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Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), November 15, 1895, p. 6

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> ::^ IiiV' I ,, . ' M . >... sw TALK OF THE TOWN _ ^^^^ FJUDAV. NOVEMBER 10, 1895. Tho Fhkk 1'hemh from now to thoend of isoo for si.oo. ' John Sullivan.'- Maidettiuo J'. O., offora S5, reward for recover* of twenty nhoep wbioh Ht rayed from IiIh pruuiuuti. The ladii'M of tho Kugliuli Ohuroh pur- pORo holding tritifr bii7.nr in the town hall on Tutwduy 2(111) niHt. M. J. V/iglu A Co. are uullin^ loU.nf ovor coata .and anitu thoeo dav. X'inu gocJH, at low prioee, uro what toll. Tho tnuuibru of tho W. C. T, U. of Khm- ox intend giving lt'olmrity tiooiu.1 at tho roH- ideuoo of Mra, 0 JJ, Nnylor'H Doe. 4 th. Further aunouncirnntH later, Lad ion' coatn, regular 8, 10,12,-uni) $14. Choice for $li,W, good for 10 daya only. aid. Smith it Co.. otf lnoo ourWinVnuxt week at Smtth'H. I'urinurH } you wuni money at 5 fior oont.r\j,io writs A. G. Itakor, Learning- ton, Ont. Terms of payment of principal to unit borrowers, Tho oolleutor of iuxtn will bo in the office of W. D. Deatnan ovcry Saturday until further uotioo. Three put: oent. dirioouut. allowed on nil tuxoH paid during thin mon'-h. . . -J5-hi Litdios CoatM, , 1, uiid 51 50 for S3.C5 at Smith's, Leamington in again in hut wator ovor a High School, part of tho oiti^ona Hoe.n to bn pulling in ouo direction and part in another,, until it ban ouo into oourt to bo deohled. Our iioh'h for mni ruid boyn, prices tho lovifab at Smith'n. In auothur columu will bo neeu an inter esting epistle from MiiHkcka, giving 'full uetmlt* of tho wild experiences and travebi of..the .hunting T>arty_who loft Kauox about three 'wqekif ul'o. Choice 111)oh of winter hootu, at extra low f^A^^.j prioon, Southern. G.E.Smith A Co. \ Thpro will bo Hold by public auction at K-;. yoltama mimbor of ilno oowh in calf, ["/.;>' . tlwo frflHh miloli oowo, uU .two two year old etuerH, on Saturday, IsTov. Kith. Mr. r^7,v'""'Robert Tut'o. Propnotor. ."'LadiH if you want a utyliuh coat at ab monk noth[n[;, call at iii)ith'n. " Mr. W. A. Gardner while on a visit with friomta in MuBKoka Diutrict eallo3 on tun JShhox boj'K who aro doer hunting a nhott diatniioo from RoHtioau. Ho hud tho yood Inok^viiilu with tho boya'to uhooc a fino w.b^bli ho imported to thia :oo *" It you^WTut flrnt-olahB bootH and uhoea Toall on M. -Ti Wiglo A Co. On TiH'fldliy evonint,' lant UiH Ltllio Whituoy oilortauiod . a numbor of Iior yountflady viondH by ivinfi a toa-party. About one d^ou or no gathorod atihocom- modioriFi roHidoJW f MrH, IS. J. Liyoluco, whoroa dainty pro^^rcd tea wan in roadi- Somo of tho Hmall bova in town iruaflino that tbo tiatoi] at tho M. C. R, aroDfliuff woro pfc thoro.for tho purpoao of swinging on. Don't not that idoa in your haad boyo or you way fjot a olmuco of wwingin^ ou ' somothtug olso. Th old ont ia'ut ntron^ onouRh to rulRo tho wholo town. Por boRt valnps in fine undorwoartry M. J. Wiglo c&Co. A numbor of now wido wnlkn are boinc laid on diflforant