m :l;,'!' ?! AM AS WELL AS IWM TO I' liss Blake, of Hamilton, Out, after using Paine's Celeiy Compound ^ a f icture of Womanly Vigor and Beauty. A Story for all who Stand in Need of Perfect Health. .fcliHH Isabella Blnke, of .'lOH HiijdiMon Street, Hamilton, Out., \u ono of thu fair* est and bout known younjj woman in ibo unibitiouH city. To day, olio in a i*icturu of womanly htmUh, vi^or and bonuty, and joyfully declare, "I am now u now woman cftUoujoy.lifo, iindam au woll aa 1 witdi to be." Whoa MIhh Blalie Jnahim tho doolamtion that tho ih a "now vdomau," uho Uoou not winli it to bu uiiihiVuLood that uho ban entoroJ tho ranlpi, und urtoptud tho fniln otthoHO HjtKti-bruinmJl v/otnon who would naurp tbo logitimato yiOHitioim of won, and #0 through lifo olad m half mauculino attire, with thu iixod idua of altering tho plunn of un all-wino Prqyidonoo, and turn- ' hoi tho world upflitlo down. Ah 1 no; thin jh far from what Aliuu Bliilio winhoit to imply whon ahe makou thb.afcatiaiuoiit that e Ih a *'utw woman.", Tho "now woman" that tbo world viiIhoh ia not tho wodorn creature that donsi tho opon vent, oxjioHcd uhirfc front, four-in- hand tio, Htraight und high oollur, tit iff Derby hat, who wiiIUej ont on our mreota with oane in hand, giving eyideiiou of empty brain and imnat>nnod vanity. Tho truo "uoW woman," in perfectly ronrouent ed by lliaa Blako, made hoaltby, vigorous, strong and aotivo by tho uho of Paino'a Oolory Compound. Thin in tho "woman" .-that HODHiblo and rational boingn honor and ngiprtioiato tho typo of "woman" that bloBBGH homo, frioudo aud' tho world ut largo. Mihb Blako, though a young womau, can relate a tale of Had ox. pork-no oh. In tho part, Hgwh havo Htaod in liar way throaton- ind . deutruotion; who known what .koto T.cs5TOtionB airs, woing to tha rough graup of (Iihohho; and at timoti, tho cold touob of tho dotitroyor, doath, ban made hor ohivor, aud caijuod hor to think of tho dark gloom of tho nilout tomb. Y/hou Miati Blake" u heart wa faiut, niolc und void of hopo; whon all the doctora and mudioimiu f ailua to do good, und whou thrcatuuod with that roWmtUim fou con- nuraptioii, an angel of inoroy auge;tod tho uho of a romody that ban brought now lifo to'thounauiU of poor auft'orora in tho pant. Xot, it in Paiuo'H Colory Compound that ih recommended; it in wuatU aud m a fdiorfc timu multon a "now womau" from tho in atonal that tho gruvu had battlod for. ThoHO facta, doar rnador, aro not over drawn or colored in tho lu&ut. Miflii Blako aud bur frioudH will gladly vouch for tlio truth of tho Htatomont that Paiuo'tt Col ory Compound, aud it alono, undor Ood'H blqsHiim, wiih tho unimt that uavod afo at a oritioftl juuetuvo. Tho following lottor from Mi.hh Bhiko ih ouroly of auffioiont woi^ht to convinoo the mont hajjiouod un- holievor: "For yoarn I oiifforcd Rroatly, and wa under tbo oaro of doctorn who finally told me I waaaoiuuiuto coiiHUtuptiou. I waw becoming worno throuRh tho uro of modi, oinca, and I gavo up my doctorn. Whilo in a vory critical condition, not ah]a to nluop orrout, alwaya faint and woak, appo. ti to and digcotion bad, and ray