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Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), January 10, 1896, p. 4

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Pll^^ ****is fcjssitcsKi frBtM-sa' j^Ktidasta, Xmas. Fruits, Fruits! Xmas. Fruits. New Select'Rainins, Now cleaned CnrrantN, imported emon, Orange and Citron Pool. The finest Blue Fruit by 7tHe box or lb., cooking and table figs, Walnuts, Almonds and Tilbuts- Theae goods are all new, no old stock. Finest stock of Candies in town. Try our 25o. Tea. Goods Delivered Promptly A. H. SCARFF & GO. The Essex Free Press, FRIDAY. JANUARY 10, 180G. MP OTJRFttOSTMOTS* There ih u rapidly growing fooling among tho bufiinonu mon gE Kmiex that 10EQ6 wovumont uliould bo made, calculi. ated to promoto tlio further ^rowtb and development of this Town. Tho last, in- vBttn*ut of any magnitude waothowator- ':-worka nyBtom, winch ia^nworally conceded to Imvo boon tho boat invontmont flvor ma Jo by tho town of Ewjox, although the lafctor of it* coat may bo couuiaered to have boon Bomowhat oxoofmivo. Tho fact cannot bo domod that hiuqo it* ewtublinh- meut, and an a conaoquonoo tlio nubHoquot [Alhntf ajrof-Kcomi-^f- okL-auHatio holon, rfaioh provided impure drinking water for inhabitants, HioknonB and diaoaao lmvo {luoad to n mininum, wlaiU in the country thoy havo continued. ofiriT invoutmonto necoHBary "wolfaro of th"i?W>pJe havo coHt no Etie amount, and rocultidin trre-pilinjj up io! a heavy debenture dob^^wh^11 httVX beeo berho cheerfully by thu nl^^^fl, (ouorully, who bavo appreciated tnoTuove- ient mado. Moot of thin doht, will how- jvr, aft or tho proHont year, and afUr 1897, i redacod noarly 30 por cont. Thin of ^ourao.'will materially lijjhton tho tax bur- pan, and will undoubtedly ouuho an up- rkrd rettobiou in roul cHt&to valuen. Tho lianoial ooudition of our town in cauao for ijjriitulation, and u very bright future ia ^tioipatpd;. Tho hurdeifc "tiauV are le'd, and it iflRoriorally behovad an erii ["bnporitv is before uh, f-fith the outlook ho onoouraging, many >ur leading nniritB fool that tho timo in land for furtbordovolopmout, and the of inducing oapitahufcB and manufuotur- tolonaie horo jvivon rifle to tho quoitiou iudaoomoQtH, With good wakur and [sap and eonvomeot building niton, nuch wo havo, tho principal remaining is that of fuel. Pant ocourrouooB load opinion tbat by boring a teat f, a fiapply of natural #at oouU Ure, ia wfjll aH at other poiuta *n mnt'Y* Xtiu ntatod by thouo who ^to know, that the M. C. R. Co. wera led, a fdvv years ago, to abandon , u led for water on tboir promincu ig to tho amount of era* formed It in alao thought that in con- llvith tho wall drillod on tho Gard- |perty by a syndicate a fow yearn tho facta woro not made known (rillorn boforo tho wull wub secure- tod. lal tioutlomou hdvo axpresned thoir leflM to flntoe into a Byndiuato for mrpoae of putting down another wait ^de tho ccrporation oithorwith **r with maioipal aid. A by-law uudot-the [aw ftivinfl muuioipalitioo power to >r oil or gaa, with public funds, wan m in Kiugsvillo hint Monday and led by a large majority. YVhilo tbo of Ebhcx may not fool iui a position iE publio funds in tho uohomo, it tio 6k>ubt givoBomo atiaiBtanco matter for that Board of Trade its ItHolf upon, and tho Hieai- Blioiild hIiow themselvH oqnul Iflion. In oaau of