^pg^^l^ PV, II:.'*'- THE FIN(JElt-NAli. HOLMKS IS tl IL'iT. HOW SOCIETY PEOPLE IN ANNAM ARE KNOWN TO LbVtTEft GLASSES k*i> Here ti a Queer ArH4ora7 *-*nd n*" aen or no Account Whm Witrw-IU Are HUori-THe Only Uudir* f Honor. Now that the French hovo imbibed their campaign. In MadutfuHoaT and- the Bubjectn of tho biiro-iootod, to- becco-chcwlnir Qunnn have-boon con- qverod, thro urn posMlbllltlon of moru trouble, which will hivolvo the French Il India. Attention In rarlrf In now directed to Annam, when: the French have, Important Interi-HtH, and whuro ome of tho moat curlmin cuHtomH On e?rh prevail. Hero there | a law atfnlmit married men leaving tho country. In Annam alFO the tUnxor HftllM of the* uppor clUiaeM are allowed to prow lo an ex traordinary length, an an outward Hymho] of their gentility. Nobody, ot ooumo, can do work or perform wcrvlco of any kind with Ions' finder milln projecting a foot or mora and liable to In Wiry. Kvcn writing la Inipomjlblo to ut/ch &oruonn. The Jurymon Reach;! a Ver dict on tho First Ballot APPLICATION FOR A NEW TRIAL HOW ABMT11KSM POIt VlXai&WX AXXJi Tou may know an aristocrat In An nam by his lonjr finger nalla. The* r,in with the longest finger nalla la th( loader of Annam society. Arltjto- crats in that country have to be at tended at all houro of the day and night by Horvants, who perform for them the moat trivial offices. The Annam ladlcH cannot comb their hair. They cannot even feed them- selvdft for fear of damntflnjr their long aha* beautiful linger nallu. No poor man in Annam can have Anger nalla 1 eten a few .InchcH long, as he cannot afford to employ the servants which that would neccsRltate, . This abnurd practice ban. prevailed In Annam for many eenturleo. Tho Rwer clniuiofi there have oh much rev erence for long finger nnllH an do tho' lower1 clamioH In KJnglnnd f^r long an- central treew. It will thiiH be seen that Annam In more of a democracy than England, f< . tin- Hon of a newly rich merchant can cultivate finger nalla an long ay thorn-' of the King, while tha Annamltc of even the bluest blood, once he la deprived of wealth and ner- wntH, intifit cut IiIh finger nails and descend among the common herd. His ancient linen go In then of no ac count. So long tui hlit finger nails re main Hhort he hi a person of no Im portance. Many (wells In Annam (Pave never had their linger nails cut Htnco .tho day they were horn. Annum formed a pnrt of the Chines** Empire from the year 2.1-1 li. G. until A, D. 1428, 'when It fought for and won ItB inrtopnnnVnce. During a pop ular u'prlHlng In !7;:7 n new dynaRtj- ururped the thrniu*. The old reiglng fimlllcn wore wiped out, only one member espfiplng Nguyen-anh. who received " rht'>n education under " the dlref <>f the Vicar Apostolic, a Fienehiv. Tin: son of Nguyen-anh visited rai'i.1 in 17$2, and In_l787 ln- di ced Kim- IVmls XVT to furrilBh uhlps; troops and money for the recov ery of Annam. ' Tho French fnreoH and tho native allien succeeded Jn routing the usurp ers," and in 1R"2 Xguyen-anh was In .absolute powr as TCinpi-rnr of An- nnm. In iirmnlnncc with an agree ment entered Into In 17S7, as a reward for the stTVic'L's rendered him, the Km- peror ceded to Wranee the bay and penlnmila of Tumn and two small ls:I- nndo. Since W-'. the Christians in An nam hnve lieen often pei'Hecutcd, Bomatlmca murdered in large numbers, and thin furnished an excune for France to make war on the native rulerB-, and, naturally, to Increase th* French p^1"'r',-:':'!o:!;" , Now all Annam 1h practically under, Fronch rule, thoug-h, nominally, thcra ! tIU'a knlgdnm of Annam, placed under Froi.ch pmti.-etnrHhIp. (Ill- IHiMMIiei* 'ii"l- The bloomer not only does not thrlvo _ m Montr, al. but ;t Is sahl to be dan- r^drous for ;ny ^mnan tr, wear blo-.nv era in'U-e lr ,,-U -f. a .trs of tho city. The French -- nnhbr th.s eu.Htmn do- grading,'u-inl !,,-.vrr not taken kindly to It In v ny ^ertu'. Tho blvoni 'c b-!ll of Chicago pales; Into Jnr.ignilie;ui"' nci'ore the bloonn.-r theatre pariy or Oakland, Oul. All the local biev 1- Mnh', their mule mombors ! BtUro-'i'.'ln" M-m-c-'I-h. attended llu I theatre wlie -n was pi-..y- i big They rode I" ilv; theatre on their | Lh^h<"iin5tMi(l of - at- l.igcs,. and made blcySl nitili: ! gen. rally. The Chicago'; ' 1] err.an evidently f,on- F'pldcm hiinH'-'it' pri-.l'g:ii to d.f tint //.'for which he coul.