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Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), October 25, 1895, p. 4

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I}"'/."' DON'T TRUST TO !LUCK .' < In buying- your Groceries BUY THEM. OV . . . . And you will get / just what you order./ if Goods Delivered Promptly FF & GO, ThgiKsex Free Press. FRIDAY. OOTOHKll 25 lfittB. WHEAT a no \ri,u. There tra a uroat HunihiT of farmni in Canada *uu tho U rated H tut on who cannot bo anything bettor for thorn to do than to grow wheat. Th*-y uro men who uot inm beateu rutaand havn boen in thorn o l.inj; tha*- they eiUiHOt woo out and over tha Hidt-n. It is imponidblr> to uot thorn to look broad. ly and oturly their rolatinmdnp with tho rout of the world and they uoiir.fntio in th<- Hdtun old run of whoat ttrowiru;. Talk U> th*m about'tua bin a a ohaufjo in Ihmr. (arm* intf, about dairvliifi!, .pork-inakinR, poultry- Kaiutug, Hb'iuc otmHidoring thu farm au factory mid thninnolvea un manufacturer)*, whore cnsrao crude prod uot u of tho Boil am worked np into producta of loan weight, jicontm* vuluo, and ctjiiBctjafciitly. of nauah lemi O'Xibin n-aiuiportation to mirkot, and all thin in Graph to them. Ho mutter it whuat in only 50 and 00 ount a btuhtd; no mattor if thtir laud will not produce hnlf a& ihuoh par acre^wn^lid^urj^yoara ago, th6y must continue- to j.;row wheat. Pnr tho upuoial'liouofU of Buoh f ana ore, wi> wish to oll thoir attention to tho develop ment of wheat in tho Argentine. Kopnhhc The BaobOR Ay rfiH Horald Hays: The Aruoiitiua Republic produuud in 1891 mor*- than 3 .000.000 tortii of wheat. In 1878 it imported 110,000,000 worth of wheat. "Theao two atacuraoutH will nhow at what ptioe tho couutry is bin# developed, A aiu^lu railway that fifteen yoniH ago did not carry a ton of whout now tmntiporis 427, 000 a VOar, and o'heri in proportion, and yut no one who known anythinu about tho country will deny but a famuli ir oiion of tho land lni> beon sown oven in tho wheat bo]t ; ho that if all should l. howii wldah in adapted e^pHoially to wheat i lio 3.000,000 tonn would bo 20,000 000; indeed. jfc will uot ba lontf before i0,J00 000 p*.r. aDtrnm in roaohod. We lira apoakinR now of tho north-woHtern bolt, btit wo mu-t not forget cue far south, where nothing haH'y(;t buun doi e m tho way of osrn growing, whiuh iH as tertilu a country aa that which has boon olantod. "WITH THIS FAIJJ.N(i bEAVKS. Cauvuuipilou ClnlmN Biiaili^r Vletlin In lliu ptrt>n of Cliai-leH if J, Knrrilclt, Orjb of tho mont reupeoted aud promiuing young mon of Ehkcx died on WtidncHday, 3flrd iniit., a victim of that dread malady, eonimmptiou. Tho docoauod bad boon ail. ing for tho groator portion of a yoar .pa^t, and bin rocovery wao hardly oxpectod by bio rolativoa,. Until about a your u^o ho had tho uppuaranco of ponHeiiHing a robust constitution and liad aponb two tonua at a Dotroit raodioal oollogo, having oboaen tho praotioo of mediaino.r*n his profenMion. Duriug tho illuoflH of hisjjrandfLitlior.who died uoitrly two ycara ago, "Charley," anno waa familiarly palled, loft collogo to nurBo tho.agod gontloruan, und bin own failing health, a yoar later, prevonted biui