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Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), November 15, 1895, p. 4

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THE PRESS MM> pwerfent wltli WoMh to moot-at Whit- DJ Joiar. hut Welln dlmippolntod him, niru'n* neVer 'Pw hit- nophew again ^?a-JJr0WLftx-,,J,"Ll,,,-C tin- wlt- 5^!'!* JftflT liOUnt nrouRJit out. rnuT nihad received a tolpgram from AyhiH- wrth on the mornfntf of .Tun. 17. 1S03, ajnouncln/r tho dcjith of Wella by ao< mont. "When wltno^'. auw tho body, t,G COfiln lid had only been rained for "^Jew~moirtentS7-ari(T <Iicrt. woro" pro- o-bly flvo or six othort* 11111*1(11111.' qound, all anxluun to view tho r<;- JJilnB for tho Inat tlnio. At. tho tlm<- Jkuw tho wound ovi-i* the hd't cyu It. . hcamc impressed upon mo, hoo.'inno il'cllovod It to ho of jtoirio impoitaiirr. 3m- wan n lit tin phiHtnr of ptiriw 1" tb wound, though '-J couh! nor ^V my Uitko thii wound, wiih. Witness wo contrniltott'd till tho provlouii wlt- W*i.>n who havo m.hl Unit, no wound 0 othi-i- Injury u.vin(od ovi.t tho I'-ft d-. WltnoiiB did not. lull ol' dilii woun'I <r*r tho loft uye when Uii'lfyhuv at tin- Jfllco Court und.'luHr Ai-hI^-h, heeuuuf' H \vnri not n.HkfM.1, 'or Ibvy would not aiw him to. He lonu-mlii'ivd huvhijr tfJ.Homu onu of tho rmiilrr, but could n: remember when. Air. .fonmi rnmlo nfomurkuhly poor wltumi. J to wnn slv and utnhhoru In bin roplloa, and liviiM Honiowhnt u relief when bin. ex- njlnatlon hud ended. jniios Chambor.'i; livery man, 108 Wtunl-ntroot, to:.tin.m| that lu .Tunu- tt, IHiU, ho kopt n livery at Ml YonKu- B Of, Jljf;t noit tli of nouh!-Htr--et. *' rn bin hooka Mr. CMiuiiiIhth nworo tit on tho day of the oceurronoe, a C'po wiih ortlercul from hln utnbh'H b pa Hum Ilyutnti. Il wii.i niterwitnhi 1*1 for by DnMn.it. iimoB I_.n.volh\ the driver of the c<PiL_wJhle.h,conveyed Dalian from the .yjo of' blood, on tbu niornlnu; of tho trody, Glum; next. Mr. Lavelle Maid tjt lie drove to tho warehouse that jr/nlw? for a pnpin.'Nf'or, according to Irirtictlomi from hbi employer. When h] paiweiiKLT, one of the prinoner.i, Vf Hotting Into tlio coupo, the wlt- ni< noticed aomo Mpot.i that looked If rd paint on hl pantpt below the Ip'H. He took bin -jnusHenKor to 57 QW-Htroot. Izil VanxaUy, who wan employed domoHtlc at tho home of tho noiuu or Hioitr& ITnlon iiia JlniH hrotherH, H7 Oould-Btreet, te.s- tjcl that on the day of.the klUlnpr tfo wore in the city the twinn and I1uhp daughter of the entire hou^e- lijl. Ah a rule the llyaumen left the ]ihc at 8 or UJO o'clock each morn- It) 'After they left on the morn- lqof January 10, lSOlt, nho next Haw IJafi between 10 nnd 11 o'clock. He cie home nnd remained conntantly fotvvo or three dayw. . lie lnHtrueted wie.MH that no one wan to nee him, *d when Vox and AyleHworlh called th did not ace him. When he c;imc }i|o ho told witness that there had hji an accident t^nd that Wellr. had *',bi klllod. irry did not come home until {Idr In the day. Some time after Un.* njr, Unrvy wive the wltne^B ft. pair 'o LroiifjerH to waali. They won; clod, witness .thought, with b d. Shu washecl tin- U'oukui'h, but d not remove tho htains-. Tln'; KtTfln^- not many and coriHiKted of uroall Iti below the knee. Th *y were aftor- dii m.'iit to tin* (lyev'n. ) Mr. Ijount Mrs, Perurally explaln- e bat Hhe hud been livhu; .with the I+maea about 1 year n,nd JO mouthy y to the "oceuri'i nee." Thought | fjn the aplendor of their home thut j twina were men of niMp.s. Hiey | socmod to have plenty of nio-i'-y. | ncHrf'fcoqhl not pay which of the | blii the troiiHers hulon^.-d <o. v)n ;Ii<!'j h ninjr of the killing :die serv'ed :he ! 1-unties with their breakfast und n<>- i t:d nothing unnnuul ab-jut their ai> I praricc or conduct. JrJtWC*S3 was 'luite ponhlve that it ' j)fore 11 o'tdork on t1)" in"nii,r: I InrSumijedy wln-n Dull i.s ri-'-uj-m-l ;, ie; .poot?*bjy neari-r 10 o'-'iu-.k than | He lookl'd diMroK.sed nnd f:'eatly | hied, like one who Irnl had a I at Bhock. WltnepH -ink-'] ii'm \> fiat. [ the matter ami Dall u rc-nlicd : j o have had a terrible areKK-i.t: ; He Wclla hari lu*on kill'-u." Afiov ! hiH had' gone ups:,iir* wiuie^:' ! uffht hfm up a oup of ton, hut h.- ; :mlnK"]y could not driiut it in hi.-; j al way. Witness '.ho-nro; that it about a week -titer llv funeral ' t Hnrry had hati'T^l ln-i \Uo n->uty- j to wnnh. After tho * r,:i -.-:rs had | n washed th<'y inir.v:. in in.> eli>. t i tah'H for about * \<- u-e-.^-j i..