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Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), January 10, 1896, p. 8

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fyWi.';' . " '> ' ' ' ate ITHTfc.' t^QSKJi. KREh PRESS e are Over. ow for Business. AMBON'S Wl'li. An Appeal to Prusldont Kru^or for Morcy. FULLER DETAILS OF TH2--FICWT- In the first place you can't do better than buy of o The Modern Clothier and Men's'Outfitter1. .NDWICH AND OIIKLHTTK STREETS. WINDSOU. Cuii-plnto lltifV-ii of Mm l!n Vtt VutlliiLf B'jirty M iulllii lV<-|hni lu tai^liiiid I,inrl Vt'oUMuy ivonoHt^M * to Mtviudl'tii <li Army Th; 'iVi'iijy XVIII 1< li.-lH, T-.nndon, .Tan. -I, Tin- CnrPon Club, the Ki'iNit i'njjs"i va t|\ i- (irr,:nii/'.;.it Inn which |,i usually ^\> *l ru <\ durlmr 1 lit* hrilld:fy perlnd,uiim ihnni^'-d with iu"in- brt*H,'On tin* rwvlpt nt' tin- nc\vm from the Trjin'iv.iit]. 'Pin- H('hni:-i oi" many I'ltniDI..;; imve w'.iw In ISrltljih South Allien tn S'-ek their fortum-M. Thc;ie took riulni'iilly lo the only oni'.upsitlrm they cnn.'ddcml lit fur them uud Joined the .ninunUd polio,, forces of. tin: l.lrl- tiidi South Ai'i-Pmu dun puny, hi ad dition [n ih,-. dhtlnxiilHhfr]' mi'inlicn of jii iHi'M-i'.-i'llt.- fnioille-i ;ili"V(- nwnt Inn- -'<l, (.'nptiiln f'*url. . <',,|it.ii:i C'r.-ihrun, Caplain luiyne, unit tlnv.- IPut i-ikiulh, Orrnf-fo]], kVIlh nm! I-'alcolncr. all of whrmi aro wll known In London no- doty, took part, in the ' xpotlltl'tn that Captain Jamison took Into the Trami- vual. Tho moKHnpri! nont yi>M<*rday by Em peror Wlllhim to Piv-diP-nt ICru^r-r of tho Houfh Al'i'linn Itopuhllo Ikis arous ed" popular wrath In Hnjvl.ind to an un- miaHuraMy greater extciil than did PreMhh<nt Cli'Vdit nil's nuTHfii,"- on the Venezuelan dhipulr. Tf the < P-vornim-nl roKpomlM to th,. pa.sHlon that In now rising to fer-'-r lieat tliroiiKhnut rirr-at TMitaln. It will take early notie.e of the Empt-mr'n missive lu term? fimountlne; to an outspoken' eluillon^o |,|1(| th(. country whh'h it wouhl lie Oir- neult to ptM'Huadi. Into ncroptinK the Trr Jtr-fl States as a foe wouldn't. Iu-hI- tato to tackh. (lermuny. The Vene zuela, dlsput,. hnn hardly stirred Hi-- national-pulse throu;.-h-ait. It h:i;; chief ly heen a malter (Jf th,. ni'\v:-Hmp-TK 'ennany'H Iiiturveniinn In th.- Trann- v'-nl has ..* Kir-Pinil aflame. The f ilolj-i fCoii, HTTVp- the- eiitjre oiYipire will heeorne a warparty If Empi*mr \\'|ll!arn'u w'lplii ar- 1'nf- . lowed by deeds. The mildest hlbeial orpfins wj-lte |n the w.imti (one. The pnp.rs te-un with ubuHt- of Crm;in insojence and nrni^unv and the Pirn- ' delllieraic Insult and .appeal ' <"hv.'I'luiMMit to Hti-nirt lien It.'i forces and tlem prepare for thtVe. the press aeeuratr-ly Put. Thn ou.-.tlon Bsaeranoii ny ' our rmnrn' th. m moiiu ihi fuel that the latter hav.f b.i.n in -r- than ouch compelled to tnhe u; : r. * In '(jtjfttne.tj of thn dtuirly liouitjit ln- depeiulellei' of our .I'e.pilMlr. I hi""* you will kindly pariPnr'tlitr libi'iLv I an* (akjnir, when I nay that mir"i">ir lldenee in Uhodeu him renelv -' ;ifi'h (i. rode nhoek that Jilw r-pudlii Hon of the prooeedhu^M at Ituluwavo oiu-lit to b(. received with the j;re:!h'!| ! M1- I Ion. (Oven how \vr li:t \*e new Ilia I ^aiL_.anjied ( borders. Tf thla In true | ti-riKt tlril )'nt the word of Rhode i but the ln- Mllence nl" the nAVeniment will nut-1'.!