:7 ?S raaftoaai-. I^t'^l1 ( ' ' ' W * L. V V /' ^W J*' r",'i ' V"'\r 'r* . -li* [i$r" s -Y frimHTpric:^ OITT. Evory Frldpy uWn iiij jr-yom'tho r.flico on Tii)boti~Htmofc,-ncxti Diiiititau lllook. Hpi)01 ul attention in paid to tho puIjIK* >- tiuu of id at tor of local importance, itcum- atoand rehablo tupni'hi of Town, noijdihin my Towin>iifp nnd County Council prnta ml inuv, >ooal nod county market ruporlii, olc, tho oarafu. and judiuioutt muna|{< moid 01 Tint JPuku IhiKHH, with reiipeut to thomi ami otltur current muttem of louat importune , hiiH ^iv-m lb 11 widu-tproad pi-i'i,tit;i) hi tt < contm of MiiHOt uouniy.wliuih in ronnipii/,- < tut one of the beH ac;iionllui*a! di-tr-iuti ni On tuns. Tins I**iu:i: Pw:nu in the one trn urn oimuIntinjC I huinu/'hlv in tin oiu.. .a portion nfj tlio CuiHil v, uihIihim' uefpiontly,without ilount,the only tliatou-"< tdvortimne; medium for bin<uei>n pc- '[> i witihine; to roach Unit tilatn of ouutomi rn. tHE ES8Ji *> ONTARIO. 11 i ledd Tho Elootlon Pi'oini'ioii to bo a Vorv 1">1 Onu. BIG MtETIIJBJULSEVtBM-BBIDCE- ti in- r ii . 11< ' /it i .j1 n 11 < i. i In J Ijv til- J'j < !., i 1'iu il w ,i i I' It llllOl l]|T " * ni.Jil ,. f HI r. Major ti'ii.il it i" 11 oi, Hint llt'ul il to ived iViy' Arm G\ .*n i n| I'll )-> "i'L. Ll_j,u enunl <pn > A * Hut Ml. I't l> Mill l.i- -Ill' !'< I" I il 'I Ii , tiovo.o Oaco of Blood Poboi'iinr? CrrrcrT-^t -. *7,/ ^o^.'/o'^ironpnrllla. i i u I I' adi-j- h i,| flu* OrmitO' Hull VIUimI ou Mltt-rc N<>*ldi - lion. Mrn-iVs. Wullncn iliul Wootl likiti !!)<' ****iiii Ihli'liru J*- Mv- rl* 4li......Jim, t\\ iih\w on tlH'^ttiool <!iii'i>.t|(iii. Hcvom, <'iit., Nov. 1'^ AllliniiKh on ly 21 hf.ui.'i' niillcM hint lionii r.Ivi ii oi* Mujur Juliii \. Mi Clllh iny'ii imvlln" licrii tu-nlp.lit In tin' "r.'iii 'i H.ill, It WilM JMl'ltt 1 to I lli> il'inr'l, "' ' I'l""*' l:t i M h'i n !iK i u .i:" , c il Ih T.u t'OllUKiI'OSDIINCK. Our (joluunm aru rIwhmi opon fot tin poucoiiblo (iihcmiuon oT imiMt-rM pcittuitiji to tlio [lul'liu u-iltiiro Ablu cort'c.'poncluntn in nil tho huii'ouikI in^ Jcjculitiuti fimnuli roluiblo j*'iorln <ii ovuntu of intoi-'-ft, otxui rin^ in tli^-ruj^r bl>liort*H; and tho puhlmhur UKul nil wwii Ji'jWH from imy diriponoil tfl/forward ountri butijiia. ill onii>nw;-^'073i^W R privuto imd much. J^.'^^WBPT^"' Htt'iot^y '" iidvutict-, ?I.i>Jl>fir annum if noli ho paid; una all arcoar^ clinr^od ut that rate. ADVKUTIHnnsNTH. Tmnoianb lojjal and munioipul advor- fciHomoutH, notioou, ota., ctiar^od a( tho ratn of ton oc-ntH pov lino, for firm iuHortion, and ilvo ootit/i pur liiifi for onoli (jubiic<iuout innoriion. All aucfi iidvMtiBomoiiUi aro rno nttii-tid by ii mckIo nf twulvu UncMto I ho inoli. Iiooul roadmu aud othur noticuu pub liflhod umoiifj local uown wattur oliar^ud ni tho mto of ton contn por tunning liuo for eaoh inaortion. All iiotioon of church or uocioty ontor tiiinraontH of any donoriptioti, at which au udmiunion fco ih chained, aro ru^ardod h advorti'HoraoutH, and full advortiHinj,' rateu ebar^cd ih all uuoh ciihoo, NoticoH of ^atrr- erin^a or moutin^H not for pecuniary bom - fit or aid, will ba ohuorfully publinhod frLf of chargo, Spt'ouil contract r.ttcn inado for diplaor Htunthng advtb. All h-^ii] or])t'ofennion. al oards undur ouo inoli, fi>5 por annum, J0I1 Olt COMMi:ilCUIi I'lUNlIX'O. 11 J"" 'I , - Mini f .tl i ,i' uJui' '-"in K r'- i, i id "l.ii'j'i'tni n tin ' ' ' ",|f,t' d .mil en -i.u |>i il " bi Join. . i nil, ,j,iMi | i"( \ ni d". 'I '. i it tl : \h t'lili .i ilv 'v*l Hi i.uiilr Mr. v ri'f :i iiii'innv- la ihc fuvIiM* \> .m to b.% <r t f ii l . r i, i X 'I l i i" i ti ir (h ii i o 11.nl ol I '. I1 :, ,'.iv tl." ' . i ,' hi. ik ,i< i , I ii<i' i i in i. ! | in- i!.*'i lit \\ ( . I li i lit I i r .i' .iii , trb 1 i ( ii M ' nut iIhP 1 i: I - ii* . i i. '" N' (.' \V'i ll.'i c v I in imi ' Mn" ,d ou' * d j 11 it Ii o'tp. V V.'onil, ,11! I AI 'i v, i i i' :i I",m ft i )i n)f I \ .'l .if, , M t'ldu'v ; (i"i)'l \- nl:. , H i r- nliir i' Ct1 hi] t tl \ I* II cir.i cuuli .'il- , i 1(11 ',ll ' IV !,. 