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Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), November 22, 1895, p. 4

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f^^W^W"- ^^^^l^^^^m- s ii..., IV'. v li'i '!' %*i my fev: St\DiY TAIt <'At4lL on In for More Bvlrteiice Taken VtfNlnnliiy -The Mut ter to lti Artrund In loroitin, Hamilton, Nov. 16. One wttneflK for the plaintiff y6HieKaicyr;b'tuuuiit -to a conclusion the evidence ngu-hint tin* Str?ot Railway Company In thu celr- brated light of tin* Lord's Day Alli ance ugftlnat Sunday earn, and after novoral Important plimus of evliloiic-r, Including the testimony of IhroY min isters of thft. Kosjiel. had .heen kIvi-h for the defence, the case wan clhipoHOd of ao far an the non-Jury Hlttliuf of tht> court wiiB concerned. U wan du- clded that the argument Hhmihl tuku plnoo before Judge Uoko In Tt*J nn to. VV. II. VVardropo wan the hint wlt- new for the plalntUT, but liiu tciitimony Wiim that thu Sunday taira dill not 111- teri'ero with hla enjoyment of tin; nuv* vlcea In St. Jolin'n Vrcsbyiorian Church, of which he wim a mem her. He would not t:nro t" hoc the earn stop ped oii'tiiuulayn, but he thought they nihrhfc bo run mens quietly. He ukuiI the rtunday cars occasionally. Mr. Mokw wan prepared to call more wil>)<*nsf\H, but thu JuriKu diticouriitfcci him from doiiitf ho. Mr. Murtln Informed Hin Lordnhlj) that ho wished to tender the evidence of church people who were not annoy ed by the .Sunday earn, . and aluo to fcrove by a wltnctei that no cheap trlpa, or (sxeurBlortH, were run on Sunday. The Jud/;e consented to hear the evl- denee^but hy-mibl the wltneunoH would have to bnrconflned to reprenentatlvo cTWeH. Thereupon J. B, GrlMllh atep- ped 7nrtyfio wltnetia jitancl. * Mumper Griffith mild tht the earn were uwed . on Sunday to carry jia- comrcru to und from the Hamilton Cemetery, Stunrt-atreet Depot, It. C. Cemetery, ferry and the ehurehea, Aa a member and constant attendant of Firot MelhodlHt Church, he could nay In refutation of Mr. Gain!)' testimony, that ho had never experienced any dla- tmbanco on the cam. In fact, un less ho was paying particular atten tion to the earn lie never, heard them. Only half tho usual number of car were- operated on Sunday. CroHM-uxn mined by Mr, MoHa.wltnoHii admitted that on June 4, tho flrut Sunday tho earn were operated during the Hummer, 4903 piiHBemrera were car ried. But a small percentage of these would be to or from the Grand Trunk Depot. Mr. Work: Do you ffo to church ? Mr. GrlltUh: Yea, usually on Sunday morning. "According to your examination you muat upend all your time on Sundayo l6oklng after the cariCl,. T"**WohV X am liable to be called tjuty at any time." VYou don't hear the. card when xureh ?" Not unlcaa I listen intently em." Mr. Martin: How about the speed ? "No greater on Sunday than on any other day. Motormon have strict or- dors to Hhut off the power and run quietly past all nhurcben," C; G, Booker, Hiiperintendent of the JameH-strect Baptlut Church Sunday School, wan not disturbed In church by the nolHo of the earn. When they first ran on Sunday the novelty made th.e notae moro noticeable than at present. He used the cars on Sunday whenever convenient, particularly In bad weather. Rev, I. Tovell, pastor of the First idlHt Church, speaking for hlm- alU that the noiao of the cars t affect him In the least In the of the service. . In the aum- as; of fen oqjihcIour of a mg nolHo, but there was from It. He could not he had ever noilced hin congregations wore noine. id,, rector oJ^iChrlst'n BtatedLjPfhat the no ef/^Et whatever W'rfr week day :a. A very large uTiHhioner.s used the rrday. To many of thenc Ttrtt were a neceHBlty. A large or of ladles living at a distance had been unable to attend church af ter' tho old Sunday horse ear service was discontinued, and until the pre sent nervlee was Inaugurated, unlets they were lucky enough to get a ride In tile carriages of friends. His con gregation had made strong appeals to the company on several occasions to get the present service established. /To Mr, Moss, witness said he had noticed the noise of the ears on but one occasion during the summer. A large portion of his congregation lived a mile away from the church, and when there Were no Sunday cars the attendance fell off considerably. The cathedral was located farther bade from the tracks than Knox Church. F. Maeltelcan, . Q. C, City Solicitor, Hald he attended Unity Church, and frequently other churches, and he nccr noticed any disturbance during the services on account of the street car noise. He was asked whether or not the; cars disturbed the delibera tions of the aldermen at,meetings In the City Hall In summer evenings, wjicn the windows were open. "No; the street , car noise doesn't dlHturb the aldermen," smilingly re plied Mr. Mackelcan. "They dos.i on, and In fact they often talk the street cars out. They're at the hall when the ears are stopped." In the matter of City Hall disturb ances, the City Solicitor fcald the Sal vation Army meetings, were a much jr disturbance than were the .cam. ; rgu 'B/Lyuch-Stauriton said' he ?