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Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), October 25, 1895, p. 2

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[< ( fi!,N y _-v 1^1 I 1' J ESSRX FREE PREbS Publlahod Every Friday, Morning vARMiY ui thin country From tho cftloe on Trtlbor, Btruut, next SOuuHlati Bleak, Was th Liberal Leader At Markham Village. MUCH ENTHUSIASM MANIFESTED. .,.., of oura who o-f w l,U; tu inil their neefc undci in' ^ ,; I, lo Uh th.. wl.lvpl;.* roil. i^u n the Oov. rmnont at Ot av.a H t it, y tho will of th- p..oplo.*l(1V i r"w tom- H in I.li' Ml I1 Bpomul uttootion in jjaVl to thu nubHuu* tiou of ma tun of looul nnp'irtunuo, twotir- ato mid r'inblu ittpurU of I'awu, uoijjhboi. intf 'Jowut-nip mid vluuuty Oounuil prontHw). hiw-, oeal 4iKl county tnntkuL roportw. oUi., tho carotu. utiti jufliuiotitt mana^i misnt ol TiJHi-'kKH "huh*, wilh mutiHul to kliUHU mid othur ourituil mutti'in of luoal ininorwRiuie, hitu mv* ti it it wi'lohpr'ntd prcHii^tt ui tin ocntruof bln**<x uoutny.wltitsh in rodo^iiiMi'd ujMJin til tin* b.^t "mnuu'tural dittaiUtn Ontuib, Tin* Km v L'tuMLi m the only medium (iiioiiiiLCin^ ih <trni|'(hly in tlii' etutrul pomou of the Outlets mid ih con ai<luuiitJy,witlmiib i'oiilil,t!ii'Oi.Iy thoinujli advoibibiiifj; tu* diuin for buuinuhii pi>njdu wihhiu^ to toitt,h thut ol-iHHof otiHtomurH.. COItUl'.'l'omil'NCK. Our oolunmn tiro uIwu\h opoti fur tin peiiuublo dimiMiion of mat tern perSinin tO till) pUl'IlO WdltufO " Abto cofu**-pondmitti In nil ib m_ lug InonhtKB furnitth rohujfg^^^"; uVonlHof iDlorubt, oom|y^,lutil |rHt)VI)r.| tim( , pU'tiHoil l0 Ji(iffvo iuterftwUUtf noma oi jiswn hunij^-* jIHpijHutJ to forward ooutri bun \m.^^ J * ^aoiwnnmciitioim of a private ami /dmiliul nature, nlmuld bu uo miukud 5b liio outHirto ol I he anvt'lopu. HuHannM*iON I'ltioK. ? ,00 por annum, Htnolly in advauoe, Jl&jhor unnum if not ho paid, ana all arruain oliarnod at that Kilo. APVKRTI-KUKKTH. 1'ranHHinfc lt)i;al and luunioipnl ndver- timiinontH, initio iu, oto., ohargod itt tho rato of tun onnta por lintj, lot flrt-t iunnrtiou, and ilvn oontu pir lino for oaoh uubkU'qiitut inwtrtinu. All tiuuii udvurtiHomontB aro mouimrad by a houIo nf twelvu Iiiiuh to tho inch. Looal voatlinu and othur notions pub Huhnd amontl looal, newH mattur oharj*od at tho rato of ton cttura por runuui^ lino for each infiovtlou. All notioon of ohuroh or nooioty ontor tftlumimtH of any dononplinn, at whioli an ndmihaiOD foo in oh urged, aro rouurdod nt- advurtiHuHioutH, and full udvoitihing ratio ehiit-t!od in all such annuo Noticon of uath- eriuga or mot'tiu^H not for pocuniary.bom fit or uid, will hoohtiGrfully publinhod fuo of olmrKC Spooinl contract ratofl raado for display or Htnnding advt^. All U'Ral orprofottinon- al oardti under ouo inch, 55 nur unnum. J01I OH OOUMKUCUIi PUINTINO, Tho FiiKis PiU'.hh Job rnniini! D> - partmout ii; undor tho HUpnrviMitn of thoroughly oom potent mt-olianiCK, and upocntl attontion hi paid to tin- branoh of tho trade. Our fjioihtifh for tho oxocution of all kioao of Book and Fino Job Printing aro uuoxcollnd. Btoam powor proflHuB. A oall Holicitod. DOHlNCHa HKODhATIOSH. All Job Printing and Trannient AdvortiuinLI accounts, utriotly oanb. Advorrinuig aucouutH with regul >r pmroDH aro - settled quar'orly. Sub- orlptiono duo in advance. No Hubucripttou to tho l^iucis Pbkhb, or advortihomc-nt publixhod m its cohimnn will bo UiHOontinuod until it 11 arroarH are paid in full. Changes for ud / f.iMcinwiitM, to secure Jnuortiou in th i uincut istiu-, munt ht banded in noi lain h-un noon *if ilu Tuch- day prooodin^, und notico of nuoh intend- od obaugo ih requiroil on tho Monday pre- coding. Notioo of dincoutinuiiuco of uowiiihc- inontti must bo given ut Icnat oin* woijU in ndvanoo of tho ifwuo m whioh they aro debirud to laht appotir. ADVKHTlOIJlia, SubooriborH and fJatrono geuorally aro roqnorttod to roul tho nbovo re^ulationa - flarufully, in oidnr (hut coufuniun may bo avoided, aa tiu-y will in all canos bo adborod to. AddroHi all conmunicatioufl to K. J. l.OVKCrACK. .Publiuiior tho Esjhicx r-'iiKK Pamflii, Killing, Ont Bonnlftd UineMcn. iUf>yHst <* <:i-- riNtfr* |ti tli" i'koi*',>,iiii, *ir. |),m jitv lUUt'ii u t'linntfli'i-UUi-iilly Z.Uf quh( H lire ell In ItfJllltilf VfUh 1'iihllA tliifMU^ilu. Markham, Oot, 10. Tin* Laurlnr Hpe- oln) truln from Toiouto wan ynoic* than hall! an houi behind time In Hh an Ival at thiu place to-day, and the- mtl'iuoi, able condition of tin- wiutlu-r p^oh- "ubly Iccpt ninny inuiv \\ ho Would otlnrwlno h,i\e nunllt d lhr' /nriwil which gulhfitid to do h"iio^ In ih* (,iii cd k'ftilor ot' tin ( ppo itlifn Itut tin* hoaity rt'cepl.uii .uiu.did Mr. UunM, the lot-ill Uhtiul tiiii'hl it--, \lv Vi ink- Umd, Mr. Tnrtn aif'd n>t!ir*i ^ ft' th i <*"n llnKcnt by tho^' who li:it\'l tin- - 1" mt'iitft andr riwalted ihi> niilvnl nf thr> dorollet Hfuiln wan of n i iluif w. 1! .... WvVhUoi! to |ni|Hiv thtni wllh Lin- hoipltnlity of tin* p< uph iif this prc'tv little village. Checi .ifl* r cIh-.t gnclfd tho Llbeial letuh-i u he bU-ppul upon ,,, ,,n.,l imim lni'1 '"'"' ," . ittr 4 11 t -l 'Ut tin \ ' .it*. i f '.v itt d lo th. * Jovr iniii- h I .i.l I t i'n thi'lr pi' at n i- \\ ii.i i, n ( uh I ii t ill tlj I llv ' 'I lit (JoVi' II) " III t ' 'It ,iy ,nwin (\iit.nl , I ii i lit i ji . 'It II 'MV'i i n 111*' ' I'M I'll It llM ! t!l< . I llii' Or a i i 'i flit <the MH II. Ui ami njun.ipi; iiti'fi*. fin i in,) i ii i. ii. . ... I .UIHU.L ' I <nl um l"f,k nt I (Jim whl'li we Vifio to Inv ^ \ eat'. J " lioMt l]< had tin i i orm* lo tin1 i'i oti i tlv 1.111;( i .overmni'nt th'.iirht thf" . Kinanei' nnd tin Mini iu i *t riVn LIUl Coilllhi-Kc to lliti M lev, til" m.l.f fKrturern, In m^omt f )iulavn, linwcvt isut v.In u it i -inn' to (;< i th * - f the fiiniUTM they n. nt i.mi nppi nl* Ml " '.Tirl Mr. Wen' ot h.nl 1- ,r v le 1 ihu In.ull it Una \>#.n an instrument ot ctwrup- tion In the JiawIh ot the Oov.'r.unoi.t. The t^pendjturo o? tlw coumr, dwi- Inr tho roglme afc.niy"frii*iHl Mr. Miu* kcnylu* wjia no !* a aurn than j;.i 1 " million This wan b i kin- foi ft foitii -i vnttv*' tea-derH of that Mm . 'I h*-y ImmiilMl tho falM o po>. Oun d , whlfh was'b'lnif hl< A m de.it h in tlutt txtriv. ffant man M eknnyhl'hom* liiipda ff purity w.-n- lion I .-i >*h*-:io iinjft'h* <*f iteoiwmiy vc l t Th-"Vi* r; .(, tl)t tn Hoe the !^t|MV.)j-*fijj_C- .vV Unit un (rnvauanl uKMi Mne' tr lr Vf)ii Umitfd llinn. Tluty rniiie to h(k.- -i utni i(|" l'o\v vry w 11 thf-y vi'n1 not ii- k tf,(1 iVi tlu-lr wnid. '1'Jif h.LVc ]iu-r>"ji'd the I'-Kpi ndl inv to th>. i "Hi ot' IT. mil_L>i(_ 't ""it -! 1-t mil ~r~iYp_i^jvT~Tr'i'i '**< nTirrn" tiipv < ;> nd that 'V jy ynr ni'l l evt r v In c il | |m , dtiiiuni c\f tl,. Mrmv i ' I h r li i t In4 f "uti y jr ow i f mil* h In i h l i t ilt**iLiI .ui In th p'* v n'"' o' > !'i lllf pi* Vln I" (>'l ' It 111 d I l'> '* to til ( \ t i lit I' I'* p )' er i | pon pt ! i . Ml IlK 111* t 'I' ' Hi* 111! 'in 11 'HI |'l |o V lint will' Hie I'.tf -vf \x\r n i,/:i i inlv l.\ \n' Uno tlii th ia' f i's pi i i'U ' u n In i mI1 ' p"i fMi' 'Plioif I |lf)' i m n bv Hi i .d" i who v 111 U 111 % mn Hi le'i or p i II 1UJV \\ lilt 11 I "lit nln i t lief [ 11 I I III" i .-> "'W , . . CUul^- WalKu-e "l ;n' HON. WIM'-'UD r-VTTUCIt. PALAOH STKAMjmO. LOW OATHD CLEVELAND, <%> M n H P1TTSBURQ, ^ " BUFFALO and ALL POINTS EAST HUMPY UVHNIHQ OBTWBHH DETROIT .# CLEVELAND ConuectlMR* with tfnrlietl tralnn at Cleveland for nil points Hnat, South ami Soathwest. SUfUUy Trip* Jum, July, August ml Scptemlicr Only fOUH Ymii-n kwh Whwk Kmvwnkm Toledo, Detroit #NliiGKiNAc ^rOSSCEY. THC *-SCCf" WLVaQUUTTE, AND DULUTH. vo new *ltt\ paBeuftr (.twmero have just t built for our Upper Lake Route, cootinp mo tojdL Send for Illustrated pamphlet, fc*3i ' k, A. 80HANTZ. . *. * v. A. bhYHOIY-j UIOH* DHRfltT li CLFVEUHD SIMM Ml fU COPYRIGHTS, \it 1 onTAiW a rviKHft rot n hit **nwor And un hontmt oplnlntt, wrlto to N N Ai CO** wbo "**# h,ld tuaxlf *tty *ailr*i jrlonoe tn the patont banlnoiuL Oonmunlca- aa Btrlotly oonfldontltil. A 11 aHdbooU of In fonwulon oonoomiaB l*nttii*i ttnd bow to ol)- ulJiihaniBtontfrt-G. AlMin couuobuo oi moohan %5ai and nctenclHa books mm taw. , Patents takon tbroufiU Muon & Co, toceWt* ped-d noUooin tho Srleiitino Amerlcnn, uial KttV ar broutfUt wltloly brorotiiQ public wan .1 i . i tho plnLloim, and lie \.i..