-l :iii*. si another man. r ' 'In the "pernjii of Mi?:ccr 'AlcNuin'ar.t .ho ;f tciitlllod to his admiration for a blooni- " crchid bluy-ll.t .by fiwlnglng his .bib At her r.nc'l 8'yh:tr pleasantly, "Alt, thcio!" Th r'-sndt wjih that 'Oilicer. McNtur.a n. C d 1 Im.self called before bis HUT'i .-'};h ior in 'explanation, and that.only his c lunplalntint'ii generosity prevented hW b^-irg- lined or dl^mLsHOd. Exactly why. the bicyclist should make a point f't dancing in wheeling costume Is d.'(ih'n:t to understand. But bicycling women every where, c^pe:> lally hl>-'"'nic*fd womicm, are doing it. gomii of tl e i::iraV- bicyclers of Ilocb- eflterliavu f"n;:id u club open only to girls who w-MI w<a- b:o?niriM. They prupotfb to tent a 1. all niid- have a ball noxt nv-iith, at v/i 1 :h all th wniiien mu&t ari^'a-' '"' hloMtierM, while tho e 1 to wear the.usual ' An AikanKr;:i jadge haw ileeldcd'In to pro- Vho Verdict KveeUed HlCb ' Sllfnrc -Tbe ITlMuuer Tarued Val an a t'orpue ob Hearing WorUi Wblch Mean I>*otl* t Iltui Uuleu New Trial be- ver*e* the E>rlIou. Phllatleljihla, Nov. 3. Herman W. Aiiidgett, or ai) ho Ib butter known, II. 11. IlolmcH, wua on Saturday, convict ed of murder. In the ilrst degreu for kill ing JJcnJamln F. I'lte^ul In thin city on Kept. 2, 1H114. The jury nueiied but one ballot to reach this declylon, The jury retired at 5.4il o'clock at the conclusion of Judgo "Arnold's charge! Ai Ol word wuh acnt to Judge Arnold thai the Jury way ready to return Its verdict. The jn'luoner was brought In and placed in the dock. He was as Inipau- Hlvo an over. The Jurymen came in and loulc their placet;, and U iiet-deii but little klll us a mhul-reader to know what the word would be that the tore- man would pronounce. Tho Court ordered Holmes to rlue, and then in reply to the ciueutlon of the Court the foreman oi \.\u- Jury pro nounced the fatal words : "Guilty uf murder In tho Unit degree." Tho vor-1 diet waa greeled with absolute hiIl-ucu. The chui'gc ot thu Jtiu^-c naist have foreshadowed what IiIh fate would be; but the word "guilty" fell upon Holnu-u with stunning; force. He made no out cry, exhibited no emotion of tiny kind the blow was too stunning for noisy outbreaks. He oat down, and while the jury was polled each man answered to his name, and uh each pronounced his nentenee, Holmes stared vacantly beforw Jjini. Ills face .wuh that of a corpwe. it'was as'absulutely eatpres- oionle^a aa a mask, Only a nervous twitching of the, eyelids and the con traction and dilation of the eyes show ed that it was a living, breathing man that sat Jn the dock. As tho effect of the blow-bcgou lo. die away Holmes slowly recovered. He- realized that his. counsel was making u motion for a new trial. His under lip fell and he ran his tongue across it,moistening the dry new; and clasping hie hands together lie leaned forward to listen to the judge's decision. Whan Judge Arnold &nld that he would hear the application for a new trial on Mon day, Nov. 38, ann expression of some thing like hope .broke across his dull face. Tiiniliu* to the court otllcery he anld In an eager wis per : ".Monday, Nov. 18 V" These were the only words ho uttered. ______ Judge*-\rnuld then expressed to Mr." Ilotan -and Mr. Snoemaker his appre ciation of how diltlcult their task had been and he complimented them that they had been able to make as good a show of the defence ;.h they did. He intimated that their withdrawal from the case was a device of the prisoner. In a manly, honest way. .Mr. Ittitan gave the court to understand that their withdrawal was no device of their own, but was done from ^i-sin cere conviction because they believed they had not been given time to pre pare their ease-. Judge Arnold then or dered the prisoner removed. Hy this tlmo Holmes had recovered much of hi.s composure and he walk ed from tho court room with the quick RPringy step that Is natural to him! The jud^e thanked th-- jurv for their attention, nntl discharged thi-m. and go ended .the trial of the u:o^t notori ous and infamous murderer that has' ever been convicted In.th" enurts of Philadelphia, and probablv in the United States. IV' favor 6f the 'C'gal right of. women |& wear hlo-v VI""1 " h.-r States have .r *; nouncrd hi'.;" -Jndlol-.il sanction of the ,i,' bifui-ented wlnol'nff costume. If may bo fe,noticed by tho clone -obnervor- of events Kthafc whero a won:an Is determined to i';TVPflT bto"fr'eVp the .courts are not, long- Jlln>a'ccor:'Jrff: h r,Hp; privilege; It. may IFldeo bo. wit-e'd &y .tlUi "dosq observer ^' ilir* -,tl at when a, woman P i* detern')ln^d';toV, ^o tnythijir lA-al V other kixxdBl ,"" ^Mhirilny't lr<ncrtttin."