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Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), November 1, 1895, p. 3

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'^-PlsllSi' From The Entrant). We here present a letter ponnod by Boniewhat thoughtful writer. Let tho boy[ and -mria-of the entrance and -public school leaving elaasea throw the mutter into proper form and compare their arrange ment of it with that of ours, which will be given in our next iaauo. The ox?r" cise is (rivon chiefly to tost tho pupil a knowledge of the arrangement of a busi ness letter. Oct. the *5- Klnw. On'- Dea* Mr, SiiAWANit Einorr, Toronto, About six mouths ago John Adams, a con of my neifdibn* left her* to itttcncl your business college, the other' day he came home with his diploma and yatttdny told me that ho had secured n situation In Hmilford nKbookkeeper for Harris; of that city. He also told reiC that your school ha excellent teachefs and does find-class work. I have been thinking lately of Howling my hoy to Kchool and if your terms are satisfactory I think I'll let him try your college. Do you guarantee situations to those who attend your school, I was told not long ago that there in n school in Chicago ill that promisea to secure a situation for everyslud- ntwho graduates from the school. Whit does boatd cost ix week in your city, and about what would the whole site months course cost my hoy. By wVin\Z me tnc information asked for you will c jnfer a favor On yours, ns ever Jacob Thompson, Elom Ont. E fiiSSKX FFEE PRESS ,..1,:,- "'~'^WTr'^ . .. "'jS# TEMPEEANOE AND PHYSIOLOGY ANBWKURI) IN OOIt NEXT. 1. Sfcaio which of tho four classes of eatiential Soodn is bout represented in each'of tho following fooda : (a) wheat bread ; (b) cream ; (o) akinimod milk ; (d) loan meat; (o) Halt 3. Whiit dineose of tho liver is bodio- tinum ascribed to tho oxceaaivo u&o of al coholic Rtimulnntfl ? Dosoribe tho ex ternal appoaraticG of tho liver whou af fected by this diBoaao. 8. \VWi beef ia oaton which of tho digestive ftnidfi ifl principally coucornoct in digORtinfr or dianolviug it. . 4, Give three directions for proHcrv- ing the tooth. 6. ] What is jnoant by tho function of an organ? <J, Narao in order, commencing with the mouth, the partn of tho alimentary oanal. 7. State the difference, in form and use, of tho inoibobb, and tho 'holabh. 8. What oflbofc hafl alcohol upon tho gastric glands and tho gnatriu juicas ? fl, What effect ban tho proooueo of al cohol in largo quantities in tho stomach, on the lining membrano of that organ y 10, What ifl tho oftlco of tho epiglottis? Trenchers' Institute. A tiioothig of tho South Bun ex Tnaohoro' Institute'Will bo bold in Eyuex Hij*h Jciiool, on Thursday find Friday, Novem ber 7th and 8th, 18<J5. Tho Brut aohoion opone at 10:30 a. m. Tho 'programmo Uubjout to rearrange- tuout,] will bo about ao follows : 1. BuHinoHH-olf-'ctioti of oflicorH, troahur- er'a report, etc. 2. How to touch decimal fraotioun to bocinnorH. Mr. CJ-ooi'^u Putirne. 3. How to teach geography, to be^ir,- uoro. Mr. .1, C. Copohmd. 4. How to tionuro expn-iimvo reuding. Mr. W. C. Dainty. d. The teaclier m tho hcIiooI. Mr. C. CraPRWollor, U. A. tl How to touch uhub of puftiaip'oH. Mr.F Voaden, 7. A conception of njuutal growth. D , A. Maxwell, ' 8. Bohuol - munu^oment. Mr J W Smith. i). Litorattire. D A Maxwol], . Oa Thursday aviminft at 7:30 thoro will bo a lecture by Hev. Morgan Wood, of Potrojt. Tho fiubjuct ih uot yot announced. we nil nutl NorvoiiH Pedonl^d tho condition of thousands of pooplo at fchiu sounon. Xboy have no appo- tito, aud ; o-innnt sleep and com- plain of the prostratiug otfuot of war- mor weatbor. This condition may bo reru- edioiloy EIco.I'h Sirrtapanlia.wliiub croateH anappotitc and .ton.cfl-upu.ll tho orfiauo lb givoa fiood health by making the fclood pure. ^iiortyourncys on n Lohj; Itond .JjL-thu charuutoriMic title of u profusoiy il- luatratcd boblc containing over one hundred pa'gaa of oharminKly wntUin doooriptiono of Huenmcr rosortjiin tho country north and wost of Chicago. Tho reading raattor w uow, tbo illuGtratioini are now, .und tho in- formatfotj therein .will bo now to almoot ovoryona. A copy of "Short .loarneyt oo a Long Boad" wit] bo noufc freo to anyone who will enoIoBo top contB-(to pay poHtage} to Gito H, HKAv-yoLit; Goncral PuBHengor A^ent Obiau^o, MiJwaukoo & fit. Paul IUiJway, Chicago. III. Worthy Vour Coutl!ono, T'liGfluoooHH of: Hood's Saraparilla m on- quoring ecrofulain whatever ivay it tnuy mauifent itself iHvouohod for by tlioiumudu who were Heveroly uffiotod by this preval ent diaenKO. hut who now rejoice ovtr a permanent cure by Hood's Harsupiuilla, ^.!.