tha failure of to aot, will tho mayor of tho pdblio mooting for. gonoral din- 'tho raattar. lb in hopod tho-ts ih will be takon in tbo Hpirit in jy aro given, viz.. far tha wtilf;trQ lw who hiin not already, illlod fchn pnaition bosidoH whifih tho towmiliip of Gonfldld Korth lmn nover had a rnproHontativo in tho Wardon'ii chair, Tho pructfoo ban boon for yearn to givo the position to it reovo in North Eonox for ono your, thon to a rcovo in tho Houth for thn year following. An oxcoption waH mail1! hint year, in the oiiho oT Wm'Jtm Banntt, who Wad uat in the council for a conaidorablo period, and whoBO towniihip had noyor had its ropro- HOntativo choRon Warden. Aiiothor rouiion for thiH oxcoption wan tho faofc that thoro aro aovoral moro ruprouontatlvon Hont from Bouth Ehbqx than Irom North JSuhox. It would thtiB bo mnnifeutly unfair to thouo from tho1 South to oarry out ouoh a ruU without an occaaional oxueption. WfiH Ur, Elitiha MoKoo, doputy-reovo of Sundwioh Woiit (ln'tlio North Ilitling). Por 180(i thoroforo. tho Wardou t>hould bo a roprosontatiya from tbo South Hiding. Mr. Brown'u friondn will no doubt puiih hivi^laim for tlio poditiu.i. y f TEE TOLL lt<3ADS AOAM. Inforn.iaUiou waH hronght tho Mayor the other dajj that "Camoron'n Crook" had boon leaded to a man named Cornwall, who had a^Veaily ' uivon ordurH to havo gatoH placed at ovory atroet iu town oroiimngthc V-JGreelc." The Mayor and town aolioitor WiBmor immndiatoly took atopu to obtain an itijmiction restraining ouch proooodingn, and, while in Windnor, Haw Mr. Ourry, ouo of tbo executornof tho Cameron ontuto, in roforfliice to tho mattor. Mr, Curry ling- gontod tbtit legal action bo withhold until bo might comraMnioato with tho remaining executoi-H in regard to offering tho mad for bilIo at a rt'aHonablp figure. Thin Huygeation waB acooptod, and the mattor at preuonb ntaudw. BISHOP, HECTOR AND CURATE. ThoBQ Threo EcclofilaotioB Hayo Each Hpokon Cordial Worda in Favour of Dr. AguGw'f. Catarrhal Powdor. Oncof tho most cordial ondornomotitu of tho curative powdcrn of Dr. Aguow'n Catarrhal Powdor hiiRoomo from tho BiH- hop of Toronto. But ho has not Htood alono in hia praiBO of thin medioino. H wan foltowod by men liko tho Rov. John i-angtry, and tho Rov. W. n Wade, rector of the ohnroli of tho AoconBiou, Hamilton, Ont., and falling into tbo lino with tho Knv. W- R. Williaraii,- Mr. Larigtry'u popular curate, tho Kov. II. B. Owynno, asttiatant pastor of St. Petwr'n Church, Hamilton, ban boon ono of tho latent to on- dor ho thiii wonderful romody. It never failn, und in no quick, in onao of oolu in tho heud and catarrh, and in the current pnn> acoa for Hay Fever. Sold by J.Tbomo. In Tho Ileulunines Of a now year, whou tho winter aoaeon of oloao contlnomont is only half gone, many find that tboir health begins to broak down, that tho leant oxponuro throatuoBB BiclcnoiiQ. It iu thon au wo]l an at all other timou, and with people oven in fined health, that the following faotu ohould be remombored, namely . That Hood's Barnaparilla leads everything in the way of medioines ; tbat it acoompliflhfiH- tho greatont ouruH in tho world; hm tbo largunt sale in tbo world, und requires tho largout building in tho world devoted exclusively to tho preparation of tho proprietary rr.edioino, Dons not thin oonclnmvoly prove, if you are Hick, tbat Hood's