-:'ur.ii wore Kent to tho dyer's. jrenihih Ttlordan, -tr-- -r. ear ( ulne- teHtltied that on i l.e- tnonjln;; of uary 10, 1SIKI, li" was .h-ivum il -lioi'He c:ir on t.h-> '^hi:r.'n j-tivot to,- On that nmrni-i;-,' ii,c i>r ilie ionors, which mi* or.- i'miMd'i k 11. on hia car poln^ inr.'h b.itwoon orno and KhiK->-;' i l-. n- vftked the wltii".-t.4 > Irhv t\y.x ,i-- :q hnd been a orm ,-iJ!.'l on t'u!- e-fttreet by a vv-iJt lalliiur ai.d va iTOlnp for n. doctor At nhureh Quoen-ntreets the piis<m<'r ^"t niT car and ran towards Mr. Kind's Mr, John.iton tin- u-lt mors paid when the matter was li:: t hroimht hl.4 attnetlon, ho Llvnm'ht that it Llietxyeon.it and 10 o'clock, hut now ilea tfint lie -was niiMtaKen men. oadmaster Ni>: of thtr-^lreet rnil- prodiici-d the routo books of the way, j;howiiif-v the names of tlie lloyos, the jUboJir-is <<f. 111 s, time of ( ach trip ;:nd tin: liotireach n taken Ids trip, and :il."o the hour hi rojjorts off. One* boo't, styhMl the ' jmn^e book.". \r:ts n recurd of all ejinge.H of men on the Severn! routes drlnfr Jnuuai-y. ISM, ilr. Nix said that the records were feetly kept, and any chanson of id tie torn on any rout i-h would ho ted. Tho defence contend tint emlah Uiordan was driving up urch -street the t'a tal morning bt;- oon 0. nnd 10 o'clock, The hooks of company/ tell unite a different 'tlry. Mr. pciunt 'went over a lonu' road ytan ('fi'oil to eliclL an :idmission fi-ion inlt Riordan might have taken fcnroavlw run that murnhur. without |v,r h- rocord---havinfT been made of the tluntfe, but the witness considered mh a thlnp- ns ImpoHflible. 'Jlniolcocper William II on ley followed JiM Kdperlor ofllcer Into the wltnc;j s!n,id nnd Identified, the vnr'oun hooka ;;;:i'|thiit had been placed- in trvldrnce by ,'r:;-v':I)n(,dmn.?stei* Nix and the admission of &yvbich called for considerable; jii'ku- moH amoi)/T' counsel, which reHidtocI ink. refusal on the part; of His I.ord- flhiji to receive the IjooIch, when tlie coxrt adjourned until 10 o'clock Mon- d:\j[ mornlntr. Vanity -Won. (lie Ontnrlo Iliichj' .4'linui|i|tnf(hl|i iiy Vi l*olu(( KhiKHtuii, Nov. 0. About 1200 nnlit udml- hIoii to Queon'* nnd VnrHttv-.nlny-Nio" tloelilliiK innlcli for tho;.. OufVi-lu Itu^io- eintrtploimldp to.Uuy, .Tile Queai, s ri|u<l< n eheeied Vnnilly nu their 'i>lIa drove Into (ho ffroymlH. nnd u h.rjre hninhVr'f llto (eatir^ml rn'ouilnent footbnll foIlowerK eiuiu- down to the KrlilHli-Aiiii-rnui, which Vnr- h!I.v iiuule (holr lii<iii|i|uiit'lcrri, In tin- cum- itilf, iiud fniternl/iMi win, ,[ , (.i.f.jnptonH. Iho KrnnniH w.-n, k,.,,| clnir. durhjj,' U" iiuit-li, inid M|,. eriwrl"Vira orderly nnl K<i'i-tiutiirt'rl 'i i.....i. plnliUMl hlllerly, ,1,111 im< u-trrcv. whom lut limj MH-cirn lo proicef. llnd ,-M<.ni^<l lilni, "'d ih; veil .may |||i(, ,, unllmirr In illvhlu- J'([- J'"' H'liiim nnd (.iileluU wlth "a feh QueeuV-U'IlHrni, hiu-k ; i'mtU, MeuK.'Mo lhn, luilr.biurbH ; i-'nx. <)iitii<iiT; Unkn; Kea- i'lly, .Me.Miimei, Hci-himnte ; Horsey, (lib 0i;i-.-.|eeve, Mch.-niuui. AIw ?i.......oil. Men'til, WeljHler, Itiiin, ulnj 'n Vaniily -HnliniKer, (met; ; KliiKninn/\nn- ' bhH. rinnrtei'i Miillocl;, IbirwiiMli. ,\|n 'tilbnii,- h.tIiiiiuuki* ; Iti'iKlli-.v, .MrlveiiKlo, I-illlnli, I'nlittvf>f 1. Mnn*. .MiicilniiciUl, lliirr, wliiyf. Ib'fcreii-.Mi'. |-:ihvanl PavJv. Thnplre Mi'. Walter 1'lleli. Tmir-li lu'.lj,',^ .\lcs,i|H. Mown I and Marlier. ffnul iul^en - Mti.-Hi-u. JIin-MliiI Jiiiit (Jinni. Vamlly won th,. t,,>i;i nnd i-l.ct*<| t>> tuljn the ulml, whleli m'iis hliiw.iiiriilinosi dlrn-t- i.v fiiini the iiiti'ih udiiI. Cup I ii in (Mir.. 11 klclji'd mi', iiimI Un- uirl; w n pmniptlv ri- tiii'ncil. .Kennedy MTim-d the leniher.' hut wiim (iroii(,'ht l<. I'urih nenr tairen's I'.'.-vunl line. After n m-rles ef ferlimnn^i h Viii's tv brokr thnoi(,'h foni dilhlile, inid.Senti by n IhiH'ly Idrlc Into .IihicIi-Iii-kohI frnm the Held of play, ji'ive Varsity two n.,lnl>i. Heore, 2-0. After (JurtlH hnd Icleked mil, pbiv be,-:,,,,,, pnitly j;.......al, for In mhinti'M. Kcrliuimn;'- lllj,' liellic, |IH Win* tn he expect r-d. oil Ihc> wet i:romi(l, the order (.r tin. ,|,,v. Onnluiil- ly Vm-Hlly .wiu-lied I lie Imll lo within IS yin-rlH of tin- (Jueen's ^t.nl Hue, nnd lallotf, pickhif,' It up fn>m a broken nerhnmiiKe, panned to ,\Ineiliii]j.'iill, who dodged jindtilv llu-oii^li the broken huish of Qur-on's and oh Hi I ned 11 try, wlileli with not e.,n veriod. V'lll-idty il, (Jlieen's li. Cnrllii iikiiIii kleked ,,,,(, mill the eiiteher wim