'. i, > '_________________________________________________________________ I I 1 ' fll' , ' -' A __ _[ if We're Not Mistaken I1.',.. .vr(J.. -" -iJtfffity-nino out'of ovory-'hiiiulrort' intending pimdmaurtf want Btylo, (rood Quality and Low I'riaosi.' Tlml'H uboiw. tint uitu ititm in it tml- bIioII, **To Mivin;; people who know thn worth of dnihu-M, thin ttUu*u in ilitiiy boOtomin^ an nttrttutiviiiiH ilowoi'rf i.o t,lio hoiioy l>"0. Our policy oodn only at Hu* lowed, po.-niblo jn'iouH for oiimIi and produoo Htionm to moot Willi n majority in tlii* .tmmmunity. Note the following quoUtiomi for tlui! woijIc'h lui^ain m:oki'i**: MS FROM OTTAWA lnii"6ir (WOGfiAFHY. [ \", -rv H I I (I "II fcfV t.t11'yardH k'i'oy ftannol for $1.1)0 15 yanlH idiakcr llimnol " ' "* yai'dn ounton flannel " ^0 yards' ^in^luoii " 10 yai'du drosa #ou<Ju-: 'i^yarrttr prin t r.fii.y.t\y&n towollihpfH ^-yavdK fcublo linon yavilH donhlo fold plaid drofm ijfoods for $. ladiaH vohLm lor 1 *' J. HuifiH inon'o undorwoar.foi* $1 pr mon'H wool hox for ft I pr. corsoLfl for $i pr 0*0*0 woiaony rib hurl hoso for 110 papcrti good, piny lor'ftl ,-jDress G-oocls.^ A table full of iill wool di'emi jjoodn rinanulul Sl.itomonl for Four Months Just Out THE SUGAR DU1Y SHGWS-ESULTS i^jK hh goodH Una Hoaaon cmt al, ^flJi Jjjii, $'2.50, $3, S*i .'5. Ulotora and jnokofcfl, not thw sca- sou'h Htylos, that wore sold for $H to 7.00.* II you can u.so thorn Iho nriuoa now uro 1.00 and a.00 oaoh. ;oots and Shoes !pr womt'n'a cloth.fllipporH fir 25 e m) pr wpmoii'a Ponpjolu. button aJfr worth 2.50, 3.O0, .sizos UJ- t ;^myour i;hoicc for 1.00. S5 pi- men's Bal and Oongi-cus, fch 2.(10, for l.iio. "^ Bit pr mon'a tlui and Congress, ox- ra good value at 2.5(>, now I.H.r>. F--------Mou'bJoii^ boots and rubber boot^, "Ifisoa' and children's dhoprf at rock jottom priccH. tluavy two.'d (dVoct !:uitin^s 10 in. wide; at I'J.li;, liOi;, -Joe vitrd. A lot ot dicsa triniiiiin^'i al. about on^-third Ibo i'1'^ulai' j)iHif!.'j. Wla (touipleto for I.Oh ^^ (ti't muHltn for 1.00' ,,*|n .f^nuil IniiMi toweU for 1.1)0 l.OOVrwoedH for oOc a yard. J i s 3 II -I'i li ' . , .1.1.1 ,'il t .1 ' I 1 I Jl-tiMI . .I'll ii -j in uiV .>*rt I'* In' "i 'I'hf rcHiilt of tin- cxiiurlir i-it condu^u el hy I'rof, Jolm July oi' Imldlii for the " . Ji Jn'< .1 )>r<nvM,M of Jilun ni i-.'i |illlllK 111 ill'.]' V,,i:< i'UUiilll \y *tll:i[ -i fi| lii'l'niv 'hi' IIu'-.-jI Socli'ly Hi l^i.i,: in. || ilcjn- _____,_________ | fnji'lru |i'd ili;it thU lii:i:.tii m' t)i<> plio- i' "i ij-hic nrl h.i'; |ui:.. >\ i't'.v'nid thn An tarrewu In * '" '.Ii'i > mm 'i'l" i'ric M- nictlrnl j .nun i; c into .hi <i:i*:l|y-nc-. j%it<.Nt ^i*f-.i.: .'(in- (if iver i.imi- '"f.'ipll h 'I j'iu-r. Ami i: w\y h.ijjnn '< me Hi!'1 :ifi Tininn Ihit: .- |ici"i|ii with ij-ii i.... j. .,>'! -.a- <<|ii'r ' ' "iinii i ji ii i"f- c hi:' .i. .:- . il! \'. :l II: out 1| U tJi'i-ifct, '" M|1 "t.l !.!' If. ill' 'I ilMI III jlifl in * .. I hai I.."I. lnv:illi iinly (u he ii]l\r. SllCl) Ottuwii, Nov. H.- -Tin' iitatrmi'iit <if i-.'-i in b- )'"\'i'iiU" nml i'\pi-ridli lire Jin- tin- Jli':-l j ivuni, whi'i'i- nntni'iil tlni* niv liroiiK'it J niir niriiilh1 ol tl.c ci.ri.'lil [i: .'III .Vfiir, I f'lif M Itll fll'l'lllli 11(1.'lllv. tlic ri'f^llar pri^'H IM llij[od from -j0 to .."f-t. Ij-siumI, .'i.i.u-:; ilmi th.