SarHaparillaitithe raedioino for you to tako? IN THE TTV Politics at the Bolllne Point In Mttnitobai".:. INTEREST IN THE OTTAWA CRISIS A Fani' HltoW for tlm Op|t<^(Ulnii If HnM . dlul l^uUlittloii 1h l*r-H<til N'niiilua- tlnnn OH Kiiltlt-tlny 'l'li floItlM AtH.ut li|l<l-ilir <:uu(<-t WlnnliM-y,' .Tan. n. WlIYi tho CaMnnt comphVallon rcp(j^i*tt:tl fro in Ol Uiwa and tlio inovlnolal funeral nV-ollon only 10 itiiyn h'*)ico, It may be smld tho polllicul ]ki|. liiLU roacln-fi the bnlHiuf over jiolnt here The iiltuntlon at tho F.-tli'ial C'upHal In nf tho (IoopcuL intor- eflt to Manlt'ohiiiiM berauno tin? turn <> tho tide horo depend:* to u Kroui ex tent on how maltwru tro In tho cant. Should Hlr MackonKlc Howell remain at tho holm, ponth'tlm; hi hbi annbunr- ed policy of piiHuhio; Itemodlal T.okImIii- tlon, tho Cmiiorvatlvo party hi Mani toba will have (in oxcerdlnffly dlllloult tank In tumintr Mr. (Jrot'nwiiy oul ni' maintaining a ^olld phalunx ul' (,'nn- norvat Ivt; r.'iri:Montat I von In tlio Com- CommoiiH. No wonder, th-'ti that Manltobanii are Intensely lnter<;Ufil In tbo political Hltuntlon tit (Jttitw.-i, Am a roiiull. of Haturday'n cutivon- tlnnn tlnro aiv now candldaton roprc- .nentintf one nr (he oihor or all tlm-o 'of tho political partleu In !() ooiimIILuoii- clofl o tho pruvlnco and th,; tu.-jct 10 dayn will wltiieni*, porlnipn, tho moHt excltliiK, iukI certainly tlio most Im portant, olwtlon campaign e\< r fought In Manitoba. Hlh hIiIom linve tin- ut most cDiill'lo'iiOM In the r ->u 11. Vvmn (loviTiilniTit .sourtu-s, it l.'i loani'd that ihoy I'Xpoot. lo K-iin four nr six. se;ttn now hold hy tlo- Onpunlt Ion, antl nd- mlt tlio prul ability til' InsinK an many or, pvrhapH, i\vn or thiN:e more noatM now belli hy Ciuvernmont Hiijiport.erK. Thoy thiiii calculate on rotnlnlrif:; pow er by a rnnjui'lty tif at lount, Tn. Saturday'H numlnatlonH Wore : North nrandon, W. .T. Woar^oant, Conneiwa- tivo, to opprwo Attorno^y-Gonoral Klf- ton; Mountain, It. S,' Puston, Patron, to oppoHi: Preml^-r' flrwinviiy; Smith Tlr-andon, Jam oh/ ifector, Connorvatlve, Klllaniey, N., 'Clark, Patron, to .op- poHo Yujimk, T^Iboral; Woodlands, A. Delavonde,, indopondont. y ' ---------- /' VI41<UH1 i:u-:4Tio.\. ,-^U tlii' limiting U Ov.-t- l^rt-nt Hip KEmKIh oMlir Ilallot. Victoria, B.C., Jan. -1. The flffht here Ih practically over now, and on Monday mornlnjj will be^in tho ac tual teat at What Victoria people think o( the propoHed nchool loKhdiv* tion. Till ,tho last moment th'o Con- aervatlyi'H ditlK-ontly fought shy o it, holding It to be a mere aide Issue, but In face of the appointment of Col, Prior as Conirollcr.wlth.aa wim claim ed, a seat and a vote i ntho Cabinet.ho Wfifi presHud for bin vleww on the school quc-Htion ,and admitted, without condl- tlrns that he would support whatever nwasure . the Howell Government brought down on the .school question. Th> Liberals, while denying the Cab inet Ministership, entered their main energy on the nchool question, .and fougtit the contest out on sohool linos. Hon,Joseph Martin of Winnipeg name out to the coaut to help the Ijlborula, nnd haH done yeoman *-ervico. The TwIoh Imported Mr. laixton .also or Winnipeg, but he wusi wound up in quick time by Mr. Martin when ho en- flayed to debate the quoBtion to-day at an Immense public mctlntr. Col. Trior hurt himself Immensely tho