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Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), November 29, 1895, p. 6

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"<fV^--WI * iM ,i>tf$>.. .WHaMST !^(pnNOIiUI(ION.] fn him t my rnan nrroatcd rn, bub howai uur round" and I uavor aauglu liii rwero present at t.l)n trial," aaitl '..-.> tfanfcg to order for $2.90, regular prioo $11.00, in Uvolvjb , P-ints to ordur for 8:i.UfS, regular priuq 4.i>0, in fcwoiy'uV[ Suits to ordor for $1)1.00. regular prioo SjJJKTOO, Twoed. Suits toordor for $H.00,Toyular -prioo $17.00, Twood. Suits to_ordor for $1/1.50, regular prion $18.00, 'J%ood. And ho otijrighfc through the enmre efaj We nro hound to < sell the goods, t\^^kkj0ff<yrbh <* of the regular price, but down, to <^^^B^F cc>"*e for ii. & Lays. w< .e. >'. IMA o doa'o be the last to place while the stock is fresh. Our your orde-y but place it tuti'or uiitamri tlm ontlt't, , ] r niilil jint; (;o ijloafc nvdr im> slviil'u 1 I ni'rioly urn j',m- tin. rowult." "I renimiilmr nmn ; \ Bnw you wailing llicnt,' Haul Ik'fjUimm ilioitgliLfully. '*Ainl I, <if imnrat*, iiiiw tho priHonuM kidn by idd.i, but from ilia gallery, ri^hl. bfdiind unit far above! Tnovur naught a glim[i'ii ht 'idlhor ftiuo until Umy lurnod to Wvo tlm d<>ok, und tliuu it wan (liia man's only tlin other pllHlHirC Went flint." "And I omild not. huo In tjiju wroiohod madman's altArnd features tlip aeimndrol I had linmi in court I" oriod the admiral. 4,Wh omild lmvo druftinod It woh tho *amrtT" crid Guest, "Poor wraluh I bin fuan wan liko tin oh) well-worn ^billing till th.u fit oame on, Iloru 1 Mai, old Mlow. quickl" ,':- .....- "It \h nothing- nothing," Bald' Itrottiou faintly u Htnittoii saved bin) from u honvy full. "My ononiinu.r luht iii^'m n- litthi v) thin iiiit'Lliiiilitr in"rnitift,.wlidii J1 w lirifiht nii*l mumy, tlmm wiin y<<< oin>c7ui no.ir, fur it uci'ViiiiIj cjiiiiiu ihil frpur'mju oin.- IHL,'i> !.(> Hay tlilit- ni'lllhlilM'W^XV'dlltoc .Si ration upland tiji,.*rti?( Myru roso ami clung t<> hi" arm. !iui- ny" di biting with tint drtmd vi noiito'imw trouble. Hut Itn at hive ^ *^TIi>ro oim bu no trmibln now that we liiiiild imT moot," lie M'liinfuM'f'd . tiiink liani> in Iji-r uiiiii io w;ucli ll|'lll|,JI. ICl.'ll WJLIIlll llll! tilKJl, '['liii ollifv;r n'lio |i,id'tirri'fitt'd Uondi IV.sh HtunilliiL: In tlu liM lit looiii iiictl, and with iiitu n ibm,' f.wnf in>ii in bbi'.'l;, who H.v;nn| t.i) C'iul linifot in iih u'oll un nir. lloH'n u'i.to oxi-lmngud, ami (lien llwi lutUr "1 liavn imni't, iiloii!i .. ,. . . , "'"'t lt.||<i(Jtll|li Mir iniui llurron-Didc,' In. m.l,,1 m Kiiidwh. "Ah you km.u'. im,..Hn.r w. lavoboen m <>.mi...m.i.......... Wll|, U, j.^. Kiddy still. Vour arm, my Imy ; I'm . lor now. Willi { for Imvu I nut' imvnd y... both brought you full happluuns u'nd joyV' 101- 011 now', i*cm in <)<)iiiniiiiuuti(j|| ,. bill uiithoritiuH, and, n w |,uv r'|Ktrind (J(| (( 'ritluDUifuv ou.thair pi*rt '.o inv^iii'ato llir, luiittur. *_'V. I hiivu htuird u|] tliiu," auhl .Stiat- ton, iiyin^-to bu culm. "Tlmy wi-nt diHjtnufd to trout him ttn hii impojdrr, mid nl. Iuml huhl un word'dolinito- ly iliat IturoaUuly mj flundorutu) t -inly tliud in iliuir. uttumfjt Mid hhd inn till lii Hi cm :n(i witur tu cm- cheapo Are a in. an Block. -p a TREASURER'S SALE OF LANDS FOR TAXES. TOWN OF ESSEX I Wiiehmah by virtue of it warrant inntiod b\r tho Mayor of tlinTown TO WIT. f of Euhox: in tho County of Ehuox and anthoutioatod-by thooor- porato Heal of tho said Town boariU[j dato tho nixth day of A.u^utib, 18!)