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Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), January 24, 1896, p. 2

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PP^j4^ TS-IR ESSF,^ PREP. PRfSB 'ii:r*-- X-FUKKiMiESS [3?33a3-c:, OXTW. led Every:Frldny Morning ^hecfllou on Talbot Btnmt, next 5DuuntaU Moult. 11 attention in paid In thepubliua- latter uf local imptnLunciJ, iicoutr- [robuhle report" "t Town, imiijhhor. mnnlp and duality (Councillu-octod- m 1 nnd uounty marJmt repnrlu, oto,, [<jfu. and judiciouu mauugiouimt uf Iikw 1*ui:hh, with'wmpuot lotliiiiiu and sur'ront pmitimi of loeal importance, [von lb a wirti)itpr<Jiul prrptijid in thu [of l^HhOX county,whieh h\ ri!QO|nizfl of tha boHl iigrieulturul dintrietH in fia. Tins Khi;i; Vhicim in tho only im circulating thoroughly in thm portion of tho County, iid m on- [utly,without dnnht.tlioonly thorough |tinintf medium for bumnohn people jig to vonoli Hull cltmn.of ciiH|,Grourn. COHllurn'ONDKNOM;! ooluimiH nvo id way u opon for tlio able dihiiiiiinon ot pfiattoru pertninin- publio welfare, lo corroBpondontu in nil the imrround- inpulitum furnhdi reliable luportii oi! TtH u| Jutui'uNt, occurring iu thoir novoral Jerea; and tlin publiuher i at iilUtimot- fiBdd to receive interecting itonui of ?h from any dinne-nod to forward contri tions. fill ootnmtiuicatioriH of a private and infldoutial.niituro, ohmild Un no marked .Hie owitido of the onvolopo. HUimcmi'TiON vuici:.] I' 51,00 pur annum, ntriotly in advance, 'IJjJ pur annum if not mo paid*, ana all irroar" ohargod at that rato. AOVl'.llTIHKMliNTfl. Transient lojj;iil and municipal udver- tiHOnlontfi, notice*!, ele., charged at tha riito of ton eoutn per hue, for unit inner ti^n, and live cunlri pur lino lot oaoh Hubupfjuont innortion. Ail tiuch advortifiomontu uro meiumrorf byimculoof twolvo linen to thu inch. I and other noticen pub- liflhod among local ijuwh matter charged ut tho ruto of ten cento per running lino for each innoruon. All uotioofl'of church or nccioty ontor- fcainmontu of any description, at which.an admiBfiiou fee ia charged, are regarded'uit advortimnnoiittt, and full udvertiniufj rateu rohargod in all onch caHon... Noticen of gath ering or meetinga not for pecuniary bono* fit or aid, will bo ohoorfully publinhod free | of charge, Special contract niton made for display lor Htunding udvtK, All legal orprofcHaion- al cards under oua iuoh, ft'5 per uuuura. job on coMMiiiicuL rniSTiKO, "Tho I'-iii'15 3?kh ' Job 'Printinu De- moat Ib under tho nuporvitiiou uglily comptitcnt moohUnicH, pomwC'ittantion ia puid to tlun t>riL trudo. Our facilitifjn lot tho oxncutior\)KaU lundH of Hook aiid ' Fiuo Job Pvintinu aro" 'doxqollod. St^am powor proHUon. A'oall HoUeited. f ,AU .lob Printinjr and Transient lAdvorfciHinfi accountH, Htrictly cauli. .Advorfcioin^ acoouutH with regular .p&ttcmH are Bottlod quarterly. Sub- .oriptiona dno iu advance. No Hubaoription to tho FnBis Viikhb, or ftdvertifiomont publiHhed in ita columnu will bo diHoontiuuod until all arroarH aro ,paid in full. ObunfioB for adv^rtinomontfi, to socurn ilneortiou in tho current ihhuo, mnat im handed in not Uttur than noon of tho Tuuh. day proGodin^, and notiso of wuch iirtond- i -ad ohaugb m roquirud on tho Monday pre- coding. * _ Notictj of diHcnntinutuico of aovoiUHti- jaonta muat bo ^ivon t leant one woisk in .advance of tho innno in whichj thoy aro doRifod