w iti was Tab H Jh.1 trade anil tli** ytleles, he --.ported from Ti Huptillt.'M by 'd Mint It wild- the lo promote b-> POs . fdXOreat livltaln 'which In*.believed wan hi- their future protean r at lo, for first 'cents por lino ^^ Juout inHortion. All tmoh HfmontB aro moutturcd by a ucalo of ?elva ImoH to thn inch. 'Local reading and othor notices pub lished anions local uowrt matter charged at the rate of ton con's por running Hue for each maortioh. All notioca of ohurah or naoioty outer- talnraantH of aiiy'doaoriptiou, at whioh an admiuuibu foe in 'charged; uro regarded iir- advurbiRpraontH, and f nil advortisiuf! niton ahargud in all finch ohhoh. Notices of ^uth- .eriuga or moctiugH not for pecuniary heue- fit or aid, will boohoorfully published free -of charge. . Spoqiul contract niton made fordiuplay or standing advtu. All legal orprofofouon. al 'oo-ru1 a under ono in oh, $5 pur annum. fit.' hit: li.Aitv vtos -*\i. Jfar jijhi.v Vi--. i'lvu*i; ttfrromry til till' *fclH'<MI Endon.Nov,1!1.-General lUKht Jbm. ir: Henry T'\ Poneon.-jy.for many years [ueoix-r of tin; Privy purse, and lTl- [yate. Surrctnry to the ^vu'cn, died at isborne Cottage, Cowos, at 7.;tr> o'clock |n niornjnj;. Ho \vuu 70 yearn of ntfu. Iimm been 111 and incapacitated from for several jnonths. 'TUi: *$i.'i i '."H I.SiTI'Mtt j.,,.1 Yliiil'lln liiiUUli VtUV.Utulf Hiiml- I ' nd'ni. The Guardian says it (.' ...VWd that tin- Sultan's lett-r lu Lorifl^*n,,ul'y (,ontnlnod a pro- no-inl til nft<M* the o.oeutiou of the ArmPnln\*,eft,rrafl ' hc -'"""J'1 ^^ London i the other European enpl- tnl'i for thlurpope of ostabllshlnp; entente wiV*10 'tI':'t P'">W(,,,}* ln rani"to th\uM,re admlnlatratlon. u'rralrs In 'yv^-V- ro of jo on coHMKnaiAii i'kintino,_....._ _ _ Tho FiiKH Piushh .lob Priming De partment in ./under tho Huporviuion of ' thoroughly oompotcTtt inuohuuioH, and Hpcoiul attention id paid to tlu^ branch of tho trado, Our fuudiUi-b for tho execution of all kiadu of.Book and Fino Job Printiuti aro unoxoollod. Stoaii^ f^or preBeefl. A call no]icitotl. TIDHiNISHaSllIEaDLATlOHH. dl Job Printiu/f and Xr'caH]t> ' AdV<jrti(uu{i accpuutH, ,Jtrit'S'(jirnbii' Advortfimni,' accountH witlr.jv guh- ,iwiwoi]H aro liottlod (juo',' > oriptlonu dno in advanoo. nvv pJnfH(, 0r No Bubaoriptiou to \Mea -^ G0\nr^nH adyortiaomontpubbhh^j a{{ iu.r0lim aro .will bo, uiHoontmuoa * uffuli. n. Str PhlM. ^(lil il^Hiuior, to M Ctirrl 'ui anKfl for ^UTn:lxl 1!IliUu% mil(lt ,H, ertton in t\yvt Umn n()0|) (jf !|l0 TlK,H. adod ltt VVlUd uotico ofsnohiutond- day praoodip d on tho ^<iUa,iy pro- -edabaug^y J .eiin,y -diBoonlmuanco of aavoiilHO- ^^Miiiat bo oivon tit lout o"uo won It in Jrunt bo tji '^JMdo of tho liiHUQ' in whioh, tboy at*'id to laHt appear. Vlonnii, No; tho Uritbih w" di foi tr nl'tornnon,, He bur for Copstti^ Shnklr Pafdm. tlio Tjondbii^^RiominlHiUonor, appointed '^Wki^hyWc reforniu In Armenia, ro- to onfojvtho I lamadloh cavalry ar^ portsyaRinoccnt of participation in o>i(h>2nit innHf-aii-roti In Aula Mlnor^ thr^fo.oxrei tlon of one troop, which, vf$(\6v with Uuiiscln Pnnha, tho com- ZfiiXvir. of tbo TTamndiob cavalry, will * court-rnartliillc-c! vlthout d(-Iay. Th>> additional warnhipH afudirnod by the Italian and Austrian Oovornmentn to do duty at CotiBtantlnnplf aro ox- IH.'Otf.'d to arrive boro to-morrow, and iho wnrnblpn of ibo othor poworti will )ne vcsnel.tneron.fdnK' Ho naval ntronrfth 1)] the UoMplioriiK to two vesHehi, ln- stoad of ono. A tflorrram fmrn T^rniTovnu on- nonnp^H that all the Americana Hi or" are nafe. KpCi'llll lBc.'Wfli'ro tO TllTlCV. A flpeclal Fortlt^n Office nif-'Henpfor Btartod for ConMlantlnopP- thin morn- Iriu by tho way of