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Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), November 1, 1895, p. 4

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t,m RPBH THE PRESS tt: R-" ""* V TO LUCK In buying- your Groceries BUY TUHM OF And you will get" just what you o^der. Goodri Delivered Promptly RFF& GO, ^^Bfesex Free Press. FRIDAY, N0VKNTB13R 1. 1805. w. c. t: u. Huvo wo no Pity? AiiciiDKACOM vxniuu About ton yearn a^o or moral flrnt ho- camo a total abatuiilor l)oduun I wanonni]y convinced that tho UH3 of alcohol v/an not a uoaeHHity, and a [{roat ileal turn? npon that, I BftW, for inatanou, that whole nit tiona had not only lived without it, hut had flouiiuhoil without it. I Haw tho remark able fact that thoro worti hoiuo '20,000 per-' Bona iu England, who, thouqh many of thorn hud'mtidn thomoolvcu inero fnunoln for drink; though thoy had hnon iiccuutom ed to drink from thoir ohildhooiJ; thoutfh roont of thorn hud beon brciipht to priuon, oithcr direotiy or indirectly, through drink, yot tho vory day that thoy enter tho ^utta of a priHon all drink 'war entirely taken from thorn, and yot thoro wan not a Hinglo iriHtunoo on rocord in which any of tliom had iiuffuri'd in cohnc<|uqnce. On tho con trary, men whohuvo ontorod priuon nickly and blighted have beon mar/o compulsory Bobor hy act of parliament, and after a few ir.onr.hu have toft pnoon halo and strong and htarty; and womon .who have beon put into priHon porfeotly horrible and hide out* in thoir lonthapmonoBfl and degrada tion, after a nhort period of deprivation from tho aourco of thoir ruin, left piinon with tho bloom of hf-lrh ui;d ulniobt of boauty. All those proofs and mar ) i>'lit;rn '.inn- vinood mo very Hputiiily lliui i.. with not noooHsary for mo to continue io tench any "that if wo could gt rid of drink wo Hhould almout, totally ^at rid of oriinu, for dtink is tho uamo thinjy ay on mo. But horn is a yioo porfeotly provontnblo Ht.iilUiufi iimon(i uu which productm, uvihi more di-iuily beuauciu more ooutinitouu tUuu war, fuminu and peiitilonco combined : and ypt wo uru no cold, ko neutral, hoIDhIi, inn- moral, mid ("|uii:iiceuti aH to mako noHoriouH or unitud effort, to grapplo with that intol- orablo curao. I appeal to ovory Homnblo and nomutivo heart, to tlua divino f<-olinp;of pity. Do wo not, rnunt wo not, fool pity when wo tnink of tho hundrednand thouoandd of mon who bocomotho yiotiraoof acinar] product which ifl yot potent Giioutdi to dthlroy houIh for whom ChriHt died'.1 Hunt wo not ftiel pity for tho ravu^t'h which an* (>iuia<d hy tliiH deadliest uf all human cui'uohV bo wa not feel pity for tho men whom wo hav:> probably hm.ii and known,, who bccitune of drink arc livnu; in ito pollution and {.joiny to dentin* of biutipbomy, unrt arc pivintf hack to tho God wlio made thorn nothing but tho dual, of their mortal bodioa and tho whip wreck of their immortal houIh? Havti wo no pity for tho thouminda who aro pouring poif-nu into tho rankn of youth un til itfi root bi-comcH uu bittocnenu and ha. blasphemy cornea up an fruit? Ilavo wo no pity fur tho families,-tho huoluiriiiFi, and wivcH on ' whoto hearth- ntonen arc hurnind, bcoaiiHe of drink, tho vory ilrcH of licll ? Have wo no pity for the molhfci'H wlioso hoarta are ront with an^uiBh at the fate of thetio thoir offspring? Mountain Cllmblnir Haw a wouderfuj faRciuution for many moo; And tho higher tlio mountain and the greater npieo of danger about it, tho more anxioUH iatho ordinary man, with any mountain climbing instiuotn whatever; to (jet to tho ton of that mountain. Thoro ih form of alcohol. ' Twhh the Krt:iit philau- ( a[J illt03tieilti"on| [t fiflry. 