to lafit aprjoar. A.I)VKUTI8EIta, SabaoriborR and patrons ye no rally ~ are [ roquoatod to road tho abovo regulations natofully, in order that cnnfimion may Jbo avoided, aa they will in all cahOH bo JadjifcVed to. AddroHH all communicatioua to IK. J. LOVKbAOI?. ', . Publiiihor tho Ehbicx Frtr.ic Pnicim, 1 Eiiiiox. Ont ZJi: X.' ':'m>i\ttt ii /lr.. nctt ^"lulfiltt, lloiLun. e Could .Not Live \7,i!i '.i'luvti'fricndsi *ald, but Hogci's Psifectly Cured *>r->ndfu1 Cnno of Colonic Eczomm- Gii'jh u tout iionnliil iih v/u jjivo holow fow inciiiiMM'..:) .,:ni ymnlucu. It v\ onoo'fthoua- undii poiitiLMKod iiy JJood'a ^arnupurllla, and pi'ovi1", 1 \\a :u(>rit ot tbht medicine XU'lIn" , iionc.ii., indiiMtrlo'iH, Ih what oil ^ay of Mr. Bomiott. Ilohun bconoiiBUKed an ;^.'tW',: ^v i;i j"i];itoii for U5 yearn, with Tarbujl, HI Wivihington Htrcet,nnd Mc- Kiuney, Wtvdiinfjton nt., opp. XtoylritOQ. "0.1.IIc^v.'. :t c.\, J^wrll, MY. .: "Conl.Imuf.'ii: X nm only iloliiK what U lurttwiiuni U'U voluntarily what Iloatl'a burbiiptu'illa hmi dona forme. I know It Saved Wty Llfo. "A year ajfo hint v.iiltcr, ufter oxpOHur* t (durnif;, X cauijht a uoveru cold, nfLui which chronic .i!c/.cmn appeared on the calf of my loft U? and spread all over my luwor lini'i from hru'O to nnklo, nnd tho iLehin',' n:i" hurnkjfj wns Bonolhlnf_j aw ful. Adil-.;tl to UiH wan a iiovorc pain, liiitjrnlii(^ly in tho ihkio. At iaut it bouame Bothat I hi'.d i.o |j;h'u upworlc and wan unnhlc to '.mi!!:. X hud to hnvo my leg bitndr.f;c-(I all t hot! mo and froquont chant)" cs* of tiiO clrj, ;n. X-'or iiino montiva I aat With my h-i; ru-iLin^ in a chair. Oh, flt V/aa Dj-ondfu'.l Friends naidT could not livolonj;. Iu tXl I had Hovun efferent phyHi^iniiB, all to no pun.oio v;lntover. 1 knew tho morlt of Ilood'n i-inran. arllla am I hnd,nomt) yearn before, : uktin" iL with benefit, nnd docldod totryltror my npwuontly hopoleun crho. In two or th**oo (l(iyn a'Ler X boijun my ap- pot'ta ".'as bi:!,tiir nnd my eournfjorevived. To mnlco n loii'j ti'.ory nhort, tho oruptlon cnt'rciv dlTjn])j;<-'iir(!d,.nnd *-no flonh on my leff ifsutii'iod porfcotly hoaltliy nppenranco, I wau /joonnb'Oto wnlk about, I cannot tell howitm:r/,od my, ai^liboruand'friends wor^ I can now walk, without any lamo- Bursa- "COWARDLY I'flLTROONS." Tho Catholic Ropjistor So Doh- cilbo^ tho l.ioltura. AMAZING CHAPTER IN POLITICS lll.y Ull\l' .< (! \\\ '.hr limtllMK O) Slfllt'H <'iil llllulni llt'ii E nwuilhy "1 4ollCi(tt'ilir. he (Jiiihnllc Ue- ;;t:i l'i.'i-ii slr-Mii;- . 11 - v -^ ' "'!'- TnronLo, .Inn. 17.- ITlHtcr, whlrh of l.i Lt la: I 1;;:mim, iiiuS r Lin tich'iK.- lc:;j; ( 'li<nic," : : '.Iuvui iiiiK-nt In t ';i ii,;.|a im.; lic-n i.l'i-i;;,i.l. Iu iLiMal. Lhaii liallli-;; il'-:irrip- L.i.in. 'JMic ultiin! ion .i.V (Hl;nv;i i-.an n<> Ii. i.|-'.t.-r In) . in Ji in nV in a [m\<- of ri-u-.rvu. Ciitl.-iiiiii i,(.'.v fall;; :iiori ft inii'iiiiial lun mil si [J ih . i;.; pi :,<:>-. flood's parilla ncfiH, as well it!i over. ^^ t\ "l^f*^ navonotlhoBlIghtent^ J **"^> eruption or itching or ^uHa/ *W&W*U burniri,',', or t-.'iv oorf, of troul;la whatever wltli my !oj>;. Iho nratitudo I owe llood'o HaitiiiTMLri;l;'. i'^siui}'.!;, uu!iru'al;nblo,"TnoH. IlKNXKrr. iVii Sycamore' St., Xlonllndalo, IloKton, Maim. Try HOOD'S. BJTst^/f V nilln urotabtolcaSpMlld.effoo- glOOCl S r'U&S tivo. AUdyucEista, 2Bo. 1 PALAOB STEAMirnG. LOW RATG&. CLEVELAND, ^ HBB PBTTSBIJIiO, ^ w ffllw BUFFALO and ALL POINTS EAST BVtanv BVLawiNQ nnrwcBM IOETR0IT # CLE CooucctlnK with earliest traiuo nt Clcvultnd for nil polnta East, South and, SoutliV7e!;t. SutwUyTripsJtm*. July, Augu&t and Qcptom!icr On^ POUM TRIVR fBH WBMK 8btwm m "^TOSICGV. THB "SCO,- MARQUETTH, ' ANC> DULUTH. yo ucw tteet ptsEieuccr Dtentncrn have ju.it i built for our Upper I.alce Route, ccwtluff .W each. Seud lor illustrated pamphlet. fcuu' A. A* OOHAMTZ;. o. . *Y. *. DSTnOIT. UlOil. COPYRIGHTS .