from av&r gotting a third term. Tho deceased wan n^ed '2H yearn and 17 dayn, aud wao thu only huu ul Mr. and lint JamonE. Burdiok. Tho family have livori in Ebhox for about twelve yoarn, aud have tho uympatby of a largo number of trionds and aoquuintattaoB in thoir Had boroavo* meut. The funeral will bo hold ac tho Prca- bytorian ohuroh ou Saturday aftornoou, Ufl th inat., at 9 o'ulook. Tho local lodgts of OddfolIowB and Choaou Frifando, cf which deooaaoJ wan h tioombur, will ranot the reutainn nt the family rouidiuioe and nitond sorviooa in a body. Tbo int^runijut . Will take pliiaeafc North Kidga mmiotory: II; "T|ie Common Peoplo/' Ab AbrAban) Lincoln called them, do not oar* toargna nliout their ailmeutu, WW at tney want la a niediuiuo that will euro thorn. The implo. honw* iUbment, "I knew that Hood'* Saraaparilla oared kae," U tbo boat argumtnt [n favor of thu modi- oine.ndtbUiwhtba*ny ihoaaaad ol- *ntaril ytay. >7 <y>l,v' *m m m T C. IC. CONVENTION. Tbo- (H'mi'tumUHl oonveution of tho GhriHtiau Kuduavur A^ouiatinua nf Khhox and Kant ummtio* whm bid I at the l?nnby- t.t riuti olmrah in'this towu ou Tuouday l.wt. The fnllowiiiL; *i<-|rgwt*>M from tho variotiH tioointioa r^i>iHtt>r*Hl their namee: G..A. Ooruiah, Hugh Ijiiuont, OarroT.' Martin, BUuch*^ 13. Uuxtr, and iTarry Pnicbanl, CbatliHni. Maud K. Mallidity, Combor. JaiuoH Kmuhiir, Va'otta, fjuttio Adanrn, FlntDhrjr, ____ Jimin Conptir, Mull. " Clar.i Monro, K. Xj. >paul, Iii/.zio M: Lawyer, ami <I. Hndg"H, Tilbury. Air. uud Mth. J. C. Uohh, und .Mrc W. 11. Parnall, L'-iamiiigton. Mihh l"jrb*it, Jitannot'u'H Orm-k, l'Vod. FiiMhOy, Tlion- Oampnoll, Edward GiilUM), I>jvi<r NuJlio Campbell, Floronoo P^aoocUi Ole'nlu-im. " &uor A-daniH, It J- Hunter,.RMgHtnwu. 8uMin O'Ntiill, lr-*in. Hi-v. .1. Ufoltut, Ag'iMK MoFarlane, Siua ForguHjn, and A. 14. Cumcron, Tjiuiuoh- vilio J. A. Mimaid, Bulla RobortHOii, and Maggiu McMdlatt, Botany. J. H. H>ltihby, Ht, Andrttw't. Hov, J. C TolmiH, \Viminor. J. A. Fonitt-r and K. L. L-win* Bhuox. Bt-'MduH ln*r.e thu following olt-rgy wi-ro prtiiiuit*,, K"v J '0. MuL-non, Bliiuhonn; Uev. A. L, Man- lU-v. J C. Tolmio, WinciH'>r; and tho lit:v. <Jah. Hol- g> (i, Tilhury. About 11 o'olock tho convention wan otiilt-d to order by the prond:nt; Uov. Mr. Iioukut, Tlia.nfiwdlo. The* Hucretary, Geo, Corninh Chatham, wan ulhO in U\h nluco. Hymn No. 138, "I am ThinM O Lorft,'* waH HUtig, followed by flio i*fi;dini; of lto- mariH XII, and prayer by Itov. Mr. Mo- Larmi- . Tho ujiiitik'B of tbo convention iitdd ab Ridizutown in March laHt wore road and approved. v____JUIdlSIMft MK15TINO. Thu troaaaror'B report wan read showing a balanuu on nami from hint year of 920. IT;, collootion at Kiduetown SI I, and u, balaiu'c at prctieni. of 830. The report wuh tiduptod. AcouuntM'for printing ami putta^o lo iho araouut. of ^7 85 woro ordered puid. A letter was rea^ (rom tho Bothw'oll aoeioty iuviting tlio uuion to meet with them at their next couvuutiuu. Huvoral dolofjatou exprotiHod thu opinion that Both- well wax too muuh to tbo loctromo oanteru limit of tbo union. A motiou watt mado to (40 to Bothwol- and an amouduittnt to go to Clmthuuj. Tho ainundmnul carried by an almon! un.