/..,service at St. Patrick's iurcll /where lie was never disturbed by thelVmday cars, even when the u'lndov%/and doors were'open, lie and many other members of the church patronized the ears on Sunday, and frequently they were saved a drench ing in the rain by having cars In which to ride to and from church, JT. J. Maiioh said he considered tho value of Christ Church Cathedral'had been Increased by the running of the ears on Sunday, and buildings coating about $7000 or $8000 had been erected filnee tho electric Sunday railway aer- vlco began. ' The Judgo thought about enough oyldence< had. been heard to furnish material for argument for the defen dants counsel, ,but Mr. Martin wished to call another wltnestf to prove the carrying of. passengers to the Grand Truhk station and to the cemetery on ,1;, ', Sundays. frig ',.. "The paasengorH. go Into the come- ' tery?" the judge asked. &!,:" , "Yen," replied Mr. Martin, . Oh, well, r Kupposo '-they come back," his. lordship smilingly remark- ,t,"$?'('> eel- $* * Thiri concluded tno evidence and tho-. 'ju<lffe "decided to hear th" argument on the dueation as. to the legality of the'Sunday "cars, and on the evidence ^n In the case. Tho argument \vW ;Tieardat a date to be decided, on wjeeh the counsel and Hla lordship. -/.h-' w?\t^ t \%- .." **{ m ffl: 400 Ctalidren In Peril. Uffiista, Ky.; Nov. 15,^-Augusta.Col- &Tthe most hlstortc building, In the lyi i'lo teinfi:'destroyed by fire. It. tffbt at noon,: wltb <00 children In r.bulldinB-. Th'ere was a, madniflh! THE Tho Plckcrmg Insurance Cuao Grows in Intoroat AGENT HJ1RT0P IN THE'TOILS- X WKncmi Ilailly nnutnl utnl lir <'uri)li)i tUi Voutul Tito klwnici Uu-V < lunu.- Aiiuittuut Xljfi'r, Itrowit tuid Utttriuft Sow mi fur rr<!- Dlnluak-y n*>nfliiir Toronto,- Ontario, November 1(1. In (he pretty little Asalzu t'.'ourl romn of (he CuUHo enimty court hou:u-. which fur ttentm-fin. cleaiiHucsit and elieerfuhiesn presontsi a strong eontrust to the dingy apartment In the York county buildings where the Hymns twins are being tried, the preliminary Investigation Into the charge of con spiring to defraud the Kaultable Nfe Insurance Company, laid against <!i 13, Alger, waH resumed before Magis trate Harper. At 0 o'clock the Crown's case had been presented with the ex ception of tho much wanted testi mony of Henry Trull, the local agent for the Equitable Life Company. Trull had been subpoenaed to attend aa a wltnesa, but as ho had not ap peared at mid-afternoon, a constable waa despatched to his home at Oslia- wa, to uncertain the cause of his ab sence. Trull, however, could not be found, his family informing the officer that he had left town for a few weeks. His Intended destination no person ap peared to. know, and Detective Mur ray will be compelled to closo his cattn without the agent's testimony. Before tho Investigation was resum ed thla forenoon, High Constable Cal- verley started for Klnsale to appre hend Joseph Hortop,agent for the On tario Mutual Association, but he met Hortop, who had heard that there was a warrant out for his arrest and wnn coming In to give himself up. The charge upon which Brown and Hortop are held- is that they, together with Dr. Francey and George Alger, con spired together to defraud the Home Life Association by moans of procur ing an Insurance policy upon ' Mrs. Alger when they know her to be In a dying condition. Brown and Ilortop were both In a merry mood, and ap peared quite confident of establishing their Innocence of tho crime charged. The court room was well crowd ed during the day, sensational devclopmentii evidently having been looked for. Many of Alger's acquaint ances from Pickering wore present, and a goodly representation of Whit by's beauty mit In the gallery and watched wHIiJnterent the proceedings _ Inthe'cburt room below. The proceedings of the day wore opened with Dr. Francey. who la charged as co-conspirator In all the Indictments, In the witness box. His cross-examination was resumed by Mr. T. H. Lennox, In answer to whose questions Francey stated that he ar rived in Toronto from Buffalo about four weeks before the trial at Osgoode Hall. Immediately