Btroota m town. Not only dons it improve tbo appcaranco of our Town, but what a blending it iu to know that you oan walk without walking in dangnrof broakinfi your nook. Farewoll Xtisooption. ' Laat Friday vpndng about ^twnty"two of Mr, W*vMtfGu'ir6*6" warmest tfantlornau fri on dkd'aihtptd at Mi. 0. KrioKhofY com. md.4toiiH btudio to do honor,_shciw thou* ro- poot uod nxpreHH their regret ftthifiiwu"- diato and iraexpou-d departure from our midfjt, to Gait, Ont.t where tho offloinla of the Imperial Bank have called him to help at/that branch. Mr. MoGuire bun only bten an ByHflx boy for about two yur, but probably lio.youugman J\na ever livod in Kitiox who lan inatlo more friopdii than liaH ho. Jt<>Lh in hiu briHijif-BH and Hocfal lifo ho ih ruHpijotod by thoHa with whom ho omn in unntanl., and hiMyouin/^oiitlouian friuudn took ibid oiipoi-tutaty in bidding furt)wnl) to hiku. About nuio o'oloek tbuittudio whh protty wll ill hid, whoru a tablo wuh bur- do ued with a dtiinbily proparnd nuppor of oy*.turu, huudwichou and tmUtiv, wliioh ro- ilooicd oredit upon our popular oonfeotionor, Mr. Claude Vanuo. PrtiHontly Mr, I'oroatui*, lihio" of tbd Im. porial Bank, who'liad been loudlnj,' Walter around town for tko puut hour or uo with the oiproHH purpono of wuitti(i til) all had ^athorod at the pluuo appoiutud, brought hini to light, und an huontorcd the door witli a look of tijuuh Hiirpiifio, but not diH- apnoiuttneiit, tho hoyn all began to niny t liut goad old uhoruii thatuomraduu lilto mo miiuh to hoar "Hc'h a Jelly Good I"oliov\". After a fow jokoa had buon paHned and a g ood heurty laugh at tho well planned tiur- priuu, Mr. .J. VV. Diobul wuucIiohou upoakor of the aiKmbly( which position hu llllud very ably, and takiug tho head of tho table with tbu honoured guont and Mr. liobblo- while, who whh oallod upon to make tho oponing iiduroua, at uithor mda of him. Thau the Ijo'vh were invited to illl up, nut] thoy filled up on oyuteru an well a filling up tho yuuaut Nsatri, Oyutoi'H 1 oyhtora ooolced, oyhtori* ruw'and oynttiH every' otlior way, until Bomo of tho boyB complained of eat ing a few too many, WUoh everybody hud fully Hiitiuflodhin:- Hulf on oyi'.terit, with HundwiohoH and cotfoo fcr duaeri, a fow touwtii wuro olleiod with tliu following gontlcuien rcHpondiug; Tho firHttoaiit "Our Quueu", Mr, Thou. Alhfjon wan ealludtoro-spoud butuuwpiain- ud of a cold and wished to ho oxcunod on uccouutof a noro throat, but we harJly think "timfc, wo behuyo it ' wau oyatery, and tuo ' much at that. Howovur, Mr. Dent very ably rotipouded und wound up by cxproHHlug hiu tugrei at Mr. McGuiro'u depuriure. Then numo a ttong from 3, A, bherrin. The ueoond loaBt "Mr. MoGuiro" rubpouded to by Mr, Krioghoft iu a uhorl* ad- d rthH and tho whole comtytiuy uunjf. "Ho'u a Jolly Good Follow"; a miuatrol aong, Mr, J. W. Gibuoii; thud .oant "fihu Commoi*' eial and Mauulacturiug Indubtnoa o! Our Town," Meuru. A. Ji. Bcarll, JiJ. MoCaua- J a u d and Ivichurd Shaw; hoi,^ *-My Nellie wau a Lady", -Mr. tiawyor; fourth tuaut "The Financial luturoHtu of Our