*' lo prevent further Ineundnnt;. Will you, with a view to (:herl;lu:r fnrdi-r l.\ in/; re|)Oitji, publlfdi thl." V" , Mr. (Miiimherlaln replh-rl : "f tliar1': you for your mofiini:^, whlrli 1 v/lil publlidi ii-t yim deidre. The pre;i li/i* not jrivon erccboioe to tlie runmi'ti about nriielty b. jirli-.uierH. I have a lv.:i v.: been oonlldeni nt' your ni;! j.vwtnindt y. T havi> iient nn !mp-'i'l:ll odieer to i'uhi- w;iyo t,t ace that my orders are o!. y- od and tn prevent a. further r:ild. Vmm nmy rwt eonlldent. tli;it T will Htrlr-tly uphnld all the obllirnilonM or the I-nn- don convention In 1HD-I." 9B i,oin w4ki,Ki:i,i;v'H i;i:k.i\<:. 'I'he itf I'oiiiiiiitiKler lu i'Ult'.t KitizuvHtH. rorremi'itllM ( llnnte. Ivondon. Jan. r:~The Feopl", \vh"oh la thu weekly edition of tin- Globe. which Ih hi tmie.ii with tin.- Ho v.; merit, tays there Is ieanon to 1 > b- v lhaL IVhuu AI in 1st or Sabs-lniry, and tu.i la-lelaKin.-i\, owin'i; to the huatlhr .n- tltuflu of ili'Miiimy, will L-ou.dd'M. tie- e>pedlency oi immediately :itn-ii^then- Injj tlie Ihitisii forces In !ln-:vj parb; " ' thf: empire that an expos-d to a;- taekH. 1 'bid Alar.'dial i.onl Wo!:c:l'\. comnianied-in-ehlef of th- fore.:!, han I'.bon It iiM bin firm opinion . that it' the force:- are -jeiit abroad U will he necessary to reinforce the troops nt home. Jt la therefore likely that th" militia and army lesei-ve will b,. call- ed nut tu sucr.h an extent mi to pkiec at p.-iiHt one army cor|)a at the disposal of ill.- War (Ullr-e for fr.r.-l^n M.vrvl e . ' that die <k vernnieui is determined not to per mit Oerinany tn i;Iv>: rnllltary fuuskU- "ucu to tin; TraiiHvaal. pernrfl to the nphlljiff war. Tills Pf'eet tiopular fr..................,,,.,,, kHi to what leiujth will Lord Rjillflhurv'H j\llnlHlry ohcy tie- fountr:- ';- heherft.'lt I- an nniazliur fiet that durln:,- the locnt troubles T.oi-d Wfilfsdiurv has not L ciip, summoned a-np-ctln^ of the full ( nbiuet. With the erisis In tb I'M.^nl.-nt Cleveland'^ war nlouds all r,,uiii], l~;or acts like an t;il.nr. TT with thr e east. meys-ni-Y* and l)e I'rlme Mln- rresponsible die- eomniuiileates cons! an 1.1 y Que..n ;, tdvi.sers and ^^fg^U^. [fj.ll, of LoamiuKtou, wad in joaday. |, Ehq., M. P., loft on Wotl. Iub place hi tho Ilouao at |oxpGOtod his flLtiy will be a of tho Ilijjh Suhool at nil, ||^QHdin{! Ida holnltiy at h'ia I, rottirued on l'Yiduy uiftht* Ihaiti returni'tl on Friday whoro ho has boon viftit- ituL'DRd homo on Fridtiy wfja'fow dayH with frioiidii ttlidgotown. [Jjainf; loft for Toronto on ro oho will upend a few days Lu Milno and other friendn. Soobt roiuruod to hor homo La, on Tuoyday, after a fow rith hor couuin, MiHH Ethol lu P. Wit;Io aud family ro- 'day laat aftor a holiday vinit in Loutamuton and Kinga- ywou.