- lolnl n- j i:.ihMiIiih:: i.: pn-um ,,:. . :,nc\i tlmr 7*ii. IVn will (dvi. v,m Him clinic.- ' "'inn- jimruiul: tu . 1 . .T .'>. {.ii:. J :i.-f niiln /,>!,. \\o will ({Ho \.m tho clinic ;]ll(pS,:(i):)7 JiM. (h|i fiinii, |tri(Ml |nML cm,,, ,,1,-M.r will. i:i.1y-.,PiMi ilop lur i,lI'l '".ii"*. ^'-h"". I !' l.i inl.'u" ij*f Im MxiH-ndltun' InLall.'U ' n},tii>7,:>I-, an j *',i-':hl- i .;;iima ys.lK^iiii 1 ..t y.-.ir. ('..ipILiil ,x- j ;]'"' ' ' " ; I-' ii'llliit " anioiiiiLMi i !.', 1 1, mm- ' '. * ' i . puled v. Uh , ' , , .... , , ,. ' rlli' ' " 'i ' i' ' '- > "'l. ..I, \\*a: .;.....),,. . '1, u fii ^r-'USi' "I fi t , r (i p ,_ _ ,. ,,,,| !,'"'" ill I lli- iJMiijlil. Il .r.'iiiii hi \)f l !il ".T'ih r:i I li u\>\\ .l,:;|oii l;i (tllirlal L'irclMS ih;il a Hiiludny will , lii'Mivn fura wImi.t liiu-.of Mtanin-M mr M.L ^,"-,;"--f'. "li"hl h" \ri':k^ iH'iu.-i'ii St. Juhn mvl Uv.tim.oJ. At I "*vtiv u,v I'trth-- annii- nnnt. iMctur- nny mto. a dniti uoiiiraci i:, lndiK |.n- | ,,;'lii-- cos-iunii-. in uliif'i -olor In thr> I1 iri'd in the |>i']nirimrni:). 'I in- jU'opo- r! ron:" ! r-h-iin'ii', ancl i i nt ^ liow n In i illoj] lo f;iMiit ii : uL: aly to tin- U'-avi-r I the onlin.try ]k nlri'.;r;. j !.. woiiM b'* 1-iiiL- l:i lii-liiK iitivnuoii'-iv i)ii)o;!i'il by ' ri\-n In irosi i'-inU|.. -i. I 1. :iml tin- I'iirtlcM IVpiV.-iiMltllll,' Olhry IlllTi-HtS. ,,I;1V, ,-,' ,,ri \t,.. ,,, ,. :t ,, ,, j | ])i|if tt tfi tit :.1m;!m-m. Join. Tmrui.v of llu- I^.inin- ri;iM..... Vilth Uui ,_ ,w>nM , . fnUhfully ion Jjlnu and Amln w A. Allan of. tin* , , Allan \Miv la.d IiiUtvIu\* u to-d:iy with i ,.,;" "";'"' ,. _ , -ii.. r-rcmii-p, Sir C. M. Tni-iM',, annj I ii- pliotn-rapli r.hov/r, by I'.-ol. .loly Mr. IVt-H In opiM.'illna to Hi*. prnJ.V.l. """' 1,':in ,,;"' ,K'f" "n -,;ils id.-ili'". Tlicy i'C|>ri^i'iiti'(i MiaL If aiiyLliin^ Im * 1 "'In portniil <-r a r.-nt leiniin hciIci! on to bu done townr'hi i!i vi'Jnpiiij.7 a dlicet j a h'-nclt In ft im >\ u wu i i'n'lut'<-'l wit h wlntvr rrrvln- to ami I'ruin St. J.dm, ( rt'-at nat in ati:-'.'-. ['.uid-s of bi'll- tiu companies ^ hi, h lni.y r,.]u m.-itt I n; m y, u,lW ., (] iirnwn, di-fp purple, tI>. (lhh.t ywuv u-hil,. illl(| V(.lv(.t t'J J'!,lilf ^liNiim 1j,. kIvmii an Ip.,(WM a,npr.;u,(, ln ,.ni((,h,r plctiim 'liporLunily In t*in. v. i in- pa o trcnt o- ,.,,, ,, , tu m.'ii were tnfonia ! !hat a linn] rlccl- w!,h, '","nl (lli,,lit>'- hlon In n:Iin-ncr- h, '.ho Hkivh- Lino I ,",,,'l I'"""'- :-lin\v.-d nn cxlorlnr of piopUKal would lie di ii'i'n-d linlll TU'H- , ;1 n-d-brU li lniUdiii.^ I:i 'I'ldnlt.v < 'nl- dny to cnabh* tln-i'i to .-'iibmlt (in ol't'er. I I";"'. Dublin, fronti-d by a lawn with Tho St. Jolm delf ,aliun k-l'L 1'ui homo j hrwtlun-ii's; rind uliov ivui1h1i to-day. . 1 sl;,ti-;( m ];ii,. bin- : l:v. 'n-dhcr Is u The aniKMinci r.it nt ibat Houth and i r. pi ndiKt ion of a wuto -rt,\ >v drawing \\c:U Amdialin and Tasmania have nf nn ,Hs)l ,,oflMint ,,,, L .