0UlhUBiaHm. about thropiit and politically wiau Benjamin lt that punboa one on and.QU.-and.roQtQ.tir Friinkliu who used tho' wordn, 'Toiopur- anco putti wood on tho'tiro, meal in tho barrel, flour in the tub, money m the purao, contentment in the Iiouho, and olutheH en the hair mi." Weil, then, coming to theuo concltiuionrt, boleiviii({ that total ab tinonce woulrl tend to flimplioity of life, to health,, to atreutfth of body, to <.It arnoHH of mind, to lfl.jjith nf dayw, I then imw that for me, at any rutef it hocamo a dciiirable tiling to ^ive up al oohoi altogether; and I did ho, tor tooso roaHOna, with perfect gladness, and with- out e ver having fiuffered in conaequotoo of the faot (so much ua oven a single day. Wo havo looked into tho field of history, and from tho day when tint diu^raceful scene took place in the tent of the patri aroh down to the recordu of yeBturday, we ueo that drink has been to the world a cimio intolerable in its extent and intorm- aiaMo in ita maliiim'ty. Wo see that ovon ancient wrHovfl liko LncrctiuH havo dwolt upon tho dreadful degradation ofdrnnlion- ucho. Weoce that tboaneieut nationnliuo the SpartariHhavo dono their very utmont to Have their aonnfrom thin torrihlo soduc tiou. Turning from travels back to Sir tloury Havolcck, aeo how ho piotures the diCferenoo betwoou a Hi'ege whero aoldiuro bad no uogouij to drink and the Bie^o of Lucknow, wbcro thoy bad. Turn; again* to Hir John Kayo's history of the Indian Mutiny arid boo bow, on tho very day aftnr our troopw had ifftioted'u lodgment at Dei- hi, En(?Jand, in oooBoquonoo of tho univor- sal druokeuoBH of tho viotonoua army, was Within an aoo of absolutely louintr linr In- diau Empiro. Turn, a^ain, to Kinglake'H hidtory of tho Crimea, and seo how he paaaeu iu tho history to point out tho faot that British troops wo:e bravo as lioua and gentle un Ohribtiunu until, and only until, they became onos more hablo to the defjra' dutiou that driuk wrought amonyut thom' Shall I ro back three hundred and fifty years and quote ouco mora what Sbuko- paro naid; "O thou invisible npirlt of wino, if we have no other namebv which to call thee, let us oall thee Bevilt" Or need I ^Ive the testimony of ouoof tlia wiaaat jadgoe, Sir Matthow Hula, who Mid that four crimen out of five even iu his day were oommltted by men who had beeu drinbiut? iu tavorus or in ale-houeog? 1 mlfiht quote from the able prelates, the Arohbiihop of York, and tho Bishop of London, both total abitainora, and almost Try liugle judge who sita upon tba bench who have again and Haia borno wtfeneia ed mm-cloH and lunpireB Ua^^iuKoouraco to everlantin^ly keep at ij,^ until tho top ih roaehud and tho coolingzephyrB that fan tho brow of tho mountain cool your own throbbing temples. Amcriuurm havo tlionght that it w.m iiecenaary to ro to Europe, to tho Alpa, to find any full grown mountains to noulo. It's all moonvihino. iHii't 11,000 feet high enough, with glaoiorii, thooo rackod, crack ed oreatureu of ieo and nnow, and oratoro nud tloHuroH and precipices to climb over and round, tho mime as in the Aipa? Yea, ihey are all tight here oIoho at hand, and if you are interested to know whore and how and when, juntnoud your addresfl, and hix eunlH in btampp to Ciuh. S. Fise of tim Northern Fucifio Bailroud, St. Paul, Minn., and ho will send you a book that rooountM a climb up oup of tho grandest peaks of earth, written by tho gentleman whotr.ado tho uneon.t. Tho chapter on this mountain is pro fusely llluHtrated in half tone etouinan taken by a photographer who accompaniod tho party for that purpono. If yon am m- torehtod enough in your own