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Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), October 18, 1895, p. 7

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8: xts jt^ewiirJb '-*pfl6?B .jHSftfeififo. /, THE PKOPLE MARVELLED. AT THJG UKMCt7B OF MB. MET- UAJUPE. HORNING JMIM-'M* Badly rrl|>Fl<I Willi Nrlotnn nnd nn lii(n* HiiIIVk rfar ymM-Ko^TWo V(>ur^mNo( Al>IotoI>\"'y Work: -Or, William*' I'uilf Iill *** . Kllm to Honith. From tlm Hmltrttrno 1'lcowimlnt ThnontntuVHo of tho loon! lulophono sirvurnhdWcim Hhelljiiiiio and Qnrninft'H Mill* by Mi hum. Jcihn MolculrV und W. IX. Murlutt, mfenud to in Uidno oolmnmi ru- coolly, WHHtlia meiiMH of bringing to tho motion of u n porter of tbo Eoonomhit tlm fant of tlmruimiiUttbhtrrntomtiou to huiilth some lin<J it^o of alt. Motortlfo, tbo oluuf promoter of tlm linn. Tor about two yoiirn Mr. Moloulfn wiih h tumble imluiror from solution, nnd unahl" to work. Whihs not altogether ludbuit, ho wnfiuobudly crippled that biii bout form, an bo oooiuiionally habhlud about tbo dtfootw of Horuinu'd Milbi, uxcited univormil nymputhy. Tho trouble wan in ouii of bin hipir aud bo could not nlami or wulk creot. Ilm fumi- Jiut ultitupt', itu the rCiiidontHOf lloriiinjj'u WRECK0FT1IEAFRICA Captain SIlvorBidos Tells of the Unfortunato Affalr- "WAMClCD IN A 6T0OI'KI> 1'OHlTIOM." MHIh ciin vouch, wuh a atooped over poiu- tion, with ouo hand ou bin Uuoo. Mr. Metcalfe payo: "For about two yoara I wiih not able to do any work. Local phym- clana failed to do mo an} #aoii, a,1d X w*nt to Toiouto foi treatment, with equally nn autiafactory remiltB. I also tried bleetriaul RpYJuitieoFi without avail. , I return i*d homo r)ti) Toronto dinconriLi>udt und nnid that I wthijd take no morn medicine, but finally couuentcd to a trial of Dr. Williamx1 Pink JPillH ntron^ly rticommondcd by a ritbd. Bcforo I bud takou fcltam Very loii^ I folt ii great doal bettor, mv appetite returned, and tho pmmidimiumhod, AftL-r umnu tho niIIei for norao timo-loutjxirJLwaa ablo t'.* maud and walk erect and resume my work, Jh tbo full eujoymontof htulih and HtronKth. lJeoplo who kiK-w mo mar velled ut tbw obanco, and on my pcrnonul rcGCtnmendutiou many have utd Pink Jillfl. Tbto in tho firatr ntno, howavor, thi.t ivo yiVou tho facto for publication." btinp atiktd if tbo sciatica bad o-vtu returned. Mr. Mi tcalfu utattd that once or twice, as tho rouiilt of unusual expumiro, ho bad experienced flight attacks but bo alwayn kept Homo of tbo pillti at hand for uho on Huoh oecaaioua, and they never fai to fix him up all right, Mr. Motoalfo who iu 52 years of aae, is in tho flour and pro- viaion buHinehh, and, as proof of bia ability, oan do a fjcoJ a duy'o work aa ho ovtr dono lu hm life. - Wo may "btuto that the moot of tbo work conuecied with tbo orec tion rif hiH Hix miles of tok'pbono lino wn> porformed by bimnelf. Mr. Metcalfe aluo mentioned novoralother iimtaimeH in which tbo uncra of Fink Pillu derived aient bontflt amou^ them beiut; that of a lady resident of Ilornigh's MiIIh. 