-.Ml OIITA1IN A 1*ATKN*?' Vota IM urwwAfc' and on lionet oplulnri, wrltii to N N A; <;<>.. who hv# Imti ut!ttvlyjii!ty yonra' Jrionoolatho patent luminous. Conimunka- - j*Btrlotlyoontlttonttl. AJlDiftilinnUof ! ,'ortnailtin oonoomina; ritlnnu nmi lmwin*t>- |wd3 tllem ont rroo. Alo a ciUjilouVO Qt uioolniii- L'mJ mid eokxiMtiri UodIch Heat rroo, ftiV.um\M -itiikitu tUroiwh Munn.A ,Cp- roculvd . inudalnoUadiiithoMihuitldaAiherii!itn*.uiitl fr.tkw ar;broiib* -n-ldolf bvfomiba pulilloWUIi- Bt,ent to.t)m,1nMitfH'/ ,1'nti Buloiirtlrt j>Ir, jCMt rtrQultion(oIl.^nyMloi)tiOQ.\ftjrtiii tbu ttamoa.nKrathij'.Aj.ionsoar. 8lnlo ^ Oft^M^ HraiyniuDber conUlo* J>pu\'- 68, in Oolort, BDd'pHotoirtiwb^ot bi*w _ftfipli*na,nbllnilbulW'-1 loshow-thi) T^lHTip ouj Mcurs oontrnflxr. AOtltoari ',-Sl * CO.. NKW VOltlC. 1(11 0iiC>iTr,W4t TALLSTRUCT'Jii'.S. 1Clie IK1jl><st Toiyi'ih, v ii im m-yrt, Splrt'ii. 1'y rum tils him) lliiil>Uii{*^. Tho tn'ib'-t cliiiin vy w'ns Imllr ilI fort DundiiK, (ihiKmiw. Scci iinin, i'-ai m I sMt, tor .. Townsiiml. ii in il.n Id^m-a rhim- ney In thu woiiil (hVl fuutj-aud onuyLtln: lol'tinsti masonry utruonirurf In nxit-ttmun. It is, indi'piuultfiit of itH si'/.c, onii of Ll-.o hist HpeeiimuiH of sulisi uiilial, Wtdl-matlti brick work In oxi^tw.<. . in Munij.-u there aro only two ohiin . - co(id thlK nt rucDiiro lu In-...: .. -'iiy, tiiiit. nf .thu Cologne Uatln u.u! * -". rrr hvt, \ and that of StniHhiir^ (.'ui.lu-tlnil i-l'W foot,). The t-lr.'iit, Pyi'uinitt of i-jh'.ch whs uri, iu- ally -1D lent, although not s.i iiv.li m lit'OHont.. Tlio United ;-taios ouriO'is ilium till Willi Itt* WaHhiimton 'mtmnini-nt, m. rtSil foot hlRh, and iho tow< r of tlm 1'hlla dolphin public buiUlin^r,, which is r.IJT fact high. Tho Klffol Towdv at XJnrlH mirpas.son all othor terruatrial motal Ktrnelures \vh h it.^ nltltudo of nearly 1.00(1 foot. Tint "t-Jivat Towor" for London, in course of eon- Htriu'-tlon rrein deslt<nH of Mr. Henry ]>avt!y, C. K will mump all nutnl ttriu^ turos, boing built of Hteel.aiul its .ixin-mo height will'Rn 1,'JaO feel, when Unshed. Tho hiKhcst and mostreinarUnljlo metal chimney In the world in erected at. the Imperial foundry nt. XlalnhrucUe, near Froihori,in Saxony. Tho height of tliiw Htruoturo Ih 1513.11 feet and 15 74 foot. In In ternal diameter. It in sltuatotl on thu right bank of the Mil Ida, at an elevation of210 fct abovo that of the foundry vtorkH, ho that ita total height above the Bun' iu no Iors than 71X'.i.r feet. Thu worUf aro situated un tho lott bank of the river, and tho furnaoo gasoa aro conveyed aorus tho river to tho' chimney on :i hrhl^o through a plpo3,a27^ feet In loiifflili. Tho hiflhofit nrtilh'lal Htruoturo in America Ih tho wator works tower ut Kdon Park, CinolnnaU, O. Tho floor of tho tower, roaohotl by olevatorn.lH Mi! fool abovo tho Ohio rivor. Thu baae Is 101 foul, abovo tho Htroam. . If tho height of the olovator Khaft he addod