publish various item from ditTorent iudividuale giving their pJ Bonal o-sperlenoo in irrigation farming, In the moftntime send for a free eopy(Wj an illustrated pamphlet m referenoe-?J Irrigation in Dakota, published by 11 Chicago, Milwaukee A St. Paul R'y, fl Idareaa, A. J, Taylot, Canadian . F ft____J. ftl rt* " ' MA Vfiont, Toronto Oot. "^1 \t.t K"" v1!.'J^i.i^' ru'^ItsTs'iVrti 1 , s .^tf>^'^^a^vl^A^fl'4ift^ ^-MAlSS ^^^^L^^^^^k^^^M it,' .AVt

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