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Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), January 10, 1896, p. 1

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1 - ii < > ' WV) ^%. Plypt VOL JCIL No 2 B^EX, ONT, PEIDAY. JANUAEY 10, 1890. WHOLE No, 576 T * . FORSYTHE, ANDERSON & CO'Y nlto gotting a.thiug good whon you lo get, it, * Aa a mlo there is nothing io dour in tho ond aa the cheapest iffciolo you can buy, that is, tho io\v- 'eafc priced article of any kind. There is little or uo difference in tlio cost ol manufacturing a Door article and a good article, so thtit for a trilling ad- vunco in price you often got a far better quality, wo keep all qualities icro, irimi the choapest to the boat, cut-tyo'\vimt. to toll tho public of r.sqox county that it is* a, mistake to ii^igine thor^te-anything"*" "** """ T lor them, llich or poor, citizen Or farmer, tlioro is greater comfort and bettor economy in tho long nin, in buying the boot, we make* it a point at this score to got tho best to be had and wv find that it pays in the end, ae a pIcMsod cusiomer iH the beat ad- vei'tisciLcut, Bpaco will not permit us to enumerate more than a few of tho well Miown makes and brands of goads v\.c handle, such an 'Crotnpton'K .Oorcett.,' Ilealth Brand Undorwnar, 'Oortie.-lli wilks,* 'Christy's Hats, 'Oi'i^aslov'h Carpets,' 'Morriton Cot- torn*,' 'Now Bmna\viclc Warps,' \Joh- opliino Kid Gloves,' 'Gianby JJur<> CUmi Hubbor Hoots,' 'Tetley's Toas,' ^Biitie'iciv'a PatternH,* etc. In man) Ot fcllUHO gO"ts tandard linen wo are so'e ir Essex i 'Vi> NOItTH MDCm. About lour nicluiu ot (mow would mako good Dloighhig. * 'Clio mercury reentered i dogroon bolow Koro litiit Saturday und Sunday morning. A woman in hor BDtli your 'voted at the municipal election hnre lant Monday. Of oourno hIio votod right. MW/KICIPjVj ISIjTQCTJONS. Muni ma. Tray. Tru- POUTII WOODSLEE. \Vm. Tuoy Jipont Chiintmas with friendn hero. Samuel Green, of Kimox, wiih in town on Saturday. Jiiku MUoholl iff runhing bufunous. Good hoy Jake 3~ T. Dornton'a bifj fur coat hail taken a full. IL io a jurt Gordon AUiusn returned from a trip oiLHt. Glad to uoo you. Quito tt number of tlio young fallen at- tondod a ball In Ilun'comb on Wodaonday night of lane week. lurraorfi <lo you wans money nt 5 per oout.? If ho wnto A. O. Bailor Loaaiiug- tou, Out, Tormu of payment of principal to imit borrowers. llool'a rilln aio prompt uudjoftloiout and do not pur^o, paiu or uripo. 25a. AliNISK. IMr. lliehard Kudo was m Hjkho.\ on Thuraiiay on buuiucbH. Mr, and Mm. Hon. Htcludob npont Fri day hint with rolativfto in Kunox. Tho L. Ii. A D. R. It. arc doing a mail ing buiiinoHn at pronont. They aro loading nix earn with hay tiud novoral oaru with other produce. A citi/on near Amur too frcjueutly luavos Ilia (*attn open on tho oroHoing of tlio h. lu.