-,-,.tiv\nf, derided not to be laiifs Lo tho Jirl- , , ,, ,, (. . , , 4U tIMi I'lirlllr cald- piojoct excited no n'<1 '"'"-Ikerchkl ov.,- nlu, ,lr^, tH, surprise lu-iv. Indeed, it wan fully ox- Wf"'" ^'""m-m f\ ^li lint nntehinK the jH-cted, as ell alonT indlratfons have 'ir'jriual drau-liiK with nlmo-u "faultlusr: In;,-ii point Iiik in t'nt diivollon. The i ooloriirc Tin- original wa:; plncod i'l'etniei, finakii'" lo \ our enrrcKiinn- I :tbove fnr compa r"on. Th'-i'i- woicplc- ^^iai^K^^A^^^ DIEBEL & BRIGKER ofier "wii*U^' Clothing Kor men, vouUih and hoyn. No need to pay fancy prices for well cut and niculy made cdothinff. Afen'^ miits fl.75, 5.00, ii 00, 7.n() tint were S.00, 7.no, H.Oi), 10.00. b th* BiiitH for fl!Jc up. Mon's odd' pantH for 75e, men's odd vo*tn 75c, Our mon'H nl- Hlor at'I K.j ban no oqiiul m the trade, 5.00 buys a 7.M) rubber c?at. Wo can givo you prieos on clothing not to bo found outside our ostabliahm 'tit. I'i I'-rhl. Tii 11 \vtt\ be nvi i' 'cue in ilnio, } ot:; In ' ! do-. i le iii",h rot . v ill. I '< to of th < olor photo- Ill .'.!'b :,': c I'.i' cln i tin' . i 'V lt:i u '" ' : ( ( IK' i [ i ii : ;, n o]i.'i a 1 ,i rl'oi'niaiiee, , : null a- "Thi ; 11 i rv Wi.c ol Wind- Hats and Gaps Tl'dntf duiirouHof clnuiny uvz evory fult IXu'. wo will e;.vu iliu pubho an oppo'tuuity nt buying any h-ird. fult Inib-in oip* h', >ve at tin) Imv (iricG of BHa. Tho original prioon of tliofio iuit.-i runted from Sl.'Jf; to 2.~>Q, *.i i &i$rhe&t Frica pMdJEbr.Butter mad E^>"-;. Table Oil Cloth only ^)c yard, lloor Oil Olo^'.i J'): s pw; yd. M.'.li, Hov3 hod(!ry, lad ion' CToaamoM, wool iUinkoi.s, ('Uonelhs (J.ii'taioH, 'houoll'o'rnblo Covora, Uipbrtdl-m,' Top Shift i, w .ol K.ndo- v.'car, li:e ^';ir- ,iina, A indow 10aids, Jfoinp and Hnu;.d cu'p 't,;. ;i piio.^i .ii'.-vor ho'or-j .;aard ol in 1vj.s*x. ..'oc.in hivo you m niey "a .n'.^ry. doll pvyou spo_ul. Wii( ' tovAt"*' '^',-- --. --->,' >^nch olher, re*' K'v ^' Y<^! 1tW^B5w*1<^V1**'V'^W 'l"(i >i**u^'*n--*, hl.'"-"fl In fi-ont of the :i.risitivc film S |f| |ffl' t] \ $('!$' fg B'-WW"/"- .""/ti'l'.'tli- desired nul could be .attnin-"' ,,,,,! fn r(t!taet with it when thn lat tor 1 O II ll, L; J}^ 1 t-^/ t3 fl H l'1, allli '"" hoped that within a very! -, ,.-, .plat.-, /Il SP lf| ^ 1 | -Jr^"!)- a B i^ratlon1"'1 U'" C:"'1' 'U,UUl ,J"' "Y^^'^ ,K|-' ,"-'1 "M'-^Tl'. ujulcr this M i Vi R B >' M ' W ' xkJta " viJ,' LM <\ The eu:;Lom:- end:-.-,- Con.sl ance lias ' ' " ' "'. . ' ' ^ \' "'"'" " . "'."VY ""in" C3^ G . -JS a B Althmirh po-" ^lnr triple char- Next to Abordoon Hotel Essex. W$\ ^lonoy tnlouiion loAvmci-n' Notn; Niit.i.tmia:lit M" ^v*Oolliiotofl; Jloiioy til loin en Movfil'i^o-. at ff'/" 'liTWt l"iltH 1LI"1 bout im'ins.. V 'i iraftj) isBUL-d piiyublo at par at all pnmilpul ire Insurance Agents, etc. Ur. O'liMii Hmith, of Uuthveu, Hpcut \'Vdny iu town. VlV H'lti^ri, of (I dt, who hucccckIs alCVnr AIcGuirc, arrived Monday njoruiutf. MrflN^Df.) Biicn it on a two wctdtH1 vind. ,, Tolud^thu i^iiutl ul Atirt. Arthur Mitno. aSlv. ^V^\A.- O.O'dtiur returned on *\Ion- A after iipwidin^ a weak wiftli fiieiiLlB in iinJtoka, M\. Juo. O'li^i'twriirht, of In wood, Out., lenwii fcwdiy\ thn tiuoat of Mr. J. D dr.Ws MoQ'Jtro \ils trannferri'd nn Sat- du> hut toabrant^i oi tiielmnc'ii.] ii m- Gult, Oju. Mr. B. innluirJuon, of\Watford, in upend. NotlihiiT WoSol! Il;w(;ivn III- lr Sati.sraot'on Mr. .bij ii Cr tyfe!i druii^i d, Iu^'-m >ll, wril t s: "Sfaric". Powduni (I'.i* li ".. i.iclie, in nritl^bi, co^Iivomohh, n'ona'j'n -ei 1 the liver) have a very lariio Htlii and c.iotinu.1 to iriiMV'iHt* iii tbuy |j"(iM[ii'! known. Nutino;J we Hfll ijive-i bettor n'itinfiL(;'ion." M"r.'i. D. Gilno'i, tMiifecUoiior, liitietHoll, writon: '^[.1iji.v I'.rtjil Stark'-i i'ov.'