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Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), December 20, 1895, p. 12

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THE .B^S-VRX FPER l^T^F^^R: /i '! j r ' i pl """;* , ' M' r J/. " ><i;Im' T^'.V-CO J.i - *-" .': - i '. , i 'Mill i i it. < i' h \ ( i'i i\- ' , ( . >,I<.A I I < |i n I |i '"Clii'U v*n*t im i1. /i , Pi" l itii' I h hl '!)iu \.!i"..h !.-. . v .\t v iMi>'<'-l|, inul I I , l'i*' * 'iV'"!l in\ lit' '*- W. *,.",->, i> .. Irs/s CSwy pectoral / "DJ-'J /*'.'>': .7" I' ' J'-'.Uiht I'JlflHir ESSEX H s Just Racaived Tha Finest and Hest Assortment of Boots and Shoes In E^seXi reat Value in Men's Shoes and Oxfords, Ladies', and Children's Shoes and Oxfords, Cheapest in the Land. II and qnm1no and bo Con vinced for youraolvoo* |as. Douglas, iwlirtt of the Uoltfim XXooc, Psspy to Loan On ,nivl productive Furm Property at .">. it (> per cent. Htruinht. o Valuation Fees t-'-tC"tj\t:\ iiuciny Dono up iu Neiit Style. riro a.nd Life naurance. A. E. LOVELACE, ESSEX, ON? tt ad POWDERS GfC.'f HEADACHE and Neuralfiia MIWJTtSQ, aliiO Coaled Toncuti, D17/1- ii'imiiiUDsi, Fain in tho Side, Constipation, * 'r*2!! 'ljt* Uream* t0 t>uy cured alno Ijjii lowclu. vtrflv wicc jro rawe* cwrs *r Dri/q srowes/ d rg X *F!tt@& * NURSERYMAN, t .1 iwen, Essex County, l'.;ur, PJum, Apple and ,.. < i-.'f'H, Rohoh, Evor($reow*, ! *, Uaepborry, BluoKoorry ' *; 't Biiahaa. All iire'-slun Profits J ' " pneeu. Wo, will ohcor* . i vou by totui'J) mail. j^^.yA Apple Trees i\\ 111 evory roopoot, :'i:r 100 - $12, ill; CUBAN Klilihb bi odi Di .t.rict. CUT A^ J!i.PilLSi2) AT HIIU. the *.u\ frii-in-iil Lvi'iili^'cluy |< U.iit-r-J all I -it' D^llll )l J; -. i 11: I * ... ii It 11 fir i'.t iKi\i ji (Ih1 < (i tin 'In hi.' 1 . :Ji. 'I !il i.. ,,- '. hi I!;i\;ui,i, I > M ;.*u 'i Hi'/ .:n< t ,\ iihtnU) Miii'i < ii.i \ 1 ' 1 1 1! 1 In ilmliM ln'i ,'-n 1 'ninii M " 1 ' \ Ml.1 . > ' !ll.M 'l. " t'" > ip.n' , . 1 1 i m n ' . itli ;l u it '.\, 1.1. v . , 1 v 111 l, . 1 1 " 11 , 1 >;, ut : t.\:I< - l .1. ' I! Ii pl i\ ' lull ] In- Spuiiln 11 li.i'l niiii' ulillt-i .inil iwiic tniil'IJ \iI ii. ul ,i .ii.u .' |(iii,rht Innv- l' n-1 1 P'i'.i'iihii llir icbi'I' 1 ifini c.'iifyIn;; out th> 11 i|<Mrii to imiit^'Uml hlin ami h;" i'.'ic :t ,.)nl to inv'Hfio tin* Ufinf'Uti1- ill'- II ' t u !ii'. I < i-'i j ; uut In f'.unl'" '.. . -: 1' 'fill I.' .1 [l , 1 I)' (Ii ( I ' i.l, I KM' 1, \ |.L K' 1 V . I In, ,' - 1 in >'(,, cMlli"! J'l U" .1 ' ' t: 11 il uL i (..!,) mid Ini c n' I hi i'!ic| I'-adcr.s Ci'liri'co and Y.x.'.w/, ion 11 oniv, cnj-'iii'i'il in :i (It^Iit u 1th *i'v Ituidnd S|j:lkI li miIiMcih In the i'o- ri-dl ili'itilrt A n vi iv on-'tir^mfTi' iKiU i>lint \'.lii")i l:i^("il nmif tlian at, lioui 'flu- Sp.iniard:' v 1 re 1 omp-'Mfi l" rntnut In un-nt dhoi <li r. The i' l'i":, '.' iituixl ii for I iv m^, t iMnf* T- i'iius I'm* ainimniltirm :irnl t lii'ivlmrnC'fl tin' ! rt, 'f\-'ty Si ,inl'-h MiMii'i j. with arnut MM aiiinmnltiiH'. joip- il tin* in,;iii,Kt"nl - "Ii P'licl- hml iMici- Killt-u and ;-v,,|- ni.Hitrfl. Tin- Spaniards had IS klllnl ami >'<s voundi'd. N<'WH ban JirU liocn T"rfiV"'l th:*' Comma in It r r tin on wit J- a f.n ( or t' 11*'rlllam had an cruraK' '^li Vl "'" - d.ty In f latlllo v.-'Oi a r. lud t-mi' "'"' In miinlicr. The rd" K- band-uu d lln I-laci \, Itli 11 ii avy Id-m.. Havana, Xnv, .10, v.in Tmii'jj.i, i oc. 7. --Mitdild ail\l<iH Miiy that (Iciici-al A/- clll ^^^:I^ Minister of "War., nan (H'Phh-d on .Miidin;: an additional fm^o tiT Id.d'i. men td Culm if noff^Hfiry. Tf he rarr'o" out his Itif <*noral (Jampna viH have ir>n,()0o mon uruli-r Ids conunand. Six toon tlioiiHand of them will bo < na- barked n t once. t'sii.tt i%m itt\Js: i\ i;s(,i.t\!i. TMi: "Hfcrr.l )s Kl\.. Itir O.u.iutii' ( riiruiii-ai) ^'dpMlnu' ::;. Properij Iiitoi"i,'*l* lij l.tisl ^li'i';tN Slnl'lil I* I,rent T-nndnn, r>".\ S Tl'c sti r:n that Ii |iiv'\ L'h-d lii'ic sIikv Tluu^iiav ln.s d>. 1 rnnch dam.mc, not oiil> at mm, \,w at-dioic Many ptTsnti't hav.