country to desire to know about it a wondorful souuiu foaturoo, you want this honk. NOTICE, "lp HEItR is Impounded in my pound on lot No. I 3H-J.W T. It., in tbn town of Kiuunc, one itla ok mn.ro, with ono white hind foot, ami'otto bay mure. Tho namo wiU ho Hold by jiubllo auo- tioc on tlio ninth day of Novomhor, 1805, atuald pouinl uulouo ttio camo aro roplovlod or re doom oil. I>ntt.i jit Eoaox thlf JJlHt dnv of Ootohfir l^< TllUB. IHWIN, Puundltoupor. BRITAIN MOST ACT. Russia Cannot bo Allowed-to Annex China. SEVEF1AL POWERS AHE INTERESTED .,v^..^,^...v itroua ComuieuU wflbu I/fnillus London Me\*iiumtnr* un tin" iniHa<ir **y ^Vlit:li UtiHMtu hfdiu tt> kt-4;ouir Uuutof uf lit) HUiU4<Uii M lCa*t^i'ii .twin, London, Oct, Zti.~Xlio Pull Mull Qa- zettu printit u luiii; urtmh.' cmumeiUiiiir upon the doHputuh publhihod in Tiie TinnMi Irom Uh Hoiitv Kom; coitj- siium'h'iit, stating1 that u, treaty wus ii'.'Cently coneludud betweon rtui.Mla and China hy the toruigj ol' -which ituiwiu obtaiiiii tlio right or; iLuehorai^u for lict* fleut :.t J'ort Arthur, the njjlit to con struct and npt-rale ruiluuyti and other tidvantajiCH ui1 r.*i:at coiiiiiiorcual valu--'. , T'ho lia^nu ithHunu.n that tills prac tically ineaiifi tliat ILiiM.sia lia; aauox- nd Ohlhu, 11 tho conclunion <f tho truuty In a I'ncL. Ju]>an. the paper < Kays, will certainly ret use to leave' 1'ort Arthur and KiikIuikI will opiunje It to tin- death. Tim treaty uImo moaiiM tho |jit':^-nc(- oi' Itiistiinn war- sdiipu olT Vnncjuiiver ami Wydiuy. Kng- hind rnunt act vi^orotutly and immudl- atcly bntli \>y incuns' ol' ' dlplninacy and. by Kettlnj; her iU-vt ready f<r sua. Tli" (Jlubo, In an article on the same fiuhji.-rt, iiay;t : " Neitiier I':ii;-;land, tin- Uniled H'.aten, Japan, nor (Jermany will isaiictloii a partition of China,.which would virtually render the lJnctllc occun a ^'ranco-lUisj-laii hilte, and. seal the miirketa of China nyalnst their coinmerco." The St. Jnmoii' Cuy.i-tU' nuyn : rt i.-i ohviouH thai if Ku;>la has sipueezed China Into such an UKieeiiiLMii we musL Intervene. War with Jtussla. with all Its risks and possibilities, would be less dlHiiHtrouf! than to allow her, with out striking a blow, to get nuch a nrlp on Chliui. Tlio TlmoB' despatch from Hong IConft. relative to a treaty between Russia and China to.the disadvantage of Knj-dnnd, had no affect on the price of coiihoIh at the Stock ttxchanfjo to day. Of the past few days is a reminder that winter Is near and is HUggogfciva of warm Clothing, give you The Great Question Ifl, whero can we get our wants supplied to the . bcfltndviintngo? We think wo can rive vou The Correct Answer. LOOK AT OUU HUC15H: ifon's Heavy all wool Frie^y TJlNtern.from ttlj,^ Mni/'u Drete, OvneoulH worth fflitlQ tAr'fy *^' lloyH* all-wo(d IiWwy* UlwterB, extra value at 8a,50 Moh'h Hue rlnuhld-br^aHred Pea jiieketH from S-t./iO Men's heaw all wool dcuble-lireiiHtfid Ruitu from 80 iMeu'ii iiml U'jvh' Underwear at roc It bottom prloun Men's Hats in tbn nuwout idiapen juuf/to hand Mun'n Hlioen on tho very latvat liuitti juiit received And whilfl providiuK for tho men and boy a, wo have not forgottou the ladles Wo have extra valneu in IJreini Goodu, Mitntlo Clothe, Fura GIovph Vottta Iloun, Coi-MrtH. HandkerehiofH, etc. blanket*, Bheetinn, Yar'u and FhuiuelK from the Kin^uvillu Woolon iMillii, *^. ^Sfts^' Yours for Bargains, I Washington, Oct. 25. While'nothlnff official can he loarned hi Washington with reference to any allowed nooret trc-iity between HiiKHla and China, It la not dnulileil that soim; i/nderstaiiilioii exists ln'twcen the two countries which will result iu their mutual_adr_. vantage. Kuropean despattjlies of re cent date contained the intclllKcneo that Hu.'