- injimoua vote. Tbo Hoy- Jan. Hodgea thought two con vontionu eitoh yoar wan ono too many, lie rnoyed that only one convention bu lit Id oauli year. Tho Uev. Mr. McLaren iicconded th-- motion and uaid tlio general deairo aeernt-d to he for only oho convention. Tho motion carried..... Mokth. Tlunlor and McLaren favorod hu|.iiut4 the loual oouvontion after tho provincial oonveution. A motion oarhotl loaving tho fixing t t tho time for the convention to tho oxeou. tivo. On motion of Mr. CortiiMlj and Dr. Bat- iioby the following committoo wua uppoint- ad to maku the nuoeunary arrattgoimutu for tho next couvontinn: -Blauohu Baxter. Holy Triuisy; Harry Itmpiu. Ohrint uburcb; Hugh Lamont, St. A.odvew'H; and Carrie B, Martin, of thu First Proflbytoriau ohuroh; all of Chatham. YUH HKORKTIUY imaiONH. Seorotary Oornmb expreauLd Ins d&nvv lo roui^a. owin^ to oMior dutios wuioh- would oooupy all bia timo. A numbor of dolegateu. exproHHcd the'r rogrot at thi^>- detertniuation. A oommittoo hub appoint. A to noualder ih mat to i- and report in thi> aftnrnoon. The Heoretary t'XproBHed tho opinion,thai if only one oouvouticn wa held each year the time ahould bo hxtiiuded to two da>n. Tho Rev. Mr. Tolmio said that the aura-, ,9iial,)t4fla3/{>nillo ,ano'lrcilsi' IdUuQ Wr of mfftiam iwd ***! were. Moreeilng rapidly aud be1 thought that if Oneday would aofBoe for the work, two duy* should not be taken. The timo ahould bo regulated ao'iordlnu to the work to ho done und not a fixed-tirae-nt without re- gard to the woik. Itev. Mr. Mclmron favored two day* ai tUny oxtne toK*fhr for otliur reuaons than mere buoiueku. In faot" he thought Ui&y hnuld keep mero batiuoai out of the aou- Ventton uh ruuoh an if>Mlble. The mattnr or deciding iIim time wuu le/t in tbo baiidH of iho exwutitive. ArrKUNoow man ion. The oouvtiution raHBaniblod at 3 o'ulock and after devotional.**xeroiueu the Uev. Mr. Fiaming gvo an Al>I>HK<<t* OV WKI.OOUM f.I expressed the vvivh that the oonVfo- tton bad bnon hold a Tew woekn -orlier wheu they could havn thowu lhtn thi* ^ nernuM iirnjui iu fluid and orchard. Km-cx w-iH Yt*'t a romuntio ptno, tiiirroiuided by hill and dale, but it bad a rich noil arc tba bsurtu of thu rn:c>|de wttra warm -if.d their howpithlry unhouudvd. Their doorn w-.rn thrown omen aud ho on behalf cf tde t^jnplo, v-xtend^d to thu did'gatw- a cardial and warm welcome, Although they bad no Kudeavnr aooioty, thv were auxioun to hoar what wru llio bmicU'a to the church, aid to ItH nM-mb'irunf auch an urgaiiiK'iiiou. Ho rof- rri'd to ilm toping on the pro^ikim a-ul front it hi' ffit ibey-Jiad an ( xnullont bill nf fare prouuutcd <o ihem He hoped ho diilt'isi-'i'u w>'Ul(l onjoy tbeir vimt to the town and he proll'im ty the mieuni^. The U':v. Mr. BeoUni, pruHidont of the unim r>(dind in a f < w tuhcitouu tnrniH Ho aueop'u I Urn oordiai we>como extend, d to tli'uu. Tho BudoavororH wore \utti fir a g.iud purpose, Tliey hO|icd their moi-t. tii|/ would bn both prutltalde thamfn-lven anil thdrt.- among whom they .weVii meowing. Tnuy W'irc loyal to f bo church to whien th y hi'l'iti[>(io:, Each local t>od*>ty *nu ui'd.