J. W. GIBSON, fe K' I "ft" Fire, Litn and Accident luBariL.ioe; Mouuy to leud u real estate nfc f> pr omit, flcotl Block, Kn>u<it. j. w. al NoLoh and hn-tml. Ih tfoobt IIloci VOL XII. No 4 ESSEX, ONT.' FRIDAY, JANUAItY 24.1896. WHOLE m -T" FORSYTHE, ANDERSON & COY, TOE ?Wr KLJOUL. IllU to Our Place.is at the Head of the Procession Ah money.flavors and bargain yivorfl to tho people of Kuflox and vicjinity. No oxtnivagaufc.Btatcmouta cv cllerB off,-or J oil*, wo koop only good ro- liublo mcrchaiidisn and can hhvo you from 10 to -j(J par cent, oil* tlin price of an fivorn^n purohiiao. Hatiafuocion guaranteed" or your nionoy bank if you want it. oleur-lTj-dn/.on 'men's Ilouvy double-brca.sLed shirks and drawor-, "warninUi'lall wool, regular valuo U5e, 18 cents each. Heavy double-width Tweed ftmss- Goods in (i mIumIos, warm and durable 20 conts a yard. Men's irood wool socks, sonmlcs- 2 ptiira for 25 cents. To" clear ladios' joaophino Kid int at 75 cents a pair. Mr. A. Clm|>mi<n nun boon burning preimod hay to Ar.ior Btation. Mr. Charlon (Jotllu m about bo moyo ISuhox. Tho BarliiH linn have liami uhollinu thoir corn. Tho Thorn eui IlroH. huvo beoh waking Dxtomdvu irnproyomuntii upon their cow h tabic, A toa-maoting will bo hold' in Bethel Church unit Wudneuday ovuniiif* th 2'.l pi Jan., oomnioncitm ab half-pant govon- A jruod p'ro^rauu-uio-iu boinjf prepared. A*t miwion foo twouty ttvo contii, ehildrnn half priao IVarmorn :o you wane money at 5J por cuijt.? If no writ*; A. G. Baker Loaming- ton, Out. Turnii* of payment of principal to nutt.bo rrowuru. Glovofl, 81.25 lino, in sizes 7. 7}, 7, y'J-i all shades, i In our Grocery Dept NOKTH RIDGE. Walter W. Cohtnutt of Windrior, oallnd on ralativeu hero hint weok. Homy Riclutrdtiou of Sandwich town called on formur frumdu and old timo- ao- ijimintancofi hore lant wouk and tins. Geo. L'ajiiio, ur.t "f Detroit, in thu f^uoiit of Wm. Cohloy. Itobf.Tt and Sy in an Queen of Camp PilI- mor, oallud on'relativmi horelimt Bunday. Wo roiinit to uay that 'J'homati Morrin io and hati boon a fjruat Huflforo!* for aoiriti wooiih piiit. Flo ^ot a littlo abtaaion of cuticlu on tliu back of hut hand cauiiod by iiciHuoni. Blood poiiiiuninn in feared. "II intpry ropuatM itaolf," it ih itaid, )jut wo.aoarch llui amnl^ of tioiiHtitntiou |^V- urniu'Mit in vain to find a parallel to thu black dnod of treaohory ouacted at OtLawn laiuly. Mtn'H iifitioriH arc, Jiowovor, ^en trally the ronult of preyiouu tduuution. liif'hteen yearn ago a riyKtoui aC trainiiJii in tho tniaoablo acts oF corruption wan in augurated under tiovunninnn, aunniet-is and tint fiai'dicd produot \o now buiu/; turned out, hc pisrtoct, thitt "von tho pro verbial 'hotujr aruon^ tliievflM in laedtmji. MUNLCIFAl COUNCILS. iIA>l*S'll'ON l';.-v Town rfxi.ij, Maiohto.nh, Jan. 20'i'n, 3B0li. Tho tnumb-iru oltot to aomporiu thomuni- <jipiil uounull of thy towuwhip of Mauliitono for tho munioipal yuar lHflli 1k>UI, puruuiint to tUtuto ib that bohnU, thfii* Unit moot. in{4 huru tliui day. Thu uamoi* of Um wiid momboni aru Vator Corbett, rouvo; William Prio, dopnty-roove; Kdwin Plant.Juliuu Daiuui, and William II. Votter, oounuilloru, Kach o| haid momborH ruado and nub- ootibod hiu duolaration of ijnalil\aation iind of oiliou and took bin Hunt at tho council board. . Jj\ 0. Graut'or hanilod in hl application for the