& D. 11. li..md ocunnionally tho train hail to hlow down to navo a lioroo for* him. TIid liorrioH will ^ot out onaoltoo often, Mr. DaniiH Wile took nin two dauhtorH MistioH Edith and Kthol. to Alma Collutjo, St. TliomuK, on Thurnday, 2nd Hint. It Wtth a Hiirpriho to their many friundj an thoro ^/uh no talk of thou* leaving. Jlr Wi^lo Hpnnt a 1'uv/ dayn witli friends* in Loudon. Tli<!;ilcuKa ortO>iitoN( liucul rj'ulltlow. WMDSOR. Mayor, T> W laiion, mnjonty'JG7. Wator tfommUioiior, J A Bauor, jority 10. / Aldormon, Wfld 1, Uoll, Brian, Curuay. Ward 2, Dfcon, iluntor Bhopliord. TruMtoo, K S VMti, Ward. a Dn, So|tuor, Korby. too, Nauh. | Ward 4, W#y, Will, Drnlard. too, Carnoy. '} , jiNDWion. Mayor, Oi^i/dot. Rooyo, G Vitaoti. Wator ComiiJumiouoru, 0 F Po^uognot, .) Allou. / Counoillis-a.-AIaiion, .lomiop, MuKoe. TniHteoH, Jjonuul, I*arl(or, Sparku. V-tliKEKVILLE- Mayor,- Jil\n Bott. AldfiniibR^'QiIcMtdkiimt Woar, WaUt, Itoid, RijbwII. Koit, Wnlkor, Tucker, White. TruHtoGH^-UaMiIton, Piilfor, iMUliRSTJQUXia. For Major. 1 ,1 G Mnjlea........ (W Kimou I'mnor...... CO o :t 1 Tot m in aa- -2Ufi Vi n 33- ~mo 72 j'j 30- -Kit B7 i\'j I!fi- -aifi 7!) 5:i 2H- -10rJ HO 13 20- -112 and Nuwman OouneUlorH, 1 Iloury Harlow... .10f WcHloy Cowoll .... la John M Kuy......21 John l-4 Milieu...... 70 Ian Newman......HO .Tan Bhuppard...... -l'J MoHflrM. BarI6w, Millon olootod. OOLCHESTIDIl NORTH. Ituovo, M Burrott, by acclamation. Oonnoillom, 1 Walter Boyle........ .'jl Tanorod Ciiyn.........00 Daniel Kcnnody......I'M) JohuRodd............117 John A Thoratuj......UK) MoHsrH. Gay a, Kennedy. TliomaH are elootud. ing i 2 ft 5 28 IK) 21 27 Rod. !J Tot. -17 l-ra 50 i7y 1)5 200 IH 16(1 and MUNICIPAL COUNCILS. 2 11' 12 WilhruuH, 9 Tot , 07 215 fil KJC Majority for Million For Kiitf*o, 1 John A AbU..........72 Ilunry Clay.......... 17 llfj .1 8(1 MAIOHTONK. MiH^ (Jliriiitnia Bitruefi ii u^ain attonthn^ the colle^i'itu at Khhu^l town, having failod in netting the appoiutiuent ha teticher. Mims Jjtft Kri rcLuuifd Iioino on Bat- uid'ij I'L-^t, having fjpunt bet holidayH with fiicndu in Chatham, Liondnn, Uorchtyter and (. IriuwhoK. I>. Huott, wlio han b.sou employed hy .1. Ken lor Lhuhtht threu lujiitht* is now about to n turn to hi'i home in TaviHtock to at- tuml tile tihoofjumakern' convention. Mr. and Mrn. Andrew Wood entorti'ined ii lai^e Tituijlier of omenta on tlio evunmi.) of January I Quito an euyiyable oveniu^ wuh hpent and all prenont wiuh for main morii miuU ovuiiinj^ti, Tli i l-'<])worth League, of \\'fbli>y, iik t m Wodncaday evening to arrange for tho cji,. tLi'tauirntMit for tho bci>( in of tho S. which win to have beun on the 2!Jui I) c, 1H0', Imt was a failure on account if tho diHauroi'abln weather and torriblu cii iliimn tin roadn wefu in, 70 Tot , 27-i 12U iraj rity for Auld lfil Dopntv Rtove, W T Wilkinson olootod by acclamation. Ooilijcillorn, Ward No 1, Wiijlo, Patten, and Pfi'If. Wi-d No 2,-Thoii Tomliimou, Jobn Ryan nnd I) II Smith. W.irl No II, Lulcoa, K*jmp aint Malonoy. kingkvilt^r: - ~ K.