A>i my,:i< -^piNsaN's ron te.*VGfclmv -Frtmh arnonrioH, ft-' Special linea m Grookery., froviHioDB. TottH,Ooffooh . ana fipioeH. It Yi>L 'IT No 48 ESSEX, ONT. Fit! ,THM CUP. Thn (Junin WMUflHo 111. X. A. Team lat our TflnmatlUoTop. rno sentiment in rrttf. We want your rtrad<% but not unless we oan serve you uh well or betev than others you to'be the judge. All wo .desire ia a fair comparison, and a trial pur chase* Your money back if unsatisfactory. We are es pecially strong in the NORTH itl^GK Horn, iu Gohilold North, NoV.9l. Thank..- giving dny, the wif.i of Franklin Hioka, oT u daughter. Kvoryboily waii hhookdd Imrii to hmr <>f fclio midden duuth of Ida. Twifu of Arthur Hootfc M. P. ut Owow>, Muli., on Thorn d:y, Nov. '1 Bho wiih born horn Afay (1, lfMO, and wa tho only daughter * 'JonU Ilopgood, Mho wan buloviitl by everybody who know hoc for hor many" amiablo qnal- itiei oHiead and hoart.t Tho'wiud blow a brUic' gib horn laut Tuesday morning from midnight till about ton a. m. Troon of all kimla, foruat and oruhard worn lorn up by therooUor broken. off, lightning rodn wnro torn off tho bunnt, wind niillH woro blown down, und tonoei! i'>>^"'J^'v7v ' tftll?d vorybodyV plao, oorn fodder " V"-ir^'J /.J,>/."%j " about tdl thobuiullou'wcro worn mnt. ' mf-^^^V)6 >' 'ou,ld fttt 1,tau Business ,,V ' /jAjen t * tfovo the recent raise in "prices and can nave you raoir fey. .None kept but the best makers' gooclB, bought direct from the factories' We do n6,t allow any misrepresenta tions-to effect a sale* Sheep skin is not called Dongola here nor does Buff parade as inch calf. !!*& o(;.w Hpooia now. Rev. W. H. revival HorviouH iu tho "TH^|yro hum luwt fiuuday night; but .wu to report that novoral of thu mum bant hF cling to thoir old iialauio idol tobaooo, and wo aro Horry to auy that their rnannorn havo not boon convortod nithur, a tbny contiuut to puff Uig vilo, poiiiououu tobaooa nmoke in the mo oallod ainuem faoon yet; from all uuoli O, Lord wo pray then to do, liyor uh, Wo would liko to liavo tho following question uuuworo'l: Why 1h it that a tat tling, nov/aing, rip yoar ropa'ation up tho bu.ok woman in nlwayn too poorly to yrt-Wl iiorviooa in tho ahurch or a . nooial Wo bought hea\ *'^ViyQt "oti"fi ' ll nolehbor'n houao oly ' - - a fow rodH away, but in vory no|rlom or iiovor too iduU to trot about in tho noiyh- bor'rt boiiHoH and inttlo ? Nobody nood "war tl)in oiip uuIohh it fitw mindly; aftur you try it on oull on your noifjhuorfr iid fot thoir opinion of tho fit. Farment do you want monoy at 5^ por eiuit.?. If nowrito A. G. Enlcor, Lo'iminu- ton, Out. Tormw ot p:iymoit of priiiDipul to unit borrowdni. .ItiHb an wh ifo to pr(+, wu loarn that thd l{tuno with thu M. A. A.toam, of Dotroifc. huurariiillud in a viutory for tho I'UubX to^ni, bv hhcowj of M goals' to 0. TUi (/iyoHJ-lHHoJt X<> point* i tbu aorioH, Wind- Hor, tho noxb tonm in ordor baa only 9 pointn. GKBTO. Mry. lloakwoll irt viiiitinfj hot* winter, Mrn. V/oltlon. Dr. Kodd of Botroit, ban -lioon viuiting bin purtinta