-r th" diri<ation t>f the pastor and. ohuroh. Ho hoceptcd tbowolcomo iu tho M.'ime graoionH spirit iu which it wuu given *I(ipW I'.NllKAVi HKltM CAN IIltLr TUK C11UUCU.' WMii an i'xi ll^ut paper bv Minn Ago* i> Adam a, Kulgt town. Bhe said every ) ount; mTrlstTTTfi Juhiied to help the ruiiotor und aw wan n itural to youth, ani plenty nf vigor and iiibutiiuHru. "What ahall wo dn?" wt-i ton oft-ni tjHard. D > wlntevni* your tiaii la U 1 1 '0 lo '[ t[|)(ntuoili, like uharMy, 'ihoul-t h -uui at Id'uo. Do wit a ever wo thiidt ChrUt would have ua ilo Do it uvnu if it w-iH d ffioutt and diwa^ree- ahle. whtt Cbrint tn.ii> require of un is 10 loiiVt* all an I follow Ivm. Wo mn-*t, I o prt-paipd to do thi-.. Kn-td the bible ovoiy diy i" a gnci preptnui'in for wor|. an bv it the uhviriMan becom'-H H'rouu and hott-r H ted to work. Support the church in nil it* activities. B<> tvgnlur at ohuroh, at prayer umutiiijj-. an I idber church mot-t- i'lgH. Wo <lo not mid to our Mpirit!iat tttruuutit bv vini'.iog f>r ilriviriu on Sunday lb If to in'ilte nil iho rm-wniun uttraoMvi' Ymmu pt-opld are often dnven awity from rrnru |ir.iay himcIiivjh. M iku 'h-m cheer- ul au-i'i v.j.i 1 my pr ivfcrH. Be friotnllv nid hueial'in, eupeciatly fj Mtranuera. G-v- : hem a b< arty wtdootno and make tb^m l<-el at homo WolllC DV TKM1MJ11ANCB COUMITTBB, A P'ip' r on this tji 'j'-tfi waa road \iMih-< 1C Kpiul."! Tii'Mi'-f. Bhu rt-fofro" 11- 1 he ;i-rnblft iii-etriiai ion ami mmtr> uauaud >>v Htrong tlriult, and then npot-o of the influouoo hUoh a lartie orgmizaitou a tlin liudoavoreni had upon thin traflio if it wt-ro 10 only iihc nil ii v-iri-neth. Bin ociuineiidett Sir O tver *'owat'w tobacco law. Shu blamed tiie church ;or Hn in- diffiM't nou en thin qiii-driou uud exprfwno 1 thu hopo that c'.iureh ineuihuru would vote and aut an they pra>..d. Annum* nuicotich. The Uov. Mr, lldui'mi win autngnel thin Hulijoct by tlio c irninuteo. Ho ruinri- mi to naro.rioH Itnow 1 >im alcohol, opium , ooaum, :m I tnbaono Th* ipioHtioi van: '* i)\ 1 th) u^o of ill no uarootioi Htainl iu tho wav or tho ahureh'rf prngrtHH?" lie thought it did. He nfiok of the phytic!" 1 ii jury cue me of ihom ' tint and rIho tdto 1 irgo ainjuntof inonov spem for them, S'jrno 7<)0 millioiis of riol'iiu e were Hpent ttuiiually in llu* XTiuled S'a't-B and C^inadi for uaruoricn, while the i:r> anno from our iiniwiotiarien tor more mm and mori'y t- aitrry .'i tbo.work, and th* rnply was, 00 mfjiiy. II) ^bj *Q^od to ib ua.1 of tobacco on tli, H.inr- . round 11 ot injury to In-i.lih a d a waste oJ in u, \, Thu IIhv. Mr 'Fhilip, of Ki ti*'j-wii, nidd immo t>r.>r,iy uovuro thiug-i of r 11< n^t-jn if ii b'U'i-o, " Tlie Iti-tf. Mr, Tol-tno tend ho sm-l;od a oig'ir <'0',nmnh'liv and did not tu> bt-hind. tbo door i<i d>> jr. He did uot think hn win wervm..' 'hcdivil in ho doiry. Ah 10 young b-y-"-in dti>ig h - did not i^ppn-ve 0' it any ui<> ' h- would appmvu if thoir out jig man.) ciinitja lint, might h- oaten with >ur. inj'iry by older pt*rHOtiB. K^riMno viewti iti'Ui nod in on thmio niatt'T* w-n- doinu tin uijur.v in the church and ii th Kmiuavor HO::i-'y. Tliune worj thin, a hat indiviiluuU iniint netilo wii b 1 heir nv.ii c n- hoio'iuLi, OliriHtsniitv niUHt Htmd for.lpuh or tiling:! ill m the u<u of ourt-iiu -h:in/M Dr. IJattinby thought