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Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), November 29, 1895, p. 5

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^v$f^; Afeh*. ife<l.W' ."- MMWpk VV. OF.XHE.TO: lie A- FSIbAT. NOVEMBBR 29, IttS.' Obtiutmaa ib Iobi than (oar weoks' dis tant. ' ; Firemen's second annual ball and ip' per to-niRht. The Fiikb Purbh from i>ow to Lhe end of 1896 for $1.00. - Regular meeting of pvblio school board thia ay em tig (Friday,) A b&a with a big holiday atook might jnat aa well not hare it unless he advertises. The South Essex farmers' institute will hold its animal mooting at Harrow, Janu ary 10th and 11th. . - Esse* County Treasurer's iule of lands e place at Sandwich, on Wadnos- nan outtiug up boimu rtho past (aw days. Wu with almost all sorts / boots -aud tdioem m lioh oolleo fee per cent discount lady a ooosidorablo amomtt^o taxefnav* been paid. rinenE DBwBaisms, GZa. box, Smith's. Owing, noaobbt, to tho bountiful uup ply of provender and the low prioos prevalout therefor, auction anion aro not po numerous this fall, an in format years. M. J. Wifilo & Co. are nolling lota of over coats and units thoao dava. Fine goods, at low .prices, are what toll. Mira Lydia Trimble, forolgn muaionary will talk to the members of the Juvouilo Mission Baud m the MeMiodint eutirah to night. Bubjuot, "Child Life hi China/ E vo^yhod y_ w_o I oo no o,_______'_________ A strong movemont has boon startod by tho-ToroutQ MiuatoriaLAflBooiatiou to secure such legislation an will prohibit uuoh long racing Meetings and thoiraooompuny. m fcettiug, as disgraced tho oity 0( Wind- ^.Kor the past season. ;' /'The annual ChrinUmH entertainment., of ; . the Baptist Sunday School will bo hold in the Baptist ahurch on Friday, Doo. 20tht _1895. This will likoly bo tho tirat Christ mas entertainment of the soanon. Further announcements will bo made later. ' For beeh vsluos in lino undorwear try M. J. Wifile A Co, Cheapest plaoe in Essex for urst-ohu-s fries,. Smith & Co. (no of the natural ga pipo lines broke gain in tbebedof tho rivor Thursday and number of* coowh, with a diver, have icon engaged in making repairs. It wan a Folean patting of tho pipo and ropa'ra may not be completed for some day* yot. Bhp.inay bo good looking, but from the pictures wo have soon of Connuolo Vandor- bilt, we haven't the slightest hesitation in saying that there aro do2onn of girls right hero in Khbox who are hotter looking than the new Duchess of Marlborough. But then her' figure that's what tualtOH hor uo mighty attraotiyo. no appointment of a pqhco mimintruti' tho 'Town of Emiiox. which was'virtually irovidod for by tho town council more than |,a year ago, has boon Anally nuido by tho Ontario government. Tho pomtinn itiijivcu to W. D. Boamau, town-treaauror, who him been acting us a local J. IV for homo voarn msfc. Offenders of tlon- law will doff their [hatH to our newly-appomfcfl 1?. 1H. Brin^ in yonr coupons'for eloeltB and mirrors; M, .1. Wiplii it Co. . -The Amheratlmru Echo liau just cot- plotiid itH twenty. Arsfc your or publication. No change has ber-n made in the ponionnt.