-_iMMilW fr'V ,* I - 'il TH, < li of the: town TTODAX. NOVEMBER 1, IHB/J, Thfl JFllKB PitltMB from DOW to till) ttlld o( 1896 for $1.00. A shock of earthquake was felt in Oliut- hum yesterday. An old building in tho eastern part of the town is in flmuea aH wo tfo to proas, The Wmdnor wutdr intake wan oxilui- inod nn Tuesday mid found to ho ulo^i;..ci With vegetable growth. A Bna|>indreF>8gomiH,(!0ii for 25 ut Smith's. M. J Wi#le A Co, liuvo a new fannin/* mill to exchange for wood. Kditor Jotiunci], of tin Leamington Pont, liBHBbippad ovr-r 1,000 buahilo of no.clma from his orchard thin yuar. lh oloihiup tnulu iu booming with M. 3. Wilo A Co. Chatham Banner; "Tbo MtohiKun Cuii- ^ rail way has placed jetton at. the noon in/j; nllSuw-x wboro thti uceidmt happen* d a few weeks ue;o." A little ptoviuiut, 8U flue shceH for ffl 50 for ladies at Smith's, In nil prolmbilitioH wo are (jotufl t0 havo a Kovoro win tor. A number of tlio boys of our town mo "ruining a omp" on tboir fuoeu vbioh would do credit to a man. A pair of nox hoe with inen'a bootii ut Smith's. Mr. and Mm. 0 L. Crasmvoller tfave a Progrreiiive Pedro party to lhu married friends on Friday evening laHfc, about thirty or forty wero present and erjovod a pleHHant evening. Mm. J. W. Mcfiown, IS. P., of Windsor haft been during tho pai-t two montlio giving learns in painting, tier oIuhh at prosoufccoiiHidtii of eleven, bright, talontod pupils of whiuli nle in vory pioud. Overcoats, extra heavy, for mon, S.'J 05 at Smith's. C!onHldorub!ocxoitc-m*nt ban been cammd i u thin vicinity oyor bunh iiroo and a tfroat deal of (lamago haw been done. On Hut. nrday hint it looked us though the whol* c gunty was on iiro, nothing hut smoko oonld be km n in uuy direction. Don't forgot to *oo tbo lar^e umiortuiout of high (jiado mauilcis ut the Grout Coiner Storti. ' * Lufctoveninji Mhih Benaio Iliolcu ontei- taiued auuncbtr of her youtiu fumidn by Uivmg ihcni a "tally pull," and the yonu^ folkn ontutJfa.nd uijovtd Hallow o'on in a VTbeHcr \va> than runiblititjabout tbo itrcelB. Ladied' ciu-hmero gloves, 13 contH per pa-ir, at, Smith'H. To-morrow an exciting foot-ball match Will be playnd between the M. A A.t of Detroit, nnd our homo loam. Everything ih nil u pi tig for u in teroatin(4 timo uud the bojB would hkti to m-u a lar^o crowd out. The moro tbu merrior. M. .T. WirId it Co ure houdfjuarterfl for over-aontu, huitB, under-clctlnut, eta. foi uion and bo}n. off on Alt Ladiee' fine mantles at Diabel A BrlokerV. *^* The "what-HbalM-wtiar" qnefltion haa powboon roplaoud by " flow did I loph?V John Ronaud, on lot 18, Con 6 of tho XowiiHliip of Maidtttoiio, will noil by pubJio auction on Tiiruiliiy Nov. fith 1805, a lot of ntooll and farm implements. Bproliil Halo at Hmith'a in ladiod' onatn, oviiruonlu, bootu, etu, 1'h colleotion of tolln on roadw lundni|f into WhldHor iu to be iibo|lnhod. Iloru in moro ovtdonoe of ontflrprino. W bopo Moon to inn a hko mnvo mndv by th county uuHiimfof r*mbton -L'ctroloa 'J'opio. lirtdmi** all wool veutH 2S uoutu naoh at. Hmitb'ii. The Hatvtition Army will hojfl a lim - qii>-t on Monday cvuuinu Nov. >i The Local ooi pn will bo tuinforoud by Ofjiouu and dohhnrfl from the following plflnim: L- am- Hilton, ArahoiutljiiriE and Wimbmr. Tin Hurvod from (i p. m. tu fl in Btono'u