Town", MeuurB, Fururitur and GibHou; quartoUo, Mounru. v, Hhaw, Churoli, Bhernu and Krieghotf. Then ciiixiu the moat import- unit toaot of the evening, au thoso who ro Hponded oxpiufued it, -The Ladioa"i . AlenarH, J. A. Abbott, &. Laiug, vV. Chat- terton, li. Wilhauja and Millard; duett,- Mcboru. Church and VV. Shaw. Thou oamu "Tho TroHu" rubpoiidsd to by Mett^ru. Sharp and Sloan. Mr. McGuiro waa then caIledoutogtve.au addrosn; it waa hard for the hoy but ho did woll, Ho aaid ho could not find wordt* to oxpreaH hiH fooling for the kind way tho boya hud fihowa their appreciation to lum. The laat waa a ohoruu by the whole company and at a middlwu early hour the jolly crowd hid -farewell aud paHHtd out luto-tho fain. Use there would be in our oonntantly, telling you of the merits of-our ^oodb, if wo were an unreliable hoiiBO, but we htive'alwav^-' titkon TO Injure you patiHlaction. We nre bound to please you iiml we know Unit wo ennnot do it with pri'oes alone,and PO'Awl'4ivc;.^ugh qualitioHan senior partner of our firrn and lo at prices its junior partner of our (inn. ' Wisliing to reduce our stock we will for the next 15 days oiler our stock of ladies" Coats at tbo following prices: v/ Lot No. 1, $3 CO 4 00 <1 50, choice for 2 65 2, N5 50 6 50 8 00, 4 25 _ 3, liMO 12 00 14 00, 1 .25 ^-^Evory coat ir<tno\v and of latost stylo.. No trouble tt show the goods. ^omrnnnds you. High Qualities tempt you, low prices beoon you to trade with us. Below you will find a few little stops to economy. Ovorcoatn 9G UlHteni %t> Mon'u Suitn 1fll -J5 Mon'u SuitH uli wool Sd Mmiii 1'autM H Muii'h Pantu, all wool 61.50 Mlii'm Bruoeii 10c .Youthn' Ovoreoatr $!> ' , Youthy' Ulatorft 8-i.CO iTontliH' SuitHftH.no Jinyw' Ovo.-eoaU $3.50 Boya' UlHtora VS ... Chihireu'.H i^uiln $1.0 'Knee lJunta 25 o'ont*- a Oak Hall Cloihiers. W. A. SWEET, Mgr. 13. -sLxJEindsor- IIorHe Tluovliifir Koar Ehsx. SuUUon Denth. I:.; 'Bringill your ooupous for olocke and mirrorH; M. J. Wiglo & Co. Mr, Williams,, ono of the proprietory of a flaw mill in North Gob fluid had tho noia- fortune *q loso tho foro finder on bio Hcht hand, nlwo loaving tho romaining fingara of tho natuq hand badly injured. He waa running a &w when the aooidont'ooourrod. What have you to oxshango for a now fanning mill; MCJ. Wiglo A Co. On Monday jlaat word wau received of tho death of Humuel Hicks, fourth eon of Thoa. LiolSa.oi Uiih town. Tho nown wan a iook to tho family an thoy had not hud any. word of ,hia' ucvero iilnnnn. Ho. has been living with au unolb in Kemptvillo, Out,, and wan a bright youth of lft-'yoars. Hiu father loft immediately to attund tho J ii tin rah. L^ttor.Day at South Woodsioo ! Minuionary 'Runrjiiy;. Bov. Mr. Allin, hs- sueretiiry of 'lie London eonforonee, Am heriifiniijr. will.pri'ituh rniwHionary horrvionn .afcHouth WbodHlofl on Sunday next. Md.r Trimble, tho rtturned rhiflmouary from China, hatt kindly aonaented tu giyc n ftddroHou her life ana' minmonary in that lioatliun hind. Mi<* T rirnble in very inte- teHting and ih ablo to toll many, liciart- rondiiid exporniuccn whilis laboring in hho ' uiiHKioiiKry field. The Kpwnrtli' League, of. (^mep Metho. diet Ohuroh, under th'o auHpioee"'.irf tho 'Young X'ooplo'H Midhion Bund held an open ; nat'otmg ou Tuofiihty '.'yeniug. Tbo prinui- Mv,r-, "1 frfaturo of the programme waa an in- ^ji',;';::;';tere8ting addrOHH di-livored by MiBa'IVmiT Bsf^M bio roturued.'MiHBionary from China. Her, M$h& deftcription of the Onndibiou and neodB 6f f,^ci(iJo^is Vivid anl iiiBtrno- ^/' -:-*fiv^T ou'i wau ' In-'tenodf to \w.th marked' fet;*Aff attout'onhy all preeerit.. :..,', Mi$&\'tr.^ : ' W^}- '" '"" "'- ,'i ' Mr. Williaui ilcCuffory and xvifo, north rear road, ColrhoMter, went to bed uh UHtial the eveniut; oi. ihu ti>,h iuat>., nothing ap- peaiin[< in uny uiiiinual way. After gyt- ting in hud nicy talked a while aud wtjiit to Bleep aud Mr. MoCuffrry awakound dur ing tho night, at lliferent tiiuun, but on awakening about 5 o'clock hid unual hour for getting up in tho morning, fooling ebghtly eold, pulled the uovoih oyer ou. himfielf. Be rtatud that thoy pulled heavy. Ho than moved ovor and ono of her liuibfl had a queer fueling. Ho rtiuii put hi hand ou her fuue, finding it oold. He aroiie to flud hie wife uluwud in tho yrma of death, no therefore dooo not know whether death oauio in.tho foro or after purt of tlio night, oh waa laying an though nhe puunod nwny without a ctrugglo, Tying ptnii-etly straight, with her handH oroeaed. The doooaued in about (15 yours old. Blio and fhor htmbaud lived quietly together on '-iiu nurth roar nvid, in Col- ohosttor North, very muoh roapeoted by all who know ilium.' FaiinorH do you want money at 5J per cunt.? If no writo A. G. Bakor, Louming. ton, Ont. TurrriH of payment of principal to hint borrowers Koiip diheugagod for Friday evo, Nov. Ii'3, Tho KpworLh' League aro iHHiiiutr invita- ttojia for'a birthday party to ha hold in tho MethodiHt olttireh on that evening. An ox eellent programnio Iiils bfreu arranged, which will embrace talrtt from the De troit Conservatory oi Mumu. A, vooiiliHt, MihH. WilhaiiiM, and Minn Ada May,Who Ih -an Hxcellunt piniMt, and little .'M'tHfcor On until', who hint nlrondy ..bduomu quite fiimmiii jot a uioliniHt. I^vwry tffort ih Ih -ihg ma'do.hy Ihn commitiou tu. inako this 'liOVi'l eiitertaiuiiiont a,ttUuo*Jh(i. Tltry truBt that all ruoHivtrig iuvitutioiift will attend, . ,M, _.L VVigle A Co- are, headmnirterH for over-ooHtH;'huitH,' under.olotljiug; e'to.'.for iuon and boyn.. Lant Monduy morning Mr. Itiauc Thoru* ton. a well to-do fanner living about ono half milo from Eouox town, on riaiug to do hm morning ehoroH, found ouo of In'a work horaeu minoieg. Ou further investigation it wau alo found that t> Ii^it, npring wagon and nc-oemiury tquipmentn forkooping both man and beuiit warm were taken from the driye ahod. Mr. Thornton at onoe drove to Khuox nnd notitied Countable Sititioh"" when tho two act out in nearoh of thioveu. It wan between 11 o'oloclt on Sunday night aud Monday moruing, wlieu tho hrno wan stolen. It being muddy it waa oaoy iteen that thoy woro makiug their oourHQ oaot- wurd, towurdH Loamington or KingHville. Tho