'Tho Xcouommt Iidowh of a number of uiotunceH in Hholburno whoro great tfnod baa lollowed tho uao of thu woll-known remedy. Tbo public are cautioned u(>aiuat imita- tiouo aud Eubfititutea, (idid to be "juat an good". TbtBo aro ouly offored by Homo unacrupuloua dtalora becauno thoro is u lar^f-r prcht for them in the imitation. Thoro 10 no other remedy that oau uucoedo fully tuko tho phico of Dr. Wiiliamu' Piuk Pillu, aud thoao who aro in need of a modi oino fibould inai^t ou ^ettin^ tho p;onuiu<, which are always put up in boxoa hour in ^ the worda "Dr. \Villiaraa' Piuk Pilla for Palo Ptaople." If you cannot obtiuu tliom from your doalor, tboy \Vill bo aont pout paid on receipt of fiQ oonta a box, or $2 50 forHixboxon, by uddccoaiiifj tho Dr. Wil HamB* Medicino Co., Brookvillc, Ont., oi Boboncctady,N. Y. J Ayor'a Hair Viiior, which baa outlived audauporHododhundredaof^jimilar propar- atioiiH, IB undoubtedly tbo moot faablonublo an woll aa oootiomical buir-dronHJuf* iu tb markot. By itu uao, tbo pooreHt boad of tair uoon beoomi-H luxurinnt and beautiful. Money to Loan On aooH produotivo Ferm Proporty at C^.A 0 por cent, Ktrnif>hb. No Valuation Foes. tarOonyoyauoiug Dono up In Hoat Stylo Fire and Life nsurance. 4, . LOVELACE, M^Offlor; Wbittter Block, jtalrfl t w HO HOPE FOR ANY OF THE CHEW i CrnW mt tb NVrii ^Vero Bf"wd Crrat UluU-itUiut Om Ifrlco- t.ttut ^Ifc-mirii l* tvr llru.ly ut Toronto lnvl.lv rrilif)iimy of *b "lt%uJ,i" mitl 'Ml. d.i-\*. *' Toronto, Oct. 12. Another victim oi the Afrlcu'n wreck In a Toiontonlan who Jolnocl tho boat on Uti fatal trip. Tliut tin (JotiLil'i of tbf wieck arc rvi-n inon tenlblo than idready published in i-vlnoort by tho utory tnld by Captain HllvenildOH yen* terday. Thoio hi no hope that any of tho Africa'a now hnvi* boon paved. Of tho two firemen wlm woie lout In the wreck of tin Adieu one hi Peter Ihutly, who lived with hhi uncle, Pat rick Qulnn, at 11 L'outuworth-Htrcet. lie wont from Tnionto lunt Hprlnp; au fireman on Lhe Hte.uner IUiulnews, leav ing her at Ashtubul.i. On Oct. 2 ho wrote that be wan HhlppliiK with Matt IlayeH on the Africa. Urady wau fireman on iln- steamer <#reyhound duiliiK Hie Hummer of 18DI IIu was uniruii rled. It w.im stated ycHteiday that tho other inhiHim, iin-in.m wuh Kthvard (*i i iimer, wliosi- fi i nd'i ri'Hhle at lti.l IiathuiHt-htri't. It tiannplie.H, how- e\ er, that iU canfor 1> 11 the At'i lea when nlie reacln d I'ufSalo, and In now at Collliifcwood. Hot Ii ('learner and Ills father, who u .is eiiKlin er on the Alrlea last miumiu, hold poor opinions of tho hoal's m'iiu oi Lhmi"is Captain Hilveitild^i ot the ill-fated Hi-vei ii arrived In the elty I'inm Owen Hound yeHteidiiy nioinliiK. and told to a World lepoihw a mint thrilling Htoiy of the stoi in that wn eked bis boat and the Hteamer Africa last Monduy, and in which uo many llyea weie lout. The liardjailps th. eu*w of the Kovern endured are almost beyond descrip tion. " I believe It was oidalned that thoae two boatu Hhould lie wrecked," uald the captain, " alLhouprh we didn't ex pect Kales Much as we had after the equinox. A foty came on wlun we were in tho St "chili HI\cr> and "we. lay there for (n\nr honrH owin^.to a wreck which wa- lying in the ilv<r. just~whcre~we did nut know.__Thai fceveri hnur.H wan fatal. Had we ljut Rone on we should have hi n able to have i?ot nhelter from the stoi m "For all I Know the Atwater and AT. Oraw may ba\i' 11 o been y u-cKed, as they have not yet reached (Jwen i^ound, olthouRh they hit A:-htabula at the Hnmc time we did mid went ahead while we weie anchored In the i Ivor. It Is possible though that they have frone into Hhelter, as they h..d a (;iod lead on us when we encountered the inranTr-nnrtr-wi-eelrea uh. We left Ash tabula in low of the Africa, at about f> o'clock un Knday nil ht The wea ther boinjr veiy favoiahle and romaln- ing .