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Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), December 18, 1895, p. 2

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<THE PRESS oasra?. T try Friday Mornlruz- i fiou on Talbot, Htieut, next 'jDuuutau Block. lllh BYE-ELhlflOto Meetings In North Ontario am'- ... Carciwoii. - (' Bptiuiul attention in paid to tlio publica tion of matter of local importance, accur ate and rehublo jruportH r>f Tnwii, neiilhbur. in^ Towmuip and dainty Council proceed iuilht oeal nut county market n-pni-tu. etc,, ttio curtail, und judiciouH management ni Tub Fukk 1*ukiih, with nupeei. l.ci tlium and obJjor current mutteu of loea) itiipur:am!<:, haB^ivMi it it wideiprend prfidiev .m the eentru of Ku^wx eouniy.which i^ rum^ni/i'd uh oiui of the h.'pl allien aural dietrioU iii Ontario. Tun' l"ui;i; I'unmi in ' thu unh medium circulating ihmounhly in tin: ooiitrul nortion of tho (Jinuii-y, and m une utijiiontly,without doubr.iln ""!>' thntdunb udvtirtiwntf medium fur bumnenn people wiuliiue; to roach that ohiMi of cuiitouH-r.s. C0HUi:i*i'oMiti:NL'i*, Our coIuniiiH tiro nKmii open for the peitoeublo db-iiumnon of n.utUr.i y>. j-iiiinii to tho public wollaru. Ablo corroepondeutii in all tho laurrmiid injr looulitioo furniuh rol'biblo repnrtu ni eventn of intorvht, ncminni;! in their m-ivr d nplmrcH; aud thi* puldndier m at all timt: plcmicd to reeuiw iiueiri-tiiij.; itejiiH " H'jWu from any deponed to forwiy^n^utri butlmu. All oninmunicutinnH of boufdentinl nature, nheuld >u (hoijuttudo of tho envoi kuiiucuri'TroN lMi 1,00 pur anon )I.tiJ par iiunu arrii^uharnoc' / . ( HJN. MR. LAUKIER AI phesco; mi "' private aim iij no ni'irlu-f. 31',. i iy in adva tic. t lu paid; ana all Trim hi out Ufa-montu, iho ruto of ate. and municipal udver- iuiice-\ ft*-., oinugtiil _ i'> ten oenU. per him, for fire hiHortion, mid live eentii pr line for ouch uiiOM.qiient mieriimi. All- hucIi advertinomoiUJi are menhtiied by a flculu nt twelvo linen to Mm inch. Local readme other notion pub litdied araout; local nuwu matter a It urged m tho Tivto ol ton centii per runnine; lino foi each imjortion. All notioc-H of church or itooicty outer luinmontH of any dencripjiun, at which ut, admiKinon fou ih cbar^i d. arc remarried in- adyfrtiKCirjontH; nnd full advortisinu rntvu ohurc(i'iii nil ouch c.-antH. Noiic-on of ^atb- erincn or moi-tin^n not for peotmiary hijni.- fit or aid, will bo oheorfuiiy publihlii'd f^'t of oburKo. Spuci:il contract ratoa tnuilo fur display or htundinir advth. AH h'fjnl nrprofcflion- n.| cardfi under'our* inch, 3.r* pt-r nuiiuiu. JfUl OH (MMMKUWU. I'llINI (NO, Tho I'll 1313 I'wiriti Job Printing D* parimont in ' uunor tho oiiporvlHioi of thoroughly com potent mtcbanicn, and imcontl attention id paid to thi- branoh" of tho trudo. Our facilitn v forth* oxnoutioii of all IuiVIh of Hook and Fine Job Printing are uncNuelhul. Stuau- powor premit-.' A call H^liuiu-d. All ' Job Printing and Transi^m AdvurtibinK ttccimiti', Ht ricily . cuh! r Advertising acdcnnlH v.-iil ;*f-t;ul\i patrouH are hutLh-il qu^i: i:rl\. Sub oriptjonii dii't in udviLiu't.', No.hiihHcnpti.iu in tli:j Fhkh Pukhs, n; advorin-cmiftit pnbln-luO im i"A coliuiHii- will b(j dicooiuiuiK-d until i.ll arn-.irh ar. paid in full. Chuu^eti for ndv rti.it.'iiifJits, to uecuit insertion in thu curri-nt in^ii*;, inu.->t ' haudt'd iu nt.t laii-c than m.^n *if Uk: Tiu:.~ day piccudint,', and notice or :-ucb initMiil- od abuugL'. its n-ijiiircl on t.lic Mmnhiy pre ceding. Notice of diHCOotniilaucjc of 'i ^-i-irJK!' UH;Ilth IllUSt On ^ivt l) trl b'-'i.-r f -i;- %vt; * li J * aovuncn of the ir.-m-.i in which cb^y an- dehirt:<l to IttMt i-.fipt'iii'. Tb) Klr<nrri Tnrnlntf Oul In I.r.rj^1 N'ntiv ix>Td nl tli> OinTcrt-itl D^itliil^ "tk,f XMu-ml 1.4-udrr lticrtv<"l m'M>. iirrnt kliiiliiiNliiMii <-H- l<->i|li ill Mttnil.'rliditl ,Oi*niuff>vlllo. Mt'O. 't. a' >. Kct:UT .and .\font-.t.i.ino a<l'U ';i'/r,(- mt'L'lliii; Ijcrc tn-n!-;iit. Jtilin ii. AJJan, o:;-i'>t.'Vt.' til Aiont', <> oupii-'l tl'c 'diiin', 'ACter 'ii.iu\ opening . r'.'iitii i-i.;. h*- t'nin.'il i ; .' '. ." Wil!"Vi|'.lihy,- ih-. ".