boro. Mr. Butt ban turohaHod b-honflo of Mr. A-Carapdoll to plaoo oh bin ubw farm. Mihii Park ot Mahlon, ban. boon vlaiti u MrH. MnOou. : Ijittlo Ada MCoGoo bua hud ahothor-opOK- ation poiformod ou her oyo by Dr. Oamp - boll.. . Mr. W. Hutt ijot hitf 1U bnrnod tho otbo r ninhu, by t*lutft>ttm too near tho atovo, Tboro baHboon quitn aboo on out high road thi wook in romoviny Mr. Butt'n Ueor Hunt! iUHP DllAKCt My hint (jouoludiul witl^' ctjBult of our 'third duy\? ^ i'ariiu-Iiuiintud (llHtriiiTi A oururudit. On tint fo^ Nov. f>) two moro iiuoV...- " o v,:,o ^"y^o. you want monoy at GJ por EftfiL SHOE SALE. Lof ies' solid glove grain but ton nd laoe Shoes, sewed and atanUard screw soles at $1 pr. liidies' fine Dongola kid p, button Shoes patent tips $1. : Ladies' heavy grain, laced $hoes $1. ".'/. Ladies' fine Imperial kid buttoned Shoes, tipped $>.75 Men's heavy laced Shoes ,Man's fine dongola Gaiters goods, all sizeH, $1 sizes S1/.25 pair. Men's extra heavy grain iluchers, bellows tongue, riv eted sides, heavy soles, three rows of pegs, special value at $2.25. pair. Men's-long Boots full 17-in leg, made by best makers in Canada and warranted, 82.50 MeiPs line Milwaukee grain leather, long boots full leg, g^bd fittard, warranted water rproof $3.50 Children's strong laced Shoes, pegged, GOc pair Children's oil grain button l' lace shoes, 75c. iiggest ;afcore, biggest sto'ck ibifi&ost values in Dry Goods, Groceries^ JUlotliing, Mantles and Millinery. Highest price paid for farm produce. .. 100 dozen home made Socks wanted. ton, to nuit barro J-/--.Qv Bakor Laamin^- ESSEX, OUT. RIJTfItVEN. Dr. Doii^ltiH ato ThtLukH(jiviiui tiirkoy at his lioiuo iu Chatham. A datiamt! puny wan hold ut tho reoulonoo bf Oiovu Wbalny Friday ovouin^. Win. Lovohioo in moving liia ico-hoiiHo from Win. Wifjlo'H places to hiabutohor tihop. It will bu muolt liandior. An oyiiter utippur and onturttLiiimuut wua held Friday evouiui* midor tliu aiiflpiooH of tho LaditiH' Aid of Moth >JUt Church, and an tinjoyablo tinio had by nil. Tho Domini; family, of Laauiiu^toti, vvoro priiMoiit aiid arldod troatly to the nucoo^a of tho. outer. tainmont. Tho choir rendortid throe an- IhomH. jMihij AIuLai'oti ^avotwo rucitatioiiu. Xto'idiujjH weroi^ivon by Rov. Me'Jd, Monarti. S. G. Wiglo, Byron Smith und Aha-i liar- rlnutoi.i. Projiegi.lH about S2fi. ThaMothorliatrohoir "liavu^hoon inyitud to tiiko pnrt in tho Clivjstmu.n ontortain. moot at Ollnda. It ih our puiuful duty to rooord tho fuct that William baa Rdyorucl hist oouueo:i(iii with tho MuHoiih. it. I. X. TMlHn Milho Btoolo ia vini'iins her aunt. Mm. Eimierelda Muatarri, of LQai]unf*ton. Mjhfi .Mary Cullon, Ijoanjinj^ton. wuh tli.i gn- Ht ofWin. 