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Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), November 22, 1895, p. 3

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i r Tl ' , 1 w.w~7F, mm e THE B^SSB/^ ^^^;4w; ^i)fe^:*'r ' *^j DON'T TRUST TO LUCK PtUNtliO'TO; 'DEATH A Car Goes Through tho Draw of tho Cleveland Viaduct In buying your Groceries ISEVENTEEN PEOPLE ON BOARD- Th BUY THJDM OF r; And you will get just what you order. Goods Delivered/Promptly T Essex Free Press. ** \lDAY. NOVEMBER 22, 1A05. UOLJSJI Till' TOLL ROJiD. 'x'ho provinoiitl toll roudu oommioBion fill viwib Windsor on Wdw)Hilay nojti, Hoy. 27, for the purpoao ot htmrmn tho udsucft of pursoim hitnruHtod Ju tho aboli- iiou of tuediffurout toll roadH lauding into that oiiy. It wcnlJ havo bson a wiso ubioko of polioy to huva hud tu** oomminMonara, while in tho aunfcy, vittit tho vanoun oiutroBof trudo in fouled with tho toll road uuiMunao, ami to navo mado a tfonorai to) o vow an t iu tho direction of tho total ah- olitiou of toll roads m tho oounty oFEuumc, Indoad, wo balfnv*,whilo tho aomrouHionora aro hare, an effort ohould bo made to in- duoo th#m to visit tho Town of Eabox, uud to inspect tho road through tho town. A. f w liouru* timo would uuflioo to havo this to at tor brought bdforo tlioir uttoution, and it iu hoped that our town oftiamht will aob quioklyiu tins timttoi". Kpworth Ijtitt'^uo Convention SUGAR EMEU. QJWWU G. An cxahuufje romarkn that: Tho boot au^ar iadwfitry it! ono wlnoh ubould bo of ,8omo importunoo m thin provinao. It hun buon demonstrated that our noil is nuitubla for ruining tho sugar boot; that thoro \h a larRQ market for it, and that tho induQtry hftB boon vary Huooooaful in Fmnoo, Gor- ,, bmdv uud tho United Stutoe. From re- / portti filod iu tho ufttoo of tho Soorotary of 1 tho Stato of Nehru-tLi, it im hIiowii that tho Jirat two wpoIih' .wirl. (jf tho umaonat tho Grand Inland bent t.ugur fiLtory rimultt'd in tho pioduo'ion of -100,000 iIh. of miliar, tho valno of which was SiJO.OGO. L'ho ututo bounty on iliia wan ft 1,500. Ah llio ftirmoin wcro paid S" Pr ton of botttt to n.alio thin Uuaotity, tboir rcooiptd woro SIB,COO for uhd ruiHiny and dolivory of 3.000 tonti of H^ar boi-tn. Canada ukoh u largo quantity .. f unuar whioli iti piautiuilly all imported. If bout linear uorb HiiccoQufully manufuctur- od hoiti it would hiipphtnt u goiul pai t of tho quantity now imported. Hit her tho Outar.KJor Doraimon Government nhoul 1 talto tho matter up and appoint an insti uefc- or to mako tho profit of kot ( rowini: clour to tho farmoni, and the udvuutuco of nuiu- ufacturinj; plain to tho oapituliHtn. Tl.o Doininioti Govornmont payH a raan to in- fltruot tho furmora iu iho choono inJuhtry; why noc aimilarly dioHOtniuato information roKiLrdinp tho boat Hugar induotry ? Many BfHox comity faro^ora during tho ^itiatrfnw yoacH havo aumially rained tony of anp;ar beetii which yrow to 'a vory lar^o fliao on our heavy boiI. At prcaout tluy aru grown for full feeding to eattlu and yield rich roturmi in thoiucreuHod flow of milk. It in htatod in official oirolos that Qrnat Bnbaiu has finally conoented to join Cim- ada iu th& ontabhnhmout of a now funt tranu Atlautio uorvioo, Tho Ontario Btirauu of Indaatnefi hail Mfliiort tho final crop bullotlu