ollico of clerk at n, milary of 91 as par annum. Moved by Mr. Plnnt, HOfiunded by Mr, Vrico, that Mr. Graugor'H application bn lilod* Carried, Tho following application*! for tho offiet; of aHaofinor wuro banded in; -F H Fourth kt a nalary of ftfiO, Harry I'urnpruino at 8(i, lticlinrd -Mvionoy at $50, AuijUHtino Martin at 875. Movodby-Mr Plant, uecowded - by ^l r Pnoo, that Mr A Martin bo aaftouHor for 18SM at a fialary of 87.1 Mr I'otUir moved in amendment tbut tbctooder of Mr, Mnoney be uqoppte 1. Mr Potter's motion had no necondor. Tlie orijriual motiou wan put und carriod. Thu roevo, in the emreiuo of hia privilege, named Michael MeAnHife an one of the townuhip auditorH for tho enrrout year. Moved by Mr Price, aocoudad by Mr Damiii, that Francin Fuortn bo tlio other auditor, and that thoHulary of each of tlie waul auditor* bj 8'iO Mr Plnnt moved in amendment that w H Cumimford be auJi- tor at a Halary of Jj'-i'J. Mr Plaut'H motion had uoJicoondor. The original motion wan put and earned. Movod by Mr Plant, ncuondod by Mr Duuiui. that It F Horke, M 1), bo mejicu) healtli nt'thjcr of the tovviiHhip cf MaidtUouo lur the eiirruuL yuar. Curried, are a dy by On motion of Mimnru Potter and Plant, Mr S.ymour'a application wan Hied, (,)n motion tho eownoil adjourned bo moot acnin on Sytwrday, thu y.lth day of Feb. next. M Molfuorr, Clerk. LlOSl'XIC^ll) NOIC III Town IIam Cottam, Dva:. 'JHru, 1H%. Tho oounoil mot purimant to adjoaru- tjjont. All the inomboni prurient. The mniUtoH of luut uuHnion of Dtinoinbnr tOth wore road and wore, on motion, adopted and Hi^mid. Tho roevo roported that Chun Bmou hail performed 2 day work for w i lot Jl, eon U, foi IH'JO. Geo M Thorntij u ardint' that tho Murphni on T D No 1(J, ^n refunded to tho rate payor*, - j Vbe elork wan InUructod to prop iii.-tuniont for snidirefund, to bo rent the next miiotinjj ril thoaoniioil. Tho oollector'H tirao for rsturuinj; tho roll wan extended tlo tho 20th day of Jan uary, |fl;m, << W Malott preiiyntod hiu utatomeut an pe'iLdkueptT tor iH'Ji'j. Tho following (jnliuru un thu tioaauror Wf'.i'o paned j Keo-Troan [I S K No 20," HQhool tax for lH'.iS, 821.77. iMuuioipal World, nlootion .-tuppliou und bin iika D A W Aoh, ftli.-K). V* X Jaokiion, extra work, eour'j of rtiv'^ion, and advurtiniu^ fur tumWa T D Ho, $l3'.'*i>. . I -laeliHOii, inttra work, nmntof rnviHion, an 1 advL-rti-iiij^ for toncleru T D.yil "15.50. l iliiukhon, quarter'u tulury, ueurotary Of beard of health, court of rovntiou on attnmuu- rut'iit roll, Hotiiotiru; jurorn and duplicate ri:,-"irt, making iliuuicial~ntateiriontv pOHt- luU, lioaneial fjtatetent_aiid nominutiou nc ieeii, 810. Trtaii ColuhoHtor North, doboubure dob t for U ti ti No 20 for 181)3 4-iJ, 813.(13, ,Jau liajn, tjuarter'n Halary, payiu^ and Hellhi^ debontiiren, trip to Maidticoue.iutor- Uhl on overdue debguture, pontage, etc, 8:i2,h:i. .] atj Ilonnot, quarter'-) ualary fur uuro of Room w fit H - FOR OTJR - TIIjSONBU \* JjfXcJjjL Oil Is tlio word. Freeh supplies coming m daily. Everything of tho bcht quality to be had, and priceH pjnaran- tood uh low as tho lowest. Prompt afcfcbntion to orders and quick dolivory A .fresh supply ol thoao Bread Pans and Boasting Cans just received given away with one pound of "Art Baking Powder." Try ono. wlii'i) in want of footwear take a look through our Shoe Dept