other night by openly calling Btr.Clarko SVnllnco a loo for roslfimlnjr. Mr. Templeman, the Liberal candidate, take:? the aland squarely that ho will vote against co ercion. He Ih also very popular, per sonally, stands well in the community, and will poll a large pernonal vote on account of^ilo manly record. The elec tion In the most keenly contested in the history of the P"clflc Province. Both parties are well organized. The Conservatives are sparing no money, and engaged all the bulldlngH they could, so an to shut off discussion, hue tho Liberals captured many meetings, and the general Impression Is that un less something unforeseen occurs a pwcyplng victory will bo won by tho Liberals. The newn of the slump In the Cabinet baa created ^intense ex citement. , CALL A.T WARDEMSIUP. wu. of GoMuold North, itr a )rtbo wardouahip of thooouiaty the ourtont year. Mr. Brown ?ny claitno to the position, und will, [her likely, provo a strong u and id ate. other reaaous why bo feuld ibat ho Lhavo the poBition, ar thu fattta tlm' at longer in the county oouuoil to' lihuous period than any oth*r rev FOK A-Tj^ KINDS OJ,' i Window Blinds away Ohinaware, Bric-Ji-Brac, Fancy Goods, Novoltice, Books and-Stationery, School Supplies, Toys of all kinds, Berlin Wooln and Fingering Ynrnn, .. New Stock of late "Wall Pap$v. Kluiitroul N**wti Notpw. Montreal, Jan. 5. It in learned that tbo Merit real Bridge Company havo made arrnngementB with a big Now York syndicate, t.o_ construct a bridge over tho St. LaWrence from Montreal to Longuiull, the coat of which, in cluding the terminus. Is to bo about $0,000,000. The sixth annual meeting of tho General Mining Association of the Pro vince of Quebec will be opened hero on the eighth and continue Cor threo days. Several papers to be read aro uald to be of the utmost Importance. TOItOVHk u.tkllUVlM. Flour Trude hr quiet, but the feeling Id holler. KiraiKht fullers are quoteii at $11,115 tn $:{.r, Toronto frcltfhtK, Urun Guru of bran ar iiuotoO nt ?11 wont, mul HhortM $1l!.50 tn $1:1. Wheal Tin* ninrli.ei In quiet ami prloen uh a rule utruiiKcr, White wold on Norili- orn tu-diiy at U80 iuul roil aL tide west. No. 1 Mun'toba hard Id ininipil at 7:!o in 7UV.O' Brliidlng In transit und at <18e Mlii- liuui: No. 1 Kortliorn 71c 'fonmto freiglit. Teas The nmrket i (lull, will) miles at JOo north and west. - ,. The ninrhot l quiet, with iwleoa uteiuly. White quoted at liUo on the North ern nnd inlxi-d nr. liti'/ao. iti Hie went white hi uuohaaged nt 22c*. hurley Trude dull, with the fiu'llfij,' 1111- Hottloil. No. 1 Ih nominal at -tile to -Me. No, - nt !IHc to -lUe, No. H extrn it Ifto outl Teed lit UDe. , . t'.'.:e'|;wln-iii The inurtict in ipilot and priced uteiuly at 32e to 32'/jc. .,.....,. ,11 1 ,.|.-aui'M.-- 11 uMM. vil ll prlirrh 11 n- chuuifed ut ?-.00 to ^;j on truck'nud nmall lotu ut ja.25. , Corn Trade, quiet, unil prlceu nominal at B3c to .He outuldo. Hye The nmrket In Arm, with limited offerlncw. Price nominal ^it *i0c ontaide. iJoiiiinlHuloa prlcoM '; Butler, choice ml), lCe to Wc; bulcerfl', 10c to l!lo ; pound rulhi, IHu to -ioc;: lurco rolhi. He tii'iai;; creamery tub at 20a, nnd rollu ut *ilo to *J-e. IQKU mo nrm t iTe to Ida per dov.. for nnlhuiry. M'^e to Uie for iluii'd, nnd E'lo to 2fic for uow-lalil. ; Ohooa >>( [)!.. I'Vjl- n IOC nUITIS& MAHKKTR. ' Liverpool, Jan. 4. , Gy AUd to oh 'lVad: red. 0b lid to tin 40} No. 1 Oitli- fornln, fin -P/jd to 5h B'/jd; com, ItuHd; ptMiH, In 8d; porlc, BOn Oil; lard. 