- In Cnt't-f. Phlladolpliia, Nov. ?,. fntf-r^'t in the Holmes trail has steadily grown since the case began 'Monday, and inch day the crowd has been larger. Long before the prisoner appeared on I-situnlay;thi; ccurt-room was packed with people. "When the court op.-n>-d, .Mr. Jlotan stated to Judge Arnold that Mr. Shoe maker was too il! to appear, ],ut that ht was willing that he (.Mr. Jiutan) should in-alce the closing argument alone, providing thai the court would not grant a delay. Mr. itotun sought to lia\> Judir.;- Ar- "h'old instiuict tlic jury in hi* summing up to disregard all reference uiad.-'ot the killing of the Pitezel children by" Mr. Qrahani In Ills speeeli at Up; be ginning of the trial. Tills Judge Arnold refused to do. Then.Air. (Jraham arose and began his closing address to the jur,\ The district attorney began by q.untlv con gratulating lb..* jury upon th-ir" jn-os- pect of -a' speedy release ' iroui their eonlinement of the jury uox. ' u.-> stat ed to them that lu- had voluntarily re linquished Ids. right to make a "final argument, and that he Pal, V-.i'x that" pi allege to tlit; defendant's attorney. He merely asked 111 iji to reay.-.u with him over the evidence, offered. He said tha t this c-videiiee indubitably puintcd to the* guilt of the jiHsaner hut. the- iviuisylvauia eOinnioawuiHli sought n' victim, and it the suisi- of right and justice led them to believe that he.was innocei.it, then it was their duty to acquit hhii, and that :--pocdi]y. The commonwealth, he said, h-id prov ed every fit-p ol' Us cae from the very beginning;, and had made the chain ol evidence perfect. M r.Orahaui uien re turned to the evidence taken, arid read- lug frum it, revlt.'wed It. Ho skimmed quietly over the testimony of the moiv unimportant witnesses, and refreshed the Jury's riiemory of the evidence. On the more important testimony Mr. Graham dealt at greater length for tho Jury's benefit. He exposed with cold criticism and occasionally lashing scorn Holmes' tangle of lies in th* nifLHy-'s-tutemuntis lie inade. It was wlv.-n he came to the testi mony given by Miv. Pite^-d th.it Mr. Graham poured out upon the , risonor the vluls of his contempt, scorn and denunciation. Beneath the district at torney'^ hitter word* Holnns sbrank a little, and sinking his head .affected to he laiKy taking notes "f Mr. Gra ham's- words:. Mr. Graham 'spoke two hours and forty minutes, r.nd it being 1.H0 o'clock ' when he finished, a recess was taken until 2.30 o'clock. ' The crush to get Into the court at tho afternon sosislon was tremendous, and an instant after-t,he doors ' were open the room wmi filled"to overflow- ing, When Holmes came into court his pato face woro a more serious ex pression than it hns yet borne, uml as soon as-he' got into, the dock, he-be gan to scan hits notes. He paid no at tention to tho great crowd ami seem ed utterly oblivious to the lmndredsol eyes fooused upon hhn. He consulted with Mr, Jiotan, when the lattorcame Into court, and as he talked he laid his hand, in an appealing sort of way rl on his lawyer's arm. , "'. Mrl Uotan bgan his arpunienf at 2.60 'clock. He said: "Qontleinen,, of, the Jv^y. there 1b no one in this court ioomlwho feelo a neater weight of -^r^i....... -..-, ,, t:^w't" I '.r THR TC^^TCX KTPKE PRESS . you ftie n>'t ^uidc.l by the evidence ><m vjo.ate your uuth. If you allow-the n Cei-etK ..j ptu-son;- i.iat have crept Iniu inc ius, befoie It , cttme "up :."iioiigh il.r ubllc pruu you do him an i:i.'ustlc< . Vow i'Minl ho * upon this -.i..... uu t:. .;iou.eii in, ...mor ln the aiinoi'-nf ~)nnorrnti( -uutll..hitJs proved nUHiy. You must try thin man from the evidence ' given from the stand, and not by anything'said by counsel outside. Whi-n Mr, Itotun had coneludi'd, Judge Arnold charged the jury. Tie; judge expluinod the viirlous grades m muKjer, and purtieularly prcmedltatud nuirder. in- .divined the Jury that In tin- case bi lore them there could only l.- one grade of murder for ihein to conddcr. ai.d that was murder in the nrj-t dcg.ee.- lie told the jury thai Um- e\ iuei.ec jj, liijji case was entirely eircumstantlal, but that was not uii- u.-Uiil, as many murder cases are de cided by clreuins'.antia) evidence. li> tlie present .use lie told the Jury thai 'here weii Ujjee points for ihern tw' "uuslder : J-Jr.M, id Uonjamin l\ IMte- zol ihad". Second, If dead, did he die a violent death? Third, If I e died a violent ueatli did he commit suicide, oi did the delcndftiit kill him".' Then .Judge Arnold reviewed the evidence. U leu the part of the doctur'ti testl.