.hirn with ixcullntit-aiuiL-t. lean highly ft:otn- iiii.'ud thcin.ii-iv'iu;: civen Uiluj qiii'u an ok- u.'Iihivu tri'il.1' Nief) to t,die, i mined in to and jierni'iU'-tut. I'ricij 'lov. a box at all inodicinc deal.o",. Nov. No. MounUiin ;..iinbioo- IIiih a wonderful fuicinution for in any men. Ana tno lii^lifi the mountain und the greater npioo ot uitn^'ji abiiut it. tin: inoru aiiKioUrt in t.hj ordinary man, with any mountain chtijbihi; iuhtmaw ^haUiVur, l.i \H',l to tho ton uE i ii il ni'jMiii ii i. Tii x\; i-i an iiito-\i(iiLtr/n, a ii**ry emhindnMH] about it tluit (iuhIilh ono on nun on, nun ri-uti tir ed mtireltft and liinpirun lla^^iu" eoura^o to ovorln.Htii);;!y iioep ut it umil the top is leaohud and tliu uudIiiu! zophyr-i tliat fan thu lirow of tlnj niHiutain cjoI yoiu* own throbbing remphai. Aiiiu-rainnH Irivu thonndit that it w ih iipciitiHury to ^o to lOnrope, to tiu Alpd, to liiitl liny fail yruwn in mutton-< bi tui i!o. Ii'ii ;dl ua-nn^hino. Ihu'C lJ..O0DfeuL lu:ih .; i. few ddyn with hiH\brothar W. II- "'igb, with Umuri, Uiow nuk.Umuk (diai'di ft, V. 9. * Mr. Kam. Noltion roturhoti1 to Inn hmue Deboit fd-r Mpuudin^ a fijw day.t the ,Ht of vlr. uud Mm. <J. A. Ko\o, town: Mis') Idi Pdnw, oE Comber,\wlio Iiiih 'in fipe'idinfj; a few duy.i with Mra Jfay igit) of town, roturnod to her homov ?Iori; iy tuoriiitig. Airs. K. Heomnn, KinMvillo, duu^irtor id (^laiiddiiUHlitor, Men. J3. and MiiVfl iz-A \Vigl, Amur, callod on rlu.liveure, Tuobday. --------------*,-------------- Mlt. . F. KVCi-CttlAN. runiilton^ \VolI-icwo\vii\ OoiiMritet^k* iirtidola bovtirtf AUtack of selwtl!a In iVii EUlpw. , I liud no Huvuro itn attack of Huiatiea e 1 cruit'iKeii of ice and huj.v, and cr.i'orti and fisunioi ant jjrojjipiuofi t'*i.ii.liuib tivnr fl-inl round, the h tuio an in thu A.lpa? ^-is, they urn fill ri^ht hure clmo at hand, and if you urn mteruHtVi to know wliuw mil how und when, juht'*iniul ynnr addri'Hti, mid MKoniitft in hl unpc to (Jn\s S. J"km of the Northurn P.ieifu; Uadrond, Sn. I'aol Minn., and hu will n^ud you a book that rououutH it nliinli ii+i oiki of the ^i;orl(!r,t pratln of ti-irtb, wntt'un by tim ^uiiileiuan who n.adu Iho niioant, Tho uhiiptor on thit mjinLnin ii pro- ^futioly ilhiHtrated in half touo atotd-n^ci ^ikun by it photo^raohur who aocompaniod thn parry for thut purpose. If you aro in lerVntDd iinohKli in your own uountry to deunVj to know about ir.ij wj niurdil ujuoie ii'MitiiYoB, vou wunt tlno h.)ok. dent tu-nlfdii; s.dd ;b;it n reference In tile prooeedhii-,1- "f the Colonial Con- "f< I'eiioo would hdiuv, that (Ion. Thomas l'layi'ord, who n pri rented South Aua- tiitlla ut tlic- onaP'tenco liore, frankly avowed bi:p colon's1;-, opposition to tho project. Th,. I'cin.oii, LhereFore, wan ..r-ily undeii tninl, V/e; t and South hires oi' fb-ho'i lely colrii-oil Indian clilrri find htlto uhliiM; u thin "j^rei-n tdua.'i loin bier, wit h a subtle play ol' fp-een vnt\ yellow HkIU; and, llnnllv. the V1h- Iblf sprctrum, H Im ':,tid that Mr. Jnly'.- proce--;; is an "ir In advf'nf*i' of olln r and a-' near Australia werL. imlniatcly bound up j uici-tliur all dcrnandu an en i be deviHod. with the Khstern Ilxti-nslon Com- Thli ty >i;iri; aiv "rus.-- ii d Unco' du 1'iiny'a syHtt-m. Hiindrnib oi uillr-s of ilnnrnn of Paris trle'd tu rep.