for 3S'j5,con- tainiuR it eatunatoB on fUo throohmg ro- turno. Tho dt-fioionoy of rainfall in tho bix aro wing tnuutliH in fivon at thcuo inchen, Tho ofXoot of tho drynoaa of tUo woathor iu tioon oiiiotly in tho rclurua of the hay and olovor crop, whioh in given uh 1 819,000 toiifl, or 0'7fl toua an aero, an oompareil with 3,575,000, or 1-39 topn (in aero, iu 1891. Tho built of oorreapondontu toport throalnn aa comploto, or wall ad- vanood, whilo a fow, mors partioularly in tho Eaut Midland district* wtitto tharo id Btill oonuEdcrablu to be dono. RoporU do not u-crro aw to tho pro^rcn of mufkotin^. Bovoral oorroupotiduutd ropirt half tho oatu and whoat to bo aold. Tluifo uppuarn owaver, to bo a tondouoy to hold wheat other j^rainH for au advnuco in price, a number of oorrt'apondonlHattHprt that haro boon mad a only xvhoro thero whr aflsuro for ottflh. Low prlooa are Inad- ing farmers to fefld mora gram to Jive etook, and a larue quantity of liar ley and pea a ,*ill bo diapoaad of iu that Way. For thid reason it will ba hard to estimate wlmt proportion of tho cram crop* will bo left in the-farmers' baudafor nade later iu the le&son. ^ollnwiny i th program oJ! tho Windsor Dialrmt Epworth Loa^uo Cdiivontioii, to bo huld at KU>(>flV]]lo on Tuouduy and WeUuonday, Deo. 3 and i. TUli'JIijLV JLia'KUNOOM. 3 00 Dnyctioual vow coa. oouduatod by JU'V. Wm. MoDonah, Kiugflvillo. 2 ID Appointmont of uomiunting com- rmbtoti. 2 20 Wordu of wolcomo, Dr. J. E. Jon- nor, proHident Kiuunyillo Uagno. 2.i0 Rt'ply of flamo, Ilov. J. It. Gundy, Wiudtior. 3.20 EIcaLion of ofliooro. Quoatioii dfttwor, Jtflv, A. G. Crown. 4 10 Throo miimtu reportH of work Of Iou((uph, BOO "Modol pravor moating," Roy. Mr. Godwin, WalUorvillo. ft.30 Cloning i xoraiwoH. TITK-IUY 1GVKMINO. 7.30 Duvot iou.il exuroiHtn, conducted by llov. John Henauaon, Gombor. 7-iG Frotiidont'H inaugural addrouM. 7.50 "Airaa and objaotH of of tlio En. worth Ijouguo," R, V, Olomont, B. A., LL, BmRiu^iviIIo. 8.10 "Chattanooga OoiiViiutiou and its Iohhoiih," iiuv. A. C Ovdvia, Goneral Bee- rotary, Toronto. WKDNBMHY MOUNING. 7 30 Sunriao pruyor nrrfotiutf. 9 00 Dovotioual ixoroiaea, conduottd by Rov. Mr. Bakor, MwrHoa, 010 "Social work of luagaoy," Mian yhaw, Cottam. 9 1*5 Developing spiritual Ufo of Jnaum- borHhip," Rgv. S. J. Alliu, amhoratbur^. 9,40 "Ihb'e reading ou TQmporauoo,', Mr. <J. C. Gopoland, Huthvon. 10 10 DiHLUHuion and Hinging. 10 !J0 "Dopartmontal work of Loaguo," Mibh Paiiooo, lOganx. 10 15 Dinouhoion. 1100 "Onr Loaguort and tho work of Methodint Mid'Uoiib," Ilov. C. W, Konuody, GcMto. 11 '20 DinoUBtiiou and wiuging. 11.-15 Clouiug o.xorciHoo. WJ.HNKhDA^ AITKIINOON. 2 00 Devotional exorcihuo, eouduotad by Kov. Mr. Alorrioon, VVhoatloy, 2 10 "Relation of lip worth Loaguou to Sunday SohoolH," Rov. J (I. Ayoarut, Har- row '-'.10 "Puraonal influunco in winning SouIh," Muh HuttioA. Barker, promdent Wioduur Xieuuuo, 3 00 "Syutomatm giving to eauoo of Ohrmfc," Rev. Mr. Mrd 1, lluthvon. .'CIO "Ilowto reita tho biblo," Mit-o Gullo.vay, Loftuiinyton. 1 00 "How to hluui'u new mombern,M Mihh Nolliu Tootor, Amlierutburft. 1 30 Cousioratiou meeting, oonductod by Mr. *V C McCuaig. Wiuduor. o 00 Cloning exorciacH. Wl.l)Ni:iiIJAY KVIJNISO, 7 HO Devotional exuroiheH, oouduotod by Rev. Mr. Cooper, Tilbury. 