syntom run- d own und littlu hfo left io mo, loom- m eiictd to uso I'aiuu'fl Celery Compound. Aftor tdkina ono bottle I folf muoh ro- lieved. I havo uned in all seven or night hotlloti, and am now-a now womau, oan onjoy Hfo, and am an well a J witjh to be. Many thankH for your great modiciuo." ALMOST LEAD. PITIABLE CONDITION OI1 A YOONGGIKL INTOKONTO'- A yfyfcvjM0fc KIliioHw-Hoctor* XV<-*o VnpPhdFttTtilvtt Mitfi-AnyUHicf-llor Ravi*** Siiory of ibo Can.;. From tho Toronto Nowu. Tho roraurhablo recovery of Cora tiray from a myntcriouo illuoha that balllod two Of' the boat known phyuiomnu of Wont Toronto haa boon tho Hubjuot of a good deal rtf talk amonp, the roHidonta in tuo noifihborhood of Bloor htroot and BrunH- wiok aveuuo. Ao it haa oxpreauivoly put by a noiphhor, "bIio wan all but dead, who fldddoBly oho hngaii to royain atrongth and in a abort timo wan out on the atruot with tho color reatoifcd to her ckeelm und tho brightnoflH to hor cyo. Loaminfi of tho tjatio a Nowb reporter callvd on hor nuolo. Alpheun Humaoy, who f~a proprietor of tho Bluer atrcet ahoo utoro, at tho corner of Brumwiok avonuo, and with whom uho baa lived aim out hioco jnfunoy. On lourm'ng that hip vinitor wua a roporter bo waH auroewhnt loth to Bpoak of tho CLIHO. "Evorybody about hore known of tho , oaao," ho said/' and i will ho glad to toll any sniforbr all about it, but I would rathor not havo it published." in a pcpiiion to k-t thouaundu know and When tho roportor pointed out that ho t/rh probably bo tho meann of ^iying thorn iu- formation Unit would load to thoir reoovory ho bog an to hchitato, and Onatly, ho uavo a briof.accoutit of tho girl'a miraoulouu raa toration. Ho nid : ' My uieco io morolilio a daughter to ine Sho has boon in tny euro ninco oho wan a child, and whon (die was taken aick a fow montha ago I way hoart- broken. I get two of tho bot dootora in tho west end to pro- ioribo for hor, but thoir modioiaoa mado ihbr wdtao ina'toud of hotter, Sho laid in Jb6^w>ah aftor week, looking like a corpwo ffeatiug nothing, and apparently wnBting n- way in a myatoriouo mannor. Hor blood waa thin and poor, und almost ovory day ,,;'thro wan a chani>o for tho woreo. Sho , could not tukfl tbo dootoro' prooripliona, ',,>- for uho aickf-nnd at Right oT th*m. While .'. I way in thin ma'unf worry ar.d unxiuty'a "V man oamo around ono day dolivoring pmphlutu and ho throw ou'q into my ahop. 1 pickod it up and I ru:id an exaot doaurip. tion of tho illnc^a with which my niece waaauffering. The romody preacribod for tbe'ouro of thu taoftlady doaoribod wan Dr. . WtlhamB';i*ink Pilla. I aont for a box and Cora took thorn in u, meahamoal kind of a , . way. Well air whon uho bad takou them four dayb n bhanea oumb.avor hor. Sho adhered faithfully to tbo direofciona, and ' took four boxen. By thut'tiino the rohan ',"' returned to borohooUa abd uho was a differ. ont looking ghrl. BUo diBoontinnod taking the pilla uud lator thoBumo languid feolmt; began to a reap ovor her, bo alio bought - btker box and in now aa bright mid wall as |Thftt(ia fcho. wholo utory,*'. added Mr. kiiy. .