-l of the management of The Echo since, its 'first issue, awl the rucccbh which it li'ia attained, and the poHitiou it new hold" a' one'of the loading journals of WeBtfjru Ontario, is oreditahln to mnnatJorH Balfour and, Auld. VTho next ftittings of tlio division conrl^ '. Monday, December 'Jnd- ICin^H- 'UTtit Tii^aday, Dootimborih'd; Leurnin>>ton, eeembor' 1th; Oorabor, ^icmbor 5th; Ritndwioh, Fri day, DecemhorCth;Bol!e Jtivor; Monday. December. Iftihj ' TOuhc-x Town Tunmlay, Deoombnr 17bh; Amhersthnrf*, Wedruiflday,, D"cei>d)or 19th. -...--_ 251b"..hri'hi fhitinr *i, at Smith's. Gutter ridtdR was Indulged in on EbwX streotslast Sanday^/'.-.'-w-.--'1' w*-*r?"-r- Tho Presbytery of Chatham will meet at Bidgatowjron Tnsaday, Doo. 9th. o hoi era i8--nnnpBnt--in;Sandwioh. Eaat ancNftS?y hoRB bave diad ,r0M ikt The preaaher7o*4fcS*wn1 Walkertbn havVbrgTnTzod aaaingt3tlB<l*y t nnerala. - - A. Blue, ideological direotorTDr^Q^i"'0' is viBiting the gas fields of Essex' oodn including TeloQ Island. Tho rooont lemon famine is Q.\ an and, and the market, is now well supplied with the fruit. Peanuts aro reported ftoaroe, A factory to manufaotnr* photographio plates that will produce the natural color of tho subject, Is to be etarted in Detroit, The price of pork ia so low as to oanso wail on tho parfcof the hog raiser. For- tnhatoly the plentiful supply of corn holpa matters a little; All house plants beoomo dusty, and, aa tho dust Hmothors Ihom by closing the pores of tbo leaves, the plants nhouU be troquontly washed orsyrinRed. WOOD WANTED at the FnKH Fnass offico. A number of our subBoribors may avail themBolveH of tho opportunity of pay- 'mil their subscriptions in stove or oordwood. What have yon to exchange for a imw ^fiifanmnfi mill; M. J. Wigle A Co. )o>pal eleotiou matters thus far are Wvwt Turiaduy, Doo Wpdntstfly, Doei 'J?liurHdKy*DHnc.irib .' Thu onllspse nf tlm wmnkfiifiuik at the ^udn^fiiil WorhH idurinu 'Tnofldtiymorn 1 injjVh^Vy jj: a Ie. nocooditntod a conplo of tiolidayw for the many employed at that mtimni'iih unnaern, and aho proven(od the use of t)u oloo'trio.liQht'plantfQraoouploof 'oveuInKfi, Although .the moon wsh Hhinin^, . oitizons of'EMhex obtaiood nomd idoaof tho . appearance the town would presont, with outlights, and th'e'y.hiivu" about oonoVidud that wo mnht h"-v tliom. The two ho'rHe .thieves who. gave thoir riamos as John Watson and John Baker .were sentenoed ro four years each ia the KinKSton pobitentlaVy by" Jtidj**. Home last f wetk. Both men Wore coo viscid of havint! id'toieii"-;>,'horae from Qeortfo Thornton, ipsex, shdhavlh^ burglarized tho resideiioo I^GJ-ilbert, Di'Ijaurier, ;pF. ...Jjnarnlnfitoa.' lide/Home lectured the prisoners aud |5^',|I/urped:tbem.;to;iead,,'a,1 fetter life wl^ad'.re' '^^;i^ieiMd:|fcoi1'priaon^tojwtiioh Watson to "'""!:^::plied;:f-^\Vh)b0'.r ttrn"Pt sttaii )":;/;;#Vy',ohanceiefcr;yoq:bet,M. n,irP7'flPlB^B^B^ifcL?ftr' hoth in town and that inujI^PBhjj^^V1* xpeoUd triets will be r7elcc^'- iLth0I,o Ain' Thn oommisHiotiefH on toll ros at tho WindHor oity hall Do iemborS. They will hoar ovKldncn in reforonoe to the aboli tion of toll on tho Talbot and Windsor roads which the oity propdsos buyiup; from tho company controlling them. J. J, Manon of Hamilton, is ohairman of tho commission. Raininn and ourrauts, A lbs. Q/io, CI. E. Smith & Co. M. If. Witlloit'Co aro hoadquurtors for .pyeif-poritn, Httits, under-clothing, etc. for mon and boys. . . Early on Tuondsy morning while dmey- man