11M ii llvit ii!i|'. *i O t 1. i-i|. In* a 1 i. n or' Ti ) (VI- (I i' 1 in i n- iutv d i'| " In 'I 1 ' i Ull'l I III \ ( O'llt lit 1 h lonUlnc w l,s,. nnd *.iy Tin* i'ni:i! Pki'hh Job Printinu De- partnooiit, in uudor tho uupervinion of thoroughly comput^nt----iuucIiiliiich, aod upooud attention ia paid to tliiM branch of tho trade Oar faoilitu h 'for tho execution of all ItintlH of Book uud Fine Job Printing are uue\celli!tl. Stoam powor priiHflL'ii, A cull Holiuitud. IlU4INi:HHjllI.01JL.\TUNH. All Job Printing and Tiauhiont Advortinuii; accountH, ntrictly cnob Advortiain^ auiiountti with rogul u patron h aro holtled quart crly. Sub oriptionn dunm advance. No Hubiicription to tho Fm:". i>iu;ns, or advm'tienu'uTpuulinheil in it i cohuniiH will bo dihcontinued until all urrcura art* , ' paid in full. Chan (Jan for adyertinomontH, to aocun, inaortion in tho onmmt ihhup, minit in- huudud in not latur than noun of tho Tuoh- day precednif,', mid notico of nuoh intend ed change ia nquired on the Mundty pre ceding. Kotica' of "dtHcontitiuauco of advoitirie- mi'ntH muflt bo givon at leant, one wculi in uGvanoo of tho in-inti in which, they an- dcairotl to limb appuar. AUVKUTiailllH, 3ubucriberH and pitrona -^onurally are foquootod to read tho ubovu re^uiatioim oarofully, in order that confnaion raabo avoided, ap fclioy wdl in all casou be udhored to. Addroiifi ull cotumuuicutiouu to K. JT. liOVISIiACK, Publlabor tho Eijhicx Fhri: Fiikiio, EiIhox, Out PALACE GTEAMKRO. LOW RATHC -v CLEVELAND, PITTSBURQ, ^ BUFFALO and ALL POINTS EAST uvany qvuninq hotwbkh DETROIT #CLEfELfflRT Conucctluff with earliest traino ut CleT-wIautl for nil paints Haiit, South und Eoutln7Mt. Sunday Trips Juno, July, August on:] Scptooibsr Qnl, Coum Trntn i-un WaaK 0rwNu*j X 4 ^TOSICEY, TUB "SOO," AURQUETTR, AND OVLUTth )o new r.tcel paaoenncr steamer) have juni i built for our Uppur r,akc Route, costiui" )oo each, Eead lor iltuiitrated paiiiphkt. A. A. O0HANT2, a. p. * r. a. Darnorr, wish. fKTROrr CliVQJUlO STEAM ill HI *$ COPYRIGHTS. \Vi 1 ObTAIN A rAi,KN'k-<f Ifo? ' .'.c on^wdi* anrt uh lioni>if flnintoii, wrltu to , AH &<jOm vthti iuw*t U ul r.em'i" \t(tt yaMA' irltilUiu In tlm |>(lt<*-fit btivlii*'**, Clmiou-iUu- , .iMKU'lotlyoniiiidfintiul, A KiiuJt'J^Vofi'i- foriuaiiOM uanrt-iatHu fiitcinlK rvi] Uow to **t*- tuUi tliuiU itviii fU'ii. Alt.0 u (ki'nki'j'.'U vtuuj.'uaj.- Ical nml BolHUtttlg unoUi vonr trro. i l^iniiiM tiiJuvu tiu-ouuli Alui!:i Jc On. kmaIvv { spoctul liotltviliitlio Ki'lduclllu Auiwinu./. uini outfh out otvit fft tl|o Invmitof, a inn ai*o broqulir -wkto)/ tiKfu^Uui puhllo will 'liiiji n|fMiiili pmuir, out cmt fft tho invmitof, 'jiil* nimiiii*! i>aiuir, buiuedwtxtldy, itloiruarIy UltiKirittH. moa byrartl u UsxtfoM oirouljul<w ot niij/flliiiitllio work lu tie wnr'-l. ^If nycar. Humnto wmliwstiaXrtw. llul;; j';KdftU)u. monthly, 4iUo*yniir. Hhifflfc pl*i, 'J<J 0W1U. IC-rtMrytllUubor -MMtHllU t**ll- itl Dlutfw, lu oolotiiv na pnoKmrafW of atw .....iio*6wtli4 60pl<.'J.j (XrtlU. IC-rtMrytllUubor -MMtHllU t**ll tlrul Dlatfw, lu oolora* mod plmtncrwto of i t\">no%, wltli pLttfltt, oiiotirlliMr Vutl-Wi Id jkbv ( ^^..TSooTwuw toitf, act ir-^ - i i mi tuv.-nidilp, In wlileli Pt-vcrn I'm i,,i i J\efJ a Cannerva- 11' i i.iku'ity ni' about (!0 ufumlly. nnd jir-t *".,\ il I" vl",\ ed wit limoiv Iritccr i" t b\ all -parlh'ii than half tho real uf tin I filing. Ariniwr the piornlnent renUleutH pi'<*- lent were : Mennni. AV; II. Miller, Jan. Youn.'T, Hi eve of Morrison townnhlp ; William Voun/r, Mecrelaiy-treafiuror of tin.'