Largest in Essex. SOUTH WOODBLEK. Jno. Mcduire ol Chicago, who hau been hern hiuu<j tlie death of hiuf ithor, returned homo Monday. Tho IjadioH1 Aid hold their Hoctal and munreal entortaiimaont at the romdouce of their preHident, Mrn. ltoea, on the ovuuin-; of *i7 niht. Handeock tV Alliaon are loading two earn por duy of Hhellcd corn for eastern pointfi. j\tr. Kustoii and wife of Dakota are yid- itinf; friendu iu tho village. Mr. MeKntier Iuih pnrchaaud tlio Vkh- Every lot town liuo from II. O. Keen.. Frank Pair hau purchauod a hoiiho from Wra. Wilcox find ie moving it to hiu tiiu.ui raeuutly puroliased on lutcon. MaidHtooe. Goo. Mylou wlio ban hud a nevero attack or dyptlieria ih olowly recovering. Mra. K. Colter returned from Chatham on Tuesday, and louveu tbin weok fur- an oxtuuded vinit to Chicago. W, Borrowmaii cf AmherHtbnrg, leaded a car of pork here Tuesday. Artliur Taylor and Nolho Owu worn married at lluaoomb Station to-day, (Wod iionday) by the Kev. Mr. Ayera. They will retndo here. John Murray & Sou have j*ivon tho con- traut of building their now tlour mill to Jno. Wortley of Ehhox, Tho machinery will bophieod in by Gouluie McColloeb of Gait. It will be a full roller proceuh with a capacity of 50 Dbl.H. pur day. Thifl whon oomplotod will 1111 a lou^ felt want bore. Our gonial deputy roevo, Dowhirnr, ton- do i-b hia friondn and oupportom a com- phmentarv oyutor auppor at tho Cutter and tjouthorn Hotobi on WodnPiiday oven- ing. The evening who upont very pleas- antly with npoeehon and uongH. Maidatouo and RroheBtor Oounoilu woro well rop- roooutod. Farmorfl do you want mouoy at 6 per oout.? If no writ A. G, Bokor, Loamiuf!. ton Ont. Terma of payment of principal to nuit borrowers Movud by I\Ir Plant, hncundud by Mrpi'"-^ ajul-uorvieeH an Hanitary itnipoctor, tf'J. Prioe that MerfHrr-Priuu, Jjainui', ami Tot , John T lirown, norviouH an reuve, gDurt* Stark'H Powdoi'H, naoh paekago of which contains'two preparations, ono in a round woodon box. the cover of which for tun a rocanuro for ono done, an immediate roller for aoFttivenon^/Hiok Ueiulaoho and Stom. aoh, -rIho Nouralfiia and all kindti of nerv- oub paino, and another,in capmilna, (froru ^ to J of one io an ordmarv doao) whioh uetn on tho bowohi, liver and stomach fortninf! a never failing porfeot troa,tmout for all head and stomach eomplahitH, Thuy do nob, an moHfc pilln iind'no many othor modi* olupo do, Iobo thoir offoot, or produoo after eouHtipaibn, tboy aro moo io take, 2ftn a bOi at all wodioiua deal or*. , ter, with thu reove and ulerk compose the board of health oF thu township of Maid- Htonu for the year lrt'.M!. Carried. John LU'iiatid reported one alieep killed by uiiltu'-'U'ii do^ri and proven ted valuator Joneri' o.Uimattj of Iuhh ftlt.oO. Moved )jy ilr i.'biMi. Miiuondud by Mr Prieo, that Mr Henairl he paid j of the Maid Iohh in full fiutiHf'iotion of uhdiu. Carried. Mr 1'oUi:r moved thnt the mileage bo mruck oft tho couuedlorrt'. pay for lHilli No HMCondut*. Mthsni A K ami iC jy Wimiiur fiitve notice that they wanted their lands, lot U, fl o | and I'ut i) m w j, renpectively, S M It, traun- lerri'il irom b S No a to S H No 5. idovud 'by "Mr-Potturi-Htieonded " by Mr Uamoi that thu uoticy of tho MuBMrn Win- iuui be entertained, and that the clerk notify, puniuant to hue til of tho Public HcIiouIh Act of 1801, the