-of St. Thoman, ia viait- Mto. A. O. Stiraoro. [Foofcham returned on Satur- Lgara ITalln, N. Y". where pho |mdin^ hor aon, who wan nori- who is now oonyaloEtoont. ^j friondti of oic-ooanoillor Frank fl ro^tot to Uar of hia protraot- ij.uug trouble, and will liopo rocovory.' \ta. D. J. Whitnoy, who havo in London for upwardo of two lid, in town on Wodnonday '/ill raako thoirhomo in Ehrox, f.r. Whitnoy will.open a atook jitfliingB in ono of his moron in Block now ocoupiotl partly by Julian. Ht, Sfcowarfc and Delmor liniod to Toronto Univoraity on jia Gorduor, May.Botsford and [ft 'Act Toronto to roanmo linol of PodnROify-. Eobiusoo htiEi boon viaiting Ikervillo. holRQu, of Botroit, Hpont a fow i.tui woolc. sy aud Minn Buio Cum phot I didava under tho purontal roof. ier and Jno. MoMahon iutdud the lumbar woods, Kan a an. MiuH Holon Wi^do^'f^Jj;vHviI10' h(lH returned homo aftor Hpondinti tlio'i? ayfi with hor brothorn, MoiiHra. M..I. ancPt^V- Wif-lu. Mi*h. H, C. Wallaeo rututnud on Satur day, aftor upending tho ho'idayn with friondH in London. iYlra. K, Wdkiimon, aooompauied by her Iittlu dau^htor, Annio, returned on Satur day, after apemdiut; a fow dayo in Botroit. *l>r. Jan. \V. Brien loft on Tuooilay for Now York, whore ho iu required an cuiof witnofm in a railway aocidont. lie will ho abucmt from hm praotioo for a fow dayn. Mian Cooiliu Sfjuiro, of Kuthvon, iu via itiu'f- a fuw days with hor coiinin, Mihh Delia Ilobinnon, Principal Henderson, of tho public aoliocl, watt iu Torouto lant woolt on bnHi- IVliso CaBHio Millar roturnod on Monday aTtor upoudmft hor holidays with frioudn in WindHor and Walkorvillo. Alinn May Jaraou fjpont a fow dayii laat woalt with hor undo, Mr. Calvin Cowan, of BIytheuwood, pr.ii-.-ultH the 1'l.dii don. Joseph Oham- bM-laln, the Colon in I r-Vprel.-irv, nnd thn T Hon. A. ,T. liMlfour,' Ph-st Lord he Treasury, his Innr-r Cabinet, l.trnores the re.st of his eollea.^ues. <f" but nvo iinn.iis ivi:ki; Kdt.jsi. The rrn lVrri- I.'.OO Klronir .Innir.U(m.. l-orm Kiih tluir-sinrve s-"\Sflfton, .Tan. -i.-ln i^pui^ to nn eiiflulry'tW!^ ,h " ('_"1"ni;i1/iiik-o, Sir r of Natal. roi Don You Get Them ? If You Do Not You are De ceived, Whn you aolt for Diamond Dyoa, aud yonr doalor offora you a oubfttituto, you aro boiny docoivod, and trouhlo and loon of monoy and pjoodn will bo tho raault. Diamond Dyoa aro the aimplont, otronft- eut and faotoat oolora for homo dytin. iilvory packajjo of each color ia war ran bod to do the boHt work wlioii tho diroofciona aro followod.- The manufaoturora of Dio- moud Dyoa proparo apodal dyon for wool, nilk, aottoti and mixod Roodn, that givo tho uiont brilliant aud lantir.e; oolorii. Auk for tho DiumonJ ; refuHo all othorn. Walb-r lhltchTnntu1,C'^', ', has fiont a de.'M>.d(di*'WJfinr-uiin;v th main fuels ui\ J)r. Ja ne son';; d.;l'eal:. JRi adds that, the Hani's who opposed Dr. Jameson's force numbered nbout liJOO. They oc-LMipied a strong position. Two battles wen- fought. Th- Gov ernor also sends .(-xtraet.s from news paper telegrams wliich a,ro eonfused ami Ponlradictery. The main points- deducted from lliese dk-patehes are that Or. Jameson arrived ii.mi- J^ru- fa-rsdorji on l>c. ::i, and attacked the doers oh the day following. lie was repulsed and then tried to move from , Handfontaac to .dodport, but was stop ped at Ooorkcip. Heavy lltfhtiiiK took place on the jifiernoun of Jan. 'J, nt which Hie. Transvaal State Artillery arri\-ed. Ur. Jamt si-n'.s lorci- wen: leip - lessly outiiurnbnrcd and Were almost exhausted, having been without food Tol'*^rh-reu--diiys. The horses, too; \\ere helplessly jaded. Dr. Jameson yielded after susialnhifr a, loss whicii, it die original force was 800 men, amounted to 'MO killed and wounded. .iie-:sm:iia\t."> .lid-: ,ix.