- Scrofula may appear us a. humor, or it J'V;.may"attack the glanda of the neck, or " break ont in dreadful running Bores on the mp&i body or Hmbfl, Attacking the muooos mem- ^ v', braue, it may develop into oatarh or lodg- |$@j;iin(it *D"tij* Iubrb lead to consumption. Come aa.it may a faitbfal eooare, of treatment^ With Hdod'a Sareaparilla will overooms it foe working upon the foundation of all div, eaa*; lmpar* blwd; t(io fcyfynqi w clarified hr.-11 i - and' vltaliMd, and1 vigor, strength and health reitored to the body, To tho, Late Chieftain, Sir John . Macdonald- 7000 PEOPLE SEE IT UNVEILED. In The air was chilly and not itultublc for1 creat ing enthuslartm, but, noverlheleHM ocwiaion whb full ofltiteroHt. When Sir Macketr/io lUwoll unveil ed the statue A HatW-ry Hwd a s-alutc of 18 i^"n and the Unloil Jook wart run up to the top-of * llafjpale 4idjauent to tho statu*.-. Great *pirtu.u was arouiied iw the draped (lajr wu drawn from ubout the familiar Hgurc. air Mackenzie JloweH'w uddresfl wau (MiloglHtlc of-the jrreftt leader. Hon. Dr. MontnKiie made iin ,-6io- iiuent speech, pnylnjf the w^1!^ iiibutoH to tho memory of the dean chlertahi. He recounted tho many public acts which would be roconleu In Canadian history which were due to the late Sir John Macdoimld, and concluded with the following wordH: Canada, conntltutod .and situated as It Is, will ever have Its dinleuiuea, but Jf tho example-of Its moHt lllutt- trloim son be followed, theHCr dlOicul- tlcs will but hcivc to cement In bonds of closer union and more endearing affection It"'- provinces, Us nationali ties und Us creeds. In the presence of that utatue. sir, upon which the artist has chiselled po well the features of him we loved, at a sinot so near to.that hallowed spot where his ashes rest In peace, let us, nnillated with whatever party, corn- nlg from whatever section of the Do minion, worshlpnlK at whatever shrine; write upon our hearts here to-day these words that were the watchwords of his life: "Canada and the Kmplrc. LL-Gov. Klrkpatrlek spoke of Sir John's early career nd a parliament arian and the affection felt for him by all classes In. Klnffstoii. Hon. G. IC. Foster created enthusi asm as he pictured tbe patriotism of the statesman, IiIh loyalty to the Bri tish Empire, and his proflp of the needs of the country. He pictured In vivid language the Canada of the future, still abiding under ttrltlnh sov ereignty. Hon. G. W. Ross of Toronto was hrard with delight, as with charming language and Inspiring voice he re viewed Sir John-In-tlie light of his tory^ He bad taken part in the set tlement of many troublous questions, and his geniality, bis love of paternal ism and bis appropriation of senti- mentallsm were all generously treat ed. Thunders of applause were creat ed as he declared that Sir John was not a lover of Hrllltth connection be cause of tbe rewards received, but In stinct and judgment were tbe inspira tions that made him a loyal, devot ed and unswerving supporter of Hri- tish connection. Senator Sullivan was brief and witty. Then came tho transferal of tho statue frnm the committee to tbe city, and its acceptance by the Mayor, and at 5 o'clock the gathering dispersed. with isoi vu:i> uou.mt.ui'.N In.I a Ituml of .lliixle im<! IDUlHialoaiti Wo Mr. I.niirlci*ni;ci'lve<l at I'Jmlra YrKti'rdiiV Elm Ira, Ont.. Oct. 23. The Hon. WH- frld Laurler and parly, iicmmpaniod by a large number of L bouils ni: Ber lin and Waterloo, arrlvud bore Irom Gait on tbe noon train. They wen- met at tbe .station by u "lar^e eroA"J of both LiboralH and Connorvativef?, Ihcludnls tbe village co'um-il. Ah soon as AI. Laurior stopped on th. station platform, Air. A. H. F.'ih. r.