to thu observation Uoor tho grnnd total holRlit iH ns'.i fiM-c. Tho Mghost'. ollloo bulldliUT In tlio "ori.l Ih that nt tho Manhattan Ufu In.stii'aiu:. Company, of New York city. ltn hi'Ijrit- abovo tho Hide walk in M7I feet, and it foundatloiiH go down 511 feob below ih. mmo, being 20 feet; bolow Udewnk-i lovol," makinfra total of 104 feet. Tla toundatloiiH consist of flftunn masonr plors, and aro carried by i.lin iianio "inn her of HTeul onlwona. T|u> iiuti-r wt-r mink to liuilrock by tho pnnniiiatlo y.v 30HH. The eiuitllover Hyiitom wan i.nod iu [iho foundations. an .1 111- i Vt-llt S of u.HvS :-llOi'l \\ I'i'li fijrili tile rm.sL ain;u,lii- iliapioi- of liisiory Vfi- I.iiouii iindri ) oh.'.titutinnat. giiv- e:imn-nt. J.'arllaii.ijni ua:- calh-d lo- <;'ll.<r In onli-r if ait \>- ., iain t i , , .lcni':ly - cruiuciit^ wan im;:' pkdgwl upon an "' 'i. .,i- .,i|| .-.-ili ral'y i. [...IjI'c ii.l* i'i-.-l Thi> pn'.i.j;' of r in* dial l.-uia- hUion \\;\n dh-tiiU'd by rif-vht mid nrei ulliLled by tli^i t-'ims >ff rln- "-on- :U"ltit Ion,, Kiu.-li wv's tin- wiound lalo-n b\' the I i-SpOllsifc l'_- Iradt.TS iii tin- Ci'.bini.'t Mie ! 'rortihr.M i. l^-iMt-r. Hit- C. II. Tupju-r. .Varllann-ut mot and the Hpi.-i-cli from; -tin- ilii'mi,- anaoun.-- m! Ua: expi-etotJ 'io;;'1h1;U Ion. Tlini was ]> : "pun t hcJ Crown and tin; )u">]il'.:. ^i-V(.-n "lai.sl.frs d.-.sertrd lu-- (;ovi m- liM'H,*.. In; for.- ilk; <. J m ','! i'm : p i-eii was to^-n up, bffiiiist.-, Hu thidr li'nl<-]' [.rid. 'ii'"* con. Mi-' nl ili,. I'rcniii.-r an Incom petent iinlltk-kin. ITail thf sell.-mi- of iho dL'SiTU.i-s ii"Ci.."i|li,d. tlio . tnosi tllniHlroiiti Mow i!i:ll ' eould p i 'sil'Iy li:i v.- I.fcii si i-ik-:-. ajrallisi tli'- pnli'-v (In hin.'d in tin* '..uuea's Hpoech w niild hj) Vr \i< <;ll illil !f! i-if. 'I'll,- iliiVIllt V of tho Orov.'n wnih.l liaVo b< en tram plod in (if r I'uot, upon i h... |i!cti-:;i : ha; a V'reuiliT Whoso on ntal. (.'ondillon u-a.'i ileclai'cd by hh: own fnuf-r, no un to tlo- :tandan\ was attrniptuo-,- to rorco thioim-li n d.vlr.::" Va lilamnnt a - bill obnoxious to too puoplo. llad Iho jiloi ; in-o d-d tlio pnlloy at :-;t;'LUe would Iviv.- bot.n iH U-rly disi-rod- rt wiiii put for: 'i to toll, and .uii.d.v the .rln runs obiiiijinat loll lllo lo'adilif-'.' Coni'orva- Il'iv.-cll was foroi-il CJoVi-r- nrii' faet v.-hi'-h th'- I A MONKEY'8 LOVt. Nothing <'on)(l Mu1u lllm Uivppy Airuln wiion Khi- wiik 't'tii'tt'ti Away. Tlu've win, until very nteuiitly, i utin of t.he num.?' idly o.4ial)liiiJiineni a In which Ulnall a o t Miiiln liiol hinl.i ai'n i-nld, a jiitkf of iiiunLoyci ot n'lniii'l.ilblo llitell iiienoe, iiaye the N. Y. World. Kmni their itrlson Maire nnd ea e they enierlnlned lar(!>) uudlenee,! of t,| unlator.-J iva aerobaJr.. The endearing alfeotlon wliitdi limy eherlshed for each other wau an oxampl" for .sonut domestlo (di-elfiH of to-ilay, Tholr con sideration one for the other whh ' iiiohi; pronounced, while a inmlnr care, rejrard and oriin;tiin(!y was slrilclrifdy shown. A hIhu'I, 11lno idin.0 1 paid ni.oi.Jifi* vlwlt to I,lin ]ilani'. A eustomer entered, llhi ohjeet, ' win t.he jiui,olia,-'M of one (inly nf rim puic v/lioiio '.viiining ways had eii- deao d iliriti to tlio hirarls of tho niitiiy whn i.o.w end lovcil tlioin, Tho :!-r;li'i'd one of t he two wn> t'ho:-:in, .chniiio,! and paid for hy the pureha/ur.' J woald have eagitrly (,dvoii tun time.; the prion nald could I have arreted t hat, ;-;ile uial -. i a- rai ion. I.:tn//u;i|,'n could but- feebly rx- jir.