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Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), November 8, 1895, p. 6

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V r _________ __ - -)-.<__.... Itnsa J..-T. . , 1*.-fl/* #0*l,fc*.-A *'n -V , * Bood Thing*, it WlfylE^S TO TjffiT'BBEQ- Alongr' ^.T.-'^w? IBY OHIO. MAlSTV-riLiXjEJ '^HJNrCT TO UK ('ONTINUJtD.J Pants to order for if2.1)0, ro^ulur price $1.00, in tvvolvu imtfcorns, Tu/ood. Pantsto order for BJ.SW*, wigular prico $1.50. in fcwolvo mttwuii. Suiia to order for $1M.00, regular prico $10.00, Twood. J^7 * Suits to ordor for $14.00, regular prioo 17.00, Tiw/T^ Suiia fcc/ordor for Jlfi.fiO, regular pneo $18.00, 'KQ| And so on right through tho on/f . , r m i We are hound to sell the goocte theSf1*6 BtoC], f Twoeds; of the regular price, but down to Jff ,T worth reVer^ *nt r "* * they come for We inti *? Days. be a MAKING SALE o don't bo tho last to place your order, but place it while the stock is fresh. Our IF^AX-iXjft GOODS Are] a in. DEWAR, rpxTTT1 xJuLHj Dunstan Block. TREASURER'S SALE OF LANDS FOR TAXES. TljWN OF ESSEX | Wjii:kkas by virtue of a warrant innuad bv tho Mayor of tho Town TO WIT. | of Euuox iu thu County Of Ehoux and antuontioatod by tho cor porate itoal of tho uaid Town bearing ditto tho uixth (lay of August, 1H05, and to jne dirL'L'tod comuiaudint; mo to lovy upon tho following lot 4 or pureola of landn in arroarR for taxoH duothuruon with coHtu. 1 lioroby give uoticotliat utilooa tho oaid taxes and conta are aoonor paid I nhaWjOii WodnoHday, tbo fourth day ot Docombor, 1H05, at tho hour of ton o'clock in tha foro noon at Poclt'a Ilall in the Towu of Ehhgx, procood to hoII bv public auction tho uaid landu or ho much theruof an maybe EiuflicimiC to pay such arroard of taxow and all law- ful ooatD incurred : - - Flan. Lota. Taxon. (JCoata. Total. 322 7 8 10 and part .................................813 0!) 82 0:j $15 12 #)G li................................................ Z6 21 .'J 0G 58 21 181 1 HI 32 33aud oH.............................. onn .in 7 01 VI7 Tl 307 (J 13 20 21 33 31 3.j .10 U7 10 12 13 41 10 10 & 18 **UJ 1U ' J,J *li J,i 307 41................................................ 3 10 1 05 7 33 170 Middle parttilo, 17 and 18.......................... 72 11 3 50 75 (11 '223 11................................................ 13 51 ' 2 01 If. 58 170 2 and 3............................................102 32 4 25 10(i 57 181 North Half of 21.................................... 28 2H 2 10 30 08 303 !................................................ 31 JO 2 47 33 03 "207 3................................................ 1183 2 82 47 05 170 01 45 47 18 50 53 55 113 111 115 Ui 117 llUanl 1 1ij2 40 5 70 11)7 l'i 303 North half of 0................................... 20 73 2 41 32 17 d00 3 1 5 G 7 audio.............................. 2110 2 31 20 71 285 0................................................ 27 01) 2 5!) 30 38 179 31................................................ 33 55 2 51 30 Oi) Hlock D.......................................... 1 83 I 05 0 77 Block 5\.......................................... 11 03 2 00 13 03 Block 40.......................................... 31 13 2 17 33 00 Blocks-18 and t'l.................................. b7 til 3 58 71 01 W. D. B13AMAN, Trouauror. fijuiucaa iioaowi IT'cdhc rnou F, Harness Emporium. TRUNKS, VALISES. A largo stock, all now goods and latest Novelties, sjoat on prices. I talie no back SCHOOL BAGS, I havo it largo stock, Bought at bottom prices, and can beat thorn all for prico and quality. Call and see thorn. PRICES AWAY DOWN - ON - Farm Harness, Truck Harness Heavy Harness OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. - - A largo stock and it muot go."" Gall and boo mo be(pro buying elsowhoro Horse Everything in the < FurnishingLlne- j./ F.