>, and to mo dirooted commandinu tuoto levy upon tho following Iota or parooln of landH in itrroarH for taxoR due thoruon with ooHta. I horoby i^lvd uotioo that iinloas tho naid ta.^os and ooaw u'ro opoUDr paid t Bhall.on WodnoHfJay, tho fourth day of December, 18D5, 'tt tho hour of ton o'oloolc in tho foro- noon at Peok'ri Hall in tbo Town of JGaaox, proeeod to noil bv publio anotion tho mud '"liUi'dH or ho much thoraoC us maybo nuffiQiuut to pay Hiioh arroarn of taxoa aud all law.- fill iioatfj inourrod : . Plan, LotH, Taxou. Oo'HtB. Total. 322 7 8 10 and part 9................................$13 0!) $2 0.1 $10 12 200 Ii.................',.............................. 55 21' 8 0C C8 21 181 1 ill 32 ailaud fifl.............................,. Qnr)4Q. 7 n g]7o 307 . 15 20 21 133 31 35 3(1 !17 10 12 13 it '15 10 & 18 fc'UJ *u ' J,i JU ,M 307 41..".............................................. S 10 1 95 7 35 179 Middlu purtolli. 17and 18.........................i 73 11 3 50 75 01 Jsaa- 11................................................ 13 51 2 01 If. 58 1 170 - '2 and 3............:...............................103 32 4 25 J00 57 181 North half Of 21.................................... 28 28 3 10 30 08 303 4........................ :..:..................... 31 40 2 47 33 93 2G7 ................................................' 44 83 2 82 47 05 170 04 *15 -17 48 SO 5a 55 113 111 1,15 133 137 13A ani 4 Ui2 40 5 7G 107 10 303 North half of 0..........'..'.........................2073 2 44 33 17 '300 3 1 5 0 7 and 10.............................. 24 40 3 31 2071 '985 ...............;.....'. .......................... 27 00 2 50 30 38 1T0 31................................................ 33 55. 2 51 30 00 Block" D.......................................... 4 83 105 ' 0 77 Bloolc 51.......................................... 11 03 2 00 13 03 Block 40....................."..................... HI 13 2 47 33 (10 BlookH 18 and 4'J.'..,........\..................... 07 40 3 58 71 04 W.D.BBSA.MAN, TroaHuror. Harness Emporium. TRUNKS, VALISES. A largo stoolt, all now goods and Short JouiriiuyH on a Lioiiu Itoud latGBli NovoItioB. aoafc on pricos.. I taUd no bach SCHOOL BAGS, " I'havo a largo fltoolt, nought at '. bottom pricoB, and can beat thorn all for ptie/o and quulity. Call and soo thorn. PRICES AWAY DOWN .- ON .