'Jflu lid; heavy Uncoil, '^.m Mil; do,, llyht, 2Hh Odj'tul- low, do., colored, .lftn,' Llveriioul fu- tnret; Unit ut -V -1%U for l-'ob, und 5h KVirt for Miiroli. Suisse drni ut :t 2Vi<i for fcVb, niul'Mrt-iiyjil forMai-oU uiul April. * . .. , I'urlK-WlM^t dull ut ItUMX* ftr Feb.; Aiir >lull Rt 4tt for W+b. &:^m . (* iO'rifl - i^'if^ To our hoefc of friomdB andpatroriH in th Town and County of Ehhgx wo desire to/ expreas our sincere thaiikn for the very liberal rutromigc which you have accorded ua du 'ring th* year now drawing to a oIohc. It haB been our constant aim to supply our custom fir at claHH goodfi at tlio lowest ponwible prices, Tlino our effortfl aro appreciated iH < by the large and Htendy increaHC in our.buBin'eHH." We hope by continuing tho Ban to merit and receive u still larger sharo of your trado in tho future. ers with videDced je course Our Annual Stock-taking- Sale Is now on and we invite the ladien to call and see what wo are doing in fine SillPJ Goods, Scalotte Mantle Cloths, Furn, IlndervestB, etc. Gentlemen, it will pay yf/T1 vestigate if you need a suit of Clothes, Ovorcoata, Shirts, Tics, Gloveu, UnderweuK* Perainn I-amb, Furor Sealette Cap, or an extra largo Robe, Many lines aro boink sId at treatly reduced prices. Wishing ycu u Merry Christmas nnd a Happy New Year, wv regain Dress to in- a fine Yours for Bargains, IDTTlItfSTJUtf 33L,oaK- BSBE22. WKW ADVERTISEMENTS. NOTICE. 'IPH'E uniMiid meeting of tho iibnrnlioldnrii al 1_ tlio Union Chooio Coi.i[nniy wlllbfi hold ut tho fnotory on Thimiduy. Jim. IB, nt 10 o'clock a.m., lor tho purpouo ol rocalvlne, utiditorti' and dirootorn* ropoit und oloutiou of olllcerii for tho ainraiil yoar, 2-m 13. 1'IOltHI.N", Hoc STRAYED. F.UOM lot 11, con. PItKMIflKH OF UNDKltBIGNKD. 11, Townublii of UoHflold North, nbout middlo of OctcdKir, 8 (ihnof). 4 Old onon nnd 4 youiift oue;i! blaulc Mienn..ln lloclt; 1 old onan hud inarltn In ourii. Mminr will'Ufli imitiibly rowardod. ' EL1ZA.BETII MoOIiOSKKY, 1-at Etifiox T. O. MORTGAGE SALE .. OF Valnablo Ileal Kattito in tho_Townahip 0! Bocheutor in tho County otKHROx, U' NDEB TOWEll OF BALlfl CONTAINED In ivcortiiin yoj'lHtorcil mortKit^o mudu l>y TliomuH IJyrno to tho vundorn, will \>o nold l)y Eublic auction ut tho Jiollo ltivor ILotul, at ullo ltivor, on Tuooduy, JANUARY 21, l8i>Gf At 1:110 o'clock p.m., tho following frcoholdpro- portv, namely Tbo Houthorly third ol lot 15, in tho iirtl con. o( mild Pownship ol Itooliontor About MO iicrun cloaroil nnd cultlviitod anil tlio balance in bunb, olin.iuth and niaplu; rail roncnu; noil in a clay loam, witli f,'ood drulmifjo and ox- collont locality. Kunconi ittatlon ou tlio CM1.11,, ii^j mIIo. 'i-'muiri und Condltionn Onn-tontlrof purcbiino monoy to ho puid down. Kurthor purtlciihirn will bo'mndo linown ut timo of rnilo or may Ijo iibo artulncd ou upiilientloii to ALBEHT O. JKFFEItY. Vundorn' Hoiioltor, 1-21 Loudon, Out. NORTH ESSEX Agricultural Society. Tho annual mooting of tho membcru of tho above Sociot-y will bo hold in tho Now Hall, Sontn Wooduloo, on Wednesday, January I5,'96, Commencing at 1 o'olook p. rn., utrmduril timo, whon tho uuditorH1 roport will bo Huhmittocl, ofiicoifi eloottd and other bum- noun