> f.ilily car ried by the enthuuhu.tlc bullevern In his political faith to thx canlaKf which wao In wathiK for him and whicb wiia aHlKriod tin piiit'u ol honor In tho pro- Almo.st Inuuudi.Ucly artor the arrival of the tialn at thm pluct* and thu re ception tenth-rod Mr. Laurie* and hid follow ore, tho parade to the Fair Kroundi wan taUon up. Tho procon- Hlon v'uh niaiHhalled by Mr. John Har- dle and headed by the Mnrlcham brasu band of JO piocoa, the jnuslcal eliorta of which oit-unlzutlon were much ap- procluteu by the onloikciH au the pa rade paf.ed on to Li- destination. in the line of match were mrrambfcr of hoi{.ernen and bleycllatu in addition to the footmen, v. ho .deluded a goodly number of the To*onto contingent and eiftht carnaKCH containing about 30 of the prominent membeiM of the .Liberal party. Before tho npeuch-maklnK com menced all tho heats In the building had been occupied and the greater por tion of the Btandlngr loom taken up there bclnfr noticed anions the audl- onco a laige number of ladles. j In* t.iiit'rio ,i.i'i' i' < When Mr. Lnurler aroi amid an outburst of chee ins, fii s * H va Teift and Kati leen Kttjtor, U\o exceedln'rly pietty chilui(en, btepped forward and prn-nted him with a bouquet, the n-ce.pt of \\hl h he aclcn'iwKdf: tl li hia uau.il uh>-ulatoiy Luflhton. 'ihen in Kiaceful terms tie L.lbcial lead r ten- den^ to the inun "Qf York h h"irt- felt th. nks lor the cnnlia re-t-piiin aeconlel to hhr^lf,-hU_rrl n Is. and *pc-i_laHy to hi-. f,um n.enJ. Mr T.irte. (.Applause.) It was a me it.an a pleasure to him that the no|lii a ' nt.ulo j ie;ht ha\< the otcuflon t> know Mr rl art as ho himself Km w him 'J'ne^ wei L o friends and old uppjiiuitu ^s wlI'. * n many occasions they ha 1 met 1' '* vere conttsl ai-d he ha i a 1 c* . lemw.- branee of the blu.vo n-c-.l\"J a tin- hands of Mr. 'i arte thmgu h nv* t Hay that th latter al ay f> gi. fair battle and waa a le es. th*n o now. The day, howev i, ta i wlmn Mr. Tartu could not (O tin re t asso ciate with a p irty In w.io-3 honesty he no Ioiir r hellov- d, and i> thh reason ho waj* proud to i>D' that tron- tleman I>efore them, T e re< r Hon ac corded that day by the pioplc oC ast York waa worthy indeed u t i rep . tatl*on ot Yoik, which no o ic toiilj forRet v\.ui the banner th pre uhcounty In the cause of Canaxll n Crce- di,m. (CheeiH.) "It would be no exagg ration," t on- tlnued Mi. bauiier. "to --ay that 'he Hull of Yorlc had been haUowed by the HtruKKlew of nv n whu. two c^in'ia- ttona afro, rinked evrythn. that makee llto dear, and life Hf-clf, CO th t their countiy might 1 vo, 'I hlu Ih the pi cl- v. ho o tho fai It er of re.orm in Canada, W. L>ou McKenzh, the Taite of the agitation against monopoly nnd piivlluue, had fought apain'-t the men \.ho would compel the people of Canada to hew wood and draw water for thorn while they live In afllucnce and luxury out of the earnlnRH of the people. I can not forget that great man, Alexander Mucken/de, a true man, If ever there van one, who came to thlb old coun try in order to teach the doctrine that freedom wan the normal condition of tr. da, an freedom la the normal condi tion of civil life, an freedom ia the normal condition of religious life, as freedom !< the normal condition of man ull through life. Still leaa can I forget, aa a Liberal coming from the old Province ot Quebec, that nhortly after the union of 1811, whan Lafon- tolnc, ono of the greatont men of Ida generation, and leader of the Liberal pnrty or tint time in Quebec, had bean defeated m IiIh own county by methods which at a later period, were practiced under the name of a JTranclitee Act, and a Gerrymander Act, the Liberals of York opened thlr armn to him and carried him tilumpnantly into.tho Legislature there to flf-hl tho fight of the people. tt "Although th* eausp of freedom has been once fought and once won, the fltriiertflo ha to commence again- for although tho battle In which tho'lilb- tral fcarty itt now engaged may differ .In* WW* degree, irrom <that fought In the timp of Maekomsia and Lafontalne a Is still the battle of emancipation a&alnbt opprossJon. tiery pag of hln- tory records that there has been a con stant struggle going on between man cipation, on tho one side, and oppres sion on the othor. and this la tho bat tle In which the Liberal party ia at present i engaged. -, Thanty to the efforts In part of the lectors of York In former ages our tesUtutUms ar frwrv but men thet* are Mr i_;uu hi- *v nil..