1). Wifjlo, ThnrBd.iy. Jiiirwoli rjockwood, our tailor, laiq an ov-r pluH of work at pnmont. U himiuo^i cat.tinut-H an rushiiif; h-j will 'toon havo to /'-I mi tiHaiutuiit. That "iTi(ilor" lian b^on llippinfi a^aiu That tho HHrmon last Sabbith morning catiBt'd "norvoua prostration" aroou^ hoiiio of (Ihi ihiok, it boinfj alon^ thci lino of OhriHtian givin/j. Iloia ftoUiv, to maka hor oonu to "tormii"; Nothing Iilto having a bohhou tiokofc, or . win tor'h contract, Jim my. Duck baa bocn in town taking uottiti thiu wook. That Amclian naya that wo Iiad butter lot tlio matter drop uu it in Hfttlod. That one coot por mouth ban neon offor- ied to tho ditieovoror of the. eorrenpondont Of tho J5nhKX VniSK Phkub. ' LEAMINGTO Wm. Sholdon ik utill Horiounlv ill. R. 1', Lowo, Romnriy, wan in town on Wodnonday. A, IT. Daunhnrty of Chicago, loft boro on Monday ovonini;. Mihii Clara Malott of tho pout ofiioo la tjnriouuly ill with quiimy. Mr. Eliot, principal.oloot of our Hit; U nobool, waa in town Friday. A. Rundal] ban ovor 4,000 aolory planta tdoiod uwuy, undorgolng tho ' proaoflH of blouabiti^. M.ihh Maud WoHtontt, who ban beoti at- fcondin^ fiohool iu Chatham, in iipondinq a fow dayu with borparonto hpro. Bplko honm about hix ino.. worn drawn into oainp. Oiie\ viXjV'-j?. u> bhforrj tho (tmi of floury Spouim.'.'" f.^ua | |^| J kilhid tleor iii 1'Uuv.x lumnty wbon lotH of uh worn in kniaUerbotiluspi, whibi tins otbnr wan a romilt of tho Hhoothig of Kupt. (lard- nor, of tho Ksrtox watunvorlCM, who iu untae- whiit faniouH uh a;i ardont door huntor. TbatovoMiHit, around tho iiropluoa, wau Hpont tn liutoniiif.' to tho.oxporionocn of tho nia huutorii of thrt party. Ono vory ro- markablo utory waHtold by Honry Spaoob- loy, which munt ha rnpun*.ort, uh it ih ono of tho mautromarkablnoooUrrnnooH that liavo over doruu undor my notioo. Of oouruo, imowhobaa novor killui (lonr oan hurdly uudorataud it. It ran Homewliafcafter thiu faahion: "Ono 6tll.abpu twonty-bvo voarw UKO," boau Honry, "Jaok Dowbirnt, of Wootlulno, and I worn out shooting in tho bitf OolohoHtor wooilu, wofc of t tho IIo^ March. Wn had tram pod all day, and hadjnutoomo out on tho Talbot Road, about opponito whoro tho Aburdeon Hotel nownlundfl, iu Kauox town, but whioli wa a ^roat big wotuwala afc that timo, when a kia door jampnd up from bobicd a log v/V^.wlwrci MoDouualPH utablo now U j i. t Ever slats *'>. toward uu. Jack flrod at (Iip deer oumo Htrai^ht fe^Oftn anil pullod. * I'd/lor and Tho iiadioN* Aid of tho rtlothodiyt cliuroln Uuthvon, yayo an oyntur Hiippar in tho Oldfollowa' hall ou Tliurnday ovoning. Oi.o olootor in reporti'd na having voted aorainut tho Hif;h nobool bucauao hia . boyn would not bo roady to attmU for a yoar or two, Minti Ktlitd Wotttaott leaven dm Monday for Blouhoiin. 'She will ahio vuiit friouda in Chatham, London and Toronto, and will proliably utay all winter. Tho Kpworth Loaguo ^avo an "At Homo" Itifit rtvonini* in thn parlorti of tho Chnroh. Aftor lunoh tho orowd ropairod to tho auditorium, whoro tlioy woro on. tortauiHtl for iLbontau hour with roadinfjH and inunic. ProcoedH iibout'SHoT" Wha;ini^bt havo l>eon a nonoua ac- -cidont happenoJ Friday on tho iU. C, H. running from tiorn tn Comnor. Owing to some defoct one box oar. rolled.off tho track and lay on its hido. Fortunately no ope waa injured. MAIDSTONE.. Mr. 11. G, Arnahl and party have- re turned from tlniir trip to iho north, whoro thew uujoyod a two '.voeloi'hunt. Mr. K. Mooney bun decided tn atay on liin farm, but will notatook tho plmjo until hprui(4. Far'nora around hero aro roportmn 125 bu.