-odin-t-nat- i]iiit_(vijnpany-i; line traverbcd Uioso j lMil| (.,,],,! un- colonlca, and Hay had a din el Intercut n.;h|r:i, nH proper fmnpflnn ntnrv tone in ^'ceJnK that. Ui.'-o l'"rnipldc; bn.'-iiie.sH . ' '. , ..,. . . , "rt1t "ldy. d. '1 h- proco, I Me believed tln.t hv nulled action on 'I'-^'-rlbr-d ;,s rer|ulrln-? a Kla-s plate, I lie i~iT~oT-lhe <;oVrTnTm:-'nts At Groat 1 o:-L<":';-ln:-- in nunn nui4' 1 lyera tftrc flic eu:;toni:- end:-.-,- t'on.slunee has .... , , . . . , bmee';eM]..,,t w-nkli, 'lt..Si.biuvivm'Q 1 '" Althonrh po-- -Mn- triple char- . lid the (iwll1 thi. 'l". tl'- iiefrativ- dP H"- llU'e In np- ,'i- rs were ea])iui el und enn Ira band to j I ' "ram-r. from the ordinary ip'tfutlw or I lie value of iciih" . -O.Oni) fi cured. A I t:iii".t in-nfy. ' I'j'y close palro! uf lb" flnlL' was In- . _______________________ idiluled. ,, . , nv,i..,r I'olln,.:;, in ,d.ar?re of tho f *urtl":' '\ ^ , , , , i-idce llun.n llhborb- di'.i-don. r. ports j ^l-.sry. Nov. U.-;h.' dead body of n ti >n. a h--i br.'-'d va.- lound hive beep e,;eel|i.,u catches o!' lish In | i":" lalai"' In l low 1-v<.; Saturday af- -ii. l.ii-.- lid. f.,11. il. rtat.-M. t.ioi.- ' '""......' Sii.irru.. and I - ie liruther- well uh- < i"' have boon arnMcd on Mispleion. el V> <}. Tin iWtanl -of t'ud'iiii.s eoni pletr-d itH i ibo- lo-df.\-. ('h! '.' 1 n-p.-ctur Me- ,-ii(di.ed and T. I-' I :lar'k-..-o. ul, hard- " 'iir- appr d-vr. b l'l for Toronto to- -i-.iilit,------i-r-ur-il: > 'i'le-m: on' of Haniil- lon, l.'.'ivi:, ior home hi-ai'tnuw, .4n.;Oier r.Ii.oilr Ct;tiMi.'i>' I )tlav,':i, .\'nv. '-.. -A in no K the ;m- ;\M.i<>Wi* u ittii.::; - "lour lln-dae:-'-' 1m in;ictlw, vltli ntralvht :. r.s ipiitli-d nt !*;;. ir, Turnnio t'reidiis. i ,i ,i,i Mill l.i-( b ii.e 11ii u.,i d, \\ Il h e.n ;i 'nn-! :it Ml.riO to .(;ll!, 'i'linnito fnl,thit5. ,<t , , :;t:; i<> ,yi l.r.n .*. i.i .ii There i-, n ipdei murk (. with iiVi'lmiip' bi pi'li-e-, N:i les 'el' white incl | . ; i'i'] ii j i ! eil n! TOe we.sl, mid No, I h: rd Midland. Ml- /lie n.arUei U inn Icinu'eil, with r . r. i iiiii.'i r.ite. S.d - nf inl\eil nt 'J'.'ic, .., .a .'. illt.' .0 - !' _e etlKidi- |-ii[<v 'i'lu ! .' denaeil for ii'iiinet .nt ul-- oi" {implications j'or rail- N,i ,,, 711,.. 'r,,i-,-it.. l'rec;ii[-- \\;iy 1 .'-iklalpiii tiiis wiel; Is one tu in- ' "iporate 1 he Ihie-.i and Dniarlo Jtail- \. ny Company, to bndd an eh elide rall- ,i'iiv from I'otr I', rrv in ivi ne.ird me, , , . , , , , ,..... Missing through tip- cimnties of Vnrk, ' [[y^^^na'l^T-U-11 '"" l"*",U' . unco. , C-.Mdv.eii. fjrey, and Itriic.-, . |iuri;\vUei'i' The nui-Lei Is ea^y, with ; icliin,", at -esvn ;uh'"t( rj-mlford, !!ee- ' .^Oe. ,.;t.,t t,t ::!e. ! on, S!a llionni'-, i 'i 1 net-\ file, Durham 1 e>: n:i a I lie dm-^1 -pile t, v. III. ni-Iees 1111- . ;id \\'n Ikortov :i. o'ith a li.iicli from -1 . und inmil! bits nt I'l'lncevllle through .Mtaford and.tiv.cn , n1. , . , l-.ianid i.O-oiitha mt l|ru \t,r>' li[ '" l|"il"'" IM1'1 >rI,,'-'s nmn' inverhuron and I iiicarilin... to <b,d- , ' !;.; '1 pr^, : putter, choice tub, T "'di, al'-o a branch iroin belween t i,-,. (i, iTl. ; n-ikers'. ^e u> l^e; p.naul rolls. Valkei'lon and .'-. incardaic to Tecs- , 1 ,- n, -jn,- ; |, 1^,,. rell-, bb- to tuc ; cn'.ini- water and (l> d u-ich. 1Mb ul 'Jle to il'.f. und mil-, ill *JJ.