- lici"i n n 1 or h s;j ^i-rloii.sly injuu-il. A snow hM";: iici'(iii!|.uiiiil l-y I'V.-ri' t oiuiiici- 11 ]i ' lit iflirc pM'Vadod t'l-ilay u* tlir iii>: Lit and ninldl, uf Kiuvliuul. A pilot boat vainly tried to put ;- r iif)l nil Ixiti I d t In- Mi.tMifi O.i I'lio 11- ninn nil' Ijjna- Point to-day A It- 1 <port ll'\' '-'t I'dc v-a.s blow in1-, ..:. . [ pilot li".it collld. d with tin .-1 -d: 1 Tllf 1G pilot1-- on tin- Ijoai InnK ; , punt .l-j their lioat tin < atei.i'f! i- found* v They were adiifL lor a.lo time and were in a vt-ry oa jjosHlnn, as a bad wit wre, intiiiioi- Th'-y v ere picked up by tlw l\ha ale lan(i"d at T-Mvcrpool. Tiie liplit.slilp at tho month o! (In Ri\i r Dee biolte from her anchoiai-" and went adrift. Incoming vesselh report trnide 've.i ther in the Haj of Ilisray. Cupciihnfrcn, .')<-c. 7. ap huh e.iuf-iufl veiy liifjh tidus in we.^t atn north Jutland. A numhci of town; have In en Hooded and ureal d:inm^ done. A11 two 1 p, Dee. 7. I'eudeied liallic on tiie Mn eta an river impossible A numhci of v. . hoIh ha\t- boon driven asiiore. 1 ltlm<-fa|il<- >mm'I'|Chicago, Dor. 8. A mornln:: -Ay.; a national socrei political t">mded by W. H. Ilaivi-y, the of "('oin'H Vlnaneial School." u lutieliB rtf incorporation with t! rotary 'of Slat,; at Siirin;-.!1' Id, williln tho ne::t few duy.s. Ii l known aa Ihe "T'atriota of An and i^ Mnle object Im the res-t of the bimetttllic standard. ji; 'f 1 il I'M a Ml no! il ! lin i I'.e, . 11: to fl. e Vlfll ' Ol atio' I 1m< ^|tiiiiiur<lM tt -1 tent"*1 Madrid, Dct. S A tl upalch fror Utivana nays lliat tht bands of <"h):i t and Mact'o have < ntcrod tiie prit\i'Ki of Sunt^i Cbu.i. Tla y .itnp. 1. ei ' Hlianl.'ili column tinder t'ul. Sec,ura,u 1m were cunveylniT mule--, and killed i,i:a KoldlerM. The column nliviiMl. Ocia-J band.s have entered JhLteri: iii-d . t< marclilnr; on tin- laud o.aii'i-:/ vlnat- A SpauiHh iotcc It. auMiiiein^ 10 u ec! them and a mrioiiH (inhi h '-Kpecttd. Ci i <miii-\ lit: t x w in at 1-!. .,, IMd^cllekl, Conn.. \i< v. s. A lire wl ich brolu- out at '<) :i(i o'clock in- nijiht ihrealena to di rill o.\ 11, im; - ciiille of the L'JWU- 'j he (lit- laluai'l- c 1 in Hit; hip; woodi a bmck imi:i,| ijy O. S, Unt;e on Mntn-siruel. 'i'lii In.ll-i inf.' iyiLM Hurroundi il mi all :ld J.\- oti.or wooden Htruct uroh- and th,1 IUmi: ",' Kipd Plenty of inulei an upo,. ijJlcn to feud. The (Ire Hproad wltli ;p. .11 rapidity. liy'U,o'clock ihe (lamoM had tior.Mimotl iho Ch'tjxe block uiui If) mlnu-, ten lutor tho flru had attackotl tho Town HnJl on tb* opikoylto uUJu oJ* TIIKC01.0\I 41, POIMV Mr. irilvo In llitnr Jcftiti^ Il .I<>r<>i)i4' llnlir"; ^unn- ^Inirlllii!.' riiar^i1* 'ili I'cr iUut of (In- Inmifi'il l'hlld-"ii WJ:<t BMn ni-<> HiD'dfl'iMl New Vfirk.Df"'. S. London Special to The Sun : Mr. .Jerome K. .Jenmio Juts been afitattncr fur i ev(ral weeks, wit 11 in much delicacy as may be, the dlfli- clllt hiibloct of over-popidat Ion, or (i-e burden of laiT.e fartiiln^ ai' one; t la p iiir. J le lian ln.'en ln\*oHl",t In j." t in iiilcjiion of child insntance, v'alch li very common niaon^ the i"! < 11J 'J 'unci's, and makes some huri'lb'^. al- mn^t im ii-dihje, i'hiii't;<'H. Ih* omloij-vs for in^tam o, the start lln;; .statcnien* that jr. }h-i tent, "f til. Inauied child I'eii who die are di-libi iat.!; niurde: - d or slai \ i'd to ileuth t>y ticu p..i - nts Tliis leaihj lilm to i>-n.nik, <'V-1 In l lie hide-bound, :-lone-bond Mr Initidy ; "Would it not be in tier .t!i 1 UtiH -Ti jier tent, of U'-'f cfs f^ 1 bh > wcr" not InouKlit into tho world ut all ' It Is no pood talking sentiment anr thcorlea. We liave to take life as v. - find It. Kvory one who nnxrs wii h the wry poor knows cp:zi[( " ell thru ".hut my con- spondont Htati-H Ih true 'I'lice (hlidicn are hi ouciil into d> world as tin result <>f an unln al -a- stii>"t that no (heoi-i/int; on th 1 : ' ot 1 a' cradic te. (if >\ hal U'-'e to <I"d ei eia are tin . ad v e<-lis V Of wlrit - e is woman's pain a nd 1I10 I.i-ki mli*1 e \'penM' to those who find It dl'llen" enough (ri k'ta p their own bodied Mm -ouN together " _ - ."I \'.