* tuwiiHblji; John Cnnniiur, Ht*.: Jai. It!ne?, well, .loM-ph T i mi tor, Goorf;e Holthn-.m. Wlllinni Woodn, Mhm Mc- fji od, Aflhtt Itobinnon. Mi. Win. Youtijr wjljj oloeted chnlr- nian M.ijor K;im rfn/rhes, tin llrnt appakf-r nuide ,l I'fclln^ refer imipo tu the death of tlir 1.1to member for North Ontario, the lute Frank Martin. After ieferr- Iwr to thf three ourldlrtaten In the field. Major Alof'llMvniy, Mr. Hnmdon, and Mr. I'\ J. GlUenplc. the Llhoral, ho "aid It wan no nuin'H privilege to nay how North Ontario would vote on Pec._12. He himself hliT~:To^rirr^nHiilted"^r^nTair by ennva.HHlnK him for hit. voto. 'The -.ek-t'turii, he UlcLnot doubt, would fio to the poll.; unhbiMed by prejudice. ITo poinlt-d out that It wiih easy for Op- pf'jslthm MpeiiKi'iK to find fault and make piornlHe^ lie had found that the man w liu glibly made pi oinhse'i wore tho \ery men uho broke them ca'dly. lie mlmlreil Mr. MKMlllvruy for hlii j land In not plodtflnjs hlniKolf on re medial legislation for Manitoba, Afajor Me* Mllivruy'N work In the pant In Noun Ontario, flKhtfnr< ap;alnHt separ ate school encroachments, wat*. well known. He dtprecated the pffort.i of mi me men to distort tho Conservative candIdate'H position on~-the remedial older. -Major Hughes pave uh Irmtanre of Pati'on Ilrnnrion'H dupllolty In try- Ine, n> work a deal In North Ontario Mh'M'by the Con* ervative votes would Co to thf Crit candidate In the last elf < (inn there. Tlie Trent Valley Canal and the Kn.it beiietu It would be to North On- tai i" *.'. .c. toiH'lu'd on. In North Vlc- tciia tin re wore :it present b'iO nicn u'diKinu" mi the eatml. Ah soon a*7-, the pre*-'eiiL M'ctlon was finished the Cou- eldelilriK a nd <"eorj?lan l*iiy section would be commenced. That would 1 e pi id >ably uoxl year. This tfi'f at \\ or'f would (heapen the transportation or fui in- rs' j.ruduee and ntoek. Kvo-ry maii'h land which would be needed would In paid for aa would also all 1*11111 thai would have to be Hooded Tin f.ui.il woulil be completed hi two or ihjee yeary. In cloidiife' he ridiculed the many al leged pullcioH presented In pa-.t y- n\i by the Kelorm i>arty and paid a i;r".U tr Unite to Sir John A. Maodonald .' work In building up a Canadian nat ionality-. IIV knew Severn Brldw would do its duty on Due. 12. (Ap plause). All-. William Klssell of WashafTO.wbo announced that he came forward 1 e- caiihb his" frlL-nds th-nipht then- bhoultl be some opposition, then aro^e, The audience took him pood naturedly. Jlon. John V Wood was received wltli aplauso. JJIh remarks, after a reference to the late Frank Maddl, treated of the Manitoba school ques tion. He ohoutdit that the whole nati onal trade quention should not h-intr ou a side issue like tlic remedial or- | der. The order came to the Gov- eminent unsaiiKht, und |t had not been the CJovermnent's wish to receive ; tl. Jle lepudiatotl Mr. Ijauiier'H cli.irjre 1 that the Government was "wobbUriB" on the question. He showed that Mr. Laurier met all dilllcultieu with a uro- miae for "commissions" He was not definite on any of the Threat question;* before tho people. Major McGilhvjay tdiould not be condemned because lie reinsert to ftive up his liberty of con science on the icmeldal order question. Tie should not he tied down to vote nftuliist the Government before he lound out what that Government would do. lie did not object to the -Independence of thought found In the Conservative piirty;it was an evidence of healthy public opinion. lie .object ed to the abuse which PatronR bestow ed on the oGvernment. They dealt too much in Roneralltipfl. Facts about the trade question were then brought out. The real issue to day before North Ontario was taxa tion, not the remedial order. Mr. Wood gave Uuures to show that farm ers paid lower prlcen for Implements and utensils now than they ever did. Implements were cheaper In Canada than hi the United States. if the ( 'lilted States would redneo duties, Canada would also. The Canadian tariff In all round only 20 por cent, of the American tariff. In repJv__fci_Ji ijuciition, Mr. Wood paid Canada had tried nine times to iret lower tariff arrnru*;emento with the United Ktatejj