on arriving In Tor ronto he wont to tho Equitable people and told them all about the case, and then wrote to Alger and told him what he had done. Mr. Lennox than., began to question the witness about a trip to the Spanish Riven Crown At torney Farewell objected to this ,as U was wandering far afield. "I see you have been reading The world, and are using their words," said Mr. Lennox. "Yes. I read The World and their words are very appropriate, too," was the retort corteous' of the Crown At torney. Counsel for the defence then under took to learn from the witness whe ther or not he had received lotters- from other parties who were Interest ed in the conspiracy. Hfs Worship ruled - that the witness could not be compelled to give any Information about private letters. Mr. Lennox pressed for an answer .to his questions and intimated that one line of the de fence was that if there was any con spiracy it was by portion others than Alger. The witness finally admitted that he had received letters from the crown and aluo from other parties, but the latter were private, and had no reference to the evidence he waa to give before the courts. Mr.' Lennox asked the witness If he could explain why, when Alger was fully aware of the condition of*his wife, he should ask Dr. Eastwood to come down and make the examination for the London -and Lancashire. "I can't, explain it," said the wltnesw. "unless he thought that Dr. Eastwood would hell) him to grind his axe, the same as I did." Dr. Eastwood apparently in not as bad as you are, then?" asked the coun sel. "He hann't been showed up ay bad in this case, anyway," replied the witness. In referring to the conversation held In the oflice of Mncdonald & Fitch at Stoul't'ville, Francey denied that he had thorn said that Alger was innocent of any fraud in connection with the Equitable policy. Francey told Alger In the presence of Macdonakl and Fitch that Dr. JSastwood knew that Mrs. Alger wan a consumptive and he would put the Insurance companies on to the racket. The reply was marie to this that "We will fix Lr. Eastwood ' on that point. Tho spicy little -conversation refer red to by Francy at the last hearing of the case, no having1 taken place be tween the witness and -Mcssi-h. Mac- donald and Fitch, was related at the request of the counsel for defence. Francy said that Mr. Mncdonald told* him that he would have to stick to Alger, mid couldn't Jje with 'the Equit able. Fitch alt'o said that if Francy went to the Equitable and told the story, they would have him under ar rest at once. This took plo;ce subse quent to the conversation In which the witness told Macdonakl and Fitch that the whole thing was a fraud. Francy admitted that ho had spoken to other persons and told them that If if they would take out a policy In the Epultable he would pass them, One or two consented, and he passed them, and others refused to enter Into such an arrangement.- He, went to tho so., of a Mr. Hoover of .Whitehall ana ton! him that his father was not lit a very good physical condition, and if tho son wished to place any moro lnmiraneo on his. father's life, tht ho,- tho wit- noBH, would pas him. After tho witness had admitted that ho was guilty of false representations and conspiracy to defraud, Mr. Lennox attend him If the position of counsel and prisoner was reversed, If he, the wltnesH. would believe Lennox on his oath, "If you was going to grit your liberty by tel]-' ing the truth,, there ifl a possibility that I would/' replied!the witness, and , the laughter, was turned on the coun sel. In w-examlnatJo, Dr, Francy ealfl that h understood from Mesara Mac-' donald atoA Fttphi^wtfen at StbuflfvIHe, - ^__w^_j ^ WW the^hcW though It wm ail- -'; fT--IFy E'SSfeX" FPEE PRESS. -Jii. right. In explnii'ntlnti or ecrtoin staie- lreiitu mad" by J'.; t, ") .m;:!.. . Miiiahle lai'u, win u tin i,rhtleinair uk , King evidence in: t Week, the Altni'ji- i-uld thut tlii npi Mention inadu ("I" a poln-.y.oii Hi,. ||i'|. .,]' I J. It. Hul lo r wnn I'i'Jeetid ';i i he !aec oT his )i ' iIiim! ivport. Vr, hllllt, imiln'iT of (he-Standard Lank at Mm.jvIITV; prnrtUCed "pupi-ru and lnhdts showing Alu(>'"n tliut nHal |m- Jlluii wlib Ha- haul*. Seun :jili-r >< r::. Alger's d<'iilh It W'H |U'.ipf.:ed I'.'. tile wlu.i ;;.'; th;il Alger ju :'lgn Hie 'Kqiillable policy ln'lln' hnlilt, us n :ti-- eurll.y I'm- Um ainuncl. due th,: hank, and (lie hunk uoiild r.'Uv him mi ( ! ii.: if hi (,f I line, V'i'lh ii III.- i 11 ' J i .t f.ei- e'M-.j.itiiy Je;i iln'l ui iha :'\.':;-'!! . a. will \mu! si-rvi-d on teh bank t'i,- tht: r-MiH/elln l Ion oj' : lie pnliey., ii n< I the policy w.'tf I'l.'