**ThoV may Jiot b innoh in Tor others, but I believe thopills nav&d W'b Ufa, nud wnile I na anxlbus for publicity on her aocouht, it ni*y bo that W othor sufferers will boTiellefUtod by 'hoar- injf of thin remedy. I cannot apeak too highly of Fink Pills. I rooommoud thorn to everyone X know, and I take them my- HOlf." Mr. Euraaay in one of tho baat'knowu men in the neighborhood. Ho in thenupor intondont of tho Sunday wmool of Conoord Congregational church, aud baa tho cou- fidonoo of tho entin* coinunanity among which he Uvea. Ho ban apaut two yearn n biuiinGfcs <Lt tho protiout location and his bnisneas haH grown ao mnch that he ih about to romovo to lurgor proniioeu in tho Doutdaa block on Bloor street, near Bathurat, Hia_atfttj?rnentB an to thoyounggirl'd oou. ditiou aro,amply corroborated by reaidonta of tbo locality, and up that way thoro ia a boom of Pin it Pilla. Anv aoepticwbo baa tho inclination to vioic Mr, Bamaay will bo cuurtooualy r.o- oeivod, no doubt, and tho circumatancen frankly related. Ilia gratitude tor hi niocp'a rocovory leuda hirxi to mulro tho moat: enthuhiuntic btatemeuta regarding the cOicacy of tho romody that aavod bite girl'ii lifu. VarUy defe*ted Quecn'B:Uti\w Hnx m^tch,. of tliw "OhtttHo^nuKby Union fthul ruuinl Hntiirday At Woae^ala by 111 iiolntH to i. The half-time acore wm Quu.-n'-s -^, V'aralty 1. 'i be ZU.KIH* wajrplayed In perfect wea ther with about 3000 apectatorn present. Varsity won tho tout* and decided to kick with the nun behind them and Kl\> tlio vIhUoi'h tbo idltfbt udViLIul.^e of a wotitlifUHt bi'rezo. \'ai*Mlty uui'pi'luKl iK'i' uupporLui'M by Htoppln^r. Qut'en'a runh-H at the nuliti't, und for IS mliittt:4 piny wuh tu:ar n.U!- ihdil. The local men lout ground by Plnkln/,' out of Hci'luitiniiri), fi't'e lclelta Tor C/iieen'H bunlliii; the ball near the tin.?. CurflH miLdu hla murk and played for MulUtf, who mlHued the kouI, hut It wnn a ronut. Ourthi mooii kicked Io touch In kouI iiml thovlHUorn led by 2 to 0. tblx prnvlnir their bud point. Vur- ulty'.H iltMt oniiie from CounneU'ft punt, McHue touclilnj: down. In the mieond hull" tin? vli'ltorn '.vmc eiiHily. outplayed, Counnoll :irt it Io punt with onV'ct, soon l'wn-ed n roiJ;/ und the noon* w.im 'J nil. The next vnti Hrndl'.'/'h try. Hie rorwnrdit nm!jing i.ho brill uvl'I'. N'n n'bal, Coumiell punti-d to touch In rod I and In Jihort nrdn/ Hair neui't-'l a try and Klllott ,lilrK>l the irnnl. <k'iiei-ii'!i bmceil nj) and had a look in. They looked djui/;vroiui, but Helunffi'r jiaved mlnicuhnj.'dy. Uohlji had hit; eJit-Ht ."orlouidy lnirl. end went nir. with l-:i.llott, .liliU befiire the whiHtle blew, finrr fijjlowed up KImk- Hton'H punt ami fell on tlie hall for , try. Mlllntt' ki< Iced the dlllleult noal. Next Satiird.iy tlie tcanui meet In Kingston lao decide the ehamp|on:dinp, Varsity havint,' 17 pnlntH ndviintuKe. ' ), llairillton, Noy deleatol Kingston Gran den in lho' ehain plough 11> Unal tlil.s afternoon by 1'S polnt.s to 7. The ncoro at the end of the Unit hnif, In which the O rani tea bnu the iidvii.nt(i;<o of tlie wind, wan |i to r, |n Humlltnn'H favor. The CJran- i|e<i had three roupreM, whflo tho yeurur T\roih' score was made- up of a !