iuterentod hoard of public Hchoo'I trutdea'], Carried. .Moved by Mr L'rice, hecondeu by Mr Damm, that Mt=HurH Plant, cuuucillor, and Melliigh, clerk, bo and they are hereby aiuhuri'/ed and empowered to make any arrangements or do any work, considered utceBHiLry, in dtifuiidi.i^ tho corporation ih tho Hint of Mr H F Hoymour vh MaidHtono. Carried. Movud by Mr Plant, Hoc'oudod by Mr JJuinm, that JoHoph Montgomery bo paid ft'2 for the work of burying a dead home. Carried. Moved by Mr IMant, uocoudod by_Mr Price that K J Lovelace be paid ft'25 in full natitdaction of hm claim agaiuBt tho cor poration for priiuinu an por acuouut ron- de red.. Carried. Mr WaltorM coinplaiued of an overcharge in tho drainage rate a on lot 288 w J, S T 11, for tho hint livo yearn. On motion of MoHuro Plant and Damm, Mr Walters' complaint wan referred to tho clerk'to report thereon to council at no.\t meeting. John K Arnald applied to council for a loan of 8100. under tho provinioun of the Tile, Stone and Timber Dramafic Act. Tho olorlc report-id that Mr Arnald had tiled in bin office, tho noooHnary declaration of owuerol)ip of lot IBe.$ lu.'Jth coneooDion, the laiidu upon which tbo drain id to bo oooutructed, wboreupon it was movod by Mr Prioo, Hoooudod by Mr Damm, that Mr Arnald'H application bo entortaincd. Car. Movod by Air Plant, seconded by Mr Damm that tho oollootor'n timo for tho levy aud education of tho unpaid . taxoa he oxtouded till tho ovouint* of Saturday, tho 20th day of February next. Carried. Ou motiou, cf MeHttra. Plant aud Price tho janitor wan paid $1.50 fur sorvicea to datu. On motion of Monurn Prioo nod Dam in John. Jaoltson war paid 85 for hoard of Laurie up to date, and 32 wan plnood in iho hand a of Mr Damm to bo am ploy od by him in proourintj nooosHary clothing for immo 'Laurto indigent). On motion of Mooors Price and Phiut W J Johiislon was p>ud 93 for uorviooH as shoop valuator. On motion tho olork 'wan itinfcruotod to ank for tondon- from tho county papers for printing. It l1'Boymour tondtirod for tho oflicu of township clerk at a y.dary ol 3Ut> per nnnum. of nwiaiou ou asHotmiuont roll, T iJu S.'I, t-'l, Hi-, and Hti, selecting jurors, rriomner of hoard of health, poHtugo and doolarations, iM.'Mi. CliiiM Ilollua, iiurviccH an daputy-raeva and .*j oour'-Hof roviinipn, filtO. *n.n Nowu;au, nurvioes an conucillor, fi courtiv of revision and board <*f health, ft3lf, John M Kay, services au councillor, 5 courts of revision and board of health, UStt. John F'Milieu, survic'-a aa councillor, o court a of revision and huard of beulth, SilJJ. T Hiley, refund of errjr in taxes on T D ij 1 for it lot 17, con 10, 'o bo charftod to tho Canada Co, SD.71. Thus Ueaci'ii refund of School tax lor lH'Jl, ail CL-nt-,. Joh Wi'ighi, refund of nelicol tax for 1H01, (ill omits. . John Hwuuuiutn, rufuud of hcIioo! tax for lH'J-t, S1..S3. \V H and Fred Swcctman, refund of school tux for 180-1. fty.iio. .1 Hurley, refund of hchool tux for lao-i, r,ii cunu.. Tho* Warner, repair of iitove at hall, 2oo* Kd Phillip^ fur township ^haro of Kosa drain, ijlt, 1 Itiloy, repair of bridgo over T D 04 on Bollo lUw-ttwti7 31.75. I Kiluy,. clearing obHtruatiorju from drainH, S10 50. Jon PhiUirja, clearing obstructioub from drains, ftlO. J Church, ropair of bridge on 7th con road over T D 07, &2. J Cowan, ifefuud of (log tax, 91. .P-obort & JTox, refund of utatuto labor tax, $2. E J Loyolano, priutint,', 815.75. J as J effroy, jj valuo of uheup lulled by di)H, J3-.'