-onld iim- knowlf-dm" to'TTTIiipt II. iiiM-i --m! a-s ol nat are to the teom' 1 1111 lit': of , \\ ili'/n tioii Tie ii 1 ' I'e ' can "illy he h -r-nful tii"U :,' 1 I . enniprninhii d uni il the , ui 11 [ ) m. another." <'hambirhtlit l V..- Irii-rrrtnti Mow York, Dpc. S. Tho fjoiMlon np- e(.i]*tn The TlniL-H &,tV!: li'. Ch.imher- hn'a ihertry In many (HVitctlou.i con tinue-, to ultract admhttu; attention, lie dwarfHjjvorjrbody else in the Cub- inoi ami Hi'umn to h* tho one; to whom t'Vft y vai'd < m cm Ih m nut. 111 ally drJJILw- for H"tt Inmciii. I^ach day ww hear of wouio now uohlevoitient to >dn credit. Nov/ he la stirring up Iho Colonial UoVeriioi'H around the jd'ie to wyHte- inutlc study of foudmi ImporlM which mltfht p.. iirltliili, now hi; hi deciding lo liolp Canada to cstahll>di a ^n-knot Meamer line to Knnland, now lie In ll.\iiijj up the Ktokfi al't'nlr with tlm Kfnp, of ihe P.el|diui!t, or eomiolldat- lnir. ny a idroko of hla pen, tho ne it- tortd idalos of tho Malay penlm-ula. lie uiu| hla wife hin e bet n vlsUlnif tho Queen tuk\ In one week, which la 1111 uiiltrecedcntiij how of royal favor, but it eiulte Iliatcheji ihe pupullll'lty that lie Is evident Ij- earn In a wvvyw here el."". It iij auuh a novelty here lo havu an adminl.sti'ator who actu-dly admlnl1 tcr.'i th.it It. it not easy to set bound'! to the leputallon that Jiu may not win if hlii hick continue1' and he docs not bimtle into some hornet'n neat which will alter tho public fooling tow aid him. New York, Dec, . Halhud Smith cablea iioni London La The World. The ;.ia: meat rt aches nic on wlmL seems to be full authoiity that the llritlsh Hoard <jX<Ajiriculturo ium roKolvod up- oi^proldhltlnif the Impoitatlon into the Urlifoh lulen of live uheep from cither the United States or C.inula Mr. Lonji, tho piculdont of that board - rk'iiltuix will make that announce ment, 1 learn, lo a deputation of lini;- llidi shoep'-rai.serH which will wait up on him next Wednesday. The n>-ten- nlblc reason for thin action hi tin- piev- alenco of the tioab dlaeaue iiniuui; North American Hheep, but thu real motive W tho imporullvo demand upon tho present Connorvatlvc Governrnent t'loni the rural classes to which the Ooveriinienl really owct, Uh oxi^ tenet- for proactive moiiHuroy in behalf ol thi* UKiicultural interests. Ai exhaustlvo y,o\ crinental inquiry wiw made recently rof-iardlm,' the acab da'faae, hut experts refuse to certify that it i contuprioun or Infoctloun. Moreoi'or, it ajipoare that though thl dlsi ano hius been prevalent In KiiKhiud many years, no meaHiire haa been taken by the Htato to extirpate it. i\x ia dono In cascu of realty contagious dkonsefl araonir live otoolc. A vigorous protOHt, I hear, will !>.- made by the upents of the .Dominion Covoniment, but ho far no"~rrtrrrtlor7 action .scorns to bo contemplated by the Government of tho United States, My Information Ih that the Kallsbuiy Cabi net 1b determined to enforce the order, "whatever may be the foreign opposi tion. The export of live stock from tho rjilted Stabs to Britain Is, I believe, ronsldeiablr. Now York, Doc. S. Mr. Inline N. l'Yird oabluh from r.ondon to The Tri bune : The only public man who com- nmr.d'i attention is Air. Chamberlain on colonial questions. His circular to the C,ovnioiui uL. the Colonies aHklnp: h.ow and why British exports arc ui dei sold and dlfcplacwl, arid what prcduotK can he advantageously dis poned of In thp J'lnKliHh JmperlaJ mar ietta, bus hot>n di.scu^ed w,lth much solemnity as the l)e^!nrilri,sr of an im perial federation. It Is hardly so Im- pr rtant a movniu nt as is reju'escnted. Less ambitious colonial ollicialrj have been Impressed with the expediency of Hceuilnpr nB lame a share as possible ut mutual trade between the United Kingdom and the colonies. The pre sent secretary will make up a llm. blue book, but so lmiK as