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Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), January 10, 1896, p. 2

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<THB".'B99Eg FREE PRSSv^ ' THlU. tsSEZ_FRJEE PRESS E3S:I33 03sT*r, Published EvorylFrldoy Morning jTyom-tho cflioo on Talbot, Btroot, noxl ^> * SUoiiHtftii Block. # 'Spocnd attention in raid to tliu pubhuu- tlOD of matter o( local importance, naout- ite and rehnblo roporbVof Town, neighbor. ng Towmiuip and County Council prounoil- toSe, local nd county marltot roportu, oto bdcarofu,' and judioimiH mumifjomont of CubFhkic i'uKim, with retipoot to thmiu ami other current mattnm of local hnpnrtiuimi, has tjivonita widoxpioud pmdiM" iutho centro of Knhuxoouuty,whieh in reco^iu/ed ' aa ono uf thu bout agricultural dndriuU in Ontario. Tiik Funic Vuuun m tho only ],medium <iimliiK thoroughly m-thm K.'ooiitriil portion of tho County,-ami m con sequently .without doubt,the only thorough advovtini)g medium for bummnm people ,wliihiu(j to roach thud chiwi of ouiitomoni. COHIU'Hl'ONni'NCli.J Our oolumnH uro nlwayii opon for the ipuucouWo diwcufiinoii of muttcru pertainm- to tho publio welfare Ablcorrcii-pondcut in all tho Hurroumi- Jul' lotmlitieu luvnhdi reliable reporttt ol evontu of intercut, occurring m thoir novorl ' and tho nubliaher in at all tiinoi- Lploaaad to rcccivo intruHtinn ltomu ol nw from any dtoponud to forward contri- , buiioriB. , Ml communication!! of ft private and SonfUhmli&l nature, nhould ho no uuulcul jn Mo oumidu of tin. envelope. uuiihciui'Tios 1'iuoi:. fr'^OG put^UUUJUlJ. iitrietly in advance, i' . JLfcJpor milium it nob ho paid; ana all LtrouiM uhur^od at that rato. , ' ADVUUTWr.MlSNTH. f Trii-niitont logal and municipal advor- tinpmotitH, noticon, etc., ohar^od- at the rata of ton ooutH por lino, for (md. iatortion, and five oon to per line for oaoh oubm.-u.uunt inmirtion. All fiuoh advortinumontn aro mouHiirud by a ticalo of twolvo hnoa to tlu inch. Looiil rotubne; and other unticoii pub. liHhod anions local howr mutter churned at tho mto of ton cenhi per running line for oaoh inuortion. All notice* of church or Hooioly outer iaiumontii of any description, at which an 'admidHioii loo in chared, are regarded hh ndvortiHomontH, and full advortiinnM nitoa charted in all modi cumui. Notieoa of juth- eriu(in or motin#*,not for poenniary bono- flt or aid. will bo ohoorfully puhhhhud freo ofohurKO, ^pooial oontraot ratoit made for duiplay or atahding advtK. All h^iu orprofoHuion- al oardy undor ouo inch, 85 Tier annum. J0I1 On COMMIiHCI.U. 1'niNTINO. iVTbo" Fbkk Piikhh -lob Printing De- m undor tho nupiirvinion [jliorou^ldy oompotent meohaincri, ,'coial attention ia paid to thin >r tho trado.. Our facilities _nii 0* all liintlH of Book aud '1'iirhkktLro unuxcullcd. Stoain ror pi'OHHUB, ^7t\~;l Holicitod. I10MINKH1] UKOUx.^ All iToh Printing and idvovtiiiinf; uccountH, Htriotl.v idvorfcifiinu ac(;ount.4 with 'iwitronn are nettled quarterly, oriptionu duo m advance-. No HubHoription to tho Fni'.K Phi-:hh, or advortiHoment publinhed in ids column:. kwlll bo rliKiontiuuud until all ar,reurn tiro mid in full. Qhan^eh for udyortiHumtMitri, to atcun: lortion in tho ouratut itiHua, muht U* Od in not later than noou of tlio TueH- pftoodin^, and notico of'imeli iutontl- uifldgu ih ri--(]uirod on thu Monday pru- ^Otico of diHOontumaiiCii of uuvei tiHu- jutH imiflt bu (*iven ut least ono v/cidt in Ivanoc