7 15 Auihorn, Choir. 7 50 "The Luugno uu a rovivnl agoucy," Rl-v. Mr Gallowiiy, Luaurington. 8 20 Anrhoin, Choir. B SO Kwuay on "HoliuoHn or ontiro nut- mfaotiou," llov. Mr McDoimgl^TCingtiville. 9 00 "Sucouhh of MethodiHm in; tho world," llev. J. R. -Gundy, Chairman Wiminor Dmiiiet. 9 HO Cl-iHin". "G'ul bo wuh \ou till wo moot ugain." nollootioun will bo taken at the oveniug Bcubiona for tho purpoHu of dofrayin^ ox- pomma. SuoroUriHa of tiaaanoH aro rtirjuottteii to uoud tho namuH of delo^atoH to Mr. A. A. Buohuor, ICiiifrfVillflp aa oarly ua pouulblo in ordor that liomoa may bo provided lor all who may attend. Moiurntan. #lng He B*nfr# CIavo m TfirrtfltMl SUouI Ad JaiaprU-'llan 1'nr Vtfit( kluWn Linltl Mn rJtuiM Cleveland, Nov. 17. A flightful acci dent, by which i:i lost their Uvoh, oo- ourred In thin elly Saturday uftr-inoon, Owiiu; to lh criminal arid mill miL'xplultiuble careleiiniit'j-n *i '^ wLiL-ut VUJ* conductor, a cat well tllloc wlth'iieoplo took an awfni pltuuff ot lr^ tout nom tho Oontuil-ntreet via duct Into tho dark watorw nf thu Cuya- hojjii River. Tli following woro diowned ; Followlnj; aro thu dcud hint Hied ui to midnight: Mh. Maitha Saucrnhclnu-r and Mm. John Hnuorl.olmei, her ,l.iter-ln-law, of No. 15-1 Mcicluint-ii.vcuiie. John Hoffman, tho coridiietor, and Curt I>plu'lmo, a lti-v/u-olil hoy, wl>n bad a ticket In lilr pdidci t fi urn London, Canada, tu VULon.i, l-i.C. i-ieiiulo Davii., in houl to.irlier of Noyen-nLreet, 111 yoai i old. lleniy \V. Mcckh-nbum', tailor, No. 58 Miiry-utitiet, US yi.ii'i old Ilany VV. Foster, clerk at tin* Root & Mcllrhlc Co., No. 51 Ahmtor-uvumio, urred L'5 year.' Jumui MchauKlilln, printer, No. 77 Trow'brUlgc-avimio, uil* d 3.i. --------- I'VlHUiidll. Pat Ruoney \\.v, taken out of tho river alive, but bndly Injured. Mru. A. W. IIo.'mau and Imr non, Harvey (J. I foil man, 10 yt.iib old, of 1S IJoarl-ptt(M I. Mrs. Htaudt, 1:1 yearn old, nuryo In the Northern Ohio Jnn.Liio Ai.ylum. Mm. Blown, No. 10 Thurm.Ln-.street, 46 yearf, old. Tho woman who wan taken from the river alive, wan Alrn S.un i nlu<lm< r, who died In tin- amljulauee. T\\<s a-eid.Mit o.cni'red at 7,'!5 o'clock. The Cential Viaduct in a lonr? iitone and Iron ntruciuio wJiich cionuo.i tho valley railway and Cuyahoga River and conncctn Jt'nnlw;n-avonuo on tho Houth nido with Cmtrul-uvenuo on tho cast. The bridEo iu 1-0 feet above tho i Ivor. Tho drn/w was open Cor a tiur draw- In^ a beliooner, u hit h wa about to jji-iH beneath tho bi Id^e. The car wa'i one ot the Cedar nml ,1 en n InfiH^avenue braru h of tht Con- Mdld.itcd line, ind hud 15 p:Ls*,enjreru, a conductor and motorman abonrd. At whnl la known aa the "deralllnrr switch" some 2UQ Trot fioin the tliaw, the eoniliu'tor mo h tnlcallv alighted, n't 1h the wont of all conduct-'^ at thla point to see If all wn.' rt^ht. The enr r .i-iie to u 'Uandntlll and tho motorman waited for order*). The conductor, for nomo un accountable reanon, failed to nee the red (ilunal of ditntfoi or tho closed KtUen, or pcrhapn custom mndA 1.1m cnrelobft nnd he signalled to tho motorman, John lloiren1, to onmo oiuad, The motorman tuim'd on l ho i It otric euiient. tho conductor Jumnod aioaid the car and at con idoi.ihlo ' do.ith ti.ip. Why the motorman did not see tlio danprer lhrhtn or the clnned