4.^-U r' I > S . ' WILKINSON'S von Choioo Freah Oro'ct-riOH, Provisions, Teas, OoffeoH and BpiacH. Special lines in Grookory. THE VOL XI. No 47 ftpisti&n Endeavor S( Bi. Faal'B Church TUESDAY! &VG,, l.OV. ( 'JSvorybody Come. BHSKX, ONT. I'lilDW. N()VKVTV<Wll 2a. 1896. WHOLE No.865 k NORTH HlDGJi.. Hulji-t t mill Ijviiiild Quoon, and >* OOTTAM. rlh Anderson 4 There is no sentiment in business. Wo want your trado, but not unions we can serve you as well or betor than others you to be tho judge. All wo desire is a fair comparison, and a trial pur chase. Your money back if unsatisfactory. We are es pecially strong in the A litrtfn imnibitr of fin-iid-t fintn N Kufgo Methodist church m uh* th > \>i\> on agn ntCoftriln a yt-ry pKitHitnt yMt H'ltii'* day nvoning After a v< i v i nj >yuhle unuiil time Mi>i. H. E. Halts', m on hrhilf of North Uidgo comiminii i, imkI 11. < m m pauying addrowi and IMr 1'ho, \|< t in 13 wide tho ptfliiniitatimi, after uinih inn ohnan wan neivod. dlr. and .\lr.i KmmUiw lopliocl in a fow wall linnnn rinuiUn of thoir appiociufion of tlin kiiiilnun of I ho people, stating that thn only ol jltL wmi tn glorify God and bolp humanity, ttoupnl Ringu woro uuntf, an cm ni lit, fervent prnyur wilh offered, and thn pa-dor, lie v. W. II. Shaw, spoke a fow words hoping they might liavo theopjoitunity of enter taining hucIi a ploawanb com puny unuin- paiitor iiml poopl rejoicing ovm tho grout good that Iiuh buun dono anil that thoir timtUfi pray or and efforts li'ivo boon honor ad of God. Following is tho aodukhh: f KulJi-t t mill IjVIiiiu) ijuoon, aim AUjt rt Mulr'nsli r, nl C unp Liilmur, called on rel- ativi ii horn )h t U I'nlny, lUv. AMmtl I*; [-iiundiiiH and wife left for I heir b ii ut if nl ho ma m D iwnor'it Or mo, I Ihhjh, U S, lu, Wedmsdiy. Tlmy li ivc )) I'M 11r ii lor ii uli'ii t luii", nuiiinf inii K- v. \V 11 Hinw' < it [ii ui nl mhgimpi in i vici u; it i:loj ionK idviml h ui Ilium tlift ru. milt, niid (lie t")nd wnrk in ntill advaiioing; Itev Hiiimd in in ii young man of line m i ul <|ti -hi ii ->, 1ml \ also (fruit piH'ionul ui ii'ijiii in ii, mid ih a pn'!L"h(Ji of fireat in* II n nou in i liij ug'lifl of; of pnrvut-to 1 hum i ii n itui n. i'urinent *o you wiuu rnnnoy at .IJ per ci l)t.'., If ho wnt i A. CI. H liter, 1j 'huiwij.;- to , O iL Ttrniii of payment of pnuoipul to unit lioirouoih. A FAMOUS UKKOHR|iK or ii(s ijiK ano \v<: im. 3flu VSnu n, rIv linn timW I^itik <'-,. Ml.je- a* irto ltlntiU-rt<0"H*" 1 << Im.. of .. ftn.u'illur kUIti !lly ll,e Ulilili SDc Uat* Ucliiauitil Iu u 111 r,r^k" I..HM Mmm-. ,,rtf**- I n in tin Jio (Oil If" I lll'l No. irj7.1-iii eti.nu B' Hoi pi of ft> v. (J J I'll h I i ui ui if (Tin It Hoiitoii, in 'I'eniiifin ii, in tk, uf Hr MuHC*1 I, i < Hit ( 1'tiiiiiiLi. AiiHfNiida, Mont. Dii'ii lii rt inj mi moMMiienr which bun II hLuii, Ur I'ViiLin m ban boon H'V fi KINOSVILLK. Shoe Business at present* We bought heav ily before the recent raise in prices and can save you mon1 ey. JSfone kept but the boat makers" goods, bought direct from the factories' We do not allow any misrepreaen^J tions to effect a sale. Sheep- skiri is not called Dongola here nor iiloes Buff parade as oalf. SHOE SALE. fd glove grain but- Shoes, sewed and w soles at $1 pr. fine Dongola