- ~ - - to Intel view thorn. 1m m ci' t. o<im l.iNo, In open mi't'lim*. To lri\" th'* \ lewn of 111' fuineiii '! No, to h-..ch lliem that thov woie wealthy thioo.ii I he National i-ollov Alt-i theu in U-ivlowH.thpy Inliodun d then hill, hut Hit* mentnire wan nut pnhH* d an hinugh* flown '1 In io weie t liani,' > and iiiuond mentn, and when It wan gl\ en to th ptoplo it wan nothing but a hondhh , tlhapelcHH maun of ih fni mlty. Tho neciet of It all van that the Mnnuf not mors* Aa-ini-Utlnn had dh- tated all tho chingoi; to Mr. Fo-ih i und compelled the tiowninn nt, juolj- ahly under the thioat of sh ppinn nip- jphos, tn le.'itore the inrlfi to what it wan ho for* . ThN ."-hoi i.iilon than not fairly and nrouiatoiv > p.cwnt t1" liom Mt manuf(M--tun i , ui the counti1. And why? llocauMe th * lion sclieduh* hii9 het-n Imposed upon tin- *.!o\ t I n- n ont by th'-iie men. 11 tin i e li an'\- thing luJuiltaiM and fatal to the manu facturing indmdrk'H oi iho nmnin It lu thiit \eiy iion 'eludule of fluty. Ihcre la no manuf.it Lui* r who das not In Home bhape fn olhft U'te lion. It is tho bnHlH of all Industiv. The Iron duty lo ho nhaped that It tnoani i an enormous) duty upon the raw nui- 1 torlal $1 per ton hi the duty to-day upon pig Iron. Mr. Haggart told mi that in March labt lion could he laid down In Toronto fnr $ii a ton. If thhi ui correct, $1 ropn sontn a duty of bti I or cent, hi It ( once,\ able that auoli a duty upon the raw matei lal of all Iron munulacturern hi In the intercut!! of the mahiifiLCturoiH .' The Kre.it Mnauo - Jiurrls Coinj any tieveral timen pLQtLiitz_ eu against thOMe_dutlot uul .said the day might come when ihr-y would^bo" lot cod to carry their works to tin- othi r pido of the line became they could not compete with the market wlun th-dr raw material wiw taxt d to such an extent. No man who, as a manufae- turor ujiea Iron will nay he la in favor oi those Iron ciu- ion. The Liheinl party ban no quarrel with niamifaetuiem, hut their policy la to remove the bhacklen which wclgn not only upon tho farniera, but upon tho niajniiMft-ui^j-n as v,ell, and we v<in, Wnrtnly Iho fJhenil trader dr. w 'eitihni in Mi ui t that In . ddl u* i '< (he $111,001) p (id In inlarlo t . i1h I i w ol 'ns if ;h < 'o\-f i i n>f it th. r i , i 'in- uh 11 ' v y ye. r a om i>i $li< i, e 10 hi ' tr 'ot ;i " 1 IH i < I <k 'i i'd, "1 ' f o) r<ipt nnd U v a in t o in M ' U n , it V 111 I'ol be ** When \\ o I. h ill A i> mini- li nlloti a In hun.oi i um \'i in Mr \ Uh tl e ' up' ' an.iii tl n al- i. ndltoiv n i riMi'dbh Imo i 1 lia; e a new < )\ a ' a " I am h r d"- lit allownii ' m,1 i \ hlf'h ^-Od.Ot'j) mo pah! mil, more v nn the amount r eelvi-I fro n civ I tier i. Lot1- lie imelijiid 'tiongly ig.iuiif t'.v inlU'.tico t'> tile pi-ople V th mi nipt ^yMiin t'e it late i linttinoe-' oT \ muif .md lualthv mni uln ;u o pi n- ; oi.od In order to mnlto loom for (Inv- r rnirif nt snppoi tr -ji, parth ular Mtr m ^ I olnp; laid miftii the- oao of Mr Van- I ocfrhrKif, v ho, he ald, wa unwIN I k'V Corf' d to. letlro. 1 I'P'i nl to you," h went on, "us .i' ' << i i on M uh- Yon MuetL >t i h en h ii" and I i th : In ,' 'mi > 1 e Ji 'it la * to the lost d iy i i i in j ..i, w uh tho ' >h ) ( t o o rnln * 'i t om pot < mo*, 'ii lli't I j o i Call 111 oj b'<<*iiie old you mn*/ 1i.lv qoin - tiling to fall hack upon and yo * **h ill not he at tho morey ff publl harity. Tf you full 111 or bffomf dh-,Lhh'd can you go to Ottawa and kn'xik at t**t' door of the Oovommont to imk fo> a pension V You (.inniit; j on have to try the licit you can Let us havi equal Justice and equal ilghtn to all and no f i\oi to anybody, T ("hjf^t tlw t iinv portion of the taxation of the I'oplo nhould be taken out of theh 1 I'oLet In older to i;o to tho pookets cf either civil M*rvant or any