Kiij-dand has no larill h" will not be able Lo form a Pritlsh Zollvereln or hiinp; .iboii: an Imperial f- tlr ration. A nioic piactn al measure is tho ih w P^i itlsb s-cheinc for siihMldiKin^ a '-0- knot mall ser\ ice wlih Canada. Sir Clut.'les Tupper, who i^ one of Mr. C'liumbeil tin's advisrrs on colonial tpiintionrt. Koes to Camulii at one* to a rarij*c this subsidy business. Tin* free ship advocates in America should make a note of it and also of Sir John T nnielN cattnem In Punch, wliich de picts a UrilMi shlpbuildi-i m the act of lockhifi" up Lis yai tl and a unite man standine; |dh- around the coiner, w Jille indiprnant Ih It an id a aMvy \\ he- ther her licet Is to he built In 'h-nrnny. ItU'Oit.s that, the UelfiiMt and Clyde builders weie haviriK eriKin* s made abroad ha\e exhausted I'hif/dlMi i iti- onco, and the lock-out will probably Hpeedily end, 7j<ii d Janu-.s h.i\ in-; be come chnii man of 1 he Committee of Ct i.tcrerice. Friends of American .dilppiiu? who have fa\ored mall sulisjilie,1 and op posed fnreifin-hullt iKnli*s and mer chant Net It, :rje not. after all, so tin- J'h~c;Iihli as [Tiey havr been made out. TORONTO MAItUi:i'M. , Flour The auirket is quiet and feature less, with pikes mit'lutUK'd .Straight roll- | era are mioted ut i.K, Toronto frelKhtn. It ran .MnrKct l uuelianK(,tl. I Iran la quoted nt $1! wot-1, mill 111 $11.Tib to $l'-Turonio frelKlits. aiiorl.,$l.'I to 311. Wheat The feelliiK Ih a little oelter tn- day. In sympathy with the higher prices of otitblilt* iiintia-lh. A ear of white Hiihl OU tho Northern fit U7c, and red I* quoleil ut orj'/jc to Mc. No. 1 hard Is (inner at 7Ue, western freight, ami (Hie bid at Midland. Twenty thousand hush of No. 1 soltl tit Owen Sound, Miiy del Ivory, iu oie. Peas with uale to-Uuy aL 50c outn!do west. Oats-The nnirlccl Is dull, with little de mand. White ofi'oru nt.2.1ViO tveue, niul *ol<i at 'MW^k; middle frolglitH. Hurley- There Ik 11 mndernte donatiid fjr maltlajj hurley. No. 1 Ih quoted nt Jac, No. 2 at -luc, Nci. a extra at .iTn; niul feed at ,'iOc. ltueliwhi'ut The murkot Is qnler and pricch wteiidy. bales were Uiiulb to-day at ;t3y eiiKl. Oututeiil -lluuhieBH qiiliU, ullh prices un- chaiu;eU ut V oa truck, and small 1o(h ac ?;i.liri. Corn Tiadn quiet, with siden to-day at flli'/jC- outside Uyc 'L'he nuirkot Is (pilot, wlih prleea arm at Hie east. CoiumlhHiuii prices : butter, choice tub. Hie in JT'jc; liiilcera*, 10. lo i:u:; pound rolls, ISi to 2Uc; large rolls, lie to ir'X.e; ( eun.ery mb at -Uc 10 -O'/u*', and rolls nt tile to 'J2c. K(,'({ mo Urju ul I7c to 17'/jO fier do-/., for ordlnar.i, 1 P/jc to lac far lined, uud liOc to 2!ie for new laid. Ohtvne, SOpt-. Vi-' H> ! lllUTlHH MAItlvKTK. Llvei'iMiol, lice. U. Wheiit, sprlni,'. no ib ok; red,, .">, ai/jd to 5h *\fri ; No. 1 Uniiror- nla, Tm -iV-.il la f>n S'/jd ; corn, :tn -Id ; \wih, laid. '.!7n (id , licuvy bacon, liilH Ud ; do., ll,'lit, 27s IJrl ; tallow, no stock ; eheeiie, white, 1 Ih Oil ; do . uob. Ol'Od, -l.*)M, IjOiidon, Uec. (1. ()pt>nlui{- Wheiit oft coiihi (pilot iiad ltd higher, on piihshi.'o tlriii- or and .'td higher I-hutllah < niuiLry liiarUeiR ensv. Mul-/.e olf const tjulnt uud Md ti 1 j/li* r. Llverpnol Spot wheat ilrm : fntures linn nl 5f* :til for Pec. ium! ru- ;t'jd for ,bin MnUn linn at -^ :i'}'jil for |>.e. ami Ms \i^fi for Jan., Kelt, jind March. I'mh wheat, 18f 7.ru* for Jim., uud Hour -tlf Tui: for .Inn. laveipnitl Wlieni fiiinp't* quid at f>! -l|d ""r lt(,('- and S^:i'(ir fur .Jim Midze Kloudy ill ">*> '-hd I'01' Uee,, and .'is li't-d for Jan. Kluur, 17s, r,ondoa (lln^c- Wlieal oil' eon 1 ouh 1, on niiHHiijic llrni niul Icsh ac'ive. Mul/a- otT cuaat qulfl, ou piiHHiij;i' tl.ui. Pnrln wheiit I^J" ("te i'oi inn , uud Hour eauy at llf 7*c 'or Juii. J ei' ' T c u:\ul ed fi. ' * 1 i:. Mi hal m'i-4 GA'j-.."ij' ^" '"i Itlih cuny.o nv , 1 1 il' d for o 1 11 imi pi. ' 1 *. * ' ci '!"ony . m-!| . i in lb. ! 1 in f.l 1 r 1 ,'p ,1 la. \< " ' >'"' I ........ ,. 