-n'lbl t. , lirb-ily, i'iit ' . i--. hjiiisitlt' no 'ht'inj',' hi rn ri i.' t; .ii y i the :*,l'f;iL pl.Ul'.:. .-it l.: idntlonn. llf I'f-it- f.i.L d '.t n! niinto :it I'olton, 'h;il ';. ..m. '..v a p;irtyttu Lite rfi-it'M'iitin;, i:, . ,..:, 1 Im of t be !:.\'i:Iei;i \>i ; that cxii'.ied prbir i- l.-i't-. , n' I;now whut li-r.l^l.i t;",, i.(' . n i-. trodiH't.'d in ! *;u Ii: ;... -" Hie si hi'ml ijih'i.t in: , ij/'i 'i- ! <'.| 1 \-' he:il't.'i:: tn l.ril:;l. Ili.V.i ,r\ n:! ' / mail iilid a'h ;i 1'roi' ;;t.;i ii t .In de:il .'.'Lll the cine>4:on whtn^iL e..n.e ! ioic I'-"'- IhlllKMlt Oil Hi- ^'..fl 11'-. i If V""'ll'; I|"' pleOlTc hhni^'Wr Ijill hi- wtiilel pi-iosii: to lUIpp'iIVjyiin li'!'.l. i: * I i "' ennfnrin/Mo hi:-; nl.-ii < Km' T<^ofiV:iyyi<Mn. I'1' iK.r'iiii""!, hi ;1.1'" \ui\. ihnt ilk- com. mi. v. .- * I'fr W"*i: hn.i- sell'.and Mr. IhMiry: Mr. :-'tuhl s v. : I In it. , Dr. Afoul n fV"" irovori'cd tin* "! i;ii:uik1 In rr;ir(! I" ib- N'MKn..! I'oliey and ;j:,'rieiil t miv ,nn! ;i".: [<ii.t rnl leailn- :nnl : ununl bit tt.-rne.'iF. ITe douliiivd ih.;t hl-i \.>i>. U.u nn'l i'k- nih'slon of ids en!l.:r;'iii. v.'ii-' tj. n:--': the people ('L' <': rvi.'-'ll t<> uu: ii'i -i pjin-yliijf to Mm . :<-. i s<;henie of ii.il Ion.".! ii-vcK>n.....ni : / 1' ]{-ador wlio Wni-i twin.*, I'tu ' "li' y tlio C'oni.ervniive p irty v:ih fo!loviio; with all fnlllifuJnci'K. Ue wiun-tl hi:* hearen .'u;.ainnt i;lvln;;- euiinieu^aee t" any Milrd purty. .Mr. Mer.nihy li:-d no. clmnoe of tmcco:;n r.nil thH.r- v/lin !:p- pnrti'il hiri woj-c- vh'L;j;illy "he]pin;-, the Llb'-i-aln. Th[ fh;ht, !: 'i-hiv: w:i:i the iiirlit ol'lh." Con::",.,^iiii'. u Ly. not l hi; iljvlu nf *\v> "nhlm-t. nr of any meinhor of the. (.'nhinei Tfon. Mr. I'Vintei- dini-iK-M- 1 Hum neinl und trade topics on the usinil Hues. 'l'Ur: sntraltor made a hriel ri'i**reiii".' to leader TIaycock of tin- Poir'ni:- s^i-d his corn-plalntft a^alru^'lhe . ;;ul..M ii'.ini: of railways and stcannddp M:n-n and .tho Importation of Australian mutton. With reference to tho Importa- tl ni of Anetnilian mutton, Mr. I'^oj-*.*-r pclr.t.r-1 out. that t.o i- t huo fan k1< It Iki'I lo coini' o\'t-r o tcrl!1; w:t It ni' ' "> pci r-ont., nnd lie thought tinn ou;?,ht tu he hl;ch annuf^h for :i!vvni- v;lni- Iher IiIh nanin ho I-Iaycouli or not. sue MiitititH iies:.sr-rT .iii:i;tjnm. isrjuuH entering iniu tn.; e;.ii.|..ui.;ii. Tho next iiiica\iar~vraa~^rr-ii'-t\x\Uh' of Aurora, whu apoki; forty uihiuifu .In the IntiMOBl or tho Iteform candi date. jron.-TVtr, paly and Hon. Mr. Contl-. ea followeii. , " I-. Cciir'.'i' I'l L > '"t|-t< SumlerlanO. l"ec, H, A p'dltleal moet- ln In tho intcii'Hl of the (ilbeiul can didate, Mr, K. J. Olll'ttKul", wuh hold In the Town lltill here tO-IllRht. Tho , principal gpcaUers whv Mr. Olll'-nplo nnd Mr. Muwnoti of Aildhm'ton for tlio I^lbernln, nnd Mr. 'Ceorj e ("tir II.i- Co.ri-. Rervailvt-;:. 'Hu- ebnlr v;u> t.nk<'n nt M o'eloclt by Mr, Mi 1! M.-Phaden. Mr. ClIlbTpl,. -T.iiei. ni ,th- policy of the r (jov, r; ii:,' nl n tie- \r- nit ol.a - !;olioo! it il-'iM !'iii, I !t" i :i, i... ' ! - Mi'., t.;. ui*; I :: i Of 111'- (ji:< : t-inn, j t.'riM'r.cilt. j Mr. i j.lv .eon 1 epee 'in I 'i:f' : I 1 he: Vr. I,:.Mil ) Tb 'M.' v.'ii:i a once. FREE *!%]* .v R^^ It tlio Foundn'ion of tho Wonderful Curo.4 by o & r s a p a r ill a by th way, in hi yonngor daya Mr. Toull WtiOtibBideredo good local proKohor aiaonK t be Wothodtsts of this nootlon and frequent ly filUd lfa pulpitB of some of .Our local ohurohf-a in tho pafltor'-i abfonod^ und ho mill lovoa to aing, preuuh or oxpoktnJato ou.Homo eoripture tin.mo or favorite hym Tho reporter wtiH oordhdly rocoivtid, and on nittkintj known liin buhinohK, tho. old mau's couotsDauo* brightened and hUoyas sparkled with dehgbt. 1 wan intoreatiu^ to not the farygfloy.with vrbioli he volan- o' j- -\ni ar,;.- adrht v. 'Jill I Ihe uiuj a eil tip \ le. c h !Hl nilv.- SlU f ;<] . II no u.ll- I- VJ'u '.! :!. ill- Oil h I:". 'IWtl ArthioiN.