- mony was reached, that l'Mtozel had been lulled \>y jifjjson and that It could, not have lie);n self-admlulster-'d, Judg- Arnold queried ; " Jf the puison was not self-administered, then the qucs- .tlon Is who. did administer It to him?" Holmes Hhrauk a little In his chair a.* he heard this ominous query. lleferi'ijig to Airs. Plln^el's story,. Judge Arnold said that It proved the uuth of the- old saying that " truth 's stranger than llctlon." Pie , also i-nld that If thi; woman's story wa1- n-iii.. it was the most wonderful ex hibition of the power of mind that he uad ever seen, and was stranger than .my novel lie had ever read. For the motive of the crime, if the Jury believed Airs. PI level's story.'then 'hey had It .In the desire to obtain the insurance money from her. Next. Judge Arnold came to the question of whether It was a murder or a suicide. Judge Arnold said that the jury could Judge fr< ! the cross-exam 1 n a11on of Miss Yoho relative to Holnva' depart ure ijn Hun day afternoon whether It was what Is known In law us a flight. Finishing bin review of the evidence, Judge Arnold said that the adoption ot ; uiclde as a plea of defence was n^ uncommon one in trials. Judge Ar nold gave the Jury the usual instruc tions that if they thought the evidence -dld-iuit -wftrrn-nt it, or they had any reasonable doubt, then they .".hould ac quit, the prisoner; or, If they believed the evidence, to convict him. He also charged them to dismiss rom their minds any impressions, of any other crimes charged, against, tho prisoner and try him only on the case before them. . The Judge also road certain law points submitted by .the defence, ami which they wished him to charge the jury upon. One of those points mud. was that therts wan reasonable doubt rhat Pitezel was killed. tn-coming to this, the Judge stated '.hat he refused this, as there was nu r asonable doubt that Pltexel -vas kill ed. The Judge's charge was on the whoh unfavorable to the prisoner.' Prolines listened quietly to It, but bo seemed nervous. ;i ]K- dmlge concluded hi-- charge at ,"..-l.", and the jury retired A recess v.us then, taken, the Jud;o announcing to the jury that he would remain In the building. and ; vu- had that "Ing ol i..-. of lie M.trv ii," tote y IP 1 in-.' OIdk h rhllldtlphia. Nov, 2. Herlnan \V. Mudgett, alias II. JI. Iloimes, was ,ar ralgned in th- Criminal Court of Phila delphia for'thi- iiiurd- r on .Sunday, Seje lemtiei' 2, lMi'l,.nL No. Hill) l .'a lluwhlll stre..-:, of l-;enjaialii P. Pitez-jl. Plohncs and i'ite/.cd had b-'-on friends for years. J'ilexel was an Illiterate man and was thu tool of the supeidoi intelligence of iiolnies, beiny used hi ;hc latter to assist him In more than one dishonest scheme. Til-; *wo ptaii- ia d iu swindle the Fniellii Mutual Hil't. AtsociaUon of I'hiladeljdna out" of ^Itl,- I'liO. The j lut was for lMuv.el.lo lake out thi j.: J Icy mid then ir, ;vpresenl tliat he (o-.-d. A l-igus corp.-e was to be subsiitutL d fur his supposed body. The pl": pmuressul so that j-lle/,.d I'iirnf- to tlds eity and rcnt-d :'a<: liuus',- at Xo. lul'i i aiiowhill-streec untler thv name of IJ..iij:.i:i]ti F. Perry. PiteZL-1 \.:.s a ;;;m who drank, when intoxieiut-d lie rallied of tin rious scla.'ti.c;; that he and Holmes b'.en In: Tlo. n it, \vj..-., prObibly, Holmes COIie.iveil ' Jlle id.a of ki liiin. The tJie<iry m\ tlie ]irnsccui.ion was tliat l'ite:;,.l inusi'k..\'e t>-.\ a in a drunken stupor when tio.ia.-s vent \.-j the house, and while lie u'as m tha. condition lie ehloiofurioed. liiin io death. Then Uiohncs arranyed tl:e bod^ ar .is If a: explosion had taken place -;.nd i'ite- ::el had l-e.-n lUib.'d by it. Tie it Holmes, taking M Isn Yobc, who;;: he married, with wo other wiv.-> livlny. lied from 1 'P.ih.deiplu i U.a r.'-ul;;ht i>> Indhimi-polis. i foiiiu.- ' . ognixani of tlie swindling sciieiue. that le.-r hi.udi.ind was noL dead. lie cani'. \-n li'ie wlih .'I. ].>. Howe, a St. Lotil; hiv/>.-r, ni.d Alice Piiu::el,- ,i d'tllglitei the de;..u man. Tliey i'krnitilcd tli. 'i.v burbd in Po'tec's P'i.-ld as that I'llczel and . tlie ?Hmhiu in^urane.. :iey was p;iifl, 11 (j imes met J Irs. I 'ilexel and ^w i a died her o.ut of her >li..i'-, :a\-- $:,\>v... 