-eve, pre sented him with an address from tbo council. A proe.*;:Hlun wan then form ed, riders on horseback taking the load, followed by the .EIiiiImi bard, then tbo village council, followe I by Mr. laurler and parly In can lag.*s, to the O'Donnell Huns*', wl er*j :i re ception and banquet wr.'Ve. given. At 2,:t0, the hall btdrtg well filled, Dr. Hilteyet, vlco-proHldent of .the North Waterloo 'Reform. Association, tool; the chair and railed -on Mr. I. 10. llow- man, M.P., who spoke very briefly. Then Mr. E. W. B. Snider, th Re form candidate was culled on to speak and on rising; two little girls, Giaifo Krb and Viola I-iu-khardt, presented him with a beautiful bouquet. . The same little girls also pre.-u;iited a bou quet, and Mr. A. Warner of Klmlra, read an uddr'-ss to Mr. Laurler, who delivered an eloquent address. Mr. Tarte, M.r*.;, Mr. James Greeves, M.P.; Andrew Sample, M.P., and Mr, James. Sutherland, M P., and Mother spoalters Tho addresses were listened to with tbe groat ont attention and enthusiasm. A larsre number of ladies wore seated on tho platform. The meeting closed with three cheers for tho Queen and , three for Mr. Laurler. NKV.IOI MM, l\I> k4MNi>.tI,tt. Breach In the Covcriiniriil KtmiUn M'MIrn* Int: - .1 Now Trtmlilo. St. John's, Nfld., Oct. 2'A.~In the flr.it of the smuggling oases to.be called, Mr. Marine, oouji.sel ior tlic defence, ob tained a writ of prohibition from tho Supreme Court restraining- the-magis trate before whom the case was brought from dealing with It until the legal points raised by Mr. Morine, to the effect that the proceedings were Invalidated by defects in the law, shall have ben decided. The breach In tho Government.ranlca Is widening. The Board of Revenue Insists upon being permitted to dispose of the smuggling cases. The Telegram, tbe Government organ, admits that at tempts have been made to quash tho procedlngfl and prevent the law from taking Its course, hut threatens that public opinion will compel the Crown omoero to discharge their obligations Another scandal has arisen, from the creation by tho Government of another new onlce, that of Inspector of Lumber Mills, for ono of tliotr members, In di rect opposition to tho retrenchment policy. "" Vi,ttlli.MKXV TO MUKV JAN, I HEEP SHIPMENTS Greater Than Ever at Montreal Last Week. -------- HEABLY "21500 SEW. FORWARD. *lr NarLenilo B*wll ValUd * *r- Whirls nrepprd (bt. Well-Hp** by Vtt*w MMla'ui^ *" * Tribute Kingston. Oct. .-Auout, 7000 at-" Knded' the unveiling ceremonies the olty'.parlc thlit afternoon. " . - -or cr( the Many Ilor** * ! -CaUlv Alia Tor ttar OIrt Cnulr/- Clnl !oilrln Iti <liirl>e tJntlrr ikin New C'rltiitutt) <><lo- Vnl<Mi Kw Nole* frr.im thr. Coninmrrlnl Metropolis. Montreal, Oct. 27. There wr^ more shotiP Bhipiuid Ust week from tho port of Montreal than during: any.provloua week in .th* history of the' port. A loading rthlppr win* asked If It vbh heeanse priati were high, and he rc piled that although prices were tfood earlier In the ueanon, the tlgure.s were not now very high and that tho Meerot of the present heavy uhipmewtH vin- found in tho iact that there wim> k great many sheep In the oouuiry nnA they had to be got rid of. The iol- lowing arc the live ftoelc ilguren up to Saturday : , Horses. Cattle. Sh<'er>. i.yclu, for Uriitol.. 101 MW .jeotiiu for London.. 183 . 1U1 Numldlan. for Liver pool.............. C f.27 10T7 Scotsman, for Liver pool. ............. 7iS r/i'o AsHayo, lor London. ?r. liim .,M > XaiUo I turon.for Liver . pool.............. in :iC2 IMK 'iborlnn.for Glagow :ir.9 L'r,2 Afontmoj-e, for Liver- 108 337 Warwlclc, for GIa- 29S AU Etolla. fo-r Hrfstol . 1S1 2WJ Merrl m nc, for Lon- 7f -(GO 257S Total............ ;t7.ri URSfl 21/OE One of tbe flrBt cn^es of th; kind Tn Quobec under the new law ha;; been tried In Sherbrooke and Judge Archi bald sent one Clarke to the .penitenti ary for having alleged that he enclos ed a ?.)00 bill in a letter and sent Hie same to the Eastern Townships Bank. Clarke was arivsted .under the author ity of act 301, chapter 21) of the new criminal law. Sir William Van Homo, V. C. Clarke. C.R, of Mew York, and General Man ager Clounton, of the Bank of Mont real, arrived back to-day from tbo west. Thoy report buslneso on. .the up ward trend, and Mr. Clarke unyn tho Canadian Pacific ie by far the. finest of the trans-eontlnontnl roads*. In npnnklnpr of Oeneral Manager Hays. HIr William Van Homo said : " I have known Mr. Hays for U'J years, and I ennslder him one of the brightest -rail way men in the United States. ' The Oram! Trunk could not have made n better selection." mil ii raou < iiioitoi osmi. rirr Ji^ i.uas !Au4 Aruiodlal l-CBUlntloii to bo lulro- dnecd~8p Kalil llo. Mr. Oalut In Slontriial, Montreal, Oct.24. Hon. J/.A.. Oulmet mado rather dn important speech her* this evening lu'.'Whicl^h^tjUiUmated that the Domir^l^tf^itarne^^iM bp called to """ " eiid thatD bb IntriftfCced. ,--. ^^_______.....----- __,-, dhlBhi the' riffbUiot ;tti:minorityr <i ^ ta^t,a f* 6rea.by tjie cen^tHuUbn* , {p *D l^vwi'v^^'+'r'. ,"i '"' "v""^ l.yl l. .' .. y.-wk. face an*] arm in- Ilniiilltmi <;irl I'o'itnl Head In ltrI .11 ^n lluvt in th* Iuiiik I. Hamilton, Oct. 27. Maud Held. 20 years oi age, was found dead in her bed on Friday evening and a bottle of chloroform was found In the lied, about two-thirds of which had been used. It was learned that the girl had been in the habit of using chloroform and bad bought ion cents' worth tho evening previous. The drug was taken to alleviate pain arising from tooth- i.eho. An inquest was not thought ni'Lossary. Another accident took place at the T., II. and II. i uii no! mi Saturday morning, in which live men were more or loss seriously Injured, and fifty others had a very narrow oscnpe, Shortly before Id o'clock the big bucket that runs alonj;. the cable was being raised to the surface, when It caught one of tbo .shoring supports, and with out a moment's wnrnlivr the big timb ers crashed down upon the men. '11..., .ambulance was summoned and throe of tbe Injured men,John O'Brien. Marry Jenkins and John "Stremblo were taken to fit. Joseph's Hospital. O'Brien had his back badly injured and received bruises about the and head. Stremblo had bis ankb- broken was cut about the head and nose. James Anderson had bis rlrht broken and his face bruised, Thomas Knight received slight Juries to his face and head. Robert Smith was taken to bis homo with bis right log, shoulder and back injured. A. man named William .Mitohc-il was taken from under the heap of timber without, the slightest injury. 'itca: *airu;ti union auaiv. *lJi2ciiH-Hl Th.'ii UK Urollirr Mny Kecrlvi- lint Moitirem <'<>U('rfoi-|ii[> j;r. VMilifs tKJtinti, Montreal. Oct, L'7. It Is stated her., in eiroles that mo almust seml-oillclal that an uttemjit Is being made to'T.i- dnoo Lieut.-Covernor Chaphau <> again, give his servioos to the Ottawa AM;ilfc!try. and that one of the promises held out to the (hivernor- Is the colluc- tor.dii]> of customs for uIs Honor's brother, Major St. Ongo Cluipleau. There is nothing new regarding Mr. R. S. White's attitude, except that it Is. reported his course Is approved or by Hon. N. C. Wnllaoo, and that the latter thinks the Oovernnumt's refusal to open OmhvoH aw a slight upon th* ComjUroller. a gentleman from Ot< tau'a tub! the correspondent last even ing that be had seen Hon. Mr. Wallace and the lmpreHu'lo'n was that the Coinp- troller had fully n.^ured'Hlr Mackomdo Powell that, Cnrdwell would bo all right If Mr. White were mado collector. Another gentleman snw the Premier yesterday and was told that Mr. White would yet bo appointed, but It Ih thought the offer ir made now would bo refused. itnyoMut lo'Mccet t:\tt. A niirliwnj'mnn bolm u H.ady Near Cl;u\vn ot Ywf'tifv M4tllio*4 Ottawa, Oct. 37. Mrs. Bridget Sehnri iviia held up at TCugleson'M Coroners, about ten miles from hero on Satur day evening, a silo wtiz- returning from market. The' highwayman em-" phalaod hlu demand for Mrs. ^ehnrfH money by thruetlng the mUKXle of n revolver to her ear. The Woman j?ava up her purse contalnlnff'somethln^ over $20. '. CallabanV tail Jump . PoUffhkcepslo, N,Y., Oct. 27. Patrick JEClnp Callabttn- more familiarly known tut "Klnff" Callahan, the professional bridge jumper.leaped from the Pough- , ktepsle bridge Into the Hudson Klver.