>" ',' Farm Harness, Truck Harness Heavy Harness t>F EVERY DESCRIPTION. A largo stock and it must go, : Call.ttmi seo mo - boforq buying , " ; elsewhere . iftg si %e l^rlie Finishing Line. la tho oharautoridtio titlo of u. profuaoiy ll- liiBtratGd book bontamiuR ovoi* ono hundred payuH of ohurmiiifjly written doBoriptionn of summer rosortn in tho couutry north and wont of Chicago. Tho reading mattor in now, tho illmttratioiiH uro now, and tho in formation thoroin will he iigw to almont ovoryono.. A oopy of "Short .lournoyrou a Lone Road" will bo nonfc froo to anyone who will '. oncloflo ton oontH (to pay pontage) to Gko H. Hkavpoiii), Gonoral Pansongor Agqnt Ohloaqo.'MiIwuukao A St. Paul Hallway, Ghidnco, 111; Wortliv Vour ioulUIeiico. Tho HUCooBH of Efood'o Saraparilla in aon- quwin^ Korofula in whatovor way it.may manifeHt itnolf )h vonobefl for'^ty lilimiHaudfi who were Hovevoly nflfotod by ihiti provaU etit diBoaBO, but who now r^joico ovr a normunnnbonro by Hood'H Harflapa^Ula: Sovofnla raay apponf a.# n bum or, or It may attnok tbo glandn of tbo nook, at break out In dreadful rumiinfi ooroa on tho body or limbs. Attunkinct tbo inuoonHmpm- bran.o/ it may deynlop into natarrb or Mg- iriR iri'tho InngB lead to oon'sumpiion. Come aH it may a fnitlifn] Rcoyro of trtatmont wijb Hocd'p RorFBpnrlJlR will overcomo ift for working tipon thf foahdftfcibn of slldiB- oaflflB, impnra blood, the pyetem isolarifiod and vitalized, and ^'or, etreDgth and heaHhreatorecltp the body. Patftrrh/."cuiV"ho?ViwA4foUy. i\f bT:parI^^^f^;> ' trie CHAPTER LV. THI! hAHV CLQUn. "Jules', you aru a bad a muchly !" oriod Muru'it Hiidiily. "Von an<l ymirwifo ncv.-r lull mo of what takuH plucu uhilo I u\n:\>. you uL'nd nm out with my patinut, ntu) novor toll niu ba iu dan^rotiH; and than rob mo of ,my bmiid by jjoitinir away. It is ruin, and I ihj town mid murve." ^^- ,... . , ..,, Kunl little voia bo. "Nnver,M orr ' -*^"^ bind liftr i m^T s* .i -c ^^ir-mid Cuoht, tho lornmr iimihng i Ijor tftnru. **IIave no fear -abuu.i_ tUiif.,." mv poni* Martrot. Como ii|j to tho Ikiuo tuid Imlp, ad my poor oounih [n vory wide mid ill." "My faith, .dear uiiB,_I .will," oilml tho Mmrily Breton Vomiu|. In taot, Marffnt/H lianda- wor*t protty full during tho next meutb, for hIih bad two .'liiti icniH to lon<! at tbo littlo obatuau ami in tho eottiifjo jmit below. "Ah I bub, tliadamo,*' uhi ftnid, looking up from 'Itor knitting. "Wbut do 1 d* ? Nothing. Tim bolovad niiou grown hotter und mum hoautiful day by flay, and ia it 1 T Tb itTthc goocTpliyToTIlitir ooiiTk fro*n St, Malot, Name of a little eider applo 1 no, ^jimk at the dear old monaiour thurt!," Sim pointnd with a Unittinpf"nudl to wlioro BrottiHou uat, propped up in a obair in tho wbadow of tbo rock with a tablo ha- fre him, and Minn Jorrold, who looked vry old and gniy and nUtftlyj -turned bur. bond, noddo.d, iiurl wunr en with Cho- embroidery fihtint, which bur bu,y Iflngerf. played. "Ho Hiiyn lo me,' 'Vou mimt gu up on tho elill'H iliin inuriiiu^, Murgnt,, and bring ina yvrrv flfiwei'you eau find.' I go, inudamo, Mid-------" ' you ulwaj'fl for- gfit. I um m.idomni^olle, not uiaiUmn," "The grti.aer tho . pity, inad'uiuitjo'lld. Von so yeung looking atill ynii hould bu <.Uo huauiifiil uinibcr of miny obildron, <>[ a widnw like mi;. . What uf tho moinuour ! I take him every moruing nil tbo flouoru, ~rm!"thora, nee, Im iu aa happy with thorn uu . a little Guild. Of my other aiok ono look ut h'nr------" She pointed with tho other noedio just not froo n> where Myru and Htratton wuro uUo iii'atod in tit -urttlo gazing dreamily out to whutoili - o.l sailing hoitiu ioho and full