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Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), January 24, 1896, p. 4

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jl^^ Iff^^'T^r"^ ^^""^-^ r'^^^T ^ - ^' 7^^T^'^ ^ t^^f1^^^] ^^ ^-\v?^^^7^r"' ^'-"^ - ^^?^i?S THE EiSSfe3< FREE PRSSP wm i'- if? T8S618HERE D SO ARE WE. WE aro hovo to tuny aluo to give you valuo for your mouoy. wo aro KtiiKiiig lliiu year with a very choice lino of ufcaplo find fancy grot'orio^, \vo aro atill Holliu tho boafc 2fiu. tea in town, wo know it, and 'bo do you our Mack japaiiH and Hy^on'n Toau, at lOo, cannot bo Axoollcd. wo aro uhio Balling tlio iinont, grado of Mocha and javit cotfoef!. givo .11 b a ' Uial and bo convinced. Our EngliHh Breakfast Cocoa in giving thourgh aaliflfaotion mo our cuBtomorH way. ' (ighest price paid for Butter and Eg**s. Rexnema'bex1 hTxe tor NKXT MKDICAL HALL. A. H. SGARFF & GO, The Essex Free Press. FRIDAY, JANUARY 'M. 1800. ft: Kotorm in Taxation. Tho Shield Tax Aaaooiatluu of Ontario publmhoil tho following nrtiolo : A petition in now boing widoly circulated throughout tho Province ankin^ the Lin. lafciya AnHombly to reJuoo the taxation on bulldiugn aud othnr iturroYoraontH, or olno to allow tho MunicipalitioH bo to do. Tho rou.6011 tho advocated of thin reform urgo for nuoli a ohaiino, iu tho manner in which tho prouuiib law dificriniiimteii iif'ainot thOowho umploy labor iu improving their proporty, or in mauufacturo of yoodfl. It u pointed out that thero aro two muthoda of aaouriu^^artir^nJTn Outi moUiod clears, fouous,- orocta buildiiujH, rainn bropnor manufacture* goodit. The man who thuh uew *.ho land in by ovftty productivoact mduiUriounly, honoatly aud ". beneficently adding to iho proHporuy of tha nation, and if a man thus acquire wealth, ho (loon it in a way that iujuron no one. . On tho othor hand a mau may keep ; ^and in idloneua,. omploy wo Ubor, add MOthiug whutBVor to praHuurity; but Uo may actually injure the country, by re- tafdiup; aud Hcittoriut! Huttlemont, and hj keopinjj labor in miforoed idlenoyH. Ho uav uiraply wait till lucrotuiod uettltiiruuiit and the iniluHiry aud eut6rprinu of hia nnigUborH have mudo that land valuable, %u iu always the cuho iu growing citien. Now, hero are two uun, or rathor a us-o of laud and an abuno of laud. Quo muti uwgs laud to b'ogot woalth by hin industry, tho Otboe heiqh it to secura woalth at tho exponau of others. Tboouo ue iu bano. fieent and uhould bo enoourugad, tho othor ib injurioau and nhould bo tiiHcouru^od. It jHolaimod that our pronont laWH cmcournyn this minuao of the laud, for, if a man im proved Iuh land in any way, tlnYlaw itmiHtnP that hia taxes must bu lucruimod, t-o that tho bettor a, man doon fi>r Ino country, the . wokho tho country -dooa for --him-, Tho apooulatoron tho othor hand by avoiding v iiuprovauiBut, koopa down hiR taxew. It, iu further claimod that in our lar^o oitioo tho laud valuo rino to auoh ouormouH flguran, that tho land owner may cullccd from 810,000 to 850.000 par aaro per uu- num, aud imoli iu tho relation that tuiu bo ^eti inaooioty that while tho farmer must toiliudUBtrioufdy to raise a crop ovory year or humanity would atarvo, thooolleot- orH of thotjo laud valuoa