other cla.sn "What about the Senate ?" anked an -tiutlttot______ - "The Liberal party," anMverod Mr Lnurler, "are pledged to inform the Bnd *wos proud of th* fact that he hart tnplu n ,thiit n-Ft. Whui li" ra'v that 'h <*tnHi*ivatlvi> party whu ho th"r- oughly In tho Coin nil of a bund f ihhivt'H that they daro not move, l.e mil n-FOlvi d to I'tovc hlmii* If, and lie moved Into the ranki; of tho Liberal party, and nodi the result: " I am !)rnndod-a a dlnhonoHt man, slriipy hiwiLui-e i wiut lioin t and'had th * iHHii-Hge of my eouvh tlonM." "Mr, 'Parte nii'de a pnnsliur r^ffirenr" to hhi omloim ment of a note for 3100(1, bin motive for which tietlon has In on cethrr fieely eoinmon'.i d u|nni, ai i1 hi d 1 i'Min what tst*n all-iml "pei "k 1 Hi tin tu Ofh nt reui.ii h . "hl.iw-w.il i lit v .i>. neer nnv In in v own d (> f* .)'. that >i)ii ulionld e> in- nnd h .o i'U1 to l.now ine, and I a. . talis id." ! tin i Mr. William Mulotk, M.l\, follow ri, ii. "had m,in fr an 'ji.i.ic, ,i.,ol i i 'i im d t i t Ih tf - w bo L, d i hi.liii* t. i ] i tin tot mm lLioii ut i ii pi UK \\ . dl' -i u tin i ll cum 1. n . t mn i t i (I n h the llhi lati'hi Oi . ' i (( v, ' < ' in lioliy, a nd I DOk n> m umi In 'i J" I it , ih IlOUIiee the (*<>t\ i I . t V pel l'i ti * pit ' i t / iio.uii ui.ii' -ii i' 1 l' I n i i/ . ei, j la ui ' .it hoi n ! i ^ r *1ai n t, i n i nt n.on b I 1.01 l ii* t \ oi 1 . h., '.'Mil lit InSl'lP d till ' lil)M nun n' " is 'tistnlnul In all Um Infm on -u ti." " ' i th 11 I oi i n . i. In tin 1 > >7iiiri- I'Hi I'nrllnrr i nt v. 1 <> *jlion'id hi tin io t ' 'e In tie I t( re it tit on 1 i. . nt, it Is Willi mi V "1 i i 'St tonnliili nt alwicati ot t 'i .] Policy," n,d Lie i i' in .. rth Voili. " Tr U. J O hso i i pj ( d tie "till a fow ii inail.ii, In \ I1 < I 1 > 'idVd the sta'eii.entH n id pi vhnn! "(ical ei u, when V. pi" i 'don " ii fru iiif-d and Mr. Lam hi i*-iniu-d |ii fhf TiciiDii! I!oilL o u le i e, aflt i an it, in, m il it ( option, t ho -Ifbd jinll-'- te in v an dined hv tin Lit in'" "l tills I' ttlet, * uh'n', iiiilviiii.ii in ,r> To- i "ii'ii l y the i' i ! 'i li i In ai 11\ 1 ! in t'mt elty it d o'f lof k i I e, i 1 r ii il, 111. til. ?,.i i< i 1 1 ui.' ini ' 1 thu. :i h- al> h*. Ih. 'onttMo im *t*Ji+ i.tiitttn contend 'h t with a revenue tariff niml- lnr In principle to the onu v/e had bf- lcro, noi only the tanners but the manufactureni would be better off. t have Btatrd that the farrr-ors aro not a proaperoua community and have been taken to task by no less a Rontleman than Mr. W. F. Maclean, the pro-ont, but, I believe, not the prospect lv- inembei for thib i Idnij*;. lie took rm-- to ti**k for MtutInr; that tlmro wan not a farm In Canada which had not do- crenpod In value at lon'-t -10 per cent. Mr. Maclean mivi that whatever may bo the qualltlon of Mr Laurler In othi-i lOHpeets \- lifn he attempts to deal with figures bin friends oui**ht to take him by the cont tulln and make him sit down. Let me hcie Rubmlt to your Judcnicnt the man w ho ventures to criticise mo. Hero aio the *.\ ord-- uped by Mr. Mnoloan* "Mr Laurlei la re ported by The Olobc as p lying in his Hpeooh at J'loseott : 'While the peo ple 'were paid to he wcnlthy and pro*- porouo, tin re un*- not n inrm In Mio Dorr In Ion of Canada which could bo cold for 40 per cent, of what it v\is *--oWi for fifteen years n-ro. This meant that tho farmer was *(\ per cent, we**Uhlor fifteen yi ars airo than ho waa to-day.' " 1 bald botuuthlnt? of the kind. 1 oald every word that is there, I know It. "Take the onto of the beat of farms saleable fifteen yoara ago ai $100 per Jicre. Mr. Laurler uestrts that such a farm could not bo sold now for $40." I said nothing of the kind. I do no: ai^ree with the ailthmetlc of Mr. Mae- loan, 1 said that the lnrm had been decnased -10 per cent., and according to my arithmetic If a fmm wna worth $100 an acre 15 yen h <iro It Is 'o- day worth* $f0, hut accoidhiK to tho arithmetic of Mi. Maclean It Ih only Worth $10. I would advise Mi. Maclean when he wrlten ahrmt lip urea to have Homebody to take him hv his coat ta') and toll him to sit down He nrvaln takes me to task Tor ^ay- inpf It Ih true theie hnu