Irnplo- immt loom.iill uroooidially niYitod. Cajituiu Mauhucar and Liiut. Ilaloy in oomniand. Luht Ftiday about one o'ohiclc m Jio nftct i <ion llif alarm r-onndo'l tbu vsainin^ for flio and it way found that W. Jl. Kich- urduuu'H nnpb u.ent cliow room wawon hro. Our iiienmit, who aro a wido-uwiiku lot, w*!j<) iidon on tho hoaiii and in a fuw nmi- ureu bud thf blu^u uuder control. It wan a bad place for bru to coniiutnce and li ibu wnul hud liave Oeeu htiuiifj doubiloin it Would liuve duuo u ^rual dual moiu duii-u^u, Jiverythiiig wan foi the bt ut, bujb pntnuiro of waioi and u ii-lid wind. lL in nut kimwu how tbu llru tiiaittit, but iiuppuiiuij iruni a park. It damaged tbu buildiu^ ai'out 9100. IMW Reasons why YOU should Buy at ._ Oak Hall: We have tho lnrgOBt stock of any house in tho section. Wo have the best assorted stock. Wo havo the latest New York styles. We have tho newest pattorns and ahndes. Wo mako all the goods wo Hell. Wo havo no old or half worn goods. Wo have ono price ior all. Wo Hell chenper than anyone else. We save all our customers Ladies'.. . V Ooatsfi WlfBliing to roduce our stock we will for the next id dayfl oiler our stock of ladies' Coats at tho following pricoB: Lot No. 1, S3 k{) 4 00 i 50, choice for 2 65 Q. & w g 50 8 00, I 25 " 00 14 00, *-* On Monday labt a numbor of our local *portn, conniHtinq of E. J. L'-velaoe, A. W. Garduor, J. A. Gardner, Henry bpooohloy, John Ihrat-her, F. Htottw, Joel Whitney and J. H- Allinu left for Mutikoka on a two Wfoka huutiuy tour. M. J. "Witilo it Co. are bavnifi a groat run on thoii\2fio toa. Tbe-lttkoft-^lay~flomG otranga froakw. While Luke Ontario and tho St. Lawrouoo are brt?Hkinjj all rioordH for lowneoii and aro Htitl uinkint;, Lako Huron and tho St. Clair aro aixtoun and a half inoheo abov low water murk, and uhll rininjj. M. J. V/i^lo & Co. have juat riicoivod tho latest ut.} Uu lu.hatx. At tbo func' -I of tho lata O. l. liurdick which took plyOO on Saturday lanb about (iovunty OddfellowH and ubout twonty Oho- neii FrieuuH, he bomg a member of both ordcro, hcuded by tbo I O.O.P. brass band, marched from tho rerudonoo to the lJre bytotian chuich, wboro thd ltcv, W. M. Plcminc; conducted tbo aorvicn. Tho members of ouch ordor aooompamod tbo r'emainti of their brother to tho cemetery fcttchjpflrformed the uuual ogromony. ljadieu reraombor tho groat aalo of roantlott, oonanaonaoa at Dig bo I A Bnokor'o Saturday Nov. 2nd. Tho raombero of tho Ehsox biaHn bant liavo v-oourod tho rmlc ono night during each wvi k fur tbo purpono of giving a band ooncort and furni(ihm(j a cood time for young poopl or wnojjyjn may go, The boys aro ovitTontly in need of funda aud wo would bku to own them do wtll. Then ww iiouy (et moio uiubIo on our utreeta in tho futuro. TbatH rit{ht boyo it won't go bud. Wo are asllmg our ludiea' ooutu toward- eis of profit. All must (jo within tho 'Joit ton <3ayn, Smith & Co. Au eastern oxohau^o tollu thitt yam without a bluHli: ."Onti day lant wook iVlru. G. C. Robinwm, of Lobo, cooked a potato and tho family of Ave nut down to do j'uw- tfoe to it, Evoryoni uto baurtily thereof, . bat whoa the racal wan finiHhod there wuu alar^e deoontiou of potato lefl. At uUpper time they ugain tuekled it with retiowud entrgy, but bad tnulvo up in deapait, the potato having reat utayin^ powers. Fm- i lly tbo anttfatnuco of the poultry depart- ^menthadlo b# cnHod id to exterminate the gifiautio "mnrpUy." Guess it muni hnv* been * j'whiie depbaqfc," MiMhOilist Anniivci'Him. Tho aniiivoieary buiviclq hdld in tho M.jthnditit Chuich huro wuro very lar^tjy atioude 1, and were vt,ry iruerohtiut: Tim able ursmlaiiLu of Itov. Mr. Uallowa>, of Lbamjii^tuu, waa piuuiuud am! tliu rLVtr- ond penilelijtin who la a Vfiy tiimjuunt hpuukur, j^avu Lwo muoJi approLiaLuii hi r- nioiiM, Hutu in tilu iiiutuin^ and uVuijih^ thouliU'Lli v/uii Idled wait uiti niivu ij.iu it em, '11m choir ut that church, who aro noted iur thou- oxuolhut muuioul talent, Old well aud are LlouurviiiH of praiae. Ou tho fullowiuf^ Mouday uvumnn tho LacliOH Aid, wbohu paat ncordh aio uotoil ior proptiiln^' a table which would tempt tbu appetutiot a piiuce, did nut. lull uliurt liiu iliuu ia exetliiiig, it any Miuit,', tli>< pa^i iiuuivorHury tui-me,jtii)j;n ol th t ciiuioh. Atur Lho ^uoatu bad all fully aat- lbtiud thuir upputitbU thuy i-bpniiud to tho chuiuti wnoru their uitethuUlal tiankuriu^a uero well fed by ahlu uputohuu from the oh an uj an, Jiuv. Dr. Fuyoou, "and Ituvu. MtiharH. Ayora of Woodwlou, Hhaw'ot Cot tarn, and Galloway o^ Leu u.intjton. Al though tbu church wan uot [aclud, all who wuru pruaunt uiijoyod tlm apoikin^ and mutiio.j At the oloatng tho pantoi, Key. Dr. Pai- ouu, Buoined to bo well Hattnaod with tbu fioaniHul roc* ipt. $ $ 3, Every show the geods. 7 26 nnd of latest Htyle. No trouble to Oak Hal! Clothiers. W. A. SWEET, Mgr. 13 Sandwich st. w, Windsor A1 ' lloonY'H Pillw for tlio hvjr aud howolH, act prompt y, easily and e0>,otivoly. I*uii*r-^TnlcInp;. Paper can bu manufat tuicd out of almoat anything that can bo pounded into pulp Ovor fifty kinds of bark aroH.ud to bo UHod. and banuna aknn, boinHtalkH, peavinen, ooooiimit fibre, clover and timothy hay, atraw, Hoa and frosli water woedfl, and many kinda of prnnn are all applicablo. It haa also boon made from hair, fur and woo], from aabouttm, Xuxuanhea an artiolo indiHtructtbla by fire; from hop plants, from hn^ka of any nnd every kind of Riuin, Lcuvoh mako a u;ood atrong papoi, while tlio buaka and uteina of Indian oorn liavo boon tried, and almost evory kind of moHrt ran he mndo into paper. There aro patonta for muklm* paper from Rftwdnat and ohavintfH; from thiatlen and thiuiledown, from tobuoco atalka and tan- bnrk. It in Haid that there aio ovor two thomiand patents 'covering tho mamifao- turo of paper A Troo TuclpnlK. Thoro ooonra in Japan a Bpociea of ta^< polo which Hoomn to frequent th bougla of troen Tho parout frop;, or toad, or nowt it is not known which of the thiro mphibiana ban ho rcclclonn a diare^ard for family traditiouft builda in a treo u nefit, and from tho egga which aru tlioro dopoflited tadpoles aro produced. Tho tadpoloH Boom to prefer tbia airy uituation, which porbapfl auitti thorn In its freedom from rtipaciotifi fiahec or frogs, for there in no evidence that they ovor dtwert it. When tho timo cornea for tbom to be converted into froga tlioy drop into the pond below. But tho American naturuliHt who firafc dmcovcrod this extraordinary fact did not Ruocecdin traolng their futuro duvelop- mont______________________ I'uiilahlHff Children. Tho Hubjoot of puiiinhlng children