^-1 !|io'-ei-ne wliich followed. I watcli- |fi| Iho font urns whleli wore but. u mo ment hntore radiant with Joyous conteiit.- metity iditot.i'jrally eliaojrlnu to despair, nioro nrd inure prononne- i im t.bo Imrio.r and .-ale wan belli;; i-onsuniinni'"! winch would I'lirnvm' m'piirarn t.hcui. 1 omild not at the last observe iho eondiiot ol ihenno inirehnsed, ii having I>lm:ii removed under covor, Initi Urn emotional demons! raiionn by the renuiitung one were touching to a painful decree. ICvnti the Htiuug-lron bars which 1'rained tbu cat/e worn liuod by the nuiiiia]1-; furioun nfVertsi. Three <.[.\y* (iubm'quent. to this my in to re:,:, in hot mil' ut t iio doMirt.ed one prompted' mo to Ji^':U|i virtiLthe place. The hwlnglng "trapo/e," which had contrihim-u so abundantly to the enjoy ment, of the lit.ilo couple, remained Dint ioiiIhss. Food and fruits of ilolieutu and tempting llavor were tintouoliiMl hut crouched in ;i corner of the ca.yo Was tlio emaci'leil lorni'of the little nui'.irnrr ill- niioa, liudess criiKhud by tho burden of denputr. iBtlne's Experience Given for the Benefit of all Weak and Nervous Men and Women. She Specially Recommends Paine's Oelery Compound, Ited. Mvry f'H" tTinko the blow lUreHR of a tro bofwoen Moino of Mvch Sir Muck :. to rjffor hl.s r-'Hi, nor-f lonornl. Th ruiit*^nitm3 io-^loo;o.ULo-t~l':o Into :i:'- Cfiunt U<tm tlio oi itsot, or v.iii'il. p--r-- haiis, ih'-y vniiily hunglii'-il tlnycnu'd afford lo Ignoi'i-, was tin- diRiiit.v "f tln: Crown. Hut they roH-oned wltii'Mtt th'-lr host. Th<- ("Pivornor-fJfu-'i-il liroiiK'ht them to Uioir som;o;; n.ienoii- tarlly at lonid, ilo was no| lioiiiL-, in pr-rmit an odhaii-; pro ad inL t o i: .> irpeu the r-'oords of the I'aiiiamont of :!anu- cUl dlia-ctly InHiiltiiHT to'Ids olho". and contrary to all ooostitot Ion" 1 u:-';t:r . Thus .the bolters i'<amd ill in:- ivtM -'-t bay, and. with ilv InfltiiKiK of cow- urdly peUroiins, tln-y mad.-- hasty prfr- para.t Ions to ;diir|; i\-^;ioo: il-.iil..' for the monstrous v.s. nj,' tin y loo1 .h>:nThe Mail and Kn.-pu-" o , ,'.ioi.. !a.y told how tholr ciih f, iAir (iiari*-- Tut- [>"r. had bi-en ei-d avnrino; to : ^h'-Ti l)Ht;l-'t.o the pi.a'tlon:1 :Viey h' . o.- od. All but hls"V-oa; an-1 tin- >: - ' ">' h is suscoiitlhlo of a*i I'S'i-litin". i-'O ".: <'- soems to show tha1 d :"'i......f IWln- (dplos is ntill tht- v.-afoh.-z-ifd < " 'n- pong. S\r Mack ,-, told, would not oo:;<- hi t > : '- Mr. Foster, Mr. l'a-'"::f tague. He h:nl mi-<f 1 ch-nt, It would a~ :' the rlnglerulei'H and ii-.'[\- their rospon..:ildPt o. [ " Kir Mackcriv:! o-t an lioneHt Mtai. sma n. A TurfiiuuiN T;ile. A New .Jersey man laid mo i% pon:! Htory the oilier day on one id our lore- inost. turfinoti, a man whoye name is ner- liap-; priuicil oftnner than i baa. of any other connected with the raeing in Amc-iea, s;iyn a writer in the N'ow Vorlc l.-'ress. A goad many years agrt thiw tui-f- iiuui, who wir. not thou deep In tho racing1 business, arrived in Jersey (j; Willi a- train load of mustangs from th- .pliitiii^-or lli^-knuw notiiing- ot I Im laws of tun suite, nor uf iho uhlln- "iitiros of tlio idty.. He knew that ho wantiMl tn sell bis mustangs, ami thought tin* hunt, way to do If was to'sell them afc auction, lining somewhat gifted In speech, ho detiu-ininod Unit iio wnald ha his own aucl loueer. The sale smarted out well, fair prices wire re^Und, Suddoiily ir was itn ernijircd by pi.ijleo* men, who demanded a view of our Mend's ljertn.