been a dociease in the price of land. Tin it hi not a farm to-day that Is worth *I0 per cent, of what it was HO years nirn Mr. Maclean admltn thoie is a (hcieaso in land, but will not nay to what extent. Still, he sny tu an arrumtn' that farms may potislnlv hive been decreas ed in Can j da, v hlrh fs n j otoetioul:.! country; but he ta/os r**fu ,* in the ntatcment that land hns dh-i'ii'licd m value also In Kni'l.md, which r? a fr<->c trade countrv. T i;rant ln 1 h w de creased in T'n^land more than M) por cent, more than GO pej- cent., and T rt- Joico in It, hooauf-e the party in Uiifj- land who auifor' from dimlnut'on of price in rot tho faimer. but the Itinrl- lord, who ban held land in 1110: opolv for nRoa and apef. Th'-re Is nn'ldr"- to do In thin,,! ut to adopt the .'i dcmociat'.c doclrlno of fre*-dam and equal Juatlce to nil In the matter of tax.-, t Ion uh In every other mat lor. The motto of the Llbuaf paity'ls thai taxation lhould be d'ntrlbuted, tha* farmers and manufacturers thonld be placed upon nn onual fooUnir, and that every man who payn a cent hhould p.*.y It into the trenpury and not In ' Mi- pookota of a faithful few. Th c in the policy \ipon which wo Mand. Thin ia where T take Ihhuo with my friend Mr. MncTcan, and wron vhlch I hope the cloctnrn of Kant York will cany my friend Mr, Franlclnnd to Parlia ment. ' Thon Mr. Lnurler hold up a list of properties to bo sold In Toronto for rcara of taxoa, anrf continued: I am sorry Mr. Maclean la not htro. Thif la an evidence bf the proM- pcrlty which afftetfi a part of the county of Kant York, On tho four patcos aro mentioned 3248 proportion whloh are to bo nold fqr taxnsi In tho ^ood and pronporou city of Toronto, made ilch and happy by the National Policy. In splto of thin, however, tht* CoiiBcryatlvo party and prono wlh* t;o on Bttylng tbat this la a prosperous country, I leave It for you to doold., I arralKn the National Policy,. not only for tlw *xampl I haVo *lvao you of what H hafl hot doiK, but wtill ore,for what U,,ha d>a; bwi-Jia Prnato and to brimr it more in occord- r-nco with the vIowh of Um people." In approaching the school quoitlon, Mr. Laurler ox'pre.-Hed his mirprlHo that the other i>arty should apply to him fnr a policy on the qimnllon. He wa'i p'oaf.ed with tho compliment which had not been paid to tho Mlnlnter hlmaelf ar- far nn he could ace. "I have told the Government more than once what they .should do to solve tn.e question. Why ahould we havt* tho the tiUt-nUun " Jt should be onu lor the people of Manitoba to nettle them- telVPH. Section 9,t of the lirltiHh North Amu lean Act was InUuduced to pre- \(nt the mnonty bt inp, tiampled upon and th. latii 1 have the- light ol appeal to the (iovt * (.i-iciit aa Ottawa. What Hhould have bei n the conduct of the Government ai OLtawa " Let ucj look at thu qutotion simply from the point tf view ot common heiiho and of our cpmmon clti/.enbhlp as w-ll. Theh duty waa to ahciiuiin whether 01 not theie had been suoh a grievance an to war- lant the extraordinary remi dy of In- tefoteiue with a f^ooal UoKi^hiturc. 1 hlu la not a (julhlIoii of law, but of fact 'I ho facts are not commonly known ainone; irouRtMils It ia as serted by tho Rom. n <J, tlullc minority that the schools ale Protestant. If thifl w< re tint it ould bo such an out- iuko that th'io la not a ITotostant In .his audit not would toleiato It. Hut fhe fact i.s dhputod and th"ie Is cjood rcaj.011 why It should be' invo.stly-atod. theie ai e other t omiderat'ons which cu,;ht to be InvotiKattd, Why In tho 1 arne of commo.i fiense did not tho Oovernmont take the pieiautlon of n-J- etita.nlne; thu laets Instead of tlun they threaten Manitoba, but when brouclu face to face with the con;*enu- enceti of t olr own act they quailed. 1 hey did not dnre to Introduce legisla tion, hut bald* "Let u.s negotiate." It ciimo rater lato Why did they not commence by negotiating lnHtend df attempting Jo force Manitoba "> T *pr:iy to heaven they may iiucceed in nop;o'lfi- t'rur with Manitoba to remove thit MUOHtlon from the hrcna of po!Itlcn yet I fear it Is there to stay and It must tic looked In the face before It can ne ""tiled I have* taken my course upon 'ho fpio'-tion. I have spoken in favor oj nn Inve.qtl-atlon. T ha\e no de\sh*e to fchclvc the question, because 1 be- 1p uh. nithy of th"- poaitlon f hold If T woie afrild to meet It. I want It in isLrktcd, becautu thei .