* fllfltajice of 2U feet, at an early hmw ^^morriintf.iHedied tp-rtlghtJ ' ^ Unirr pebaal fr Huilha. uL,'Ooi 28. The eht school rifUK,' OiUHOH DIRSCTORY Mthoiiit. Dr.- Taioo, Partor. Barrwa vary Huoday at 11a.m. ana 7 p, m. 8abaw School at a^O p. in. 0. B. NTtor, flaparintaiul- nt of aobool. Bpnoitli I**4uor>T+jr>ttntomxH Tqoiday aveolsg at 8 o'oloak. dn--l p^ * iioetinBOijThurd*yvanln. }j .,, *l Emolami> Ro-r. AXjBoTerly, la Buai; Dh/inawrrloa OstmcK o oumbeut, St. Paala, ovory bands-y at 7 oclook, p m BundAy J3a|S66:!E 10 a. mrrt*riiiltv Uharoh. No^tb Bldv -DlvW:erv|beAvery.Bimday ajl P- ud.: Baa d4y Bohoof at l.46p. m- TUo pdOU&i aro oor- dlally invited. CANCER ON THE LIP CURED BY t9 Sarsa- parilla *'I oonnultod <ioflt.or* who prescribed for hie, tint to no puruom?, I BUlioiod liuijoiny miven long years, lilmdly, 1 began taking .AyrrV BiimaiMirlllii. In a week or two I imtlct'd u decided Improvement. liiwoiir- ngeJ by thin result, I persevered, until In a month ur ho the 'wore bepuh to hoal, ami, iiftermintf tho Himmiarllla for alx mantlw, tlifi V.ifit trace of the otinpftrdiHapiward." "iUMHtf.K. Nronoi.HON, laoreucevlHo, N. II. r'si^Sarsaparilla Adralttod at tho World'a gab*. AYJSXt'X J'JTXXS Meutllate iha JloxticU* TH** Trrrli>vy U nHlHltr. Washington, Oct. 24. Dr. KpalKht. Vice-Conpul of the United States at Georgetown, Mritlsh Guiana, now In the city, to a reporter made an empha tic denial of the newspaper reports that he wan summoned hero? for a conference with fltato Department of- ficlalu In regard to Venezuelan affalra Dr. Bpaitfht characterized the report an nn "entire fabrication without a shadow of foundation." Dr. Spa Iff lit has one of tho mains showing the boundary between Guiana and Venezuela, proposed before the ytar U'OO. Thl.T-vvnTp-bs~rare;-only a~ few copies being In. existence. Dr Bpalght' lH_urufruTd as sayTni? that this map proven the territory where gold .haH been found to be 'English soil and he Is further fiuotf-d an unylng that Venezuela never claimed It until gold was discovered and that tho United States (.ioTernmont will malto a tnlfi- tnlco If it endeavors to nosn-rt the >fen- roe dootriji". Yaitliri* 4'<Hilrar(r>- ^hul Out Washington,' Oct. 2-1. Lieut.-Com- mandor PowleH. tlie naval attache of. the United .fitiNies ombossy In .London, has Informed tho Navy Department tliiLt tbe Hoyal .School of Naval Ar chitecture at Greenwich will hereafter decline to recoive any conwtnmlorH of the United States navy. No reason for this action Is usnlgned. Cnnailhui ilor<"i vt-ui rin-np tn Londou, London, Oct. ^1--S<vei om: of 25 Canadiun horres <f;'rr*d for wale at Aldrblge's lei-oiitory to-d:iy averaged '.:G e;ulnoas each. Owing to the immense number of Canadian hereof; lately im ported and placed upon the m trkot, (lie demund was weak and (he prices consequently poor! i'<ir"llf'i Mnt l*l'*. I'ltiur. Trade remains quiet and pikes are fcii'mly. i>tmlgliL rulliM'H lire ipiutfil m ^.'t.io n> ya.i", 'i'oii.nto .'reiglitn. Mruii- .Miirk<t i:> >..i.i-t, llrait uiicliniigod at SI I.on, 'J'uihmiik iVfijdit. Stiurts, $11 to sir..r>iJ. Wilful The unu'ket lis very tinu, the de- jiiand being yood for Ontario wlu-ai! Sales of red whiter art- reimrtcd outside went at (itio, ami wlilii- at use nit the Northern. TlieiT woio miles til' No. 1 M.tnil u.:i hard tit UHu to 70l\ Toruiito freight, aint at U5e at Midland. 1'eah Tlio ltuirhot In vory iinn, wiili hiiIch uorih and west, al Z'h:. Oatri-rThe ninrlaa Is jjtendy. with a fair ilciiiniid. Sitk'rf nt --c oinsble for mixed. ;il U.'fu for wlilte oa U.T.H., and iit Jle oil Ni'rihL'rn. ('urn A sali- Is reported to arrive at 12c. Hurley with prlcm h-triul.v. No. 1 l ipiott'tl nt -l-e to Kir. Kent kirley told uutfddi- ut IHJc. and Nu, 2 at lluekwheat The laiirUel i>* steady, with Mib-H ont.sldi' on Northern ul ffic. ityi.'--The demand Ih ftilr. with siilen out- >iile ut 1."l'. (Ja tinea l Ku id ni'SH quiet.- with prlceit niiclinnged at 511.10 on trnelr. CuiiiiuIukIoii prlui'K; Untter. eliolre tub 10c tn I7f : halter!!'. So to ll!e ; pinnui rollH. Ifce to liOu ; lui'KO. rollH, IIJo to lTie ; .tcjiiii- ery tub at 'JOe to 201.