bi'oiiKbt to en rib : Jo vanis from Qiii'cji'h ^'onl line. Kiinibh'n' bv Varsliv halvt'H ami ntronj; nishlnj: on tlie part of their npponenfti worked the bn! t(o the forninr'ii liS-yurd line. Pot n Ihml' punt by Hal-Kraft, relieved. Tmieh-JIne work nnd scrnmblliif; He.rlin- nuineii hrou^ld the b;dl close to the tfonl line, nnd lr was dribbled nenuin ; two blue- Jemc.veil [ilnyern dropped on it, but the wet and (,'i-eiisy pl^skln proved elusive, hihI, sijueezliip; from their loo-en^ef bands, wim routed by Mediae. Iirnur;iiK the score 10 7 11 Iji fnvor of tlie visitant. I hi rd, close work followed the klek-ont, lind fnini thin thn forward Iltt|(> of Intercut occurred. ltiirr wan struck on (lie head by an np. noiient'H knee ninl forced to retire. Mne- uen/.le took his |/liuc, mid played well. Varsity fell their e;i|itnin's loss everely. At half-time tin- score stood 7 0 In favor favor of Varsity. Viirslty kicked off In the second, and played Inirii and well for about 1." inlnutcH. Then the wind, which li.id Increased sliKhl- ly iluriliK' the set'oud bnlf, iukI wjih now hlowlriK u living (,'uJe. be^nii to tell, nud Queen's fori-ed (lie leother to the Varsity yr. l"rom 11 scriinmnKe the lull I was passed to Mcalte, who 111111 lo n dush neross, while most of t lie Toronto men Hceined ' mi uck In the niiul, nud grounded tlie |ik'sldn six inches over the tzin\l line. Tin- try \vnn coiivcrled int.o n ^oliI. nnd the score stood - 7- M, still in Varsity's favor. From then to the enlj of time, the union Was merely n close simple, In whhdi Var- fllty pinyed entirely on the defensive'. I'lsk- lae; notlilnt,' that liiey ennld a\old. ijueen's, after kcvci-jiI unsiieccssfut nl- tein|ifs lo curry the ball over tlie line, eon- tenti'd ihcinselvcH v. iili jnintlnx nvcr for roriKi'H. Six single point scores broiiKht Qtieeu'it up 10 II!. ami ;i 1 flic call of Mini) the hceiv stood,-H.-(ttt-t*tt^ .. The iisiinl,cheers, and ihe n.inl-caked con test mi t.-J drove "Iti- lown. (.Jueen's satisfied at luivlat,' won .the tra'ini', and Vnrsliy eoii- (,'r.'itulatiiiK l liciiiselvcs on hnvim? a'l. last won the cup, which at. least twice before was iibnosi within, their ^r.isp. 7 wiwpaw^W^N^ 1 "-r...... WHAT,CAN Be DONe.-.AV'TH A FEW VINESi A^n JARDlMcRES. I^hIuuk hy C.lt'lii-iiU>i| Art Urn- fJlm*lo I^tri!U of tho lOIJeii 'IVirry*. Vliu-t'lud W IndoW In flr lMi(,'IKIi <;oJOii*". It la u. hard thin;,' to brint pbtntn In- dooni and cheat "thei/i Into Ihtnltlntr it In Miminier time. Sleaoi' may tmpply moist, noft bent huh nioy nb>ac thr iu',h curvlntr wlndowr, and water fall reifii- larly. Yet tho plunLn know if hi not Htiinmer. They recent micJi atterutpu to deceive them by, dnipphij: off their hui.vet* nnd crowine; Into tall, pmdcrblly, fipludllnn ntnlk.'i. Home penp'e v/hn donerv(> tlieni least. love plants moat, They May to a root, tub '.IliKI'SAI.KJI WINHOW i:n\fir:t'i:'.'i ai.coVi ANJJ ItOS'A i lliilthnori', M<1 The h(.iiI11uk 1 .ijiiaricr.-t al i'linll.'o were |nndi(pia(c to tie- I ci.niuiMiihiic the Inri-'e iniiubcr nf rinvrs that ; have n rri veil to partii ip;i;e in the rue 111.1,' j' lilci-tlii^' of tile Sni'iilo^ti Kiicin^ Assueia- I timi, which will Infill Monday; A lar^'e I iiiinihcr have been quartered at olh-T 1 stabler,. I-'niiK-is Tre vi;lyan has been a p- | pointed Jockey I'lnh sti-ward. The betting j Will lit- i-iOJihieted oil t If old liuokjita Mn^' ;.. plan, nnd Nino n di.y will he charged for ! the [irlvlleue. Some id" 1 lie Ih.wim of odds I complain that this [s tuo much, consider- ; int,' the pal I'lonu'e tin- uectinu' Is likely to ; receive. Xi'vefthcie.-s, ihen- will pndaihly I be eimtiuh l.-ookin,! I;its <mi hand to n'ecmn- I modalc all who desire to speculate. Tho entries : Finn race, ' mile- -pit fall II111, Ameer, I Trlncnlo Pis, Halloa lor, Addle, Fatal !)!>, ] Menv liuUe Mil.'. I'no tbar, .Innnila, Plioe- I JniM, Faiudi* Jl.joi.i.^l.atly Md'aim PO. The I' Sji'ifc 1)7, Tluii-stoii JO."., Tom Ihirdinu '.til. ' Second race, .M... furlongs -.Vector, Ileat- . i-ice III.. (I;i Ha, iPiyid II., Mildred 1>.. ; Ill-ail IllcllI Pl.S, The l.-r 1 | 1.- Third race, one mile .MrKee. Inn 101' Van I llniiif, The Swain, Son I |. IPJ. i l'*eurlh nice, :;U utile-. Senlilor.Flfield.lCaio- i tinual, Protest !'/, I niernii.s^lun. Pounds* J iniin 10! 1, I'redie.