>y. H Aroal, two touchen hi Koal and or.*; rouKe, In tho neeond half tho Oranite.'t' only acore \vr,u made Ju.it Pi foro tho close of the piny, when a iciich without try wan all.iwcd thorn, i/ialclnc'foiir pointH. The TiKers secur- td two trh'H, from each of which a ,e;ral wan kicked, two wifoty touchea. one touch hi ','oal, and two roiiKea. Unyner and Dalton played the star PT'-.mo for the Granite*, while llurns, .Vewman and Mi-llroy did the best v ork for irnmllton. TT. C. Pope waa referee, nnd W. A. lluckc umpire; both of. London. it v Jllrm. MaU iiohtimortl er's Pills "T have taken Ayer'u IMlh for many yuirii, iniil always dorlvod tho ho.it r- :.iilt.1! from tlielr use, ut Sloniach and Liver tnii!iih>M. nnd for Hie.cure of lioadacho .rjuheil hy iliese dcrangcuinnbi, Ayer'.i I'llls ciiini t hi) equaled, Tlioy aro uaay to !;:! , air! Arc tiis Best Mr<;ill iiiul >liiiitt-tiil Tlfd Toy tint i'\nv+. Montnml, Xi)V. 2. The unexpected which InipjienH hi fontluill na wetl an In Inyo, and II waa the line X"|ie*cnRI tlTiit" liiip'peiicil^frj Mont mil I Ida iifiernomi, when MeOIll do- feaU'it them by H toll. The hillf-tlme H(:nr& van 7 to ."i. It wan tough, ton, fur Jimt nf- ii-r the Limn udilntlo blw Ifl. Jamw ot tlio hall from a throw in from much, and forced Ii!h way plucklly over MetilU'n Hue. It u'ould have nn.'nnt Moutrenl'a victory hod Ids try neon allowed. Anyway, the bent iearn wen, and Montreal la nut the IIrut I'nuthull team that bint lost a j;aiue hy fi.'el- iii# <too confident Ihut It .would w\u. Tlila inalce Met;HI and Montreal a tlo for ilrut place la the Qunbee Union. VavtHy Ocfi'tilx O'.tfnntln HCnU. The old rival", Vnralty nod OHjjonde Hall, \\ en? "oil Ihe Held at :t.MO. They pliiyed a lui-ruiiuu ininuy nn'iieuiin i u Unoun." Mrs. mav Johnhon, 'Mi Hlder Avt:., N(;\v Vurk <>*ity. AVER'S PILLS Mlghoot Awards at World's Pair- i-'- - / vEKDiU OF (iUlLIl Close of h.i Shortls Trial at Bcatiharnols, Quoboc. DECISI3!! REACHED ON SUNDAY, Several Herds of liuffuloctt Aud thousands of eUg,.deor, etc., ure to bo found in tho Yollowatoiio Park. It ia tho only place whore lIio buffalo can bo found to-duy, ao mercileablv have they been alanfjuterod, Tboy aro f>ono from tho plaiua and prainoa,and the remnant now left can thank tbo United EStatoa Government for tho privilege of living. Tho Yollowtotono Park ih their homo and thoro they uronafo. The Park m patrolled by aoldicra both uuramer and winter to capture poaoho and offenderg and severe imniahmetu jh muted out to intrudura. In Hummer tho buffalo raii^o io the rnountain, near Yollowntoae Luko. Iu winter tboy work ovor into Haydon Valley aud aurroundiug country, wboro tho hot flprinya and watera koop tho anow molted nwiiy. Doer and oik ran^o ovor tho ontiro Yollowatbho Fork. Than boBidoa tho great marvola of nature mob with in thin wonder- land.thoro ure alao tho unoot npeoimouo of ourlurtio traruo.' Tamo and dooilo, tboy four not man. SliytchoB of Wondorland, .an ilhiatratod hook publihhod by tho Northern Paoiflo Uailroad dtacribett this wonderland, -It willontbo H.by Cius. S. Fbk, tho