^:, mid lolls at L'lie to 'S'.e. Kggn are hrm nt lfi'/je to I do jicr doz. fnr- eold titoriige hi eUhe UiIm, iiui] at IHe in li(ti: for Hinnll IoIh of .fresh. I'liuese' f tendy ill: S'-'ii: to !le. PaaBBTranuv.-W.M.lB'lemln*, Pastor;fiar- vioaa on tiabbatb at 11. m.' e.hil'1.80 y. m Bab- bath Bebool at'2:B0p. m. I'ravor mietlDRand Postor'a bible alaa oa Taenday at7.30 p. M- Social Uolon on Wsdneudav at H.H p. ' r wgrr w. t. IB1UBR OT MABAUOB IP &ihaiMh fl)k.r ^mfyQ^*m. Slim fffi^mi^f&a a & p. jS^ft *r, i D. BKAUAN. lamer oi Marriaoa Lloanwa Inaaraoaa' afi*. J al TALBOT BTBIBT, SWOB V' UNDERTAKING. riiVTMME .EL Cadertak*r aud . DeaUw., OaisVaa, home wd laotovy f jm |l to 1%. Ut!0,Op*- n UA*TiaT (jHunon, KtiV.M. V. Campbell, Paa- tor. HorvJoBB ouoil Babbath at 11 a. ID. and 7 p.m. Prayo.aioutbiKou WotluoBtlay avouluu ut 8 o'clock, Heatlfroe. All ate cijrdlttllv wol- coined, i ' faator. Heii:o*. ^ji other; 0uo(la.y t ' m. RnDd*y ribbo'olat UVXm. Hims-roNU. IIItili nmia ipd Bormon at 10,BO n. m,, outooblmii utU V.m., I^P.thnu at_U t. ni VQueir0aud OeDedlotion at 7 ID. 0. K. Uu- iod. Hakamtidn CAiikir. t. II. Halviitiou mootitiud on W and BundAV evoniiijpe Froe ovoninu aljd Up.in, famiday; __ ____ ______ , for ahrlatlauHf'rliliiy evening audi 11 u. in. Him/ day; Kueu Drill 7 u^ui, ^evory Hunday, All^are Welcome. Gap tain, day y, tiatur no as meotlngV E JLEOAIU A. WIHMKIl, hai-rlaUr, HoIIolLnr, Metm omoei, i>ui <-iv * pnbllo &a, Money to loan, tan Ulock, up-Btahd, Kuhox. Y ti. I'MTEKH Ban-later, Solicitor, Nota) 'I I'ubllo iJoiioy to IiOau. Oilloo ovi HtrutborH* llank. Kubox Oeutre. OLAKKK, HABTIiBT & BAHTL13T, l/arrii t.irn, ota. Oflicieif, Mtulbury Uluck, Wiudac I'rlyato tuihIk to lorui. A. II. CLIIMK.Ij. h. 11. N. A. UA.UTl.Krr A. H. lUniXUV, 11. A. HKUBY O. WAI/TKRB, UL.D., Attoruoy and GeiniHoIoriat law, Holloitor in Cbancory, 1'rootbr in A^mlrklty, Patent Bollcltor, with Atkinuon (t'llalyhdH Coo(;roni! nt. Hwoat, KjeLrol^ Mich. (Canadian claimn aaiuut porconH in the Duited Htatoa collwjtfld.) Itoforouoom Impodftl llnnk, Kmmx, Out, T. Tj. I'etora, Huq., IJurrlaUjr, uto., Kfluex, Ont K.A. Winraor, Km., Uarriotor. ct^,, K&Mtt, Out MEDICAL. T^na'blHEN i" BlilEN'"* Jan. Thion. M. D Ij. H., C. V. Q., araduato of Quoun'n Uulvornlty, Kiugflton, Imumbor of' Ool- Jdtfi.olXhyuIcinnn and Hurnoonii,Ontario. Orad- uutn of Now York, Pout Gtadunto Medical Col- loo. J. W. Brion, M. D., 0. M., V. T. M. C. Honor Braduato of TWnity^ Medioal Collo(;n. Ilouor Rrttduato of Trinity univornlty. Membarof tbo Ooilofjoof PnyolciBDHiind BurGfionn,.Ont. G>ad- tiftto of ^ew Yovk. Poot Graduate Medical Collotfo. Office ovor Kimox Modloal Hall druK store. Con mi I tut ion vootmi, both on around floor and ilmt Hat idiovu. Ttdupliouo In both oulcti ana rouidonuo. AU oiilln attondod to from ofhoa, tlvufj tttoro, or yoaitlonco. Hoaidonao, Talbot utroot, front of fair grounds. "' ----------------.----------j.--------.------- fARCHITCOT8 TOHMA, MAYOOOK, AltOUITKOT, * Jloom 10 and 11. Flaming Battfe* wtvtftMf, Oat, Phone Ql. - 'Jl 80CICTIE8 IO. O. r.-KNTEUl'IUKE Lodge No 3U m4jtBevery Thuraday, evening at 7 JO la a Half, in third itoroy DunrtanBloak iimiiii-Mrr1"">""""'T"'t""' lodoeavlll rebiT#* irTSSSSiLj'fllcome. J. JOHNSTON, N. G. th. inrUdlotloD7*Jralfc ft (*' In the. inrisdlotron7,r* IIANNAiJ, p. P.. G^P.J __..... <mi-^ m TBBVBmi 1*J Friday even Id p. DaVYd ^VararlBi' "I^BBEX SlllB BRtOADEJ Andrew, Parker, JGUntenani;. Valm Booretajryi Prederlok Hyatt, Traaattrex. COTJBT BOYATJ, KO. 313, t; 6.'f7" Mtiuifl soooud a<l foqrth Taeeday'B 111 month. In 1. O. O.V. Ilall at 8 e'olook p, mf Vifclthififbrethum will be ({Iven a fraternal wii ooine. E.