of tho inHiio iu which; thuy are mirod to li,iht appear. AI>VEin'l3KH3, lbncriborn and patrons lieiiorally" are (quoatod' to read thu a+jovu re^ulaLioii:! rtifully, .iu order that confutuon may i avoided, an they will in all eahen be l^roti to. IddronH all coainjunioationa to 15. J. I^OVKKiAOl-:. PnliliHhor thn Eh:m-:x .Fni'i: Pur.hii, K'lHCX. Out ift- The - Great and; thoroughly re liable building-up rnedicine, nerve tonic, vitalizer and Blood Purifier Before the people today, and which stands preeminently above all other medicines, is HOOD'S -Sarsaparilla It has won its hold upon the hearts of the people by its own absolute intrinsic merit. It is not what we say, but what Hood's Sarsaparilla does, that tells the story: Hood's Cures Even when all other prepar- ations and prescriptions fail. "Tho fuco of my littlo ffirl from thotlmo Hho wiift thrno monthu old, broke out and wan covered with ncah. Wo (jrnvo hor two bottlCH.-of JIooiPh flnrHiiprilln-audit com pletely nvired her. \V nro lnd. to rocom- niond Hood'H Suniaparllla." Tiioh. M. Cauuno, Clinton, Ontario. Bo ituruto HE TOLD THE I'lOT,. C.-madlanS Would Fiffht for '1 hoir Homosand FlroaUiGS. THE TAKING OE WELLAND-CAHAL Get________. riOOCl S 1 HIS uailyiniilfoftt. 25eouUL s "TheiT-'s only ono tfh'l In tlilH world U.<v niii." . So Hav the Sons and haw Ho must it Would I No llullilny KicurHl lor tlie Hlultrtl Htntrrt Trt*is Mr. 'VtltUaiu Muini::h:oi, .^ (o.niul al limull loll, Trlln u 6E'iMrl'* Homo tltivtl ViwtA. Oleveliuid, O., Jan. H. Tim Hon. Wil liam M'UinKhan, cx-wnuml ut thu Unit ed HuiIl-h at Hamilton, <M\t.i holh-vow that (ho patilnl.ini ol" tli- Ainorli^iu people luisi hlindud their c-yun to tli" reiU nUvnulh' of ";Lii;i.da. In un Inter view Mr. Mnii;iuu;in :nld Unit it hi hhi belleC that If wju- wn.' U-M-lnroil Im- Iwlm-11 Uidtud tJlJileu and l^nfUand, I h oucMipntlnn of Oiiiiiuia nnd Lh-t il'ii'ruc- tion of'Uiu U'elhuid C.uwi), '-vliluli havn bt:i.-u udvooati-d throur.h *ho invivi. would niil he intlie ni.tui-i? of a holiday pxcurniiin. On Ihc contraiy. In- thought It would be u hard-l'oiiKn: eai^p-hin. Willi ukllled iioKliurn. Thu ei'teei ot ducli :l War, he ihrnuvhl, w.iuld d)i:i- trny iIil- aiiiiuxiulijii I'.ontlment In Um JJomlnlon. , . " M'liey would i-r n.^hUnfV ""' l ;,-l;' hr.inrs uiul ilre:dde.M," tJ:l.i In-, "and liuuh n pwnplu- l.ieeome tl<.:::j><Mnf<\ I fottml tin- nmlc and lib- of the people of Canada, or, at lea: t, those with wh'iiu I caino In cuata<:;. liitulhi^-nL and bof-pilahlo, with H'd only razor bill ilaLL.'i'hi!-; oninbim; oC Uio ODD CACT8 ADOU " 0Y8TKR*. Worth T^lliur to Yr M [fa When Tov Kt Your ITImt L'latjof lUfcWi. ' . Stiptoiuhnr, with IU c< clidly ovMnln^H, brliitj.i t t*^r huel. intu I'av.or u;;.th nil fi ol tlio vaiddt'tt lm ri roLtLlerriitU ovor tho e.ni try, for oompuru )l mornings jap u toqthflojflflToyfl- Tho bl^-d'oiilnrt- iod demand from in hi during tlio tho bent ruHtniir- imtii""Bi]|K,em- ARE LEADING *.llo , res-.ui'Ci^: aiat K'reatiieHii Of Hu;i r"puh- lic'and ita people. "The I'li-lliif-; "i: the rlvll ollh'or.i Hi. D.miiidun, M)H';:rd or man le u-d fc'iwnnl th" l"'"l'l ' 'd' lit- I'mt.-il Siat-'^. Wii'i c'tdlal, but at the same Mine tb-y wore linn in Hied- d-alini-; with t-un- lunif- mat tent and i[iie> tionn. "AH to aiuiexalh'll, 1 Would Hay tlmi'o waa more en- W. -: ji^nilment of i;X- l'.Ut \H In that wlilelt pulR my poor l;e;nl a whirl- to find out JuhL which is thu one Klrl. . I The "yi'H of Tamy, love, Deep us the seaH, above; tin y'lv th.