-niicni Ion. J-'lorrle.' Mar.dnn ; lo:i. AVi.'diard loo. Fifth race, I I-11; miles -The Swain 0a, , iMloi-liic, Sue Kltlle !0. AhiUflce P7 I'.oeh- j invar 10J. (Joldeii Cote in;. CiimlHah'rn 10L', I>or.irett hi."i. Marsliall Ms, Llule Tmu Pi), I elYnder H7. St. Louis results : the L'oln;.' niicciiain. straiiilii llirutiK-li [lie and 11 second choice First race, ri furlnn Uridtat L'. I.lllle ii;M\v .'!. Time MH. Sccuinl race. 7 t'iirloiiKS--h<'aseinao hn S.-uic 'j, Phiiettn ;;. Time L.'il'... Thhiil race, 7 liirtonu's-- Sandownt- 1, I,in- dn -, Simmons '.. Tlnic leil-'-,, Foiinli race. I w. miles j;|i1(. ]{,-ii:;ut J, Hilly McKen/Jc 'J, \ oini Ai'ion ;.. Tinu; A slopii.v tracl; made I'llldie favofld's lost <a nl. Four oiti s piers look lind riioio'v. -s .lohnif.v .\Icl|,,ic 1. I. "It is not Biimm.r time. It 1h the season of cold and bleak. I will take >our roots and transport them boldly. Make the best of the situation." A number of vases are concealed bo- hind a mirror. They arc filled with Hit ml and water, n moist, happy niasn- The plant sinks its rootlets Into the v/et sand and nourishes for a ion;,' reason, sometimes .as lon^f as w'inter, .-cendiiiK down its ht ^ n leaves over the jrlass ni'-ainvhlle. At tlie l/ase two .email palms have been started upward. They uphold the vinos in their spread- Ins: MToen hands. The mirror Is n twice lovely spot*. Kvory leaf is, pictured over and over ru;alii. and It is the sweetest tjit of fmpri.'-'oac - summer in the house, like the Jrnv.-s of a plant shinine; In n l.'il-:" s edv.--. This is sicid to have 1> en originated Jn a. design for a house decoration Py Alma Tad cm a, who phi red It in' the boudoir of a wealthy p Uron. There are people win* cum do with out soup for dinner. h;:t plant; they must have. I'm.- pot of ms. :-, wdl fiike the place of terrapin, sod a t'--w hanc^- Jnff vines suliice for coffee alter flintier. "If 1 Wert: ^oliljJ, to in;;!;., a window Riirden," I'lrltted one u:' th 71:11 ioi :i leaders fif :he Kin^": t ijiu.^lit -:rs. "I fliould buy twenty vai'ds of vines and buy and h ',,' i.i.uiv j;'.rHid-i\-.:. T'ilh vines and . .( rt.micres all is act om- plished." I ..on. dine; the w;iy ihroue;h a broad archway, this lendi.-i- of the Kind's IDaoKliters iifdrit.-'d t;: u ! r"'i:l v.'iudiv.- that looked very l,y.x j-^cis in s.d'u the fnct that it '.*,'i "In- :ply fnt- rTbdied, "That window hex is onverer? with .Vcont illIn'Rs allied o;i by myself. 7n It stand four pots of trailers. j\x one side of it arc two p> ;s of -vinos, and Fil.li j.jm:. nice. 1 11 die Loudon 1, iPdMiln '_', L Time 1.-I7. Alexiuiiler Maud rei-nlis-- First race, I'j furlongs- bed l'i'o-s, S In I. I ; Fluellen.uiiL jdace, Li ; Ploildy'.i \"ieliui .".. Time Ji7l'j. Second r.'ice, in, furlongs - 1 "oeunde. "l ; Uedowii, 7 lo Tj. pliUti*, - : Ihillisoii ','.. Tlan: l.a-l'i. Third rare, -J furlmi^s ('n-:.....m, 2 lo I 1 ; Hands ilif, even, -J ; W'tdliuau :i. Tlino I'oiirih nice, l mile Khar Paul, IT, to 1. 1 ; Aheiiru out, p!;:c', li ; Valkvrie :t. Tinio 1.-17'j. Fifth race, U farlouu's-.-l.npn nllee, -Id to 1, 1 ; Jersey. (I to T\, place, li ; Saunirilan .'t. Tlnic l.ici'Ji. Slxlh'race, ti'i furlongs Tmn Itropliv.d lo 1 ] ; Devisee, Il to 1, plllec, *J'; Duke of Fife ."J. Tim.' l.'Ja'j. Itiley tJrniiinin, It Is said. Is ffoin^ lo Knff- htiul to Itoaid tin- lion in Ids den mid ll^lit the Kiijdlidi belting rhi";. fib A Fjriu lAi\wr* Svnr imUnwn Mho 1Vnn Tlif^'l of I.lhJ-HutilliMted Afuruic. I Oahnwa, Ont., Nov. 10. Albert Cox. ;22,.years of uro, employed tiu.a farm laborer with Mr. Jackwon on the lake ['shore, committed suicide yentorda-y by hapjjlny. r^ ' , 'nllw(l Ak-Himilr. *P>; Bnicebridiye, Ont., Nov, 10. Charles [.;?, W. .Watson of this town, aged (ic yoai'a, lfii/,4 cooper by trade, committed' nulelde fe,early this morning by tnklntr arsenic. |'^/Np cauue can bo aBulgnod. Frll I><-nd from Utnrt Vallnre, Bowmanvllle, Out., Nov. 9. Mr. Geo. 5^vBIckolh Ontario-street, died 'stiddonly IWflt evening. "Ho had eaten a hoiii'ly Sgjjjpper and waa sitting chatting with ' ^family, when, without a moan his dropped and: in a moment life rent extinct. Heart failure wan the aiBe. He was in his 67th year and ^^Vefl a ^vife and,, large famiiy of p^?i-luixvpn'p..nd. daiierbtem..:' r.IIi*tie 4irl lillli'ict n |iimpMTM PoiiKhkcK'^h', N.Y., .Nov. !). The first Held diiy for thr vnrhiiiH.college e;|rl athlcten wim held to-iluy in u dr z/.linj,' lahi-lorio. The only spi'idntors wen;.the students and their Kiietits, iiM outsiders Peine; rigidly exiduded. The mo yards' dash wan rnu off in trial heats, ns follows : First heat, won by alius Wind. 