* aio 10- l'*?lous prejudices In this country; I *.' ont nn Iiim--I h-ation that we nmv find a bails broad enough to appeal to II ' ' n o ot all I 1 th h eouiitiv I fim nnxlotn as a Cathol.c tjjat niv tel'f> - nitnti ni"'i and co-i ell^ .onlsts In Manltol a nhnuld be Rrnnt. d a privl- h;e lihh hi ki anted to mv fellow- i",!,ntrrnn -nd co-reHolonlsts In r*n- tailo and Ouebec. We want those pilviletres to be restored by appealing to the oon-t?lenoea of all men whatever mav hp their creed or race. Tf we can not (ll"po"o of th" question bv appoil- 1 i-rlfil I rii'U fin "n' mi bn ' en llJI'.'llt *'i iir".-lin 1' 'hi*' il V 11*1 * f iii the a 1 \al rif Mi ] an I r nnd p rty at tu 1 1 ' n i- tafl tin > wrr* ct b tie no tli>-i 'o until fiom t i. ^ ouiifj UWitv It ui l i . ' rii d 1 1 '-ei il. nuhwni l L'ii e at o 1 to lp n the n on li* rr, f) in Mob and a larpo numi.pr of th f ilthlul h id a itemble'i. Mr La rhi'f. inIvlI wvu *' o - |e,nal for j^ene o \ w ' h'-'ir y cheorn and fir ten rn'nu e. tin I, 1 oral hud r w-s i -> 1> 'hakinj-V handi with l.lfi you k inippor f-r> The bai d of the fiu c 1 a w 01 u'- it , tho "Maple Lea.,' and ti 1 jno e'-'-hm moved Into t\u itat .on > , d, v. In 1 Mr. Stewart Lyon, p e Id nt f*' th 'lijb, cf'-orol Mr. Lnurl r t> a ml 1 platfoim and preaont*d lilrn v 1 a nn addreiis, which wa? rtpllid to When Mr. I*au lor (unilM-i-1 h -po/-ch there w re rrlo 0 ' ' a f r lVeuiier." and the mi If 1 11. ' . hi"; wan af-aln renew d .Mr. Lautic-r :^int tu- to In the quit tost-*- po I'lktnp; a murh-neowl -d mo nlr**;, with Mi'il'urif L 1 1 or, b- tendwl son lee at St. j.'h.ai.' f t ral and tpi in the buliLa e 01 il.o at Mr. Mulork\<i tfsluen .. Strange, but True, the child that cannot digest milk can digest Cod-liver Oil as it is pre pared in Scott's Emul sion. Careful scientifio tests have proven it to bo more easily digested than milk, butter, or any other fat. That is the reason why puny, sickly chil dren, and thin, emaciated and ansemic persons grow fleshy so rapidly on Scott's Emulsion of Cod-liver Oil and Hyftophosphites when their ordinary food does not nourish, them. Don't bv*rauadtd to acetyl a subttituUf Scott k Bownc, Bellevllts, 50c and $f, *-lnn 1 .bsiuM'^ on a l,mkt: Kowl ] 14 il,- 1 I 1111 u iwtii ui'( < f 11 ptnfih-o y ll- 111 it 1 a' d h< i' U fN'iiiiLiMiii! over one hundred t kj 1!, 1 1 c!. ruin i^iy written (Jcm-riptionB "In nun r ii rottii in I he oouutiy north and wtst of M u 10 J m. rt^nj^jn-uijj*j IKw, ih. 1 Jiinlrniioi s uu no'v, und the in ii.imminii lht it 111 will hn ut w to ulmoet 1 Vnl Vina- \ ei pj <f 'SI .n .inuinnyf on a Loop; Tt< f v 'it -1 nt fn e to tu j one who will * 11 h h s 1 111 ti. (.1 ) 11 v j i Mhf_ii) to Gro II I11 * 11" 1 ii ( 1 m ml Vio-i 1 ii('[ r Af'ont ui (1 a R* I'niil r .ilwa>, (hlH It, ' I UU e ii I ll Vf II v MmUi in. t t v pin ll 'i v. i, oulrti TI 1-1 down n -1 * m \ < in *flf sirfnur 1 1 u< uuiotiiK hrouehitii, ml [) r-usti nt cotiel h and iM.ielt thu wtiiik iiml run I ll ye in find im tomliold wlu.ru ih- II n>d ir \ir\tt pure, noli and full nf \.rfi 11 l\. tn mpiji'i * 'no I nnd filled- tun v r 1 r> u witli Ibitid * Hn* ,'-rilla, UlU f)lH t 'lO t 1 I. il pin it I I S. Ml I'll 111 1 1 11 r :i J.i envoys lim^. a/i rk of Ayor'u xpel 1 ho 1 ffucrw of tho 1 it liM v. 11- n im d in iiie, ul cuiiu and i.ti 1 , ti ok A\< r <i tsar- lis \l J il. ! lit tCI.U C 1 U }t\<-\. 111 111 U \ f in Mir. i] . nl ) oiln r 1. 1 1 VtllM 1 t ^ 1 mom y ' < 11 nlipfll 1 THE AlWtRICAN HOTEL. Einex, - Ontario. j,1 ( I I 1 h l'l 01 Ml Hiji,. HAS HKKK Jy* ti ' 11 1 ii\ p-n ii <l hi (] ii ph nifhml nnl 11 in 111 i 1 \ il i i it m in 1 n nrietor. i ir'l-( l Uii'l 1U) N lis 1 t.NM.