-, eye:; blue or. th- amuent QiliUl. re^iHur SuU rui t Rho The there her heauty Htopn,' 'for, cunfoKji, hath a no.se that illln in di.4tl"e*ri. ion I with noi-o nose; of Mitbol-nye that Ih tho hlhlti.'d, but it was brtf. ly -'onliiu-d io ilu, Plum p.-p1*:. lio.-.-v.-r, it wan noL iu. j;.-ne:at uk umi would b- led to bo- lU-Vt- from tlu; jev.spap r aithlcs In thin cjiihtry. Th- [. -yfo-^.l. hm1 _ men and olIieialH are :!h-adfaBt In ihvir "e- vritluu and atta-hnv ut to tindr own Ut country and its luw.s." Un vou think Canada would n an elVoi-t on the pan. of the u iu-<i Stal-s to aim-:; I he J Vanmio.. 11 tae public, ,and do you U.iLui__UiaL.. o.i- U WOUld bu HUC- v.ith furtn in that d.reeilou cpf-ful ?'" indeed the repot-. - "They would resist, and ivshil all thtdr powi.-rs and re.-mrc f, and l would like to eonvct an nam' re^iiM- UiK the rlze ami i-.hill "f Ui- h iw^lwn* of ""the Dominion. Wi ber the fiict that in the .simp- oi bad less than throe nilllMnn we al:>ed over liuD.uoo idioiihl i-.;ui-iri- hh>, when we of peojde, troops." "I'here has been s<nvu deHlK.ylnK the Wtdhu:d thus making it impoyt hTiTTT^o j^T any war talk abmif Canal, a.nd ibU- for KiiK- h To b.ok on wddeh would dinslpaUj on-'a. woes. ; !! it l;iH:t n tr.niM.. Is v. it!i M:ib*d'.s rhln: ,' riud'h-nly. :-hai]' a:1, a phi. ,1.1 In dhn.i led, so.'l .nid Now TleUy'r, cam i\v\f.-;-,, ,t.) \;:- :,(,iuly j'.n:tleu Uu-n-'s no p'rrn. !'-1! i I'd luvc i!'-ar Hotly, Cr.pld Wll'il 1; .; a A.r.d falls when ho sees Hetty's llpn. Thi v are so n.lorlt'Hj* and thin, no blisa Cuiild pn:;:lbl.v arise from Hetty's Idas. air j' i'.'iav re a ili.\'-; lllilil. they'd astray. lips by Jove, ripe cher- veriest saint U-ad They make me. nervnua though I have no fears The niomeut I gasse mi dear Kanny'a ears. .\:al ! i it jmes down through the whole 1- 'orv line; Th")'" is not one that's wholly nuper- ." lira1-:."' S.-:ne I aa't'.au:; attribute there Is in e;ieit, And th.'ii koiiio bleinhdi . puts me past their rcueh. 1 till l-'a T ii'ua the maid with Mabels (', And l"aiiay's lips, and red-lin.lr*ji) An- ::ie':i pose, And J.ucy'n eye;; a composite.', you Set' Th.Mv'U not be oven ono Rlrl la thi.-i woi'ld fur me. , Harpor'ij Hazar. U_AOtt GTCAMHftS, LOW RATKO- CLEVELAND, PITTSBURG, ^ BUFFALO'ANft ALL POINTS GAS?;. lavanY EVur4iNC tETwnun B0IT.#CLEaEUiO [Connecting with earliest trnlna nt ClcvL*bnd fornUpoir.trf Y.pat, Soutll uad Southv7t'3t. IndoyTrlpiJUna, July* Augutd uml SciJtomtcr Onii' POUM Thip hkh Wuuk Dnrwaun IqiEDO, DETROIT #HlftCRIMAC |3T0SKBVTHD "GOO," MARQUOTTn, AISO DULUJII. I ro new ntccl paascuser Gtenmcrn liave ji:;;t \ bUllt for Olir Upper Lalte Uoutt^ cci.iLitir k each. Send ior iUutitrnted pampiilct. lew, A. A. OOHaNTZ, a. ti. * r. *. DBTdOIT. W10H. -'tnmnr & clhelmid'steui kw.ro, cMSJRHJEMmSs copyrights, K OHTA1N A lA'i*HCNT* Vat iI. if" uriHu/op! uiirt till Immutt opinion, wrltu to L NN A; 00.. who linvo luul noiivl/iiayyoiiix mirlBnou In tint imtoia biiHtmin. <!oiniinmln:i- iBtrliitly oonljdoiitlub A Ma HinHtoUor. Ju attou fionwmilna pntt'J'iu fiml how. to tb- Pl rtniit m><), AlflO it DflTBlOftMU 0^ llUlciltlll- bUnii.itia 1hh}1:m pt fi-oc. ' ... ront<) wtlttm throijuU Munn ft On, reeolvrt 'atti6ttfto1i(tliu H(-|*imlllrt AUtDi'limti. initl tU9 bruuijhc wtiloiy bofoiMtbo iiMlilinrniii- Feofft to tlm fnv'iiiitor. 