-ii, ' :^-,\ ii ti\' :-- heb I i|a\ . .,' n.'l .! " . elef ted ;'.! lit.! \ w.is no;..i. .i d'li to oppt 'In a 'in eeii. a I ru a c- e. i;-aitn The i.'O'i- n cm ve.jrinn hii'e lo- .' h i li!th,i, >vh . W' t:s r, >\v. .Mflnn;io. .m )-. ('hisilmlm tb- ! nalrl i pit c'e.r, : e.-uh! I V .t|',llllo;i C eil'i'l'llMn-tlt. Willi t'i i em- di.t i !< !,.: .nit, aial Vllerl tlpo.i tli p,.!;;-< It. . Thai !o Why tlio v.mv.u hy Hood's r!'.r.-:'.p-iril!a .'ire (.,'t;i;i:.->. That iu Why UnoiV-i Sni-^^partlla ' !.- ,[, rasrifn <u Ir'.eridola r';.!l, I;!k nin mul all other blor.'d (l;..e.i-e-;, even "\vh"ii nil other tii'(:v:'!'.itiiii:- r..:ii| p.'e;-;rripttonrJ f:'il. Thrt ici Why ih*j te^tlnujnialH in belnili' of Jlooil'A ^;ii-;,ip.ii-il!a aro r-'diil fni-M, nnd will utuiid Ih'o clo:u:;it iV '.Li^'iiia'li, "*K?.t IS W!V ,nf' 1 "ople. Invororl- pd nee in- li.i.i^'ii Nii^.ipijr'iilu, n-ul h'li'U' Ihnt \\lmtrViM' iippoar:! in itj) ailverM^iii'^ J1' sti'i'Mly tnio. ThAt i: V/'iy UooiVw Piuviipniilla lr, re.-n-'it'^..'! I..* r.il ns tho. hl^nilai'd ijuil'i;i:'.r-u;i '.in'.Jt.inn. M.n|:-lrr Cie'.:e^ u-a:, the n,xt npiih- . tui : v.'V/ it overt.omes That -*r. 11.- i.ot.I. iie- ground LI::.L '.vliile the ..',-,'. J ., -, ,. ,. . !.,.. j-nbr.,,1 uui-lioM {-'!' 1 ]I** AIiVLUTMIiH^, j Subficribc-rH and prdrona e,-u i-rally arr- requested to read the abovo re^ulatioiiH. carofully, in ord-.;r' th.it" confusion ma\ | be uvoidod, an t.)n-y will in all cimeH be . udliorL-d to. i AddresH all co'uniuuiciirioun tu | K. J. LOVKLACI2. I I'ubliabtir tlio Es,k.x i'mzv, Varato, Ehhox. Out PALACU CTEP.MER9. LOW FtATCC -w. ^r/^h CLEVELAND, ,' 1 O.E PiTTSBURO, ^ E2A -^^- ALL -Cir-;Ta f3AS7 svnr 'i:vu.'t;;^ as-rwacn TROiT./Ctfe'EUKf Conntctln'^ with'. ..t Clc.'.lnnd foi'.ull jjoL'iL- V : out a and SurulayTrlpi Juno, iuly, .lunur.t sji'J Scplcfr^ii- 0X.\. i PouM Yhim Pin Wti( Iktwjiim 'T0lEB8,DETR9if^lBaft!yKfif: '".;T0i;KBV. TH2 "SCO," MARQUETTn, .> uuv/ steal yi-u^-"1;/"-" >--^\i~i?r,-\ V.v.-r.- '\- i huilt for our Upp.r l,rd;o riMiUL', ci-..-.(,.if )r.', caca. icau lor ir/J^ti-al^iI y;i^ipu:'..-t iV. A> &CWAWTZ, o. r. ft r, *. DBONfT ". C;.c^USJ3 ^ifSfd fiiiV. CP A l.iii<^e ntMl l'.iitlitntl:iHtlo J.alherlHK nl rian(nUl'Oft Eti-vi'ime i;.riil' .'*> I rM i'mile !.ili>r ti riantuccnet. Out., I*Joc. fi. The* :neel- Inj; held here to-day in. honor of the visit, uf thi.* Hon. mi: Lauiier was tl;e lar^e.'-it at tended ot -:niy jmliticnl Kothi-yfnpr ever h-.dd lu thl.-< to\vtili!ii. Tho Town JIall, which is a ku^e hiuel- Inj,', was judged hy i In- I'l'imnit ti-e t-. he tOO ijUiall, ami tie \ :irtni-y ji.t. the rive; wan at cniishleniiiif irni.il.du iil- tod up,, but When the p> -.'pie i.e;;'a.n Lti asseml-ltj it wan ."fen tlui t ^ would ub-o bo iiisiitlicieiiL to emitain 111 _- crowd, and . In con^eqif :-nr.- t !:- in.e; had to hi- h.-hl In lle-'ip'-n nir i>i:.l the -platform in fro::t n" tie Wi . mi Motol was utilized for tin a-'enie-n '. - ticin ot' the s|'i-i! la?!'.*. Tin.- 1 .'.ni-?-;.1 eli.i.!' v.at" aceumpanied hy tiie i'o.Idv. in;', nu mber:i ot I'arlliinieat, n.mal. MeKM'.s. l-I'.Hvards, .Tie Le, ami Iti* 1 r and tile lo- al nieinle.-i.. .\!'. s. 1'rniii-: and ICvanturel. The pji.-t-.h -s v ineptly in Krcncri, a:-i tie, 'i-i"e-i-.'di;.. at Vankleelc Hill yestt:nlav we:-o in Eiifllsh. Mr. Laurior proclaimed tin? T^lher-' policy on the name linos as at V:iii kltek "Hill tlio previous day. Ik .said that he was lor fr--\, trade whenever t)|e eouiitry wa^ n-:ily to ac cept it, and that till then a t revenue only would be tin- prdlry fol lowed by tho party of whhii he had thi?' honor to be leader. 'J he country was certainly not In the state of prosperity which the.v wuuh; like to see. Something must he done nnd that j-omntblrif? ;mim the roal in wards wlileh the tfi'eal' Lib.