kid iton Shoos patent tips $1. Ladies* heavy grain laced Shoes $1. Ladies' fin -Imperial kid buttoned Shoes, tipped $}.75 Men's heavy laced Shoes $1 25. Men's fine dongola Gaiters new goods, all size?, $1 sizes $1.26 pi"* Men's extra heavy grain Bluchers, bellows tongue, riv eted sides, heavy boIos, three rows of pegs, special value at $2.25 pair, Men'B long Boots full 17-in leg, made by best makers in Canada and warranted, $2.50 Men's fine Milwaukee grain leather, long bootn full leg, good fitfcars, warranted water proof $3.50 Children's strong laced Shoes, pegged, GOc pair Children's oil grain button iri^a'ce shoes, 75c. Biggest store, biggest stock biggest values in Dry G-oods, Groceries, (Clothing, Mantles and Millinery. Highest price paid for farm produce. 100 dozen home made Socks wanted. To Kov and Mr. 8uuudori: Diuu SiHTKU, Wo tho peoplo or North Ktdgo and vicinity doair* to oxpreHii to you our uppr*oiation of tho mtoronfc you huvo mauifoHted in tho hpiritual wolfuro of tho community of that plaoo. You bavo labored diligently and v/ltb ChriRtian zeul for tho nalyation of immor tal noulw and for tho oxtunnion of Ooa'o kingdom that "Iliu will rrtiy ho (lone ou oiirth an it in in btavon". Wbun wo connider tho exalted pofution in whioh tho Oliriatiau rolij^ion bun placod womau, (giving hor equal rightn uarl privi- loHeu with man, and oontrant that pomtion with that whioh m hold by woman i hoa then laudii, wo fnol that it jh mouuibenb on ovary Oliuiitian woman to diBohar^o hor duty faithfully. Itaroimeu our admiration and (*ratitudo to poo an educated, noble- und taloutcd lady bko yourucilf willing to '"HaTSPtlfaa timo, comfort health, fir to do whatovor may ho nocoHHitry to advimco tho oaiiuG of iToHimand to bruifj <Ury *i-nd honor to Ilin nareio. Wo winli to proaont to yoa a nmall token olonrro^ard, but romombor, dour HiHtnr, thin in infinitely tmiall, whon compared with tho amount ot Iovo und onteom in which you are hold. Bolioyo uo wliou wo uay that you will bo onnhrmod in tho rutm- ory o a bout of friondH which yon have raudo during jour i-hort utay araoii|( uh Diuh BitOTiir.ii, You are bold in no Iqhu oflteom than your boloved wifa, You bavo come urooug uh a atruneor und oxorcmad yoar abihtiuH for our bono fit with no other purpouo than to do nn ood. In your ^ou- oromty and broiul-inindodnopo >ou bavo overlooltod intni-nationul boundnrmQ und tinaucial inttrenta with no ether motive th m to tmcounij^o and annnit in tho salva- trion of tnunkiud Wo aiucoroly behovo that you and Mia. 8 a und era both havo boon luatrumontal in loading houIh to Chrint and th it utaro will I'ti aided to your immortal cowrm, tho reuult of your lubont horn. It in tho wnih of your many fnoudo hero that yoa and your companion and^hildren muy oontintio to onjoy Gjd'a blositin^n aud that, your lahnro may ho abundantly blottncd Wo rogrot that our pleammt und profl- ablo nitorcourHo boro in no aion to end, and if wo nover meet agiin nn earth may wo ul| meot around our HeavouH I'atbor'n throuo whoro "parting will bo no mom", Signed m behalf of North Ktdfjo und viemty, Colt'im, Nov. Kith 18'J.j (S. 13. Baltzkii, T. McCiininn, I X, UuMjriKonn. II. Crow A O >., baltoni, bavo rtiuumod biiMinoufi ouuu moro at tbu old nta.nd. Tlui Hcrond