conctablo, accompanied by tho owner of tho utolen property, that went to Kings- ville. but on finding uo trace of the homo and rig there, they purmjed their way to Leamington, ibonoo uortlsward on tho Leamington nidoroad, wlion alnrtly after noon ou Monday, about ouo mile and a half from that town' they ditioovored the "tolon property in thopomionFuonof a farmer by the name of Elliott Kiwbull, who had found tho fatigued animal, wliioh hud been driven until it could go no farther, on the Cth eon. of ivlonnm, about ono milo bolow thin Bideroad. Tho two tldovoH drovq tho animal to thin place abont 1) o'clock, and for four of beiiift eqapeoted in such a well Bottled country thoy loft tho homo and fled to tho butdi. Conntablo SiiiBon and Mr Thornton aooompaniou by MrE liott Kim ball traced them to Stapled'nnd capturad their pray about a half mile north of 8tup- lea on tbo M. 0. B. Thoy woro that night taken ;o Leamington and noouro]y oonpnd bfchindtho bara to await thoir preliminary trial on Tuouday morning before magietrato Selbirk and Cowan. They woro found guil ty and eoromitted.to Sandwioh gaol to a- wait thoir final hearing before Judge Home or a jury. They gave thoir namou an John Watson a bakor and John Baker a bluok- nniith, both from Montreal, Wats .in evi dently understood'.tho lay of tho Thornton properly aw hu workod for Mr. Thornton about three years ago. Thoy wore both young, not exceeding 25. years. Our, count able w'a good dotantivo, jiwt a little over a day from when tho nown wan firnt told him until hu had them oafo iu Sandwich, Hl^h Hclio4)iI Kotos. (Crowded out lant wook) Tho following- is the roault of examin ations for tho hint two woekn: Arithmentic, Form I W Jamoa 03, J Wyatt 01, W Bhrunim 00, K Millar 50. E KainoH 53. G Irwin C2, S Wiloon52, A Oan- lor 51, V Gontigan 51, S Brown 'ID, 35 Bioh- ardfion -18, C Stone -18, J Delmoro -11, L$ Bennett li, E Dowhirnt U, Q Labar -11( A Pullford-iO, FShorrdan -JO, L Roumo 40. Grammor, Form 1 E L RiohardHon HO, A Cualor 71, G Irwin OB, L Bounott fi-1, M JamoH 08, J Bolmoro 6-i, C Koiator 5fl, L Uillior fi2, O McQuean 50, E White 51, F. Liator, 61, E M Lamg -it), L Koumo -18, L Wilo 48,8. Brown 4-i, S Wilnou -13, W 8o brum in 41, W .Jameo 41, K MaAffoo 40. Phyaica, Form 2 M Juekaon 90, N Slater Oft, L Ruusoll 80, F Arnold 80, S Ruaaoll 80, J Grozier 78, L Wiglo 70. L Tbibabdeau 73, A Lumg 71, J Tully 71, S Worthy 71, M McKao 71. A Waitoro 07, H CookoOO. M MeHughGO, W A Pottor Oil, L Griflith 02, H Coll 02, S Wightraan 00, G Guanoll 50, M Wightmari/>!, N DeLong 54, W Borko 52, M. CuramifordCl.lilrvtiri 4-i, . :x~ J -y-- r SomethiiigSge^I In Overcoats for men, Heavy sergo Qoat7!