nood provide noth> inf! for humanity, and yot reap tho protit of many farma. TIiuh while* ono part of tho 0001 munity mont toil energetically to maintP-in the burden of nooiety, iucludiiiK the taxation for Government, and jot ou- joy but littloof itn beuefHfi, .another olann may oujoy the blooainga of ovilation to ovarflowiuR, und yet bo toliovod in per potuity from any of it burdtntt. And it 10 further pointed out that tho making of " public improyecaontfl, nuoh "as bighwava and othor moanti of oommunloation, whilo iioroaftin^ the btirdon of taxation on in dustry, brings additional fortune to the ^ro*ud lords who col loot the enhanced land values in tho oontrcB of oowmoroo. Thuu ' ths burdtn to ouo pari of Hooioty moann riohou to the othor part. Tina inequality it 1" ou^hb to remody by nakinc tha LoaiQlaturo to dimiuiah tho taxation on buildnflii ,l"d other improve- in tutu and thiiH lLoreauo taxoii on laud valuQfi- JAMESON'S DliFliVl. Dotalls or H!b B;vttlo With the ^nl>lit Bcliool Keport. .i PriuoipaVav room; bohior 4th olapB; txiarka poBBible 48; oblaiuod : G Jamei 47, M Millar U, L Roho 40, H Muuro 46; ' K Naylor 46, B AUiboh 4(1, L Lynch 42, Laiug87, S Dowar ail, N Cotton 2n. r;-. - MJ Hall'a wwm ; Marki poniblo U5, |;; ? AWa Whetbor- ]&:'v: If 3i, Earl Hhdm 29, IrofcU Wight man 1/ ; 34, No4lU Lippott 20, Jau Wolfs 19. Gr*ca |H : iviftU 14; sow cM>b*n u, xtutnd North Khho.\ School ProniiolHHiH, MAID9TONE. 8 B No I ird :-7*KiiRone Liinharito I panned to 'Jnd claim and 1> from part I to part II of lnthook. SSNii 2 From ,)i to Hv 4th:-.-Vineoiit McClonkoy Tlion Moran hvo !\Io- Cloiikoy, Elaiu Burdiok, Jiiukjh Ilonnud 7 paHiiod to 2nd c.\m\a and 7 to part II of lut book, S B No 3 May Wmonardou. M J Miy From 2nd to Had olana, Jonephino Uandall, Deaildu Cham- pa^iut, Frank Boguin H piiHHod to ndcouil Ollltii). S S No 4-From Jr to Sr 4th : Etta fihoolav. Surah" Keuyoii.'Oaborrr From 2nd to Jird O Ulirihtio, A Iloatein, 11 Smith, M Joyce, II Uennott. C Brnitb, W Hhooldy, h MuCnio.C Hillior, P'Wiloox 15 paHeud to '2nd chiHii and o to part II of tlio lut biok. B S No o Nollin Kobinticn, Ilubort WilHou From 2ud lo 3rd pIuhh: Jolm Dawwon, J A 1511m, Etui JohuHton, Hthol Wi^lu, Grace Wihum. Two wnro promoted from part I to part II of lui. hook. ft ti No ti From 2ud to Iird. Au|{UHta Kb- biti^ham, Silun Kueb, Ilodwiclt J'ibhin^hum --5 wore promoted to 2nd clahB aud 8 from part I to part II, HSNo 7 Laura WilliiiiHou Willie Crosier, Jjuwih MoMahon, Lottie Milter Daoiol Martin, CliristiriQ Palmer, Mupjie W^IIuro, Juntiue Bodoll, ldit lieeluitt, Kuio Jilancluird, | Willie Miller -7 wtrij pa-moLud lo 2nd i ulufit) and ii to part II of lut nook. rf ri N<> H idubel I Potter, Atjnee Maundy, Henry Barnen From 3rd el use to ,Jv 4th : Boruard jloonov, Ci Moouey, Phmbo Grnut From '2nd to 3rd ohiyy Eritfrnb Uariihin, Gordon Kerr, Ma^io Moynaban, Tun McGuiro Warren Dixon 3 pamiid to 2nd oUihh and 1 to part Ii of lut, book. S S N V- From Jr lo Sr 1th: J Car roll, R Girard From third oIuhh to Jr. 4th From 2nd to IJrd, L Liukm. VV WtdlH HUli pUHrlcd IO "JUJ cltmM. B S No 10 Henry A. Iverr NuJ. luMaitre. To-3id.eI'iitp Mary .Miiitre 7 pitHuud to 2nd oiitHtf ami .'1 to px'rt II o( lut boolc. RUUHESTEU. H B No 