iLiinun.1 ball of thn I'routon oluh will b(j bold ou Now YoarH ovo., 31ut Doo. Mni.Iiraid.formorly a miUiiiarat SbainV diy goodultoiiKo, i*j vinitin^ friondti in town. Minn Carrin Woodbridiie who bun boon runVrini! with nduralt'ia for noiuo timo, in mill quitoill. Evprybody that owns a cun will bo out nftcr tho feathered ijume Tllurdday, Qlut, ThanltH^ivm^. ThoLadiflH' Aid of tho tUptiHt ohuroh will moot at tho riinidtinoo of Mrn. Ed^r Graeu, on Thnrmlay, 2Ut. Rov. Arthur Murphy, M. A , rootor of I ii go r no 11, oflloiattd in tho ohuroh of Epi phany oh Suuday at 8:80 p. m. ChatloH Shirley, of Hondoau, loft on Saturday from thin place for Now York to bo troatod for a oauoor on tho lip. Mr. and Mm. Juo, D, Wiulo returnod Friday, from Pwluo Ifaland, whoro they ware attending tho funeral of Mm. Watt, uioeo of Mrn. Wiglo, Jack Miner, livmi^on tho 3rd oon., car ried off tho prneo, S25 Oliver oup at tho clay pi^aou uhootinu mutch.'jliQamin^ton, on Friday laut. .Tack ih a crack "nhoti and la woll worthy of thin trophy. In conneqn*nco of thoir beini no oven, nig Horvico at tho Ghuroh of tho Epiphany( on Sunday, ularj*e nuiubor of the oori(;ro- tiation afctondon tho Baptist ohuroh to hoar tho now pantor, Ilov. Mr. S'lunduru. Bov. Mr. SanndorH i h very able preuoher aud ih flint booomiu^ populir with the ohuroh lioing pooplo. Tho recoct <m(iotmont tfiving any muni- olfiahty the* power to put down jjhh wolln with muinoinal fundu, ban taken ^reat weight with u lartio numborof our prom- inont bum'noHH uidu. If tho aboyo move- mutit. wtiaput to vote no doubt objeotioua would arihu from a unmbor of our promin ent ott zji,n who are hbaieholderH m the pienunt couipMij, who aio uppl>ing tho town with (4,lH- Tho town holdn a good leaoo on gn belt property and it ih hoped by many that niepn will bn Wkon towardn [ down u well in our near town at an early date. Farniorn do you wan* money at 5$ par oent.? If no writo A. G. Bulwr, Loamiut;- ton, Out. Tormn of payment of priucipul to uuit borrowerw. fi (juriitb \v ai d fro ii tlnotijjh f li'i vunoun inn -ipaiMipi, and although a renidont of & foiupiif tiliv -ly i uotnit ilaiu, l|u htti itxcrtud niui h pnlilin inJlmmt'o, which ban been in- cn nuf'd by nn1 fut th'it ho wan ton yi'urn mj'o on a ii'iiiiinui'iion appoinlod in Kiiyland tn i-'V( uliy'in the irouhlo'iomo qooiition of the \iom of 'jiunK oitioa. Utv' h.n proathed before cultured aud- itincc"! in thn eld world, an well an *<o tho rou^ii pioncorn in tlio nuiuir^ townn of tho Hooky mount iiml, and his uttorauooa an well (i>4 bin wntnifju havo Vi^ou in tho linu of prcj^rean und Iib.traliry, woll uoauon- td with priLo'iuul cijinmuii boiiu. Dr I'Vemau biiH wntton thin pupnr a lot tor which will bo road with intorost. Hn tuiyu; 'Somo livH yearn cinco I found that doop utudy and excciimvo literary work, in ad- ditiou to ray ordinary miniHturial dutioH woro undrmiiuu^ my health. X de too ted that I wan unable to undorstand thiugH as clarly hh X uhually did; that after but little thought und Htudy I Mufforod from & dull pain in tho hi<ad and i^rout woarineriu. und all thought und Htudy bcoumeu truublo to n,o. I ]oBt appetite, did not relish ordin ary food, after outing, Buffering acutf paiu" in tho chest and hack. Thoro wuu MoronaB