^o, with the exception ot a fot; unrtl Monday mornine;, when we reach ed Hand Hay, Dake ITuion. Monday the weather wnn threatenlnR', and by noon it had changed to a stiff breeze cominp: from the \\<*st AVc upre nuilc- inc bad weather a couple of hours after and at i o'clock lli* wind had chang ed ajjaln and \\ e encountered a pn.le from the northwcht "At about 4 30 our ml.^forluneT com menced, when tlit foi ij,-.ill of the Sev ern blew out of the bolt and the main caff breaking auuj -.hui tly dTu-ruards caused the nialnnnil to tfu by the board. "Wo wore btill making h adnay, how ever, although rolllnir ln-a\ lly In the trough of the sea Sum. thln.-r n list have gone wion^ with th" Atrlea at about G.IIO us she kt ku I he low line without any warning \\ * tb.-n *-i't our fctay .sail nnd mi//en tu ti\\ and Work her into Boat Co\e, where tbeie lo a hai hiti. '1 hv l( a i \n 11 \ i y heavy ond we were inakiiifr. witer. "The Africa had <irupp( d to the In ward, and we last .saw her astein <jf us about half an houi after *-lie Ut KO tho tow line. My ciew k( pt the hoat afloat by udng th it. am pump. Tile weatlier was Keltine; worse aud woiHc, I wan uiiabk to jiIcm foi JJt.iac Cove, and we uu'f dnvyn a^iound on the reef at ten o'lIolIj' 'I he iS, vein aoon began to bioak uji,' -and^ w e took our placet) \i\ the ilgging, lemainlng there I don't know how long. It was bitterly cold, and we w eie all wet through. IS very time the water htruck U9 wo thought -our time had (ome, an huge parts of the ship, which had been broken oif weie washed back upon the boat with terrific force. A faint hope entered our hearts when the hatches wore washed away, as there was then an opportunity of getting .some Hhelter from the elements. We dropped sep arately into the hold, and finding a box of matches', the centre of which were dry enough to light, we started a lire on the coals-. We then made a meal of some food we found, which, al though ooaklng wet, we were glad to got. " Words cannot expics bow glad we were at 7 o'clock in the morning to see a fisher boat fi om StokoH Bay mak ing for uh at a big risk to theniHelves in the terrible neon thnt were i aging. Our clothed "were frozen stiff, and we were In an awful condition. Mr Bradley, the fisherman who, with his paitner, came to our n hcuc, must have had nerves of iron to run tho rialt ho did for uh. Why, man, you don't know what tho danger wue to fetch that small boat up to a wreck threatening to go to pieces at any moment, and on a reef at thut. I have been sailing now for :t5 yearn, nnd"l Was never more glad to see anyone in my life than I was to see . Mr. Bradley and his mate. They got us off without any mlohap, although norae of the crow were Hardly able to help themselves; but they got us all to shore safely, where we stayed all day. "On Tuesday the galo had moderated to some extent and we went out to the Severn. The life boat of the Africa and a package of papers belonging to Miur Lee were found on Tuesday and we found Forest's body with a llfo buoy on It Wednesday," Capt. Silvernlden returned lat*t night to Btoke's Bay, tu rejoin hid crew, whd are 10 mlleu north of there. He said before leaving : "I do }iot think there i ,ji chance of any of the Africa's crew having eeoaped. The boat must have gone down In a mthuxe, as when-we fouhd the life boat we could toll ft had not been, used, as the folu-'plnu were not drawn. Thotfc of the crew who put on life buoyn will probably be washed bfahnre, but the other poor fellows will probably never be seen again, as It must have been at least lfitmllon from thoro, where Jhe Africa MUJf/f "I am going back now to pay off the rhtfn. They are patrdlltnir the 'beaah lQOkjnff.for nny ty>f!Ie that may )iave4 been wanned ashore." " F*brot*s. relatives have gone to Blokes Bay to bring; the body to To- vrtn*/ for burial ARMENIAN. SLAUGHTER. lUport or t "Wrltor Who VUltntl a Hrone of Ilm*atnf M^Mannoi. The following letter hati boon reoolv- ed hi Boston from a trustworthy An- erienn who ban been the cn>injmnl<m of au Kntfll.'ih Consul In a trip thtougli a jwti t of the Hn mon r> glom, wli'm tlm KUrvlvnni of tho recent mn'iHuore nro. .