-.. cui'ii to tho auio. WALKEUVIIiLE. .T. .]. tloliiiuuli, of GuoIpli,ia now in ohar^'o of tho diatillory. inlaud rovonuo a tuff at Walkorvilio,' J. Bayard, of Potrolia, will Bueoced P, Maroon.. " fjouin petorn, tho 8.year old hnu of '.John C Potors, Hujjierintondont'.of Walkor'n browory,'received a portion of tho obar^o from aabottjuu in hia loft ovo Saturday aftorcoou, dcutroyina tho.Fi^bt of that organ. J. WiHomati, agod 10 yimrt, &&& tlio ahot,' Tho ' boya, iu company with ptliors, wurti at tho WalkorvUie lumbar yiirda .oha&ibg a rabbit whioh had WnS nudor a lumbur pilo. Tjoulfl crawled uuder it and Winomati, who wan on the opposite sido. midLook bin head for tlio rabbit and fired.'. .. '* ':>, I'uhlic School Kcpoi't. Regularity of attqudauee and yood work at. '.dnise iveolcly t.'xamiriatioiifl nrouoeoHaary fur piomotiou from one eluas to anothor. Without thorto, no phpil uuod expect pro- nior.ion at. tbu Inilf-yoarly oxaminationn. Mihh Williams'room; Jr. U; marka poa-. aiblo .'15; Obtained liy lii^heat ton: Aiuiio LaingMl, K Trmviii'aO, N AUim i:8,- W Cowan '27. A Wyunin !!?,. G I^ohiimou 20, K Johnson 25, R Jieverloy 2\\t V Brown 2.*J( O Thorium ,22. , . ' Jjit^t week*H report of Jr. 11; marka pon- ttihle 7(1; obtauiod by hi^hoflt ton. M Park- inaon 02, K, Tiewin 62, A .Laing CO,. J Straohan 5H, K Rohtunon 50, l'j Cory 5'A, If Oourluy51, E JohnHonOO, E lioyle 'ill, K Wilson 42. ., . Senior ami intrmjurJiatH nooond cbieio; M-Bbin;in 55, MPlilllipB.oi. U F atil fi!3 W Kaylor .11, A Wightmau -17, A. B Bunk M. K fcihHwanh.U. G Hohimion 13. F. Burdmk -J2, DoVV EilHWo'rtb.-ll. MiH Aitoliinou'H room, markii poflniblo 00; ob'taiuod by higtont ton in oIihh. ' Junior Soeuiul 'ctiinrf: V Hioltn fiH, G. Cox H. B Sinclair 5-i, M .Delmoro fill,' G Nayior, 52. M Ituwh 51, Q-.Lupnint /Jl, A Slaciy 50, S Hal;am 10, O UobinBOM -IH/- . Miwii CranHwollur'h room; nonior part U; markn pomublo (IU; obtmnod by ld^hnt ton . in ciihhb: D Wiuhtman 50, H OrasHWoIlor <\i\, FLainir-10. N haem, A Wolfe 115, ,3? KiuHnii Jlfi, O DibblAV Hi,'J MoMurray' H.3.' W BtovoiiBou, HI ii Dav'H 31.'. MIbh Hh^w*K room ;.marka" poHsiblo ,fiO; obtKiufld,bs,'birvlieHi ton; ' E' May H&,' -Id liooojanlJC, J Sihhou 1IB.-E'. Ir*in 95, M' WvniRii !Mf Ti Iformonlty.IiRhyiidrQBsaa, M Oi\iw HO, W Sloto.IIO, O Hall tf'O, ' Miflo XlalPfl room, murkn ' poaaible 25; obtinned hy higlioHt ten ; l^raukio Brovu HO, Kric Gardner 30, WobHtor Khmdreoa SO; Koy HondrHon,29, Mary Siuolair 29, WilHe; Sample 28. Arthur "Lop 28, Lepa s/V^-Jjt town on. Tho Tho bullet afcrtiok in ho turnod right about ho uuT tho ball uamo out of biff hip, itmam toward uu and Rt,ruok_a.tre_oxl^nt^,Ioii^Hido of whoro I Btood, and not moro ' than about throo foot away. I toll you," oou- tinund Henry, "that it makoH u\o feol