'Sis. ; neeoml by MIsh WIIKinsoil, 'US ; third by Miss Tluillon. "JT. iTnal .by Ml as KliKiilKM h Vassal*, '!'H, .wIio.iiIho won a place [,, ,f|IL. uf (]1(. |jit'r heats. In tho rimnltie; trials jump the winner was Mfsa Lrslfe linker. (UstaiM-e 11 feel 5 Inches. The I jo yards' hurdle was run In trial hears. The llrst heat wan ruptured by .MIsh Kill th Ward,. who hud (i walkover. 'Tho iieeond hy .MImk M. Johnston. Time 'Jo .'M Hceotidn,. but it was uullulslied. In iho riimihiH hli:h jum|i there were four eotilestiuils. Miss llrownell won w.lh n llllirl; of -IS hiclies. Miss UU<>r scored -HI hiclii's. M(hi Viissar ir. IhcIich,. and Allsu Spnuldhitf It InelioH, The Hiunuuiry.allowed 'jr. nohiiH for "!>Y, 1*1 for 'liy.aild 5 for 'm. The prize Hhk will. tlnMrfoi*. U'> l" ","' 'i'hii held day wan purely a student nf. fnlr. Tim jdrln wore ttlvlded k>tn, uuitii full, and of a ph'iishur aiipeiu'auii>, with Hw'enters, wlileli uhoweil by llitdr enho* the ehiHH. of wcurer. Kiudt clrl Vim antde n record will .receive n incdiil.' In tin- bardie Jumphig tontcHl: flio DuntlcH win' hi ]n un oi lier uinl'wen) two. iiuiroiirshul'.fern hiuh, -uiiil'll! yarda apni-t. .'iSo-rc were II) ruuiosl* nuh* In tho 1(H) yards ami nine In iho, mv ubijl liroad Jump, lx In llii^ VJO-ytkt'il hm-dl,- race, 10 In tho rumilng Idyii Jump, iwn i i TFitkV s ".n;i.r;:T" wixnow. the ano> r. tired, worn nnd discournirec|, e and look out acrosw tlie IiUIlw' the only pretentious plants ere palm nt one side of tip; window the pot of artemlnlil at the other side." Seeing" a r|U(*wtionin look directed toward the window, she continued: "Yl*s, I kiiow you see u cnaste pecu liarity of that window. It is my 'Je rusalem window.' Here the JCIncr's Dau/diter ean come Wc arc on an elevation, Below as lie a the hustllnK" town. It Is my confession window nlso. airhi sit here and tell* me when nnd how they have fallen into grief; There is no shade upon the win dow but a lovely, .circular arch of vinos.'" Kilen Tory can never' learn a part except seated In her own vino-clacl whitlow in her J'Jiitfllsh cottage.. Uha looltH out a*nd 'plctuwu tho sconced anil t?otn the words ,hi her mind. In the .foreground", of -the window there Is a small'-stool, thpon (his Mias Teri-y falls when she would clasp her. Homeo to llak the poison from his lips. Ifpon the stool she kneels for her staeo pivayer 'S _Hair' VtGOR Hoetoroa natural color to tho hair, and also prevonta it fallinir out. Mrs. H. W. Fonwiok, of Ditfby, W. S. aaye: "A littlo morn Hum two yearn n^o r. mv hulr fi >$kfB to turn I! i' =l y mill full on I. Af ter (lie 11 HO Of, onn hnllln nl' Av't's TT;iir Vio;or my huir was ro;s|.i'u'ed to it.H oiUriniil color iinri ci'jisnf] fnllliiff out. An nceasiomil ajiplieal.ioii bus .sinepkept tilt! Ih'iir in (jowl eondition." Mrp. II. K Ficnutck, Digliy, N. S. "I htivn u.snrt Ayor'H ITair A'itror for tliveo V'-'iirn, nnd it h;iH restored hair, whiidi wuh Hint hwnniinpr crnv, hiudc to its niitnntl ('olol^,, JI, \V. IlAnFUioFF, ratta'son, X. J. Ayer's Hair Vigor i-itKi'AKKi> my PH. J. C. AYEH& CO., LOWELL, MASS., U ,S, L Avcr'u l*ills cure Sick Headache. a treiiienu^im hiui,, el'feet. Tho trlmmini? of the entire witidoiv Ih act Vim pi lnhed by two jar- dinlenn of Kn.nrlhdi Ivy, t. u 'm-d over an ojieij ni.-t u hi h. Fto.sa Fonheur Imu painted bona ami hoiHoM ho many yt ara the t. :die is not supposer] to ever paint Hiihji-epi a;t Utfht ay flowers, yel a French woman teltfj a pretty .story of her early ac quaintance with JtoKa Honhour nnd't! o prreat animal painter's homo talent. The lady owned a cott.'ip,e In the suburbs",' a boxlihe cottage, very f!i|iiaio and nnlnvItiiiK, with- an" 1.. at ' one side. "I wl'-;h.i coi.-id r o:n.e,- the par lor with th.'l i. In r aithtL1: way," she said t< > I-hs;v 1 -.iiihenr. then a yountf lady, who w n her y; est. "Tliere now rltflu is a sipnu'e dnrl: haIIway thon lighted with two window;; at UUM'h'K to e;U'll other." "Will" yon ci\'e me plenty of .sash and a cnrp'Ujio:- three days?" anked Alhn-s 1 hmlieiir. "With pleasure," said her hostesJi. I'ln-eo dny.H afterward there was a dooi out tli.- wind., width of the little . ^iiou-e hull. . F. "i windows at. rlyht aiifvh-s to each <.<: her wont from lloor to celliim-: a window la.:: stood at tlie base, and over t he door any tiling a. hont.wood arch, the work' of Itona Hon- heur'ii nlmbli- llnL-ern. For a v.