-.'la would guarantee the CIiIuchl- indemnity of IIO.OOO.OOO timls, which wilt be paid to .Japan for the lattre'H evaei(iiation of the J-dao Turn? ponlnsula. Those who- are familiar with HiiH.Hlan Btatecraft, say that the CKr'u Government....which br noted for ItH clever li1trip;ulnp; quulltlen, would not so obligate 'itself without a proper 'quid pro quo,' AUCTION SALE 03? - Valuable Freehold Property Situate in tho Township of GoMUiId m the County of JGbhox. UNDIS* AND BY VIKTUK OP TITH POW- or of Halo comalned Iu a oorUIn inortouKo whlah will ho produced on the day of sit] tuorn will bo efferod for sain by public auotlnn on Wednesday, November e, ISOO. at 1:W o'clock p. m. at the Abortlflmi Hotnl, KBaex.tlia folIowlnB vitluabln freehold piroporty: Baat half of the north half of lot ft. In tho 7th con. of the Bttitl To*usli()> of Qouueld, -ontklu- luR SO aorea, mora or long. This Ifl a valu&bla farm in a w*U fMtttloil )o cality. TEkMS AN1> CONDITIONS OF BAI.E: The property will be old iu o'no pircel. sub ject, to & reaerve^bld., Tho puiohaMr bc thA tlma of Bide Bbalt pay teu per cent, of hU pur obaaa monayin OMBb; the tenCa of paymontoi the l>alano# B-Qd all **tber ooBaltiona of aalo will obaaa money in OMBb; the tenCa of payment of the l>alano# and all rtber ooBaltiona of aalo wll~ be made known at the time of ale or. on appll oatton to Mr, John Mltne.ortbe underalgiiud. HOWL AND, ABNOXiDI JkBUIBrOh, Vendor*'SaUoltom, 1W Bay atreet, Toronto. Dated Oofcobvr 7. J8OT. ' . .'I :t ' llr ^(rn.vci- Said i tin b VymvmM >lau- Tim Ihutor ii lEarrlw Mnii-Tiilli at Ot(nui(, Buffalo, Oct. 25. District Attorney Kr-nefeck sulci at noon to-day that he had proof thut the betrayer of Annti ICavnnaturh was Thomas V. White, a mnrried man of I'r.'.scott, Ont, Since the ^li'l wuh ruined, White has been married. "We cannot prosecute him on what we know," sriid .Mr. Kenefeck tlila monilnjr, "ami the only thini? we can hope- Is that the Canadian Government will prosecute htm. "Tho developments show that the Jli'O was pnld ,to Dr. Harper by the lii her.self." Dr. Harper Is said to be: from Barrle, Ont. Mr. H. K. Leacy, of-Cardinal, Ont., and Martin Knvanautrh, a. brother of Anna Kavanauffli, arrived here thl.s afternoon, and left for Cardinal with the remains of the unfortunate young won; an. Ottawa. Oct. ^0 The sad end at Buffalo of M'lsa Kavnnaiurh of Cardinal has caused considerable talk here. In rnnnortioo .vith the fact, that a pocket book containing a card with. " H- 13. Lncey, Cardinal," printed-upon It, was found on the body of the dead woman. It may be stated that Miss Hattlo 10. I.n.pey( of the Posiofllce Department, eomen from Cardinal, and was an in timate friend of Mlsn Kavanauph. which accounts for one of MIhs r.acey'.a eards being in the lattor's possesalor.- Mian T.acey \vi\n at her of lice to-day. Miss Lacey knows more about tho re cent movements of her dead friend than.she cares to tell. Miss Kavan* nufXh was here last Sunday, and she and Miss "Laccy dined together at the Windsor Hotel. Miss Kavnnaue;h left for Toronto on Sunday night, proceed- Injr, it is stated, to Buffalo on Mon day afternoon. Jlnrlhornifirli CEoyally Btntfrlnliinl. New York, Oct. 25, The Duke of Marlborouph was royally en tertained by James T_. Kornoehan and the Mciidowbrook Hunt Club yea- terday. At, 3..10 p.m. the Bt;>.rt was made from the club hoiir-e, with about 20 hunters In '.he saddle. Th D'ike was In second at tlie di-nth. It bclno: a close'contort between "Sn.