\S. Adams, ^o dooVi it of UntVaOutxlmsv Works, Kwx Short tJouriieys on a liOii^ Koiul Ih tin) charuutenmic title of a profusoty il- liiHtrated book containing over one hundred pugtiK of ohurixriu^ly written dooortptioiiB of Miimnur rohortuin tho country noith aud woqt of Cliica^o. Tho reading matter m now, tho illuHtrationfi arc now, and the in formation therein will bo now to almost overyooo. A copy of "Short Journey* on a Loiifj Road" will bu wont froe to auyono who will ouoIoib ton cenU (to pay poHtftpe) to Geo II. Ili-Ai iohh, Oimeral Pabaongor Afivnt Chicago, MiIwuukeojA fit, Paul Railway, Chicago, 111, Worthy Your roHflrienca. . TboiiucaefiH of UooiVb SarupaWlla in eon- qutirinfi Hcrofulain whatever way it ni*y maiufuHtitfloUiH vouched for by tliousaudu who wore noveraly uffiateel by thia proval- ont diuouRO, but who now rojoioo ovor a pormanonb anro by Ilaod't) Barnaparilla. Sorofula may appear an a humor, or it may attuok the tilandn oJ tho ueok. or brouk out iu droadfnl running noron on tho body or limbo. Attacking tha tuuoonRracui* brane, it may dovolop into oatarvh or Jfadg. iug in tho Inn^H load to cotifmroptiou. Oomo as it may a fuithfti] aaouro of tteutuaonti with IToad'H SarBaparilla will ovoroomo it tav working upon tho foundation of all dis* aaeoe, niinui-o blood, tho nyt,tum \u olaritled and vitalised, and vi^of, ntrongtb dud health reatorod to tho body. Catarrh can ba micoenafally treatud only by pnrifyint? tho blood, and tbo one tmo blood purifier in Hood'a BarsapAhlla, wim h (o bo Ids futo to bo drownsd now lit rnioh a (trhifal lim, lie naked hlmaulf, I hern in ili. Julit. <vf lh<i light ihntmiglit ji/ uhimtitf from thu room which tb wonutylig Ollgllt to -U.VO now ocoilpiedt y* A thin thoifKht r*p' through hlj,>4lh(Hhii w.ivaiu.huillmuk with a h\n$}lo Vaia! [allniflf to hu knoui and, W^ng a dah forward |,o found that ho/',,^ ^unA th, p^^-jiirt of tl, ohMjtfi,,! B0Oop8(i by tll<( Uil. in Urn ." ,' jjjtfvo ' miiiuto* Utur hu wiih n dry'/^ vJ^ftli tho water atto%mUia froin'him, anoVSnn after tlio lijjhb wldoli liitd hiXih bin Kuidu dlaappeitrod. Ho rightly jud^ud, though, that it tnuiifc ho from hiu having approiiohod tmaror to tho tilt if; uml, ptonm^ on in nplto of tho tlurlcnoHH, ho at lnut. reiiuhod it, but Wax uu- nbln to jud^n whotliur ho wki to right or loft of.tho cottu^u that )iatiou^lit. Ono.i nioro ho felt in dospair, for ho knew that'timu wau gUding' rupidly uwuy, and that by no mo muauu thny ou^ht to luavo hu- foro ilay. llo wan about to try oft' to tho right when all at onoo hu beard voiohh tdiovu his head to tho loft, and, liiitomng intonily, ho made out tho *leop loiiim of tho udmiral, and an anuwor amno in Oncwt'u fatniliur voice: 14 Ih ha tollitip; him tlut I am horo V thoughL Btintton. No, for thi wan a plan, mint httlo laugh and tho cottutriu- tiou at tho haiemir'H hoart wau painful ft't ho vtond thoro thiiilcing and wiohniK to hoar tho voico of tho woman holovud bottor than In* lifn. But tho next who upoko waH tha admiral, and luu wordti caino ditinotly to whoro, with nvety norvc utrainod, Btratton utood rootod to tlm hhikIh. "VVoll, I'm Horry," snid .Sir Mark, "hut wo'yo plonty of tiino, Wo'll have u Hail an- other <lay, and a wander about tlm and to-iuoirow. I'll charter a boat at St. Malo, nnd mako hor como round, Mow, my dear<j, in with yuii; it'a Kott*Il(J lato." "My doaral" Then Myra wan thuro all tlio tiino ahovo whero hoatood; and in