\2r>*. Notlilntr WeSell HasiGiven Bot- tor Sntisractlon. Mr. John Gayfor,' draff{iint,\InKoroo]l, writes: "Stark'a Powdora (for hoadaoho, nouralnia, oontivoiioaw,. stomaoh and Mm livor) havo a very largo undo and oontinuo to incroano aa thoy booomo known. Notliiufi wo Htill fiiyca bottor aatinfactinn." Mrs. D, GibHon, oonfootionor, Iiitroriioll, writoa: MI havo uhou BtaHc'a i*owdor(* wtlll Gxcolloiit affoofc. loan hicfhly rooom- nitaid tlicm.havia^pivoii tlmm duitoau ux- t.iiUHivo trial." Nioofco tako, imraodiato and permanent. Prioo. 25o a box at all metlloine dealers. Nov. Inc. MicyL'all on Ur. 4'liHiiil)crInlii nml arc Hume what IttuiHsured. Xjondon, Jan. -1. A deputation of merchants Interested in Hie South Af rican trade to-day called on Colonial Hecrctary Chamberlain in connection with thu troubles In tin; Transvaal.- Uoplyhiff to the representations made to him by tho deputation,-Mr,chamber lain Hald that the probability of fur ther disturbance was remote. The -Government- he added, sympathised with the undoubted grievances of the I Jit lander.", though what had recent ly occurred made the situation dlfll- cult. Still ho hoped that friendly re presentations to the Transvaal Gov ernment would be successful. Kefer- rliiK to tho Invasion of 'the Transvaal by Dr. Jameson, he aaid, the Govern ment had done its duty and nothing more. The Government would adhere to Us obligations under the convention of 1884, and would uphold that conven tion In all Ua provisions. From this position nothing had occurred to in duce the Government to recede. NOT TO UK HIIOT, 1'realilont Urugcr Aksurr.fi HI*. Chamber* In in iu Hint CliVcl. London, Jan. 5. Tho Government has made public tho fbllowlnc; cable dispatches : On January 2, . Ill tf lit Hon, Joseph Chnmberhdn cabled to President Kru- erer of the South African Hcpublio as follows: "It Js rumored here that you hrve ordered the prisoners to be shot. I do not believe the rumors. I rely on you Konoroaity In your hour of vic tory." To-day- Hon. Cecil IthodoH, Prime MinlHtor of Cape Colony, and the head In Africa of tho Brltiah .Mouth Africa Co,, aent a di'Hpatch reading : "The rumor that a force s collpetliur at Buluwayo in absolutely false." President Kripror, replying to Mr. Chamberlain's despatch, cabled :' "I have not ordered the freebooters' who aro prlHuners to be ahot. Their cilhc will bo decided strictly In nccordrmco with tho traditions of tho republic and ln.Hharp contrugft to tho unhoiu'd- of lidtu of tho9o freobootors. Bo many 'Hon and false roportu' aro publlHhed In ev.on thfi Influential nuwapaperw In Kngland, that ,1 doom It udvUttblo to .add that the fr&frbooter prlHoners have bc;:v t:';a*.c'Av:t!x ;.tV.o " -zivJ..u?.t :'r,u. \ H-'eiv "arl a'oliir ., Loudon, Jan. 'I. tend Hi Ed, the sciircity of news from the Transvaal is due to the fact" that, tie- British Government ia exercichifc s rigorous r.'imsorsnip over all aud pro- 1-aldy press ami private messages, t.te- easlfinally a private m-*s^a;:e idr tlirou:;li. (.)}ir received to-day:-ays l'n-- : idem Kru.^er uf the Wouth Al'rbran re public has deelai'4-d his willii.i'.o": ; l" -male*, a Katisfaetory ennecsaiuu to lie- demands nf the U It hinders. Ano'ili.-r despatch kIvcs credit to Tin- dp' 'f'iiues, published In Capetown, i'or tin: i'^erlion that,- in the battle between the doers and the force headed* by Dr. Jam.son, the former w:iv a ^reat deal more numerous l.lian tbe latter- .bum-son and ".'iD of Ms 1'ollowci'H, 111..