2 Eva VViloox, May Jouuh, Jenaia \Valltor, Vietoria; Konyon, Blake Owhoe, E.ldie Taylor, Orval! DitWBon. From Iird eluan to Jr -Un : ] Aithur Miteholl, EIU Janert, Btruioo: Brookor, Jay Joneu, Ada Douiton, Lilli [ llunday, Juo Damphy. From 2nd to iird oia^s i-^Cliarlio Miliar, I lardy Oohou Mabel Melutyn-, Frank .Mitchell, Uurtlm Taylor 0 paused to 2nd elaHM and (i to nan ' II of lt hook. ! S ti No 3 From 2nd to Jird ehn-ri:-- 10'myro SylvoHtre, Btnihauiu Sylvoatru, Lucia Bouijlet, Maria Girard, Honri Lib- burte, Ovila Vurmotte, Emma Loaperituei*, ' Armimd Sylvoatre 0 paHHOd to 2nd. e)un! aiifl 13 to part II of tho lut book. ,S S No 4 iimrr.u , Smith, Roy Smith, Delb.i'*- MaNau^iiton Walter Stothard, Phmbo lUcCaulcy. From 3nd to 3rd . Nottio Kuinter, Ktta Binirh, i ISlma \Vilfion, Emma GoihoI, Herbert Hex- tou, Raohol McNaufihton, Walter K-uiuter, : EtbelSimonH, Jim Smith . oIilhh and 5 to part II of tho 1m buna. B H No 7 LikziuI Traouy, Edwunl Mnlliiih, Maj;^H Murphy,; Hunnibh Murphy, Albeit Strong From JJrd clano to Jr 4ih : , Kdwmd Trusey, Nellie Murphy. .JrjHuptr McMahcn, From 3nd to :ird clanu: L!*/xiii Uuuloy, Lnrocta Trueoy, Emily; citron^, . Bortha Byrne.....v Haulyy' 7- p.iHHod to 2nd olaaa aud 7 to part II of tho i lut book. llivd by tho \V.- wrn; 20 It ciiini' from \\',. r..plli:d THE BHAVERY OF DESPERATION 'Vwur Ihou-nml of *Im> It'irjih-r- lirult K.V.U n.MMlt.wi n.ii Uitlt .lami-Mou <oniii<a on huiiport M lilili nlil Nut <oiiit> Itiii'i'u 1 if <I Now Voile. Jan. B>, A Cnpi: Tuwli dlifcial oahli: to Tho World hayn : ijiil'iiiln TimLidn-i1, il tiavoll.-r known In tli ; Unlti'd SUhk, \vhn hn:i .i iv..tl ijovmi yaia In India and wu.i with J.'LuifN'in'H i.olintiii i'l-oni Its slarl until it:- HUiK-nder, but c.-cnpi-il '-aplun-, ha:i -arriv'-d ;it (':vri- Tuv.'ii'. lb- I'dl.n \\VHtury of tho oXi.rdiUi.il Lu .Th-.: World em i'i;.^pi indent : "Tho column. s:Uvt"d," h.- ^uyH, "n Suiulav nlu iiiouii. W'o wnro Cull :-lioii)v. HofiMot; t!i-M'- \\vru .UMi KiUllrit. Th-n wen* throe wnjr'nm, i*ii;ht .Mn.vn.i jUiJ thriM: Whltworth nun:;, "\\V liiii-w wluiL we v.-t-m K'dmv l>> do, II In all nibblnh about our thluh- Iiik wo wi'i-i- !,"-i : i" ibda lunlvn. Wo rouiil. d'iVii H'.ip-.urt fnim Uu: Kami. Tlioro was no iiIii-t column " iid wo roallxci th;ii wo bad no oUWditl - r.up- pi'it. '"riio fh*:-l fdiot was Hoor.s Tin- dny :iio,ht. inip'M frnin K rimer: dorp, about (WO yards r.i*.;;>- with tin- Maxims a. d i.li.-y clrarod nut. Wo Tnunht only j.uii'K of mimk". Tho Hooi'-i were aniltu.liod and wo could not g.-t at them. "On \Wdno;'d:iy --vcrdnf; a tluilisunil Bopi'n uppoiii't-d on :t i'l<I: In njnui fu*- d(T, L'lioO yord.s lull1'. ( '-.OH'i'ji.l.'.l I'.ni'i'H fontlmo'd iIiIiil:. \v->iw ovrry dlrrot.lon. We cnlltil Ilol. ' idi:il-:<'( l.iit WlliMi thf- Ilucrii vanislii'il ui:dT tlio firo of miv '-,'iin.s, wr followd them. Wo w-r riinip"!],.,! in n.tivnt. \\'<- \v<-v>< und**r a hot lli-o all n!:-;lit. Wo liLK.