of tho Htvmaoh, and the moot of my foo^ (leimed to turn to nour watr, with mout cicklv and unffocating feoliug in vomiting up Buoh nour water. IF YOU ARE LOOKiNG FOR THE BEST FIVE JACKET OR CAPE, Ever shown in the Town of Essex, WE HAVE IT! >E put on salo Saturday morning a special purchase of 100 Ladies Black-and-Brown Jackets and Capos (manufacturers1 samples) at the very low price of 5.00. Not a garment in the lot but what is worth 8.00, Don't miss this opportunity of buying a good Jacket or Cape cheap. If you are thinking of Dress Goods re- raembor that we carry the largest Btock in the Town and our prices are always right. It will be cold one of these days and you will be sorry if you are not^oady-fbr-the cold snap. 3r =- KKv. c. j. i:ui:i:\!an, h.a., i*ii. OLDCABTLK. ESSEX, 0NT. 'ji v^tp i' . ,i. Henrv Battornby ih the bappieot man ou the olevrttod conooHfiioii this woelt, tho oanao being a yotmtf fion. Sumuol McKoiiKio of tho elevated coiicob- mon ban purchased a lino top buguy und now the tfirln will havo to look out, oh, Goor^c liliiiu Gooroio Lynch ban returned to hu- horns in Kuaex town, after Hpondiujj a week wijh hor ooumn, Mion Nollio Ferry, Danc- infj avenuo, Mra. Ghan. Littlo^ of Danoinj; avonuo. on Suuday hint Mod hor hornu at iilrn, Juo. Ltttlu'B, when ho lippod hm bridlo off n-id Hturtod for homo, but boforo ho (jot thoro ho ran foul of tho fosco, mailing kindling wood of Ins top buggy. On Tueuday last Jamen MoDonnld, of tho elevated ooncodHion, hud a bunking boo, whnio nemo of our tall hunkora bad a chance to tent; thoir skill. Thorc woro a number of the hiistloru prftuont, bus John Larking headed tho list with a rooord of ?r> biiuhela. About -100 buuhoU in nj) "i*iiu(ika4 Iu tho evenibg they wore joined by a nuirsbwr of the fair box but inutoad of busking ooSn they tripped the hdit fantas tic ton until'*ho wea ims' boura of tho moruio*. BIwhnaadU were served by Mwu' fttoponn|3V midoight. Music by Mhoney and 0>vkndhr. LEAMINGTON. Dr. Maxon bun roturned from Florida Cinu LuIk aud aon. Hoy, of Itidgetowu, are m town. Mrn KMirnn of Dorroit, iu tho gtitint of Mr. Ed. Smith, Talbot Ht. Mibr Ada OiiBcaden, Kutbveu, io the f^uout of iMitiH Myrtl i MilkoiiH. MiaH Iluttio Wigla, of Kin^HVillo, in the gueht of Mit-H Jennie Wiylo. MinQ Netno Wiglo Hpt-nt Saturday and Sunday with frinndu ui Hathvon. Tho now pipo ori;au for tho Motbodmt church will bo put in plauo this woek. TbeEpwortb Loukuo hold an "At norao" in the church on Tueuday ovouing. Mrn Aiin.lio, fro.n Gombor, m vioitiug her daughter, Mra. A. Ludlurn, for a fow dayB. After npondiug a fow wooko*-vaoationi A. Harrington Iihh reuumed hiH dutieH afc the L. E. & D. II. R. dopob. OOTTAMPLA.INS. Married by tho IIjv, Jnoob Hor, at Oo t- tam Pliiiuii on Wodnotday, November 13th, Mr. Edward Gratiuor to lima Annia Bar clay, both of Gondola tjcuth. Died, fit Oottam, on (bo 15th mat,, Clay ton, (ton of Alraorrtn Clark, aged 6 moiithii. Mr. Joel Whifcney returned homo from bin hunting excursion in Muskoka last Batuvdav. tho Itftb innt. Tho two dava' rain made the corn hnsk- olose around hero,' or will bo by the time thn iu iu print. . MliR Idfr'Burk. of Cottatd plains, ib ngRsd to teach the common eoktol in the Iltr Settlement, OolohcBtor BontlJ, dunng