triuimictud. Tbo oiVioem aro roquomod to moot in tho unm place ut 10 o'clock u. ra., tho Hiimo (itiy, to clruio tho biminoBH of tho pant your und propuro choir roport. J. I\ HUSTON, iV. W. COHOE,- Presidont. Becretary. Christmas Purchase We are Belling Goods cheaper than any house in west, in Dry Goods, Hats and Caps, Clothing, Boots S oep and Groceries., We are Belling DresH Goods at cost for the next thirl days. Ladies' Vests for 25c, 50c, 75c, $1.00, all worth 25c morV -. -HQ8jery_at 25a worth 35c. Gloves for 15c, 20c, 2ficV 30c, 35c, 40c, 50c. Boots and Shoes away below all others in price andvalues. - | Men's Gloves for 50c worth 75c, 60c worth 90c; $1,00^ worth $1.25. Suits from $3.95 up to $12. Overcoats "at *' $5.75, tho best value ever shown in Essex. \ . _ Groceries 5 lbs mixed Gandy for 25c:-rf lbs new Raffling 25c, orB^clb. , Every person who tries our 25c Tea says it ia the best in the market. Gall and try and if you are not suited I will refund.the money. We are sole agents lor the Saladu, th, best Ceylon TeaH. Highest price paid for produce. A.. F11ICI '\, ... Vance's Old Stand, Essex EoSEX Medical Hall! ; Hoadquartorn for School Booltn, .School Suppliun, Note Papor.EnvolopRo, Inlcw, Writing Tublota und ofQoo Stationory. W&TER RATES, 1896. Notioo in horoby fjivpn thut in ordor to Avail thomflolveH of tho robato on wutor rates, rutapayerii uro required to call ub tho watorworku and pnv in advance, boforo tho 10th day of tlio flrnt month iu ouoh nuurtor. A. W. GABDNER, ' "- Collector Wittor Bated. Ebbox. Jan. 2,189(1'. v Ollllbll Tailoring Co'y., SOUTH WOODSLBE, Orderrd Clothing away Down* Wo keep llruiohiHii gqocln aucl nuarantto ntyloanU work'niannliiri. OVEBOOATBTO OBDKK. ftlO, S12'('lfit'810. Sli'ITB TO OUOKU. 812, 81G, 818, 820.: PANTS TO OltDKK. 81.B, 83.18, 4ttp. 88.08. XINDKBWlilAB- ITine.Scotch lumb'u wool,-81,25* 81.75 suit. If irat store north of railway. DISPENSING AND FAMILY DRUGGIST. SING LEE. ~ CHINESE LAUNDRY, Cor- Talbot si, and Victoria ave. Tho Intent Improved nmohinbry for IronintiCollarH iind.CuffH. Will not oraok or brunk t.io wiuf^: Family work uhotip. Paroolw-callod-ior-. and dohvorod. Ploimo call and try, If not uatififnotory no char^u will bo niuUo. If onr work Huita you, rooommetul ua to your frimulH. Harness. Everytlimjr in thiu lino at F. S- A.damn' HacnoFii Empotinm; ul- no a fnll Hupplv of nowont thingH in BLANKETS. BOBEB. and othor winter Gquinuaeut'. Prioou tho lowHPt. Whips. Brush da, TruukB, Yaliaon, e'to. ' Call o,nd Beo'tiu. THIS GOLD WAVE F, S. Talbot Bt.r Beaox. M.I Will not bofolbhalf ho imiolt in the bona if you uho tho H'JU'? F0BIj SAVER; AND HEAT RADIATOR. Saves.40 per- ounu of fuel. It oatobtni tlio' bout tnat other-; wIbo (,'oon out doom through the ohinanay,'. is hullt on noiontifio prinoiplont aufl only- hoadfl|toboH(um to be undoratood and ap-,;/', ;'j;V prooiatod. Priooa only'8-1 to 85\ Will cave *r ;.;V'{j| ita ooat In a tew weokn, '.' , ,' ^kE. L. PA.RKER A.gt. ,t>.i .'*."| . 13SSEX, :- 'ON Writo or call at GourhLy TARIO. :. -": ,:/-.m>ii . Mt. B. A.' Mitchell.' druu^iat,',. L6qdpn,;':;;,'Q!^ nuya: tb*h'^tatk^&.5|( Fowdera are an invaluable remedy,; ' <' ii^'i^ Mir.Jl Jamoiaqn, druBK^t, Mounfc/Foroijte^p 'BayBi^.-.i'Wo.iJn'd-Surk'a' Fowdare Wg^i^P ' :::fi^i ".' ,,^ ^;:-'^\>'^ ^^^

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