Gou'l &KontbBt. Paul, Minn., upon receipt of aix oontH in Btampn. .sw'IfL and excltins game, renultliic; hi fnvor el' Varalty hy u seore of 2 to 0. It waa ono of the faateat and deiineat. that have been played on the liiwu thin year, niul a Iiii'ko iisseinbly wltnen.seil Hie niaic(i. , Itefi'i'i-o L'rnwforjr 'tlia whhitkv'at -I o'clock,. iiii(T"the tcQimi IhiedniiTaa ToIIowh : Varalty (2) baelia, McKlnley and Mun're ; halvea, WIIMh, Oilmen, Jiu-l:- sun ; rlKht'wIng, .Sinclair, VV'remi ; centre, Monro : p ft wing. Cooper, Dk'knon. 0.s^ou.iu (i)) bacUa, Wil son, Little ; halvea, Knox, Iturua, Hoakln ; riwht whit,-, Suns, KUIoran ; eimtre, llucli- liiK'ham ; left wing, liny, Hunipson. At the UIck-oiY Outfonde nniUe a beautiful rush for K>"h hut failed to acore. They continued to ih'ohh Vtirtdty'H oul for aev- erul inlimtca, and it looked ns It they wero fpihitf to have Lhliifta their own way ; but Varalty nettled down, und from tlu'ii until call of time hiid much the hotter of the ;;iimL\ A abort l..nie before tlie end of ibe ilrat half Itnni.s, who ,waa iilaylnir a atrnuj; game, waa badly hurt, nnd had to retire, Munro, VnrHhy'a centre, going off to even nil. Allium liiinutdhilely after resuming piny (looper acm-ed . for Vnralty, mid tbla pndi-d the tffoi'luj; for tlie lirut linlf. lit tho second Varsity iiiatle a moat determined at tach on the Lei;ulliOH' c'.taihl, and, although (jagoode'a def*!iice sliowed up turong, Conn* i-r. by a neat shot, again sent the hid I whizzing tliroiigb the gou.1. For O.sgoode, lluel;lughnin and S.uis, on' the forward line. Uuriia at half ana rattle at back wen- most cutis)ileumia. Of iiur Var.-ilty tenia, all the fnrwnnla plnyt'il a um^nllle<*iit game, whlk- the ilefence was ahnoat lin- pri.-Hiuibl.'. IthomkiutlHtu jfltiiUHKIhX When thoro ia laatia aoid' in .tlio blood. LiuimuntH and lotiona will be of no por< mabont, benoflt. A, onrn .oan be apoom- phfihod o.uly by uoutraliziii^ this.aoid aud for thli purpose. Hood'a SarHaparilla Ih tlo bout modicmo bedauso Hood'u Burnaparilla iu tho only trno blood purifier promibontly iu tho mibha eye. X^posure to ooU, damp win da mny'rouulfc in pu6Uu)onia|Uhlenf) tho syntsm in ktnc iq- vigorutwd with Hoi>d'i SatBrnparilla,' ' l'r Ihv L"-'nii:h 4'uji, Sen forth, Nov. 2. To-day the Ilcrlln Col- b giatL' Institute Knot bull t.'ilni )) ayi'd Scn- forth Colh'glate lusiiiuie for the Hough Cup., which appears to have becoiuo a fix ture here, having bt-en In possession of Ken- forth for aevernl year;*. The ground was wet and slippy* but the home team clearly demonstruled tlielr (superiority by scoring 7 Koals to their opponents' 1. 'I'lin* Nul*-* Morris Park, Nov. 2. ttalny and dis agreeable weather jnevalleit :ii this vicinity io-dny, and aa a coiisequeiiee not more than ii biuuiflil of speclntora visited the l mek to .vltiuss the spjirt. The. card, which was ordinarily a good one. was cut to ribbons by withdrawal, the inici; being tei|ook-dre, with mud. The race for the lJehnont Kta.ies wua tiio principal event on iue program', and w:ih won hy Jteln.ar, afti't- a atirrlng ilnlsb with tjounter 'JVimr, who waa tlio favorite. Thla makes Mel mar's fll'tli con- tiucuLlvc victory. Sunnnai'len : Kirat race, ~;'H mile Uefugec, L!S, (Jilffln, 7 to , t ; Wisbanl, 1*Ju, UeitV, even, 2 ; Marslan, 117, l.aiiaid, Li to J, ;i. Time .."