^gula! $6,00 line for $3.95. Extra heavy"frieze OoatV1*1- storm collar, regular S8|/good8 for 4.05. Don't Miss Them! tfft/Kj'; In the face of^a rising market|in and Shoes . We are"offering a special jbb.lot line SKobrf-for ladies, regular $3, $3.50 line, choic&far $1.50. Mon'fl lorn leg-Boots, regular~p .line for ,$1.60, 275 for 2.20 v-935-fora40, S.SOVibr 2.75 and 4.00 for 3.20. Witl each pair we give free a pair of heavy woolen box. Bring Your Gash to Ur5 ; Pi^youf.wftntftojnaakeja goodjinyeatment. Whitney block, S tr.iv Choioa of 200 hard and Hbft hatn worth from. Si 60 .to V oaoh for;95oafr Stnith'ii, ono wook' only. ' ...: . :ST8AYED,y FKOM my premlseB, Lot i, Oon/ioBatop,' Hand*. . wjcli Hoiltb, 21 Bheap; l& jpW.onoa und 0 Urabfi; all havo. dlfforoni moras ou earn dC rawnrd L'or tufoxn^loii,' loaifiiii;' .t>o,.ibph*, recovery: .:, V o X r^v^ .fVt;hpJlttjor-I-,'ol^i- 2wllnd 9 B ItuflHoll B-rMflMulIen 01, W Wightmau^Jl, L Grifiith 87, U. Gummb ford 80, A Pottor 77, F. Arnold, 70, J A GroKior 75, B \Touug 73, M Wightraan 72, B. Trimble 71, L Thibaudoau 71, J B Louaborry 68, J Quiulau 07, S Cunning ham 05, E Hopgood 04, M Rorlw 59, S Mc Laughlin 57. M Thibandoau 57, L Buefc'oll 57, M Moriae65.fi Wortloy: S3, R Wight, man 48, A Beouiau 45, IT Oooko 45, L Wiel41, E Bicimrdriou.il. Funn IV.'lltuiaiuro G McKeo 78, H Horkp 00, II Arnold 60,. E Smith 62, B LyppH 47. Form IV, hiHtory H Horlto: 05, H Arnold 00, B Lyppn 58, G McKoo 52, 33 Bmith 40; " Gem and Canadian Aermotor Steel Windmills Are acknowledged LEADERS either ; Power or Pumping Windmills,. For prices and terms, address Essex 3 -* Ontario. Agent for Essex County. / Publlu Mcliooi Jtttiport. ' Regularity of attendance and good work at thouo weekly examinations aro doeetiHary for promotion from one clacni to another. Without thoHo, no pupil hood oxpuot pro motion at the haU-yoarly oxaminationti. Minn Biiaw'H room. MarltH. ponnible 50; ohui n(i bybighiiHt ten: W E Beameu40, llDotfiir.401.WBateH]J5, A Hioke 0, E Irwin .110, M ;WiilHh.or ;ao; 0, Hall 28, i) jainRblipiai, .M.'Wymiin $7, E' flieka 25^ : Mihh HilII'b room, Marks* 'poHhlblo 25; obtaiued by'highest ton: Roy Heudersou 25, \V)l!ie BanipU 25, Franlno; Hart 2t Gur<ton/J\irey'!i>n, toy Fuail iieeinaii 20i Eria;,Oar.ilu^ ;Buok Weilpl. RbirudVoBn 20,.Ieary Biufaluir 20, Malccl M6;':iCuy2p. '" ' " AlWACE; RuYNomiHH- At Easex, Nov. IH, 1895, by Rev. M. F, Campbell, Mr. Henry Mortimm- RhyndroKo to Mihh .Dorthy Liolcraan, both of Eaeox, Ontario, ' ,0Jb for all sol ory on, Books NontB At Olmda. on ThurRdav, flov'Y'J, 1805. to Mr. aud Mr. D. X. Nob/et a ' daughter. Oovixton At Gtmto, on Monday, p NjBv. 11, 181)5. to Mr. and Mrri. 'J. A. jDoulter, ol.erk of Goloheater North, a ho Battiehhuay At TeouraHeh, ouf, Friday, Nov,.'.8, 1895, to Mi', and; M/L H. Bat- torabay'. a" sjirt.-.'. Tottwn At Wneex, ohiPrj|f[iay Nov.' 8' '- 1805 h; Mr; and IVfra, jBhati.gotten, av daughter^ ' ' DaHoonEnB At Saudwi U. 18fi6, to Mr..auii .'aon1.'1'-.1 } Boiiih, Monday to. Deroohere,., a l'nuABnBUr- At EaHosdP on, Woduesday Nov. '.:' 18, l$u"5, to Wr.jfud Mrs. *Of, 'Tbrtwh'er, " MoiAtJiUVa^.*jBottiii.WoodBleei Tbijrfldatf Hoadquarto4 ook : i, etc, ' \ ./ toaoher, praaohor'-v ;. . .- ould have one of tl g,ft*?BkrH Opea.Book Up)< . W4ly38enta.. . ' ;- :ii .si A. SHERRIN, Fharmaoiac, J^^;< ' :^ : '$! demand fof Ayer, Widely, separate'di Sripa, Spaiur AuatyaH^/! ppt;paoq withV'tihei *biph gooa thing { < :..\"' ttSi^^^mm 9136

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