. Ole Potoracn, cutting bruoh on side of nth. cuu road, &15. "Louib Joffroy, jj valno of sheep killotl by dot-s, 821. Ju Liulhver, y valuo of sheep killed by don*, 831.aa. Ed Lno, work on T D 7, $5. Almoron Clurko, refund of dog tax, 81. W H Neville, rufuud of dap; tax, 1. J Buoltborroufjh and wife, charity for January, 85.> Council then adjourned sino dio. John T Buown, Iha\c Jaokhon, Olork. IleoVe. Minutes of mootiuy of Monday, January 20th, aro unavoidably crowded out. Barrett & Cd Tako pleaHuro in announcing to tlio general public th! owing to the extraordinary huccgbs that has attend) oar efforta to ploase the hundredR of customers that ha"1 patronized us since coming to Ifeex, that we have dt ,, oided to locate hare permanently and will move our Til '\jonburg stock here in .January, and in order to mal rrtojn for it we will start a . \G-'RAND H. E 3) um \2>m w ir*<oSAT0TSl>AT. DEC- 21, of everything ouv eHtal)lishment, The following linos aro reduce DresflgoodH, Mantles, Flannels, Table Linens, Hats ai Gape, Overcoats, Mens' Shirts, Boy fa' Shirts/:-Mo Pants, Mena' Boots, MpnH' Fine Shoes, Ladies' Hgj Shoes, Ludiejs' FineShoVn, Misses' and Childrens1 As we are obliged to reduce our stock tliis is an opporl tunity seldom otlered to the guying public'of purchaainj first-olassjeliable goods at such Vedfced prices, so early ii the season.. If you wish to .save money come direct to BARRETT & CO. BUTTER AND EGGS TAKEN AS CASH .KIMEX" TKOUBLi'E. bo Tho BUuo of Milliou of LivoH, Can Cured. The'diHoaeoa that wo no droad do not oomo upon ua at ono itop. Thty aro a matter of growth. Thn mid nuwa ih only too common of friendu who huvs died of Bright'u diuoaHe, diabotCH and kiudred aomplaintu. It in lenown that in tho- aya torn of thbuiiaudti uxint the iiooiIh that iu a ( lior,, t.iue will doy,tdop into tuono dread iin.,...li^u. BiHiiiLHD of tbo ItidnovH. m itd iiiMtitmc form iiovor hiaiidu atill. Tho warning in worth hooding that offer to shoulcl be promptly taken to eradicate thu flymptomn of kidnev . di'oano, and iu 'South A-ruoriaau Kidn;ty Cure m found a uro und safe i-emedy for ovury form of uidnty troublu, Whetdur ohronic. in- oipiout brinupmoof tho diaLrtiuHiuu pliaHeU ho well kuowu, it prfivtia an offootivtj; *nd," wltat ih phianjn^ to know, a rotuly and qui k cure, '.' ' Sold bv.if. Thomo. . ISHNIiXTOWN. J'>si:x, ,jan. '20tii, lSlHi. In compliance with huc. 2*2il con. Mun icipal Act, tbo council olect of tho town nf 13hhqi met at 11 o'clock a. in. in ih.; Town Hall aud uubnonbedto tho uecoHaary (Statu tory declaration of ol'fioo. FroHout :--Tho Mayor, thu Ktovu, tho "Deputy Hunvo and councilloru, G K For- flytho. 1) Whitney, .1 A Hiuka, Dr TottH, A IlaiiK-H, J M UickH und G 0 Thoman. Tho council aloat for tho town of Ennex for lB'Jti are an foilnwu; Mayor, P A Dowar, M D. lloovo, J S Laird. Deputy ltoovo, Jno McDougall. Councilloru, Ward 1, Qll Uoruytho, Jno A. Hobo, V Whitney. Ward 2, J A Iliokt*. Dr U B Pottn," A KaiiiGH. . Ward 3,-J M Hicko, T B Scott, O J Thuraaa. Movod by Mr. Rained, aecondod by J M Ilicka, that the rofjular mootintj of thiu oounoil for tlio ouHuiun year bb on tho fhut and third TuondayH in oaoh month. Car. Moved by Mr HaiuoH, aeaoudod