!(. Tola Harding, IJidlleohe in so ran. Second race, 1 mllc liui, UO, ltelff, H to a, 1 : I'hnma (J.. lLi'J, Taral, 11 to 10. 2 ; IlombavoLte, 107, Littlellelil, .( to 1, J!. Tlmo l.-lpy. Lady McCaiiu, Thyrn also ran. Third nice, % m'm Supoio, in, UKTorU, U- to l.l ; Ooe Grlniea, liu. Uelif, 8 to t, li; Trchargo. Ill, Congdmi, -JO to 1, U. Thno l.i:i^, Mv. Iteud, (joir, lir. Itobb, Kiiurlue II., .Sebusthiii, Little MiHs tilno ran. . Fourth race, the It id mom SuikcH,. I'/a miles Colin- p.T.Tenor, PJIJ, ltelff, -1 lo n, '2 ; Nftaki l'ooh, 1^6*. Bimms, I to 1, li. Time 2.ll'/j- Ih'iiii- (lyv/lue, Monaco at no ran. Kifth nice, 1 inhe Haggrtt. IM), IIewatt.4 to ft, 1 ; Maraliall, 112, li;Hlanl. :t to 1, 2; I'lioehua, HI, Maker, 1 to 1. It. Tlmo 1.45, .Vj.liij;do)i. dohlen Cinio alao van. Srxih. race. .1 ndle 1'atr.il, lilt. Griffin, 8 io .\ L : Carlb. lly, It.-ltV, even, i! ; Defend er. DO, hoggi-tt, 8 to 1, :t. Time l.-IH. West- ford, lli'aalo llrownlng, Hon Anil, Tainoka also ran. Alexander lalnnd reaulta- iiille L'lilladelplda, H to r>, t " " ...... o 1, phice, ^ '; Argyle 111' . Tl Second race, M* tulle Ke.ine, :Flrat race, >A 1 ; lleckion. U mo .{>V/j. even, 1 ; lt-d th'oiiH, t to ft, place, - ; llollvar, :u Tinto ;r>l!>i. Third race,.*!/{, furlouca MIhs Kllsiahelh, I to :t, 1 ; Itoh, 1 to ;t, pln<H\ '-' ; MIMon, X Time .ftO. l-'ourtli race, I mWo Harry M.. I to ,'J, place, '2; Cockade, ;i. Time 1X1%. Fifth race, % mlle-WaUdichnrm, ft to 1, I : TraJloK S ti> ft. place, :! ; Itui-wyu, a. Time 1.01!%, Olllon J., 2 to 1, t ; UtHo Itnlph, 2 to 1, p ace, 'J ; I'urtldy, 11. Tlma l.'-^t* ^______ Llitouia reault rirat nice. V'/j fiirUmtrtt- r.enlor 1, Noutrnl,-* diiUwny it, Time 'Second rar", 1 mil" Sniper -L* 1, Itnautf. it. Ace ^ Time iA'.l%. Third ructf. %& frloiiKfl*-Mttiuiiflbo l.Mlu Maxim X tokl a. Time 1,10>)4,- Fourth race; lWi nillea lliidnpn l, Sim on W. a. Until unit . Tlmn a.00. Kifth ruci*j f>ftirlonc~-]Lfr*rrtim( 1. li*nrry- manll. iKtiiiiolil.rXhitP'il.09V{t. : sixth ruce..,7)lA^rlmi-rKaHi'i>iiii 1, All-. vcr af little- >y^Hur 3., ^iiuo, J..1W. , %:- l'li<? YnllcyM'-bl Murderer'u Vlca ni I"- uiiiitO' I'll!.- -1'rUoiK!!* Heard Hi*- Word*. i iii-.Iut.v ^l .ih stolid liHllllereueo - seuini'Ci t'uittioiii'il l.'iitll 't'o- isn> The srene hi <mrl. Heaiilinrnoln, Que., Nov. P.. It Htemed . li" the whole mnbj portion of tie jjailatlon of thin village had turncil ut un masno and gone to the Court lii.ui'c this nionilniT to hear the vei- 'ih;.. In the SluirtlM cr.ne. All the court- .,i 1 ,eio pn-: : lit. .1 T; li Judge ii.^r.ul. d the I loneh at :i.l(i a.m. Alter the roll cull, the jury i.voiv u:du:d U' they bad found a vcr: diet. A jicathlike stlllnei'.s -prevailed ami i iiu clerk repeated tils qm.:.;tiu'.i L, botii l.JilglU.gCH, "Oul.ty " and "culpabk" were the latnl wordii that came tram tho dozen throats .hi lho'Jury box. .fudge Muthlc-u then put tho three iini-stloiiM he had left for Llicm to de- i'i'.!