upon i ', .. n bluo water. Aunt ,li i <>o[cod through her half- eluuad eyi'-ii, Minlud and no.lduil iiflain. "Faith bfujjood woman 1" naid vMargot, "dooij (die waul it uurao, deun iilio want, a " phymoian ! No. Tho good doctor ia by her dido, and over uinco tho day when tbo bad mun wat taken I have fuou tho beauti ful brown of the ea uir and tlui rcHu of tho mm oomo into bur eheekfl. It in a folly my buing hore now, but if'nxad'moidelle and-'tlio grout huh captain will koopmy faithful nor- and ohf iiiuilcmoiMollo," cried Margoi, turning hureye.sii|j toward tho ky, and displaying her wbito tenth, "tho way that I adore Mm dear, dear little children !" 'Margot," cried Miiw Jorrold anntoruly, an 1 ahe to/u and wnllcecl awuy. "Fnith of a good woman ! what hav u I said?" inuttured Margnt, loidting now at wlieiu (Jiiewt and Kdiu had gouo down to a rook pool in whioh tbuy were (hiking with thuir lianda for prawiiu, but catuhing oaoh dthcr'u lieger^ instead deep dovvii und or i he wuudu. *'Tboy will ull niLiny, aiid vot-y hood. Ah 1 .those old jnaiilti |" The ono to whom alio spoeiidly referrod bad gone to tut down now by her brotbur, wiio wan ucai.uiing.il. vetiaol 'in the oiling with bin ghiHH. "Kieauii uian-of'war, 'Hoheumi,1' ho said. "Fine vurisol, but only n Cinifoimfled tiiiita- tiun of one of onrH," ' "Yen, doar, 1 mippoBo ao,*' naid hi BiHtur, and hIio went ou witb her eml)ipidory. "Are yo.u getting tirotl o( tho^plaoo, Mark V* ubn fiaid suddenly. ' Kh'i Tired! What for?' It.'s boauti- ful mid culm, mid thuto'u wator mid a bit <-f ship|)ing, -and uvoryonn uoenm to ho happy ami comfortable, Tirad If - N"o 1 Aie you?" "Oh, no, dear, only I thought wo could imt go oii mnoh longor like thiH," "Lot fato ultitr ii, iben,"fliiid tho admiral gridlly... "Dou'f, oatuh ' & ' Hub .Myitt Hiiggeatod stub a thing?" "She?: No," aaid MIhh Jomdd qttiolc y. "O Mark 1" nho oriod, "I urn ao glu,d to huo her Intppy onow again." ",Ooil bleijsi hor, yoa. 1 think Bhonnitit , have had all tho trouble meant for her lifo in ouo big Htoriu, so ihab alio may havo a, oalni paHHUgti right lo'the end." ' "I pray that,it may ba so," naid Aunt Jerfofd fervently. *'Hpw: happy sho l:'-'\VYuV.aniil'Slr Mark, oloaing tho glow Lhrongh whleh bo hud watched, her while Ina mmi;r opoko. ','.' ' ' ' ,: Tn ..' were riglit, forthe calm had come. Keut.^i i, hand ',iu h'mid,;' Straittou , had lo.d Myra in, th<jr 'ibftV dim. 'light' of uvening, wnlle th<i waters triurtnurftd afr her foot* ftli thb itailfflq of Mi troubles,' aud #he;vhad.;HM>ra)Iy ;: fproed. him: >ttf .t(dl Her alVagaiaand ,gi!niior theiittrfn,':, UlWHto' ^fftln^^i fiom your ^reat prison. Tho oorrtnmonden'fl/. Iimh. jjoii* on, morisiaiir, till nnw, und I uilhivu tbat,-the ]f^lU|i jHutliorirfM ,wen. iiiv^ligiitujiifi- ho:ii THE > ahmit tC Bond an a matter; but,.hm you' hanl l.o.m jnfofi the man hah bm-n growtnt/ wutuf* ""-^wV' to tiavil V>>> v*e ,^ '* ^ ^ ^ ov or "two, looking fe.