-mK she stf>od upon n step ladder tnio-Mmc up the borders of the" walls until tiny v:>-vq aa artistic as the window tfnrdoii. That areh and the window liox are still pre served by those friends of Miss Hon.' heur, though they could be sold for a small fortune if the owners would part with them. Conservatories" are scattering them- Selven over tho whole house thin win ter. This Is In deference to the lord of the manor, who likes to puff. bin. nfter-dinnor Havana in tlie fragrance of the tfrowlnj? Plonts, but d!sli)a- the moisture of the mis >i vn t-oi-y. A very K1--at p.d.peal leifler lias 'this l rick of smoldii'.'- Pi the "]dantlest" spot In tho lion:-', fun! after his puff he wl.ll rise ami - 'n"1.- tho dead leaves '"'ff the plant:-;, th n-e u ^iEJiys cif water the leaver, find nmoke a few upon flic* rmh.-ippy plant na'^ia. HAnrtV.(;i3ItMAJN12. tivr-r t'Ul'fs pifr.-i-.-iice cm' jCJS,'. -v CI. iJTAv i I CHURCH DIRECTORY MRTHODIhT. Ihr. I'-mooe, PftHtor SorVltif ivory Bumliit ui. 11 u. in, iwd 7 t<- > Habtnti lohooittt 2:ip |. in. U. K. N'lylor, Hiii*'irmi' \:a- nt o( aohool. Mpwoitli Ltii-,imiirai * uiuetnn I'UbBday oviadliit ittH o'ulonl.. .nin-.i I V"ayi." noctliiRnn 'J >o rHdn-yuvt-n'iuft, CnuKOir~ov KNn^ANii Hnv. A.b.bovurly, In dUUihwit-r-Wt, KwiuX.. .JJlvih'tHorviod i-vry ^nndivyiit 7 o'olouli, p m Muiniity Htilidol at 1\) a, in, iVhiltV Chliruh, North JtldR. --Olvliut Htirviutm ivry Knmlny nt H ji. tij.*, Hun 'lay Huliool id l,4f>i). ni. Tim jmbllo^ fo vj '-bully InviUd. uor* MARRIAGE LICENSES. - i^wv **n****r*r*' . PABli, IB8UKR OF MARBIAOK Lr etui*' p. TttabarclMb Blk,, Bniuuc, pot. ' MJUIiUKl"!'. liBiifir of Man.i^fl Lloonaft, . 'i*nitiriti-ril..r-nrli:O.J..0ta. Oo8t;0nt. tf !>, UKAMAN, . liiBtH'r of Marrinuo IjIcihiboh. Inanranoo af('nt. Nlfjht oftloo ut Dwidllmf. TAIjIIOT BTHERT, FiHBBX, *J t*HM(lllVTKHlAN.~-VV. M.FhimlllU. )*iLHtoi" KoC- vlcuiiun t-iidilndh utll u. m.and 7 .IMI p. in Hah 'iat)i Hnhoel ibt L!:;to p. m. rritVor iiutln(| und Citntor'H hlblit oIhrH On TuiiHduy'. nt7.^0 p- in. Houiid Union on Wiwliioiniuvat H,i6n. (Ul'TlHT UKUUOU. ilnv.M. I*. Oiiujpholl, I'uB- tov. HurvlijiiH ouob Hubliatli ufc 11 a. in. and 7 V m. IVayer innetlnu fin VViiclmiHdny. ovonluu uL H o'oloolf. Hoatu fruo.. All aro <mi'((lally \vl- QOltiod. Hoir.iN OATUOLKI.-Fiiunu Fr. O. K. Mudno, t^iiiter. Hiir/hi.. 'ivory othur Huinlay ntH-Illip, in, Hiiiniay iclMiol lit It p. in. Maiputonh lllip"! niiimi and Hiirinen id lll.HO a, in,, (JiiUicliiinn at J p. in , hapthun ilL li n. m., vimpei'ii and iHinudlution ut 1 p. in, (J. F. Mv j(I<i;,Pvl^ _ _ ,. __________________ fi^r.VATio.N .Ai'.siv. T. II. MoKoad. Captain. Balvation timet!nun on WiulmnuUy, fbumilay and Kiinduy avciiiinit'i: J'Vna and Many, Hatnrduy evijtiiui,'ami!) p 11. riuinlay; floliinuw nmotitiUh tor ciiiiiitlunn Friday uvnimi|{ and II a. ui. Kiiu* day; Knoii Jn-1117 a,,in, .uvury Humhiy. All.urn waloomo, UNDERTAKING. HPljUUMICilr, Umlertiilrur n.id Furnltnff + Dfiulor. CoIIImh, homo iliuI FiwUrry mril frow 3 to &M, MoUruifor.Op* , ' ARCHITECTS-_____ _ "toUN A. MAycocic, AitoniTKcrr.'&o., Itootii 10 and 1J, Flonline; IkHMIna, WJiulHor, Ont LEGAL rr/ut IJ^ A. WIHMKU, Miir?fntulf,'TniH(A*UL Notm ^Jm Tubllo ito. Monoy to loan. OmuW fhiy titan IJlook, iip-fituirii,- -t-lV"^ Y Tj. VluTKUH Uan-hitor, Kolloltor. Notaj I'ulillo Mouny , to jjDiui, OUloo ov< Urutherii' Hn.iili.Kniiox (Jontro. CUjAnKK, ItAIlThF.T ,t IMUTXIST, Warrii J torn, oto, OJllcuH, Mc.dliury block, Windnc Private fiunlii tn hntn, A. II. Cl.AUKK, h. 1,. II. N. A. IUmxkt A. It. JIAHTI.BT. 11. A, HFlNltY C. WAI/fFdtH, JiX.l!., Attornoyuml Coniimdor .at law, Holicltor hi Chaiiaarv, Froctnr in Ailiuiriilty, Patont yollnltor, witli ALluoiion tt HidcliBn Connroiif) nt. Jwont, Uotrait, Mich (Canadlun uliduiti a(;aiuut panionn hi the United htaton ohIIolt.id.j ItoforuiJci'di Iniiiorhvl lhuik, Knunx, Ont, it. Ij. Pntuiii, Kiup, hardJit.tr,. to., Kiiiinx, Out 10.A, Witiimir, luui., Handiitor, ote;, Emiox, Out SOCIETIES r v. c. . i* iiinotfiiivory Thnnahiy, oviwiing at 7.301b IdilfnllnwH IIidhibthhrdHtoroy DuiiHtaiilllook /hiltlm; moiiibom of othor lodji*tBwill roaeivo* iriitiiMiid-w*iloomo. J..IOIINBTON, N. O. UKM'X'ItAli FNOAMt'MKN'X*, No. 0, mootnln Odilfflllowii'IIall.Duuutiui'ii Blook, on the nrst nnd thivd-Tutiftduy hituuih month. Visitors oat (daily rocolvod. Munbornof mibordhtaUlodgei In th*. JurlBdlatloii, .Invltod to Jolu KANNAN.C.JL. a- b\ l\Udi, O. H. 0. J JfrUlay ovl Andrew .I'ai-kur, Una rotary; Froilorlck; MHIilTH MVKBV oiimer, OopUla; J>almor DUat, iror. GOtTKt ItOYAL, NO. 3W..I. O. ^^VDinoBfll: MnotiiHuoond and fourth TuoBddL^. n -1 month in h O, 0. F. Hull at 0 o*tlStfw*tA VP.ithifj brutlmni will b ijlvon a JraurnF- ooiuo. K MoCiiuulimil. 