-e, " License:-'" ho'sulci, a:;; a/od. "'What liO'Misc;' 1 haven't any 1 ioense of any kind." "Well, you I'an't sell hnrsos In thinelty Without a Ileensft. You'll have to eoniu along. No nionkoy business with us. " Of course, lot wont alon^, tmt whh lucky enough to flml u friend at c. "t (u lawyer who went hail fprhini In the mi of $50. Then l;ho lawyer nald : **A Ucnn=o costs S^5(). You aro umior bonds'. (-Jo ahead and finish your sale, collect your money, and skip our, ejlvo me J&"0 to Buttle tint forfeited bond, and you are $^0l'ahoail "f the game." Xt was done accordingly. Thu turfman and his ( frloml mot In tho tit. Ja.mofl hotul i latoly and lauflhod ovu tlio joko. MisH rdiiiion Mcllrine.of Ileihany, Unt., pohjlively linedi,ioh tliut I'aiin'u foolery (lonif.oiiyid lis v. r.it.h ith wHinht iu cold for nick people. Thin iduteincnt, cominu from ono wlio wiih raiscii ii|t to health and viyor, tommandH . the i loneid utteution, Punt fiiiliircii with worthlenH niedieinew antl por- frnl buccchm with l,iiiiii,n (Jnlcry (Jompound, itia strong nod (dear rleniGiiHtfation that tho popular compound eitn be trusted in (every oaie. Ilea 1 tho following letter written bv Mjhh MeUrino, anil then honoHtly decide whether 1'aine'n Celery ('oin|ii)imd ia worthy of n rriul an far an veur nana in oouoorned : "Itia with Lhfi jiriiutcHt pleiu-aro tb*fc 1 mid my teatimeny to tho volmnoM you hiLve ulrciftdy on (yh; in fuvor of I'aino'a Cnlnry Compound. After imffrrlni; for a length of time, unci having met with many difiappoiiitmontn in tho uao of rnodioiuel* in geiiortd, I eoiamencod to tmo Vairie'W Colery Compound whioh proved a com- plfete Huccciiii in niy cane. Your modioine cured me oornjletoly, and I foul au wall , over before in my life. "Piunu'n Culery Gompourid ih worth U woight in gehl for hioU people; I would npecially ruaommund it to all woak and iko'Vouh puoplo." Gem and Canadian Aermotor Steel Windmills d i iCl! In '1! re Mo:;.. :-!'(". ;gni-:" t'l-iiT (<-'. p to i Irt t hour imI tof: pa rl of \v!l li a ::f:r. ! - : a sp'.'i-i1 fn lie* hom.r ! . his Catarrh nd Hay Fnvta* Mou.-kmi m T- to Bixty Min-tii-N.. Oh nhort puff of 'he bmiih diem. b. blownr, eu'pplied with (it-h houi- ! M.^. Atiiiow^H Cutburrbal Towt-u', d IYok"* ili poo/dor ov4 tho wurf-ce of th n-*el ]>< > agOH. PniiiliH uud di'hjjbtiul i ti ii -. it re liuvoB iu'itnutly and iiwiunmfntly cihvh i- turrh, hay 1 vtr, oo'iIh, boo'xliolu>, v.. x- tViroat). toaiiillUfl and deufuPbH. 6| cm t-. Bold by J. Tuojne. f. ---------------~---------*_ ., ; KxpOdUte to oold, damp w nrlfl, way ro- huH in paeumpul-V uiib--* thu Hy*lm ;a kortt InTiftortitod with HowVn Baruaparilla. p?n'poe to dc r";".i true soiitlu.i-at -*.' th.' reward. !! had rn,:u. Keiia.te wbh'b v.v s an position and to h iny-\f. I'ait, alas '. ii" WilH hoilllfl to -j;it dn.vii 1 ol'o*- tlv> o.'ir- nipt nlimie wh ) rh-aild Ih n sop;>-:i have gone down, and who will yet, : *> down, to post-iity biamied as Iho traitors tiny ar_u_____________________ On Wednesday morning Tin- World urinnuncd Sir M .,ek nide 1 :o wop's terms of caidtilli.ti.il. Tho legal thra lled nut expired, ami s;X of the cat;- might (Uill O'Min. iific'v. thj resignations th.