-afii-'ii'.iu d by (he bniilc l.o .Mger. Alg.-r I'V the billll,- p)Llll In the ens iniH ellun I ^ lin'Urii-d x\' thl; 'ii t.' I I I'M I I I; Ih ' >y tiild lit- ., , i.ii hi i .ii I i' i.- ;l lie: : ';L j iw . -.'U'eil :/ -. F.ir.-w.-l! d li.i 11 I- i il !1<-. i.-i \U .1. : M i *i - .. v. l::t! l.-riii I .; . .ei- I 11j*-. It i'" l-'i.nii"\'lil. ! ! I:;i i the. jji.JI j .i > Llie \, Imli I Iplll. The V." nil will In , :unl I It IV (|l[i-;-;tioiiii cillli-d 1'ui-lli'lln pI'iTe;;!:- j "I" Mr. .1.. niiux, ',-. lei _ eunl-rnl' '1 11ml t i\\c Crown counsel had no rich I I" , ."-ad the witness. 'I \i'w m;i I \-> r w;i m j.'i'tll'.'d to tlie s;ili:-il'ne; ii.n-til' Mr. I,in- n ox, and Mr. l'\ire\\ e!l pi ueeed'-d :: secuud conversation hr]i| jhe sn me lay In the oflice of Mu<:loiin1il t*c Fiteh. l-'rancy at dirst said II w.-,-. iilil;;ht. but again changed and :"iild ihe.l Mn: A Iger w:is a eonsumpt I v. and Al^er knew It. Francey at thut time ndvo- cated throwing up the plqultiiblo pol icy becaiiKe i here1 w;is i:o inudi dirt about the Home Mfo denl. In thnt conversation Ahtr rlenh-d thai bis wife wss ever troubled with . coieuimiitlnn. Subsequent to this date " conversa tion wns held in the hend olllee oi th'* f'l.andfii'd ltank In Toronto, at w'liei- 1 'r. Francey; the wltnes!-, and ot h.-- oillclals of the bank were present. Tin .witness admitted at this conversation witness admitted that at this conver sation lie corroborated In inaii;.; par tlculars the statement of Dr. Fimrteey iiH to the conversation In HlourTWflc: The witness said that at the conversa tion in StoufYvllle, Frane^v Hald thai ho was not going to go down alone. Mr. Elliott's version of what Muonon- ald said to Francey ahntu swearing I the thing through was also quite dif ferent from that given by Dr. Francey, According to Mr. Elliott, Macdonald's statement was that Francey would be prosecuted by the Insurance compan ies 'whether he stayed with Alger or . not. In cross-examination Mr. Ellloti said that ho had had frequent finan cial dealings with Alger, and always . considered him an honest, upright man, worthy of every confidence. I When' the cross-examination of Mr. I Elliott had' been completed, Mr. C. Uussell Fitch, of Mncdonald .t' Fitch.' requested to he allowed'to make a statement with reference to the con versation between Dr. Francey, him self and Mr. Mncdonald, which took placo In- Stouffvllle....._-Mr..JRM.te.ll Hnld that when they were apart Francey and Alger told widely different stor ies, and It was thought necessary to get. them totret^her, to get at the true facts of the cane. "TWieiTThu meeting took place Francey at flrijt denied that he had said to Mr. Elliott that any thing was wrong. During the whole conversation Francey never asoi**d that Mrs, Alger had consumption In December, 1894, In fnet,; he sab! Ik- would swear to the truth of his medi cal report on a stack of bibles a mile high. Francey advocated the throwing up of the policy In the Equitable be cause of the Home Life deals. He had passed Mrs. AIrci- In that case with out seeing her, find he was not going to take his chance of p-olnK to Jail for Alger for $7000. He told them tint It" they pressed the claim he would g-> Into the box and swear thot Mrs. Alger had consumption, In order to clear himself. Alger risked Francey If he had'ever told him tlvt she lied con sumption nnd ho admitted that he hnfl not told him recently. Francey said that he wn going (o swear himself nut of it, and sliev by -those who con id protect h- n. er denied nil knowledge or the Home l.H'c application and also said that he- was somewhat suspicions of the Equitable policy u.s his application for a policy on his own behalf was rejected and tjiat tor Airs.' Alger'was accepted. He said lie was- being led on-by an .Insurance agent, whose name he did not divulge to Mr. Fitch. To Mr. Farewell Filch, admit ted that the writ against The World was 'proposed as a means of scaring the'insurance company in the payment of tho policy. Edward Wilson of? Lrougharn, a re lative of the deceased. Mrs. Alger, was called into the witness box and asked to tell of a conversation hn-haxk-with- Mrs. Alger in July last In reference to her health. The witness was very re ticent at llrstAand said that a con versation had taken place, but he did not want It to come .out. For this statement he was sharply remanded by the magistrate, who reminded him that he was sworn to tell the whole truth. In this, conversation Mrs. Al ger told the witness that she had not seen a well day since the death of her father In January, ISitl. Tho witness said that he knew nothing of the In surance on