0. K., W.O. Hliftw^ M.J.WItflo.C.D.lI. O.K. *^(J'^lii CI' MEDICAL. Y\llR. HltlKN it BKIKn! Jiui. llrion. &i. f)., lu II., C. P. 3., nraduiUo of Quoon'n Uufvtirititv, Kiiiffnton, inuiobor of Ool- li>f;u ol FhyHioiaiiH and Mur^ooun,Ontario. Grn.il natn of Now York. Pout Graduatu Mudioal Col- leco. .1. W, hrlon, M. J)., C. M I. T. M. C. Ifonor f(t*(iduiilo of Trinity Moil leal Colliifi'i. Jinn or graduate nf Trhilty Univornfty. .Moiuburof tho Colli'^nof Pnynlclann and Hui'ifiioiin, Out flrad- HAto of t.tivf YorK, J.*ot Grarluato Modical Collreo. Olllceovfir Kftiiox Mtidioal Hall drii|( atont. CouHiiltatinu roouui, both on urrnnnl floor and Unit Hat iihovo. Tolephonn in both olllco and rcnhioiHio. All oalhi uttcnrlod tn from otlleo, emu iitoru, or riniidoncii, ItuHidonoo, Tiijbot fitrunt, front ut fair firoundii. 44 the Hiaaara lolls Kotd*:. aOIN KAUT TftkhiR flffoet MayBlOth, ltiotf. Mall Fip. I) It. PItOUFK.M. IJ, . Univornltv of Toronto, M. lb, Trinity Univor- iiitvM. O. V. H. 0 Into of.fit. Ihirtholoniow'ii Iloupitid and .Voorflold'ii Itoyal Ophthuluila lfoHpitid,Loiidon, Fn(;Iaud. Hpnclal atf-ftntion niveii co dinuuiion of tlm oyD.oai*, noun and throat. OIIlco hour'* 11 to 12 a. in., 1 to 11 and 7 to ft p. m. Oflioo and rMiildenco, \)!i Ouolluttoayo-, Windiior, oppoiiitu St. Mary'H Aojulaiuy, Tnl, 10.1. I) JIB. UKWAlt & MOKEN55IB. P.A.Dj^waii, M.D.O.M F.T.M,H. Honor Omilu- un Tvinlty Univornlty. Moinbor ('qIIoku I'hyi ici.i.ini and Hurfioonii, Out. Itiaiiduucc, TalPo Ht.Knnt, . O. MeKKNZiK. M. V>. 0. M., Corontu-, Now York I'oet Ciradimhi, Follow Trhnt* Modicitl Collojio. Uvaduutn Trinity Univon*ity iierddmico: Tnlhot. fctn.'et, wont of M. 0. It, Ollicohonni '* and (Ito H v. m HJicn iu (m porinl I.) an It blceli. j.1 round tinor noxt to Thortin'hdriiK htoru. 'ielijidiainjiii coimoctioo with otlleo nnd roni- dunen, Oidcrn loft at Thtiniu'n drnir utaiu will b# promptly attondod to. DENTAL. HP. MAHTIN.IM). B h. I->. K. Oraduatfl in BoutlHtry, Itoyal Collofje* of Dantid S'lrSfionfi, Ontu)- . tiit! T^in^crHity of Toronto Oliureuri,uiiidLraiu. unlet), over Urlou a: Cot -Iriifj utorv, lH-ly VETERINARY. WH Ull'llAhDHON. VKVJiltlNAUY KUH , (IKON, Ihniornrv liradiiato nf Ontario Vctorlmiry OoIIcl'h, Toronto; uioniber of On tario Voti-rinioy ^ledicul Kocioty; UipIouiiHt in. DiaitihLry; trnutt) nil diKi-iucn at donieiaiont-:d Muimiilx; r.xlilo dchoi'ited by thnlatufit itnprovod Lenvitt (dipper (.'nlhi by teh pli'nno or ttilo- Ri'upli I'l'tiruptly iittendcd to. Iteuidcnco, four donrnfionrh of f'p int mill; nlficii in pout office lunldiiij;; inllrnifiri..dlrti!tly oiipoDilc. LAND SURVEYOR. TAMES fi. tiAIHD. Provincial Land Survoyo* and County Ku^innor, Kiibox Contio, Out- Oillco, Duniitan Kloclt, upHtnlro. AUCTIONEERS. HENIIY IIKDJtrCK, Auctioneer, fi n 1 o f- promptly uttonded to, Aiidruun Routh Woodiiloo, Ont. PoifionH denirini; to nccuro mi may Iohvh word ut tho Fitm-i Phkrh onJeu.' tf H. HF.PIIIOK Dotroit....... WJipluor .... Pulton........ Blaidiitonoc ICmiox........ Woodrdoo... UiiHcnmh ... Com bar....... .Jtidffotown.. Kodnoy.'...... Ht. Thoina.i London ......... ^t. Thoiwiu... Kfidnoy......... Itidfiotown.,... Comber.......... Ihuicoinb....... Woodnloo....... Kfluux............ Maldntont) C'r Poltou..........,. Windiior......... Uotroit.......... n.u). Mft 7,40 8.0:1 H.1I 8.21 H.:i7 30,17 a.m. 0.G0 t( 60 Kxp. u, rxi. 0.4" 10.10- 7.50 io.a:i 8.47 10.00 OOINO WIJ11T. 11.CO I.Ofl ft. in. 0.115 J 0.84 II.J.'J 12.10 V2A5 Acootn ]).tii. 4.40 . t>M MO B.S0 6Jlt) (J.tJ0_ fl.tyj 11.04 7.10 7-J10 fl.KI fi.15 O.iW 7.!iS a.wi n.;to O.IIfl 0.4B 0.51 10.01 IG.1'3 10.30 10.BU AmiiorMthura Jfjocul Wrnlsiu, KABT P m. (1.10 ty<m fl.2ft il ;m tl.flt) wi:nr nan. a.m. 11.50 fl,l5 K\cn .;(i 12.10 o.;i*2 hj:ilJ 8.3.1 iu.m) a.fifl n.in. a.m. p.in Kniiox 7.15 it.ftO D.:i0 KdimvH "7.M. 0,-10. .1.10 L E <t JJ H Xinu fl.fiO -|) !I3,- 4.W McG'.-orror MR (I.B0 4.50 Amhoriitbiirf* ti.'lO IU0 4,,'JO All traiim ar vim on central fitnudurtl thuo, whioh in Hixty nduuton nlowor than Knuost tiliin. For hifovmation and rutofi to odlon- jiitfi mnvitirc wont apply to John G. Lavon, Pau- itonfror Ai;ont, St. Thomun. 0. \V, KuurIoii, don- (tral Piuifumffor nim Tlekat Afloat, Chio(jo, 111 or A. O. Ktiuiorn, Aaoiit, Ennox. L. E. & D. R. Ry TIMKTAIir*K NO. ifJ, tidiing nffocfi Snturdny, Junii i\), lh'A. Trainn run by Fan torn Htand- ard Tinio. J3uilv except Sunday a . *- o % V M 11:20 0.27 (..% II.