- to Harris ter \V. I >. Md'honson "ives nn- | '" e. I>r,'-i i.n- Una :it l.i'.e to nv per (!.-:.. nee ihjLl tin- Doiniiuon of (Jancida \ " " . HI.ccm! Trusts Contpany will ;.ppl.v to Rirlia- j "',;a|.v llt s'-" )1 ""' ineiit for an Act :;r.iniiim- thn company ! HKITISM MAUKKTS. . dditiniial pi.wir. .1 in! ,.ni\ idi tr; tor an ! HUi'fP'-l. .% '.'. n.-Vihcii, spi'lic', no increase of tin- c or,.,l sLock' of tho I " "I'1 INT .l'.:'11^1! 'J: company to ten ndJlions.^ VMHI.L> 4lt' spoils .,. Ii| |i. us ."i'jiI ; corn. :.h Te ,d ; pein, r.-. ().[; . .'I-, on-, :id ; hint. 'Jii-i <)d ; heavy h.i mi. , - in , do., lifdil, al ; dil ; inlluw, no ^tocl;; 't ...-, v. iille, b">s ; do., iMthimd, !t'-i. , ..11.ton. Nov. It. I'ln-i' ^\he:'^ oil' cojist London. Nov. S.- 'Hie field will to-iaor- j .'('n "Vc'iidhij,' up. -Mni/.e oil" const railicr row publish a fuiir-i nhiMiii mi ul erneul from t . ,, J ,. A na'i'Iean steam sh pincnts for 11. c l.nril Inniravrn i-idioKe in Hie eoiiinsi lor ! ( ,'|i,,|. I lie Auiei-lea Cap, lie nives the il"tiiIN of j | \\s rpi'nl~('!ose-- S]iol wheal lll'in.f in arcs lie (milliter.-, \va-'h!a - and Man k.-i liijt the I ( .-iv nl fis -Id for f'ec. ami .">:, I'pi fnr nn-ers, and, vhlle he en,ieert'.4 iliat she Ije- 1 ,,,' ' Mn 7.c hrin al :n r.'-.d'for Dee. and Ifinler siilfi roil. lie- V.dla t b- Ktilfei'ed inudl ( , . 'i,| ilty .Ian. l-'lonr,"Hl7 - !)d. II nre. He made up hi:- mind thai It una I ' r.ii'i.i ulieiil ipile.: .;((' _.USL. T^jc /on* Dec. idiholll'lely ll^tdi'Hi In i-'til under I In- prevail- I I',(.in- linn ul t^t'i/i'llc ftnvD'u'lli'"' -. r, tat,' eiHulit Ions. Ihs borddiip sav,, : " A 1 /" . - , .' . ' |. i.ilr Held, nuil a r :i. -nahly la r (Miir*c . i.iah r-,t(ni| ciiiidiiloii^ ni nnv r.ic.-, jiml It l-ri ' v.'n , ihe lnihlm-4*. ni the eoiintht 1 .r tn pro- j q*h.> most Imtfrcptlnfflof the'Am'erlciir \nle Mich.V rftU'^ai^r,U-..*^lie -de\e<, Unit .vnmp*T'-bv t'arT^ar^i the marrlod orrn? Mr. Im'IIii -riuide n i.n.iin-al lo I'ae Xew ^"lL-'r' u*> nn n vnrli v,.i. rial, a:to- r.'ces, but the proposal un* never cum- "hat re* tht\y ar- "I't t> l>etoae .^u- i.aaih'ated to hba. ' ; Iy gvny a:d ".'i. i ui'n. 'Ti eh- 'a <-y ., , ~7. -h , Id y bP and li-ow sinrp .nil foh) I s-j; li.n-ll.ndn, L,r,.j oh- Au*. In. Tcxji.^ N'nv. S. Ciuidmir nnr \-> " ^ J ,. ,.,,..,., 1, n no, Ito-er, and Itubi-.u- and Parry >l-n,'d ar- a? di.- co.nio. t iblo, _ Lapps J^n^nn lleie.s of iiKiceineut to ni;;'hi to row a iloiibh'-cull iMcc, four miles, with o u' turn. m tron or forty to llfty-iPc. I'< rlui s ihev dnnoctl. fbrP-d, jrafid al ah ait lo > 1 nr .V J uui.) and ihe world s dm inphaihlilp, '. .,.!,,,> n,i.-- wer v. un ' to lav the nice to come off heiv Nov. if. On the :u h v. hen Ih , W-.J- V un, t ay ;.,ih, nl DhdthiMiii Pay, J7 mile., front (Jul- a y fund of i. njnyment le.t. \\ U.tt vi 1 th- iva-.-on, whtithnr it be tint or a di- . Ktivrlt'sVPowdofH, oaoh pauk'i^o of wlnah enutainti tw) preparation!