-ev. Hubert Wi^le ; council by ao- olamutnii : #hh by-Iuy carried by majority of 1 If. TILBURY WHSN. Kc"\c,--J A Buchanan, acclamation. , Dipit> Umj'su, -J TI Ainaho. CnniioiliorH, Dal^loiHh, Dunmoro, Kon- dri-K LKAMINGTOM. M\or. -,] E Johnson. Ii vo,-W F McK'-n/.ic. ])tpnty-Ueevtt, W M McSwucu. Council lorn, -II Bran ton. n Chamber- lain C Curtis. WSolUuk, W UCm, 11 J < 'uiiNon. ROOIIIiSTKR. Uaev(\ J~I> A DL/.ud, acclamation Unputy RobVo, I,owliunit........ -"............... 2-1K Wilcox .......................... 1H7 MajoriLy for Uowlunit............ fil Jomicillortf, -Ilodricit 118, Laducour27i* Iunay H-l, My left W>, Sylveator 2I(, and Uduoii 1H1. Lj'idnceur, ftylvfHtor and WiIhuu eleoted. BANinVICII SOUTH. Reovu, r^o RUTUVKN. IMih. V, B. Norman in tlio ^uust of Hn,. fiauolauyh, of Walkorvillo. Simeon Stuwurt proponoH adding a wing to tho south of Inn hotel. Lowin BoufJHny iu adding to bin aJrudy lar(40 atook o( (d)ooii ovorv day. ) JoHiali 1'otorHon wuh tho luoky jnsn to win tho harnoos at L. Bounnoy'o ,ou M"ow Yoar'H day. Pinker in alwajH aronud oarly fu ivaah daya this wmtor. He uxpouto to Hart a laundry noon. Aurohau in becoming an oxptu eloou- tionint. tliu produotiou from "plri had a Jittlo lamb" and "Ouco I Hav u little bird", hiBt Sunday weroont of 4!^ in Booiwrv's WIIIHL, Prank Bmith wan tho ^uont Culloti, Leamington, Saturday! day. AnRUHMaChaihm and Mum took tea with Albert. Gunning;,' Bnrwoll Lockwood vimtud Albortvillo Sunday, Goo. Steele, prouidout of th Boxing Olub huH roturnu I fr 1 Clinton. offeruon KutWon, N. G., tiii|* liiiiGOUH.ii, i.(. Rutin baritone, London. Oliver and Mro. St^olb opt at tho vosldonao of Mi\ Pull Iluthvun'tt coutiuffoiit to l)ih Hohool will houhour, 12 Our oifcy election nnwHod For mayor, Wm.Buoliat: Wator onmmiewiotjorn, Auceliaa WiIe and Willi* Cole.. . riuulcy 1 1 2 71 20 ;t _l_Tot. fi 70-gfiH H 4Z go Mujority for ,232 Counoilln^H Ward ! 0,Nj^li oloctod by acclamation. / (it), Battorby Moonoy oh Bail- -Groavcft 51, W L> IFox m in \i vioitn R,, iu Donald, Yeor'H itroifc, 'imuiijton ,'itly. oWmation t' Gunning twcJl, ' Coii!ioillnr.H<oWaid ' i.-^aru "'- ;...... / lorp;on 20. GouLcilloia Wyfrdi^ O'Nail 2fi. All the old/oolinoii waH elected. MAIDSTONE, lloeveo 12 3 4 .") Tot. rotarVjjopbott......(Hi (57 01 fi8 51-,iJ00 G Vwiutemnto....57 -53 57 159 64 299 ^Jajonty for Ccrbott................ 7 yioputy Roeve, 1 2 U 4 5 Tot. William Fnoo ..-.90 59 78 42 25-301 William Ellio......37 6H 39 81 81-298 Majority for Price.............. G Councillors, 12 3 4 5 Tofc. JhIuh i)amra......97 40 51 82 28 257 FrancmBFuorth..l9 110 31 23 1M 13G Wm Grounway ....34 30 40 118 54 196 Edwin Plant......33 23 "1 97 50-253 Thou Tuittluy......3B 07 9 50 0 177 WmTIPottor......39 33 59 27 fll 313 MoBHrflDamm, Plunt and VottBr woro olootod. GOSFIELD NORTH. Roeve, I 2 M 4 Tot. Johu T Brown....34 101 37 41 273 ThoH MoOreary ..,.71 38 2(1 10 151 Majority for Brown../..,,........125 Deputy Rflovu, . 12 3 4 Tot. Ohttfl Helkio"......08 SO 0(5, ad-MO Arthur J Scratch..56 31" 27,24-138 anuo.DKi'. 