-ral. pai't.', xvaa striving. The policy of the lat eral party waa to put Cunartu o!i an equal foot J or with her nei^ii burs, or in other worda, "National I'ro..res:-,' xvaa thotr motto. Those who favored this policy wevf Llhtral, while those who were uj<ahi-i' It were Toiie.s, and he was comident tn naylnf; that under tbene clreuai- ntuncea we were all Tdherah". Therc- wii8 a class of people who called them- solves Libenil-Conservath'e.i, but this v-'ilq a nonentity, and for hb! own pari he would Hither he a Taheim ut once or else, an out-und-nut' old-atyb; thoroughbretl Conservative. ItCKardlnfi nnotber question a, quen tiori which was caunine; a national agi tation at thu present thnu. nantely. the Manitoba sehool he would my tliat hi helloved tn the provincial rl^hi tc lesUlate.. The "Privy Conned] had also deckled that the Federal Government should take the matter into coinsldera- tioi of tho minority, It should there fore bo the policy of the Liberal party to Investigate carefully Into the mat ter and IcKlnlate in such a manner as Bhould be agreeable, not to tin- min ority of the Province of Manitoba alone, hut to legislate aceordinc; to principles of rl(?rit and justice as shall ber.efu the citizenship of,Canada at lai'Ko. Mi. I.aurler loft for ^Montreal this cvt-nin:-,'. M;. iii'|.;ij:i, ii v. a-; I.il'i.'.ely a 'l-":tiou Of ; :-"llt llMi-ilt i 1. e'.YheU:. Me IVil.. a I't'O- ' ti 'd ant and opp"S"d to 9eriar.'ito vein in!:', hill I lie eoi,--: ['. u inn of tlie e' i.tpiry fulh'/] for .lustier ;md tb o'nv- . ei i na-ai ';j | ml ley v/a :; ::!i;!;il\ ee rryljiF-f lino ' r-iVect the Privy CouneH'H com- . niMids. i SMr fMitirlon (Tlbbfrt Tiipp.-r ui taclrod >fr. TJnurier and ehnrped hhn .with er:wjirdlee oie-'l le: in' eri t v on the inih- JecL of MnnlluliL jmlionl!;. fir Jlllit Ifleil the 'i r-M.vy on" the ground llmt their health was lalnji Irnpah'-d. | .15.1 <:t> \\\ \ %r i:."!." ,:i ,i le;:v u i:it i .KiiHt ni Hnnn nu a UIviutc ran he. ho-(H',4l - rci-m-rnrcd B njn-.tly. i N"e\v Vurk, .Dee. C The Heruld nays: ' There wwe sunu: dt;voltijuiieniM yester- , d-y In the troubles uf 1 rank A. Muffo- ; wan, formerly .Mayor of Trenton, N.J. ! 10(:rly in August Air. Map;owan went : to K! Ttono, O.T., to establish a re- nidi-nee there fireparatory to hccrlnnlng . a divorce suit a^ainsi his wife. Slncii . then he was arrested on the complaint of J A. Rimes for alleiiatliu; Mr*. liarnc-H' affections, and Miiuowan had ItniT.OM arrested on a eliarfie of steal ing several lliousr.nd dollars' worth of . hrnus of the Kn:-torn IMihher lU.inU- i I faeiiulitfr Compnny and als i for per- Jiny ] M.r. .MnKuw-nn vas seen hint- nhrht l and stated that lie had not lived with ' his family for ueveral months,' It wafl n.'-eertalned that since hi,-; ruturn from , Okiahoma, In August. Mr, M ago wan [ bad boon at the Wlndtipr Tloiel, Tn ]" Trenton. Mrs. Matfowan has been llv- j Im;'. In C'linton-avenue, Trenton. .Mrn. Karnes Ih ut present staying at the Windsor flotel, iu this city, wlth.hor i sister and brother-in-law. Her hus band has boKun divorce proceed!npra, ' hi which Mufjownn Is named as co- : it:-- pii!iflt'|it, Mr. Mnrow-;-n was asked hi^t even- Ine; whether he would marry Mrs. Hr. rnes when lie s"r*iired bis divorce nnd she wns dlemo-d from her hua- b'.nd. He franMv ad ml tied thru he wcniil ivarry le-r, and ihathe re- ;.rr.rded her as one of Ihe noblest nn<1 purest women livlntr. Ite said that sh" had been pe'^ecuted nn.hist'y. Mrs Harnr-fi Is a rbuuvbler of iha pre- ent Rnifroon General of Canada, Of e:-;!ru!'dl ,., li:'u d>t"::>l.'of lnTl'.Mlt)r. "i'tMiX i"i V'liy 1"'" snVs of Hood'a EL-.irsili.-riii.t lnr. e. i:iriei.,,;d year after y>'A\r, wlii'.'.' oaei pr.'par'itionv of less Merit have ceia", ht-hl a liUli) ff:ul- porarvfav'jr, ond are* heard of no more. ThrU IS Why Hooil'3 Sarssiparill'a re; '.'* f>r its id'O'l'mtion tho hiryiiht La'>'ir:.".ty ii; tie; v->iM. Tliat i^ \VNy l' i" n, 'rue ne:vo tone., rues iii'i'-'./nr.....^ b>" feeiiin^ t!iH ipm'Ve.- m jUire blood, and biiihla up all tht! or:;nr,sitiHUiaiUtJbof tho body. Thatia Why b tho Ofiily True B^aod Purifier rrornlncnrly in Iho public ny today. Bo oave to (jet IXood'B und only Hood'n. hnvo bitter taotr, offon- fllvo breath, nick headache, "Hllfjfht fovor, Weight or full- noaii in tho h t o ra ft o hy fcarthuvn, or ntintifla. Hood'H PlllHrouso tho livor euro bitiounenii, yoatoro pronur digestion, C'.