great harm wan often done by extravagant hingiiajfu. M*n ^huulo: aut from ooovipt.iou. If (bill 'ab- Htiuenut) Win ii'iHUtnl upon for; churah' meniboirahip Omint himself wott<d bi ox ulndod. The Riv. -Mr. Mauspd thDiig n thu laat two pipers qutfca in lino'wl'Ji Er duttvor wurk. what i.ovu douj yon tiiHWounn. Thia WAdtt moat exaellant papor by MiuB Jiiniit Cooper, Mull. Tho key note of it way "Love onie another as t havn lovod you." . ' Haronti vbou eooruTlKS. TPhare are yd ioiot[e4 in tlie Hn oa , and M^yaeY tho rekeras ebew that there were j. 9B IT IS EARLY To talk about new fall ^oode but ourfl are com-' inp; to liimd. The ntxt ton tiny ft will* witness the uirivul and passing 'into Hfcottk ol' NEW BOOTS and SHOES Bought direct fu'Wi soirio of ihe br-fit maniifiicturorH in tho Dominion at inhi(fo jdiceH and will be pedd at the oloKOHt pos- siblo udvimco; also dy-ir a '% which |or f-tylo, fir, finirh, dnrnbilily and fxcdlonco of valuo will b.e Hiiro to ph'iihe tbomoHt oxaotinp:. During thti past 10 days wc.havo )niHf;od into ttrck Now Drt&H GoodH, Twi-edn, White and Givy Cottons and General Dry Goods whu-h are up to date and excellent values. OUBGR()(:EHYDKPAETMKNTaHusiial h -stocked wibh choice irenh goods. Wo are having an iinmenHO run on our 25cTea. Call and see. Yours for Bargains, H.w)fj ifeiK yii'i i> I iidi)' nmsrsT-aasr block, essesc. 1ft 1-1 10 10 0 10 fi2 c 17 25 11 2*1 as 1 2B la 27 1 1 38 10 7 11 13 - 8 11 4 1 10 3 10 S ifll aotivo, 21Q unaociato and GO honorary membora. Tbo following Hooicticu havo ropirlud tliia yoar'fl memberebip aa fob Iowh. Aotivo Amh. Hon St. Androw'ii, Chatham Holy Trinity, Chatham VniHbytoriao, Blenheim Preiibyterian, Ridt/otowu Presbyterian, Tbamoayillo 17 Proah yferiun, BotBiiy Preabyteriau, Turin Preabyteriau, Duart ProHbytoilaiii Valotta ProMbyiorian, Alull XJuiou, .Toanuotto'a Crook Knox, Oomhur PruHby,, LoaminRton Tho'Firbt Proabyteriao, Ccrubor. Br, Andrew'fl, Chat ban', and Holy Trinity, Chatham, uluo have junior uooiotiea. "YODNO CliniBTIANH OV TO IUV'1 waa another excidlont paper by .Miaa Mug gio McFa-lano, of ThamnHvillo. Wo dm- u a do juatico to thin paper with the hpaoo at our diMponal. She Nnid Chriatauity did u <t oliango H God waa unchttngt'-ablo The model for younu ChriotianH r.o duy who Cbriat. Ho waHtbooidv perfeut n.odel, "JONIOUH ANI> THJCIll WOUK." Thin wau a paper b> iliunCarrie Martin, Ohathatn.. Mian Martin ia di-oply inter- o-iiod in junior work aud handled the huh. joct admirably. Sho wm) voiy pionunncrd- n ftivor of forming junior Hici^tma In aiiHwer to Uev. Air. Tolmie alio apoku of iho pracnoal renuli.8 of junior wink and Hpoko vry intoreatiutfly of b.r own eXper u<ncu and oboervatiou of tho noil; and it influonuo upon even the fliualluHt> unmiher. Bhe took them into her junior Houio'y from 1 or 5 ycitra old to 16. Tho Secretary nuggentt'd the appoint- moot to tho executive for a director ol j mi ir aooiotu-B, a paruon who woul 1 Ik aide in direob thoir or^aoinatiou by giving auob information an woul>i ho r<-quired. Ele m"du u uiotiou to thin tffdot, v-ln.-li up oarried. THli NKW HJICIlICTAnV. Tho committoe appniuted ou tho quoa- tiori o' a m-uretury reporti d in favor r.f tlu- elenbiou of IIupli Lunoni, Chuthum, Tho r* p rt waa adopto 1 uutuimou^ly. a.in C'irrio Maitm wag uounun<uttlv dirt ctor of junior work.