-10 DBINCIiAllt, LIGKNBKD AUCTIONKKIt for tho County ofKitLox. bailiff of l'Jiuhth Bivlfilon Court. All Idmltt of Farm and olhor Salon conduoted jn-onipTl^' Itaton roa^onablo and fnrnikliml tni ai^dicntioii. Enfpilrorii. rimy iiliply at VV. D. Bniunmi'H ofhco, or at tho olhco ot DIvhiion Court Citric,Mr. John Ulilno tr^ \M # "Did J.'lc-Jc propose to you this even- lv?.->" "Well, . tly; hi' nf.rod If 1 could a J>:ird.' POWDERS Cum SIOK HEADACHE md NemmlgU u uo MlNUreo, al&o> Coined Tongue. Diz/i- liiM, biltausneffe. Pain In tho Slda, ConntipaUon, tho 220-yarU run. and liii lu the, liu^Lct U:a And from Its dizxy be'ght uhe hurls her- AantMt. - ' Torpid blvor, Batl'Bretth. to stay cured also -eguUio tho bow/s. vtr mom to tax*. 9>rio* 20 Okhtg at DitUQ rower*/ ti'" . " ' ' 'I *IWW*"WM*I**W' : ' '. 'ib!, .v. . '.I. JOHN GOHMhFY. IdOlLNHlCD AUCTIONK13K for tho County of Efioox. Allhindii of farm fit tick nalcti, otc, conducted promptly und on short notion. Itaten rniifiorablo Purpoan ih'M'i'iiblo to rtrrn > f:u salon may ;1o no by calllnr.at tho i'ur.u Pri;.ih oilloo or by uiiiilyitiH to ' . 4 J. GORMLKY, P. O, Box 155 Jdiiiox, Out. 17WAVK McObOBKKY, Middatono, tliirty- . aovon yoavn'oxporlonoo an au anotlonoflrin tho County of Knuost, Bulou oonduotod promptly, and on. ronnontiblo turms. fartlcn tUifilrlna to flx'tho dato for a nnlo can savo thomunlvoi; a drWo by oallhiit at tho Fjtwu PnRRs otlioo. Wo linvo lirrawtfml with Mr. MoClaahoy and will fix tho da to ii for ualcn by tohJKrnph.ontlroly frou of all ahnrfto lo thnpornon holding the nnlo. Ad- droHB Fi-auUMeOloflkoy.afaidntoiioOroBB^ut^ i 106 J3AKn, TUB oldoiit btulnoofl in town. FlHtahllaius 1B7H. Flrot-fllftHB broad ttiul oakos of al Itlndfi. Woddinccakeaa Kpoolality^, Qrooeric Vrovieloun, flour, food, salt ttKd poi-k* OonfeQ tlonQry,orooUory,({luBuWftro.. OaunedfrultawOje vo(I*itableh of all kindti. GooJe prom^tyoKy llvorotl to all parts of tho tpwu. J. M. Hlf JOltf A M A M 0 4" l^flO fl.47 -la.uo fl.55 li! 40 il.fill HI.J5 3O0li:12.fi! 1147 lo.iu i.io iiri-i 10 IK l.SB tifiO 10'25.' l,40'Y.f.7 1IWJ. 2.L0 7.14 10.42- i.M-1 7.2-1 I0,5ii tlfiO. 7,!M 10.60, H.0't;7.4S 11.10| .'IMS 75'J 11.24' 4,10 fl.P 11.311 4,0 11.311" -t 10 11.44 5.80 11.fid; 0.4C ll.COi fifif) n.on 6.15 (Ufl r r,r> 7.10 t>T*riOKfl. nnpWalltorv'Io Ar Walkorvilln Juno. ........ Polton......... .....:i Oldcantlo...... P. H I) K) tl 04 8 M * A. jHjL M (llfcO fl.40 fi.3 a f>ni fi.17 ......t PfopitittO...... B471 .Vfli 7.17 ...... HciGronor >...... 8 4S|-fi.0( 7-13 ,..t Now Ciinnun... K.30 4.40 ... t Marnhllold ... U K0| 4.HH Harrow ......IH 21 iSti M W i' ir P*40....., 7,;m 7.27 7.tf3 .....f Aw or.........fi 31 ... Khunivillo......>8 H 12 ill 12.12 12 10 12 '"2 \v.h 12.40 ltuthvon I-onmlnRton .-.. , Whratloy ...... fl.l7i......f Itonwloh ...... Ry......(Joatftworth ... fi.:J2......fGlonwoLd...... MO.........Morllu......... H.47:......I Buxton..;...... H.W]..:... gandliion ...... OOoL.ICcdarSpi-iiiRH... 0U7 0.12 0 20 O.al p u. p. u. V.M Blonhclm Jiinot'ii ......Blonhoim...... ........fWilkio......... ArltidffutowuDop 7 61 7 40 7 21 7 Ifi 7 10 7 (JO ooy (1 46 tl 40 0JU (t 24 II 2*1 II'10 (1 00 4.00 0.4fi l.M 1..1B 7.00 0.50 fl,fiii 11.41 0.01 I1.Q1 11.10 n.M 6.4fi i.'lfi! Ii.4f: laao ft.aJL 12.01 zfii U-mti! 4.(10 up.iti\ 4.40 0.00 4.110 Kt whon tlmrJ ouH. MIxpj + Fbi( SttitibiiH. Tridnn ntop onl ftro piimptiRora ntorfof thono Btut/,, cunrclltd tritliiu luro at al timoii imbjoot to 1/ c,nw"' Wlf WOOTjIjATT. O^'evnl Hu~* mtnre Now A 11 rJht; notb Hch tho tirae if you/wabt a Bargain' iflk and voll Hai/o'ted, uhd pncon Call and inupcot/ it will oost you JT U t(o throug/i and ^et priuoBi vuluo In tho ooun/y; in exchange win 4.AND AND LOAN ACE I>op(l Juiubor aud/Htovo wood. UNMMING/AND MBALMIN6 a npocialty. Oocl oama^ea ia aUeadaiJoo/'- when required a/'^ prioeH 25 ptir cent loea than when time/ft Were Rood. 'Will not bo, undoraald by Anyone, in the basinesp. I wili pay you/for yotir trouble".oominf if what I atate </ nofc oorreot. f>> BOBGB- X THOMAS, 0<myjf$%'S'J \> mloaiooor, Jn Stab Court of Jfeoev to loan In Hool Estate and MortcaReB. at the lowest rate of lnterea and wild. Insurance taken ln oomoanlOB. Drawing of deed hmflflB a apwtoltv. OhargM bndiiea* _promptlT attOHd CtantjUl TeUpb*n effloe, u ,.'r"i* nay to loan armi boucht moflbrelloplr mortgages and oderste audi lit" . Call life thr [Oentrp. 61t ' ' :i" " . 1 / %o J '\MI ,'.;.)' ;' ' .' :\.r^^m Ji'sr*

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