Porkins wan aormuQ into town with his Supply of milk, Iiih horse and wagon collided with a fallen treo that had boon thrown aorow) tho road by tho hoavy wind storm of tho previous ui^hb. Tlio wagon was brokon and thooavno of milk totally loHt, Mr, Parkins took Josh Billingo' ud- vico and didn't '*ory;ovor spilt milk," but Homu of his cmitomero who failed to get milk for their porridge, didn't relish tho result of the acoidonb, A Snap. 50 OvercostBfor Boys, roeular price $fi. to 98. Choice for 8109. Q. E. Smith & Co. * Monday night's wind Htorm played hnvoo with smoke otaoks and tallohimneys abont town. Tho smoke staok at tho Industrial Works and at 0. E, Naylor's mill wore blown down, a chimneys wore blown from tho Catholio ohuroh, and fenooH lovollod in many plaoos, Some fioraaphoron on the M.O. R. woro also laid low. Tho crew of a woafc hound freight train was ooropoUod,. O'l tho rnu from Woodsloo to Eseox, to raalto two trips with tho engine, in ordor to get tho wholo train to Essox. The storm was tho most uqvoro one known for Havonil yearn. Largo roduotionn in winter boots at SiniMi'a, o Clearing Sale of men's and buys' Suits at pnuos to nuit tho purse, Li. E. Smith & Co. Quito a numbor attended tlio "Birthday Party" givon in tho Methodist church un der tho auHpiccu of tho IjOa^uo, on Friday evening ItiHt. Olil an well aa young filled up thoir Hacks with coin, which, had been, provided thorn for tliu occasion and wended their way to the church where a good Uinsioa) program wus-prepartid. After tho tirut part of Lhe urogram rofroiihmonts Wjnt St-rved and o very body (icomt'd to thoroughly on joy thctniiulvcn. Tho ladies aiu de'iorviug ol credit for the good talent which they suenrod f;ir tlio evening. Pro- ccf-dH amounted to about tHO. ^he trade-in all kinds of : < Building Material, Woodwork^fiarJiou^^s,.;I (plain and ornamental), Barn Lumber, ^-.- Shingles of allgrades-i Doors, Saah, Chestnut Goal. u. It's a case of stand and deliver;' noth.- A . . ing less HIGH is most dangerous to be bold up and robbed.of ^__ .what valunbles you may have on your person at thlTtime or tako .chancer*, to contract; a fatal disease ? You will.take every precaution against footpads, and we give you a precaution against doctor's bills. In our east window you can see a few of our protectors. They are tho cheapest, warmest, neatest, best made and best wearing Overcoats to bo found in Canada. We are otirown manufacturers and our low prices are Uknown to require repeating. . ' DM ILLS , kl^enre'Sole Agente in tho Oounty,for ^!L3E33FL MOTOR, loago, which took Hi^hoHt Awardnlafc ^ tho World's l^air. . >r Pumping or Power Outfits jwest prices. je with nvory Outfit. Essex. hoice of SI 00 ^3 -v<- e N. \. S, ESSEX, ONT OAK - This includes Coata^ortira < f Choice of 200 Pelt Hats, regular 2.50 and S.00 goods, for 25 cents each. IS THE PLACE. ONE PRICE CLOTHIERS W. A." SWEET, Mgr. .. 