-llfiJKtv.rt;___ "J wilte~}lTl*^Fdttlng by the alUr In a desecrated church, where Uh twr> murtyreu" prlentw, Der Bertnm aud Her Uohanneii, were performlUK fbnlr hint onlee^fo] their shnplo-mhwlc-d. Inoffen sive people hud year at thin time, Afi the houses are In nilns, mid we lmv naught nave a poor tent to neenmmo- (bite utiamld nhnoimal r.ilnn and winds for this lime of sea;.on, ve betak.- <>ui- nelveti here for mnre stability and comfort, now and then. Kvci ythlng about the building destructible >r dc- faeuilde has bren put beyond re< ov- cry, the pni'flfo in front be-lnfr buinid. Tho fhiirdi pioperiy Is of stone, with arched ioof, and so st^md tho <'rd<' d, though the (Ire cracked the * ,\v\' d atone over the door. But :qitnlld- aw the old at rue tine is In appeal a nee io ordlniuy ino] ials, those devoti d ones corny to the dem to j>fi> their i expects liy kl'udng the stones, as at lomit two have dono since I begun this page, while another points to the crude cross th* Ir'.'tlnUd Dor Flohannesi Citrv- od above the door. "We vbtited Oellgrmm for a hasty Inspection. Of their former 175 hou^ea so<mo ;ifl plncrs have been hastily re built, though whether they will st.,n1 the winter I nncei tn-in. ttuln inn ks e-very nick and corner that wn> liio surie as heie. One stands .nn.izfd at the total lack of com nam sepse 'it such wanton d< struction of property, even in a selfish point of vh w, foi a fiOvernmont thnt given tin mi talc, idle evidence of br ln^ tin d of Arm' 'J\ iu-> and bound to wipe them ont to give the place to Koords. If tliov would cut off thin rare, toot and bra neb, why need thev spit out their spite upon eveiy '-'rt of bulldleg, fro-m d1" eommonest s-lieepfold up to the h a " or mill, though hidden aw ay up some gorge, ts*->nr( hlng- the-m out with a caudle, filling in boy or such lnllani- inJbble mateilal as bardlv lea\is a charred biand Iwhind; so e\erylhiivr by way of timber must he pm* I led at Immense expense and eVlnv in il'ii* "* Just nn though these strut tun.s <oul-l not luvii been of f-nime valin* t , the Koords that the CKiveninmn1 .vthi boupd shall posso<-s the bind fnr they are, or were, much better than tie* wild race evei Jirvc for homes. 'Whom the goda would destroy t hey fit st make mad" s ems spphc.ble In the conduct of Turks, of lato anvwnv, and they jjeom In protons ff killing the gvio(*,c that lays tlv golden ith f'ir have not tho Armenians done unit nf the hard In.bor a-s serfs', paid in >^i of the taxes, and yet In the renters boon the enterprising merchants nn-l t,,:>',e"- men The Kn jrd^ an- huh en I n those lima, hut wide awake .or* rub bery." Boston Post. PnFn,S pnOVERDS AYER'S Hair VIGOR Heatores natural oolor to the hair, aud also provonta it ittlllnar out. Mrs, H. W. fonwlak, of Diffby, N. S.