f\*-lond jind VbMirn It In hollcvod thut he In'i'v. boj'ror or Tjord Salisbury's porsnnal reply to the letter of the Sultan of Turkey. are ADVCnTlHISUB, BubHoirlbcrtt and patronti muiontlly are reqUfiHlod to road Jilio ubovo reutihiliom- mrftfnMv. i ordtA that confuuion ranj ro^'Spjdod, .uu. tliLy will iu all cuney be "adnorod'to: v -. , AddrOHH all communications to XC. J. 1iOVXS)TjA,CK. PubllHlmr tho Eiihkx Fain: PiusHti, Ehuox. Out PALACE STEftMQnil, LOW RATCU 'Vf*. CLEVELAND, pmrsBURa,". BUFFALO and ALL POINTS EAST Etliiff lliiinlt^rt oh Tnrlicy. ITome, Nov; 21. King Humbert re turned to Home this itionihii'. H>' v-ur; met at the statlun by hl< ::t!nh!! - v-'. with whom he fit orr:o entcrrd \'.\\n coiivoi>'atioii ui-'fui 11 *. < trnubK'H.ln the V.. : t.whhdi.'IHs l\nf------- expr.'^ed the h>>: e. wuui 5 be i-ir > ' v hroiuHit to a pa'-lfle HidlliMtn-n'. It |; reported that the C'nverinnimi nf France 1ihh sent to the Fovdun "\Tp-f-- ter, Bnron Diane, a frfertflly 'M^pa'eli. npprovinir Ttidy'fi vlewo upon {he East ern fjuestlon, t,. nvunv wvoHifiQ bctwkwm DETROIT #.CLMLAHP Connect Id j with earliest train at Clcvclaud funiU points Ij.int, South jiud . Jjcutlir.'^t. BuiulayTrips Jioio, July, Auonat ur.t) Scptomljci- C::. t-'oun Tmipq )-tfM WnuK'awrwaBN Huron nn'ITv in Hir Miinlon Hilda Pf'Kt, Nnv. ,21.~nnron Banffv, Premter of Hungary, reidylnnr to an Interpellation niirui lOnHti-in alTalr I i the Hungarian Chamber of ncputicH, eayn that thes repro^eniatlveH of the powers had dlreetod-the attention o1' the Porte to the noeo.^Pv nr the insti tution'of'reforms in As-la Elinor. T!:m>- plly, he ttahl, Turkey hod reee :il rd the neeosfilty, for thoye reform: an ' had Kent tronpti lo fuppreBii ihe troubles. Tho pfiwrrs bad :tent nnval FQUadronn into 'l;iirUI:di vatora, llnirm Banffy .paid, but be could mak" the reasaurlii(r Htatenif-nt that the po-vrra would nnfi.lj-'t Turl-ey to maintain peace and preserve tho statu quo. TfiiKfiCSii'vn'i^-Tiisoi'na,;;.- ' ^EtosKey, tub ' sniiy MA.^Quirn.-. AND OJC/JTH- ^i new ntect psfliituRcr r.tetiuierfi have ii; . \lutlt for our Upn'_'i- i.ah^ Iinnttr, .o.-in-j(.- ioo each. Bead for illustrated pamphlet A. A* GOH*N"Z q. p. a y> -. Dcyuoir. L4IOH. nnfliirr k msm sTfiiu'- yiv; ca i^ - CQPYRiaHTS, ..i.tf I OIlfAIH A riTKNTV -'Jfoj-t iV' anuwur au*f u honewt opiniOM. wrlta t" N H Jti CO.. Who hnv hwl ur>arl*fltty y*nur&>riunoQ Ik ttio y&t.Mtt bM}iiMS, CftMmBnkjv- .lu HLrloily eonildentiali ' A li'<i'<llMi*x cf itv loiiiijU.loa <u>uw*o\un fxtoiffii wyt koyr U> *!> tuln itiuiuHiMit frw. A\y>* ttJlog-**^*M0""^ loul anil iwliwtlflo boolin'wwit frde. ratoiiM taJfOa thuiiiuti MutjR A Ot, TM>1t* &p(Uiihlotloli)tlio rtrioHtlUe'AsSafliwiii. mul T.buu art brouyUt wldotr l>t*facWUio pobUowiJi- putt eiMt tf> tho (|tvoutor. .1*]il(i t*t#pi*!Ut i^Pir. luuod wtMkly, dogiunly Ulmw-atod. kitibr t w iht iari/oat otroalaiioQ o( nny PotA^iUflo'vurK la ihi world. MSji.yau* Mumrj1^ < l)iXtLdlnf HWlUoii, niontliiy. oo orynuM ylla_____.______ _.. hoo*b^%>liaS?teabiui laioet dMlmu Mut iwoura aoii : MUK-J * OO- NOV Voiat <tlM*Pl'>M*lV flkKQt mr.w A4p1t*m . 1 B*AWAT Tjiilt of n r<niitti' r e:ni|tior<>fi) .tixiifu^t Uie KiiiiliifrrM--<lrlor* from t'lihm, London, Nov. HI. Several nmplqyera of shipping cnfvlneern In Ciliiijijinv, Uel- f it fit, Newch.stle an'l Barrow have de cided to form an alliance for the pur pose of fltfhLlntf the engineers' unions. The hu-Ko eniploycrw have declined to join the alliance. ' Capf'aln Mc- Clnre, who wa nominally a vlee-ad- irfral in the Chinese navy at the time ot the naval oiiKa^'-nicnt at the mouth of the Yalu Itlver, will arrive in l-infv- land next week with a eommiHKlon from the Chinese Government to place extensive orduiir for tho coiuitruction of warshlpn. f.n cpiiHequonce of tho continued ntiugivle between the ship buildera and the eiurlneerB and the poHBlbllity of a funeral lock-out, tlu.'so orders for.war- Fhlps may he 'placed In other than BritlHh yards. And II in AuUflil by Home iVhrther He tV111 t'oitthtuit Uouin Uulrr. London, Nov.