^arod and fli-l't in tho h-adilK-. Wo \v<;h! all play- fc] nut. "Only ono chanoe rojiialriori tn pusli through tho Boi-r lliU'H, at any co>it, and oseape. At-davvn of Thursday wo woi-o nrt'd at h'-avlly from tho v-lln^o of Tluitor. My. horse was shot from undor iiv. Mnrso:; and nn-n w ro I'all- inrr on nil fddi>n of tho hill wln-n- wo ntcod. "Wo woro hotly on^ao,rd on all r\a>-r. witli -1000 intivtirhi d nn-n, bur had no onvrr nursolvos, Tho wound.'d wwo dr;i.;':;"il ulonf.1:' hi wnr.vms. All \^tto in iln- opoii at tin flniTH, It was hltt.rly ha.nd \vt-n\ Vionumbod, "Tho odds \vei i> ton to one ai<n inst Ufi: (ujr n ion wn- ours in Johannos- hur;,'. Cries for wnt.'r w< nt up on t:vt-ry <ddo. Tlio HulTor!n(,'n of tho wouiifK-d wi'i'o dreadful. Not an oncniy was in wlf^ht. , -Ml the liKhtlnpf was dono from ambush. The situation waa hrpolosK. Wo could only stand ami be rhot flown. "Tho M't-n't up. It was an old shirt,' Tho Tho Hoors continued to l|n- another 11 minutes. Tho Pretoria artillery arriv ed and opened lire. Our Maxima eouhl have knocked tho sprits out of thorn, liut wo bad no ammunition. At tlrst we thought the if una wore the artil lery of our allies. " "Thank God, the- Hand fellows at last,' was the ci-y that w.nt up. "Our hope was short lived. The firing stopped. The Boers rode up on us from ovory direction. They rave us food, for lark of which w;c wore nearly dead. "Janiosoi* askocl if our lives would bo spared if wo surrendered. " 'V*-s,' the Hon- louder r-piled. 'The liven of the men will be spared, but not yours.' " 'Ni-Vf\- mind me,' cried Jameson, 'Purrendor.' "T t-seaped by representing myself as a Tlnieji correspondent. Th.-y l.-t me f?o. The others tlo-v too]-: to Johannes burg. The J'.nor losp.-t. lmvo h.-.-u ridi culously undorstatod. They must have lost at least inn men. T was at tho taking of Miindalay in ISss.was in the Pinole Mountains, was the lirst up In ^.UJ'y exuoilitlon under CI on oral nii-roy of r-rdd and tin- our the Pti'wnrt, where I was shot In tho chest and forehead, but I never saw bravei- mori than Jame<<ou's. ( "What do ] think of Jim himself and his eronerous blunder ? "U n the LI undor, Jainoson'a ulmp- )y tho grandest man 1 over mot," I'lllniHlcr* limit ItfiiTH New York, Jan. TJ.-Capo Town spe cial cable to Tlio World: A tliouKautl armed' Jiur^hoia In Jr_ bannesburp, to-day were hooted by tho Uitlandora. Tin* HurKher-s have prepared a strong petition for tht* abrogation of tho treaty of 1H8-1, under whieh drent Tlrl- tain claims the ii;;lu to eoutrul tho TrunsyaaJ's foreign relations, and for the annulling of th- Mritish South Africa Company's charter. All Is quiet In the Transvaal. Tho Hour Covermrem refuses to al low Cape train guards to cross the Vual. All ponds aro opon. d and Insnocted At the border. The trallio is thereby greatly dolayed. w, Onafurm uoar Btaplon liv a wo coon. who at 53 yoarn old, who doen not kupw| tho tautti of any kind o: food, eioept li- i quids. When Hho wan ouly three month* i old flho had. Borne in fan til o dinano, aud | when she r.Movered there had been mioh ; a contraction of tb*- > iisopbaawM that ah*!- ha* bun unable to taka any solid foodi biuqo. Shu haa hn matrled about; twenty >enr* to Joseph Malltonx, of Biaptei, U tb motl.vf o< oltfht htj<ukuy j ohlld>o, ftutl Vlhii a5*> iritiuda. f "" fa,. icinomcH b* no <on.inn tBe Huyu Hi> IMiiiiMt'i. mill Win n.-rrrul flu- <'llHllrri|l < OlllpiUIV London, Jan. 10, A Cape Town de spatch to Tin.- T.ine.