and hart been unseuc- resHful. Home $14,000,(100 more revenno was raised per pear now than In 1878. Pf formers said thin was augmented taxation taken out of the pockets of the people. Mr. Wood nhowod that this Incri'iu-ed amount came out of oxeiBe. customs. rallwayH and eannlfi and pot-ini uervJco. Tt was not taxon at n li Jn elosliiK, Mr. Wood spoke of tho el'K.rts of the Conservathe party to carry out conscientiously the policy laid down bv Sir John Maodonald. .Hon. N. (*. Wallace was the iqieulter tin nieetlmi" wanted to ,henr, and ho \wiu /rented with more than ordinary enUni'-lnsm. lie first remarked that di i idle The t .'lobe's opinion to the eon- triTV. he thoiiKhf iie had a rlnht to Kpciik In North Ontario. He roltprnt-' tf\ his opinion that no)i-i'(dar(a.n ieli0"l'( woidrJL ,^)i' the best for tho whole qTr CaniniTiTVM^ld Ihut If ot-ciiylon t-UoaUy nviiMi he winjTc^T'^Wi^ft'tJdt to that' yiplnloi) In ParttnmenL^^^Ujen atfkt'f tiie ftVotora to 'support MoK Iffcrjtylvray, if they npprnvpd of the " d ii i i " i. I in : ' d ... 'i | I a h i til 't in n'l o ' ! i n'ei i 1 ,. '1;i,. |. * d 1 * t ' h' ii i - ' I i : 11 I e. Mil |N iji.e 111 I']I ie . II i ' mi h>. i 'i ' pi be * on i i. t- II |IM I to Miii) iv i i ' in 'i l i II h d 1,11 I'l l.'l.l I .imi.i ! r 'A,' *^ III II l ipc ! i tab rii'i I , ould lo* i n.fk e jim'iI o-nie i* : nlu I Inn ol' ] *-!> jfd <|ii t'on \\ ".( tli I lb. }'i. b- I. rlaii Si'iM'd ' i: bntli j .'i 11. - foul t)ii ti. II. . ,i|'t ^,i- Vt'.iJI.iei Ihe lb n i (b 11 t n der4. ' ' ' t ' L,t P i (I n1* nr o' t ' iinii v. f: <' , ' 'd '| j) I i' . _ if "teed ! " lb I in aid I r-llfe, ,( tluii f,n .al.'i u'Oh ' In- bi i-bt rt r< in In the TJrltMi | erov n. It hod built nillionrtM from on iin tn ocean. It hurt rtu*r cnriahi and J p-arti- Cjifndn fp-e or the Unit' d , f'tateH. The farmr r; i\'prc ivell-off, eompn i ert with American farmers Wheat mi' 1! ('"iitti a bmdiel h't'Iit-r In Tnrnntn tlmn Chien^o on Nov. US. 'e"-e figures belnj- taken from The Toionto Globe of thai date. Wheat wrth 17 renlM in 3\Tanltobn, and at Hpu- knne Wash.. H wan 17 cents. Some people wonted ft on trade wltli those 17-eent people, (Tailighter.) The meet flip- eln^r rl with cheers fni tho Ouren. the vihltlnb' MInli-ters nnd MeGilllvrny. r t im MM p'll '1 O 1 mi ll' . nl i- KOItBKUS IV MAMH/rOX l VEufrli<-r lEiHllv Ki'iiicii >mI M(I Tnlii'ii from ISIm Hinplirtrtr 11 ho Itiiri' TlutMH. Ilumllton, Nov. 2i Aa S. IjUhCombc, a butcher living on W'jltionititreet, be low Saufu:diavcnue, was walltui^; alone; Wilson about 7.U0 this eveniiq;, Ju* wa.s held up by thiee men. They knocked him down and toolt i-til) frou. him, and aftei kicking lilm a few times in the ribs, ran away. The police were at unco iioiined atul are on tlic lookout for Gie hlj^hu ayiuen. Last ni'^llt a1- Groib'e besll-e of Clap- pisnu's Corncm \:u* coining up Mc- Nab-street at n late hour iw was held up by two men, who assaulted him and robbed him of ?!, The aiLa-lr took place near the corner of Main and McXiLb-hticct.M, and while one man held Jjeslle about the neck the other went thioiiffh hi: pocki ts. Detective Infpector MeMahnn. Vc- ttctives Campbell, Held and Could r icade a lemarkable airc-t tills aftc". noon of a professional slioplifter nnd thief, the victim belne; Nancy CuKer, j mari'kd on an about .'ID year's old, rcdrtine; In Jarvls, Ont Yesterday Misses Crahani, (17 Wclllii'-rtoiefi1 n ct north, lipoi'ted tho loss of three noid watches and chaliH, charms, e;o]J pendant.1 a nen pair of booty, ^evir.! yards of black lace, a pair of black kid e,ln*v e. a r'dd lu ooeli a nd other ai licit h. They had lieen absent fror:. the hnii-'e about an hour, and were \ic> lonipanktl by Nancy Culver, who had come to the bouj-1' to board about a week nj/f). When they returned thry inbred the article1.. Allu the deLo- tivt s interviewed Nam y, she resolved to l"a\*e the elty. and vas ni icste J this aiternoui