1.1 .. ui- , t , vNa-i if in., I ) "iti \- iei', uii(.l m - ' ,tl a > b.-r.ii min .1! :n.d, ' 1 icing llm S.'u . ii.inha for s'x fiioiilln, "ic i:ett truce nl il'e.ainM i-(li'.'Jppeaie.l.'~ I.'. vr , K. Nicnobso: Mot-io.eviii., n. n Admktnd at- tho World,"! Fair. 1 1 m Ayj'JJU'V J'lAJ*ti Jtf.jitlfta ilus JiowoU* ESSEX Holler Mills* IAMKh NAYLOK ulton tniii opportunity ol aniiouticin .u dio pnoplo ct tho Town and 'Jaunty of k'tiiiox, tluitho linn romodoh'd the En- MX riollor MIMh tifttiordiug to planu prepurod hj It. N. 'rlcit, ht. Tuuimut, und lias ahio nocurfwl thO MtrvlcOit nf XOHKIIT HTHAfUIAN, All PXporl onond 11 ml thoioiifihly omiuitoiit miller. Tliunkitif* tho people of tho town ft nil county for tho pii.tronn.fio hontowod upon him in the pant, will cmimntoo iiatlnfuation in tho fnturn Qlistii!g_ ahd . Chopping a OhURCH OlHiaCTORY MiniJOOJIi'l. Dr. 1'ut.uitl', I'tmtdf Hcfvii'. vii-iy .'iin.a.. y nl ll 11. in. imil 7 p in. niblui '- [h,i , ,1 .'. II1 p 111. C I.. i.U\lel , M.p -rbit". . 0J U,> 1 1 l.p.vtM I. J ' -1.11' i'l .l * ' ' ' ' . I N > I I I .!>! I I ' I ' J" '< ' ' ' ,<'!.. I "1 IJjUJj in <" 1 .1 ____ imiicn 01 I v nt /.M'- 1 ' \ \ . 1 nvt 1 Is In llMe Nl , U . Pl.Nil I \ I 1 . , ,. 1 . nil 1 , 1 1 iiiiei 1 1 it'ea ' - tllll I 1 ii<u m 11. .1 in i'l'.'*. ii' ' 'I' Ibiij* 1 HV lut u' I v 11 11 vi i.\ Hi 1 >>, e 1 " ui1 ( ot MARRIAGE LICl^nSE8. 1> 1, pakk. imuii'.u uv HAiXmxou U- I j. i oni n. JilehmdMnh blU., I'hin,]^ (hii M \ bi'1 I i'( 1 1 an ot M'itt ili-^ii 0 jiiiiat^Ui 'tl'-l>l Hill .|l. ,! imll, in- ib 11 I lit illi.H >)< 'iUMnWn.11.1w., \V.\i ! . i'""t" Hoi ' > 'b ' ' u-iV'm 'ill>le ell- ... I in- ! i> -I / . I J1 "1 'I 11 l.il l.u|ill "i- W. -In 'tin v ,1 'i 1' e ttACrim' im UHOii,- 1.ii. :w i 1 1.a pl ' II I'm lor. Horviijun it .ini ".Mi i.hU. H"* 11 l '" ,"1" ' J. 111. I'ra> t>j ii)eol 111; 1 i> ' 'tin k>d<.> ' Vnidn ' 11 H n'lttooM HiuUtl'ii \ ll 1111 uoi'iU'iliy' Wi.l I'D.111! I, I* I 1 (' i: Ablh * 'I p I ilUMAf. I A'l M.I.K J 1' I'll.I. )' I ' Uinbij - ' '.i 1 1 t . 1 \!,UIi .1' e... i' ,b imi ..1 ill 'I v ei in n lith) HO 'i. in, ( .il' J11 en. lit ~ 1 . ,1 ip. in I il J ll*-. Vl h|H ni 11 nl in 111 * 1,1,1 1- II 1.1 7 p. 111 t. . 11. Mu (1. (, i1 I'. Soeoialtv. OTIR HKHT OUAOKR OV PLODIl, F^KD ANp COKNMEAL KKPT IN BTOOK AND BOLD AT JtlailT I'UIOKS. Cash Paid for Wheat and Oats. HOUTII WOODSLKK ;it must be:true l?or every porHOiifJiUiyK that WRIGHT G. SMITH MilUgh tho ht,ot Uarnona in thu County of EtfHCX. It will paj ynu to coino to SouthlWoodileo to buy your llarrieHH. Stncli^-iecoDd to noncjin thojjeounty. FruoFtock of llorno IJIanUetH juhI, opened our. THE AMERICAN HOTEL. Essex, - Ontario. MKS. C WlbKINSON, rilOPIClRTUESS, nan boon thoroughly ]i liutod uud r<>iil<aii(lU<Jil with unw furnituio by fcbii pruaout jiropriotor ijAlton iiutN in coN.sacTioN. Firnt-CliUiu Aucomodatiou Guurantood, tKT A Tr%T^*CT% ^o' llQ'1 Travolinfi W ^Li^l JLXjU Hitlnimnn to biLUfllu our Ilu'rdy CamidliinQrowu NurBory Stiiolt. VVn KUfirmitno n it tin fact ion to roproHoutatlvon nod oiiHtornorH, Cur nuniorieu urn tlio lari'Qiit in tho Domlnion.ovnr V03 jicroti. No Hiibntitution in onlorn, Kxohiuivn torritnry mid liboral tonus to wholo or part timo iiRontu Writ.) un. STONK & WELLINOrON, (IToad o(lloo) Toronto, Ont>, (Tho cnly nuruory in Canada having tnntinu orohardii.) 4PJm Phico irt tho world for younti men mid wonion to (uiouru u JliiHiiituin Kduciition, Hhortband,oto.,iij tho Detroit HnHintmH Uiiivoniitv. De troit, Mich TUuiitratod oatalonuo Kreo. lloroiouii'H : All DcLroit, JEWELL, I'foii. P. II. flPKNUKIt, Hoo'y. r *> v s--:*l - lleUtU ;ou-i that W. J. <-iiiiX<.- of Tojonte h.)- in..11.: ariMnip lucniji with the iliiinW.ia Ul- partn.f nt of ICducation lu p.- \u . 