-UuCaunland, 0.11., W. O. Shaw. S**S M.J.Wlglo.O.D-H. O.B. " -< * - - ,||. ^zix^ltj "TtoMdaar* falls o*U." OOIMO BAflT Taking offoct May|10tb, 1805. rj. PBOUHK.M.i). Univornlty or Toronto, M. B., Trinity Univov. BltvM. C. Is. S. O,, lato of flt. Bartholomow'ii HoHpital and Moorflold'n Boynl Ophthalmic Houpltal,Loudon, BuRlaud. Bpoclal attention olvou toaiauanoBoftbooyo.oar.uonoand throat. OfhdohourR 11 to 12 a. in., 1 to II and 7 to fl n, m. OfQco and ronidonoo. OBOuollottoayo., Winditor, wppoflito St. Mary'ti Aondaiay. Tol. 106. D bs. dkwab & Mckenzie. P.A.DiiWAn, M.D,C.M.,P.T.M.H. IJjnor Gradu ate Trinity Unlverelty, Member Colloffo Phyi loiu-uB ana Surcaono, Out. ltaiiitlonoc, TuIIiq St. Kaat. G, MoKjinzib. II. D. C. M., Cnrouor, Now York root Gmduato, Follow Trinit* Alodioal CoHogo. Gruduato Trinity Univoniitv RonlUouco: Talbot Btr*ot, wont of M. C. B, Olllco bourn ft to it a. m.,1 to J and OtoHp. la OBloo in tmporiiil Ilitnk block, crouml lloor. next to Tliorne'n dru'R ntoro. Telephone in eonnuution with oflloo and ronl- donee, Ordora loft at Tbonio'u drUK utoro will be promptly attoadod to. DENTAL, HP. MAUTIN.D.D. 8 L. D. B. Gradnato in Dontintry, Koyal Collene of Boutal 8urj;eoun, Orjtavio.anti U'nlvoniity of Toronto Oburijon.modorato. Olllco, ovor llriou d; Cot driiR atoro. 18-ly fri'i-b. ;ir,e to at -I'/je Jobbing pricen : (JhlckeiiH. loi- jut pnir, ilncllH TiOi' tu TOc, ^'cesi to (it.', und turkeys 7Vjc tn Wy. lireiiHt-d boh'H, fulr KUppJy. nt $.ri.IS to . f.'i.as. Smoked lining Ui\t.c tn Me. bullies lO'.'je to lie. hneku Hide te 10c. rolb; 7!>ic. ilosn curl; 511 to $1-1.50. Short, cut $is to $iri.no. * icnr idifiiiltler tni-ss Slit to $l,l.r.O.' Lous: e i<nr biieon 7'ic lo 7,/j. Lord. tiertieM, H:r, .....h '/io. pnlbi fii/,r. Uecf iinebiiMj;eii, foroipmrters '2\^r. lo -lo, . Vfil. tie to 7e; liiinbH. -to to do. liKtTlSII MAttKKTS. . Liverpool, Oct. l!b Wheat, priiiKP no tiioek; red, Tis Id tn.os fill; No. 1 Ciilifoi'iihl, ;.:. ."ni to Tm lid; corn, :',h OUd; peaH, -is IP/.jd; ,'i.rk,-TjUs :M; lard,. -Oh Ud; heavy biieon, rose, old, I'ih; do., new, -Pin. i.uiidou, (tot. 'J I.-Opening When! off hi - (iplii'ri. IOiikIIkIi country . niiirkom ifria :\\ (id iiilvnnei-. Mnlzi- olL' const, dull, on |i ^j-ni;e liriner owlnt; to lii;hl supplies.' fiuun-.s tinu :a ."is -Id for-Nov. .und fin \%i\ for Doe. y.;i\y.v Ilrni ut IU' llil for Nov. and Doc Purls when!. Itir 'Je for NFov,: Ihur -Klf. *j.'tt for N'ov. [jlverpool Wlienl future* 11 mi nt :,s i;!id for Nov. and fin r>t<jd for Dee. Miilze llrm nt Its flVld v'or X".v. und Its tl'^il for 1'ioe. P'lour 1Rh (Id. London Wheiit on* eoiiHt (Inn, on |i;issnce liriner. Mnl/.o off t'oittd iluM,. on . .Miiie (Inner. Paris wheat J0f lOe for Nov. nnd Hour-13f >f^ fur Knv. PONDERS ,. ;cutr'S/c>r'>^^i^ACwevond.;NeiuVnWir: /,b<. i'a'fl9JWfttm&4 m.VC";^e<l T;'*,lW., Wzr/rjli i in'**, finmutua-t'ij Piibtti)i^b,t>id'%CoiSMi|*tipuL I:! l'r>rpid,L.ivftr, 1* d Brath. ^ ut^y curbdu)^;!,, ' regnlatelhe bo*ve]. vrnr NiC* to TAKt' VETERINARY- WH. BICHABDSON, VKVIHUINABY BUR , GXiON. Honorary craduato of Ontario Votorinary (ToIIoro, Toronto; member of On tario Veterinary Medfual Hocioty; Diplouilut in Dontintry; troatR nil tllfioanoR of domantlcatod iuiIuihIp; ontrle didinrnnd by tbu latent Improved Loavitt cbpiior L'allit by tele phono or tolo- Rrnpb-promptly attended to. itoriidonoo, four doom oouth of Rriiit mill; offieo in poot offlcn btiildlnu; intirmarv, diruutly oiipoalte. LAND SURVEYOR. JAMES B. LA1BD, Provincial Land Sarvayof itud County linuiiioor, Kosox Uentro, Ont OiHce, Dunntan Block, upntairn, IDfltroit....... Windsor .... Polton........ Maldulonao Ebbox......... Wooihloo... KtlBoomb . Corahor...... Itidftotown,. Itotinoy..... St. Thomas London......... Pt Thomaa... Kodnoy.....,.;. Rid got own..... Conalmr.......... ItiiBcomb....... WoodHloo....... MflBOX............ Maldntono Cr Polton............ Windfior......... Detroit........... Mull a.m.* 1A0 fl.o:t B.ll H.21 8.G9 BJJ7 .4fl 30,17 11,80 a.m. fl.20 " C.60 Kxp. a, m. 0.4$ 10.10 7.2fi io.it;i UA1 10.00 O01NO WKBT. p.m. 1'i.lo 2.<n 4 07 K.rto .fi.41 5.&0 o.o:t C.14 G.45 7,10 11.60 1.06 a.m. 0.35 10.84 Jl.-ej 12.10 12.4B Aooosd p.ta, . 4.40 6.06 . G.10 rt.DO ." B'J0 , 6.60 ti.no 0.04 7.10 7.IM) H.40 a.m. 6.16 0.06 7.08 8.60 0.00 0.0ft 0.46 9.54 10.04 iQ.n 1C.80 10.66 Antlteratburor Local Vruluy, KABT WKHT P m. a.m. a.m. 0.10 u.60 8.1B 0.2a 1C.03 fUfi O.EH 12.10 0.U3 fl a0 12 30 B.U.1 U.C0 12.60 0.65 a.m. a.m. Kunox 7.16 0.60 Edcarn 7.00 0.40 L, E d: I) B XiriR 0.B0 0.06 McQTOpor 0.48 0.110 Am h ore tbu re >'U0 0.10 p.m 5. B0 6.10 4.62 4.60 4,00 All trains aro ran on central fltnntbud tlmo, which in nlxty minuton slower than Kaeox timo. For inform at ion ami niton te colon- lata moving wont aprdy to John Q. Lavon, Pan- eoiiKor Acont, St. Tbomay. 