-my Hlt'-h- cock, Iho.Dukc anrl-Klnsdcy Majjowan 'I'ruile In 4'aiiiiitu. New Vork,. Oct. 2f. Ilyndr'treet'a Eayw : At Montreal ten tic In dry t,-oods and clothing Is equal to the aver'aire at thla season. The city of Quebec reporto a tdiji'lit train In general" Jlnew with uflHkr eolluctioiiB. Business hi ^K;;htly Improved in Toronto, the weather hav- Inn stimulated demand. Trade lit also Improved at Hullfnx, where collections are equal to expectation. At.St. John's Ni'ld., the price of IIhIi has advanced, whlI6 in New Brunfiwlclc the outlook. In-for only an average cut of lumber.' Ituiruu Ciinatlliiu fitniik r l:U New York, Oct. 25. Counterfeit bllla representlnu'sevenil thousands of Can adian dollars were selzod ycHtercbiy af ternoon In the cellar under the saloon of TrimII Dyltort, In ColumbuH-avenue. Tho blllii were of $1, %2, $3, $5, $1U and $20 denomlnatloiiH, and bore fnl^e mnrlcH.of tho National Bunk of To ronto, Ont. Mtit^juK of Wntfrftird"* Htil^tdo- Dublin, Oct. 5. An inquest was held to-day Into, tho circuuiHtanccn of the death of John Henry de la.Poor BeruBford, fifth Marquis of Waterford, who died at his residence, Curra^n- moro House, "Waterford, on WedneH- day last from tho ffocta of a self-ln-. mated bullet wound. The jury re turned--a verdict . that the I'iarqu.y killed himself while temipprarlly in- anno- . ..,"' A. Hitler In UUftUrM Tronhlf , St. Thomas, Oct. 2B. K. H, Klllln(?a- , worth of S:. Thomas, proprietor of the XDTTSTBTJLIX BliOOB:. ESSEX MUNICIPAL COUNCILS. Rt.. Joachim, Oct. a fith, 1H0C Council motn[B~"pBr~FRljouniuuni, all the _membtii-H proocnt. Minuteii rend and oun- firmed. By-law No. 307/ nuthoriKiufi tho tro:umr- er to pny Tilbury Wehtfllilf), Hoohentor's iiharo toward repairing the towiilino drain* vfrao road novorul titnoa and puHftod. Johu Watui notiilod Hie eounoil that bo would hold them liable for dauuie.CN done by wntor croHHin^ the road in front of hm plaob. SyLyootVp and Dewhirat; that Mr. Wiloox bo iippointod to look into Mr. Wain,' com plaint with power to act. Curried. Tho clerk prououtod Wm roport re Geort'o Buoliun uu'h claim for work on 7th con. road, Tho clerk found that no contract bad been civon to Mr. Buchanan. Mr. S. J. fimith boing preBent, oiatcd that tho ooutraot wun awarded to him, and had Hub'-Iot ii part of it) to Mr. Buchanan, ueroRH lotn 20 mid Hi). Smith had dono work uoroim lot -;8. Tlio clerk alno pronented it report en monies expended on Tilbury North town. lino. ATeHsrs. Wiloox nud Sylvestre repoi Led that thoy had examined Thomaa Mitthor'n caHO of dumu^eH to a horso through dofeo- tivo bndt;o, Thoy reoommond that Mr.1 MiitherH ho re-imburnod for kmo of time, but to rccoive uo darau^o for liorue injur ed, oo Biimo'liafi recovered. Losti of timo amoutilH to S95. Dowhir.it and Ludouoeur, that Thomua Matbern receivw 825 in full for Ions of timo aB per roport of Moaara. W:loox and Sylveb- t"e* Carried. The treasurer proKootodhto report, which nhowH reoeipto to dato to amount to9-l,22S--1 *lfi; expeudituren, 52,fJ02.03; duo on debon-' 1 urou, 81.O7fi.O0; duo for hoIiooIh, 57180; oliecltH ifinued not paid. SIC, milking a total of 84,02-1.81; balanco for tjonoral oxpetiHea- 919B,fi5. Mr. Keating oomplaino that, the north ditch on Gofrfiold townlino in inimfiieient t)i carry tlio watorii, and reoomuiHtidfi put- inu. a culvert aoroan the road, ho that tho watoro run into,the Graham drain. Wilcox and QylvflHtre, that Dowhirofc bo empowered to plaoo iu culvert. Carried. A petition waa prcaentod from VV. A. Mariolo aidting for a ditoh to bo conetrnctud from tho townlino to Silver Creek on oanb aide of 7th oouaoanion. Ladoueour and Bylvoatro, that Mr. JJuw- hirot b& iippointod to otako out ditch on 7th