-cpHl accumulated impuritlcfi, r..;.e(!Oi'.i. ioe, io'i. 25eent:i. Prepared only byC. I. ilooa i>6 Co., Lowuil, Mqhu,U. S. Ai jitiowM-: men it.tnv HALE AND nKAHTYAT TO, WHAT *FATHKIt" SOU LI, TIIIMIM nv A PON UB.Alt UKMKHV. toured, bb he a*dd for thoriakoof humanity, to'tell what ho could of hid imno, and wo will led it b told in biH own wordu. Ho nu id i "h'or twonty >chih X wuu nubjt ot to n&art troub'o and could out uo "eluif. ut though I had trine) uhnont,(everything Unit kind frimidu rtoommended to. me, My fumlly phyHloinn would Hnirmtimuu ^ivoum iintnn teitdumio tlnifc would help me for a u liort linui, but witlibtir pM'tnunenc hunellt. lln told mo that I mitdit drop dei.d at any moment, und I toll yon t expected to-do mi on miiny ncoiiitioiiH, I had hoard of Dr. WilliuMH' Pink Pillii whuti they lirnt, oamo nut but I had uuMii ho many ruanahtiH that I jufifiibout lout fujth in overylhinn of that liiuil, and had heuoum reniiaied to my. hue. However, I outne contact with no many that had unod Pink l/ilbt, and who at uuri-d wio that they hud buen bcnciUted by thoit u^e, tliat at laut; I deemed to nivo them a trial iiliio, and f-xvurul vearn a^o I e.um- menceiJ talcing tliem. I continued their inn.' until X bad tulteu ei^ht boxen, and. I am now happv tu say^tbat I hnvo novor hud it tpfiuptoin uf th fJaii hbo hiuco, and I uin convinced tliat by the hh'.iiinj; oi God. Pink L'iIIm cured me. I mi^ht. alhoiay tliat lid full I wan attiicked wiih rheumatism, which became no hud that I cuiild iiuitrcelv walk fium my work to tlie bonne, and for a lent; time X could not fjil-uut tu clnuch 1 tried a number of thin^n recoinmendt tl to me, but received uo iuod from their iin-.j, i-o 1 hii\t\ to myiitdf one day, L'mk Ihllu did nic ho mucli j,ood before for my (mart trouble, I'll try them a^am, no t uvo the.ni auother fair trial, with tho rehiilt that tho rlieuiuatiflin ban nil j^oiio out of my honoH, und I have not boon trounled a bit, with it hinoo. J^vcryone. Haid tlio old man, an ho waxed warm over tbo^thou^ht of bin hap py experience, who knowbold Futhor Toull known that' what ho^tolln in the truth," Aftor thuukinu Mr. Toull for hia kiudneai, and courtt-sy, tho reporter loft tho Hhop with tho t-ume opinion as to tho truth of Th' ont nf or- j nlH olatpi!ierjtH, und impressed with the der if you ' ')0l't' '-hat trom bin rue^ed, lumrtyappear- an cu t.nd tbeeiiul tlitipor-ilion, the old ^en- tlemau iu Htill yood for many ytarn of a healthful, contented life. Dr, Williams'Pink I*iJlo nrothoftreateKt blood builder and nervo restorer known to medical science, und euro when all other remedies fail. If not kept by your dealer they will bo ucnt pout paid on receipt of SO cents a box or uut boxen for 8'2,fj0, by ad- drt-HHiii'.' the J3r.,\ViHhuiiH' Medieino Co., Urnekvihe, On:., or Sohoneutady, N. U, GeL tho genuine; lmiiationti and tiuti. .stitntes are wojUiIl-sih perhapadanijeroiis. Ottmvn, Not. 20. T to-mm-row will contain a 'foiulJiifr grci*itMfn to fu.turm tlu> He'natorB of i;niijnla, ii ml tlm membecs In thv Mdiiuu of Coaimo ""'l ', llle IciMir of- )"lntnL' i,Mi. mil onoli _"*i'!l:i,.,b ildu bubal n'-TliiUiKlay, ila,, kccou :'j'..,ii;"ry...iii.'xt. at'.o !-"l'l. |ii)i-s[iiiully yon1 dcMptitoii of budlnea, ctuiehnp* upon tlioiio inhl I'arlbiiuont of dj_ mon (Jmincirof our Mlfl' !tlf/ll.y'i;'>f.'H.'ljjUir 'I'm' licintrtmeiit. of rtallwny'e ii. -liiul nferml to It, from n"Priinent ii r.-qucBt of bip '- ^.jpf. "lion h( *'iinneniof |0W Wllt(.r , lust neii'hin. Tin- mutter will InvrnU'iriiUil at tli,) t-nrllest |)< """ih II ueeiiifi to hi. VhVxlru Komo member,, nf the Marbu^A tllilt the deeiieiibiic af'ilie fhilnps leni hud n.ii hilhnii.v. npoi, Uiii wntir of tin. emit in In*, imt Hihi (beery Ih bco * ! 'iy e^p.-i-ici,,.,.,] mivl-'ntorn or tlio. Uwrenci* routi-. Tln-y .coiitfiid Hint eluini.'ffi (.r ;uiy Idni! hi (lui Kt. buwr elumiii.], beluw thu Mlii'jiini,. e;m liav pmifjljlli elfei'l 1]|,M1 flji. nt!bi\v i,r, from tlu- hilori nhevi- II: eaUinter, Mr. Wlllliiii Sia'di.. Id puty M| Murine mid I-Midieri--'i. h.i:i n-eolv, ti-r I'T'ieeUeitenit I.inirie M.V., iiKifli KiMiiiHr.d wiih bif'ii'iiaiiliui li^ n-tiunl ibdil linen eliiu^fd hi thhi. country. i,"'ticj-;ii i;];i() iMiiiulrcd Mil io tlie nun MLrbilioii^i.;! ,,u< 'iM.