'file woman's HliaiV- >uis t-i have ht-en $10,0a0, less J^tij paid for funeral expenses. The jdoi tu swindle the hmuranci: covi.pany was- unexpectedly reveah i! by a criminal in a Missouri Penlten tmry, and a s^carcli for Holmes began. W'itli th... kiiov-'K-dge of his guilt hi ded from city to city, hearing In his .train three of the Piiozol child run. Mrs, Pitezel and his wife. . Not onct- did he allow those three sei.'urate par ties to meet. At Uulianap'.ilia he in uceiis'd uf killing tlu; poy Howard. A i Toronto die loft behind liini two mure ghastly evidence.-: of his flight In the shape et- th,. two murdered Pltexel biJdi'eli. . H Is claimed by the district Attorney of PhHadelphla that Ji shortly after the killing of the t\v. Pitevel children hi Toronto sav* td the remaining members of. the Pitev.el family from exter mination, lor by their deaths only L'ould he conic into the 'possession Oi the pwperty held by them as pitc- y.el's holcf. . - The arrest of Holmes and Mm, Plte- 7.<;-\ in Hot-ton look place in November, liilU. Secure' In the belief Unit his more serious crin.e of murder .vns un detected, Holmes'consented *o come tt Philadelphia for trial on tho cht.rge oi' conspiracy. Ho and Mrs. Pit ^ol were lirotight here. For the purpose ol holding him while evidence wan work ed up Holmes wuh brought to Irhil on the conspiracy charge, and ,;. leaded guilty. .Betuenco wi'H suspended. The casougflinHt IWira. Pitezel wan dropped, but Lawyer Howe launder Indictment her^ tor, conspiracy.,. . . ' ' " ' ; i. HuAtlty Mnliitit.nm. Berlin, ;Npv/8.-rirhe Sultan Ivis; sum moned, Ahmed Tewflk Pasha, the/Turk* tttht'Ambassadoft^o Gerniany to return to.C&nfljAritlhpqjne.'.,, Immediately upon the reccIpTx^ff-'tbe stimpmn.s the Am- basBador utaHted for the Tu)kidh capl- Thotmim A. JnU\ia, CURED BY TAKING Sarsa- pari'Ia AVER'S "I was aftllctnd for eight yoars wllh Klfc Klieinn. inning that thim.i hii'dagie;a nniuy iiiedlcltieM which were highlv we- oninatlideil, hub mniti uavu Hie relief, i was at last advised to try AVer's ,Sar<i:- p:irlll'i. and hcfore-P had iml-ihcd tho Jonrih huttlo, my lianda wuro as Free from Eruptions ns ever tlmy were. My nmlitoss, wlilcli is that of a calwlrlvcr, tcipiin1:! tiie u be out In cold and wet ur.'ither, often without (iloves, hut the trouble ha;i ii"vcr rctia-nud/' Tiio.v.as A. Joji.ns, Sliatford, Out. Ayer'sm Tha. inly Sars Admit tod ai". tho World'H ITniv. ll.ll> KiU.W^ H.fl.tHHI. On Hnii Itlllrd mill n \mnt)fk' t Trulki- lupii mul I'iism liners Iii.liirrl. Maiden, Mass., Nov. C A bad rail way accident occurred a mile below this city tlils afternoon. The 5.10 pas senger train, due at Kdgeworth, had nine loaded pasiienger cars for Head ing. An it approached the Edjjeworth station to-night a shirting engine with P( ears wan crossing irom the out ward track to the Inward track when the 5.10 from Bos'tojn, known as No. 67, crashed into the shifter. Bolli en gines were wrecked. Two passengers cars Jumped the track and about eight cars of the shifter were plied up In a heap, completely blocking both tracks. The first'car on the iiasscnger train was a combination smoking and pas senger car. It was illled with passen gers and nearly all the windows In it were broken. When the crash came there was a wild rush for the door. The freight cars were wrecked. Engineer Parker of the passenger train and Engineer Tlbblts. of the' shifter both Jumped, together with their firemen, when they saw. that a collision was inevitable. They were Injured. John Flarrety of Boston, the- head brake-man of the? shifting gang, was In an empty box car whleh-wns wreck ed and was caught In the wreckage, his bead being severed from his body, CvprrttH Trnlit M't ri'"! Pittsburg, Nov. .1. Two pe-^ons wore Killed outright and 2a or .'id passengers injured by the wrecking of the Cin cinnati express at. Him Orovo, near Wheeling, on tho Hnltlmnre and Ohio railroad this morning. The dead are : Mrs. Hare, not yet Child named Uarklev Wheeling. The Injured ly hurt. The neeident wan breaking n*"'a flange on the epmbhm- tlon ear, which caused the derailment of that car. together with two conches nnd a parlor ear. 'The ears derailed turned enmpP>*r.'