*, ono iu a round 1 Miiy, lfll'-i that I could harbly walk.' woorlcm boA thu covor ot whiali forma a .vim roaonnuijudod by G. W. bwioitmau, mdtthuro for olufl doao, an imwodiute relief cu^liif, to nw Bouth Arnoi'iom\ llhon- tor onntiv(tnort4;^S[(jlc Ifoadaobo and Stem- tatio (Jure, I followed, hiu advioV unt'. nd within rtvofliiyhwaoornpiitolyS{ireci' " 'hreo yeara hoforo, whan broublnd Villi 1" tam-i oarnphiinl*, it too t 3ootorft tlWp , 1 lonths to euro me, : / ^d.) "8.. V. HYfiKMAN, Hamiltoi ')nb/' Thu Urdt doH of South Amerioa aoh, aluo Nouralwia and all UIuuh ot uorv- ouh puinn, and itnoUbin- in eupyuloa, (f'wuxj ^ to J 0(000 in an oratoiarv doHu) whloli auLfi on tint bowels, Hvor Mad'stomach Eortniyii! a imver Uflint* porfotAtroafcmeob tor al, lf-ad'and btomaoh ooru\laiuta. Thqy de nt( fta tnont pilla and tio nViuy .other medij theutnafcio Oara givae. reliof, und absolute-pp'ifa^0. ]0H0 *lloif effect, o^produoe afteS iy coavincoB that u euro ih certain. I coontikMon, fchey aro \ ii.toii, Ilanliiu iu id hub' ar u 111 row a -; e-;!e-! cull 1'iM'i.', for the chr inplnnslilp "f Hnirhiml, >T<vu 11 Hid", and a pnr-ic of 1000 phi up hy Ihe DhddiiHoa Coast Fair Ah.snel- ulioli._____________ Si. Asaph results ^lln'I'la, V. to fi. 1 ; (Julil S|H-e, .*! to .r, li ; I'l.ixv'iiiiil a, Time 1. . ^ Itollriir, I tu 1. I J I'lnhulelpldu, T> iu ^, 'J ; Illppuna '.h Time ! .011. Tli'rd race, r>'/j fuvloiiFru Hverarnll. R to 1, 1 ; hlltle Ralph, -l lo r>, ^; CiraimniertJ 'A. Time l.ll'/o Kiiurtli vm'o lb mlh'-UIIzziird, evan, 1 ; KnuiK D., 7 lo r., l> ; Mnslier ;i., Thim .."ill. (.'Il'th race, -1 Hniiiiillto, It lo 1, I'lltli race, -ipj rmhaiKh (Jui-iuuile, .1 10 1, I ; ^inuiiertiw, u) to J, ^ ; Nurnir :(. Tinm r..i?i. \th nice, % hillnn KiiKln.' t to :t. 1 , rv M.. 1' 10 d, U: Alniliini, a, Time !..*I"H. SI III I l-'mir favorUi'w won nt Hia .Fair ^ramulH, one oaisfder 11.UIult (he ueeaiiil i'tice ; IrneU nloppy ; iilteatiuiiee, ^iHMt. First niee, 1 mile Midland 1, <)ii|tfu 'J. J.I'.U. :i. 'i'lpie 1.18. Heeoiid riien, % iiillt'K Itmvu 1. KIoMUblu ' Sold by J.Thorne. bo i at il niojioino dea! U, Mefulre .'t, Tina- 1.0.'.. Third race', 7 turloatfK .hthnule M,r|Tnlo jot, orV produoe aftelc i, Juok . Bnwlley 11, Herd K^arent HJ. Thny' Woe tdVtaUe, ,25fl^.At'iJliUrtli -raw. 0ft furlciisH-LnOy IbU' i]i aJera. V '~ \.'jf ,-**L'-.Wmtt\i nice, 7. furlPMR7-M'ida 1. MoMIB . \. ' \ - " &< ntion ruined by tea, iced water nivl best co.npanl .na and ' i-endfl in Amunea will always be the ,omnr married -women ; ho lone an they .' e not too much r.iV'.n to coca'ne and Fr n-. h nov.l.i of in > prayer tyi e. 'i Ivy have, au a r I-, t avtd d irrre, ( ud more, thoufj-iit mor , and to f:w .. ni-.i' intclllfrent pnrpnHo, Lhan thch- : iv;llfih eouidnn; nor do I hoy let their btidr n, in KbrIIhU fnshl m\ como lo- .won yon anjl their conversation. Who ban n.'t tal'-od to tho yo mfj JilnKlbih .ly.at on, nnd, just uh you arc k tUnir d. hi-T-mlnd, ntite the dlntant look in h r eye, whl'.h tolly you Kho Ip wotidor- Intf what the children aVe dolnff? Who-, ih. r riernld In In bod yet, or jlollo-hos Had li r. milk? Now tho American ma tron iKV.r'do-fl. that; who.i lio l w1 th you, sho rnidtee tabula raa oC ch Mr at, 4 and houM'boM 0utl*^,nr(l -1""- *'y.o * Her vnd'^ded attention an1 inteUlg? ^cp. Not that jhecareB,much, ab^ut -l.Cm- tngr; aaa: rule,-he cares on> to talk ,pr heraelf/ h.er.Mpe'^encejB and.thpuBhta; - IN " NEW__ .