homoHick yot whon I think of what a ahfta call I hud." . This Htory Htrnok tr.o boy a with, amaze, liooiit to tmahair oxtont that nonody attkod- whothor Honry ovor (^ofc tho door, and wo have no proof an yot, that ho i not ono of ouu ot tbrnbnmtl that iu wtill reaming aboqt Walker'ii marali^ ' Oo tlio following"lay, two. moro door worobaygtid, ono.by Frank SUdtn (making hid BtcontlJ and the other by .hi -I vVlntnoy, A funny.tiling oocurru.1 ineoimeotion with JooI'h deer. Ho wan rowing ij uotly down the littlo Htroam, a hraiioh of tno IlohHoon River, whicii iu nand extunaively for float- iuglo^u to tho I a lie, and in landing to pull bin boat through aaluioo-way, he utepped on a foolmh yearling that wan lying in tho long wild graofi fringing tho edge cf tho river. Away it bounded, bwj Joel qiiiukly nognn the rapid liriiig aut, not moro than aixty to tit-! t:i:. nio and apoedily liad it down. ILu walictd up to thu (Jeer, lay down hifl gun, and took hold or.it, when away it botioded, apparently uninjured. It watin't an groon nti it lno<ed, and waft playing a Uulu "foxoy". .loo] again turned loihi! hiH gfthng nun, ai.d tl.otie of our pai-Ly who were in hearing cfuIiidod that irmiehudy" bud "utartod >t bt-Vy", and wuh buf/uing tho whole lot. Kxpoel.ation,i ran li I-II- \\n-i, iO) high, afr Wd found when ,f . i iiu j < Joel's look on our a nival atqkmp. ri.:n_i;rt ran ulon^ much in thin faahiou iii id llnvt a rainy ono panning over without our bringing in two or throo deer. Tho door t-eomud to tuko a riolight Homotimew iu play'iiifi with both UotfH und hunteni, and finiilly getting through tlielinen unharmed. There ia flomo Kporh in thin nort of ihtrig- 'too, Only, a bntuhnr-, or a mercenary pot hunter, i denirouii of killing ovnryibing tlmtoomen in range ofhin gun. Tbero m dome Hatisfaotiou in bringing down a fleet- WE Jao -put on sale Saturday morning a special purchase of 100 Ladies' Black and Brown sand Capes (manufacturers' samples) afc ery low price of 6.00, Not a garment in lot but what is worth 8.00. Don't miaa this, u^rtunity of buying a gopd Jacket or' Cape"' cn^teb If you arc thinking of Dress Goods re- ^etn^fe {hat we carry the largest stock in the l VVni?xi^ur P 1*38 are always right. It will be cola ofe'<^f these days and you will be sorry if you are no^dy fo,: the cM snap# Stone 27, Pearl Bfleman 37il WHIJa\Yfi\mn. ( when waiting; tor the' footed deer, and only. bhosn w|io havo tieen a deer followed by a iiwifti-running', Uoun- Hoouted honml, know, what roal "runuinK1' ih. I liavo froquently mouaured tho npnco of ground ouo would clour in it loapa, when heforo tho doyii, and Und tbi-m varyr inti from about twenty, to ao far aw thirty feet, Bomotimca, an experienced hound will net foolucl in thn oliaiie, and will loito iiovoral minntoa' timo in picking up tho track again. Fmpiontly a doer will tipriiif; nidowayu neveral foot, and, on tho laet morjintf wa.wcraout I buw adooturn deliberately and run ou her back track a diHtauoo of about twenty yardti, thou change bur