------ Thia coiupletod tin- afternoon aeBhion. KVKHINO lKHfION. of Fall Goods W^E have plnced on the market a general Stock of Dry Gocidfc, tn ceries, Hats 'and Cap'fi,~Boots and Shoes and Wf are goarimteed never to be undernold, we are selling 40 inr b * hevon suiting, regular price 4Cc, for 2oc per yaid. -Stc rin serges, regular pi ice S5c, i'or 20o. bCotch plauln vorth 46c for 25c per yard; Tweed snit- ingp worth 75c lor 45c per yard;'Ladies1 -Kidd Gloves^ worth J?l.25 ior^l 00; Ladies' Kidd Gloves, worth $1 for YoTJTfnKT} idi~wrroHrrm|rmere worth 40e-for,.555c j Hos' icry Ik'Jivy all wool, ribbed, for. 25c, and f-overal otlio< extra values. Flu'inel'tto at; c worth 7c; #4 inch Flouncletto worth 15c for luo; Tulle LineuB ut 'jCc, JiSc, 40c, all woith ICo niOio tl n.; n>urlicd;grov' Flmnielfl nil wool, worth 25o for 2cc; groy ilanuola all ^vp^d^'V/nrfcu 80c lor 25c. . / * cx*OT3:xiflr<a m w OvcicouIb, all llu1 Intent ntylea und all are new pm-da. No old.nlnck that has Lee* i nrricfl. oior. PriceH range from $4.fjOv8^t $7, SB, $9 up to $i2. U Btois tho same. Finiip 1 (a^ hi. a s-tej-li ol Hoots and fcili* c? -in the fnBtern market at .n low rule' in, iht- do Jnr, w e oro doti nninco to no- them chenper than jht-y hii\f evirhten mltl hi Erscxi ( ull nud see ior yourHolves. In Rata and Cap-r we curry the JateBt siyicfl. GHOC-BXHS. - Out giocG'-ieB an- alwaya fiesli.- Call and peo our 28 lbs of Raisins for 11. Hiuhcftb pri-o paid for produco. Vance's Old Stand, Promptly ut novrii o'o.oclc thu oloumtf a union The pro^mm eoiiHiuiod of an ln- u-r'-Ktiiit* QnoHtion Drawer, oi-niluctcd by Or. Ba'iiany, an udrl:tMi by Mr.Tolmi**, a doIo by Mien Baxter, after whi h Mih- i\ - dano, uf VVindrsor, rt-ad km intt*re^tii>o, jaiiorou "Endonvor Woik for Younu Won " .vlniH Monroo road a pn[>or on *\V*-rli of the LouKoiib Oo.inmittoo." Tho oonvcntiou tin.n olot-oil uiib a eonweor'.tir-n horvio fondueruu by Uv. li-.u^nu, Titi-ury. Hhort .TtiiiriioyH on u Lontr Uond In iIih cd urnrtf time1 title of n prcfuan y'1- luntratrd hook contamiii( over one hundn d fitM^Kof chiirmiii(4ly written dt'Horiptioini of hiinimi r rehortBin the country north and w*t of OhioH^o. Tbo roudiny multor in" now, iho illuHtraiioiiH are now, and Lho in formation therein will ho new to aim on* everyone, A copy of "Short .lourney* ou a Lbutf RBd" will hi* Htnt free to anyone who will oroloso ti'ii rf iitn (10 pny pornttipe) to Gho M. HjtAvwum, Gtntral PauBcngcr Agfnfc Oliioatjo, Milwaukoo & 8t. Paul Ratlyja>. Ohicuuo, III. AUCTION SALE . OF Valuable Freehold Property Situain in tbo T< wimh p ol Got-uidd m tho (!( unty ol Ea-ox. rKDEHAN^BY VIK'IUK OP TIIK POW- e< <.J unhi con mied in a obtain mortpiRo , uhfoh will In- pioduct-oon'llio duy of ualo, tlioro , ^111 ho (fiorud lov hiiI" by. puhliu iiuutiou en WcdneedoyF November G, 1895. t l:H' o.'oloik |i, m- ut tliu Abor<]oo!i Uotol, l'.ftiifjx.tho 'oltowii'ir vuhmblit frflchold ptopoi'ty: 13a>it half of th*- north Imlf of Int .5, in thu 7th turn, nf thf H-tiil Ta.viiuhiji of Oon:lt;ld, "utitalu- juk titi aci'cn, tu'ifii or luoti Tula io u.