fiutefl sooner than ho did will alwaya remain a mystery. Hut the fact remains that lie did not. Nearer and ncaier came the car to the awful ,U>yfi'4 A few feet from the draw it dawn* d u'oon the motarman that It Wii.s open. With a speed born of de- FperatiMn lie threw the hsindle and ap plied the binkos. Thu bridge captain MtlriK the approaching' car ahoutod like it madman, hut it availed nothing. The cai w.ia alieady on the down Kiado to the draw and tho bi ikes \.oi/|d not hold the cir on the (-.llp- pfi v rails. The motoimun, icallzlnR hLi danger, foihook thu pri oloun rai'KO he was hauling nnd wltli a wild cry leaped off tho fiont platform, ran down from the vhiduil In the dlieetlon of Central- avt iiul and disappuaicd-lu-tha-diu,l):- At the same Instant two male pno- nfn^eiH Jumped ofi the rear platform ; ml cseapf tl deatli as by a miracle. The cir rent hod the cloned Iron Rates and in .in hr taut the oiaoh of ijii iv- pme; lion ann breaking Khr-, was In a.i d This id irmed the conductor, The Weather Of the puafc few days is a reminder that winter iH near and is puggeritive of warm Clothing, Ih, vlierc cim we gei our wants Hupplied to tlio bent advarjinge ? We think wo can give you Correct Answer. LOOK AT OUR PRICKH; Mtm'H lit avy all wool Vruw V\-t* rn from ftll Mt n'u J)rcnM Ov( nniit" win rb BO 10 foi ft7 Jloyn"nll v.ni I Vrn/j Ult-t* in, i xtru Mihie ill fi.M .10 Mm 't* fine d( ul U hi in.-1< d IN h jmdo in fnnn H SO Mi n V In h\\ nil U' nl dt ul le-hlf'tlhtfri SiiiIh fi-em yj Mun'uiuiil II \ TJnderv.cn i nM'fieU but turn priuim Men'n Hath tit i Ju new t -t iduip< h jnni to hand M' r 'n Wh o. on the vi ry lai. \t luntu juilt reeoiyeil A tl uhile prnvidu r for the nn-n and boy^, ve havo not forgotten tho laditis. 'Vo }iu\ei Mm vi.iutMi in Dn'i-0 Or.oda, Muntlo Ctotlif, Fum GIovoh. Voatu, lJ(im,(cn ith iri di en hif f, no. BhinlifMH, Hht'otiiiR, Yarn and KUnnola from the Kin^iivillu Woolru Alilla, V Yours for Bargains, r>TT$rSTJ5LX>T BHiOOK. ESSE21 FOOTBAhb. iii it Klruvv, MCum * Sllll Ali.iwl In I'oIiiIn * Wmdnor, 3o'ir" J Bt'iart -Buck a Gricyo 1. Ciiniplji'll Hnlm W btuart M Couna it II Quuthiof Ui^ht Butlor * Know lea Centro Clunuan Lolt Lvonn \U G-Oaiithivr on (f tho Dutroit Dia id i pe'd Tho flrht of tho Dominion Government byo olootioi'a in to bo rwld in North Ontario, tho writ having boon fwnicd" on Rahirrbiy IttHt. D.ito of polling,' Deo. fi, olootion Die. l'J. A uumber of byo-el^otions aro t> ho held in varioiiH ooiiHtituonblaa in tho Do. imhiiob holoru the noxt pchsIou of the louBo, Tho candidatoa arn J.' A. MoGilh- ray, CotiHervativc, aud F, J. Oillt'apl&i iboral. 7 / ThSNfaody must ba nonriBhod now, to pro as. If youi take Hootffc Saraa.pari]|&. u ho bail MeppFd in.side, and he was M'l'ii to innl o a dash for tlie rear ibiur. but wis too late. A i-eeonrl Inter the en ' v j'J'imI on Hie ed lL or tho i\ 1 ul ypin e, Hti-adler] for an In.1 t int a1- though in a iinttle ondefivor to n ilntnln It.', equilibrium nnd top-pled n\i r '1 hen- wri1- an n^onh'in^ chorus of wir.ims, and In an liiHt.int all waa fillet. '1 he car atruck upon a projection of pi'eH in tin abutment beneath the di.iv, then turnlni; and collapbln/-,', It ti II into the dm k rl\ir below, scatter ing its pa.viciH.reia In all directlona and oii'dUiiiK ilie tow line betueeu thu tuj? and schooner that were pahsiiiK". A few -oiljpje.'