Mrs. Alger, until the To ronto World published the proposed investigation. At tho evening session of the court the charge against Alger, Brown and Hartop was- proceeded with. Brown was .represented by Mr. U. A. Dick son, of Toronto, with Messrs Don and McGllIivray looking after Hartop'H In terest. The* testimony of Drs. VV, Fer guson and W. F, Eastwood was.prac tically the same as that given by them at the last trial. The purport of Dr. Ferguson's statement was that Mrs. Alger die dof consumption, and that of Dr. Eastwood" that Alger- had known for years she was so allllcted. Michael Gleson, a store keeper.'at Greenwood, and agent of the London and Lancashire, swore that he accom-. ,panled Joseph Hortop to Alger's a day or two after the funeral, when Alger and. Hortop talked about tho Horn.-) Life application. Ilortop professed there was nothing In that as he held' a due-bill or receipt which must be attached to the application boforo It could bo completed. Nothing would come of It, he confidently predicted. At 9.-in court adjourned to 10 a.m. to-mor row, when Dr. Francey will tell the utory of tho Homo Llfo application. HortcJp was balled In $2000 recogniz ances, himself In $1000 nnd J500 oach by Wilfrid Sadler and Dr. Prank War ren. __ Ifre Hurry \tt+y Ihn enunrit*. Buffalo, N.Y., Nov, 15. Inspector Do! Barry examined three suspeots who wore held at Niagara Falls yester day. Ho deported one of thorn, a blacksmith named vLouis .Douglass, who, li Is alleged, was coming across under contract , to work for Wilbur '.McArthur of Buffalo, \ Immigration Inspector Estell of Og- denaburg, N-Y., Is In Buffalo consult-. Ins with Assistant United States Dle- JnSnectd'r De Barry, regarding some v|Alatlon if the; Allen Contrapt* Laborr Law .-in his'^JrldL ;'Mr;;.35^en;.ha8,( Juifedlc- ttojn over tp^; north boyder-'anfl;iJtVryr.' ing1 hard ittj&rittCjjt- tt^rti'^wailii' th* Artlron .A "':+-* *-Y * ?!) / / ?>.?) ;." \-r,Hht ',.. -^WJt 'M'* ::/ *wy$^(L ..... :H3fe !;^ ytii'Ji'^'iaOiGI so tj:c>vioijc:! as a vt r)r"-l Vi'"^') f"^f yrti*g:i A t: kha; Statement, oi* a Well Known Doctor " Nd el her Mmxl nieillri:];. f 11.- .-f. \ havo ever used, mill J li ne irieil iliein all, U so llienniim in Us >ut\ eifecis mi ninny perniaiieut i-u, . ':, Su^jiparilla."-- Jpr. Jl, K Mi.;;i;.,.!. ,' .ie.ta( Alu, <9rt +JLi;:--. ' " :m Admitted at the Wovld'n Fair. Ayer's^iiv Sarsaparilla Ayrr'a 1*111 a for liver jj a hmnttln* A CALL EOII SOLDIERS To Help Colloct tho Taxos In Lowo Township. THE POLICE WAGONS DISABLED. IblUWrt uiKlt 4<iii.tiililC)i. naiil^llrd In Trudge Tliroiiufli Ititlu uiul llud lu K -nfrh of llelo-UIIKiirV OltlcerH ed io fur Heli>, Lowe, Que., Nov. Ii..-Tli delinquent tax-payers of the township stele a march through the night upon the provincial police and bailiffs who are here to make them pay up If they can. Morning Droite wet and dismal, but to make the prospect worse It was founfl "that the police wagons had been dis abled!. Somebody had removed the nuts from the axles and there was nothing for It but to walk over the blue clay roads of the township. It w.*" (} evident the posse relished the Job but dlghtly, and when the tiatlnoau train arrived from the north at 7 o'clocu '.he county solicitor and two of his ildes boarded it for Hull city. Borne .laid It was to get reinforcements; oth ers are of the oplnnin thai th" terms of a settlement' lire to be arranged. To all appearance the disposition of the people in this neighborhood' has not improved towards the invading onlclalB, but tht- prospect of tha forew being added to has given the leaders paui:o. To-night quite crowd gathered at the railway station. They made no de monstration, but eagerly listened to the accounts of the affair In the city newspapers. ICv -iently they arc not averse to the pubMelty their goings are receiving. No selKuren were attempted to-day. To-morrow a move will probably be made upon the settlement, where the delinquents are of a better clais, and have heretofore only resisted payment because their neighbor^) had been al lowed to continue in arrears In defi ance of th law. x Ottawa. Nov. ]5.~Tlie'Quibi*e County nu- thorUlcs hnve ralmid n Utile rebellion an la Lowe Township. Yi'Mterday the police force failed to neenre a dolhtr of tiisen, and it is (piesiloiinlile whether they will suc ceed without bloodshed. The residents of the township are of Irish dcmrenl, and op- Iii.i"l.tn itity eluss of tiixjitlon. This litorn- "trrT-it ruined lunvlly in Lowe, hu that tlio police mid IuiHUVh declip'tl not to K" hnek to llie set lletiumt until the afternoon. l>nr- hif,' the. nij.'hI n eoiiiin^eiit of the mob quietly appl'oiH'lied llroiiUn' Hotel, the hend- quiirttrs of the |iol.ei\ uiul ri'inoved the uiitrt from llie rl^'s that are In uso to isiirry the off leers to mid fro.