11th 189 j. Cuiinuil mot uu pti udjouumiout. Prou- nt, ltoovo Barrett and councillor!! Cayu, KomiHily, Rodd and Tnoman. Minutoii of provinaimooting wore read ' ' Roove reported that ho had itiauod choolc o YruiN Olnon on order ot J. K. Laird, f(|r work dotio on Fouter drum. Ahio to Thou. (Wo'/.\or lor ditching on Oampboll Hide-road on ord&r of .Mr. Rodd com. Mr. Cava re poitod Having lot job on Thompson oulo road an authorm>d..l""t mcntnm__to Jan. Girmni at ft2H.O0. I>. Kennedy reportud FrMadldone"htTuute htbor complotrd for -1 yourn. Mi. Thoman reported HLli con. drain badly blocked up with timber which uppoar to have boon 111 for a lonytli of tune and aJvincti that it bo cleared out. J. C> Anderson applied for holp to keep Inn brothur who 111 old and witliout meauti. The Roove took hi rolativeu' addroim rs writum them to ueo if they could do any "thing for him rather than have lum tin objuot of charity. Roove und Chrk ap pointed to uettlo up for f*rttvoHinu dona on Hth eon. road ro Canada Co. ntatuto labor. By-law No. 310 appointing polling ptacon aud deputy nitnrmnij; ofiicorfi read tho nucuitbaiy number of timoH, pasnod and ad opted On motion Roeve to ihtiuo ucliool chooku to the different Hohool ueotioiw. All ro- Higncd beiuf; commibnionoia and uppoiiited othci-i in their places. Keevo appointt-d P. Ctinnniiiliani, T. (Jii)b appointed Victor Bendy, D, Kennedy appointed Jhh. Gerard, .Tiki. Rodd uppohttt'd K G. Sweet and Jno. Tmmnm appointed W. II. Sweet man. On motion clerk to write a^en'; of Can ada (io to havo treoa ruiuoved oft 9lh con. and ]JaIten mdo ro <i\. On motion c!k,c'- -;t -intcd Jno. Tliorno foi diu^H for Wm. White, uh'irity S1.35, W titer Quick for material fnr culvert, on Uarrow road $\, HO. 1'oter Quick lor io pairnw; culvert on Harrow road $2.10. Wm. Irvm for cieanm^ pipeH aud clnmney in Hall ,10 contu. T II. DiOqw for plank for bud^u on N. R.rtiad, duphcato for check lout S8.3ii Jus. Gerrurd for ropairmij bn I^R on Maiden road and MauUtono 10a 1 3 0 and fur burying dead homo ftl Qf o Cijdi.'ry for removing tieeo out of diichon S S ioud$3.0. John Milkr for lepairiiif* bridge over Ganard ST47. T Oaya for Aliu Lafiamboin charity 89,00. G K Weldon for voucher for hm paying for vaccine pain turn '91 tfl5 25. 11 P Bioklo- otool for Hcrapin^ out wont townhno ftlO.00. C K Weldon rxohanj.;e on debonturo on by law 307 B3 50 C E Weldon as per acct. rendered 10 00 B J Weldon pOHtage to dato SS.74. Jno Batton for rupair'nfi bridgo on S R road S3.50. Clerk to nettle with Municipal World for blanka 82.25. Wm Irvin balance Halary ao janitor 1)3.00. D. -Kennedy for serviced an councillor for 1895 810.00. Collector, uncollected Hon tax and s^penaoii 832.50. Overcharge bohool tax on liLiida in Hohool oootion U38.12. Salary an collector for 1891 S125.00, On motion counoil adjournod until Jan, 11th, 189G- Room - FOR OUR - TILSONBTJRG STOCK., . . . Barrett & Co., Take pleasure in announcing to tho goneral public iihat -{ owinpf fco the extraordinary huccghs that haa attended our efforts to please the hundreds of customers that have patronized ns since coming