-hed frroans were heard by the i.e n v ho happein d to be on the dock I i low. Men li mn the hi IdM* above iid Ironi the duels who had wluiehs- i 1 the .ici di nt (dlhd to the u en on the tin-; to pick up the pi ople, but only two | as-.cni.roi:.. one man and one wo- jn.in. we: e i osciu d. , Thu news of the accident t.proad idpidly and in a few minutes a fire I o t, ,'-l\" Hinbulancts, h'v dead waironsi and a sun.id oi i-ol . < ucn v.eio on h ind, 'J ti, Injiiied r :m and woman wi takui to a hospital and the work of n-t d\ er mi; thi' bodies was t 1 en up. ('lie by one they vveie tound and taken lo nndert.'iltlnjr eatable hn unts in dlf- l-iinl parts of the city, as Cleveland has no iroi'Kue The v.oik of Identifi cation w r rciii'iitnl" slow. liiit" at nh,ht w 1m ii the Smith Side 11 '-ulentn lieaid of the cutfHtrophe aid when they beprnn to reallKr* tint their bo- lovod onr1' had I id ictrrmd home, ilio uride: ta'riniv e*-t blhjhnient*! woie tela- phoin (I an 1 vlMtcd, sevi ral of the bod' h I einfr IdontUlod bt fore mld- nll'ht. c\t-\ eland, O., Nov, 17. TTp "to G o'clock this evening the bodies of 15 v IcLhns nf Ihij1 nir.ht'a cata.'-ti ophe bad hren recovered. At an eaily hour thin mnnilm; Au- ;riH*uH Roireia, the motoiman was nr- re ted nt his home and iroui<ut to the Central fttntlon, where lie waa qucFtioued by the coroner and pi*dee, lie wan roloiB id on "{hOO hail. A ('IMDlt'.' toet .kKtiustm, Iho diizzluif! nun of Saturday nft<*riioon hiht wan one t,f the caUHPh of a hmall at- ton dance lit tlio uari.n belwetn Kntiex and Wi ndBorliihl Saturday uftvrnooii, and tho jjiUQ reccipta woro accordinely Hinall. Thu Unuio wuh called at -1:30 o'olook and Jimtod but ono hour. Tho teamfj woro: Koaox. P iic r tli ,1 Goiirhfcy------ . rimrJi Alhuon Btirrott Oopolaud Uandcoult (vunniu^lmm Lain Kuitf A Gouilay Rcfcrou Cai iinnidn, Ebhox opened with a niHh on tho Wind, nor dofenco, and byacluvoi tut of ooiubin- ation pluy aenfc a. giounJor through tl o (.'oal, which Stuart waa uuitblo to chcuk, and hcorLtl tho firHt t;oul in about two nut * utpB. ThiH not mud to hiivo the tffoLt of putting tho Windsordufunun on thu alert, and a fast (jutue waa tho order duruiK tho noxt fifteen minutbB, when a hot nhot made by Cleunun, of tho viiutiu^ timm, paHHt-d jtint innidu. tlio bar. Thin mudo one ycul for ouch team at tho clot.o of tho eorond half. Owini* to tho continued drizzling rain, accurate play for tho runt of iho guino wao itnpoHfliblo, tho wet ^ruHii provoi ting com-1 hination oraiiytbu-^ Iilio an attempt at' team play, and tho laht half cloned with tlio name worn au thu flr-nt, viz. one 'joul ottoh. althou7;h-Uro~Windiinr jjorrr~ Iteopor wua kept in bin witaond to provont another Rcoro. Sale v-J cr November and Decomber, FALL GOODS Cheaper than the cheapest. DRESS-G-OODS & % BInck Koliel worth 90c for 65c; Chevron .Suitjf for 25c; wool Serges woilh 40c nil shades; Bt* 4Uc ("or 25c; grjow flnke "J'weeds 42c ior 30c; our pi aids lor 25c; Uenrietta worth 50c lor 37c; Twee3? foreign and Onnadinn ninkes away down below all Having" bought a Jot oi panting at a very low price we are giving the public I he benefit, worth $7 far $5 and $5.50, made fco arder. Call and seo before purchawner. purchamng