at the station with a tleket for Jiirvi*-. When bion;**ht to the (julicf- stathni, Mrs. Ibadbuid ^a'i called to examine tin v.oni.fii, and after reinovln/r t he outer irai meats, noticed she A*, ore a pafi of ii*'hts. Mr. Headland removed tin* tu'hts and from a pair ot dn'klnrs pinned to lu r corsets, and han;?hur in*-bb* the tlirlr** she iemoved tho rvnld watciu h, |ev/(drv and other artlflep. Pinned (o Nancy's rhomlse on fit her side was a new boot, and she hud thrre ostrirh tips concealed about the eh"rnfse. Tin thdits were tied a- the bottom to prt - vent the booty fnlllntf out. She wi-1 appear at the Police Couit to-morro\r morning. C'lllM'H i'l ('Ut lie otiiet'\'. i-e, Viinl Ib'idj thf "i ,i\ follow* '/ Oil--') U lie' t('- 1 ill"! file N Ol . ' * *' i el Mid t);-" wonderful \i mi'! . : llno.J'a Sai-.ajjurilln in ciiiin*^ thi>< It nuhle. " Mv blood b'",r*n*o poisoned !)j* C;ottlnff tb'tiiinf) n.y bltio by a J it tin acrotch ou mv arni I O'l'I'-d in tlio doctor ami ha told met o pouli !ci; It, but ha did not ylve nmanyni.' a-ino for my b.ood. Finally tho pol on litoko out on my otbor urm. I then told tiie plMMttim that 1 wanted Momctlilni,' for my blood. Iiu told mo to f;ot Uuuti'uSitrhnpiirilla. I did ho nnd bar/un taking ft. After ualnrj four bottlCK, my urm ia on I Irejy well nnd I have uovor bIhckj been troubled with blood poisoning I firmly bollt-vo that Jlood'u 8arBapur!llA prev'entori mo lotJim? my arm." Mao. IL WlU-oN, \>V.i :,1 finning Avo ,Toronto, Ont. Blood Innpuro. "For moro than n year I wnn troublod wltli n dl^troBtilinj pain In my eldo, Somo of tho timo It was very aevcro. I wan ulao atlllctcd with iievero licudnchoa. My blood wan out of ordor nnd, In fact/my conwt!- tut Ion wan geucrnlly ruu down. Ilfivlng rond bow otberw lmd b^ii benefltod by Ilood'u6a:-Ui"pnrilln, I thought I would try It, and before tho necond bottlo was nil Kono I wan entirely cured " Mnm Mav Fr.ANNiOA^, Manning Avo., Toronto, Outurio. Hemombor 3 Sarsapanila 'ARMENIAN SLAUGHTER. 6s the Only Tme Blood Purifier Andatandnrd Bulldlnp-up Medicine. It crenten an tippetIto nnd ovoreomcH that tired fceliiiff. Do Hiiro to /rot ITood'a. t-1^ f A^n O^H^ tho aftor-dlnnor pill and TiOOa a FitllS family catharUcsao. Itoptrrt >f u Wrlli-r Who Vlnlli'd ii Hi-eiia , ">' i:......ut MiMan-di.-^. -'('he foiiowliirr. ljttr Iulm been r'-'olv- ed In IMt-'ton from a ti U'M\'- rtnv Am- ei 1< an V'ho lnm be-i'n the i w i ;. imoii t' an Imj-dlsb Coin ul In u-JaJp-Uu J'brh a purt of the iia.innn r* i;.rm, v|uuv he nurvlvoiM of the revjetit tuu'Urnar ir*1. II tiavs: "X writ* thin Hittlruf hv Hie altar In a rtcj'eer.ited church, wlw ro lla two inartyicd prUMhi, |ier Jledn-i nnd Ijci MoliMifui it, ui'ir |j'-i fi ji'inhij-; tin ir l,i -t oflice, for their 'dirij lo-nundf-d, luou'f n- .dve people bed je r at t 1 :l a . \ i I he hoicet; aie In ruin.", and u-i h-i \ o n'liif.'rlit nave u pi or tent to n<"<oinno- d^ite lift amid almoimal uilm -ind \ In foi this time of ncji.-oii, ' e be'u] - on. 'f'lvct beii-- for ni a-' 'talilbly and com fori, now and fhcu. J. *. er , t hlr.'c "hour Ihc building dc'di la-t Ible ot- t\o- f'leealde lui'i b. en put bej mid i 'Ov- ' rv, the porllf'O In front In Iiif; bu v> I. 'nhc i hoi i )i in ri["-r' y i'1 "f ' Ion.- \ |, 11 'ri In 11 r'i' f, and io nt- oil the nle I tlioiurii lhe fhe onieki-rt the ' -w I i lone over the floor. I'm (pi- It im 'lu- old iiti'iinture i': In nppe.iiin ,i erdtna ry mot tain, l hone iU vob d oiu (' me Io the (I or to pav their |-e pr i V 'iv l.b sliqr til ' t-'io 'i, an at 1' .i ' f ' i'-ive 'lone 'fine I bej-on thl.i p.i- , bib- a nnllici pel.i t.M to t In < i n I ' in 11 ( ir i ri "nted I'or Jrohann .i a ^-- ("I ; bo- t li-* door. "We vhltcd (' ' Ihrn^nn Tor a ha ty IimpecMon. Of tiVIr former 17,^ hou en s1 me .'ill plat-eM iiave icon hastily n- imilt. thoujrh whether they will ( n 1 the winter l iin. ortltln. Ruin m.i ..