13 Sa^wioh si % Windsor { Sale Lasts One Week Only. A in a id on lady of Itegina koopa a parrot whioh Hwearn, aud a monkay which ohown tobacoo. She tuiya that hntwean the two riho doeHii't raiHH a huHband very ratioh. Tho flro brigade woroauaimonoti to labor on Wcdnbriduy moriiiht.', A burniufj chim ney at auotionoer Gormley'e houao eauned tho-alarm, but tho flrounou'a fiovvio'_'u worn not needed. Tho Ladies' Aid of tho..PMabyJe>vhtn. ohuroh will hold their annual Halo of fanoy artioloH at tho homo ot Dr. and Mrs. Dowar, on tho evening of Xuoduvt Doo. 10. Fur ther unnnnnoomenti) lator. PofitmantorH have jtint been notified that a direct parcel pout uurvioa botwoon Can ada and tho Britiiih colony of Honn Kont! hauKono into HTeat via Vanoo'uver. Tho rateoare very roamjiiablo, only 10 ceutn por pound. TJuwintitia plaeeH aro pr utty well ooonplod in tfafiox at tho prenpiit time. Ouo man who wanted to open up bumnopu thm week, ban boon uuuhio to do ho, aH yet, becauue ho oould nob Kot 'l>ut quni'tarn^iind ho wuuu't partiaular, either An Amoriuun eN'ohan^o very poin'tdly rcmarkn : "Tim Binidav ncwupaper iiionn of the Hiiprerue owiU of thm agt). It ia on- lo^rtal in the Kweep' of if.a inilneuuo for wrouy, It HtulH our Holy Buhbath uim of the bulwarku of our civilization. The QOiitnntH of tho uvoraue Suulay p'ipor nr tmuli an rendi-r i- wholly unlit to enter the liomuH of reiliiiid, deount poo pio. That it uh'juld bo patmnizad in any way whattto ever by Olirih*;iiin ps-oplo in ii riiirpriito and a Hliarno."" No dciubr. uoiao no oallod "liberal and broad-minded" journahi will take ex- ueption to thiw viflvu of tho ciian, hut it in In the mam eon-out. Indieutionfl point to n determination ou tho prt of tlio ownere of tho Like Erie &. Dotrnih It. I|., to mukoit a through liuo.at an oirly date, from Detroit to tho Niagara Iliver. Tho eominjj mitnmor will, in all probability, nuo tlio lino extended from ftiriiiotown to St, Thorn aa. It Jiua'already a charter to build to Blinooo, and to-day comoB'tho nitoreHtiny iturn of .nuwa frcm Ottawa that it m applying for power to ox tend itn'lino frnui the town of "Biruooe to Is,orfc Islrio, Oonpiiriii.thoao facta with the Intention of the company'to unite itn linen at St.ThomiH withtliOHO of .the 0.1Ml.\ttja not nnreaHOUable to aurmjnpr that the C. P, It. may be taking un.aotive.interest in the nffairH.of the ..lialce Erie; and by injuring the extension of that road, to Fort Krie, 'obtainlor itaelf, pjaaibly vip, -Woodstock, itfvdeatrod entrant to Untfalo, What if Tim Ct)pp, Olarkn Oo.. Toronto, huvo iiiHiidd tho fortymnth i.erion of thu Unuu. .liau Alniauitc. Uuitidun the uaual fund of iufermaliion it enntninH un arli. lo by Dr. Bourinot, on. .Forint of Govern'tnont thruu^hoiit thu world, and one on tho Can- atJi-m b'lau by J5. M Charlwiuk. Tho Can- aiiao Almanaa in a valuable pifbheation* (V brother uditor out woHt (jotii onu tho following. "Tt.'u conla per" lino will ho ohur^ud lor obituary notieoH to all rmm who do not advertiHo whilo living. Dolin- t|iiant MubHonbora will bo ohar^ed flftoou oontu por line for an obhuury nolico. A(l- verUHorii ahc'l omdi rtub.4LjriborN.will rcoeivu an good a tiend uff un ati wo (up oupablo of writing, without any oharijo whatever. 'Bettor nond. in youraubttoription, hh oholera la abroad in tho laud. Bv an Act of tho Dominion Parliament puKnod Iiujt HQQhion, thoro liavo boon nomo. importimt ohan^on made uh to the arrofitiu^ without a, warrant. Now il pnaao . oftloor uiiiy urrnut' without a warrant, any one whcim he ihtdij ooinmittinft any criminal offonoo, and any pornoni may amut with out a warrant any ono .whom ho iiudncom-. nutiiu *i oriminal oilenoe by n^hfc. Ttiq own'jr of any jiroper,Ly on or with ' ro^poofc to w^iah any pornon in authorizad by Huoh owntr/may arrest without a warrant the pornon ho foundt who 'Bha.ll forthwith be tnktin; bfif pro it ^UHtit* of the Peaoa to be dealt witli aboording to law* Two JaaticBB of. thoPeado havopower,wrien Bitting ; to; uether, to try parsons for theft* obtaining mooer or property by folae pretenoeB; dr. uulaWifully reoeiying stolen property, when Che Vayae of th proparty alleged, tOi.