-Si.-^Tho matrluga'.-ot Mr. John Dillon, moiribcir of Purlin.-' inrient Cor lilatit Mayo, to Mitiw Etlzaboth Mathew, d/i.UKhter , of Mr. JuHtico Muthow, of tho Quoon'a B6neh Bivl- tiion of tho IIlKh Court of dusticp, took place thla morning In the oratory at lir.ompton. The couple will spend .tholr honeymoon in Parln. . , Ub;ht Ttev, Francis MacCormaok,nis- hop of Oalway and Ktlinacudaghi who otllciatod at the ceremony, read a tele- ^rtim from th& J?opef :beotawlng the papal benediction upon.Mr, Dillon and hla 'wire. ,""./ .-/, 'nholpr'n M'p;M,i|in.,';1,i-".'.",, ( ':'; The health, rvports pf. cholera in this'city, eibp^v. 35. cases and 9 deaths alnce Nov, 16. " Pn^rir:*ijl' Im'pfirl Tircni*'ut">f Hr Um Hmlih ^Ulipr OtfnWn Ri*w ra, Nov. 23. At yoRterday'fl UTinff of tho Cabinet, O. A. How- .BTnd, M.L.A.. Toronto; T., C. Iveoftu*. C.B.,Ottawa, and Thomas Monro, C.K., Coteau LundinK. yroru appointed com- mlsidoners to act with the. three com- mlMnionors already aT>polnted i>y the United HtatoH Covemm,-nt to Inventl- prate and report on the mibjcet of deep w'atorwnyii. Tbo trado returns for tbo four montlni of the current lineal year wore puMhdied yonterday. TheeMports total- $-l8,lM(!(i)lI, a decrease of half a mil lion as compared with the muno pe riod laid. year. This falllru; off arose hist month, when the value of exports U'Uii WIIO.OOO 1h than in October, tftfM. On the other'hand, the lihports of lust, nionth Increased by two million dol lars, and'the- duty collected by a quar ter of a million. For tin: four months the importH are valued at $39,Hl",ft73. an increase of $rd;t,obl). The duty col lected for the four mouths amount to $6,UlQ,l!fil. an Increase of '$7r.O00. The conference .'on Hie copyright quetitloh, which luu; been spoken df, is dellnitely fixed to be held on Mon day next, Hie 2iUh Inst., In tho Depart ment of Agriculture lion. Mr. Oul- met, actlnj; Minlntcr of AKrlculture, will be chairman, and air Charles Jllb- hert Tuppcr will hi* present. As pre viously stated, the cnnierenee will he Open to author;, printers, publh-}'.;.*i' or others interested In the copyright oueatlon, who i..ay Uc-idro to be pro- Bent or to make any ropr senta'don.- ort the occasion. The Marino Department has a wont under consideration; ct______ posals with referencet^p^^ muu:es in the winter Hot^^^BflK-"110 J'j(1_ ward lHland^^gg|^pWnyttriCc between . Capo .'J^o^jpWnind Chariottutown in yj^^p|p^T>etv een Plctou and Char- __ wn -li> miles; between PlercuTaUir' Korcetowii '.IX u lies, and bi twoun Tor- mentlne nnrt-'TruverHe, mll^.- Th'j latter route would, of e<jurse, be the mofct eeonomieal one, but unfor tunately there in no deep water wharf at Traverse, and therefore the Stan ley could not land her pasf-:enjreiH or frejfdu. The BmnmersUIe people are. however, anxluuu that the Star.ley nhouhl run between that city and Cape Tornientlne,""tbo distsneo ludna onlv 18 miles. For some years pnnt the pos-slblllty of the retirement of Mr. William -Wmltll ffO"i tbrr-TTtinitiou of Deputy MlnlFter of Marine and Fbdierks bas been discussed, and It Is now report ed that his rofibrnatloir* of the position will shortly be. tendered, Mr. Smith Is 75 years of aire and douhtleBH feebi that he Is now entitled to rest from official duties, after yearn of