( aaya: "A littltt morrt than two years iitfo my hair hop; an to turn iinrl fall out. Af ter tho u:je of ono hoUlo of Ayer's Tlalr Vl^or my hair whs restored to Hh original color and ceased falling out. An occasional application huii sineo kcjit tho hair in uood condition." Mrs. 11 R l-'iAffiuK, DiRby, N. H. "I htivu used Ayor's Hair Vipror for threo yean, and it haa restored hair, whieli was fast liorominpr (yrav, hack to ilH n.ilural eolor." n. w. IlA-bUUK/rr, PatcrHon, N. ,1. Ayer's Hair Vigoii viiri'AitKD nv DR. J. C. AVEH & CO., LOWELL, MASS., U ,S, A, AvWh IHllit cxiYH Slvk Jtleadache* Fair plnv Flirtation. Nobod\'s i lalm perfectlon. Folly la sl.iiply jilLa-suro wliich hurl". The true lefurnier Is never out of a job Fate m arts anything which gets the best <xf U3, You i.m't lip happy (f you ovper t too much. 'i in- iiii U luibbund st Idom outlas'fl Ui^ honeymoon. J^ainL luatt is often won by fair lady. A iault acknowledged Is a fault re- julif d. Happiness Is .something v hich can not be eai netl. The husband who is pimid of his wife should occasionally tell her so. Charity fs something eA'-t-rybody el>e should have. A nnmnn always i xpecta to patch an Injury with a smile. I'fople who wish to do good don t stop to make resolutions bout It. Time is tuhii (1 backward In Us flight every llwp a woman tdls her Snmetlmes 'tis better to have loved and lost than ever to have lovod and won.# No woman Is so pretty that she doesn't like to be remindid of It oc- r aslonally. To i-^inie men the liest wife is tin- vino that will put up with the most 111 treatment. Don't aiKUe with a fool. It sounds queer to hoar a man talking to him self. _ ;-' One-half the worll doesn't know bow the other half lives, and nine-tenth don't caie. iti s'v rniis iv lEiuruv, V.\ery Itrttnrli of Irath* Shown IfnWftil**d Liti\it> itmirniii-e of mullet Hurplm. Boinlon. Oct fi. Knglishmen are ncvei willing to admit that times are riiud unit! thf r< veuiii' n tuins prove it. They now have tho final authority for i< eepting without t^ove all rumor .4 af their piosperity. The e ate increaaJM in the customs and excise receipta which oliei assuianee of a laige sur- plru for tlnj n xt budgi t. Tunic la improving In every direction, especi ally with America, Australia, Argon- Una and South Africa. Treasury re ports, board of trade returns, railway traffic, stock exchange operations, l11 tell i lie same story of icstojed con fidence and unwonted business activi ty. The Hhlp-bulldlng trade on tho Clyde- and at Newcastle has Improved Greatly dm ing the last month, with o ders from several lines for new frtcnmhhlps and contracts for foreign naval work The shipments of coil flora Scotland and Wales are also In creasing hugely. The cotton and wool len trades were seldom In better con dition, with the demand exceeding the uupply, and the price lising. The con sumption of cotton is glowing steadily with improved tiade. Iff ported Orndi <>J a School IiiN|if ctOI*. Ottawa, Ont., Oct fi. A report reach-, ed hie to-night that School Inspector McCi.ith of the County of Ottawa fell out of a buggy and broke, his neck near Quyon. Nineteen Itrmmni lv f'vrlmiB. New York, Oct. fi. A dcspitch from Havana says * During; the iccent cy clone in the Fiovinoe of Plnar Del HIo alone 1^ pi i ons weie drowned. TClR-ht persona are missing IkriMvm-it In Mimitra Itlifr. Niagara Falls, Oct G John Scbram, (.