('> upoll. i.t; "JJld the prisoner murder John !*>y on ?.Iureh lat, last ?" ' "Vc;r." (\i) '"At the tlmo of. the murder wns ilie piiiioticr In a statu ui mi..<\ whii- i rendered him ineapaohi oi j'.:ugi:i., t..e nature and (juidity of l;i:> acta, u. I.i.owlmr that such act or ;aurder wtis '.vioni; 'I" Mo." <:\) "Is tho accused guilty or no'. !-.u:Jty '!" (.Jullty." lJurlnwthe.se proceeding the prisoneri ; !<nnl erei-t und tolld, not a muscde iinivcd. As tin- an;-cmblnKe ro.se t' .'cave lho court, the tU'lHom.-r mam :.wu,e L*nqulrle.s of Dr. Aittfliu about : (n;e musjc catalo^'H. IIIh father ,\va: . d aj> pi! rcn I ly Kt ruled himsfrlf for tie or b al. He {iroHi;, aftor tin; ven" let, look- ia;; dazed, and IoIIhwcmI hia unforfi- natc Mon Into thi: jail. The her rt-hrn. .i n mot hor wa.s not pre: cut; hIio npeni ;iie murnlng before the altar of St. 1 aentent'a Church. .ludge Malhleu announced that hcti- U'lieo will l.o pa:;.'-i;d Monday at 10 a.m. Tho counsel for the defence i-c.y they intend to appeal. The proceeding:! consisted of Ml VaeMiiHtcr'H .addrcBs on behalf of th r'l.dwn and .lucl/^e Mathieu'a charge t"i tho jury In French unci fingllsh. Mr- ^1acMrlttcr claimed that prlaonf:r was i. spoilt boy from boyhood, who gradu ally developed Into a self-wllcd mom i-i-v. The learned counsel nmd par ; "alar.' attention to. the expert evi- (i"iicet whiidi, ho Bald, was of no mor- value than that of ordinary, wltneasc: They had declared that prisoner wa,- ainicttifl with a number of mental dc- I'c-tH, but the evidence adduced dis proved them all. Judge Math leu's charge was a full rmmmury of the evidence, nnd wholly Impartial. He expunged the testi mony of Miss Anderson, who ivao term ed hla nwetheai't, and her brother, and did not hold the expert testimony to' bo proof positive of the .j>rb:o.ier'a In- canity. Ruthvan, Essex County- roaoh, Pear, Plum, Apple and Quince Tiroes, Robob, JSvorRroona, Borry BiiHhog, Kaapborry, Blookoorry and Currant Bu alios, All flrat^Iana , (jooda. Bavo agbntn' Big Profits ! 'itid^ write fot prioea. Wo will obeer- fnlly anawor you by return mail. Splendid Apple Trees A Al in every reBpoot, $12 PER 100 WE ._____th^-irudcrin all kinda ol. Building Material, Woodwork for houses, (plain and ornamental), Barn Lumber, Shingles of all grades, Doora, Sash, Oheetnat Coal. WINDMILLS Wo ure Bolo-AiiontH iu tho Oouniy for THE! ABR-MOTQR, Ol'OhioitifOi whioh took Hihont AwardHjat tho World'a l-'nir. Can furnish either Pumping or Power Outfits at lowest prices. A written tfuiimntoo with ovory Outfit. Laing Bros., Essex. - AS i.hia J. GQ^J Sj IX. ONT ip-'........ m W 'THE TRIUMPH CORN BHELLER ^E2SC33FtIJFT,lO3Sr- TIuh Maohino consists of a horizontal cant cylinder, with wrought iron buna, with Bteol tooth bolted to fchooyJiitlGr a> as to bo rovorsible whon tbo tooth hocomo worn on tbo front fiitlo, -/tinning in a porforntcd concavo irott hIioII, which tho shollod com paHSos through into a. shoot iron uuso, with ft fan or cleaner attached bolow, which takos ail fcho dust from tho grain. Tho ohoapost, boHfc, most simplo and