oonooBaion, and an hoou an the pe'dtiouorn havo flniflhod their Bharo, tlieuumniiuHiouer ib authorized tp Hell the townnhip'u uhare. Carried. A potnion wan road from Frank Hotian nnd many othnrn. opUln^ that a new roul be opouod tvom the Middlu Ito.td to Alaldeu Itoad in lino with the Hnuaamb Station road. I1'. T. Miller (javo notice thatif tho ooun- oil did not repair Moiuon drain, he would hold thorn rouponuihlo for damauon. Ladouoeur and Sylvtmtro. thufc J. Dew- hirHt ha oommiuaionor to have Moidon eretik oloauod, thocout nob to exoeed $50 Ctir. ' Deniw Marentotto was appointed oolluotor at a salary of 8120. K. V. Deculro, 10, ooliftn for indiMont; O, Olark, 9i:i, printing; and advortiuiug; 8, J. Smith. N8, oloarinK 7th oououfleiou road, 1B02; XboH. Matbera, 'J5,.Iohr of timo by hla homo falling through bridge; E. Beii- tlIot.9l.B5, uailu, eto.; M. 0. H 320, cravel for South Wood1*n; V. T. Miliar, 75 oente, taking Htump off road; M. Byrne, 810, equu Sale For November and December. BIj GOODS lizintf Hohool neotiouH and Beleotinfi ]urorn; S Duohurine.-lfB.OR.Ktumpi and Btationery; 8. Duoharmo, |3.flO,. trip to Sandwich ro townwbtp boiincus; 8, Duobarme, ^2, bh- itotmg jurorn. : ' ',:',. Council adjoarntd to l)eo. IBth, t St. '" ' ' KViVrid mills. haj aeiliraed. rN-v: ;!*: \T\^ Vi ,>."* ' 7 Cheaper than the cheapest.. .. / DRESS-GOODS Black boliei worth 90c for 65c; Chevron Suitings worth 40c" for 25c; wool Serges worth 40c all shades; storm serges worth 40c for 25c; snow flake Tweeds 42c for 30c; our 35e line of plaids lor 25c; Henrietta-worth 50c for S7|oj_Tweeds both in foreign and Oanndiim makes awny down helow~allV Having boiight*a lot of panting at a very low price we are giving the public the benefit, worth $7 for $5 and '$6.60, made to order. Call and see before purchasing. READY-MADE CLOTHING- Overcoats worth $8 and $9 for $5.75 . Men's suits worth 9 00 and 10 00 for 6 00 u 10 00 12 00 \ 8 00 " .12 CO 15 00 10 00 Shirtings heavy makes for 10c yard , HATS AND CAPS Hats worth I 50 and 'a 00 xbr 25c and 50c. This is genuine. Caps worth 75c and 1 00 for 60c and as low as 25c. GLOVES 50c, 60c, 75c, 1 00 all worth 15 per cent more. "Underwear from 40c a suit up; all wool at 90c, BOOTS and HHOKS we handle nothing but the beet goods at the lowest prices Ladies' kid worth 2 00 for 1 25- 2 5.0 for 1 40, Long Boots always the cheapest. cailWd see for yourselves and we will convince you that this' is JtSS cheapest place in.the west, " ' Groceries fresh and the cheapest. ' *. ) J. i. FM Vance's Old Stand, Eseex, =j; I"imoorn lo you wani hiiotiey at 5J por i m O 1 cent.? If ho writj A. G. Bukor, Iieahnititf. ^ OlHOKOra ' ton, Ont. Terrao of payment of principal to suit borrowers. SUrk's Powdera. oao|i pacrfcagft;:rjfj^ll|[oh ooutaiua two preparatiiniB, one in a round wooden box, the oovop of wbioh forma a me'ahttra for ono .doHo/au immediate relief for ooHtivoDflRH. Siok Hoadaoba uud Storo- Koh, also Neuralgia and all kindtt of ciervf oaapaiwB, and anofchLr in qapHuW, (from to of ono ia an ordinary doae) which acta on the bowels, liverf and etoroaoh forming auever failing pojjfoot treatment for all head and Btomnob complaints, They do not. as 'moat pills fed ao many other medi- oluea do, lOHo^flil^elfoot, or produce after .bM'il tf\ m*tltoi0 - "* ' . To moot the wiuhos of their pUKtomorB, Tho Goo. B. Tuckett * Son Co., Lta.. Hatniltob, On*., have placed upon the market '.!...'. i . n 1" J .'V.I A Combination Plupjof ..u. smok)ng:t6baccq f in^ the consumer one 20!" lv' " or a 10 coit piece, or a 0 coni pieW. of. thlfciooM^^^f ^ HHHBiBSiHSHmlH^

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