-^-tn^-^^be l t'OVefni.ielif i,r '*;i|iiill writer will jifelr-niy |l( (!ft\-eri:inrriit. lajihitiif n., v. lil'-h :irt. |](,[ ()11 tboii^li I bey n re r.i,!nni on h'iir'bifr Your Liver ":* COPYRIGHTS.'^ V I OHTAIM A FATKNTG Kot ft . 'vt un.ivver -ind un lininj*t opiiiam. wyltu to .. N .U-.Cd.. v/Holiuvi> liml fieiiil-ili'ty ftiiurii' iilt-iie'.' In Hie uatniit ianlno'ifl. Cniumunieiv* .ih stt-rlotlv oeniiiioiitl'-l, A Hutidtin^k of jiv foriiinticm cuiicerniB;.* lailemu a . 1 hov.* Lo ii- t-ul.i t'.iuin Rcr : .',o?i':.:ft'.'bju- iailnnU huiont ill-.: .*"eel i-i",-!i )'e. j'niniic:i .-'. c: Trn..2T>ocsii-<r jiaiiiiul not.leii in d'.i iviiMitiin: Auioricwu. j.iuI tmu ftfu breticbt unU-ty bofovuUio puhllawtMi- y>ot otwt .to tho nw.'Utor. Tlnn *:ije.nliu jup'T, JHfliioU wotvldy. oloiianUx llhiutrftteil. b;u ijy i:ii'tlu> htrtiOnt oirmdut-Om ot any {aiii'iituin uorK In tun world.' Sa a your. Smiii'ln oojmaiBdiit ir*wi. liululltif lWltlop, monthly, teM a ywir. Hlnule eoploa,^I> tXJut^. Mtury muuljor oi*tuliui b^Lii- tliul ^latoa,' tn c^lont, mad ptmtnuri^lui of n^w bounce, wjtb ptAfld, eiiHblloy btillO'i" ui b4iow tH* tatoKt An*!!! vdA teouru oonuutw<, Addrui A I.(irjj; *intli*irlmr nt i!r.iiliiertr>it A<l- ilrehhfd hy tho^tmlliUli'. Ritm. .TSi<iHrH. (if Cannlnicton, Dec. C One of the larg est ami most enthutda.-d.ie p'.iiiLieal meeting ever held in thl^ district took place in the Town Hall hero iri-nhrlu, in. the lutereot f Major John A. Ml:- , Gllllvray. The hall, which was tnme- fully deeoratcd, waa crowded to tlu- doors. Mr. W. H. Hoylo, reeve nf Co lining- ton, pre:dded, ?.nd on the platforia with him wore seated Hen. John Co->.- tlgati.'Hon. T. Mayne Daly, Mlnhilor of Interior; Mr. -James OlendInning, cx-M.P.P.. Mr. J. T. Itohinnon. pro: I- tlent of the CannhiKlon Yuuiik wU-n'w Llbornl-CormervatlVo Afteoeiatlon; ul*io Dr..Coulter, who 'represented Mr. F. J. Gillespie, the Itoform candidate. Tho first upoaker w'aa Major McGll- Uvray, who waa received with chooni. In a brief Bpeoch ho' deflnel hla poslr Uou on tho Manitoba school question. Mm fteinpexftnc* oobkUojq, na tb Uuk A llonirrn! Vl'niiuni snld In Slave ConfORtpil Manche^ti-r, Vt.,. "Dcc-C Mnry T. Widiiet'lioo wan arrcHied this morning, tdiareed v, Ith drovvnhur her u\x weeks' old child two weka au/o, hy throwing H into the river at Manchester Cen ter. Jt Is stated that she han made a full contvrfion. The wdman came from ^'eiitreal, Quo., by the midnight train thru nfuht, and It Ih .alleged threw the child In on her, way to the boupo of h'U' father, who lives here. She was married five years a;?o, but was divorced from her husband. |*|||-| " T'l l.'lf'( Ut" Dp Pickering News. Port Pony has what promlsoH to be a lively libel suit between .lleaara. It. Hpence and A. Roper. It appears Mr. Sopor, at n reci-m revival meeting In tho M< tli(-dlt Church there, asked for the prayers of tlie. members for his next-door neighbor to the west of him, saying he bad not gone home sober In eighteen months. Mr. Spence plaoed the matter in Lawyer Yarnold'a hands and an apology Is asked "of Mr, Roper. "What the outcome will be la eagerly looked for. ::ii(lian \ov'U*t llnrrlrd. New Yorlc,' Doc; C Gilbert Parker, the Canadian novelist, wan married layt niKht to Miss Vnntine, daughter of thu late A. A. Vantine. whoso bUHl- r.oat* huccoks as an importer of Chinese and Japanose goods made him fam ous. The Wedding took place at the home; oT tho bride's mother, liVJ.Weat X'Tfty-evcnth-street, and waa witness ed by relatives only, A reception, how ever, followed the wedding. Recently Air. Parker h a been raiding In Eng land A few weeks ago he came over to claim his bride, and after a short honeyi^oon In thin country the couple vrUl sail back to England. -Iirliti'i-v rf'.iKiien in CntfiHiMt. Southampton, T Doc ft. After con sideration of a petition lodged ag-nlnat thi election of Mr. Tankorvillo