0. W. Buti((loH, Oon- oral YtLHBOtiKur and Tickot Acont, Ohioiiflo, 111 or A. 0- Btlnutrfi. Acont. Rbbox, L. E. A. D. R. Ry- TIMKTABLli NO'. Ih, tiLkinii tfioot Haturilay, Juno SO, 1B06. Tralnn run by EaBtoru Btftiid- ' . ard Timo. Daily oxcopb Sunday -d ^3 .s -* o 'A AM .A M 9.411 12.00 .0.47 1S.O0 0.55'12 40 t.6!) ,13.46 O d' V It 6;20 fl.27 0.SR 0.40 10.0tt!l2.60 0 47 10.13! 1.10 fl.N AUCTIONEERS. H.KNBY HKDIUCK, Auctionoor. Saloe .promptly attondod to. Autlrosn fioutb Woodnloo, Ont. Pomona defdrinR to bocuVo me may lavo word at tho Fhkk Pnunfl olllco, tf H. HEDRICK. DSINOLAIB. LICENSED AUCTIONEFjII t for the County atEfiuox. 13tiilItof TJlubtb Division Court. All kimlii of Farm and other Qaloa oomluotod livomptly. Baton roa?onablo andfurniiihed on unplloatlon. Enquirorn may apply ut. W. D. Bfiiumui'H oilloo, or at tbo otlle^ of Dlvinlon Court Clurlt.Mr. John Milne IfOHN GOnMLFjY. O LIOliJNBICD AUCTIONEER for tho County of Ehoox. All Uiudn of farm utock salon, etc., eoudnoted promptly and on obort notion, ItQttm romiotMible. PornonH dcHlrablo to urran^e HaUm may 3a no by calling at tbo Fituu Piivjhh oOIqo or by applying to 4 . ' " J. GOUML13Y, P. O. Box 16? Kbbojc, Ont. _____________~----m-----"------'--------^--------------1__,__,______,1.......,- ........ . -. rpBANK MoOIiOSKEV, Maldatooo, thirty- L uovou yearn' exportation ub an auctiouoorfn tbo County nf Kbbox, Salea oomluotod promptly, and on roaeonablo torma. Vartlon deairin^ to fix tbo dato for a Bale uan eavb tboniBBlvo| a drivo by calling at tho Fnnrc Prkbb oflioo. Wo have arran^od with Mr. MoOloskey und will ax tbe datoa for ualoa by toloRriipb, entlroly free of all oliargo to tbo porHon holdinR thebaic. Ad- drouH Fraok M.o01oakoy,MMdfltoncprpsB,9nt. TJEIB oldest bUBineBB, in town. Bitnbllafa*' 1876. Flrat-elaaa bread and e^ke of oi klndi. Wedding cokM a weo^ty;.QroanM provlalpris, flour, l?d,'Halt ftd^M^j0o^j &oneryvcrool(ry,8laBBwa)fe; Cannadfr^ltaaiid get2foeBOf aTOndi. , Oooda p.bipI&J it^eWffrr%^ol5u^r 10.18 1026 lfi.a2 10.42 io^a 10.B9 11.10 11. IM 11.1)1 11.30 11.44 11.63 11.C0 12.04 m.i2 10 18 1 n-1> icH 1U.40 P. IN 1.23 B.C0 1.40 7.07 2.10 7.24 .60..7,04 11-00 7.43 3.45! 7.K2 4.10 H.U 4.no 4.60 5.Ill) K-.45 R.66 6.on 0.16 6.26 6.W 0.6A 7.10 fl.17 fl.ya B.JI2 0.40 6.47 U.B8 0 00 0.07 0.12 0 20 0.01 r. M. V. M Stationh. DopWalkory'loAr Walkorvillo Juno. .........Polton.. ......! OldoiiHtle...... ......t Paquotto...... ......McGregor ...t Now Canaan... ... + Marsblloia ...... Harrow ., ... ....A Amor......... ......Kinonvillo...... ......Butbvon .. ... LoatnlueUm ......Wheat ley...... ......\ Bonwiok ..>... ......Coatuwortb ......t Glonwood...... .........Rfcrlin ... ......t linxtou......... ...... RumUnon ...-iCodarSpritiKH... Blenheim Junot'n ......Dlonhoim .........IWilldo......... Ar Bldf^utowu Dop 1 t-4 ^ o ,0 , *A \A A M A M OKI il.OO 0U4 n.4ti H67 K.6H FU0 ft.17 H47 M8 H4U B.00 0 00 4.40 HUO 4,110 H1W 4.96 fill 4,00 8 01 11.45 7 61 :t.i6 7 40 2.40 7 Hi 1.64 7 16 1.08 7 10 3.16 700 13.00 f!.W W.ftl 0 46 12.VJ 0 40 12.0.1 0 01 11.20 0 24 11.110 a W 11.16 010 10.15 000 10.00 A.M. V. M. , d 1* M 7.40. 7.&1 7,27 7.2S 7.17 7.13 7,06 0.60 R.69 0.41 0.01 0.21 fl.10 6.64 6.4fl 6.40 6,00 GM 6.16 6.10 0.01 4.64 4.60 4.40 4.00 P,M \ Fine Btfttlono. TyaIpk (top only whan there nro piu.Hc'iierit at or for tln'Bo BtutlohB. Mixed tridiiH aro at id tlmon tubji ct to bo oaticolled WW WOOTjIjATT, Oftiiernl MupoWn ton dent One NEWLY VJl :-'. Hi """^ WANTED, To buy Furbitnra ttt'pncea tbat are, rijht,' down to bardparj, ana prepared to furmab , every thing to the flbupe ol Fomitdre'that a hoqA houiekeeper: needs,'. Aiwa ,ftpe line of Baby Carnages atj prieefl .;tht ario".' , right olpae.., 0Kin^ly,oaH; antl inspeptHno tv goods, it will pay. yooto do sobeforo bbyi ( ing 1aeW'bere. It coatfi yon nothing>oget ; -, ;j3 pricoB. ""...;;/.- ^'\\li'-':,y'-y'\^i A. specialty,; Every Uifin^ 4^^E^J^^;:^y}l fibaj)e.r:All necessary: ow,*K^%W".i;^>^":^a .BuwB*|i-pieom|itly Mtend;adx9>* aU'bOttrt;^-://^! yu^^^^ % HW decided t# ! p^b d *rt Grr*. ay 0nu& V^^aS\I:L S^,M^Vr^a^ J f; IHUi - '-v'1' '. ^ '"-- XM 71 8559 74

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