faithful nervlce. Amdnj,- the names of those mentioned hs posrlbb- successors In the Deputy .Ministership aro A. \V. Boss, M.P., and L. %. Joncan, M.P. Tho hitter ha., It Is said, been laying idpe for the position for a ion/? while. There Is talk also of dividing tin department and constituting separate deputy heads for the Marine and Fish eries branches, and promoting Mr. John Bardie or .Major Oourrteau to he Deputy Minister of Marine, and Prof. Prince, the talented Commissioner of Fisheries, to be Deputy Minister of Fisheries. The Dominion Bridge Company have nearly, completed the movable dam for St. Mnry's Canal. It will bp"^;*jf) feet over all In IcntTth, and will he an effective burrh-r against the waters of Lake Superior, In the (vent of Its hein/r'desired to not onlv uu water the canal, but to Inke off the lock nates. The dam will be t"st.d < arlv nex:. spring. -Durlnr. tills winter H In In cont.emijl.vtlon to nnv. :iter K(. Mary's Canal and stre'jijrt 1j*mi tho mitre wlib. Although tbere. is not the fclifdi'ont apprelienslon of jii> dauber, yet the recent bltf aerdfli-nt to (he An>.Ticnn lock is an object )es;'on to our depart ment. Mr. John Lowe,-Deputy Minlstor of AL'rleuIture, relerned from WIndi--nr to-day, wblthi r In- had been to look Into the sysn-m for transit of natile through Cnrtnrl:-rn territory. Jfe r.- portH ovoryHun;.- worldnjjf perfectly. Kejiorts received at the FlslR-rles Di'partmcnt Indicate: considerable! Ilbr- r.'fil fishing p;ohi;-' on in Ocor/Haii ]'.ay dh trlct, iiul ably around Prosijue ThIc. The oveireers have been instructed to keep a sharp leoknut for-liiw breaker" The Canada Ca/ette to-morrow will contain the nnnourieonient of tho fol low ins: appoln'm His : LIomi.-CoT. A. Q. Lnrnlry of n;1"' en and i"*aiit. Di IT. MaePherson. invpe tor N.W.M. Poll -e, to be honornr*- '.'>f".'s- ti TB^ Kxeid- leiiey. A. Dryrrl. le of Tin ib'ov, F, Riur- . pries, Hrld.e-etown. ;ii'd r', ("'hK-nlm of ' Sydney, to be ^nfcn'fi "Ounsel. The Railways : 'ef urtnient wan noti fied to-diiy of (be r.:r nt at' Jioston of the parties who are sitppnred to have bt'okin Into the rta 1 ,i . ;;t 1't- vlere Du Loup rcoiitly. l-:vbb-npf." Is forthconiln/jf that (he name individuals * nt Blrjourdci suiee time niro. The Just ice Denar'r.'ent vi)]' take mea::ures to extradite thr-ni. XVIHInni .Parkov tin* ofTlror In rh-i"n?o of the Sinidu:lyJi,-hntfdtcry,. i-(.ports hav- in'.r . secured -,-. si d.ml Id enljn"' t o*" "white Unit spawn', no much --n thnt H* hatchery nnponimof'atlon will be taxed to the utmc't II'"U. Mesfiivi. TTu:'1- ^rn'" Leanan Crathorn. tT t ........ .n end A. TCinmnan of Mnrfi Buntln of Toronto en- upplylnp-' for '"- eorporatlon bv h-th-m pn-"opt ,,* tiv Bro.vcr -Line. Limited, v-'lllv a rni>|tnl of ssnfl.npo. . , Anions the nppllcntlnru to rnvi'n- ment this week Is oiv ('. ineo'-jor-'te the. CalKary and T.cfhbi ldire BaiTway nnd trrhrntlon Cninpany; to build ii . rn'llwny from C.-ibrary lo T^Uhbride-a. The Lako. File and DotrSlu rt'yn Hallway Company will s"eic poum-- fn evtond It^f line from Stlmcno to Fort Brie. "".- /r,.,,, TneonpornHon vllV bo>ouclit for the .. MaViltoba and North Weut, Millers' af- ponlnHon. . ' TTndor n, recent..declKiin, of "the r-|tv pollnltor.. the aoHosnora bavo, not plae: <td the memberfl . of, tlin^nflonrrnt^ . companies on the voters' llHt lh\tt yen", and It has led t.n a Inrfire' number o' 'pripealg,- amonpft tho apnellnVifs. b-'lrtp' . Bronflon , & ' Westoo, of .whlTli Ifo-y; F. TT- BropRon In the Arm honri- .McKay tho. Bl^ric Bollway Co. ,'Tho medical mep of; OUawp. bavo ('fr- , elded 'to unite tjhelr two soeletlos: 'the ;(M,ftdl<?ai; f?qclfityvftna,Clinical Bar lot y, !n the flprlnc ,. jdmbor.'VHo wtl?