-i says; "Dv, JjunfKon'fc. ...en are now bein^ handed ovor.io the mihtary escort, at Lbe Natal holder, i.a. h man sikiih u doeluraiiou pioniism,; lu procoed to lOiiKland as a pi'bo. .... und not to raise iinj (|Ut:.VilimH"ieKp-':tiiiK h:s le;;al cus tody en rtiuie nor'j.u .-nipt to escape." Accoidlng toa special despatch from Capo Town, Cel. Klmdos, tho former Piomler of Capo C ::iny, was liUer- vioweTl prevlou.s to t;al.lns for Engluml and said: "1 am. no coward, and I shall not ro- sisn my seat In Parliament. I shall meet my detractor and shall be satis- fled If civil rifUiis arc giapted to the ITulanders. .1 intend to ba present at thi* annual meotmif of tho Chartered Company In London, when I shall ad dress tho flhnrohotUoia on recent urcnt'j." Aid Ofttri'il from \'<*w /*>itlA*i <1 Auokland, N.Z.. Jan. 19. Tho Maoris of North Inland have'telegraphed to the Earl of Glasgow, Governor of Now Zealand, offftrltur to'"form a fruerrllla rtKlmont for sorvleo in the Transvaal, should Huch tiorvloo b& deemed neces sary. My. fMHiivk-nu'* llujorliy. Godorlch, Ont, Jan. 18. .The onlclal Bummlikff h|> of the vote In West Hnr- \n took pi new In the Court Houm to* day, *o Beturtitng Ofilcor Beorlc il- clast^l VL C. Cameron duly slectod by a rrmjnrkty erf 1 rotes, MY, OumvM wlU l^avo for OttarWa ilio** *ftroa, and wtM dt ones taX* hik fitfto* with the Utertft lea*- : -v Grand Stock > Sale! In order to quickly convert the balance of our winter stock into cash, we have ciitthe prices to the quick ;note. reductions. OviiM-milh worth $11.7fi for S^.7u; worth 7.On und M. 00 for $fi; worth 10.00 for li.UO; worth 11.50 for 7.50; Fino IVi'Biini Lnmb Capa woith rt.fjo to 10.do, nalo price 4.00 to O.fiO; nillc Hcalottc C1aps worth 1,50 to ] .75, vfidnced to J .00 and I.Uni, BliirtK-atid DiuwtVH at '20 por cont. oil' all liiioti. C'omo quick. Now in the time to order it tuit; *j/j to 115 per cent, oil all our Two twocdn dtirhif; thiM Ralo. Drofw (iooda at ' from li* to !J5 par oonfc. off our fov'-MM* tdoM! pricbH. Manllo clotliK roducod from 25 to 40 p(;r cont. Only a low fur Capos, .storm Collars and MuI'I'h for ladion loft. Tbo.bulnnco at 40 per cont. diHimunt. Ono piece extra line milt SoaUotto worth $8.r>0 per yard, *alo price $1.75. Ladiou' Gloves, Jlohe, VcHtH, lite, all at. clearing prio.eti for cash. C'omo quick and fc'ot first choioo, Call and se the beautiful Crayon Portraits, elegantly framed, also the fine celluloid and plush bound Albums, which we present FREE to our cash customers. As usual our grocery department is well stocked with first- class, fresh goods, at rock bottom rrices. Yours for Bargains, ZDTTXTB'riL'ST BLOOK, ESSEX This is the Style WE PRODUCE. "Nottby" or Up-to-date," a or whatever inimo you may j^ive it. Our work comon up iu tho htaudiird mid our pru*i- fliH h low on . olherH churtjo fur c|ii;u.per work' D THE DUNBTAN HUJCK ESHKX. GALL AT A GREAT BARGAIN MUNTH AT FRftNGi'S. Owing to hnrd timcH and prices of farm produce wo iind wo aro ovov' stfji lit-d with winter fjoods^und in ordsr to turn everything into caul) by th inili ot February wo have'di cifled tofiivc..greator barfaiii in this already bargain bouse tbitu ever before been licard of in the County of Eshox, re member our slock is all new and clean, wq do not advertise