thajear lajo, v . . vt ' A, At th iu tune I coiihiiltoil ueveral phyfli- citnn. One Haid 1 wuh run down, another haid I had enronio indi^ention; hut thin I do Know, that with all tho pr*>n :npt'oau which tiny ipivo mo I who not improving; for in addiLion. I had pamu in the rontonh of tin* It id ii o>h, a very Hiut^ifi-ih hvjr, no much ho that I wan very muuh hkd a yol- p; uiiL/i, vvui deproHfind in npii ltn, imu^iu- . , ill iijrtn of thiuii-4 and wn d uly booom- ii ,i vorno un 1 fult, that I nhonid noon bo come a ooutirmod invali 1 it I dil not noon uuderatauu rny coniplaintu. I followed the advice of phyiuoiuuH moat Hovuuily,but with all I wao completely unable to do my mm* iHteriul duty, and all I Lould pnhuibly do wuh to ron and tiy to be thankful. After oi^htoun tuuniba' trcttmont 1 found I wan tho victim of iiovoro palpitation of tho heart und won almoHt afraid *.e walk acrouu my room,. Amid all tbie I wan iidvimd to take ahnoluto lent from all nfeutal work. In faot I wuh already unable to take any duty for tho reauou ihut thn fouling of comploto proutrution after tho lamt extrliou, pre eluded mo from uny dutj whatevidr, aud it appeared to my mind that I wau very wear being a purfout wreck. Ah for talcing ahno luto rent, I could not take morn thr.n I did unlroa it wan bo annotate aH to roHt in the ^rravo. Thou it would ha vo boon ubnoluto euou(4h. "Itifl now 'jnito throo yearn, uiuoo in ad dition to nil the painu and penalties whioh I ondurod, I found orenpiug upon mo a poguhar numbucHU of tho left limbe, and in faot could not walk al-out. If I tried to walk I bad to drug the left foot alon^ tho ground. The potior of locdmotioia uootnod to bo gone, and I was consoled with tho information that it was partial pur- alytrfH. Whether it wua or nob I do not know, but thin I do know, I nould not wulk about and I bogau to think my necoud childhood had commenced at tho ago of *il yoara. "Jaut about two years a^o or a little uioro, a miuUtenal friend oamo to dee me. I wau oiok in bed and could hardly move, and ho w&b eomoLbing like old Job's com forter, although not quito. Ho had roaoh BARR & Infi plea&nt work. It has now oomo to aif mrab and commiaoratioD which waa a very poor balm for a aiok'xnan. t But ithif bait thing be did say -was ihw: "id^yoiij, , t . . , , , , . ,, er see Pink PHIef I mi*/'Who id the\ "dL9* f!^^,^^' .1 T^f ^ bo thunght it wati the laat furowoll. "Novor- theleaH, ufter thinking a little, I just came to the conclusion that 1 would uaako an innovation an J hoo what Pink Pillu would do. I looltod at thorn, und I uaid can any good pooiiibly como out of thoso littlo pink tbingfl? Anyway I wonld ueo. I wan nun. piciouH of Viuk Pills, and I romomhored tho old proverb : "SoHpetto lioontia fode," "HUHpioian iu tho pnHoport to faith." So Pink Pills I obtiunoJ. end Pink Pilln I flwallowod. But ono box of them did not euro mo, nor did I feel any diffuranoo, Uut aftor I had tatou mue or ten boxeu of pijlu I was decidedly hotter. Yep, I wan certainly improving, and aftor eight moutliit of Pink Pillu I conld got about, Tho mimbnouB of tho loft limb wan nourl} gono, tho pnino in tho bead had ontiroly conned, the appetite wuh bettor, 1 could en joy food und I had a froe, quiet uotion of tho heart without