1 t v tcxt-booltH for the Manitoba . c:i> ! The books will bo ready Hit li;;, u July next. Ore "f the strariBOfct colncldenu-;'- ever recorded Is pointed out by t li" "Xoepuwii Xtonh'ter. It la lourr al thai un the Kiinio day that A. At. Hell of Poita-ve T-.a -Fralrlo fatally ahot Mu'r nf Dakota while* hunting near Itlding iMountain, three weoka UK", Mr. B0IP-3, ^ 1,1 accidentally shot a companion un fit i- identically the same conditions 1 ear t-:ault Sie. Marie- Fortunately In the latter cute, the wound \\ixt> nut fatal, a.s It wan In the llrst montioncd, .L^.D.N VI .IV -;.li <*.% G:i|.. the IJaii.toDii 1E:t.e<i<.'j-s 9nbl In Uc al Vlni'Ii on tin- School C^iiexitDii. "Winnipeg, Deo. 8. Tho provincial AfinlsiLTii JiL- al] In thu city and It la undi-ratood they uro prepnrMiifr il reply tn the Ottawa flovernmont's communi cation on tho Hchool question, which will ho forwarded In a few day. They arc* vcrv careful not to (1Ihc1o.sc In tho HliKhteat measure tho nature of the document now bolrrtf proprirod for fear of InjurlxiR, thO proHpeou of tho Llh- enil eandldtttcw for tho Commona In the villous byt-electiona pcndlnK ' tho ec.saevn provlncoH. There Beemti no doubt, however, that Grocnway will pre pone Home concenidonM. vhjh B"Ilcyl rojiBinltli'(E Mmlflilr. ndladolphla, Dec, 7. "Luwyor Rotan, who defended Jlolmeo, the recently convicted, murderer of H. F\ Fitczej, to-day di!crcdItod the report frimi Olil- cai,'o lhal ruozol wan alfvo In iliat city. "Wo adinlltcd to the Jiu-y," huld Mr. Itotan, "thai tho~ooipfte dh'cover- cd wan that of iMtezol, and that dl^- poHci of the matter, We claim, that PIO . ! rninniUted vuli'lde" i1 it |i\i,,l 1 "', i 1 lie. a Mm i.t-^it i.' ,Vl , ' uiii-ain iitu.-u b-' . <IiiuLo^ou,' iy D. lU'.AM v.", luiiUia of Mmi 11 f,i Lli.i nil. biuiiinia.ii ii^inti. Ni'litt 0HI1 ii lit P\udlin. v(t nor H'riiKr.r wmv.x UIMDEHTAKlWC i I CbtjMMl ) I * D'litioi liom SH to tfi't H llrnlrrbilv'oi .i.nt i"iiriik(we '"oiUiit hone nad lu.tr.i-y nn-d .'.f.-liuyo'-.Oe' J ARtCHITECTa. OHM A. MAYCOCK, AUOllITKO'r, .t'n . Il'.fim lOail'lH.l'leaiiie: Hutlillufj, \MudMir,Ont Ptiono 'Jl'i. H. .Mid., oil, CapU.iU Wi un.'. iln v, 'I'hintida1" Hil 1' .u\\ , i..tllr ihlj 1 loin 1 i' in- nt mi 1 1 ' .1 , j 1 n. Hi. "Hi,! ' I ) , . .lull V- 'tU 'M <l HAI.VA'II'UJ Ar MV - I hub iilKJii 1 ipi li' . 1 'tl. uiui Miii'iii1 1 vi . 111 , , [ "vt am. mn l| r 1 10 1 1.1 a 11 1." 11. < 1 ' il hi ill '1 11 ii ' > > ' 1 mi a nine t A V\ l^AM- It, I iitrete , 1 I'lllilio * 1 \ici c\ t-> loitii. nJJtlceil, Lui iitiin bineli, iip-htiinii, ! n'-i-x i L I'l'.lI.Uh IfuriiHrin, Holioitor, Notn ' * I'nblie Moiiuy Lo Loan Otlui.- nv 'Irntl on ' lUmk. \'.< 1 v 'i-mi 1 . CHl.kn, HAUILIW A. bMiTl.KT, Miltmi ti r^. etc Utla,' it, Mi a lair v block, Windit Ci ivate lundii to l.mii A. II.L'r,AiiKi ,1- L H J-., A. hAiciLi . A. U. UAIll I.KT. It, A I r KMtY l.' WALTI'ilIS. L L li , Mloniiv un. k 1 Coutim in. 1.1 Jaw, Mihfitoi in t'b' 1 i'oi v, 1 1 ojtnr In \U11n1 1 Lt, 1' Lnai .-inia iu.r. v, iro A Itnaion it iliui.li I'M O.i.tai "i it, Ju. nt Detleil, Man (( uisuditui lUaiiiifi u^kiintL pnri-ooit 111 thu Uuitt'd Htutuiioollu h il 1 ItnfuuJi i:t-a lni|.t</liil b-iiil., KhkiiX, Out. , lhirritii.il*, t to , l'nnex,Ont I-..A. Wii.mor, Li(j., llinntiLur, (tL , Kriiex, (Jut, MEDICAL. |-"\KH. BKIKN A I'HIKN. Jan Ilrimi. U n, I, U , C V S . uruhiaU. of Qucon'ii UnivovHlL., Kinoto'i, nuiaber of Col Ii'ljn nl PhiHionuiH iiiei eo,i,i.()ilt -.nu flrud- natn of Ntiw YorU. Po^t Grud'iutu Xlutlirnl t'ol- lfj:o. .1. W. lirloii. M. 1)., I). M., V. T. M. O. Iluuor ( n. Hoi-er t-nitlnatu of Tl but; [11,1 vi tnity M. mlmr of t ltd (/'ollfja' Of PlMHlOHOH in nt mukooi.h, 1'nt (ilUtl- liato of fuw Yurie Post. Ur t lu Ll.) UndJcai CfJilo'jo. Ofllceovor Ih.iu\' Mmlieal Hall dnu1 1 tore. Cnmitiltalion roonai. lauli en a:ronn.I Hour i.nd Unit Hat uhovi*. 'I'tdejib'-iie 111 luit'i i.ihuo uud reidduiico. All culhi uLteutloii to from chlco, Uiui; ittora, or remdonco. K ' ideace, Talhoi utrt-ot, front of fair ^loinidu. r\It. PKOUf-E. M. D, Univornitv of Toronto, M II ^Trinity L'nuer intyM. C V. H. O, lato of Ht p.u thidotm Wa IlofifiitiLl and Moi.rilidtl'ii Hoyul Oiilitladmiti noiipitHl.IiOi.tlon, lOmjlatiJ. Spued id uttcntidn ulvoii toOineaitOHiif tint ove.o/tr, none ami thn at. OfIl;ti hours U to H a in., 1 to ;t nail 7 to H p m, OlIlcofiDtl riMiidnncu, yi Ouolletto uyo , WjlldiKii, oppoidtl' Ht. Mitl'j'it AtaitliLiny. To], illyr D ItH. DKWAll tt MOKKNZIK, I'.A.DnwAli. M.D/J M..F.T.M.S, Honor Griulu- UoTrlmt\ Unlvi-rinty Afeaih. o Vhyt - ioUnn itinl-hiirntjoiiH. Out. Itobidimn , 't'ulbo St.Kuiit. G. MoKKNiJli:. M. D. C. M.. Coroner, New YorU AJoiit CJr.idtmto, FlMi.