has Boomed to reooivo n p;i^at donl of attentit,)!! of lato. It iH quite timo that intelligent pnronU took a eoinprobeiiBive view of tluu mutter. If a child hat* boen go brought up that otwulioneo wou on forced only by means of blown, then it ia altogether likely that blowa would bo noeeetmry to the end of tho chapter. If the child heoumes other than an outlaw a^uintt Booiuty, it oorUinly im not owing to parental control or man agement, Tbnro muat be an enormous jucuount of good in aome children, or they would never dome otit umoathttd from the ordeal of brute forco through which they are put in their earliest youth. BaM To "ttm X"rferr(]. It la asserted that the Introduction of tha oturp in the PacIAo ooaet utatea wan a, grwU niIntake, as this flah breeds incredibly fMt, b n rvoiiou& cat*r aud iaahmn nnp#Ut- abl* t.ibla food, An^J^go^N^aaflaman thinks that if tbej^gefc bau Tr*r iul daued In tho^nda and along ha whera tha earo bre*i \t would aoom Xtormin*U lbm. iiK.witCAi, <oMj:<Ton.mui*. t:\clKiuriil <'()ii(lniiog In Ihe ItuuLuortlic t itn*er\nH\rn lliorr Montreal, Oct. 21. The Interest in the Montieal collectorahlp Iiuh becomi-- intfiiyllled and The World'u loading article on the queHtlon yesterday wiib must lavoiably commented on in tho Miy, to-day. Someone has asked if then* Is a atilntr to tho losiynatlon, Hid if It was simply made to be wlth- diitun at tho proper time. Your coi- iL.spondent ia authorised to lve *i Kjinplote denial to auch a theory, and no oim who known Mr. White would lor a moment believe that the ex- tnembrr for Cardwell did not mean ' iisineu'i when he uont in bin ieblKna- Lion to the Speaker of the Houue of L'uinmqns. Some of the beat men of the commercial metropolis cannot be- ii<-VG the leaders oC tho party will nueh longer delay tho apolntment of Air. White ixa collector of the port of Montio.d. It ia pretty well under stood, however, that Mr. White doen not expuct to get the appointment. A i;ood many frlonda have blamed Hon. Air. Oulmet for the delay, but ho Mlnlbter of Public Works unya tliat the Ontailo AUnlaters are wholly t L-t-prniHlble. Tne fact ot the matter in, there Is very atronfi; fecllnff here over thin cus toms trouble. Bob White haw a bust of friends, not only In Montreal, but In tho townHhlpfl, and ttomendouu pressure ]h belmr biouffht to bear upon the Hon Mr. ivea to boo that justice i-i done. It in said here that If I he editor of Tho Gazette Ih not ap pointed collector before Saturday even- Ink' next there Is a po^albillty that the portfolio of Trade and Commerce will be at tho disposal of Blr Mackenzig Bowell. Wheat rod por buobel ....8 Wheat, whita .... Corn .... Oats .... Timothy Sood .... Clover Seed , .... Aloiko .... Hay por ton............ tioof per owD............ Pork ............ Mutton ......... Hideo-" ............ iJiioI'Ottfl por lb.......... Butter .......... Lard .....,.... Etifjn, por doj! ........,. Potatooa, por bnshol .... Omonn .... Apploa .... Turnira .... Carrots .... Boota .... Paranipa .... Turkeya per lb.......... DucIch .......... Celery por do^ .......... Cabbap;o .......... ARKETJ 02 to 62 Something Special In OvercoalH for raon, Heavy serge Coat; n $6,00 line for $3.95, Extra heavy frieze Oowfc wTt! storm collar, regular $8 gooda for ^4.95. Don't Miss Them! In the face of a rising market in . Boots and Shoes . . We are offering a special job lot lino Shoos for ladies, regular $3, $3-60 line, choice for $1.50. _Men!s long leg Boots, regular $2 line for $1 fiO, 2.76Tbr~2.20, 3,25 for 2,40, 3,50; for 2 75 and (LOO "for 3.20. "With, each pair we give free a pair of heavy woolen sox* Bring Your Cash to Us If you want to make a good investment. . Whitney block, Eseex. 