>fcto' bveV >at"Xon. !8'on to noe BlrCHarlOH Tuppflr am "*, ouro> vlr:wfl of Canada, which h" win 'exhibit In Norway. . , .^^ "i . Gen. Gaecoigno-will pay his flrflt.or- Jlcinl viHit to Iho'.Hoyal Military Col- TcK?nsr-7Ctri|!:Bton next Tueflday It in stated that Mr. W. L. ScotU od MflBter In Clu^^^ktfore. .4" C'blna, arrl-vcfc Kglng;tho .following Anol!ior<'onnariitlo;ni ThiUao A(lrnld YUlU l,oHit of I,irpWpro|M*rly *^* ipaoo.oAo. Chicnrro, Nov. 23. Flr, attended with Iokb bf life, broke out at 0.H0 yesterday morning in tho MnVen titwVey building at.^lf* and 217 Vun- bu'ren-a'troot. The tiro orlplnated on the llfth (looi' and the occupants!, bi- cludlili: mun, Women nnd clilldnui, !* - cumu panlc-Btrlckoa and made a dash for the Htalrs, tho elevators and win dows. Two tflrlM," Nellie Turner and Kittle Landtfrai'f, who seemed terrltlcd with frlfdit, riiHhcd to the windows and despite tlie cries of the crowd on tho street to uwalt the ladders, they throw * thoniHelves huadlonr; Into the btroet, breaklmr almost every bode in their hodhrs.- They wore taken to the bcspltal. where It was said both would die. A ladder was finally raised and the firemen rushed up It Just a un- kothor tflrl Jumped from the window. The firemen caiurht her dresn. but could not save her and she fell to the pavement Mow, probably fatally In jured. The lire spread rapidly and in side of ton minutes the Inner portion of the bulldlnp; was a seething fur nace. Tho ilames then Jumped the al ley and Ignited tho'lanrc seven storey hulldlnir facing on ' Franklin street, numbered 27<J and 27, and occupied by Stern Kt. Bliss,, manufacturers of hoys' eir.tbirur; Henry Newman Hi Com pany, elothh-rn' uiipplloti; the National JjmiK Company and otlmr eoneerns. ,'J'hir lntrt will i.'xeoed f>;U O.iiiHi. . 0The Vunburcn-street Imlldiiur ' -eupled by Ml. D- Arnold. ". *b clotUlern' nupplies; SjB -jo" 28 of a Inpr ta Of Kal Won- ^XabHod. Nankin on .T3eT l^Vntl-mlssioriUTy riot ba^j ^ ichman number of in tailors' trlnur."' & Co,, tailor" slmdaj', ^^- '^^^pWT'DonnoIl, lloutonant of ompany .No. 2. as IVcndortfast, 'pipe man. Martin Sherriek, pipe man. John Downs, pipe man. Kate 'Landjfraff, employed in A. Stern & Company'u garter factory. Amonu the injured aro : Daniel Mc- Nally, pipe man, sprained lefjf and bnilHOHj^Jlffa-IToller, Ick and arm In jured; Harry O'Neil, arm broken and hack Injured; Nellie Turner, fell.from fourth Htoroy and serioiiHly hurt; John Bruenhelmer, badly Injured by falling lrom fourtli atorey, while assisting Cirly to escape. Tlio others who were Injured were tfirls and spectators who saved them, all holntf overcome by smoke, but they soon recovered after medical aid at thi* hoHpltalu or their homes. The frantic tfirls were determined In. tholr half crazed menial condition to hurl thcmaolvca to the atone IIur- frini;. but wore purtly restrained by tlie shouts of tho citizens on the strict and the fiuick work of the flrermen. Ono small extension ladder was run up under where .the KirhAvere stand ing iu fear of a double death. A fire man mounted It, but when his loot touched tho ruritfu of the second sec tion either his ' weight or some defect In the ladder caused It to slip back to its original position, bringing its top four or live .cot bis- low tho sill of the fourth storey win dow. KIthcr crowded from behind, or fren zied by foar, N< 11 u Turner, Kitty LandtfiaC and >larry O'Neil made a. wild attempt to lower Ihemselves no that thcy could 'touch the top runpf of tho ladder. In dolinc this the fool hardy ones ,s]ip[)ed and fell h a Uont; to the pavement... Capt. lltrmauson place