^Vo, beeb, aiolen. obtained or .received,1 doe'feot: Ladiefl' CoatB, latoat styloH, worth 912, for 83.119 at 'Smith's. Tho XiiidifiH' Aid of St. I'uurn ohuroh hold a very nuocoHnful bazaar in I>ou1('b Hall on Tuottday and WodnoBday ovonincn. Alart^e and attractive dinplay of useful and fanoy articles for the homo wore on exhibition, and were nearly all diHponed of, Hot rofroflhmoivtH wero norved during tho ovmiiugs and tho vioitorw made worry by the pood muHio that wnn provided. The pruooi'dri amouutudto ahouu 805. . Qn Tuo'ftday eveuinfi a!bout 8 o'oloolc, a fairly w'olt droHdod man oamo to Mayer 'Dowar'u office, Jitutiut; that ho wao ou hm way from Detroit, whoro ho had.boon uu- d'argomjy troatroeut, to Iuh homo in Wei* land,iuul af^ltod for a night'H lo3giug. Tho Mayor Rout~tha'follow down to hiH hount', whoro he wau^ivuiia good auppor, after whioh ho wan permitted to Ho in tho back room of Drn. Dowar & MoKonyJo'H efiice. lu tho-rnorninghia trnmpahip waH found to huvo decamped. Thia would not havo oauHod any particular rogrot, but, no doubt owing to bin dopuriiiro in thodurknefla, ho managed to exchanged Dr. Dewar'e ^w ovorcout for hid own old one, and ultio took with-him.three pairs of hoavy driying mittn that Dr. Moltanzio hud pnroliUHd.d only tho proviouM day, for the mom born of the firm and for Mr. Sawyor, At latent acoountfi, the man had nob returned to rectify hiu "error." Whitney block, AND We have decided to close our books to the credit system on the-last day of November, '95, After that date we have decided to do a ^ Strictly Gash (or ready pay) Aekuowltifl&miHt!;* To Tiioh. IIijbu Ki-q., TrciiHiuor of EhHox Oonnoil No. 01, of Tho Canadian Order id Clhose:: Fiienda. With Uoarifelt gratitude I luihuowladgo reoiopt of oht-que for two thovifland dolUru being the amount of tho uertifioatu qiirriod by wy late non Oliarlou IS. Burdiok in your noble .ordor, . ' I muMtioonfosH my flurprino'at thepromp. titiido with whioh payment, ha:i boon made hh it ! * only a few duyn einee tho* papers wore oomplotod and will Ray that tho Canadian Ordor of OIiopou 'Friends fully merit the rcmarUab'to hiiolu'hh,attending itw offerta and it nTmy siiioeiu wihIi Unit many othors may plaoe thnmuGlvcH under Ha proteotioh. Vory trtdy yours, .. . , .1. S. Burdiok. Nov. 18th, 1895. , . ., ' , ' This means to the customers Lower Prices and Dollars Saved. Thanking our many . patrons for their liberal patronage in th.G past, and hoping to have a continuance'of the. same, we remain, yours truly, E Scott Block, next Aberdeen, Essex, Gem and Canadian Aermotor Steel Scott Mich.,." on ^Thursday,: ' Nanfti, iB95,;,Id*; W ,helov>d wjfe. of AV ^'.Soo^.'M.^V^^p^'dau^HtiBr^/WrV Are . acknowledged' LEADERS eithev as Power or jumping W'indmille!;." '..> if '":ij I*or prices and terms, address \M

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