uouruc, and uaetiuiiu in a dtfferont. til. rootion. Tho. bound, ono wo call "Old Bandy",.tho property of auotioneor. Gorm- loy, wiln probably one or. two minutoH bo- bind, and when ho came to where aha had turnod buck,'wiih Hli^btly puzzled, but iii- (ttantly miuio a detour of about a lmndrotl yanhi, fdund tho trtujk again, and whh off ILlio a whirlwind; without, eoareoly Blaekou. iiiK hiH piiuo. : Tho door aleo neom to' know. when a rlou ia pulled,' aiid X havu-Hodn tliem'^tand behind ' a'olump of t^oOB, and. watt for aoveral HboondHuntil the dog would j{ot vory oloH'e to theiu^ whon they would bound away agalu, defying dofis and bnntera alike. The, man who' brings one dowu whqu>unnibfi at full speed, having to piok bis *'pleat apotB" between trees probably throo or four. fopc fipart. in no, brdluary marksniau and there iawbire uiuub of the "aport" pomcb in, A deer iff a keen-Hoeuted. auimal,aud will frequently, "none", the situation ahead, and. in oot vory oftou cuu^ht nappiuu.- But T muHt.tall you of our "luck" on tho vory tout day of our hunt. Nearly ovory man in camp bad got bin loj^al allowaucQ of deer all nice onofl ranging about W0 pouudfl in weight but wo had frequently H.ion in the miuW, traulut that uUJknow wore made by vory largo Jeer. Everybody had ben wiuhing to (4c t a shot at ono of thono monarehB of tho tribo, for know, dur reader, that the hunter who can. hang in bin homo a trophy compowod of a nat of- buck's antlora, lias aohiuvod one of tho'aun- bitiouH of the chiiHui Our-fiiond Al.inrf had noveral timow noun and ubot at thm auppoaed father of the Hook, but under diflicnltieH, and he had alwayn been hcod in tho Hamo locality. Cou>iO([aentl3 Mr. Allinst hntl takou a hquattor'ti claim to thin locality, and would yield it to no man, even if ho had to camp thero by night au well a by day. . On the day in quoatiou. John had 'uof.boeu long on bin ground whou the objoct of hid hj^beat hopca and ambitioiiH oarno leisurely along, .listening for tho dono behind. A well-diroutod whot did tho work, but John hred uomo more byway of precaution, Then whon ho miw tho b^ follow fall, thono of .tlio pu'Hy who wcro noarost him aay that ho be^an to yHl, and yelled uutil all the rucku in tho woodn re-echoed tho eoho, Thou Walker Gard ner arrived on tho hcoho, expecting to'acq John treed by a bear. . Ho nays tho latter, wan dancing a hornpipe around tho fiillou door.JJand emittiu^ war whoop that would do orodit to an Iroquoia bravo. If ho had had a whole brawH band jmit then ho would hayo blown all the liornn into Btraight tuboH. But ho didu't, arid nb\thoy quietly culled for uioro help, Imug the dwor in a treo, and nout for a homo und "jumper" to get him into oamp. While .all thin wan going, on Joel Whit ney wuh haviuganothor little oim-aot play ni'H noifjhbqirit>({ 'corner of the woodw, and when ho Huooooded in locating hlmnolf,and .the rent of, the crowd,ifc wafl found thufc ho !'alHO bad Hlain a monurob, although not o large a one atf-fthob'-by Mr.'Allien.. Thoy drusaed respootivoly. 