In tho Bouthern part , and that whohmale deatrue- 'f^OXeiffP property rcautted,- an as tbo wounding : of 'a K>man Catholic pricHt. Whether American property was Included in the work or destruction Is not kimv.'n, but rnieh is not uidlluily to hav.i boeri the cane -its Kplricopal churelies have nihtslons there. , ,,. On the K.th ultimo, the Korean Min ister of llnnsehold Issued ft proelama- 'tlOn anne'^'ointr-the lub'-nled videethm of a eoiu.ort for the Klmr. .AccordIiik to Hme-lionored custom, the lei'iie of this proclamation has the eifecl oi prohibiting for lb- Lhm- 1 ' he-; the nnir- rlnj;e of u.ll (vlils of ur.d ubov- l- years of aw- ll.ro;., noiil \\\v "ininiiy. The C.mei-u-el. et: mi. i be a irald. and In RnrVa; i-iirly nnirrls:^' M'dne;- He prevadln".' rur-lo'ni, a - hoic- will h" pructlcally llinlled lu Mrls betv.-.-eu 111 ami 17, or 18 at mof-t. Thirty of ) f;hls are lo bo noiuiiu.leil, and fi;oni unions flP'iii lhp;e v, ill.b.- tll>,t n-h-f;l- ed, and on one of the thren tin- llnnl choice will lull. It in ludleved that a re(p'l,a nl'/a I Ion of the Japaiutns f.Ijibliiet iH about to take phicn. Tiff v/ t.'nblnet will be coalition eomp'aa.d of HlaH-sinn.-n of the ehlor nei'd.Hon, nd^ed is with "now. men." It Is :'pokiui of in ad - viincu as "the Cabinet of all at the tal ents." The Inhabitants .of Tolummdilmt Kauoshlmn. prci.oel.uiv, are ^H<l to b<; in a, very de:-'-itiit" condition. A nirlj ouh slorm visited tie '.rlaud on Ju." and tbo'sweet pnti.m crop itaple of the Islandi'r^ The rice was n]t:i\iji^/^^^m~i? InhahltantH.-iUf^HI-^^^- ^ *>%rf V-^ <% ? M.Tives iimi V1^^' ..L'rioor hp.-rhs, i-tc. x -^Tnl It dinieult in ..] - ^ L^J*^!! Inrfve iiiinibi'i' of person!', i feared that ninny will die. An excellent story comes from Po king. A lendlir member of Tsunt; LI "Yumen, ovblently c^ruat VVonj?, who hi said to owe his, position to his antl- forelijn proclivities, found on nsiKimlnu olllce, that It. was one thing to abuse the foreigner verbally, and another to deal with him praotlcnlly. Sir Nlcho- laa O'Connor proved specially dis turbing, for be actually pounded the table under the serene mnndarlnn'u nose. The lattor complained to Lon don about the oladf-cc-hammcd diplo macy, whereupon the Marquis of Salis bury replied that Wontf had belter attend to Sir Nicholas or he, the Mar quis, would come out and do tho poundlntr hlrrtuolC OF :g fait bciWydtiT nealthy. iFfi^^^-'!i*:y<^^ii'j^ Scott's Emulsion. o Codgjaag^il.yjth Hypophosphites of Lime and Soda when yoiir ". friends - ikst- tell yott yoii are gettinp; thin, you will quickly' restore-, your healthy weight and may thereby t\ j 'r^ prevent serious illness. Persons have heen known to> gain a pound 'a-clay by taking'.-' an" ounce aday of Scott's Kmul- "n won, rp This seems extraordinary^ but it is absolutely true. JJon't hfl fUtrvuttttrU tt>ucrt\*t <l wbstltuUt Scott &. Bowne, Bullbvlllu. 50o. and $L. THE AMERICAN HOTEL. e&soxv - Ontario. MHS, (' WILlON'Sf/N', l'UOPIUKrKKS^l Will) |.uV, rtfCMim: 1^' i.Aiioi: SAKN r Kh-ia-Clitnu Acconsuluti in.8 roph*x W, ^..^v are now stall -.m'jvd tcrril . n' (nirt time ii|i*-n! KTOJ-H-. .V"1 (H(jii(li< ('1'Ij" (.nty i. in dory in CiiiihIh, 0>t'ht'rtlH.J Weak, Tired, Nervous Womon, who Hocm to bo all worn out, will find iu puriliod blood, nmuo rich' and licalthy by Hood's Sarsapi^ rillu, ponnanent relief and atren^tli. tried to fjrnsp the dross of Kitty Land- rrraff as her body (lew past hbvi, but m, . .. , , .... he failed and she struck the sidewalk"! Tho following ia from a wcU known with a sickening thud In idffht of nurse; thousands. A few seconds clnpsod and the sumo spot upon which Miss Land- Kruffs body h;id struck was covered with tho unconscious form of Nelllt? " I bnvo (infforod for years with female complaints and kidney troubles and I have bad a preat deal of medical advlcs Turner, who had laken the t^.