'Villa m omlUb jmrvr,. ly. lnjuitl j* iihmtnudtl. niiii In' lur t li'i fedwoakly tufiitioa vr tiny b oyuar. ani|Mo ooivl'inooMt ^roo< iuhujuk Krtttluii, Biontbiy.*3.M)ivyoftr. Hinal'J ile^.tia'conto. iavcrymwuuie conwuvt be.iti- PplKtfui, In oalora. nod pllfttojrriipbs.of.new MMt,(th.i)ltuia1'<inablliiiri)u|ir)r0 wwbow t/w, t.u , f'liureli ulitl I'oiir. Rev. I'n-. Uainsford Is a plain talker ;i I. al! tnni'S. Over In Jiroolclyn las: id-j,l;t. I.ivwci'or, In- atn.rtled a. "odyXi.1' ~.\'<. U:<xi::.trf i-y talking plainer tliiin is- iijs ivijju. The burden ol! his addt'e -' v. :is tlie attitude of the church toward the poor of the cities, and as smiie < i- .-; >entences Will lit Other ijectlo; a. liny are worth pushing alone;. Ait .* <e ci;;ri..;r tlM-t the nlosluj" of th.' sa- h:o.,ny will not S"ct the Ui-hnrln;.;- elipv a into iin* cdnirclu'iH, the cioctof efmtlnu- cd: "Wi; h i vu Kf't to clianjre our eht:! '-b pcliey. We liuvo Rot. to b<.'Kir>with th" masses, ivarhin.fr very smrtU child:. aiid holflin^' ih'.'iri very tlKiit... V.w ! 1 your most l..-autlful churche.-; w ia :*" the poor live nnd. kIvo tho be.-d mm i" ar.d.the be.st, things where there a:'- tl'.e most people; Lot VJa cra-ftot rai: C.i ill nils anrl a -bettor day Is eom'b'". "or the eliurtdp Pvotesdantisni Iuh i-.-^ done lis duly by the poor. ^\'hy mini - ter to tb.- rii:h and make the paor st:r.:-l cnbrlde the church? The Cathalio rl.ureh is strong- boeaimo, far b.;('e: lba:r: we PioleUants do, nhe, stands !" tin* poor. Home of you .Trotrf-uiait , :nny riot lllco It, but It In txute. Tliv chureli bait stepped In thin demoera::!' c. mitry fi em ifhe position assigned t H by tho Divine Master in refen no : the pi'ov., "We hoar a Rrcat m>al <- i'.uMi about church an<l niiftdon v.- and much j/olf-conijratulatlnn. W : aie we tulKInir about? Wo waiH r' o.ClirlHtl:infty In the Clu!- ' obi ieb." The Bpcalccr Hfild It is n' httdy true that tho church In "'v York In not holdlnfj lt^ own. to the lake cities," m'.ujvVti-d the re porter. ' That Is easier said than done. Wo 't on <.'una<lian soil to dr::-lroy the canal. The ave nues to the eunal would be Xla.u'ara. the St ('lair Kiver, and the St. Uiv:- renee liiveiv Do you ^ll"^1 f"1- nil Instant that the Cann.'1 k'. as would ivt destrov the brides ,^:-" cul o1}' :;1-1 avvnu'es "f f. vau-m .: t wouli- i-e to their lnbdv;a to do :.-w." "What would be the n.o:-'t vuhiernnb! point of attack on the AVellond CaimlV" was ai.'ked. . "Near Ht. Cntlmrlpos. '1 lu-re tlv flrand Trunk lla'.lnuid runs ;hmnr;h a tunnel- under the < al, and If a partv of melt eo'ild r-aeji the tunnel and'blow it up. then tb.e eamd v.-ouht be dej.lrov.al hut as I said 1m lore, we woultl lind it extremely dasa.^ous v y.tt.uopi tn Rrot into ikuui.ua in t;e> event of war." "Then you do not think we would havn possesion of C'aiuulu In :: 1 l.out:', n^ r.Tioe of the enihnsiaslie (\iuerleans gay ?" 'rhat I'= rn^rr- h'.sh." ('anadn.wi: limit any aid front Vhieknid, would inula- It "interesting for.us fur a lout-: tirtii'. We would hi* at a disadvantage. U" would be ne,-htl-,e.r "M would me'd. with re-d'-' compel us to r- o.-nlr.e tin* valor .oi tlie Canadian soldiers. "We would eventually. Kt't into Piin- ada, as we have a locd"a;^)f_SHme "f,n ' mile's, but " 1 wan! to empi'" fact that we would h.:ivp oe fullfor a time in S'-ru.ir'n.v po:e of the Dominion, and yet T u'l-.'o i.'1 A uterir-a m- <;r.