palpitation. In fact, in twelve mouths I way a new creature, and to day I can iitand and upoak over two hours without a roat. I can perform all my publio dutu-n which devolve upon mo, without fatiuuo, and do all the walking whioh I hayn to <lo, and urn thankful for it. I can aafoly nay I was never in a hotter atato of health than I am to-day, and rhut I attributo it to the patient, penmvcriug uf>e of Dr. Williams'Pwk Pills. "I fully, cordially and Btrougly commend Dr. Williams' PiLk PiIIh to all or uny who onffer in a olmihtr way, and feol bucu that anj ono who adopt* Pink Pills with per- ncvorouoo und patiouou cannot hod thoir oxpootatio*3R unreali^od or their rouuouablo honuH blanted. But he will find that bloom ing which in tho reward of a full trnat in a true and reliahlu remedy. I uhall ulwayu wish finddewlro the greateut uuocohh 'foi' Dr. WillikmH' Pink Pillaand always oher lab a deop fooling of grutitude to 'be friend who ilrsi said to mo buy Piuk Pilla. 1 have tried them and know their troo value, and am truly glad I did, for X faavolouad tboui from a good experience, to do mpte than la autually.oltLimod tot them." .Very faithfully yours, - ^Q, 3. c>bbkam, B. A., Ph. D. pate reotor of St: Mark's Montana, Dr Williams' Pink Pdl contain, in a oobden&^d form, a)t,1>he lemsutooeosRiary/ to give a new'lifti ah^riohueai to thablsod at mm, nervouhnoHB, headache, the after effect h oI;la grippe, palpitation of the heart pihi and oallow complootlon, all forms woakneKH oithor in tnalo or f<-malo. Pii Pi I In are no Id by all dealer-*, cr will be post paid on receipt of pnoo, (o0 cents box, orb boion for 89.50 tnoy are ne*t Hold in bulk or by the hundred) by address- lap; Dr, WiiliamH' Medicine Company Brookvillo, Ont or Schenaotady, N. Y. Thankficlriiic ^rcparatloim. InllB in each Ah tho woodw alonj; NovomLor'H gently through the haze Whioh veilu the Indian Summer fading Autumn day-*, And the good year Hnfcora softly, or looks are crowned with gray, -* To hoar the barvebt bleuding of a natio by the way, There's an air of invitation in thti woods tied tioldnand skies ' To yet ready for Thanksgiving and its fiikious pumpkin pies. Tho Ooveruor-Oenerul baHiauuod to Inu call To tbo |_iooplo of this prosporoue land to^ lienor, one ami all, T Tho BOdiion when the barmi are full, the' granaritit- well stored When tlio farmers and, the city folk a\count a fattetird bord, And tho houHowifo, town andcountiy, with Tliuubbgivinff in her eves, Begine to think of turkey aud old-fashioned pumpkin ple>j. If it Co truo that thoro are some who think they'ye naught to blocs, Who eat of Horrow'ii oriiit and feel no can no for thankfulness, Whoso purse is never Ailed at all, whos board Is *lwc<7= bare Wby, theremusfc be a sympathy for them too, in the air,,. And thaokfal twice (will, be those hearts where pity's fountain a riea And flow io help poor neighbors te Thanks giving pumpkin pie's. The quail is < calling litbely' threogh the 'evep^Qaltafcnd still, \ , . > And the long roll of bob pheasant's drum, beats filntiy o'er thp; , Th* ohterfnl cider mill creaks out its owb M ' in*lodlous n^*sf ,"> " ^V. Aad Bhf thorns of Vhismvivg"iwsM try Pink Pills ?" Ho said jrood ;by. w; ffeoHoDtttel), so lpoooiotor ^a^axia',' pittfal pa^ I