the ailonco and darkncmi wlilch uiirroundod him Stratton wanlc upon hia knocn, and bnrietl hia faco in hiu haudH au ho offored up a prayor for tho nafoty M lit* hmt lovo. Ho sprang to hia foot. Tho oottago miiot bo clntto at hand, nnd in a fow momont* ha wan oppoHito tho door of tho long, low habi tation on ita httlo uholf of tlio ohJT, All wan darker than ovor, for tho flowing "tide had brought with it a chilling mini, hut thoio wnifho. difUouIty ih fiuding,Brot- tioon'tj windrTw, Ilarrou'M'hom^r"rrtxt, at tho end of tho Httlo hfiuuf'-thp pooio^snd-tliB- owner und' hlrwtfo"~oCC(Tpying rooni"fl'nH tfio other Hide of tho door. Kvuryono liad rotircd; and Stratton liOBi- taied, fuoting that ho muttt defer hia com munication nil tho morning. No; imponsible. Tho wife not a liundrod feet aljovo whoro ho utooil tho convict Inmband cloe at baud, whero ho in hm binidituan had broLgltt him. At all hit/anlii finch a eritical position munt bo *-iid.ni, and ho tapped gotuly at Brettixon's caHt'inont '1 lioro waa not a nound in anuwor, and ho tupped u^ain and again moro loudly, ri'lieu, witli a rutins ueiiRatlou of angor that a man could uloop calmly in tbo midnt of Miih p'*nl, ho wan about to tap againwlion he uas i-oiiHCioua ot, a faint Hound within, dun dnocLly after n voico uaid ooftly : ' Who is there?" "I Filiation " ___ Thu faiioiung grated, and tho window -waa Ilirown open. "Wh'vt lo it?" whhiporod Itrottiuon ; "arc ' j-.ru', (ulUnig iu his ilcrp, Jtut you nro hu ihitro ih lid doubt. "" '*DouIk, man ? No. Yotf( it iniutt hi n you any ; hut, niiml, I kImII 1>" h piif.ohor at the inn. 1 oiiimot stir out Von rnust give mo wiiruhig wlion y"U will com*'. ' "And you irniyt. iiot npoak or notice htm " "Oh, wo muni nak all (lint/' mtid ^Stiat- (oii moro Ininlly. "Oui only courw mat all rinkii to gni him ri^hr iway." 5P"niifih 1 Ti'i mloiit. New po," Ut rat ton ln'HiLiitud ilh Iu- IkmmI a low tnuttoring a(/uin in tht* iio^t room ; )nit Bt*ett,jnon piuuurd li Ih hand nnd thrnttt. him awaV. "Go," lio uui<l, und oftly c <>un\ i)to win dow, while, after utumliug hutunuig for a few momnntii, Stratton moved away with a htrangri forulioding of coming peril, and Walked b.iuk bonoutli th6'l|fl to tho iim, wheru thu ilncpy uorvant, aclmi.tted hurt With a sigh of rolluf, and wondered h(jw loa Ataglula ould he no atranu and car so lit' tie for their bad*. ' CHAPrER LI I. THK CULMINATION OI DE1MIK. Stratton went to hiu room, put out EVER yon Hi ' "Vi'a ; nick at heart. Wo must be off at OIIC". ' ' flint ! H])ciilc lowor ! there in only tho clou d door br'Lwt'cn my room and hi*," ""'d Hi tail-ton, "and he in reNtlcni lo-iught, I've heard hhu move and mutter. In lleiivcn' n.tine, wliat la it i he police on the HConl ?" "Would I hut l hoy wore waiting to take turn off xhi** inoinent, man," 'whmpured Stratton. "Myra and her father aro Iwre." " Vou'ro mini " " Vi ii. But thoy are in the honao aliovu," "'They ' "Vt'i. I thought I aaw ChutHUaiid Jviio to ui^ht iu the dfukni'tifj. 1 wm-, U'lin^' lo toll yon, hot I felt ftihiLtucd, thuiLtng yon would nay uh.n von did ju.st, now. But I liuvu met. (ine^t Htnco, und Hpok< n with bun. Five ininutc-H ago I hoard Sir Mark rfpti titiuit- "Cjn'at jro.ivpiia!" ganped Brrttiaon iigain, "Then wu have hi ought him heio to place Wlff and I'linlmod f.ico to faco '." "VeH,"aaid Straiton hoamoly. "Wtiut in Lo hi- done '!" "You mint roii4o luni quioLly, and atml tin j wiI h Inm. Bi nig him along tinner the clitl el nut up to i he inn. While you am tit iting hnn there I will go and hue a cmt Ijv hoiiio nie.niH to tuko ii'i to the noyt placu; I ii.itig tiint, I'll iii'iango with B'lliin lifilier- in< ii to i tin uu along ilio coaat in thou boat t<j St. Malo. You uiiiluratiuid?" "Yt*n," aaid Brettiaon. "I underatnnd, l.ut, it ih nnposuhlf." * LVrhapn ; bur ihm in tho time to por- r n m inipuHsihiltiii"!. It iiiiiflt bu done !" "1 tell you it is impnsiJiihlo," Hiiid Brutti- ^~n ttlowiy. "-\t t.lio fir hi attempt to roufio lum thoro would hu a. Heeuo. Ho Would t hi it uh-itimite and enraged. He iu relent* Icsh, us I (old you I hIiou d havu toawakun i li.