- every nlek nnd corner t hat waj Mc y inie as lure. One ntandit amazed at tlie total b'ck f^f common ferine at iich want-in ilCMlrtictlon c*f jiroperty, even In n : *Hb-h point of vU-\\, for a f! overrun ont that trivea nnml-'lalcible 'evidence of beliiR- tired of Armenian.-' and bound to* wipe tli-oin out to l^ive the jdat-e to KoortHi. If they would cut oif thin nice, toot and branch, Why rued thry up It out their sfplt- upon every sort nf Inilldlnfr, from th" enminorii t ^licepfnhl up to tho Ik-im'* or mill, tlifnurlj hidden away up some };ni}('\ Keai(hln;r them out with a, cn.ndle, filling hi Iny or audi indam- nuidilo mntciinl an hardly leavi a- a rharred brand behind; t-o everything by wav of timber miifd be pro*. Med at Immense evpenae and delay In t bin 7~ Just nu though tbesir* Htructunh could not have been of notn7fr--vahre~to--the- TCoordn that the G-ovornment .*4"em bound, rdiall poiiiieia tho land; for they aie, or were, much better tlmn He* wild nu'o ever Ir ve for homen. 'Whom tho RroflR noiild destroy they llr^t make mart' a"iMiis npjillc-ihle In Die conduct of TurUH, of late anyway, and they jjpom In profOHa of Icllllrifr the Krone' that layd the golden ej^e-; for have inot the Armenians done most of the hard la-bor, 0,3 ^icxr,-paid- moot of tho taxon, and yet In the renters been the enternrlMlnp: mwlmnf nnd trade- men? The Koord.i are inrtfi'ent :'i thoqe llnt.H, but wide awake for rob bery." Boston Poet. PRFSS PIIOVERBS x fioui tulrin;*; d'-tf'l lil - '! . i; < i- ' - I .'.. CJii % ji u inctlicino. T' ir. fin tliuyj .. i.'.i.-y Wits' ^____a^vriYHlike ii El i}^ I-"/m ii .I'V Am\ if <l'i"". (b.iMn fyootl. tlccJL'.. Jviiinl.'*4r>/i is the easiest, : - ) ' -i.-il M/i . I'fr-t-a nf Co<l-liyor Mil, \,uli I1 L U\ i.opliospliiteH o f^inv ;ind fuKl.turl'j 1 ti> nourish. 1 lie ] f.:.'. ^- r,,t"!>i. Tins v/.iy diUd- .md iit.roiij'.th oa iun Is bui-prising1 i uiq. ' :1 fi ili -in: ' liiidi'eii need it. Ihi, l .. , ' iuI'h, 5'jc. and $>\. W'ulliy Vi*lir i'**\i.iUiQucii. I 'J'lu nicci 1 tit Ibi'. I'ri Kanipirdl inioSn- i ipm'iu;, *-i;refulit in wh'i"i*eMii'r uii) 1 imtoifest tt-clf m Vfiii Iin t f'd t v.'ho weie -ifivi dy iift'iuro t "lit .1] li'eie, but Who HOW I uerrriaiif nt (aire by Hour*1 Hofofula mny appear aA a humor? may attack tho jdauhi of tho neuk, or break out in droidful r-uiiuin^uorciu on tho body or limbj. Att ndciinj tiio muuoiia naJui- bni.no, it may duvnlop into catarrh or lodfi- biLlia tho In nt; a load to tioiiHiirnptioji. Coma iih it may a faithful ficouro of trmttmont with IIood'H SurHiiparilln will ovorcoiao li for workiutt upon tho foundation of all din nasofi, lrnpnro hlood, tho ay-trim in olnriflod and vitalised, and vi^or, fltronirth atltl hoalth routorod to tho bod v. THE AMERICAN HOTEL. Echo*, - Ontario. MRH.C. V/tTMttWOU, PUOPUCIiiruraSrl.hM boon tliorounhlv p ihitod and ri|>|tinUUt)d with riw furiiitu'o by tlio prunant proprietor. ^,7iirJl!'Tin(N-rprCoi'i>fl-;crioN. - Firnt-Oiftfia Accomodittloij Guurantooil,, Ull 33rd Year, i,owt: i iit-iirit^ u!4Ili\^ a-j. \in. Dot uu youni^ an evor. Tho beat and bricjitoHt weekly papor pub. lialied in any of tho citica of Canada. SIXTEEN PAGJ5B EVEBy WKKK. Now ia tho time to uubsoribo. Only $1 from now un- tilJan. 1,1897. Ih a fault ro/ l'liey l>ecliIoHj* OUJeet la (lie IWpmiHn ol Hie MlliOiry i;\p..Illln.i Uving Hmlillnl Ipon I In in Ottawa, Nov. L'fi. Tt Is stated that there Is a prospect of further trouble In Lowe Township. A p;ood deal of rtlsHat'f-fnotlon prevnlln owrng- to the eo.st of the recent military expedition behiR saddled on the munlelpality. The ratepayers may attempt to frustrate any move on the part of thf* new coun- [ Afi(lraHH ali cottimnninatioiio eil to IsHiie debenturefl for tho 00Bt , AddrosB an commnuloations of the recent expedition, which am- f/fintH to $1000. Tf the ratepayers of Kowe refuae to allow the new town ship council to perform Hh functlonH tn iH.'uilnf? debenturen for