-y over and were de- molfslud. A r "-f tra'n was sent from Wheeling with doctors. fully identified. . parents live iu are not sorlous- eaused "by th(- ni*KIII<l. r. injured. Dallas, Tex., Nov. .1. A Missouri, Kansas &. Texas passenger 'rain was wrecked between Ha das and Hills-' boro about 10 o'clock this morning. Knfflnoer Alike Murphy was killed and 22 passengers were Injured. liiMPiid ;iti*\ iiovi\<;. tllic mid n Hair Million ltuwlicln Alr*M<l.y Shipped. Winnipeg, Man., Nov. ,1. The grain xchange officials estimate that fully Kix and a half million bushels of wheat. of this year's crop have already been shipped out of the province, for which two and a half million dollars were received by the farmers. A computation just made of. the value, of buildings erected and under contract to be completed this fall Ih this city makes a total of Jfrl-UiSS. The buildings' are of the must substantial character and include half a dozen laindsome business blocks. i-ie-t ttai t riuoliie^ New Orleans, Nov. 3. The Initial trip-of the fast trans-Continental train of the Sunset route, Southern Pacilic, which loft .\(.-v; Orleans, oa Thursday MiO uing hist, niT'ved at' I.os Angeles lids' evening on time, traversing tlu- dislanee in' li'.dn.vH, ' ' hours and -lii minutes. tinn,f',,,i .ch-co was reached tPne In II d. . - hours and -If. on minutes, time ever This 1.- i; ild to he the fastest inwV lu the history of rail- , .,11 ".uml l1lullllll'l"< Worldly Wltio. It Is a dangerous precedent to do. vil that good may follow. Wo mask our age not by years but \.y events. Conscience Is like a watth- npt te m.'t out of order if too roughly hun ch-d. ' . ' Al'tur a .im'iii iu married he wonders ivhat inaufi hhi'-oid friendships yriifti >iher men s^eMi so dear. Xot much credit should be i>iven to him who docs right' by accident. Long waiting is the sovercst tcsi that lovo ban be put to. When a.man Ib pursuing a good work ii" too ' frcnuently stops to listen tor upplause. Now York Recorder.' CHURCH DIRECTORY MBTUoniMT. or. Pueott. Piiitor. Bor'ice avaryBuudayutll a. m.und7 p.m. Bbbft( BohoolutSi:lJOp. m. lb U. Naylor, HapenDMnu- tint of Bolionl. Hpwmlb J^uipab |tr*y rm^tlni Tubs<la> ..vnnlngtttiro'olutiJi. t.ono.al p.uyei mocttnKon Tburidftyovenlug.___________'j Oiuuion off BJnoi*awi> Ituv. A Jj.Ilovorly, in, otimhont, Ht. Pauls, Kbmx. DW"i>"iW ovory Huuday at 7 o'clock, p ra Snnaay School at 10 a. in. i'rluitv Church, North Ilidge I>lvlno Morviooa vory Sunday at U p. io.', ana fay Habool at 1.46p. m. Tho publlci art) cor dially luyltod. ' - .... _. . ,_ PlUBHliVTKlUAN.-r-W.M.Ir'lemhitf, Vaator" Bor- Vloau on Huhbatlt at 11 a. m. and 7 .110 p. ui Hah bath Uuhool at !U0 p. m. I'ruv<ir ui(ailDBnd I'ttHtor'sblblo clana on Taouday at7,U0 p. -nit HoolulUulon on Woilneaduyut 8.15p. MARRIAGE LI0E*|8 EL, P\BK, IBflCEU OF.MA .' ceiiM.. IliehAr^hflUt., ^i MBAkitKTT, lamer bt U*et\m>U*vum, - CommiuBionarla C. J., eu, OkJ.0n, W, D- BKAUAN, 7 IsBOor ofManriaua LImuboh. InaazAnae ageni* Night office at Dwalling, TAhllOT STItEET, BSflM.'fl Hai'Tiht Oimuon.-ltov.iC V. Campbell,. Pa*; ior. tkirvloomjiloh Hiibbatb at 11 a. in. uu " p.m. Pirayur miiutlntf ou WeduoHdliy ttvimlntf ufcHo'olook. H<iulu(ru. All ar cfrtlially wcl- eotuod. HowxH Oatiiomo, Kmob-Fit. C. lii. MeOe*, 1'iviiLor. K?.iv.'m. ovury othor Bunilay iitS.UOp. m. KundayWolion] aciip. m. MAUJH'roNic.-^Uijih maun and mirirum at 10.U0 ii, m ciLtinihiHiirvty n. m , huptlHm at 11 n. n vuupurHund nunoojotum ul' 7 p. m. O. Oon, V. V. > UNDERTAKINO. HFIiUMMft *R, Dndwteller a-ul VvnUtnu Dealer. .OcfflaA, homo ood factory m* froia fa to DO, UoOvogor, Or* ARCHITECTS. TOUN A. MAYGOCKAltOUITECT, .. llotiui lUaml IbFletulDQ bo4Wlnu, Wawlsoa, Oot, Vbono Q19. : We- i. HAWxytoU ;AlnJV.Vl\ H. MaLonil. tliipUhi. Halvatlou iiiootinuu ou WtMbioiuhiy, Thuradny uiul BtmdayovoainnH; J^oo and liany, Haturuay ovonlnnmi:)p.m. Huiuhiy; UoliaiiBj|.-inaotbi! for ohriBthuiH Friday uvtiumftalitfll n, w.Tt tlav; Knot) Writ! 7 a. m. ^oVwy Hun day, All.aro wolooino. LEGAL. Yi* A. WIKM15H, HarrlHtor, SoliolU)r, Notui j!i Publlo &o. Monoy to loan. Otnoe8,I>m titan block, up'iitair, Kmntx. -4-ly TL. PI3TKIIB Parrlntor, Bolloltor, Notal Public Monoy Ui Loam Oillco ov( fjtruthorn' Hank. Kunox Cuuttro. CbARKlC, llAnXbKT di BAIITLBT, 'Ilarrii toi-H, oU). OiUotu, Mtulbury Block, Windoo Privato fuuilB to loan. A. II. OfcAuin:, L. L. U. N. A. imnxit'j A. It. IUUTLKT. lb A. HKNJIY C. WATjTKRH, Iv.Ij.U,, Attonioy ami ConiifUiIarknt law, Solicitor in Chuuoory, Proctor in Admiralty, Putont bolioltor, with Athiuuou AHalchfiHCongrwim nt.Jwont, Dotroi^ Mlelj. (Canadian olidmn iiflalust pornonn In tho Unitod Htatou colloctod.) lUjforoucom Iiunorial Bunk, Kunox, Out. J. Ii. Potom. Kaq., Barriiitar, eto., Mnnox* Ont K.A, WtBinor, Uno., llarrlHtor. otc., Kunox, Ont MEDICAL. T^RB. URIKN A ERIKN. Jnn. Hrlou, M. D., L. 11., G. P. 3., fmuhiato of Quoon'oTJnlvonilty, KinitntOD, raoinbor of Col- lHO of Fhyfiloiiuiu and Bure;ooun,Ontario. Grad- uatfl of Now York. Pout Gradnato Msdfcal Gol- lojro. ,....... .. J. W. Brlon, M. D C. U., F. 