- d<- rl -vy. v. em Id he aved tho ord-al o!' f^eWi'-', tileir oonslitUent.s, and th.-ir raha-le.-, would go on as If nothing had h ;ppoin.-d. Foster, 'Ha- gart, Ivt s, |)Io'i...y. 'ionta- iiiie end \\'o(j(i would c .i,.o \i,irk, and :or of tht: dl'aina, would conie in. i*b- <*lc^. Tupper, .ji1., would sf-iy mil;, it goi.d and stilJHdont r.;:ins no .dude., whieii indeed are not ha.: d to o.i.Jooiure. it- was Sir <Jh.;.r!es, jr., who draf d the Itouiedial Order, ;ul In the in ::t se.-ne bo In all likelihood will be tin scape goat of the pice.\ A n.-at 'arrange ment, iMVt It ? H'r ^acdo-uKl- Howl! will continue to lead p.o-eb'y un ii tho addreHs Is pul. out ft the way, but It would be assuming too much at tlila moment to think the jires ml i'ro.nior will remain wh re. Ik? Is vevy many days. Hero, of course, arhoi th- fpiesdlon, will Sir Charles Tuppoi', for h* Is now virtually Premier of Camul , attempt to 'piifa a Itcmod'al. I'd 1 '.' Will' h<' stake his mictcsti upon that Issue aft- r what has taken place within th" Gov ernment ? Willi tht: intemio-o. of the Government hoi'.ceforwurd honest men can have Ut tlo coucera. Tiny are- In u discredited, in a r.dh-ul eis, position bedoro ,th. country. It ^w'oiUd_l^^ab surd to expect eny'thlng dolfiilte from them. Thin ia the view, we expr-'iaied hiHt week, and :dl th'it has occurred alncc; liar; helped lo confirm, us in our opinion. Tiny lu'.vo lost ov-ry el'ilm to confidence, every right iwt public trust. Thc-y have Imit all the InstinctH of statesmen, oven of average politi cians; tha only characteristic that atlll ollnga to tlu-m in their dogged perti nacity to retain the truits of nillce, Wo do not. apply thct'o remdrkH to all the memhern of tlie Government, for we know not how lore; or how abort It may be'until another crlHlH nrlsen an Important hh the one now announced over. But the dcnartera of hint v^'CeU nre for tho moment In control of the pplloy ot tho Corn rvatWo party, nnd an they avo mon unworthy of confi dence, and equal to any upeclon of po- UtlOnl villainy, It !h they who mtiM't now bo judged and condomnod by all. Photocraplilng tint llorrom (tf tlio Hen* A Western sportsman lias been foryenra making a collodion of photcjgraphu of all kinds of wild animals In their native liaunis, and ninny of those pioturuH,. especially of animals about to spring at. their intmulod pry, have been taken under conditions that inudo tho HkiJful liatulling of the rlilo highly nooussary the Instant after the camera was snap ped. Another enthusiast haH devoted; himself to photographing tho ani mals of the forest, in their nightly wandcrlugH. Xde would set a wire in tho path of tlio animal ho wished to photo graph, and adjust the camera so that art tho animal came along and mado-contact with the wire, magnesium powtlor waa ignited, ami in tlio Hash tho pb .ro waa taken. In this way some eautlfnl wpeclnions of door In all sorts of attitudes, of mountain lions, badgers,, opoHBums, etc., have been secured, and many new features have been dovolopod of grout In- tere to the naturalist, . M.. liontan, the Kur naa naturalist, who studies the wild ILfo "of the ^Mediterranean In tho garb oil a diver, has sueceudod in taking Honnr photographs of tlie sea bottom. Tlo UiieR a Hash light obtained from a spirit lump and magnesium powtlor, which is covered by a wnuu'-tight boll jar. The lamp stands nn a barrel containing oxy gon gas, which he cm ploys to work tho