*, of Princeton, f>nt, was drowned in the rivi i at 11 o'clock on Saturday night. Ills body was recovered. llmv It 1 1h to I>h>. Miss Abigail Dodge, "Gall Hamil ton,"' Is slowly convalescing at her home In Hamilton, Mass., and, while she rweivi s no visitors ut all, Mie htis written an article ^nthlotl "In the Val ley of the Sha-duw of Death." It deals with the thoughts, impiesslons and feelings of tho-'c who are "parsing over the rlvrr." In the paper MIsh Dod^o says that .she was taken ill last spring while locked lh a room in the BInlne mans on In, Washington." She felt that she was falling and rc-illzed 'thnt something very serious had seized her. Tier mont Intense feeling wan tho nboclc that her friends would receive when th y broke open the door and found her dead upon the floor. She realized the situation when h-r friends found her, nnd could hear tncio as they spoke about her, although ap- pniontly unconscious. Then came a long blank, thut lasted how long cho knew not, At times dhe would pnrtlully recover consciousness and wonder whether she were tl* ad or not. JIct brothei h, Btanwcod and Brown Dodge, both of whom urn dead, one dying; less than n year ago, appeared to her and convolved with naturalness. She wmietlmeH i< it that Hhc would like to spwtk and Inqulrrt It u-hc were really In tho other world, hut found It lmpoasible bo- enunciate syl lables. "Do not haye a horror of. death/' th* paper conoludea, "It Is a blessed thing." id. Hotel ClorJ 35 complaint landlord ^ In1 hie bill. Hofer Stadl H'r fur fihntt*. kSir, tho v(a|tor In Nthe room Is'naiihtqd., 17 Theii put'dowr; it, ten markc." Hcniy I iKlitlntr-n lilllt'd, } HoiiimIo.I Havana, Oct. 3. Gen. Duque reports that tho tioops under hfs command en- gaged In a battle Oct. 1 with u foico of icbr-ls, undt r tho lead of tin, bandit, Malagas, In the Jleincdioa district Five ubih ucre killed and two of tho Government troops weie wounded. Thr l.rilinl \t'\i Wl'l-h, "The Fatal Card," the latest success ful importation, in melodrama, from England, will he at the Guind all nex week. It Is an elaborate pnductlon, and presented by a strong company under Proliman'o managnunt, Mnt-nlnl far u Koitiih IDm-for Orangcville, Oct. 3. Prof. Guston, charged with Illegally luactltliig medi cine, has silently clo.scd his tent and gone to pastilles new. Detective Was* son was in town to-day to prosecute the case acceording to remand, i.nd defendant not jippeaiing, a warrant was lbsuod for his arrest. (hi ii a Will I'ui firriiiniiy'M <lulim. Berlin, Oct. . The Government has received notification that China ia ready to satisfy the claims of Ger many, growing out of the destruction of the German Mission i t Swatow by u Chinese mob Goorgo I. sToa9F NURBEBYMAN,- Ruthven, Essex County. Pouch, Pear, Plum, Applo and Quiooo Troos, Roboh, Evovrtookb, Dorry DurIior, Rnspbarry, Dlttokooirry aud Cur runt Bushes. All fiit-oIuflii floods. Save agents' - Big Profits ! and write fotr prices. Wo will oheor- fully answer you by return mail. Splendid Apple Trees- Al in eVry r*ipok( $12 per too - m.we are smi mtho trade-in nil klnda of Building ^Material, Woodwork for houses, (plain and ornamental),' Barn Lumber, SbingloH of aUgradca, Doors, Saah, ChoHtnut Coal. t. WINDMILLS \\u ro Hole A^onts in tbo Gouuty for Of'Obio'i^o, whioh took IliglioHb Awnrds'ttb tbo Worl(V l"uir. Can furnish cithor Pumping or PoWjf Outfits at lowofit prices. A written ('uarnntoo with ovnry Out Laiifg Bjos, Essex. iti At;ftMO;roft J. GOURLAY & S ^^ I^SEX, rr"JLi'Uii'E" iLLii THE TIHOMPU CORK BHELLER Tnis Maohmo consists of a horizontal cast cylindof, 'with wrought iron burs, with bccgI teoth bolted to tho oyli jdor so aa to bo rovorsiblo when tjfa toeth bocomc worn on tho front nido, running in a porforaiod oonouvo iroia t-lioll, which tho Hhelleil corn pasdOB tlirougli into a shoot iron cuso, with a fan or alonuor