the^amount, County .Solicitor Major Btaton that ho will levy an act of apportionment on each ratepayer to cover the conta and nubHcquont contB. If the ratepayer.1! do not pay up within la days of the aervlce of notice upon them the balllfi'a will again invade the township, and If any resistance In offered the mlHtla will once more he called out to rcntore law and ordor. Special rateu to fllubs. Good iiiducemcotH to ounvukuoru, WJGBTJCRN AJJVEUTIGIiiR, Louden. Out, A rt:i,Mi;it ihii:n hH;i>hii;M,v. Tlio H'oreniaii t*f Vhe Vd*tupl Time* flltlrc, ruriiu-rly am Tin* Tnrmito Xt'ofld. Woodntock, Nov.' 28. .To!ieph Abbott, who for six years ban occupied the po sition of foreman in Tho Times print- IriK office,, died hhortly before noon to day, from perltonitlH, after an illneiJM of only two days' duration. Mr. Abbott was a man of many ami able qualities and a much renpected citizen. Ilefore tnkinff tho postUlon of foreman of The Tlmuii hero he worked in The World otllco, Toronto, A wife and three children two boy*- and a clrl aro left to mourn. J. O. Short and Jamoa Dunlop, trad ing under tho name, ntylo and (irm of The Thoman Orpran Co., imulf^ned this afternoon for the benofU of their credi tors, to [emnUUn IT. Wrlj;ht of Toron to. Inability to make eoloctlohs la tho caue'o kIvoji. KluiHlufkhN* Hlfiiitln frttttt Tora.n'bi, Whitby, Oit., Nov. 2H.~Mr J. U. ifox, a hniulHoiiif! blonde youiiK u'onian rrom To ronto, wlm eliiirjft'd lu the l'ollm) *loart Uero to-day with hifmullo-i of tlm Mnihal AH. She t-'imui hero (on UayH ayo und pot uti tiitroiluctlon to uumy or the beat u|o- men In W'.hltby tliroiiRli a hiU'Ich of nfo leetuvOa al tb roania of the W;O.T,U Tho ovIilencH Mliowa IhaV Mm. T'ox lnm ba ju-onerlbhii; for- 'female alaei^c-tt, iiinaiiia' <iharg*'tf of fniw W to $1ft for mlvlee im-r rimiedlet*. These lost nnr turee only . "iialvt, a spruy for 'Ae noatrUa aud ullli cna* was "Q till MoaiWy. Fair play Flirtation. Nobody 'a elahn porft otlon, Folly Is .^huply pleasure which hurts. The true reformer in never out ot a Job. Fate m -auo anything which fjcla tho best of um. You tun't be happy If you expect loo much. The bbnl husband aeldom outlas'fl the honeymoon. Falnl hi art Is oft* n won by fair lady. "~\ fault nelcnowlede;etl paired. llapplnc-.s Is anmethlnp; \. hieh * f un- not la* ( arned. The huif-hand Who la prend of his wife should occasionally tell her so. Charity ia Fomellihipr everybody eke Hhould have, A woman nhvaya expoeta to patr-h an injury with a smile. People who uKh to do frood don't atop to make rp-'olutlr'p-s bout It. Time Ih turned backward hi Its flight every time a wo.man te|l hor aKc. Rometimcfl 'tis better to have loved and lo.st than ever to Imvo. loved-.and won. No woman Is ho pretty that she doemi't like to be rurilnd d of It oc casionally. To .-unie men the bert wife la the uric tliat will put up with the most ill treatment. Don't nrKUo with a fool. Tt Hounda queej* to hear a mar. talking to hlm- nclf, Orfc-linif the world decs n't know how tho other half Uvea, and nine-tenth don't care. W A.IS IJbJJ Hidoiiuuui to ha [J our ITurdy Ciinnrllim drown Nurnory Stook. V ummuitflo iiatlfiftiotfoii to rp*-dfauittttlvn ail euatoriiooi, Cur imrtiurion aro tho hirVuat 1 rlio DomhilotnovorVUDaoroii. No HUbNtltu'ilc] inor'lord. I'Woiiialvii toirrHory and llboraltairr. to wholu or part time aijoatn. Writ* uh, htonI'I & wisritiiNaroN-, , (Fioad otllco) Toronto, Oat. (Tlio only mirnory in Canada having tantlmi orobardn.) UHm THE LONDON r. -AND- SixiptMi l*jjow, HO OoluimiH, of Attractive Jtoimily Rend ing J-ivory Weok. To 31st Oecomber \09O $1 Vor YeiirH I have beeiti Vory Uliah 'l*f oil bled Mm E. Mitohol, Bt. Mary'a writea: "For yeara I" havq boon very muoh troubled with novoro hoiidaohen and dia- ordorod iitomitoh, but eomu time ai;o umid Stark'h Powdorti (for hcadaolio, ooHtivonouH, biliouHUGiiiJ, iivor and ritomanh) and bUAo found thom to bo n