-"'Tit" r>i' I 11.' the tih.: y pal rtnt ie per,),),, on I lie held uf Vi M.b In exliitonce." frtivltf n i'il.a i if Diiee that W'urd Uynly few oyHters niai Himniinr montliH. Nonut un in iiuvvii X\ fut iff ro"n i~M br, imd no woll-lnt'oi'inll man will unit for thorn during that m*ni. That Ih thu upuwidutf thno. and onlldn iu!enunr< thu IdvulvuH uro In pom- et ndnon, and If outon ttt** apt ti) eitUFJh HerluiiH InknewH, DoHpHft thu ot't eil.od. f|. that (ho.oyHtor ooiitiddKonly y!U) or -35 ililtn of pntonthd vlor, while hnof nlYordu \t t.tiOO uiul Halt pork H,M)il, tho-Kouruuiiul oontlnuoH to wiuU out his UUm I.'oiotn nil ^iivln Hnr.kM villi nil tlm old-tlnni itforiiciHH. Thhi otmnlry HiijipHon many ohtho' Kuropnan jntirkeU now, and lasi yeitjililppntl nearly i five Hani aud barrels ,uidUln Measun will l siioid ov.u' ut, loast .-vh; tlHauuid. A. few ; year^ ii|'(t tlio I\himjhhlii lilouro fjcornod J tho proilueti of our vat urnl hut now. pityn I mote fur tiliiun than Hoinu lined In bin own i goan, Sonin Idea of the lji;.;ail udn the pjntur Krowiim,drod^ln;{ui|milllii;< tnulnu have aihuinn'd may hn Kal^'edTrmn Mia tiyv.tt t.hnt. New YiivU'm tnuiollono Is (inti mated to bu #17,ouu,ij'.)o to |,ooo,ooa un ininliy. Imiw living Million uro cojildered mora imlnlet'Cit! In;; or morn unrtimnth; iban Ihi.^i.uirh-dbiisi-d.loiiif HulTi*iiK hliell-lbdt.' Yet bin lib-tory, tho hunpiAiujH of bin (iiiwdl life, are f.irfrdii prddo. To tlio Htuilent tluinyfiicu' la IchowiAh a hlvalvo molluslc. Tneatins' raw dltarrf nearly everyaiie luiri not hrd thub imiif tlio rihelln In Hal iiml the other Ih deeplyUnciiv.), and doidul.Ns lu) has made use oflm lattur iih u natural wiucit from whhihidrlulc tho Julcn. Thoso sbelhi are tho ouAnrOVircUon , the nyHtor ban against ti JiosiA' unomh'fl. | They'avo formed by animal Iimi-h, run^nd one upon luiother and. huntf tflthisr by a tnii^h, rtihliery li^amuntor Idle, Thcro am dnuhtloMt; a' HCioreVA creoplnK and ci*iLwlin;< thinj^H which 'Attrny flic ouytei'ri. Three nf thnao are-Viry veoH known and oau^o annually viJ|- losses to the oyster plautnvn by thoir lur^lM on tho Lmln. L-'irst. In tho orilor of dtwtirUivnoH.s comes tlio KtardUh Il I;wv hpV pirate, nud bin family increase an fadiiat tho dredi,'tMN eunnot oxterminato tlion though they draf-' up und hI'mi;; a^ltniv foyo thou uandw eaelt day. The starflfdrsdcl out tlio ovuter, and Hi tahe.s him very fw*.iinulen to .du_iliJitliOL..hu has eaujdtt ;hu with hln eitpacioUH eonfhlinjMnouth wi' open. Thu wiukloM operate dlnYTenUj With tnelr big horny font they (.'rasp ;tfjwhoht bivalve Hindi and all, and then by nowm-- ful euntraetiou of thu tiuiHclen (oldt the Rtinll as If it. wni'fl paper. Thou t-V eat J.1V. Oystnr at thwir leisure. V Tint' ltirjut patient, and nmalli'86 f tlm oyHto'i'dillliM'K Is tlie. drill. This niiftir-eri'iu tiiriiHvenln n polmcil shell .similar, that of ihu winkle, but Inns angular. Vl'do.-t not nrow to u le.ntli of muro thftt- two Inchtis at most, but niitkes up in:j^lst- oueo what it larks in Kl/.n and atr'\dh. Crawlinfj along tho ^ea hottoin, lJf much upon a fat- oyster, wbieh, iniTniidhitxtdio- cou^ln^ aware of . It * enemy, -midady cIosiH lis hospitable shell. This ^6'e tot rliHluiartim tho small visitor. I to In.no hopt'd ol' piakln^ so easy an iMitratMMhln would in* us dlMj'niicertud to find an p; or with lt nioiith open as an expert l.cr.