\. Triiiit i.edicul ColloKo. (iraduato Trinity Univarhltv Ilenidtmco:'Tiilbo! f-trtet wntufM, C. 11. Oliici* hoarH H to It ii. m , 1 to a ,ui.l 1, to h |. 1. 'Ullctihi (niptriid IitmK bki.-lt r,u>ijjid tir o noxt to Tlioriie'iJ ilriijj t.torf Tttluphonoln coniiootimi with oflico ami 10111- deuce. Ordora loft at Thorno'r, tUuj atoiu \till In promptly attondoil to. DENTAL. HP. MARTIN, D. I>. R., h. D. H. Gr.iUuutt s, m Don tin try, Ttovnl Collore of Pnntitl 'lurtjconH, (Jr.tano, iLtui Uuivi-ihity of Toronto Chai'itnri, modern,to. Olllco, ovi-r Hrioa & Co r 'Jrug otorc. lb-ly VETERINARY. _ Wir Jtrr'iiAiiDSON, vkvkhisauv bur , OI'JON. Houorarv (srudnr.ttt of Ontario Votoriaary CuhoK(, Toronto; number of On- tnrio Votiirinnry Medical Horaoty; Pijiloailst in Utiatintry; trtaitn ull difioiinea of doiiiuntiantinl animals; outdo dohornod hv tho latent Improved r.oavltt elijiiior ChIIh by toll phono or tele- graph promptly attended t*\ Iteiddiaioo, four doom fiouth of rirint null; offico in punt office buihlini:; infirmary, dlrootly ormoaitt*. LAND SURVEYOR. JAMES B. LAI11D, Provincial Laud BurvoyoT and County Knnlnoor, IJmiox Contro, Ont. Ollloo, Dmitmi Bloolt, upatalnt. AUCTIONEERS. HENKY HEDJtICK, Auctlnuoor. H a 1 o 6 promptly nttotulou to. Audrci.u Bouth Woodnloo, Ont. PoruoniidtJiiIrinB to flecinro uif may loavo word at tho Ii'auE Puhhii oliloo. tf H. BEDItlCK DBXNCL-AIK, LICKHBED AUCTIONEIiHl for tho County of Kbbox. Bailiff of Klchtb Dlvinfon Court. All Idwlu of l?arm arid other Salon oouduotoil promptly. Itatoii reasonable and furnlflhod on utiplioation. Entmiroru may apply at W. D. Boa-uituVnofllon, or at tlio oflico of Dlvlnfon Court CUrk, M*. .Tohrr Milno JOHN GOIlMtiEY, L101DNH1CD AUCriONEEB for tho County ofEiuifix. All kinda of farm stock unlet), otc, oonduotod promptly unci ou tihortnoticn, Itatoii roniioi'ablo. Porfiono dofruh]n to iirrani;u naloii may Jo no by onlhnn nt tho Funis Pukiih oHloo or by applylnfl to ' _ P. 0. Box 155 Kfllioi, Out. 17*IUNK MoCLOBKE"Y, Mahlfltonn, thlrty- " tnvanyoara' oxporionoa an an auotlonooriu tiro Oountv ol Eiinox. Baloa oouduotoil promptly, and on roanonablo turnrB. Particii ddHlrln,-! to l\x tho date for a niila can iulvo thomiiolvop n, driffoby callinit at tho Funis Pnciin ortioo, Wo havo nrraniiod with Mr. MoOlonkoy and will rtx tbo datoo for dalon by toloffraph, ontliroly froo of all oharco to tho poruori holdlnji the najo. Au- drotui Frank MoOIoskov.MaidiitonoCronti.Ont, 1(56 TIIJO oldont bunlnoBH in town. Katahliiilio 1876. Firiit-olaBfl broad aud caker. of nl lUmln. Woddiiu; oaken a apoaiality. Groeonon proviBlonfl, Hoar, food, salt ami pnrlc, Confoo- fclorrory.orookury.filasiiwaro, GannodfruItBand vocotubloiiof all Ittmlft. aotidii nn-xuptly t Uvorudtoallliavtiioftbo toWu. J. M. HICKH. JOl-fcl lAND AND LOAN AGENTS "/NTBOllOE Jf. THOMAS. Oouvovanoor, Coin- \y mlHmoaeif, In aih Court of Justloo; dealer in Houl KBtfttn and Mortgages, Monoy to loar, at the lowoflfc rate of InlcroBb. Parma bought and sold. iDHUranoe taUon In tho moatrollable oompunloH. Dr**wlnco< dcoda, wortncfloB anrl loaSOBn Bpoofalty, Charges modorftte and all boalnoBB promptly attended to. Call at1 the Oentrtl TeloDhoiie -offioe^BsaexOentre. OlVly SOCIETIES ,' (>, O. F.-KN'I'r.Kl'hlhE bo.lco No 21H ; nioetiit'vory Thiiniilay, nvoninj; at 7.1*0iu ddf<illo\ui Thill,iutliiidiitoroy Uniaitau Hlooh /Initial'inmniieri. t.loihtir Indj;* 1 'ull neeiy j/' t Jimill wiilcnino J..IOIlNh-rtlN. }i.