-rlble . during thai, time, but have received llttl' Plunne in the errort to save ^^If. . r flo bcno(U, A frlcnd udvined mo tota'^u Hbe wnn mhv.m! from death ho- oyer H d, flarHaparHlii and I began to mo It, by belnpr, momr.m:Mlly hoi V by th'^e i torvotUor wltl'i I-Xootl-i* XIim- "^ have real- fircmrMi in hnr d s< mt, thus brcaUIrif? y/M mQrQ houollt ,rom thofl0 TOOaielnea ihe force of Lmr lull. .thanJjJonLanythinff clHoIImvoovor taken. From my poraoiidl. cxporlonco I bclievo Hood'HSarnnparlUa to bo a moat complcto blood purltlur." Mus. 'C, Ghomitok, 71 Cumborlaud at*," Toronto, Ontario. vin'Pti' Mlined ,t*s|inlf'-. TTespeler. Nov. 22. A (Ire. broke out here this morning In the house occupi ed by W. (,'. 1 TaniMcber'and owned by i\lrs, John Wipes. The tin; was confined lo the upper flat, which, was almost dfFtr'oyed, The furniture and r-oidents were /all saved, though considerably damaged. Cause of fire supposed , to be a'rlofertlvo chimney, pmihlln;* In sured for ?"flO in. the Bnion of Liver pool. Contents fully oovond in the Acrlcu'lturd'l of WatertOwn, N.Y. IVcuhvtci'liin "'"n' r^MriH'l 'Mil. ^' ori-ro By tie Wlnnlpepr, .Nov. 2:!. The leaeher's houfn at the Olmnuse Presbyterian lUIfTlnn, near Klpblnstono has been burned. Loss Sf.00; Insured. >*TA<a; t^uv:u Mt.tui.v kii.e^ic ^ Kiiurkt'd. Scn^Hi'** mill nhliuiK Shot and So.v in it < litlenl Htuti! Hamilton, Nov. 22. Daniel Jacobs, who drives the Ancaster sta^e, which carries tju; 'nnill from the city to. tliat Village, was held up. by two robbers last nlftht, shortly before ti o'clock, when about a rnilu and a half thin, side Of Ar.esster. As h,- wiis driving aloufj two men jumped on the sidu of., his rift* n.iitl aidted for. a ride to the- village, Jacobs, rcmarkiiif' that his horseirwero tired, told them that if they walked to the top 61: the mountain lie would Klve them a vide, v. In icat one* of the men drew a t-iluiuv shut ;.;:u'l .struck the driver op. the .head, knockluK him HonfteluHS and euttiupr his heo.d hudiy. Jacops reiualned unconscious for some time, and the horses proceeded home ward, till stopped by his- dauivbtei'H on the road, who were horri-'lecl to find.' their father lym.'v In an unconscious condition at the back of this wagon. Dr. Lrundon attended to his wounds, and when Jacobs recovered consclous- nesH he told wbut had happened. They took Homo pajiers out of hfjj pocket, but couldn't find the mall ba[,v which was concealed iu the buffalo 'robe, and didn't trot any vultmble.H. Ono of tho assailants win; fall and the other' short, ,1'iteobs was dellrjotp-i . all last nlphtjutid there, is a phsiiiblllty of com plies lions setting,In which may result .fdtally. ' .....;,...;.:..........;.; . Mitrti4*iiii1mmHu Ih <ite i'rplmtrii-* Vlonnn,- Nov:. 21 dowp itch 'ban. been -received 'liure froth1 CbmUunti- noplt; via Sofia,'which states that the,, yuHun nan K'runted tlrcarma \o ibe* powers, allow ("ST each of the.nl (to have, a second Erunboat in thy BospalorouaJ j".- jf'rliirta Ilonry <;lntc lo AHhantrP. London, Nov, fl^rrlnce jtl^ary; o Battenberg; huahand of Prtac<; 1 teh- trice, youngfeflt, iMnefhtet oX the'Quei-.n, hcui jrimed-tM Ashabittj*: ;;eicr'j*auim. Thb Prince ^,'0, ' ^*-.>-*---- Mood's SarsapariESa Is the Only True Blood .'Purifier Prbmlnontly Iu tho publlo.oyo t.ndny. Hiw^cl>jiila ^"y'to imyi easy to take, Pluut! hi thn worl'l fur ynui!i;im?i. tind vjo'.ih u t,o nnisu-ti iu Ihsiiintib l':duoiai"i',.