'V. Sf. C. Honor (iriuhmto of TrinUy Medical Coltopo, Honor aratluatn of Trinity Univornlty. Mom bor of tho Collnrjo of Pnyiiicfanu and KurpnotiH, Ont. Gciul- uatn of how Vork, Pout Gnuluato Modlcal Collo/jo, OlBcoovei* Kunax Modlcal -Hall-driiR utoro, Oonnultation rooinn, both on urnund lloor and flrofcilat ahoyo. Toktphono in bath oillco and ror.bhmeu. All "calln atteudod to from omeo, tiruj; ntoro, or roiiitlnnco, ItonUluncu. Tidbot Btroot, frtmt of fair Brmmdirr ----------:----------. D It. PROUHE, M. JJ. Uiiivoiiiity of Toronto, M. B., Trinity Unlvor- iiitvM. C. V. H. 0 lato of Bt. Bartholoniow'B Ilonpitiil and MoordoM'n Royal Ophtliitlmtu Uofipltiil.Loudou, TCufdand. Bpocial atfontion nlvou to diHoofionof tho ovo.oar, noon and throat. Oflloo hour4 11 to 12 a. in., 1 to ii and 7 to 8 p, in. Office and rnldauoo,05 OuoIIottoayo., Wiudoor, opponlto Bt. Mary'n Acadamy. Tel. J[)6. D RB. DBWAIt <fc MoKBNZIK. F.A.DKWAH. M.D.C.U..F.T.M.B. U.nior Gradn- ito Trinity Univortiity. Monibor (.'olloffi) Phyi I0I11.1111 and Hurcuonti, Out. Itoldoncc, Talbo St. Eitot. Q. MoKv.NZll'.. M. U. C. II., L'oronor, Now Yorki'CHt Graduatif, Follow 'i'rlnltv Medical ColloRO. Graduatu Trinity b'nivoruity Iloiddoneo: Talbot Btroot, wor.t ot M. G. It, Otllcohouro s to Ha. ra., I to li and otoHp. m CMIloo in Imiioriiil Ilnuli block, ground Uuor, next to Thoriui'fidirur; store. 'folophouolil conncctiou with oillco and rojti- dfjnco. ,----------------- - - Orders loft at Tbomu'n drut: utoro will be promptly attondod to. * SOCIETIES V 0. 0. F.-fcNTKRPKlSK Lodfio No 31A I maotHovory Thursday, ovenlujt at 7.801n OdiUullowu llallj in third atoroy Uuniitan Block Viflltlucmouiboru uf other lodgeuwlll receives oleomo. J. JOHNBTOK, N. G. MFMMNT, No. 60, meetBbs Oddf)roWl^^^*U^(in'B Block, 011 the first and third Tne iliall^rcaeiveil. In thh JDrlydlotlo HANNAN, O. P., G. nth. VUItorscox rdtuato lodge* to ]olu- O. Essex vmc imioAi Friday evenhitf, D Andrew Parker, JLletit Do.viA'VfnM tenant; V. Rocretary; Frederick Hyatt, Treasure B EVER* Oo-ptalo; DUite, COURT ROYAL, NO. 213. I, O. F. MtiOtu aooond and fourth Tadsday'D la t&c'Z month in l. O. O, F. Hull at b o'clock p. r ^ VIt,fthia brthorn will hofjivon n. 1 ratemal w*J- como. K. XIcOiiuBland. 0. R-, W. O. Bbaw. 8oy M.J.WIkIo, o.d. h.o.-r. , . " the Jfiaaam FalURcuUJ' ^^ -------OOlMd^JABl______________ _______ TakhiK offoet Mdyj(ltlth,1800. Dotroit....... WindHor.... Polton........ Maidstone c VittntiX......... WoodHloo ... JUiaooinh ... Comber...... Rldriotowu.. Roiinoy....... Bt. Thomad Lonibni....'..... wt. Thomae... Rodnoy......... Rlduotown..... Coinbt-r......... Runcomh....... WoodBloo....... Eiumx .,:......... Hiildntona. Cr Polton............ WindHor......... Dotroit........... Mall a.m. 7.1B 7, fi.o:i H.ll H.21 B.2H .D7 n. ao Kxp. a.m. B.C0 fiSO Bud. a. m. O.iO 10. JO r.so lo.as M7 10.00 OQnypH'JibT. p.m. 12,10 i(3.3'J '407, B..'10 5.11 5.50 ti.OH 0,14 G.45 7.10 11.50 J.Oft n.rn. ' U.35 30.84 11.43 12.10 12.*5 -Accom p.m. 4.10 f>,05 B.10 5.20 5.II0 fi.M. fi.80 G.04 7 10 7.111) H.40 n.in. o.as 7,as &.00 O.IW 0.30 rue J.B-* 10.04 10.12 ic.no 10.KB DENTAL. HP, MARTIN, D. P. S., L. X). fi. Griuluato hi Dmtiitry, Rnvid Collide of Pontal Bunjoonn, Or.Liaio, ..tui Ouivorhity of Toronto. (HiarflOH.iuodorato. OfUco, ovor Brion A Cos ivu({ otoro. Iti-ly Abiaursiburc: Local Traliiu, y , r.ABT n.m, a.m. p.m Eor.ox 7.1fi 0.60 0.1(0 Edj-urw 17.00 0.10 5,10 JjEAiUHXinK ti.00 ,(.a5 U2 McGrrufiOr- ti.49 !).8(J 4.A0 AmhoiTitburg '.'J0 0.10 4.30 WKHT p ui. a.m. a.m. U.10 11.50 fi.l& .2fi 12.0:j R.-A tl.SH 13.10 OJH-i ii :tu 12 ao ti.as 0.30. 12..'>0 a.63 All truina aro run on oontral Htaudard lima,. which in Bixty mimitcs (dower than Ensux time. For informatioo and ratoc to colon- ifitn moving wont apply to John G. Lavon, Pa-- Bonpor Atfont, Bt. Thomno. O. W. PuiRfjlmi, Gou- oral PiiimoiiKor and Tiokot Afjont, Cbioi)r;o, III or A, O. Btimorn. Acont. Ebbox. L- E. & D. R. Ry, TIMFiTART.P. XO. ifl. taldnR offoct 8atrdayr Juno 29, lbt)5. Trnlna run by Eaotorn Stand- ard Tlmo. Daily oxoont Sunday VETERINARY. WH. RICHARDSON, VKVKRINARY SUR . GEQN. Honorary Kruduato of Ontario Votorhmry Collruo, Toronto; monibor ot On tario Votoriuury Mudiuul Honioty; Diiilotnist in I)(iiitintry; truutK all i1Jkohhih of doruoHtluatod iiniinidH; en ttlu'didtornod by tho latent improved Loavitt olipjior Ciilhi by tele-phono, or tulo- ((l'iiph rrnruiitly iittondcd to. ICtnil.luncc, four doorn noutb of (jriEt mill; otflco in |iout offico buildinc; inllrnuir.v, dh-octly oppouitu. LAND SURVEYOR. JAMES S. LAIRD, Provincial Iinurt Burvoya^ and ('aunty Enfiinoor, Vasex Centro. Ont Olllcc, Dunntini Rloclc, upntiuni. AUCTIONEERS. ei^ 'A S A M A. M 0 -111:12.00 il.l712.:i0 O.o5'l2 40 ti.fi!) :i 2.13 1 A *** id OS O & A ' u \t r m t>;20 Btatiosb. a Id A II] A M 0 10' n.oo Don Wnlkorv'Io Ar fi.a7|Wftlk6rvllI Junc.ln Oil 5.1fi fl.UDI......... Polton.........:9 57| 5.3a 11.40!......t Oldcuntlu......'U .131.0.17 10.0ti,12.fi:i ij.47 ......1 Piuptottt)...... 