attaohed bolow, which tnkcH ail tho duHt from tho grain. Tho choapoat, host, mnut sinuplo and dnrablo Power Corn Shollor in uhg; Bhollt corn ]>oribctty oloan in any condition nhoHing and oloaning from ono to two thousand buaholfl of ears per day, according to powor. Dimukbionh. Pulloy, 10 in. diagn otor, l\ in. faco; Alot-torrri00-to~8fl0 rovehifciona por minute; Woii/ht, 500 lbe. EVERY SHELLER WARRANTED. J. GOURLAV & SONS- FoatKorbone Skirt Bono { FOR GIVING STYLE and SHAPE TO LADIES' DRESSES, ror "iialo by londiufi Dry Gocihi Doalorti. A Iiuht, pliable, olantia bone made from quilln. It in fiofb and yielding oonforminuroudily to lohh, yot uivind propot olmpu to altirt ot dreBB. Tho only Skirt Bono that may bo wot without iujury. The Celebrated Foatherbono Corsets aro corded with this material. B CURED! STARTLING FACTS FOR DISEASED VIGTINI3. WZTOURES GUARANTEED OR NO PAY! ADC VHII 9 Nsrvouannd doapondont; woakordobUitntod; tlrwlmornitiBfl; nohm- AltC iHU . hitlon oniiily fntinnod: oxoitabln and irrlfnbio: plmplon on facoi drearoa nnd nluht lnnf.^i,; n t tlniih; linnpnrd lookinp; wonk bRck; bono pnini*; litiir Ioobo; ul<if>nj noro thront; vjinuucnln: rlojiuiilt m nrlno una drnlmi ut otool: dihtruntfal; "wantof conbdencoi look of onorffyiuuJiitroiiBtU WE OAN OURE YOU I /??Sra#fi*0 TO MANHOOD BY DR3, !, A K* JOHN A. VANLIN. JOHN A. MANUN. CHAS. LOWERS. CHAB. POWEHfl. $? IISFOItE'llHCATUIflgT. AbTUU'1KUATUKNV. DMulti, -luiaiJUKNT. Ai -l.H UUK1XMKMT. M0 NAMES OR TESTIMONIALS USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. VARICOCELE, EMISSIONS AHb IMfOTENCY CURED. John A. Manlln unyai "I (wo ono of tho conations tl<^ tlnifl of early iBiioninco oomraenowl at 15 yearn of use, I trlod ovn wodlool Arms and BpontSUOuwthoatBTaU. Iliuvo uu iu doepitir. 'Xlio drains on my.ayatem w wiiakoniiiK Wiy intalloot nn woll iw *y texvvl and pbjl,_. llfo. My brother ndviflwl io iw n hwfc reaort to consult Prn. Koiwody AiKurtfini. lbommeoowlthoirNiwMethod Troatttiont nnd h ft >w wtwku wua u now won, with now , llfo and ninhUion. Xhla wiw four yAnni om, nnd now 1 ' om umrHod nnd bnppy. I roaomroond thew reuablo apooialiata to all my afflicted followuiui." CURES GUARANTEED OR NO PAY*-CONFIDENTAL "Tho Ylceu of early boyhood laid the foundation of my Hiin. LnUr on n "any Hfo" nnd explore to blood dU Houtiou oomplAtod tho wrook. I hwl nil the Bjnm>U>m0 or Novvotui Dobillty-*ankonoyM,emUti; onB.drttln innrlmt, norvouanwi*. weak book* .oto. ByphlllflcauB*dmyhnirt< fnll out, bpn* pa.ln, icor* I wonth nnd ontonnft, ....... blotohoBorfbcdyVeto. X thank ^Itrled^Kennody , vnxffviw * KoTtfatt, vThBy roatored toe. to health, and happlnoaa." CHAB. POWERS. ip..r- mrWttnat and curt VdriccctU, Emissions, Nttvouii Debility, Semitit,, tVialwss, Gttih Stricture, Syphilis, Unnatural Discharges, Self Abuse, Kidney and Bladder Diseases. , , , , <> 17 YEARS IN DETROIT. 200,000 CURED. NO RtK. h Syphilis, Emissions Varicocele, Cured. t - READER! riwt.Ha^yoorl Now Method Treatment wiU cure ypa, wj\nt i _ C0N8ULTM1OH FREE. No matterjrho hw treatod^on. P^Havoyop lo#thope?wAreyoacciofrn^plat Blc>odhrendlteaBod? Ha'ro yon any wrokner-., JVt*rVi , Wlvnt;it.boi dono for olbara it-will do for-jroBjj on, write for on honest QiMli i Golden Monitor" (illastrat , ,, ' , *".T,lrl ____ . _.^_ "WRITTEN consent: i*ftr- opos. Evrythln*'bonfldintlIh Qiiatlon Hat and cost f Tre^^ [irn^nt.p'REb. : . . ' >* .'<"* DRS. KENNEDY & KERGAN, N^u'^.: W V. v\i ,"-! " %d%$v/lki ^%P

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