-.issu Dress G-oods, Mantles, Clothing, and Men's, Boys' and Youths' Overcoats. I : All out' '12-incli Dros-y Meltons, all Hhadini, roduee l*to lTc ydy 25 pieces UohL piii'o wool M-in. Sor^od, all nh uIoh, I >v 2oo yd; \.ll our bcali bhiolc 75c lltpu'ieUa'H and rioi'^OH roduood to (jOo yd; lioBfc all wool I'jdlaimiiino Ser^tw, nil Hhadoy, wuro 85o, n^wODc yd. Ludios' AljtntloH will nor. lust lonj^nt Uio [muoA wo aro oH'ui'inflf thorn nl; on all tho line mantlns in .stock wo olVor | oil* fcliu ro^uhtl' prieo. Tho Millinery Doparttnont i.s a^ain roploto with tho now'oHfc Eng lish, Frontdi aid Aniencui Millinery Novoltuw. in Men's and UoyV Siiiba and Ova-coat^ not only tho hti'gofjL Htock td Holf-ct IVoin, but the ru.itoat yurioty of .sLylaa and Dopond- ^ able Hnits and Ovorcoats. Special lino of Boy.s' Suit', nli^htly dam i^od, woro from 6 ttJ H.;j0,.Bhni(J0 for 8 I ..10. Qi) Moh'h OvoVcoaLa, last yotr ^ .stylos, wjro 8H to SM 5'1, your choioo for SI.- - SOJJovh' OvofcoiU:), lad, y.j iv sty oj, wero 5, ftC.fJO, $7, your piclv of tho lot '2.OH. A lru'jjo asaortine^t oi'Muu'H lino IJhmlc and Bluo Uoavor. Ovor- csouts and blue and black Irish freizw fJlstci'H from $5 up to IS.00. ^ Tho new oroatioim in Furriituro in.i io oKpt*oH:dy lot* wa are now to hand autl ready for your iuHpection.' i-?a , "'.Hi // - a . *8 '." 1? i1 THE GROT CORNER STORE, ffiss&^Em^ffioiaB^^ If On c,ood produetive I'n nn I1rojmrty at o^.tt 0 per cent, htraijiht, Mo Valuation Fees. t^'ConycyancniM Dene up iu Noat Style Fire and Life nsur^nce. 4. E.LOVELACE, ICSST3L, ONT Whflat rod per bnahel ., .*'S ^SMiraat,' white .... Horn .... Oatii -------- Timothy Seed .... Clovur.'Seud .... Alniko .... Kay per ton.......... .. t.eof per owt............ l'ork ............ Mutton ............ Hidtn............ i.hiokonH por lb., li....... Buttor ........ Lard.........- liil/^, r,ni* (loi5 .......... Potatoeti, pur buidiel .... Oniona ApploH . TurnlfR ..- Currota .... Bootn ... Parsnips .... TuiltoyH per lb.......... DhcIch ..'i....... Holery por cloa.......... Cabba^o .......... 62 to 02 CO :to 20 to 21 1 50 A OOto-i fiO J 35 7 00 to 8 00- i Al) in ti 00 i m tn -l no 5 00 to MO !1 50 V 7 H ' H 8 8 18 HO to HO oO to , CO - 76 to 7fi . HO, to HO 10 50 30 , 7 to b 8 1 00 ' 26 fWRIGBT e. SMITH |i ...... - . i, L Mukea tho best na^nesB in fche-Cbon^y" o^U 'It wfll pay you to ootne (0 South|Wood^eS| ' ' ' ' t0 by yo'^'Harxi^i, :^Vfea WW. ^.fiSflHHHWfl! [ram WnJUtur A: Hon* I?Iarki Iti'porl No. 1 Rye, per hnaliel .. .t . - V,60 H 1 old Corn 0 ..*.' 45 . 1 Oats ..I. 20 1 Barley oirt . .. ?S . 2 --, Th? above pnooa aro paid by. Boos,' Wftlk^rviilo, Oil). / CALL AT Z I FOR ALL KINDflOF Window Blindarrr.aw.ay_.dowa Oliiniiware, Bric-a-Brac, Fancy Goods, Novelties, - Hooks und Stationery, School Supplies, * Toys of all kinds, ' Berlin Wools and .Fingeringl . Yarns, ' New Stock oflate Wall Paner' ESSEX Roller- Mills* ,j .I | AMKS X.WLOIt 'all.in thin oi)|inrcuuity o(' ft iinniaiiKMn ..- i-uo piionli) tt the Town and Uoiiuty of Kfiiiojc, thiithu Iiiih rowoilelutl tho Ea rns* HoUm* Mllln uutiorcltafi tu jilaiidnrunarodby K.N. Jrltm, St. Thmaan, jnul Iulh aliio .Houurail tlio tiui'vluiMi nf Itoai.it'r BTiueu\N, an oxpori- uiaaid und tlmruuKiiIy coinpotuut mulur. 'LMiiLiiUini; Uui poiinlo of thu town und county" for tlio putremiiai boutnwoft' upon liitkr-iti^Jjlm punt, will uuaruiitoo HiitlsfivoUou Iu, thS Xatul Gristing and Chopp%t a xnn liianranAnKH oi- klouk, u-iohda^ij CORNMnAL.KiaPT IN H'l'OOK AND BOLD' at uiona1 PUIOKH. . Gash Paid for Wheat and Qata.>- SOUTfl WOODSMK IT must be:true For ovory perHouJaayB that' . yV:L ' "MM "ii i.^M '- :'i-4