\ :'.":, few* dooM^^;W^W^ ^:*!W^ whihi ill in t,lio inliriniu y Itraviiln. Yoaterdu1"* a lit." ^J^,__.. (lleiilty in hoIvlmI now, monuieur," the officer gravly, '* Ifo did not r oovcr from tbo lit. Our doctorw huvo found tho cause of ihouo attacks a pfutol hullei wiig imbedded close to tbrt bruiu." "Tbo ImlUt from Iijh own plntol," thought Strattou. "Tho uhot ha tmuinr. for me." Bt-rattoii luff the o flic or, and wont straiglit to whore Myra <A i% -ftv *\V&& .A, was waiting, trembling with oxcitomont. "Tho'ro is aqino Fresh peril, Malcolm," she oricd as sho caught bio hand. "No, dearest," ho said slowly; "ths lant oloud bait passed away." FIRST THINGS WORTH KNOWINU. The FIrnt Uoolc, Piiiior, <1-U, Ui- y II 0(1 (l J' Scho.|, .NYtfo .-lii;, 11 *-. ndf According to Dr. Wild or Toro.uo, Adam wiih not tho first man,, I U- :.;yu that Cain, tho llnst son of Adam, v. cut' Into a far uountry aiul tool; unto Mi'm- pelf a wM'v, ami he waiitu tu ki o',v what Jieople livi.'d there und how bng tliey existed bofoi'c Adam was horn. Tho first.' Hlblp, printed In Amoiloa was Kllol'y Indian vitmlon, In liif>y. .Tho first' prlntiiiK prtiSH In Amor.lcn was at tho hoiiBe of the prealclent of Harvard Oolh'.^o in HV.IO. The first poems yublli-liod In Atuorlou wore by Anna WmUstrout, l;i WlK The flrnt boolc printed In the KimllKh' liuigiuigc wan :t "Klstory of Troy," printed In Kurupo In M74. Tho first daily .paper, the Dal'.y Courunt; appeared In 170'.), In Kn^lam:. Tlijti' hi'st Uiilly paper in America wns printed at Willlain.sburK, Vu., In ITS . Tho first Sunday-schools worb e:- labllHlied by ^,t. Ohinies llon-on.iru, who bus the largest statute oyer miuip erected to hia memory. The first man who ever sung a n'ey'ro Bnng on tlie stage was an aetor nann > Herbert. He sat In a ohitlr before the curtuln. He painted his face with black paint, burnt cork belng-thon un known. . . Tho first band of mlnntrels over formed consisted of four porsonn, 'Dan Knimott, WllHahi 1V11, Fi-Rnlc IJrowor and WHMam Whitloclc- Tlioy perform, cd In New York in 18-12. African* were first broutrht to Am erica hi HI!) Dy a Dutch veHtiuI itnd landecriit JamoMLown, Vu; Omjilbutics wore first Introduced Into New york.in iti'M. . Tho first playhouiio-In. America wafi erected at WUlhuvifiburgr, Vu,, previous to i7H;i. Tho ilrut steahmhlp' to cross the At lantic waV tho Slrlus, about 700 tomv which in-rlvcd In New Yorlt from Eng land April 23, 1858, . Levi North ,-wa.H the first, nntn' who ovor-throw a nomorpault on horsobaok. Tho flrtst. Union Hug waa unfurled on .January' 1, 177(t, over tho oarrip at Cambrltlyo. It/had thirteen scrlppa of .\vrhlto. and blue,.'with thqBntfl'lsh crou.s In the, cornets s.%, .. / .The; first American vbyagi around the globe waa. bompleted, in( 4760fv by Captain Robert Grey, In the, UmbiaV,. ; -, Free From now until 1897 for only to new subscribers. SUBSCRIBE NO If you wish, to keep- posted, n< is your chance. Send in your dpllatl to the Free Press, which^ gives: 9$] the local news, and news forei^ The Free Press is clean and neat ly printed, and is one of the leading papers of the county of Essex. As this chance holds good only for; a short time, you should not fail to take advantage of it at once.. % ... .,m -'i.-v'.dr .-- -'i^y-m " '."ocfM: ,, . '..':'M )'* Address all orders to E. J. '. tu} '.!.WS^ V^I^; <V^5# ^".y" " :,.'..:V'V^:W y4yMmm

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