-, paper says, were taken prisoners and conducted to Johannesburg. Dr. Jame- f- on wasj not wounded. The latest re ports say tiiat. Si) of Jameson's follow ers were killed. The 'excitement In Johannesburg Is subsiding, ^nd th- eid^ens are disarming. The Berlin correspondent of tlie Gpii- t ral .Wws claims to have author)! v for the. stalenvnt lh.it iie-otial.Ioca ;i re In ^"fe.rress i-etwecu sevei-af n;t- tlons relative to the taking of joint steps', especially in the event of t Ik* Transviial repudiating the Anpfln-l'oer convention. The i eiu.rt adds dial die Gerinans interested will claim dum.i;r h from the* lele^raid) company for bloik- itijT the German-ilespatehes. Iktirlu-Ht Hour In "ai-:ltm<Ps HUtorv. ^jili-^y' Yorki Jan. ti^Ballard Smith cables" TVo'hV i/*tir*flofr**tO 'Thr-'AViJihn'*: Am the night's darlcness comes- down upon JjOiidon this eveainp; it sei-nis in deed the blacki.-st hour for Kii'daiul iu all hi.:r eventful history. The hand of the wdiob' civilized world li ajrainst her at this monuuit. I'o-inorrow. ',lii day after, nex t week, or ev^n befo're this calile desiiati.-li Is [inblisbed it may bo that the armed hand of Germany or of Russia in ay Ktrlko. These' are n .t the nn-re words oi' a lie-wspaper oor- i ej-pomleiit. \Vh:it I have is t)u- rpinta- tlon In brief of tlie expression of owry nif, rniri'-r and afternoon now spa tier in London, of tlie earnest and ur.avni. cmi- VL'Vh.'iiloii on -til'- str'-ets, at tin- elide*, in t:Ver y".'nt iierin-.';. ft is impossible for an Ameiie-vn descendant from tins pi.cple not to synipadii'/e wltli them in this day o? their f-rreiit trlbubitlna. no' to fail to admire their derived aeeein- uaceof Irilation and danj-rer. Tli,- 'J'ele- K'rajih, the orj-van of the masses, thus bluntly phrases their dcu-riulna I ion, referring to litis morning's chorus of vicious throats from I'eilin,. 1'arls. Vienna and St. pctcrsburK : "II may prove in the len.e; nm dan- ;vcrinis sport to bait John dull t'>-> h;:rd, and too unanimously." Tha*. Is the disposition of all Kujd'uid to-day a baited bull, forced to die wall, dyln,^ In his tracks, but furiously IlKhtlui; to the hist. This evening's St. James" Gazette, tlie staunchesl of Lord Salisbury'a newspaper supl,0i'iers, say.s of It : "The J-Imiieror's message Is nothing but a bitter Insult to this country after a naval council of war. Let us under stand thiit. and understand also that the despa'eh In which the Kaiser ex ults over the defeat and death of fhipr- llsdimen wn-K absolutely uncalled for and pratulto'na, and we shall conclude that then." is matter here which mpy well Rdve every l'hii?llshrnnn sornetliine; to ponder over In the Habbath lull of the next forty-eledu hours.1" VElmilna rm!t"rn Dllu Ui-t.l<>iia(loii London, Jan. 5. A despatch from Cape Town, dated December 111, says that'Mr. Rhodes; had tendered his re signation of the ollloe of Prime Alin- Inter of Cape Colony to ,Slr Hercules RoblriHon, tlie Governor of the colony, hut that the latter had not accepted it. Ten el' Their Mill.!'on Merritton, On't;, Jan. *!.