<: ' iIl.NJltAL I'd It aMl'M J.b'I ,*No. W, in* iti Jtt Jdth.llowh iiall.UuiaitiLiri. Itlonh, <m l,hn thiit un) Lliud 'itio.,(tuy laotirh iiionLb. \ inltnrn iat iialty rotolvod Jdomhein of yuboriHruito ICdttet mi tli. jiirlii.iiotion. invited to Join- U. IIANNAN, C.I'.. (l.lMIIliL.tl.H. FIKB HKlUAOl';. MEMTB liVKltV ay oviniuil- David Wu-umr, OapUibi l, blOUtciUilttl L-ulnidi* lurltikltyiLtf-, Troai.uror. Dllct, .sooiohiry, 1 / iiwTii'i* r/r'.eO.f'. NO. UW. 1, O. F. ( / ,1 A,, ,, Bdiiiul JoyrtliTuoifdiivoiticac \j MtiotiiHocc*, F ,,^1, llt a o'clccl; K 1 laontli m . '>.mwjiii)(:ivea il IriiUrnnl uvl- ViMtii.!! hrah.iiTi^,,! .j, u w, 0i Kl]aw Hfldy SI. J. WJulii. O.J). " Ihe Niagara falls lioaW aomo izxht VakhiH effect MoyBltHh, I8D0. Mail ll:p. Kxp. An*'eiii 11 111. a m. a. rn Phi, Uotrmt. 7.1.r. 0.20 0 -10 I-It) Windsor . . 7.4 U tl 50 lO.lfi A.0.1 Pel ton UU Muidiitonoc MKi 5. IK) I'.lll.OX ... . y.11 7.-4^ 10 3 t 6.:i'J Wondfdeo H.'Jl 5 fl(J Itii'tcomli . . 11 LN s.&o ('uiiil)iir n:t? 0.0-1 ](idnut(iM 11 . 'i ir> H.4? Up IU Bodriey. 10,17 T.lllJ HI. Tlmiim i 11.11(1 noma 10.00 Wf.flT 1.(16 MU ' p.ni ti 111. a 1 a London .... 11! 10 5 11 -t. Tliumnii Hin 11 :n fl,3fi ltralriey ..... if.Iiu 7.aa Illdgutowu.... -1117 *o;!i um ('omlior . . . r;tn ------.a<r~ - laiiuaimb . .111 n.aft Wuofliilt-t) a fit* !l Ustt'x...... li.Ki 11 <*t m M -nlbtniai f'i f 11 low Peltou . . M.1'4 Windsor...... li 'in ltf.JO lc.ao 1 .VI rdt. 7.IU rj.'W UN, Amner* llxirg laicn 1 TTrni WKST 1- Jlf.T { p m. a.m. u.in. a.in a.m. >].i ll.lll 11.Wi H.J.r Ehi.eV.Jfi 0.3ft fl.TW i.v/. <-t j 1 . h r. Eil tjaiH ;li X 7.11(1 tl.lll 6 10 i;u- Uii. '.i .u I, E A mi ti &o <JM 4..12 b:mj ia:w km Moll eijor .4H 11.30 4.S0 II,y> IL'Ml H T,'i Ainherhthtir B i.:ju il.10 4.30 I. n All trniiiH uro run on central atnudard timr, Mhicn in- tdxty uiinntes ulownr than Ihmox tmir- For inf01 illation find ratcn lo eoloi.- ir,th moving wot.t apply to John G. Lavon, Ta*- hotiK'T Afuni, Kt TlanniiH. (). W. IUi('(,lenl Qec- onil I'aiiheiiKnr tmu Tickot Aiiont, ChiciiLto, I)} or A.O Htmuirn. Aaout, Ehbox, L. E. A D. ft. Ry l' TISIP. TAbl^b NO. in, mam j* oiloct Saturday, , Jni.o *!i, lhbo. TraiiiH run by Fas torn Stand-^ / mil Tune. Dnilv t's^epl Sunday " * 'A 3 A i - c ' 'A M 1 ' t*' STATION". A -M A M 1* fl'lllpJOO'tl u. 1713.'ui't; 11.1512 Iflld 9.fitl.ii!-lfi!t. 10 0H13.fi:i (i lij.i:*! l.io ii n> ih' l.en- u 11)2.1 1.10 7 10.UJ 2.LG 7 10.42 ti.Kl 7 10,51i| 2. fill 7 10 RO, :ioo 7 11.10 JI.45 7 11.2I1 4 10 B 11 mi 4.:<n 8 u.:itv -i.ki H 11 14 5:10 8 U.52| 5Ab H ll.fi0i 5.IS h 12 01 li.C'fi'H 12 12 0,15 0 11M8 g us 0 ia.au 11.15 '.). vi.tll.fi.") i) Vi. 10 7.10 'J 07 ,12 iifl HI V. MVl\ m. p. m :0 PepWalkery'loAr 'il Walliurvilh, June ... Pelton....... .10 .. .. ! Oidoiuitlo ... . 47 .....1 Pnquetto...... M ... Morirorior ... .69 ,..t Now Canaan... .07 ... I Mamhlloltl ... .1-1 ...... Barrow ...... ,'M.......I Amor......... ,;il......KIiiKBvillo...... .13 .. .. Unthveii ...... ft!! ... Lruminaton ... .0 .....Whoatloy ...... .ITi I KonwioK ...... .23'.....Uoatirwoith ... ,l\i'..... J GUuiwoial...... ,4l)J.........Merlin......... -17 .. . t Buxton......... ,5-J1...... Randinou ...... UOLdCcdarBpritiEH... va \"A 10' (1.00 01' 5.111 Blonluirn Junot'n ......Blenheim...... ........iWilkio......... Ar Kldflotown Bop ( .ir.lr.M.i i FIuk Btationn, Tralun ntop only wuon tliora nro jiaiiHenRoro at or for thoHU Rtatlonn. Mixed traino are at al Union tmbjoct to ho otmoellod XVlf WrttlLTjATT. Gimoral Hupovlntondflut. nre L. Furniture Now iu tho time U you waut a trayj(ain. A lino Stook aud woll nflnortod, ami prioew rlcht. Call and mupoot, it \*ill coat yon nothiDC to yo throui>li and tot pnuou- Bohi value In tlio county; in exuhanuo will \^ take tiood iumobur antl otovo wood., " UNDERTMING AND EMBALMINB a Rpooialby. C^ood oamnfftu iu attondanco whon rcrxiiiroct ttnJ pricofl 25 pr oat leen than \vhou timoti wot** ooil. Will not bo undor-flold by aujono hi tho "hnainoBM. I will pav yon for your trouhlo coming if what I utute 'u not oorryofc.v J. An xilCKS & Go. Kt* 'a', -V ii,'. 1 , 'fc^Jf^

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