8 47 5.(S 1.10 0 Mi......MoGrnRor 1.23 o.fiU|..-.r NowCiinaau... 1 Mnrnhilold Harrow ti 421 5.011 Et iWl 4.40 B 20 1.33 fl l t 2fl .....1 Amor.........B 11; 4.00 ... KhlftbVlIlO......'H tli H.4fi 7. 7.17 7.12 7.0(5 0.50 0.52 tf.il (L.'ll 6.21 11,111 5.54 5.45 5.10 5. no S.S3 ri.fi> 8.-17 ......t Buxton.........!fl 46|IJWi B.15 ti.0filS.fJ5i...... BandiROn .:....! 40|I2.0fi! 5.10. Ruthvnli ...... 7 51 Lcaralncton ...:7 40 , Whimtlcy......17 21 8,17i......1 Ronwlck ......;7 15 fl.-JSl......Uoatiiworth ...)7 10 H.:iL'......iGlouwood......17 00 M0|-.........Merlin.........ill 53113.21; il.lfi 2.40 1.M i.:ia 1.15 1S.U0 r m 7.40 7.fll 7.27 7,li3 HENRY promptly HEDltICK, Auctioneer. K 1 0 a iittomlcd to. AiUlrcod Routh Wooifuloo, Out, Poifioiib doiiiriiiK to ticciu'o nu- may loavo word ot tlio Fiiki: Pimiw oillco. tt n. UKDRICK D SINCLAIR, LICKN6ED' AUCTIONEER for tho County of Ekbox, liuiiurof Eiyhth ))lvP/nion Court. All kimhi of Farm nud.othor Haloi* conduotod promptly. Raton roa'nonablo and fuvninhod on aPplioation. Enquircm nniv apply at W. E. Roanuui'ii ofllco. or at tiio otflcj; or Plviidon Court Clerk, Mr. Johu Milno JOHN GOItMLEY. LIClt-NBKD AUCriONEKIl for tho County of Kunox. AUkindn of farm Btctl* hsilt-n, otc, condncti'd promptly mid on i^liort notico, KutOH roiinni'iiblft. PorPnnu drsinibh.> to nrranuu eiahin may-do no by call Jn Rat tho Puiii: Piuum oillco or by upplyinu to ', 1 4 , J. GORMI.EY, P. 0. Box 155 Kkoox, On*. IT'RANK MoCLOBKKY, Mtddstono, thiyty- I.1 Buvonyourd'experience nu aiiauotioticovni tho County nf Emiox. Buloeoondxicletl promptly, and on rfl'aBonublo toruin. Piirtioit donlrlu^ to Bxthodato for a oido can imiva -thtmiuolvor a drivo by oalliui! at tho Fniiic Fju:hk ollicO' Wo liiivo avrnngod with .Mr, ]\Ic01oidty and will i*x tliodatoH for iialoB'by tchiirraph, entirely froi> ol all Dnargo to the uorKou holding tho a!o. Ad- (ht'BB Frank McCiofeUoVpAraldHtouoCroaH.Onti ' 165/ -. IfU.'J 10. IH 10 25. 1.40,7.07 1(1,32 2.C0 7.11 10.42 2.1 fl 7.24 lft,oi. 2.5H 7.:M K).59| II.OO 7.43 11,10 U.15 7."i2 11.241 4.10 ft.O 11.311 4.ao u.:w! 4.50 11.141 5..'j() 11.521 B.45 11.50 12 04 12.12' o.l510 00'..,tCoditrHprinRH...!fi l|n.26| 5.01 12.1b: o.2rniu,7!BlonlH-im Juuut'u.ii 2*('li.0. "4.M 12.221 C.45'U.12|.i,.,. BlOllbniiu ......; 20jn.]fi 4.50 IIMT 0.55 U20j. ......nVilltio.........i 10110.15 4.11) 12.401 7J0.'j.m!Ai-Rid(!ctown Dopiti OO^IO.OO 4.0. V, M,;l* JI. V. Mi A.M. V.M-'l'.M ! linn ytutloni). Traiun dtop only when thoro nrn pittsehjRora at or for thoso Htntiouu. Mixed traiiie uro at nl Union nibjeet to bo cancelled VVM. WodLTjATT.' ^"iicral Runovfntiindoiit POWDERS 1 Curn.SJGK HSAOAOHB and N?urdnial I in *o Mtr/urka, a\ro Co^iati Toilfrfio, Dbf/j-l -1 Pf^i.^dowsniiKB. Pain initlie S>da;,$o'i6"l>*dcnV| 1 florpld.Ltvor, uirdrUrcath. (o amy cijrcd also I roffnlat^ (be invrtila. vtrttr Nicn to rAKf+l r pRtos Socenra At oruq BroHeef -- '- ' THE oldORt bUtdnesfl, iu town. Eatdbliabe 1876. Flrbt-olaBH hrond andookes of nl. kindw. WoddlnccakonaspocJaHty. Grooonea provjfttona, flour, toed, salt and pork,. Gonteo- tibnerv.otool(ary,laBowaro. .Camiadfrultnanu voBfltabloeof all kind* GOOflB' J^^iMyA^ UvorodtoanpartHoftbe town. J. M. HlCEH. m-ts Land and loan agents fill1 DTOISPily ItWlMD.iV.. %>m*i !. Mow ia tho tinao if- you waut a hnr^alu. A tine Stock and well assorted, and prices rifihfc. Call nnd lUBpoot, it.'; will: ooetyoh uothtuc to ^o through and . get priuee, Boat value 1m the county; ip txchango will tftko uopd lumber and istove wood, UMBERTAK1HB: AP EMBA1MNB a RpcoiaUy.; Good oarriBRca iu attendanoo _ when repaired apA prices 2fi per cent Jobs ; than when timflo were ^ood, "WilJ not be^ undoiBold by anyone in the baaiiioBP. I Vlli pav you for yonr :trouH comin; il whatl etato lii not correct., \"r ;,' '* Ii 1 SS' /H I.',' irM';}:^Ah^'J)\^ V:j - uz&WJiMmlhrl^