2'17 pounds and 187, pounds. These two deor, with the ouo ahot. by Wl A. Gardner, wore tbe open bung In ilia ahop of Mosera; Buck A FrauolH after our arrival home. y^Thiaeuded oar'outiug for tho Heaaou^ on 'Wedueeday, ^oy, lHtb. ..ThuriiGlay^was, oo'cupied in packing, up and gectinR out to Epaaaaa, frpni whioh place 'we left by' boat on Friday morning, arriylng at\Easex ou Batarday;-abbat ona o'clock of proCtablo to thono them pretty muo pleaiiod to got hack h comforts af/ain. On 001 arriving it wuh found that added from eight, to ao \> ponndti to our wuight during t or twenty daj'fl' abnono^, '-fid vigoratod, and in prirao condition atleuttou to buMiiOBH until the comeuagain. e ocQupation kl wo wor* and to homo ighed aftor uh had twelve, igblooy iugj houhI HItfb Scliool ^oiet Form IV, Luolid iiad Trigonometry: O W MoKoe 81, H Arnold Ht B Lyppe 0-1, F Leak 50, 13 Smith 57. Form III, Greek. B Turvillo 08, ' W . Knintor -M,' Form If, Ijitin: Al Juckwou 80, J Bat ton til, W Potter 58. Form II, CompoHition; F Arnold 07, IA. Jaokiion '07, M Ij Korko 05, N DoLong (13, H WortUy (i'3, J Uvoziav 57, .A Waltora fiG, G Goiindll 50, M>Tottao, fifii II H Goll. Cfi,' L Mconoy fil, K Irwin 5-1,. M Thihau- duuuSL, S Ouuninglram 52, It Trimble 53, S Griffith 51. h Wiglo SO, A/B Laing 60, E Hopgood 50. ' v-s, . Form III, Ij'roucli. "^ Turydlo 71,11 ltorko 48. j Form Iii, Euclid; W WigUtman 70, J Booman U7, U MoMuUon 01, S MoLaugh- Iiu-fi7,ll YmuififiS- B'XuryiUo.SO, Form III, and TV, Botany: B Alo&Luilon- 70, O. W MdKeefiO, D J Lohnborry 5d, B L"P[>b 50, lil Smith oS, S McLaughlin 52, B Young o7,li Arnold d'J, W Wightman. .45. Rottn.lth of the wnoldy oxuminatipnM. l*KOTKSTANT AND CATUO- IjIO OIjERGYMBN And oi'Ouo Mind 'JToUcliKU^ the He1, tki(i|lal Cliaruoter of Dr. Ajnow'i*' < alurrlial P*wilr.-" . . VVIiilo ProtoMtautd and Homan GitbolicB aro wide apart aa bo- certam ' remeujl moaHiiroa propoHtid juat (UOwT they, .lied; common meeting ground, m l)r. Agnow'a *| Catarrhal Powder. Take Hamilton-alone, TbiHknedioinobuB been UHed by Breabytor- . iane Uko the Rev,- Mungo Fraaer; 13, D, ,'",*]] and Uov. Jobu Stiotfc, I>." TFr. byEprBub- pallauB aa with the Key. W.. H. Wa,de, ami Hov. Gbas. 1JJ. Whltoorobe;, by tho, wdi koown Bapfciat Itev. G. Anderaon; by f'roni* .^j inont memberB of tho Methodist church, )i and by chs Rev. Father Hitbhey. anl'C;{!l many of ,h\$ parisbionera., ;Xhey .all""tuUV'-gl the one;-story of the ereat cood this modi,)M pine has dono tbemJ Tho *9.ta$ atory b*s 'gp oomo from the moat ^roraia^nt dlergymen.'^ of To rout 0 ^ud elsewhere. It fB.^unli&e-^ any other catarrhal remedy, Bimplei,:eagy;i^J and pleasant to take, and.qu.iok Jp ^'oure-.^l It will -'give relief within' ten ..niirrqt^B'.iiii^f Hay tfever. Sold by:allProgkiBtii.c^ithifJl pi* Bottle and BloWer seit oQ//Moetofc!di^ lOo in BbanipB. S. O- D^tchon^ 44:phttJbV^ '^M^M^&M^M^^^^ilUM^^^MMk in uW ' ^h^h#.JiM ' <'\^ ..................... .,,,,': "^y-:^-^:^ ..... if..................1 wm..... " M^T'l n 1 Im