- p -opli- lieio ; for 1 could rmt fort-o linn in h-iio by tlio window, and llmi wmild pi. 1'ipiiaie tho di'U'overy, puihupi bung Sir .M.uk and your friond CJuont down from tho place above," "I [ell you it must ho done," said Strat ton, hut wiih Ion* conviction. * YiMi Limw it fanned l'," ftaid Broitison ijrmly. "I am euriiuu that he would havo ono ol hia fits. Think at the coiiHeqiuuiooii then.*' "I do," whispornd Stratton ; "and tlio Lhotight>iuio inaddouing. What'a that?1 "Wpoak lowor. It wan Burron moving in h in room. Look hero j tin ro need bono dliiQovoiy if we are caul and cauLioim It ia uhaurd.to attompt anything now, Wait till iho mormue(. Lot him got up ot hia uaual tiino. Ilo wdll bo quiet and nmti- utritiihlo then. I will koop hnn iu, and watt till iho JmioIdH aro cjoho nut thtty ure wure to go nd tlieu join you at tho inti, Where you can Ifitvu a uiurianti or boat waiting. Then wo niUUL oauapo jimt hh wo utaud J our Jotf- ;.igo oould be fotched iinothor time, Wo ciiu ho going to tuko him for a drive." Stratton wiih nilouL "It U the only way, Tni uro/' whiaporad BrottiBon. . "yWaald.Stru.tUu, with a nigh * "1 am afraid you arc right!*' "I uuiMira I am. 'Yefc/^ttid Strattou. moving again T" HUt I is that hi hm light, and throw opun tlio caHumont to Hit and listen te the wnah and rush of tho com- iug tido. It waa darker than ever fur thu He& fog had grown denae, and the wutr aobbiid and moaned among tho rdck,. ami iipla'diod ftganmt -the uiiles ef tho (lulling boata m a way that in the ai- ltjuco of th-* night aounrled mysterious and utrange. All thin addod to Stratton'a dtmreauion, and tho aonne of coming tioublo. It w.iu impoaaible to paaa it over ai uu iginary.faCn to faco an ho was with tho terrib c diincul- tiou before him; for in that place, un- Iou-t Barron wiih hurriod away, a meeting was immuioiit^tpifVtt, wanjjiu doiug^htn. OttQKt 1 Ulghr;d,lCt.,tho ldi-a oChiM fTl'fH-iU-W -theio bijiug due to fxit^-'iT'Jui^ J^c *Ut;(i; tint how olao oould ho tliinkjuf lli'0~Btrange coin- ^hcTtTmrrbul-iifi beuig-iur-ougiiL-out by "a greater direcincr imnd t "And for wniit !" homuttered. Could it ho only to inflict frnah torture upon u gintk. loving w<>man ? Thomentaloutlook wiiHimband apdmisiv *n that iicroHH tliu Nandi> lo the moaning, aio; iiug noa; and au StratLon nut there, witli tlm damp, noft uir cooling ina Iuom, he "longed for nut, and thougnt of tho peaii; antl gentle eiliu tliuL he nnglit lind if hu cull Id la1 e aho.it and wail tight a'v.iy intn the aoft hlaek dailcucHo. Ho shook hia head momuiuHy, though for ho knew that he could not sail" a way -Irom hia ihoughta, und that )t would he tlm act of a coward to try and cacapu Irom the mi flor in g which foil to hm lot. To uleep ia impossible. lie did not oven think i>f lying down, but hui there waiting for the firnt utreaUa of dav with the face ot Myra aiwayw lieforo him, her eyea looking gravely into hnj with a aweet, truatful ten- <jeinen, wluoh iiuulo him recill her viait to Iih chamhnr that night u lion nlie knelt ho- foio him with her aimn oiit"tietclH d to take him to her IucjihI and he a^kc*| him- *idf why In- liad hhi utik ii "in hi i why hu liad not crualicd douii i i-us t n< e, and ilo* hoi i or of tua h iMiig -ilain hi r Ini-hau'i, and taken lior away an \ w Iiim e ho tlmt t h< ^ t no could have huen togcthtr far from the wuild and ita way a. .Foe Ina (trnul had boon his own m iktoq. It was not (tul, Tho who! miaan m-cid.