to p;ivo you half off or quarter off bin every dollars worth of trood.s you buy from us at reg ular pricoB which is cheaper than the chcapcht bo- i'ua AI-L KINDS IU-' Window Blinds away down Chinaware, Bric-a-Brac, F:.mcy Goods, Noveltiew, Books and Stationery, School Supplit-B, Toys of all kinds, Berlin Wools and Fingering Yarnn, New Stock of late Wall Paper. We will give you back lOctsu in Cash., to convince you that our prices arc the lowest wo givo you a BmaTl list low. Grey Jhinoia 8 lo 12| 15 20 cts. all worth IC por cont more. Remember we give you back 10c. in ca& with every dollars worth you purchase. Bhiitiugs worth 1MJ- for Hi:. Remember we give you 10c. with every dollars worth you purchase. Dress <JoodB 15 20 *2;") HO 40 5ii cts. all at reduced prices, Remember we give you back 10c. with every dollars worth you purchase. . Prints, Cottons, Toweling, Pereailoa, Gin^baraa, Cottonadep, Tablinga, NapluiiB, Towels, jVIitts, Gloves, Hosiery, Corsets, nnderwaro, in fact tiverything in this store has been marked down in ordur to turn tins stock into casli beforo tho Ifith Feby. . Don't forget that we give you back lOcts. j j m cash with every dollar purchase for cash. I /ll _ Al *_____ f._____* I * T I . . 1 *-, T. -, ... Clothing, funuehii'gs, Hats and Cans, Boots and Shoos and Groooriea everything goes, prices cut no figure, Kanh is King, with us. Yours k eto, J. 1. F11ICI Vance's Old Stand, Essex Know What You Chew 5V ESSEX edical Hall! Hoadquarturd for School Boola, School Sup'idiuo. Not Pupur.EnvolopHn, Inky, Writing TahliitH und offioo Blationory. 1HBEENSING AND FAMILY DKUGOIST. THIS GOLD WflVf |j free from the Injurious coloring. The more you use of It the better you. like It. MM GEO. E. TUCKETT A SOM CO.. LlfD HAMII-TON.OHT. Y*U Can llelirvo te Tho tetttimoniat4 niiblhilied in holilf of HoodV Sumiiparil'a. They an* wriltaia by httuont ipeople, whohttvo uomm'Iv fruud ia thflit own o^porwnoe th-.* Ilooa'n Sarim'p- arllU puritltf b the H- "1'11 ore ate a u appetite. htfeiiKtheii" tho Hyitetu dud sbBolntoly and yorranuftDtly o ate it nil diaeaaoa oauvad by Iwjpaci? or dctioletot blood. llood> P M*.< - *ho li-ef nd h-wl- i: e4 promptly, *bi*- ly- SING LEE. CHINESE LAUNDRY Cor- Talbot si. and Victoriaa^e* Tlu' l&toHt improved maohinory for I run inn OollufH wtitt Cuffa. Wlll.uok oraok nr hruiiUtiia wiuj;. Family wotkohoap., Parcola called for and do live red. Ploabd oull and try. If uot BatUfaotory n <di<ini*< will he knude, If our work sultH you, Neommoud ua lo your friends. Hood'* Pills car* llw HU, oonitlpaiiva, I tliou aata, iattpdl6e> nok htftdaab*. . /' ' : it i ' " ' /, *ri'L PiflJIIV. IliltlH f* J. u *. ii r 'i; rl.Will uot ho folthulf ho tiiucli.in tlra hoaoev it, vou una th^ lil'iN'S FUKIi flAVES-i AND HKA.T RADIAT0B. Sttye.i46 par/. aflttfc. ot (uoi. Ic oatohoa tho heaOna.iotbftr-, ! wlaei'ouB out dooro through the chimtiey, ti\:V, U built ob Boientilto priuoiplea, and only . heediijto bu a^-u lo h*z iu'dmntood and p- v " preoiatod, Prloa oidy $4 to 5.'[ Will'*Wd, $$. ita oosfc in a f*_ wri'ka,' ' '! '.'y/'^'^^ E. L. PAKItER; ['&$ . . BB5EX... - ^"ONTARld^'iW li^taiiii^^Mi^Sl^:vi2tt .j. (.". '?:*'l ^IHlMi&^i 16

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