-.hr,i-tlia.nl;tio,;,iti I lie Ptitiou, nu!,tiifiiH.lbdvin;it\. Ue- tri)lt,31lcti lUiii^rutod o/ituloun*- Kruo. Itelvi'tuici-K: All Didiait W. i\ .1KWFLU Prct. I'. U- SPKN - l-H:. *<' 'J HEUFlltST AWIl/YUANCE Muir'y Audi r()i d Nmut-ru %Vrttm !, IVcr Ktutic l^luiniid ofMpr Vlom'd-';':,lutt N^rroxv ' '/-! \:tMary Anderf-en do Niivarro in L^tr Htagjj| (!nr<M' mi int-us; which will 1>m puhliHhetfyd iii The Liiriu.fc' Hi m .Toiirih.! (I bo open/Q iiii; clmpterh in tlie Dewmlar u-suti), givflf Lie- ,pnh:i<! ii. meat, intt-vetitine; and onti '.i.in ing view r.i tho trialH and InirdHhJ -he liiace^i-fiilly coinbnind in fellowiD* hor conviction that iho-htuge- prtthi)i)/V:'-i;] her He opportunity lor a iipltneUd )^hu exultantly rdorn in hur d*ihuc in ville, Keidu'dty.on Baturdny i:venlu^Noy|i1 em hi r 1*7. 1675. upon wiiiub ocennion thffejj " tall, t-hy nnd awkweirl " mil of Hixteea ;^| int orpnvL-d Kbtil'eir.. at's Ii v? 'orn "Jiilit,^,:' ] Tho [it.rfot niance wiy arr*iu.vd 'upon two. "-jt| d<yKT iKitieo- time fur but- n, ,mngb i ebeii ri.id '.bo aspiring Kuntuclty girl' u| WiH jnliilaiifc when tlio theatre and ft" tiiock company wrro tfftred ber^ i upob rendition that t-hfj.phi}' without pay. Ii nppmenw hnwuver,' wtui nnt imolok nf* the event sho wfitcH w)tli \%^ put but*: "Thnt Thtn-ndny (ihe day l fiiht itppL-nruuce wua arranged) ' ^aB' of the hi piest dajH ol all n y hfuf'iUlecM it wua with thobrifibtofit hopo and antioi* ] pit Hon. Only one bluch cloud h uncover it: tlic lhoi][[lit of Nonio mid. lay tinmcIparBntfl who wuri) all very dear to mo. Had I known tlnn that Jf would neyer sea tb face oT Hie forrnur, Unit be would die,.my/ m<<bliH* ui.d I far uwuy from him, and. i.l 'liiu'almo>-TimtiHiis-di'Uih bo would refuse* _ t'j f.a^i^o or i-eo me union I.abandoned tho r^tn^tt-lift! \% hich ho tliouidit no iujunoan nay ^inliil I would even then .have te. V.' uc-uue^i wbut wa^ widiin my yump, ' ,ThiB,' fiuent sadden till tunny years of J my itfu, und bits bunt it iiluuluw ovur*>Lll otborwiM! bright unci happy memories^ liim who was tlio fatlmr-, friend and play.'v .mute of our uUildhond day^." . ,'^ Mrs. tic Ntivarro uviumnly did not suffer from oti-j/e fritilit." the. erut-hiu^ terror of;. lieiaitant'-H, for nho wntcii thai sho stood; iiiiiniu-ntly waiting for hor "*" toyocn... At lai;t ifcauio, "Then, in a ila'i.li. Iwau on." the S'ti^e, couscioud only of u wall of yellow !ii;lii. hou-ro unj,.and u butftt of prol3D'fie_4 ;ij>pinii-e." 'Xhu porfui omnue. wua filled u'ltl; i ah.r (loprcHniiic; iiictdeubu ; ouepf i he pb* x oi a ioivo t htu lima and '.had to be ,1 pr'nii'pti d l>y tho yontUnd wtir; "^vtheo' ,;,.] in t;lt-cioii to 'biinu hindut!^or, and ' Juliet' ,:i had lo perform her dispatch with ahuirpm.JJ wbrlo ilia lump that linn;; in V. Juh'ot'ft ;,|t] tomb ti II and bndly burned her hands audj armii. " D^-spitu ol. iheiiti," hbe wtricea,' tin' nifiht viu, a yaccti.s, nnd I kuew thftj my tit nt; o eat cur bad lie^tin in . farnVfttJ Tui: IjAPUfi' Home JuiruNi/, \, ..'" . Sgrd- Y'-ar 1?.ut as yovinj' mi evor, The het-t and brbihtcwt wt'cbh' papar pub- linlH-i.1 in any of rite ciuvh of CHimda. iilXTKKN PAGKK livtelU WIU'HC. SPnplcst, i Strii\iiflat. 5olld Top Recti LvtV* jiEPEAtilie LlBhWt,;/."';Si! fiHShiSt ..".. af i;Wbrkln*,'.S-;| -&,:^< !'Accut;;,;;iiftf ".... -.Mm Ncw'it* tho thn* to subocribo. Only $1 from now '-dn- tilJaii^lyl897. Bjvecial ratoa to niubu. , . Good,iudyoemfints,tii ounvakBorBl : Add;t8BaU oommantqHibnsT-r : '"" Most Atodern aoit progro^ly; .'v^.'r'g^l Pit jiiidofpio XfC JnfoirtudtWu, TPfrftij ta .; "'."'r^M ::.. ::f MAKJUN" FiRB^-ARAl^: ^&i ;; "$?$$ MIMM'C g-SP I' !'/*<.'.!.' ..-y'aj:ji> ^BKKiBfSM'aailSMalBm