*.i tin' scene of oper ations. The nilsHhif,' parts of llie rl):s can not be found, nnd eoiisi'iptetitl.v the ve- hlclt'H are until for use. No rigs can te got aliout iliere, as those who have rly:s refiiHe to rent them.. The officers are thus strand ed, and will be obllf,'nl to mnreli hnek on foot. This over roads l;m e-deep In mud will be no eiiKy iiuntei*. ' I'Mail'iig It hapiissliile to vhnlleatu the law with the small force at their command, County Solicitor Major, Hijrh Const able Cenest and Ser^t'. 1'atry of the provincial poller drove to. Hull this afternoon and. iiiniie a formal requisltl.rti on a Jimtlee of "he pence for iul.itai'.v -aid. Sheriff Uouit- lee, Justices ('hiiiiipa)glie, (.'ousluenn and Tl'llilel a It ached their names to the rtiqillMl- llou, which si-ts forth that " ccrtnln lioiihles. riot, nr r!nli tion of the public peace." are apprehended in the execution of . annuls against defaulting 'taxpayers. .The rcipdHitliih wuH'Imndcd over to Col. .losluui \\ right of the' -h'trd Itattalon, who in iinii trrn.-t!*! rreil it to Col. Ayltuer, ns- _ i)-tiim ad.lmaat-genenil, who 'conmuuubi I Ids d s' r'et. Col. A.vlu.er eonsalted with lion, Mr. rie|:(.\- :;u.| (Inn ml Ciisenl^ue, tuul It wan d cdid not to do anything until to-morrow. In the meantime the law -will be looked lino to sec If th.* case Is such mt contem plated hy sect on :tl nf chapter 'it of the IPvlicd Statutes. The * members of the Ctril Ptittalion ar: on the alert, and, de spite the miserable weather and frightful. roads, .will be on hand to-morrow If, duty calls them S> Lowe. It la atuted that the Atthrney-Orncnil of Quehoe hnH telegraphed .nuking for UHslHt- uney. POWDERS CHURCH OIRfcCTOiiY MjBTntuniiT. \)t. I'anooe, Pantor. Borvme voyvSumiiiy j,tll a. in. nl 7 p. m. Bahb^iii toliool HtUjwi li.in. C. K, Nnylor. HupurlutPUii- ntoryuhficl. KpWoth Li.ni>|'tit.,v rnn'tlut "tn.H<iuy ..-ei:iun afcS o'olouk. uuli.t;ul-ti ftVt .tefltlaj.', oi j rimrsday ovmitiJi; Ouuiten or KHftrjAsn lUv. A.L,.Itvorly, In aiUibniit, HL PiioIb. KwifiX, JlrviiioMflrvloo ( vi. ry |,.imilivy ut 7 o'clock, p iti Hunda.v Johool uttOa. in. A'rhiltV Clmrch, North llldgi -Oivluu ho*vIoob ovory HaninTy mil p. m.; Hun li*y Htihoal nt Mfip. in. Tbo jiubllci uro cor- litdly lnvltdd. PuiimtVTFlUAN. W. M.Vlanilu^, Vaittor' Hor- vIjohoii Hubbath tttll R, in. nUd 7JWp.ni Hub suth Hehoul ittyiiio v. m. 'Priiyor in* othiR nnd " mtor'Nblhlu oUm on TuuufTny ut,7.'J0 p. m. Hniiid Union on WodmtHdavti-t 9.1ftii. lUrriHT (j'nuiiaii. Kuv.M. I'. Oampboll, I'ilb- tor. HtirvlowH ouch Hubhuth ut 11 a. m. utiU 7 p. m. I'rayur niiMitlnu on WediiosdiLy <iVmlutf ut f. o'olouk- Hiiatii irtiii. Ail ar<t eordfaUy wol- ceiiiuil. VHouam OAruorac. Vv. C. K. Mofitte, I'Vntor. KoYvltn. wavy otbnr Sunday tit U.'Ali p. m\ Huiidny Holioolutiip.m. MiiO'iToNU Illyh mitmi itiut intrmou nt 10.U0 ii. m./CjitpohlHtii u.t'2 p. m , hiLiitlsm at !1 p. in., vtKai.-rniiTi\J hoiiadlelioii itt 7 p, m. G. x' Mo- VjoO^ 1*._______________________________ HALVATfOM jAhmv. T. II. MoIjdOd, CapUIw. Ridvatlou moiWlpiw on Wed n on day, Tlnntalay and Huudity nV*niii|<t(; Fro and Many, Katun)ity iivoulnti and !t )|).m. muuluy; llolluoiui meotlngb '......' '........rf'Mii "' 'i " li,T Hllu' day; Kiioo Brill^a^iSJ. vJ7^L;^n-y- Alljiro wnloomu. " LEGAL. |,> A. WIHMKJl, HurrhiUir, HolloiUir, NohTT 1 J Tubllu &q. ilonoy to loan. Ouloen, Dui ntmi Hloclt,up-otalrH, Kauox. i-lv r Ii. VWrnUR ParrlaUr, Holloltor, Notut Publlo Mouoy to Loan. Oilloo ov( Htruthoi-ii' Biinlt. Knaox Coutro. CLAttKK, IlAHTLiXlT & BAItTIiET, Ilarrli torn, eto. OUloonPMi!dbnry Ulock, WIiuIbo Private fundu to loan. A. U. CrMXIXH, h. Ij. . N. A. JHWTLWX A. H. lUllTliKl', lb A. HKNIIY 0. WAIjTKUS, L.L.lb, Attornoy anil Couniidtoi-at law, Holioltor In Ghiuiuury, Proctor In Admiralty, Patent Holioltor, with Aildoiiou AUtiigbbfJ Congranu ut, Jwoat, votxoit,, Mluh ((Janudlaii olalmu aigdntit persona hi tho UulU'd Htutoii oolliiLtodj . Hoforunoutii Imporlal IJunk, Kiaiox, Out, J. Ii. Potuiffl, Knq Jiavrlator, oto., KHaflX, Ont U,A. Wiamor, Kuo Ilitrrlatur, etc., Kbbov. Out D MEDICAL. Jim. Primi, M, D I. It., 0, V. D., ((raduato of Quouu'o Uoivornlty, Kingaton, raumbor of Ool- leyo of Phyaiolnnn and HiiruoonH.Ontarlo. avtul- uatn of Now York. Pout Graduate Medlaal Col- logo. J. W. Brian, M. D.r C. M V. T. M. 0. Honor (p-aihiaio of Trinity Modioli! Collo^, Honor eraduato of Trinity UnlvorHlty. Muwborof tho Gollojjoof I'nyBloIana and Sun'ooiiB, Ont Qrnd- nato.of how York. Pout