Cham- beriyne, Indepenil -nt Consorvntlve, to rtprc-sent Houthaijiptoh In the Ilouue of roiiimnriH, upon the ground that electors were bribed by agonts acting In jjlr. Chumheilayne'a Interest, who paid their railway fares to Induce them to vote for him; the election jinl.erca have declared M.r. Ci'.mherlayne's neat vnc: nt, and writ:.' will bo Issued'for a now election. t .jii'Nn:. rr'iii*. li*<i*,ii It^porl. ^Va:-hIngton, Dec. 0. The nuilden rc- ,"l of .'hidhon iJarmon, as Attorney- t'Vbnora], contii.Inlng- a review, of the operations of the Department of Jus tice for the -last fiscal year, wan laid before Congress to-day, * It treatH nt lenirth of- the bUKinoHfl of the Supremo Court of the United States, and,recom mends that; except hi capital' caaea, upponls In criminal mattern Hhould not betaken to the Supreme Court. r-into or <'jilirorttlit Cone to- 4!npeii'*vka London, Dec. (J. The British titeamer State of California, which him boon. plying between GhlHgow and Now York, left London to-day for Cape town. It han ben rumored that the Ktate of California baa been bottfht by Miifrer4><I t'nv 'ITvi-*i*ty Vi'iint I'nini KBert Trouble*-IIlu lliwror Said He 311"in limp Oemd ai uny rtloiiicm Tellw lloxv lir Overratm- tin- tron* I!c. l?rom tho IngHnioll.Chtoniobi. That a Bound muni in a' M.nnd body in ouo of r.tio hem. |id ui--ater,t, t;ift,;i uf a kind Province no ono will- deny. Maukied in all au'efi'liavo aouiilit to "buiiii the elixir of life, have huute'd for hmiui niMniiri. uf pro longinn lietthb, vit?or nn'fl vulu\ liaya- in fact hoxit-d thut tln-v tin^ht li ml ' Hemo btitbo wii.e Or briuht elixir lUM-rlt-tis ibey could drink And an bt-come iininurcal." Bur while man can hanllv h- pu io a'- tain that coveted yvw.^ Ll>i ^ul of the utorual world, yet it is ovidmu t nil wbo e^ive the subject any consult rutiou, thut mooeru ncleiice, skill and >-"u<'tr,inii ia tlie trcmtuu'Tit of th'n iI!m that Uf.hh in htjr to, have worked wondern in rtbteriej; the human bv.ay to its on^iiml 'Morni.tliv.iie," uDd in rolinvinji muiiy nnfft-rt-r-i from un- told 'misery, bringing them b-tok to hotlth ntl hnppineHH, and giviiu; them a fueliue;' nil It'It'p'Jl'fcil.l lfifn"i:'('d t||l M'Vii il;,dit ('iin.'iilinn TM*rltot ' 'Utiuiieil nt dupil rnil.!t t,f tillvi;;ntll and from thi.-, neailry. r.fitc-it rrhortu r-.v tv.-il nt tlio TK<\) iiif-ut of *lnule htid ('..iMini-ree linllcni nulaifaiitinl revival in bit : i-.-t i In T)f.m< wlileli colony Inn-,, In i'oi!Mn,,,| wltb sinriir-nilidn^ eonnl rh-s. si IT".-rod fnn| prevnlllng low prlcOrf ef recent .vnii-ti. llig to till! Deputy Min1.;!. , hIm (JUJ neiil ;::iy.-i : " laedn.-i-t |,;i , h-en ,j(.pj of lute owin;.; to lie. ilry s(.;i (ln. but tJiles u'lil si'iiil \ji: in CuiI MTi'Tiijlij die crop M-nsuii. (mi! iai:;;u- [H'let m nin| ..i. ! i-uii.iaunlentUnt ar. on tv- lnereiil ee'eiiy loolcij fonwinJ lo better tiling. ilhiMirbiinee in Culm hnn a I no tend.'d tl wist hi ihe luipt'ovenient ot the price! fiino Hii^'nr." The ngeut rept.ns exprti-t,'. to f.'nuiida dj Ing the [iasl: ipinrter nu fulo\i*n ; Hiu .IfiJi'/i tons; uinlii: ijl*:*, hilOO giillonn, l^lW gnlloiiM. A prominent ofiletiil of UieVjovuruii wIioro thith-.i are Inrg'dy In coniiecliVHiJ nmtiers of trade, expressed tlm nplnl to-ilny tliat .tlio levying nf an embargo upi Cnnialiaii Klieep landed in Hrii[-;|| porj nan but a covert form of proti-ellnu. mnf ty way of eoneeHnlon to tUc innnet'a t'Jreut Brllnln, In the sum*? wity nsj^io [iurtatlon of live eat Uo wuh p raid til1 v.'lth tlie Idea of seriirhig to lilin ine b| tltfi of the Inuite nnirket by IcgUdiJ which cauiuit be en I! id proteelluu, Ayer's Pilla, buiiifj composed of thu efiheinial virtui-n of tho bent vtguiublo iipiirieiiLH, without any woody or fibrouu material wliatuvor, ih tho reason why tln-y are ho much rnoro effective and in. valuable than any other cathartics. The best fiLiiuilv pliywio. BKStlOl*, Kli3CJTOItA: .CUUA.TI3. ^ Tlipun rir*-c VSecIpul&Mtlew IXaye Hpolcen C'urHlul lVorl*> In I'uvoj Ur, Airuow'i* Cutarrcal JPoivdor. Ouo or tho moiifc cordial ondoriieiiiBnl the curativo powora oE Dr. Agnux tarrhal Towdor baa come from iho of Tor nto. But be ban not nt,nod>J hiH pritiHO of r,hJ4 modieinn. He vf lowed by uu-n like tho Rev. John' La! and the H-v, W. H. Wade.