^s- pinn would be tn have t hu f ion t door op.rd by the Hervant when he was plaiinhi{',0 foren tho rollar windows. Mr. Drill calmly t'astenn on tho upr flhell of the oyster and ho^ins tod)pnwn bidow tiie frighteaedneiaipnnbot'a nhell heirs the fatal Krliidihs and {ofa addi a now layer of Inside shell to 'bp'i the borer. Hut nothing will titop;..i, drill. Day hy day ho will doopun tbotl:; hold until at last he breaks through a'-'. And drains tho lifo fluid of tlio <iotti4 oyHtcr. A smootb, round hole, no hlggt than tho hcivd of a pin. is all that is loft'.'; : toll thoKtory.aud many a half of a scallop clamor uyntur shell you find upon thi she-rein marked with this tcll-talo porfora, tion. !,: ,. Oysters aro horninnhrodlMo, nnd eaolv lnillvUlual produce* lis eg^s within itso.WB itluillM, nnd in tho suintnm- months thuHe^A' million or more, are .iiseharK'al and float on" on the tide. Hundreds ol fish greodilyj tho trudo In all ldndu of Building Material, Woodwork .for, lioiiBca, (plain and ornamental), Barn Lumber, BhingloH of"n.llgrad(3H, Doora, Saah, Chofltnut Goal. WINDMILLS ;'iWo nrt("Holo A^ontu in tho Countyit'orJ "ruais abumototi, OCJJCluoa^o, which took Tlieheitt A\vardii;iit tho World' I'uir. Can lurnisli cither Pumpingor Power Outfits at lowest priceH. A written ^unrantcu with ovory Out/it/, Ml - . J. GOTTRIiAY & SOHS, ESSEX, ONT Bt- '. .e'l" : : -r.-'J. ' P^.j"-:-.; " . k'*\t\l-' .... 'ilwl'l .ai- Tl THE TRIUMPH COEN SHELLEU Dr33Siso3FfL2:s=i,|]B:c:>r<r- Thin Machine conainta of a horizoatal caat cylindor, with, wrought iron burs, with steel teeth bolted to tho cyl'j dor b> as to bo rovorsible whon tlio tooth liocomo worn on tho liotit nido, running in a perforated' coneavo iron iholl, wbioJi tlio shelled corn paBriCft tlirough into a shoot iron case, with a an or cleaner uttached bolow, which taUos all tho duwt/rom tlio grain. Tho jhoanoBt hci-d, most simplo and durahlo Power C!orn holler in ubo; bUaIUu sorn perfectly clean in any eouditicn .-helling aud cleaning from ono to two houaand.bushels of cars per day, aceordiug'to ]mwcr. DiMBNaioN.s; Pulley, 10 in. diam- jtor, d in. face; Motion, 300 to 80o rovolutioua per miuiito; Woij/ht, 550 lba, EVERY SHELLER WARRANTED. J, GOURLAV & SONS. ^.e:'::::?; ^i^issssMgasssss^^ inn i >\v.r\ t he band? ti y"w ffb devour tho spat or .-pawn, and Hciontfp.twJ. ^ ^ r :1 ^"^ijjja'Bt :fl ;r/ <<i --fid ,1 vis O'-TJi out of c ion oKCftpeKdeHiriictlonaiHtrliJenfiinto^W HfiiU-Hlzed oyster. ThU is wholly an wt^'\\j ^^C-r /i^/^.CJ /= "" Old ,y'oc ovor now, nnd Him'plfl uia. huHiHiful ovor," Hin(jB th"o poet, in words which may wall, apply to Av*u"n Runuip- urlliii the moat otllovnt and hoUmtitto blood'Ptirillor over, offered in wu0orl> g butuunity., Notbiut; hub nnpenor tu.ent Ueopn it ho lont; at tlto fro if. CANa 1) a'- : >f:i',KNCMS. Cnl. Lnltn (Joint; tn ii- Olil <cmniry to ruiMiinur isoilt ni;z ami i.idlr >ii:iii>( <:ol I'owrll lo St.-tlri'. Ottawa, .Tan. 2. They Government haw ali'fiidy d.eld's'i unon.'a "n- of action re.^ardln;;" tlie atroiuvt-lion.n^ Qf Canadhiu (b-J'iMive.--- and b.-Lier ai*:":.hiK the mlillia fo:ee. Col. Lake, Qu:n;er- mast -r-Oen..Tal, IcavoH for Mnsl tntl to- mei row to eonl'i.r with the linp.-rlal auiborlthH on the subject a'nd to j>ur- oluo-'e a nuntbe-r ol! kuiik. It belnj? the lnlcuttou of th-' Gnvei arnent to in crease all the ih-ld batte.rie;; by two P;iiiib fitch, inakbtef nix in all. It Is .said that a Turtle r Hiiprdy of tjoy- I.Uttoirltt Ih to In* procured. Col. T^ake Is.a Canadian by birth, -hut has a f-pK-ptlld r. cord In thu linoprlal H-?rvioo. lie wan l'or may years one of I..