OriuUiuto Modioal Oollcifjo- Ofllooovor KfiKox Mddloal Hall druif fitoro. CoDfrnHiitiou roomii, bullion (trouud lloor uud firnt Ihib above, Tolophono In.both ollloo and rtiahlnnoo. All orIIh attuudod to from oftloo, <lrng ntoro, or ronldonco, itoiildouoo, Talhob fltruot, front of fair Kroundu, D It. PIIOUPE, M. U. XJnivoriiity of Toronto, M.B., Trinity Uulvor- BltyM.'C; P. B. O., Into of Bb. Burtholomflw'n Ilaepital and Mobrfiold'a Itoval Ophthalmic HoHpltal, Loudon, Knglanil. Bpoclal attention ulveit to tlisoiiHOH of the oyo.oar, none and throat. Ollloo hours 11 to 12 a. ro., 1 toil ami 7 to fl p. ca. Oflloo and ronidooco, 05 Ouollotto ayo., Wlndaor, opponlto St. Mory'ii Acadaray. Tol. 10K. D KB. DKWAIl A MOKHNZIK. P.A.Dhwah, M.D.G.M.(1T.T.M.B. Honor Grndu- ito Trinity Univornlty. Mombor CoIIoko Pliyi ioiaiio and Surcoono, Ont. Koiiidauoc, Talbo Rt.Eaat. " G. MuKknkjh. M. D. G. M,, Coronor, Now York I'oat Graduate, Fellow Trliilt.* uodloal OoIIoffo. Gradnato Trinity Unlvoraity jtooldunco: Talbot fitroet, woU of M. G, It, OtlioobomrH fl to a. m., 1 toll and (itoHp, m Ollloo in Imperii) 1 Bank block, (p-ound lloor. uoxt to Thornn'n drug atoro. Tolonboiioin oonnootlon with oflloo and ronl- donoo. Onlorn loft at Tbornu'a drum utoro will bt promptly attonuod to. DENTAL. HP. MARTIN, D. D. S., Ij. I). H, Gradunto In Dontiatry, Royal Collop.e of Doutal 9tngoorjn, Ontarm, and fJnivoraity of Toronto OhurRen.modovutu. Uikco, ovor Brlon Si Cot 'Irun otoro. lB-ly ^____^_ ^y e ter l*}SZz~~*~^~ WH 11ICHAKDBON, VKVKHINAItY BUIt , GEON. Honorary cradmito of Ontario Votorlnary t^olloot*. Toronto; mombor of On tario Vtitorinury Modioal'Boiiloty; Dlplomlitt in Dontintry; troatii nil dioiiHH of domodtloatod aiiiinalfijoiittlodohornod bv thiilatoat bnprovod Loavltt clipper Onlhi by tolct)hono or tolo- Smpli promptly attoiidod to. Itoaidencfl, four oorn noutb of ariiit mill; offlco In pont ofticn buildlnu; iuflrhmry, directly opponllo. LAND SURVEYOR. YAMES B. LAUtD, Provinoial Land Burvoyoi f.l and County Hiifiinuor, Ebiiox Centre, Out Ollloo, BunntiLQ Block, upatairn. AUCTIONEERS. HENRY IIEDItICK, Anotlonoor. 8 n 1 op promptly attondod to. Aiidronn Bontu Wooduloo, Ont. Fornonu tlealrinc to nuouiro mt may loiivo word aiitboFnKK Pinsnii ofllcp. tt . H. HEDItlOK D SINCLAIR, LICENSED AUCTIONEER t for tho County of Eotox, Hailiff of Eiphth Bivinion Court. All klnda of Vartu and other Balofl couduotod promptly- Baton roiiwnublo and furnlBbod on anplloatfon. Knanlrors may apply at \V. D. Boaman'n oflloo. or at tbo offlco of Blvlalon Court Ok'rk.Mr. John Milno JOHN GORMLEY, LIGtLNGlCD AUCTIONEER for tbo County of Ebsux. All kind u of farm ntook naloa, oto., conduotod promptly mid on nborfc notlco. Ttatnp romioi'ablo. PorKomi dcKlrablo.to nrraeuo Palo a may. io ho by oallinK at tbo .X'uhk Punhfi oflloo or by applying to * 4 J. GOBMLEY, P. O, Box ltii 'Kbbox, Out* FKANK MoOLOSKBY, Maldatono,. tbhty- novon yoaru' oxporlonoe an an auotiouoerm tbo County ^JEuflOX. Sales conducted promptly, and on reasonable tarmtt. Parties dealrin^ to nx tho ditto for a tmlo uau ntive tbomeelvoe.a, drive by calllnRat tbo 1'hmu Punas oflioo. Wo have arrmitjad with Mr; McOloakey and will fix. tbo dates for Bales by telegraph,ontirely hroo of all charge to the person holding tbe sslo. Ad- dreBB Frank UoOIOBkov.MaldatoneCroaa^Ont! BAJJER^^^ TEE oldoet bualnesa in town. Bstablisbe 187. FhrBtrolMB bread and oakea of al kinda. Weddine onk^a a pcolality: .Grooenoa provlBionB.flonr.fpfld, Bait aad pork, Opnieo- Uonory, orookary,glaflwar. Canned frulta and TOgflta>leBof b41 kinds. P^^-^Sff^/nw Uvewd to all parts city* tovp- J, M. fllOKH. / t an d and loAn Agents ^*A*VWV" Hon, ju^Hft'iV. , flM-*j?_ ' H&aii. ,'MM,UiiiouMiMLB,PaJaJuliho Side,ConitipUw, 1 T'>rDra;JU^iJMiBnrtta:i\to.^ y^->' uZi .- I-1 v-'tv. ^^':.-*:',^",*^OT [v. .-;,.,'.l,v- ^>,i EOBGE J. THOMA&, piaiVtjB^ar^CoM? a BstAU and MorWe*; Mone: lcSwr*i^,oy^a#|.^fa*in vv'l-'j ;, -! 'i i M..',,"i.\y ,'iV '..- MA Ar'-y.'.-r^-^'-y- -..^rJ'Sr marriage LICENSES. XT 1" I'AWK, IBBUEIi OY UABniAOJd LI- .Vj, c(tiiK, ItlchardBoh BJk., Krmi, Ont. MltAKUI'/r'I1, fanuox- of Uari.'ftgo UooDMS, * : Ceniuil.i{..nrlnU.J..ki. OotftU.Ont. 'M rjir p. BEAMAN, Isnuor of Murrl'if.;*) IJcutiBtis. luuurtuic* a^oat- Nlfjhtolhoo at Dwelling. . TALUOT HTItKKT. KBBX5S.fl UNDERTAKING- nPLURIMK.lt, Uriilorfoktft n.U\ HurnltMr Didor. OollWiH. homo &ih1 taohrty mvd from $3 to $1*0. Mutlre({or, Op* architects. . toun a. maycock, AUOHITKO'S, Sttu. liooui 10 and 11, Klotulutf Ik*ili*inf(. / Wiodov(0ulP' lliou 'J10- SOCIETIES f O. O.'r-'.