to lissex, that we have de cided to locnte hero permanently and will move our Til- son burg Btock here in January, and in order to make room for it we will start a GRAND SATURDAY. DEC. 21, of everything in ' r establishment. The following lines aro reduced: , on our esuLDiisiiment. xnc 101 lowing DrcssgoodB, Mantloe, Flannels, Table Linens, Hats and Caps, Overcoats, Hens' Shirts, Boys' Shirts,. Mens1 Pants, Mens' Hoots, Mens' Fine Shoes, Ladies' -Hej Shoes, Ladies' Fine Shoes, Misses' and Childrens' Aa we are obliged to reduce our stock this ^ tunity seldom offered to the buying pnjglio c^^urcVV ;v first-class reliable goods at such reduc^jPFlces, so ean^A..J i tho season. If you wish to save mc^^ come direct to BARRETT & CO. BUTTER AND EtiGS TAKEN AS GASH ChomiHtii and Ojunnnito, Hay of Stark'n Powdoru whioh aro an invaluable, imme diate remedy for hoadacho, neuralgia, bdiouanodo, ooativoncHB, hvor ond Htomach oomnlaiuta, Farmoro do you wunfc mouoy at 64 per oout.? rtlf bo writ A. G. Bokor, Leumipc- ton Ont. 'Xorma of payment of principal to Ruit borfowora. 8fcark*H Powdoru, oaohpiolcuffo of which coiiiiiinii two pronaratioiiB, ouo in a rotuul woodon hox, tho cover of which formu a raoamito for ono douo, an immodutto reliof for ooativonooa, Siolt iivadacho und Btom- ach, ftlHo Wonral^la and all kindH of norv- ouu pulHB, and anothor in oapHuleH, (from J to 4 of ono it} an ordinary dose) whioh aotn on tho howola, liver and otomnoh forming a never faiHu^ noffooi trontnient for all head and utomaoh complainto; They do not, uu monfc pilln and no many other roodi- elueu do, loao fchoir^fifoot, or produce after conntipb.tion, they ara moo to take. .20o^. box at all mo tlio In a flealera, / (Majority lor Holkio J5p m^ :ti " n'^ k^M^hiMS^t Boofula lurks lu the blood of nearly ^' everyone, but Hood's. Dj^&parilla drives - . -. .- , , -. ,, ,,^ tf frofx By>mud ^kaepure. ifpod. ' }^^ **?* v^fiSS&Mi ^Kothhi^ to Me," '"Tin nothing to mo," the beauty naid. With a careluHH cohh of her protty head ; "Tho man in weak who oao't refrain From tlio cup you aay m fraught with pain," It was Homothing to her m after yoarH, Whon hot oyon woro drenched with burn- fnf, team, And aho watched, in lonoly ^riof and droad, And utarted, to hoar a uta^orin^ tread, "It*H nothing to uao," tho another naid ; ' I havo no four that my hoy will tread The downward path of nin and nhatno, And cniBh ray heart aud darkou m> namo." It was Bomothiiifj to her whou hor only sou From tho path oflifo wan oarly won, And madly quaflod of tho flowing bowl, Tbon a ruined body aud ahipwrccked HOllI. 