porfoot and immodiato^j rblief to both boud and Htomaoh. Fuonda of luino have also triad them with tho bout roHulto, Sold by all modioino* dmrtcrn for '2(io ii box, 5 boxen for SI, Doo. nth." --------------------------------4fc---------------------1---------; HI alio Youc-NuK siroufj: If you would rcoiflt puoumoujii,'brouohitifl, typhoid fover, und poruhiteub oouglm and ooldu. The jo ilia abtuoU tho work and ruu down syotorn, Thoy can iihd no foothold wharo tho blood iu kt>pt puro, riub and Jul I of vitality, tlio appetite good aud di- Ration vi-jerotih, with Uood's Saraapuriha tlio one true blood purifier. llood'a Pilla euro liver ill?, constipation, bihoimcf-Eb^umhoo, wiok headaohe,, Hood's 1*1 11h are the best after-dinner pilla, aoeiar; di^ootiou, ouro headaohe. '2oa. That soft, rich, glossy sheen, ho much ad mired iu hair, can be secured by the uho of Ayer's Hair Vigor. All the aB&iHtnuee that natuio repairs to make the hair atrong, beautiful, and abundant Ih .fjupphed by tln'a sioollent prAparakion. How it iv lu id in.-. MIns Ablfrall nodpe, "noil Hamil ton," Is 'Hleiwly- eo*iv:rlPir,lne' at her home In Ilamilton, Masa., and. while idle receives no visltoiu nt all, ""she ha written an article'*-ntl'led "In the Val loy (jf tho Shadow o>t Death." It deals with the tho-ufrirtH, t'vprcf-niomi and feellnpra of Uiokc who uio "paiiHiiHf over the river." In the papor Mlas Dodpre sayiri that Bhe woa taken III 1:ihI fiprlne; while locked In a room In the Dlalno mansion In, WaahlTjc-ton. Sho felt that Hiie w'iVH falllnn; and realized 'that flomethhiir. very nerlou:i had Helped her, ITer moat Intense feellrp wiib the atopic that her frlendii would receive wl.on til y broke open the door amlflound h*ev dead upon the- floor. , - , f3he realised the Hltunuon when her friends found hor, find co,uld liear meirt n,i t.hoy opoke about her. .althoiiKli ap parently ^uini'onelou.M. Then oa-mo a lonpf blank, that laHted how long idle knew not. At times -die would partially ncivcr conaelouwiOHa and-wonder whether lw wore dead nr not. Her brothem, ataimood aud Brown TDodefe, both of whom uim dead, one dying Iohb than i\ yi ar ilro, appeared to hor nmid oonver*ed with naturaliretej, .She to-ntetlhTcu f. it that she would Uko to sprak nnd !wiulr it &ho wore really In the other world, inn found It impoasiblt- to. enunciate, syl lables. . "Do not have,a horror of death," the paper concludes,."It tea blessed thinff."' Tin* Ituti- ffor <>]innU. ^*r H6tel> Cleric Sir, the' Visitor tn N'35,complains that the room is haunted, l^ridlord -Iudee*? Then put/'4oWn> In his bill, "On? i8ko*tt Aen .xwipbt.'t'v-' Hofor StadtanMlicer, Tlio Wkbicly Vm:v, Pukhh' undl Fa km and TIomio, combined in (me) issue, uniform in kizo nnd iippearr/ jiiK.o, is ofYornd to Httb.seri'joi's h'OiH now until the .'UKfc Decomber, 180(1, fo ONE DOLLAR! The FitEM Prkhh iw tlio readitijj Xjihcral-Oonservativo .foiirnal oFAWhI-I urn Ontario. It contains each wedU-1 a eoiiipluLu hiumniu-y of tho now's and comment of the times. The Commercial pnpreH of Um Wkiski.y Fnisii PkiSHfijno up to date, and ample For (ho country niorohant, Oirmor and dairyman. Tho If'AjEM AND lToMEcoitiilnoueh week ablo ai'tlclea on Agricultural subjects and Livo Stock. Tho faimOr nnd cattle and horse breeder will mid, J in its pjiges Abundant topics of ypeeial'- intorcHt." A Serial Tale of absorbing Interest' will lie an Iniorostinp; fonturo of the WURIU-Y FjtICIO .PUKBH. Both Papoi's Combined for 91 rroi NTow Until December Slat, 189-3. Agents wanted every whorej_A< all communications to the* j] FREE PRESS PR1NWN6 Q 5afe.t, Sbnplcui, Sttonuivtt, 5oIld Top (it-celvcr. MARLlN RIFLES . Liehtot, Working Alonfc Accural ev Corrt pa. >,* Mps* Modern and progrfc-Mve T-'or i-t*tj.U>Kttt)'or InfonnAtlon'wrlto to' . ,. -, Tim iVtARUN FIRE AftMS CO^^I New tlavrri, Cnnrt. '( fi, FOR TWENTY-FIVE YEARS, DUNN' I. j l/V ^mmA, L. iMi^yii XWRinb. lifeuivl . -.- if--- 17