>alUibl farm In a well tottlod lo utility, TERMH AND CONDI riONB OF SALK: Tho piovcrky will bo Fold In ono piircid, iml)- juot to a iLRiiivo bid. Tlia lm'obimur at tbo time of tain uball pay ten pt-r (Jcnt. of liiu pin- nhiiHo nionoy incuhtt; thu tum-li of paymonttif i bo Lmi bin uo una nil tbrr fO'idiHormofpnlr will bn niui'o Itimw: ut tin* liiuo of -itlo (ir oi ai'pl- uati(ll) til M1 Jul,II ililllu (rY lllK UNfitllHIMI. (. HOWLANU, AHtOhbl & liltlBI'On, VMulurn' flalloltoiH. tO'.i Hay utroot, Toronto, l'/ntod Ootobar7, 1801. Iu many caueii, the ant work of Ayer'a SoVBaparil* in to ox pel tho effaoU of th* pihar nifcdicinea that have bo<n tried in aln. Ic would bo aayiog of timo aad money if xparimftnUr* took Ay^r'i Bar* uparllla &TRBniMlMd1*t at law. To StnokerB1 To moot thu wiahfin of thoir oimtomora, Tho Goo. 33. Tuokotfc A flon - Co., Ltd., Hamilton, Ont , have plaood upon tho market A Combination Plug of "itB;,,.:' SMOKING TOBACCO This Bupplios a lon{$ felt want, (fiv- intr iho consumer ono 20, oenk p|ug or a 10 ce't piece, or a 5 cent pieco of ihe' famoas'^O? flc Brl" brand "of pure Virginia Tobacco: iThet to Ug'TP * |" nvori ctwt *" Tko notion that a by lay in intended to '. b* p'i ui d b\ tho municipal oouiioil of the uihi mitt ot. of tlu Town i,f JBHBt'X, lo levy*" ii friniiaj.'!- rutu to pay for thu building of a ihct?t> foot pine plunk niduwulkon tho north hido of Albnit uiroi't, from tbo Muidutouo Town lino to Modern uv*niuo. and a four lent pinn plunk uidn^alk oh tbo went side of Mmloia iLVeuuu from Albnrt Htti'Vt to Pulhot Htroot, und thn.ru atatomont shew- tiiti lho luudH'liahlo to pay the haul rata and tho uami-H of the owners thnroof, Bo far iih ihoy can bo anabrtitii cd from the IllKt rOVlBHi'l llUOOHHIUOUt i'oll, 1H WOW 11U4 * iheofliuo of tho oh'rk of tho, .UJunio^pHlity and iu opt*- for tnfWotmn durinu TktHa*. bnurri. Tho coat of tbo work ia $124.00 of which 811.*1JMh to bo provided out, of the yoriorul fundw of tbo tniiijjoipalitv. A court of revision will bo bt-ld at tho Town Hall oh Tin-Hdnv tho lfiih October, at 8 o'uh ok p, m., tar thti ^urtioBtH of hear- iuf nninplitintfi acjiimtt the propound as. rnwt-ini u'h or aontmiuy of frontn^o meaa- urointtnto or anv other complaint which p rnouR lutoroutad may denira to make and' which i by law trntfidsiable by the court. ,Inim"WAi*TEii8,'01erk. Dated at Bhhox. Out. 3nd,I8il5. tfl-Ofl XVortliy Your < ,. The BUootBs of HooiVa Sartapnrilla in onn- ' quoriiii; norofula in whatever wa!y it may manifont iUolf lavoucbod for by thousands who Wflte fevcrely afficted by fchia preval-, ont dmoHtiA^ but who now rejoloo over a permanent onre by Hood'a Hareaparillft. Borofula may appear an a hamo",. or i may attack tba ulaodfl of the neofc. or'^^ brt-nk put in droyOfol runnint! froiea on the:'/$body or liu ha, AttM'hiu thn inuno'uh mpiPD|;^S bratio, it. may dtvolop iuio oatarrbi.cr,Jodg-?'v<M iuji m the Jui^h loud tocoDHOuiption.SOoirifjaSa aii'itmuy a fbiihful econro of treatnocn^f;^ with Bood'ft SfrtapBrilUwill ovroom|%; ^ ^or woikirj; n^cn the fpond!J|ioni^'J^ ma a, impure blood* the i*y^trm ifcr and vitalised, health r*toi*d -3 /Hi t

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