<e-<1 ^ "ohsuley'H eonild.ntlal num. and the ju'iM-nt Commander In Chief will cer tainly iviuliir all tho aid In- can to the Dnnlulnn. to ntren^then hor defences. t'he vulunteern of Canada will 1 at n with retvret that tho "father of. the fnj-ee," Col. Powell, th" veteran Adju- tant-Oineral, has decided to with draw frmn active service. Ho hnn% abketl perntission to ro.lre on sujier- ar.niiatlon allowance, and the request will shortly be granted. He will p:ob- ably be succeeded by- Col. tin- lion. M. AyimOi.preMent Assistant Adjutant- * t'Unerul.who In turn will likely lie hiic- cecded by Major BMsh of tho Ottawa Field Hattcry a.s Deputy Adjutant- General. Ebi'iilitl .^tiuiMlfi- hi u Hiitouii Port TownH'ond. Wash., Jan.. 2. Ex-* Jud^e Trueti, of tho JJiutrlct Court of AlahHa, who arrived, from the north on the steaipor Topekn, to-day, hi-OUKht full pavtlculaifi of tho brutal munlcr at Sitka'of Donald JVufltln, chicd' of tlm Indian police, on December121. A a result of the tragedy, J'udpfe Dolaney haii hound ovor . Herbert Mill.-i, tho principal, for murder, Cluin^JCionpr, the prci-rletor of ^he. Haltlfti-*m-'whioh-tho mttrd"r waa committed,'- on-jn. chajrw of lanriKlntiKhtor.^a.nd two Pallora rrond .tfitoicattfrr.Wolcott 'or nsaitult ^,77 ------:-------- -. jllliV'f' WohUi-r jHr*<d.' ' Kla^ara l^allH, >T,Y., Jan.' 2. John Mclntyro of Thorold, Ont., Is under arroflt.ehareed with-having, on Christ mas Bve, held-up, John McClay of Nia gara Falhv Ont. ( grievously assault ing , him In' an attempt to rob him- MicIntyT'e was,wanted ..for other joha nf ivttnrbrv on "boAh lrta of tha.Hnii. ansure us that only on mill .ftfuU-Hlzud oyster. Tlilrf is wholly antmpl-i dent, too, that thu one is sound. It iiatchl^a'j on some rock or shell or tlinbur, ami fa.Ht-' tiling there, begins its .n-al Hie, ^}: -, T-bim It wil.' he seen thoro is an unop,/ mT>\Ui wie.tn in vhe natural sehenui of roi'; in-uiiu^'1-"-' ltu' 1J>' '-"imturantlni? 'Hiltf: ' ,.,/i1 ( the Imii: oC tho money lmsbeen., imide in i-;h- oyaui- business. Whon oyster- mini he.-lt>r artiiloi^.d cult aro they only Slif^ f .mio suitable rest, inir phioii wher.V ":' >"^-lnK spat may * l - v-ri |, :,. vceontpllHhod In. ihi- n rapidly bcoonv 3TARTLINQ FACTS FOR DISEASED VICTIMS. UARANTEED OR NO PAY! loiltfu and f<row. s-^" u, Curolinua wt.fV1"'- ,: mi)ll'7: ? ,, the chief lnd..Hftv"'; ,"71 ""*?*$ tin lna fiicilitioj offered by io' huys.by ultilanR buno!. tlio hods. The drifting on the twlf^H, fasten and ;;\'v'. the wood rofs and tuoir u\" them to tho bottom,wnevo 11 a compact both A ve:y s!ljijir;x:0 !.<-.ai sounds and a !.(: h all alonjj ,..- ttirs catch I'd'udually I I oarrloa ;,i.i; form pttal hi ro- f\ Noi-vcitH and doBpondent; wenlc or dobilitaton; tired mornlm/n; "'?>-' f bltton i-xc 9111U IUU B MvtH H(11,|C1M1( n.,[ rimj bhirred; i>ii|ii>li-H mi f|ic&; dreuiuB and,-nichb Ioj'ucs; n.th-Mi; Im^'iird looking; weak back; lione pain*-: Imir looso; nlcom; ooro throat: variroi-cl.-; ditpomt iuuriim nud drainsi at Htool; dr-truotfid; wiutt of coandonco; Jcok of 1 enono and Btronntli-\NB CAN CURB YOU I Initio nml irrittihlo; " t f RESTORED TONIANHOO& BY DR&. PC, & K. quired to set and waudi thn t-cettV!'lt,n,llirH nnd tlm statu furnl.^lie- tho hiahi a\^ ;\"fmJ .inal cost to any one v. ho will l:o*i tinder autlvo cult,H'a;a>n. Stones tno ureat sl'/.o maUo j^ooil simt-.-Mi.