-KNa'KRPBXBB Lodgo No UlB I . niottBovry Thurudaf.evoDhia at 7.80 in Mdfollowu Uall.lutliJrdBtoreyUuunUn Block ?InitbiHmitmboruuf other kxlffnuwIU receive iruti.rual welcome, J, JOHNHTON, N. G. OENTRAL ENOAMVMKNT,No.0, moelBid Oddfollowa'HalLDunatan'B Bloak, on tho first .&ud third Tueaduylnoaeb month. Vlaltornoor dlally roDolvod. Houibara of aubordlnato 1 oil get lu th* lurlBdlotlon, luvltod to Join. 0. IUNNAN. O.P., O. If. HILL, G. S. __________ EX FIittiJtltICLAl)B. MBETB BVEttY i, YrVT'*-'^^*^B^ww*a^3iVaimor. OapUlnl li EriiUy eveiime, DkvrafjIiliilijU.y Dllaa Andrew Parker, Llontenr.nl PHw*r Buorotury; Erndorlok Hyatt, Traaatir? * COURT ROYAL, NO. iilS, I. O. F. MnotHBoeond and fourth TuesdavV month In 1. O. O. V. Hall at 8 o'clock p. Viftltlnit brotbnm will be Rtvon a frateroalwi come. E MoOauslanil, 0. Jt W. O/Bbaw, Beoi M. J. Wliilo, 0.0. XI. O. It. *tyS5^ jVJICHICAJ?(TENTRJtt " Thfi Khtnn+A Wl/ Pn4m * The Niagara Mia BottU.' Taking ottoot Dntrolt....... Wludaor.... Polton........ MaidHtonoc IfiBBOX........ Wooduloo ... Iluaaomb ... Gombor...... Rldnntown.. Rodnoy....... Bt. Thoraiw QtOINd U1HT MayBlOtb, PJOB. Mall K*v. a.m. a.m. 7.1B O.20 7.-10 (160 Exp. a, m. 0A0 10.10 fl.03 H.11 8.21 S.iW A.1J7 !l,ir, J 0,17 11.U0 7.20 t0.33 1O.00 London......... t. Thoman... Rodnoy......... Rldgotown.,.:. Comber.......... Ruucomb....... Wooduloo....... Bflnox............ Mindntono Cr Polton............ WlndHor......... Dotroit........... noma went. p.m. 12.10 a.uo 4 07 o.:io 5.41 B.tM) 6.011 fi.M 0.45 7.10 11.60 1.06 a.m. 0.33 10.31 11.43 12.10 1S.4C Aeoom p.m. 4.i0 6.05 6,19 fi.l>0 ts.iw &.K0 . tt.SO CM 710 . 7.110 fUO fl.m- S.1G Q.Itfi 7.JJ3 e.o 0.30 " 0.88 0.46 9.84 10.04 10.19 1C.30 IO.dU Amhevuthuvtx Iboonl YroIuM. WKHT KABT J p m. a.m. a.m. (1.10 11.M 8.IB 0.25 I8.(ia B.-^ft a.m. a.m. p.in Kbiiox 7.1fi 0.&0 B.30 U.2.1 U'.till H.-^ft EdirurB ^7.00 0.40 CIO 0.28 M.10 0.:i2 Ij XI dE D B Xing 0-ttO ll.lJfi 4.C3 fl JIf) 1QII0 H:8fl JMoOronor .4H 0.30 4.B0 0.60 12.M) 8.B5 AmborBtburff 0.30 IU0 4.80 All traina are run on coatral Htandard time, which In iitxty mlnntoa elowor than Kuboi , time. l"or Information and raten to colon-J iatn movhiR woBt apply to John G. Lavon^ Paal aonaor Atiout, Bt. TbomaB. 0, W. Ruculea, Qon-> oral Pnnnonffor and Tlokot Afioiit, Cbloofio, III or A, O BtlmorB. Acout, Ebodx, L. E. & D. R. Ry- TIMETADLF NO. lfl, taking effoct flaturday, Juno 29, ltiiifi. Tralmi run hy I'aatorii Htand ard Tiruo. Dally oxoapt Bunday .9 i M - M 1 H w. Ct^t a "S Btationh, ri IO 5b w oft O o o , o 'A 'A "A 'A-~ A M A M Y \l K M X u PM 0 4H12.0C H:20 I>op Walkory'lo Ar 0 io 0,00 7.40 0.'I7;12,il(l n.'.i7 Walkorvlllo Juna. 0 04 M0 7.84 0.fi512'10 d.iio .........Polton......... H07 0.8M 7.27 O.fill 1U.JS (1.40 H fill 6.17 7.21i 10.0(1 12.S8 0 47 B 47 B.ru 7.17 10.13 1.10 0 64 H42 fi.00 7.12 10 iti 1.28. 6.60 ...+ Now Caiman... ti "0 4.40 7.00 10115 1.40 7.07 ... 1 MarHbilold ... 0 21) <MH (j.eo 10.II3 2.C0; 7.W ...... Harrow ...... H ia 426 It. 62 10.42 2.1(7,24 ,.......f Amor......... 8 11 ,4.00 Ml 10.K2 fl. 60 7.34 ......KhipBvlllo...... H 01 8.46 0.01 10.60 a.OOi 7.42 7 61 11,16 1121 11.10 Ji.4] 7Q ... Lnamluutnn ... ......WboatUy...... ......t Ronwlolt...... 7 40 1>.40 11.10 ll.U-l 4.10 B.0 7 21 l.M 5.6-1 11.111 4.110 H 17 7 IB l.IW 6.4 ll.Ml 4.60 R.30 ......Coatftwoyth ... 7 10 LIB 6.40 11.-I4 5.110 R.K2 7 00 12.U0 6.1K) 11.C2 li.jr, H.40 .........Morlln......... 0 6U 12.21 5.22. ll.f.O 6 6fi H.47 0 46 12.1^ fl.16* 12 01 o.or. fi,R2 ...... Saudlnoii ...... fl 40 12.05 5,10 12.12 0.1 G ooo ...tCodar Springs... G 1 31.28 6.01 1U 1H li Mft 0,(i7 Rlenbclm Juiiot'n 0 24 ii.ao 4.64 12.1i2 (1,15 0,1^ ...... Blonliolni...... 0 'Hi 11.16 4.60 UVUl 0.66 020 .........Wilkio.,....... 0 10 10.16 4.40 1U.40 7.10 0.H1 Ar Ridgotown Dop 0 00 10.00 4.110. P M. r. H. 1*. M A.W. S'.M, V.M I Fhifj Btutloim, Tralun Blop only when tboro aro patficiiuem at or for those etailouB. Mlxod trains uro at ul tlmon uubjeat to be oancolled. WW WrtOLLATT. GiPrnl RupoWntoi)dnt Furniture .'A: Now in tbo time If you want a. bargain. A nuo Stock and well assorted,' and prices right. Call and lDBpeot, it. will, coot yon uotbm^ tago tbrongh and , get ptiuBB,, Deat value In tho coamy; in.eiohaogewill take opd lumbor and Btove wopd. ' , .'. '" .' " I1'-." ipEETAHNa AND E^MDIB; . a -specialty.. Good omrriogesjlai.attandaijoe', when reqnireol aiid prioea 26,per oenl; lees,, : than ivheq t|ina'-Wa)|^ 'itofl^v^WflJCnflt'/"hfa..' - undowcld by anyone i thA ^MineBi.;.; I will p*V yot| ttittyout tWtWe/"ett^tof rll,:' _ M'>' ".r.^":. ^,,',!^t"--': : .'V-'i.'^xi! v.".* -f: .'.V v^'j {' ?Vli" iV^'*' '^".-, '!*]ilv.'.^/?JJlr^^JiJBH 87

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