dnrubio Powoi* Com Shollor in uso; sbolla corn pori'ocfciy cloan ih any condition abolling and cleaning from ono to two thousand bushols of cars per day, according to powor. Dimensions. Length, 5 ft. 0 trrrrPulieyrlOto dialui-' otor, fi in. faco; Motion, 800 to 800 rovolufciona por minuto; Weight, 650 lba. EVERY SHELLER WARRANTED. . J. GOURLAY & SONS. y<- Foaihorbone Skirt Bono! FOR GIVING STYLE and SHAPE TO LADIES'DRESSES, |, For rale by lontHno Dry Gocdn Doalcro, A. lif^ht, pliable, olaatio bono naado from quills. It ia noft and yioldinc conforminc readily to folda, yot t^ivini; proper tihano to shirt or dread. Tho only Skirt Bono that way bo wet without injury, THoColobratod l^oathorborio Corsets aro corded with this hriatorlnl. i '.'tiff iViv> h.n'aH f ^;,;,a.-'H *%;z n %',Y'^'"'"'-' 1 Vj :--d. M" t; !..AT[:i MXrESS^W IM' MANHOOD MAKE KEF? VOL'S, pi SEAS ED MEN SI K a ['Aa TLjC (JC^SiS T o.'U;:;<r:::;',n ;,;i.l folly in youth, ovoro xortlon of mind and body indne-|f !Ij4 l.l it IlLuUL I oil by lust nnd oxpnimroaro conHttmtly wrockhuif tholivow imd ratur<-fl *'-,:.iipiaoim oi thoutiniid u.f T>ronibiln(;yoiinittnon. Homo fauonnd withor at an oarly nK^jS!! J 3,'i i t riini^ltnnu, whiloothora an) forced M> driiff out a wemry, Irnltloiii* nnu| i :\j\::\i-... :--'.- ,i <. (niters rnimli matrimony but find no Holaeo o T'nit'ort tlioro. Tholll ,.. ihop, tho iadpit,Srf S ..".ff.i.Miracaai i-.*.s:i ibo ]m>fcHHiniiH.. _J_____________ W* ! p~^TORGO TO MANHOOD BY DRS. K- * K< ^.W-iLA/WAI/KISB. WS.A.WALKBH. MRS. CHAS. FBRUY, CHAB.FBWIT. i* '\i <-m IlEIfOIiK TttKWSDENT AJTX1CU THBATMENT Dlvowjod bat unltfal nfmln SYPHILIS EMUSSIONS STRICTURE CURED Thar i f.-J'-MO NAMES OH tESTIMOWIALS USED WITHOUT y>RITTEM CONSENT.-fift Wm.A. WallcnrofltUli ytront aay'H: "I havo eoffoTod untold n"idoH for my "Hay lifo." 1 wafllndiuoroi'twhonB. yonni? and innonint. Aa a0no of tbo Hoya" I coutractodg* tiyplulia und othor IMvutorilBOuanii. lhaduloura in the month and throat, bono pahitt, hair loww, uimnloa on faco, iiniror jiallocamo'ofi, om Itwiona, hiicamo tbitt onoVwl doawontloiit. Hovon dootora troatod mo with Moronry,""1 Potla*ti, oto. 'J'hfty holpod mo but could not euro me. _____ _____________., FinnUvafriwidinduoodmototry Ors-KomioayAKorgan iiotiiodTroatmont curod mom u fow woakn, Thoir trontmflnt ia Ivomtorfnl bonrtl ol thoir fulling to cure inTaalngl Sp* Cunt. Cluw. Kurry fliiyfl! "lowomyllfo tp Dry, K. & K. U-AAtHIliuiTiWnbmllinbit. At at I Imd all tbo pyniptomM f boininal VoaiiiwiH and fcl^ornmtorihowi, -hxnlMam 'ww drain^nn imd wotiUouitiff my vitulity. 1 nutrrli-d nt 21 urnlor nilvloo of my family dootor, bufcirit waa a urn 1 /*Y(,u".>c: i/ouftToIE ealniiifl ovory day. I havo noyor '" ,,'ilBt"" tS7-CURE3 GUARAMTEED OR MONEY REFUNDED IMPOTENCY m VARJCOCELE ! Kwld cxporl iion 'V In'ri'lttlinuii months w*> wore divo/"?SvJ[ W^^^^i^^'^^^^^ .....CURED KwSwm, GUtt, Stricture, Syphilis.-Unnatural IhscJkar&s.,S*(f Jbtyg ' Kidnsy and Blad&s* Diseases......... 1-7 VEAB3 IN pETROIT.aOQ.OOP CURED. NO R18K ^READER !.^fi^,B^ffi^^^?a-S5iaB^';iSS Nb^8 SHELErV&l^: f,"'DE^ROI%.lVlie>L# iM&r ; WW JH. *; * "vM"" 22