READY-MADE CLOTHING- 'OvercoatB worth SS and 0 for $5.75 Men's suitH worth 9 00 and 10 00 for 6 00 8 00 10 00 Following ih tho utaudmg: I^umuular Lotiguo Eiioox WinrJnor M. A. A. Wtilkorvillo Won 3 o o 0 Urawn o li 1 0 Lont 0 0 1 PtM. 8 7 fi 0 EST RAY. f EFT MY PJtEWIRKH, lot fi, con. 7, idjout I J tint middlo of Ootolior, a durk rud htvux uomlnn ttvojcarfiolU Tim animal had ami of iljiiit tfir tilt cjjr aia a nlit cut tu left our In- fromatini. hadit fi lo ldn rocovory wil! bo unit- nbly yowarded. JOI'L WHITNEY. Nov. 18,'Oii ColtiLinr.O. 10 00 12 00 12 L0 15 00 Shirtings henvy makes for 10c yard HATS AND CAPS Hats worth 1 50 and 2 00 for 25c and 50c. This,is genuine Caps worth 75c and 1 00 for 60o and as low as 25c. GLOVES 50o, COc, 75c, 1 00 all worth J 5 per cent more. Underwear from 40c a suit up; all wool at 90c, BOOTS and bI10JS we bundle nothing but the best goods at the lowest priocs Lndifis' kid worth 2 00 for 1 25; 2 50 for 1 40. Long Boots always the cheapest, call, and see tor yourselves nnd wo will convince you that this is the, cheapest place in the west > w Groceries fresh and the cheapest. " ESTRAY. LEFT MY WFMr^Kfl. W 27H, T. li H, on WoiIniiKlay, Nov. Hi. n ltuuu IjIucK Hnrk milro Sow. Hub whltontilp in faoo and wlilto fitot. InfonniitiPii ]i ndiiiK tolnu- ruoovory will bo suitably rowmdud. AB'lHUH VLiWV, 1 i Cottam V O, Iiinc-. rV|H C Wltli thf *'X^Hllr>n, Montrotil, Nov. 17. Yontfrday Mr, W. 11. Mifcljinea, non of Senator Man- InnMi of Uamllton, received a cable gram from tendon euylni? that hla brother, Mr. B. S. Mnclnneri, who trrudunted nomo yeafH ago at the Ttoyal Military College of Klnffstnn, and later on Joined the Royal Englneerfli had boen ordered to accompany the Anhan- toe expedition and woujd nail at one for the wet conwt of Africa. i'c'M' ^^Jfe '**'^ tTalt lNxn4l hr NrtliOlarIor. veut Am If yr appae I. poo,/ 0^^^^%^^^' ..i|ori IH ftxiifl for a^mraday. Ved. -W , +.1 * A* vw*m*mtmif iWni r SWA YED. 1jWOMinyiitt>mjH?iirIiOt 1, CfinoriiBlon, Hand wioh houtli, 21 Hlwop; ft old omm un.l (1 lumua; ull havo (lJtrvrut ninylcii on ouvn )?fi rowiml lor information loading to ihojr rooovory. JOh RULrdVAN, MuidRtore V O., box 170, -i0-:ii MICHIGAN CENTRAL Will iwme tiolrots at moc'o fare for round trip, good tioine, 2CMt tmd ,21st, and re. turning Ktiv. 25th/ no Btppover allowed, co all stations iu Oaod^t mid,to Detroit. Al so tp pdini* on ^^r A B; vU Wterford; ; i;o;*wjraqofcB8;ofp.^MObioig(>; ' tffa<Vy&HtQ.p,A.. T^ontp? Varices Old Stand, 1> Essex, Harness. F, iUvurythiny in tliiH lino at F. 8 AdantH' HuKncKA ISmporium; l- iio a full Hupnlv of nowoHt f-hin^H in RtiANKETB. ItOHES and othor winter oqnirmionfc. Prioon tho low.t. WhlpH, BruoViiH, Trimka, VhIIuw, otu. Cull and seo uh. Adams, Talbot Bt., En-ex. To Smokers -Co moot tho wiHhoH of thoir ouHtomerB. Tho Quo- E. Tuokott & Son Co., Ltd., Hamilton, Ont, havo plaood upon the market ' ' ' A Qombinatioa Plug of "T &"b." 'ini '.mi A onp of muddy ooffo.j in not whoteftoiue ' noithor ia a bottle,of ranJdv modioipo. Otio way to know a roliih(e and aki|lfnlly. pwprd blood-pu^iflW w^Uy^m freedpm irom wdinwrt./ Avptt,i ^c'^wifU i ^ wnys-bri|[bk,nd iptr^fpR.jb^aiwitiift*! SM0fC/NG T0BAGC0 ">vi inj &mm '>m?2 142439

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