-iii, nut even dealt by hi" o\\x\ h.nid, aiid tho limn hud lived. Myra would liavebet-n hm, und thoy might have been happy. Waa it too laU,-even now ! if he onu'd only ieach her ear .and it'll her how nil kloo I. Sho loved hnn e with Myra meant till death, and she would follow him to tho woild'u end. "And 1 ait heir," tie cried, and atarti d fmui hia *ioat, " when he is there yondn wait log for me A word would muse lei fiom tier altop, if r-Iti* does 'ileop. She limy he sitting at hor window even now, w-ik-'liil and wrotelied ail, .iud rea<ly to niisi n..-, tn lot me li'ad hci t"ar iw.iy fnun all ihiH iniooty anil tluspaii. rleaven nmr couui mean ua to aiifln as wo do. It ih a ill'ui tl piompung. She inu^t In* wiutin fin tin* new." The momenta of oxalta'.ioii pa>M d, ai d hit aank down ug.uu to btuy Ida f c- "i llH haildi, kimUltig tha' it Willi illlllli n.,id nouH al a desnan in^ man No; ho could do not hiug hut that ini >ho and Brettiaon had plaumd no h n-^ hut wait ftr tho morning, which wa'i )ot Iioilh awav. Ho grew ciihni i an tho night piif-ed o . ; firmer, too,und then was a tjltn L deterniin i- turn in hia Uionghta aa h< foil that -un' day Jlvrn. would know all that hr h id don--, and perhapii, after all, happinei.i nn^ht bo theira. For hopo caiiio with tho approach of day, and when at hint the his' pim iUuh ,>p poared in tho eaat, and bv deyie a tin re w '.i a dulicinu'i opalcicent tint on the wiivi*--, whoro a uoft bre<v.o wan blowly w-afnog away tho mint, it ivaHa calm, giave, iliongl,' fill man, nnvud to tho dax'h la-^k, w uo went forth witli tho kmiwlidge that tie peoplo woro aheady atirrmg, for as ho Mep pod out a caRoment wan opeind, and the landlady grocted him with tlio custom.uy bou jour. Strattou rtttiriiod tlio greeting, and to'd her hia ruquiromi'iita -a eniling hoat and man to take liim and hia frienda for u gooJ long cruiao. "Ah, yen !" uaid the landlady; "of couruo, and monsieur would pay them well" and at anothor tttno tlTi-ro wei<- JacqucH, and Jean, and Andre, un ' many moro who would hnve Uet-u i g,U\fi**Utr it waa goingit ' ,'"' < lay Hiiperh : ' look at. tho light om tho wator like tho mlvur and oheon ujion a maoltorol, to prove hor worda but the handa went out hint night, and would not return in time from tho hublng. "But waa thoro no one elan?'1 "NoLa'noul, nmutjjnur, Why, ibofo uaa a great iiobUniun Kn((liHu, at tho little chateau wiu> hid aunt only laiit nicfjit, wanting a ho>n to h . I with tho beautiful ladies lie had htonght, ono of whom waa a utntoly old manpim >, at least with her hair Cray; hu,t no ho co ; d "not havo a boat for any mnnoy. Why oml'd not monaiour tuko hia aiclc friond for a beau- tiFul long dnvo?" Stratton jumped at tho proponaL ' thatwould do," bo Hold. THE Free From now until 1897 for only $1.00, to new subscribers:' h ) :X SUBSCRIBE NOW. If yon wish to keep posted, now is yonr chance. Send in your dollar to the Free Press, which gives all- the local news, and news foreign. I The Free Press is clean and neat ly printed, and is one of the leading papers of the county of Essex As this chance holds good only for a short time, you should not fail to take advantage of it at once. Address all orders to w >.'S. X &QlfBXfl..OB, */. EDITpa AND PROPBIETOtt. Eaiex, Out. .Xh*,i T&A&teJc mAl\<s r . r .,(1 :, ,^..,^&^^ 69

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