b^ J M HiokH, that tho Mayor, Roevo, D Whitney and '1 A Hicka bo a committoo to draft tlio otandinn committoon for thoouaniu^ year. Carried. On motion of Mr Laird, seconded by Mr ForHVtho. tho council thon adjourned to 7:110 o'clock p. w. Oounoil mot pursuant to adjournment, thu mayor in tho chair. Proaout: Tho Mayor, tho Roevo, tho Deputy Roovo and uounoillorn, G E For- aytho, J A Roho, D Wlutnty, .7 A Hicka, A Ramon, J M HiokB, T B Soott and G J Thoman. . Tho miuutoa of nroviou'o raootinjjfl woro road and on motiou adopted.. A numbor of noboni.d.n woro proaentod, whioh on motion of J A Hiolcn. seconded by Mr. MoBoufiall, waro retorted to tho llnauoo oommitteo. Moved by Mr. Laird, Bccoudad by ,T A Hioka, that a yoto of thankn bo civon Mr. Go Berth and Mr. Frederick Robinson, tho retiring councillors, for Ihoir able and valuablo nervicoa whilo memboni of thiu oouucil. Oamrd. The committon appointed to draft tho Hfcand'ng committooB of: the council for 180C reported aa folio wa: To the-Mayox,Hoove, Deputy Roovand oounoillors of tiit* Towu f Kaaox; GohtUmeo: Your aommittee appointed to draft the standing oatumittens for 180u bo leave to roforfc ti follows :-* CmamittiM) on finauco, A Rainos, G 'ihoinati, CI J*J ForKytho. Boani of worlw, J MoBouiiall.D Whlti noy, Ci K Ii'orBythc, J A Roho, Dr. R. Pot til. Committee on lire, water and light,. .) A HickH, J S Laird, A RaiueH, J Ml Dougall, D Whitney, Printing, odtication and health, -G- Thoman, R B Potta, J M H.ioka. . Liconticu and charities, .T M Hiokfat _ Whitney, G K ForHyUia, T B ScotU.^*^ Pnbho property, police and I'O.tf^l J McDoiijjall A Raiucii, J B Lairdi' fT Scott. The firut named on each to bo ohatrrna of naid committee. All of which ib r puotfutlly aubmittod. J A HrcKH.ohairm^ Moved by Mr J A Uiokx, aooohded. Mr. Roho, that tho report pf thn commit to draft tho standing oommittouB adoptod. darned. Tho Uhauco co^nmi ttea foportod recoj moudintj paymont of the following aoo< C It Sweet aa auditor for 180G, 510,< J W Giboon ao auditor for. 1895, $1| , A H ScariT wood for lockup. $2.70. j J M HiokH charity to pauper,. #8,27| John Walters mun. and election, bit ftJJ.fiO. W B Gallanor work on orouana^, E J Lovfthuc! printing 929,85.; Movod by Mr Laird, Houbndod b? Soott, that tho report of the finance, mitten bo adoptqd. Carried. Mr Laird gayo notice that ab next Inc. of tho counoil ho will.iiHroducp^al law to appoinc Win foHtor a town WinU Btablo. ' \M Go motion by-law No 237 to appoinVipf fiaord for tho yoar 189(J was road a fir^ timo. Oounoil then on motion wont into a ooi mittee of tho whole for the acoad roadin( of by-law No, 337, the Mayor in the ohaijl On the Bocond ruadhifi of. by-law :.Nj^ 237 tho following ofTioera yyoro duly'ji^ pointed for 1808. Olork, Johu Wultorfl. Treasurer, W D Beanian. Aanouaor, W H'Jftuuaall. ,A.wditor8, OhftB R Swoot; J W Gibabil Ohief conatablo, W Biasoa* High Hobeol truutoe, W H Ricbt Modioal health officer, Br,T WBi Pound keopdrii, Thoi Robi,naop^^ Kd^ar. tlauitary, John Gormley. Council remained and by-law ;y?I then read a third timf and ^aasep)j Moved by Mr - LairdL Heoondea.l MoDoagall, that the Mayor'^;tojl to get 2o statements printed ,;i naiaee of offloers, coromittoea-A^r.oB oounoil for 189ft. ^ >>Jv.cMf| , Oouucil then , adjourned to^i^SB" evening Feb. 4th, 1896 ftt 8 o'olock^j :':':M^'^^'