^ mid aro often used whore thuy are ouslly obtained than brush In Connecticut, whom tlio oyster h nnss has bi'On an active.-one plncu Co /ny^ tliiYH, whun the Jii'Ht. ibiiiermen's huts x\ix built on tho Kidrluivo.ji shore, tho dvitV liliollH from which i-lio oystor-havn-b\-jv. oiifon urn used entire! to plant; tlio hocU. j'ho Kurfaco of tlui.-.o half sIioIIh bolt-j* youpfh olfers a betler lOsLinff plaoo than either Htoncs or wood, and being ho light thoy uro uiiHlor to dredge wlion tho oytow aro Kt'own. Thld nohrino was tho idea ol Capt, William Movwin, thorctirod veteran planter of fcUKord, M'ho hasniado afortuiio out of thlu hiiHlncsn Since tho ilrst oxptirlmontw provod auoh ijvnat Hucootm thoHhoilsbooaino at onco bc NMifrht attor that thu^rlooadvanoiul vapid ly arid to-day Rood Ilist quality rIioIIh aro worth 50 emits a IniHlml. Thoro'Is no flrtoh noooaslt'y im that of nhiutlnar tho spawn. That is floating by tlm mtllloiiH aoroBH the beds, It Ih raoroly a question of oatohlng ml (towlntjc it.. Now Yorlc oonsnmnn most of tho emalh ilxod oystorH In profor -non to tho groat fat follows, which aro tJhlppod by tho carload 'to tho WoHti.: Owhifi i tlio bad offootthnt tho mntlon.ot tho train haa on thorn thoy Bru uovor In the best oi' condition whon ru- colyod. It lfl'sato to.uy that no Westerner tfeU'n tasteof arcaVo>ntorafcUaliOHt until hcomen to tlw aoanb. Tho sea voyagof donotappoar to Injur > tkom, und thoHa tent to KuKland well uaokou Invariably arrive In gooc^ ottier, ' The up-to-date Mant attnn rosldont takes littlo plump oytialways and on tho halt . $1 ^lAVIdN. JOHN a. MAM LIN. 0UA8. POWBUH. |i tlFOltK'I'10CA'i'.MKNT. AFlJat 'iiO.-VlMUNT. lU.l'OK-l-. 'i'uLA'J..ilhaT. ,\ l- t" ^u'XHBA'iUUW. . NO NAMES OH TESTIMONIALS USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. ; - John A. Mnnihy liuym "I wiiumio of. tho countIokh vlo- thiiii tif tuu-ly ifiiiorttnco fromiiumccd ut lti yourti of-n^ii. I triod riuvim nioilieid firniu ami Hpnnt SoOO without avnil.'. 1 khv4) np in iU(Hpnir.. Tito dritinu oh my yti'm' were wnitkoninp my intellect well aiiuiy noxutd tindphyiticid ' Hfo. My brotlmr tnlvhiL-ilmo un a hint roHart to cnnnult Dm. Konnedy .tlCei^un.- I eoinmcmeud their NuwMnLhod Treatment unit in u t'nw woekH wim u now uuin, with now lifu and ambition. Thhi wan four yoitm aire, nnd now 1 tmi runrriod nnd Imppy. 1 r^oununcnd tliouo roliublo ilRICOGELE, Missions ahs WOTENCY Pheo. l^iatH toollniynfllictcdfollownnm." CURES GUARANTEED OR NO PAY.- iWicofl of Olirly hoyfiond laid tlio fonridntion of my V'ator on a "cay lifo" und dXpOHtiro to hlnod dU h'anplotnil thu wrook. I lmd nil tho tiympioniH of CONFIDENTAL. Syphilis, Emissions Varicocele; Cured, wpliioflB." CHAH. POW13116. \e irtai and cure Varicocele Emissions, Netypus Debility% Semirtal ly, Gleet, Stricture, Syphilis* Unnatural Discharge Self Abuse,, id Bladder Diseases, " _ YEARS IN DETROIT. 200,000 CURED, NO RISK. Rl Aro von a victim? Hnvn yon lent hope? Aroyon conb-tnplnthiKhiar* 1 vIiiho? Huh your Wood h'< on dlnnafi)d.J .ijfavo jnn.imy \v*_nKniw-m' Our , your ll Tmitmnut will ouro you Ton Wlmt it haw do no for othnrn it. wlll.^o^ir vnn. ;| ITreo on-.j mm I;.*.-. -liW lea iu cbpf No muttor who him tmutod y*m_ wrtito rerun honont onhdon IT ?lmrI"miflonnblo. 00OKS FREE-"Tho iloldon Monitor" (llhmtruUid), ,mhdhclrta b rt CO. O No riEtm^s on boXf-s*or p-nvoW rvthlrW oorifldontlah Quostlon list nnd.cost of Treatr i ". ^fe# 5# '

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