'It'o iiolluufj to mo," tho merchant naid, Ao ovor tho lodfjor ho bent hia head ; "I am buav to day with tear and tret t I hayo uo iimo to fuino and fret." It wau Holnebhing to him whon oyor the wiro A raofiaajo onmo from a funoral pyro A drunken oonduoUr had wrookod tho tram - IIin wifo nud child woro nraoug tho Filaiu. "It'o notluii^ to mo," tho young raiiu onod; Iu hiH eyo wu a flaah of iicorn and prido. "1 hood not tho dronrtful thinyHyou toll; i oan rule myoolf, lknow full well I" 'Twau oomothing to him whon in priuon ho lfcy> The viotira oil drink, life obbiutf away, Aa ho thought of his wrotahod child ond wiia( Aud tho mournful wool* of hinwantodhfo. Iu id nothing to uo who idly bIoop Whilo tho cohortn of death ^.tho y^Ua keop, Allurmn tho young iujd thoughtful in To griad iu their midat a firlufc of sin? It is oomothing for aa for us all to stand Aud olap by faith our Savior's hand ; To learn to labot, live and fight Ou ths uiilu of God and ohan^olesa right Kxohahtfo. Nioo,' immodiito, perumnnat. Sold by all drasgistH at 25a.-a box, 5 boxen fpr,l Jan. 10 ib. Hood's Burnaparilla, taken at this fteaaon ^U tooake you feelBtronj? and vigoftu*'and 1..^_ mh fmm oUlrnuiia Into)' ATI.., .&.&,) Teinpcraiitio IncittoiitH. Ilolnied l>y itev. Dr. Oarniun, (Juror *iil>C IfVetltodiut Cliufeli Cniiudn. During a recent vinifc to 0110 ot our ylj li{,'t'ii in Ontario, in convolution on local ocjcurrencen, tho following uarrutivcB wcrt i^iven me, which I take the liberty of pe; nin^ for the yood thoy may do. Of thai truat\voithiUBHH there can bo no doul Tho ncoiio of both in tho bar-room. A man in at the bar drinking, the hot] keeper iH Horvint; hira and thoro lu Bi1 in tho room auother man who ih apparent] adoop with driulc and indifforeut to ii that, in panning. The pornon drinking ae] the hotol-koeper how huninofiii m goii "Oh 1 fair, fair," iiayHthc bar-tondor. *M Hayn ho, "that roan flitting thoio pays rj rent even if thr*ro wuh nothiufj olao diunjl Tayo your rent?" nays our nloopy frien< who had tjponfc mont of hiu aubRtanoe ovel tlje bar. "X'aya your rant ?" us be riael with mJigatiou. "I will do ho no more 1'I .'Good hyo, Hir I" And sure enough froi that tUy ho wan a reformed and sober: In the second oawj ayoun^ maii.respeot- lib I u and well to do, comtm iu with book compianoon to troat. An old topor tnttinj by la oyoiuc tlio young man. "When the] oallod for tho liquor ho ahio wout np to thi har and fillod'his gluus with water. the younc; man in whom ho was iuterestej raieod bin uinu to hia mouth the old mi diLQhed tho water in hiu faoe. Thin, oourae, interrupted proceediti^B and dj mnndod oxplimationa. Whon all had come calm enough tho old man uuici: did that, sir, to nave you. I know voi father and your mother, aud I am ,'iroj thoy would not wiuh to bug you here, you will coma to tho door I will show,, yq all ths aorow I ouco owned, but moot * ,1 thorn havo gone in here. That ia wh| dt'iiilt haw douo for me, and I am well nl/ a ruined man; I pray yon do noti^qi on thu flame course." The appeal hM BtioaoBSful, and it wan said to be tho .11 tho youuy man had to do with" the1 Tho oonuoionoe iu man bidoe with far down into darkaosa, . -' '<- Mfc. Kobk. "WiRhtman, dro^iat. Bound, sayB:- Stark's powderB^J best of BfttiBfaotion ; th* ooinbffiei,^ eioellent." The bait anodyne and expt'ojk^r|| fcha'onre of colds^ coiigh^ 'ii^'^S

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