lamp and the pneumatic Rentier of thu camera, lie breathes throuch tint supply pipe of iho diving dross, Thu camera is vvatcr-t luht, and stands nn n'trl'nud iioar /the barrel, so that the shutter and tho lianhi-Ught can bo worked together. A.re acicnowledged LEADEES eitl as Power or Pumping WindraillH. For prices tiiid terma, iiddrefis v i - Ji ALFORD Ehbgx, - Ontario. Ager4t for Eaaex County. Htvnthror <>ii*rnr***' IV* Trotlf. .'XjcniiSoki, Onto Jan. 16. .Tohn Beaton. an extensive Htrathroy contractor. He* In thVjaiil hero'upon a charge of con- Kpfrtijcy to. not flr to his own property, to fltroihro*. I'rogrcHM ot Hie- J-'lylnc AInolilne, Cire'at strlde-i have boon .taken within the hist two yearn In the development of the powers nf tho Hying much I no. Hi ram Maxim maintains that he can now lift 139 pounds per horse-powe.r; bur. Unit with imprnvemontB soon to be maturod he Jnofca to raise thin figure to r>() ov 00 pounds, Thla would onablo a maohlno to take a ilight of 500 or WW) miles. Ia lining his perfected maohlno, Mr. Maxim will dispense- with the railway track at prosonli UHOd, and a Abort run over a moderately level Hold will Rive enough voLoolty togive tlio maohlno Itn mart. Ah far as lauding Ih. concerned, very Uttlo nboek will bo felt, an tho aerial naviga tor will teuoh the ground whilo moving forward, and tlio maohlno will bo brought, to ruat hy sliding on tlio ground for a nhort dlstanco. .Mr, Maxim regards thin an tho only way tomalco a miooimftful doHCent, If tho nuwmlno wero ntopped In tho air and allowod to fall dlrootly to tho earth without advancing:, the ahook, as ho quaintly, naya, "though hot utronp; onongh to bo dangorotiH to llfo or limb, uiijfht be Btitllcieut to dinar ran go or In- Juiro tho wnohinory,". Tl'hatBlwtVuntoi]; Although poor, ho lovotl thu girl with tropical wanuth and Or ion till Hplondor, uDarllhu," ho whlnperod to her in the rervor of his oult "thero U nuthhiB you oaujd iwk of mo that I wbuUr not will- luly l?runt." "Well, OharUo,*' rtho renpontiod, "W nieai ohancoto marry ..xoniabody wh'o ha little niore mon*y |hn jou hT; thai** wood hnv" "Mthe trada in all kindu of Builclmp Material, Wcodwoik for houses, (plnin i>i;d crrxiiH]filial), Bnni Lumber, SLu-njileH oi'all gradrja, Doovh, Sash, CheBtinxt Coal, WINDMILLS V\ e nro Solo Agonta in tho Ceuuty tor Of Chicngo, which took'Highest! Awardn at the World'H Fair. Can titimish eitlbfa'^ujai^iijagij' Power Outfits at lowest prices. (V written, guarantee- with every Outfit. Lb bcl J. GOITBLAY & SONS, ESSEX ONT V--. * - S.' THE TXUCMPH CORN SHELLER 'l>i* Maobmo oonaifits of a horiaoutitl cufltoylindor, with Wrought iron ;';'v bids, wiili steel tooth bo'tod to tlio eyV -dcr ho ub to ba rovereible when ^Mjp* tudili bwonio ivor on tho iV~"L ':*v'..... -"!i'* .iijil,.which iIio alioUed c*"' un i^r u> nor attached bol*w, winon tauos au ciio duatxioia uio gram. lrottt aides ninning in a perforated cotocav,^.iron!.yjl nro passes through into u slieet iron o'uqe; .with'\i$M b>w, which takos ail fcho duatiiom tho grain,' Tlie^,^] shel^ shelling and cleaning from onetotwo/j ^im per day,aoooranig to.powor. .,,, DKMKNBioKB. Pulley, lo jp^djam stor, IV in. Aicti; Motion* 800 to 800 revolutions 'per minute; W.eii'htVjBMlM ."EVERY SHELLER WARRANTED. "?/X.' ^MJ ': K-y^S^^m ..' iWfm .................................::MX:^^^ 9939

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