( V1I0S. 1 it \i 1 him ' ill t 11 (iMiirui Li Ld perinni cnt 0111*0 for thouf ia to Lo found in having People nhonld renli7o tint tha only truo nnd conditlfin Pis re IJeeaut,o tho health at every organ tnd ti.i* 1:0 of tho body (>pondu upon tl.fl purity of tho blood, Tho wholo world lcnoM,ji tho utmulard blood purifier in rl@d Sarsaparilla And therefore It H tho onlytruo and relmhto inec.ieino lor nervous pooplo. It nifiUo'i tho blood puro nnd healthy, and thuu ourei norvoiisneifi, niakeu the neivoi tirm nnd ntronj;, e-ivosHWeet pl'-eo, nn iiml vigor, n good appetite. po-teor d. -tit ton. If- doei nil thin, ana cu/"s houiiulu, I,>7( imi, or Salt Khoum and all o i cr hlood dineauoa, bec4iuao it WAN IT uu It ,Co"i uihmViivoJI __ fin huii < a tmftttiMtil? H.. 1 in 1 i n 1 f mvj, > iinuri Meek. Wr> j/ut ii 1 i' nan n 1 1 li to ii jm fi ntntivoH and UlUtilii r 1 l.i UllHI.ic |i Hi tlii hOffiflt ill ih* 1 < 1. 1 'i: i \. 111 11 rt t M. n,l'i tliii*fon ii. oi' ( 1 J w 11 ui v. ii ri'iloi y 1 ml lihiTid torniK 10 ul (i f 01 1 iii t hi t nj,i uIh' Wr'fi uh *-'lM A VVHiUNO'JON, 1I+1 nd 1 JJioi I'lrreiito.Ont 1 l'h< mi ntn>-( j n tiiii'Kia nii\Uip tfHtlutt ojc). i 1 , 11'im HhSIlX s ooc <* i-i ' " '" n - >[IH .'I lll U V U.iH^UI.1- InjT to tlie ennhclencea of men. I dia- 1 ' (tie ""ie of mv countrvi Tin* pilrelple t-'Mch I have In view In equal Juntlce, equnl rlirntn to all nnd fm orn to none, nnd my aim hi if prv*- ulhle trt remove the preiudlr-e^ 'vhV' flivlde uh rnd b in;r hnrmony an 1 pe.nor. li: this count iy ho thnt we mav make Canada what It wan Intended to bo a frrcnt nation upon thla continent of America, ll-ifli tlMiNf^l Sir rrtrtf. The demonntratlon which followed tho cloulns; ot Mr. Laurler'a remarlca was deafeninjr, and It wan sovoral min ute*, befaro the chairman could gain the attention of the audience to an nounce the next apeaJcer, who was In troduced an '* the most thorouKhly- a bused man in all Canada, J. Israel Tarto, M.I3, fop L'lelet." Mr. Tarte naid it waa probably hock~ Inpr In bo bad a man as ho to show hla face before an Intelligent uudionce in East Yoik. lie reeallod the fact that during hltf laat vlalt to Toronto, in 18SD, he had been proclnJmed by th* Connervatlvo prena a brilliant ppoaker, an able writer, an home-it man. Now ho rofrr&Lted to noto that ho Was dally* denounced In tho some paper** a an unprincipled politician and a man t. hoao conduct was mich that ho waa no longer lit for the association1 01 | honcut men, hut, was inclined to, at tri bute the chungo In tho tone of those printed allusions to Mvc\iJJ^iJf jSg that he had changed >' ^'SJIk th* livid a,Mft^l^J{5_t*,f* for a. H referred to;the BoweU.A* Hnulii prove'overy word wo havi* baid. Thuus.indH of voluntary tetitl- moninls f.dtv e^tabllrth the fact that Hocd'n ..n iipurilln curofl. Crocitos An Appotlto. "My husband was feeling miserable- and hid ijo iLlIuh for food. IIo bc^an takluff Hood's Saiinipnrllla and Hood'o Pllla and fr' better at onco. Hood's Baraaparilla En v him a good appetite," MB3. John Bi"EWa.iu', Biirelay, Ontario. Suffered 20 Years- "X have? been n fiuffcrcr from Ilveir and kidney comnlnlnt for twenty ye*rj(, I waa advliod by my drufi-glsfc to try Hood's Saranpurllhand did 00, and I am thank ful to nay Mint it haa given m grr^at relief. I confidently recommend It to any nTc-e- fro'i the o co-nolnhitn," Jaatfb li.xft.aaT, L'l Ko'-Jiion St.,Toronto, Out. Hood's Sarsaparilia Is tho Only Triso Blood Purifier Prominently In- tho public ye to4ay, J>rparcd by 0* I. Hood & Co., Ix)*well# Best Little Purgative I ever nied," Writes one lady in re^tttd to HoodV riUaj ' Tihey ate ao tolld and do their worVwJlh- out any ripln; X rooottruwiiu them to all auf- ferlntr'from coh- tlveaeas. They nllloertalnlj brinf your habits regular. We one no ether eaxthKr-* ile." Hood a tlUa are rapidly Increaslruj In favcr. 26c iis ^ Receive^! i nest .nd fi-resl s5afmeiri of Boo^ arid &.hu% Gitat Vwlu in indi'b ^hoes and Oxfor;ds**- - Indies' ami Children's Shoe* and Oxfords. The ClienjitHt in ilie Land. Call nnd Eqamlno and bo Con vinced for yourselvoH- Jas. Douglas, M^n of the 4'oIifelM Hoot, Whitney Blnrk - J< srtstv^ Mjit Md*rni.iJrtdfpi'0i*rc3iiiyJr y.-r c /ili|,nt) or Infon ivlou A'lh* io "... . -MA&tlN FIRE ARM5 CO.; Nyw Hitvcit, v >m. 11 . > '1 'JO il. FOR TWENTY-FIVE YEAR! <:m Wmpwvmmm pow THECOOICSBJ 1 ^ v < M1- 9065

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