- ri'Qtor oJ CburoV of the Aneenninn, JJUiimiltoti. Oi and failiut; into Huo wi'h the Rev. W. Willi.mh, Mr Luiigtry'n popular uuraf tne Itev. H. B. Gwynnn, nnanttant pun| of St. Pator'n Churoli, Hamilton, Iiiih Ik one of the latent to eudori-o thiu wond^ fa! remedy. It never fwils und ia no quid in c.fLRt; of nolo m the beud und cutdrrl 'uud in the current panacea for Hiry'lfrvi , Sole by il. Thornti. ti p^^E^'g Does not Simply Consist of and Ready Cash. Acr^ Health is His Fortune. TtlJHir.V AT WOllll." ' that life ih indeed worth livint,'. A cune in point, in our .own town, 'having ronehod .the earn of a reporter of the Ohrouiuio the scribe doiormiiied to natisfy hi-t bis curio- aiby bycullinui on tho party who hud bud Hindi a hupdy cxpfliioneo und invuntigatb for himnolf, IIo oallod at tho boot- and Hhoo Hhop of Mr, John "foull. Knitf atreofc woKt, and on ontoring the buiMitnr tho re porter found "Fathor Toull," an h.-'in fam- lUarly know in towii, hiiflily ut work on a pair ol nhooa for ouo of hi nmnyi cubtom- erii, at tho Bamo tluio humrnimi ovur to himaelf the tune of a cherished hyruu for Paine's CeLry Compauncl Boatores it when lost. Broad aoron and a good bank account, do an it la iu tho thickly populated towui not cqnpthnfo a farmer'H true wt-aUh. citing, To bo high an eminwiopht Thorn are hundreda of furnaern around UH wlio pouaHHB weiilih in landH and ^old, but who liiok that true fortune and oavotod poat*bHHion known aa good healih. True munhood, vigoroiw honlhli and ntrong noryofl, are Jiauvon'a boat Riftu for all olttBaofl and oonuitiouB of mon. It in a melancholy fact that men and women in the oonhtry, breathing the pur- ont air, drinkin from God'o bubbliufi fount niimand oprin^o unaoutaiuimi'-od hy (jerinw of dUrnihe, arti jiutblu to tlio unrao 'dread diiifiiHOH that eomu tbiolc and fam, to city people, . Ni'turo'ti grand luwa are eontinnallv violated everywhere, und an acouofquenee, tho penalticH mano fiwtft and auro, Thuuo peimltien oomiiit of :lineiiiios varying in form und oharuetflr.. Wu find 'debility, noi'vounueao, rhmiinutitnn, nnur'al^Hi,- kjd ney aud liver trubloH, heart dineaJio, dy^- pnpHia, indielation nnd a variety of tor. rdilo blood dinoaHiiH, , When rhn . arro\vB of ulhiotipn picrao with vonomed utiuf!, the farmer nnd hiu family mu^t nook tho name beating agent thut cay people u^o wjth nunh nucoesH, l^idiio's Celery OompQund IB* to-day, the farmer'H great bealtb-rofttorer aud _ true life-e;iver, Ita record In tho rural district out Dominion ia ru bright and lustrous credit and worth buou advanco^L^tblfc] mtijurity of country aud oifcy faifiilhi riifrularly keep ouo or more bottled for^ emorp;onoy that may uriao,, . X'aiuo'H Oolery Compound bu-douemoi lifo-eayiug work than all other medloinel combined. It bun aaved, life after the' doo-1 tortailidjifc bus iven heulth. iiud vior1 iitteryouro 6f failuroB with common medi-'-i aiuou. , Mr, Samuel, Hunua, an ijHtboDaed^^) and well-known fanner, of MauvtiiH, .Orit^'V.] tiivoH Iiih wonderful expunencn wil.li I'aine'i Oclery Onmpuuud u. folhnva : " l "After Hevuro uiakueHH and mifft-ring for-;-'J a length nf timu, lanihappy to'iitatu1 th'atvlj I wiih made wtdl by Painu'u Oebtry j^om'-'^j pound. To he ritined up from n low^aqdil weak iitato, imiidu of two ,weekn, ia a mar-'^l velnniH work, wlueh noUitng ulst* . but ":< Pan.u'a Celery Compound could ha(v, ac^ .^ oouipliuhed' "After uning half the Ur'st \hpttlti of, t,he Compouiid, I waa able to dig thei holes,'tcl u forty rod fekiao, and help \a build-'JP Before uuing X>idue*B Celery Ooi^pounj oould dobulotip, and had no appetlt'fe; I enjoy gac-d aUep abd a: hoalth.fiif a^S tite, Paiue'e Cblory. Cbtqpjuund n wpiffe its weiubt in (jotd to any BuSEferer; it U'^hj beat modioin* lu tho world." ^^1 m .. ... : f-::K^W' ..* -. It..1; ^feM^^fiiV.V^V:^ 57

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