- l<aul. Mr. Harry K. Smyth, Hon of John X*. Smyth, ex- superlntcndent of the Welland Canal, died here to-day of pneumonia, after a brief Illness of live daya As orga nist and choirmaster or St. George's Kilpllsh Church, Bt'. Critharlnea, ho had a provincial 'reputation, being", a tal ented and accomplished musiemn nThl widely knowr; as u HucceHsful concert organizer. Much nyntpatliy in felt for the stricken paients, this beine; the tenth child they havo-loat.- ' IViirl liyliiifii* n IkriinlU'ii Wr^cli, New Yorlc, Jan. B, Pearl ISytlncre, the only daucrhtor of Rose Uy tinge, the well-known actrosa,* was taken to the Flower I-Toapltul to-nlplit a' phyot- cal wreck. She was suffiu ;np; from al coholism in ono, of its worse 'magen and from the effects of overdone^ of morphine. Pearl Kytlniye was once u fnmoiiH actress, llko her. mother, She quit tho HtaiVe some six yehrti a go and iihieo that time sho has Ik:en living in ISnat 48th-sLreet.' She Is not'married. (t*4i 4'oiiiiMOty EbiliH-tfl OHm, , Chostpr, Vt., Jan. .4. V, H. Smith, for tho pimt 110 years suitfou n^dni for tho Central 'Vermont Railroad at Lud low, loft this morning wl|h a lurff- mim of money beionfrmir U* hltn.^rnr- ployers. Smith Iu young1 man hereto fore oC ffoqd reputatiqn. Fast cam- ,T.-/ ,'4..i-:ji [*r Special Clearing and Inventory Sale. This Special sale Iiub boon instituted with tho ob ject of putting forth ovoiy possible effort towards Clearing ud our Winter Stocks. Prices on some lines will be cut iu two. We're offering such bnrgaina on Winter Goo'ds m you've never had before. Wo enjoy the best poHaiblo facilities in the way of negotiating for apocial large lota and are aa a consequence able to offer, first-class goods at prices that would, under ordinary circumstances, be utterly, impossible. In every department from now on special lines will be brought forward at prices that will force1 quick clear uices. Shrewd buyers will call early and share in . tho big bargains. Balance of our stock of Ladies! jM^ntles at exactly half price. All trimmed and untrimmed Hats and Bonnets at half price. Balance of stock of,Men's, Boys' and Youths* Ovorcoats and Suits at prices that will make them go galloping. ' .' THE GREAT CORNER STORE, Diebel & Briokex-s-' h;-^' ":-.v The-Cash-Grocer, Gonfectioner and LIE people of the Town of Enuox uud Gurrouutlinp; country havo loutf Ht tho wilrifc of a pliico whoro they oouKl jjo and [uiroluisa what thoy roquiio on a olooo, cash haniH, without beinj* corupollo'I to pay higher prioeo to nuilco up for tho lohtioa in ail e in tho orocht uyatcm. Ctdl ami Hue our fjcoilH, which aro ahvayd of tho boad quality, and yot our pricen, which are the lowest. ' Kirab aliiHa hand piokod tfroonins! ApplfiH S3 Ho barrel; HO centH bnHliol; 32 cento pi-ok. (J8 poundti Su(-ar for SI. 10 poundw bout rolled Oitu for 25 oantn. 18 pomidabcHt corn meal 2,*j centu. Ill pouuda bout bnok- whoat flour 2o cento. G poundH ilulco IJarloy and llalto roan 25 coutH, Don't ihIbh tryiug our Tea at 22 ejtui'H a pountl. 1" CASH PAID FOR OTHER PRODUCE. FIRST-CLASS BUTTER AND PR15S1I EGGS AKD GOODS DELIVERED PROMPTLY. JVI. E. WIGLS. J. H. WIGLE, Mgr Scott Block, next Aberdeen, Essex, Gem and Canadian Aermotor Steel Windmill U(i;v, c:u;.c'.. ;;iJ"Cjv.,;",'"";,-1;' : : % : 1 M-:, .: ! >4 ::'-M ; :4 - m Are acicnowledged LEADERS eitl as Power or Pumping Windmills. .'^l For pridoK uud terms, address T. ij Essex t .'.v,'. ^IfrtM'^x--'^ 48

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