20 to -10 2 CO 5 73 to 5 75 i 50 8 00 5 00 3 on 550 3 60 9 00 to fiOto 00 to 00 to 9 9 17 11 30 to 30 to 75 to 50 to 8 to 17 11 13 30 no 75 50 10 50 10 II 8 00 26 to ui:<xmi sm iur i,am. Uir Manitoba UovrriuiH-iit Ufa* tM n Ulff < uiitruri (.rain and ^hccne Hlilp- I1K'II*h CiUr lt(>r<>rin. Winnipeg, Oct. 21. The Provincial novornnient hai let tho contract to Whitehead & Co. of Brandon for urnlnlnu; St. Andrew's marsh. The contract calls for 850,000 cubic yards of ditching, by which 101,000 acr-eu of fW'ftmp land will he reclaimed. Of this quantity GT.,000 ncios beloner to the Manitoba Government. Tho coat of i oelamatlon will bo between 75 and hC centa per acre. The C.P.IV. traftlc department iH going In for record-breaking In grain - urrylng thin fall. The highest flgurea of former years have been exceeded hoveral times, but yeaterday'H rocord of 413 cars hi not likely to bo exeooded Thlo aeauon. Manitoba choose shlpmonts aro bo- (Tlnnlng to anume large proportions, an well as grain and live atook exports one city ilrm In tho pout ten day* litis shipped 18,000 pounds to Montreal for export to Kngland, The Winnipeg commlttoo of citizens for devising a scheme of civic reform, havo come to tho conclusion that a. paid oxocutlvo would bo most satis factory. Tho details or tho schem* will be formulated later on. Tho civic health authorltloe* hav* been dovotlng attention to the citizens* milk supply lately, and as a result tome 300 cowa have boon isolated or destroyed. The bank clearings In this city for the past week were Jl.02G.8O3, which Is nearly half a million moro than In the same week a year .ago. A rtulnnrtrr killed on llirvTrActi. Cornwall, Oct. 25, Henrlk Johnson, a Fin lander, was out to ipieces on the G.T.R. wost of here. He had Just ar- ved from Oattenbe'rg and waa en o Saul^Ste. Marie. Hiram Wn lie or A: Sosin ItfarSceiRrporl No. 1 Byo, por buahol .... fiO ,, 1 old Corn .... 15 . 1 Oats .... 20 1 Barley owt 85 2 owfc 75 Tho above prioon aro paid by, n, Walker Bona, Walkervillo, One, Wants* your trade and can give you good value in Half! Hoadquartoru for all school Books, Sohool Supplies, Station ery, Inks, Muoilogo, School Cray on, Blaaicbourk lliuiilien, Pass Books, ote* Every to&ohor, preacher und studout uliould havo one of thoue piLtont Baker's Open- Book Holder. Prioo only 25 cents, G. A. SHERRIN, riiarmaoiat, Hsttsx. The only, permanent euro for ohrouio ontarrb is to th*roughly expel the poison Itoax tho i-yatera by the laitbfal and per. sintent use of Ayer'n hJarsaparilla. This wooderful remedy pioves suooenfol wbeni all other treatment has failed to roliowi! the sufferer. Hardware, Stoves and Farm Implements. Gem and Canadian Aermotor Steel Windmills Are acknowledged LEADERS either *fe Power or Pumping Windmills, $br prices and termfl, address *$*;; THOS. HALFORD, -1- > i i i mm Eaaex, , * Ontario. i Agent for Ease?: County. i ' /rut 2958